Why ?

Yes why?
What for?
What does it say about you? What does it say about your countries? What does it say about your institutions? What does it say about your governments, your "culture", your "civilization", your history, your "progress", your "values", your concepts...?

Have you ever stopped and pondered these questions? Have you ever stopped and asked yourselves ; how come?

How come we are so advanced, how come we are so democratic, how come we are so great, how come we are so free...And how come we allow so much murder, oppression, abuse, go unaccounted for ?

Have you ever asked yourself this question ?

I was just listening to the BBC World radio. A report from Oxfam - and in your eyes that makes it credible - over 70 % of us Iraqis, no longer have access to clean drinking water.
I say no longer have because I remember not so long ago, one could turn on the tap and drink. As simple as that.

The report goes on to say that over 50% of Iraqis are under nourished and 1 out of 3 is literally starving. And that 50% live in abject poverty. 50% !!!

Again, I remember a time, even during the "civilized" sanctions that your countries imposed upon us, everyone had to eat. Not much, but there was food.

The Iraqi government had developed a system of rationing that, to this day, still leaves your top U.N reps in awe.

When I mention that in my posts, I am accused of waging a war of disinformation, psy-ops and being a paid agent.

Now you listen to me and you get off your butts and read. Educate yourselves, oh great people of the West.

A few years back, you could not even locate Iraq on a map . Now you have all suddenly become experts on Her.

Prior to your liberation, there was no starvation in Iraq. Prior to your liberation, there was no abject poverty, the kind we witness today. Prior to your liberation, kids did not stutter out of fear. Prior to your liberation, they went to free schools, learned, grew up and became full functioning adults, with degrees, diplomas and expertise. No, we did not have learning impediments before your liberation.
Today 92 % of Iraqi children suffer from it. Today, 99% of Iraqi children are traumatized for life.

So I ask you again - Why ?

What have Iraqis done to you? Did they invade you? Did they steal your homes? Did they imprison you? Did they torture you? Did they rape you? Did they occupy your lands?

Of course, some of you will come and present me with your usual condescending, paternalistic, patronizing lists of political theories, attempting to explain the inexplicable.

Save your time and energy. I know all about your theories.
I know all about your theories of imperialism, neo-cons, zionists...I also know all about your handy explanations regarding oil, cartels, monopolies, globalization...

None of that satisfies me. I still need to know why?

Why us? why Iraq? why this? why now?

If you fail to answer that question, then you would have not learned one single thing about yourselves.
And I say yourselves, because your governments are a reflection of who you are, your aspirations, your mindsets, your thinking, your illusions...You are part of it and it is part of you.

And all I can see right now are nothing but murderous thoughts - yours.

A few days ago, I was reading an article about a french film producer called Alain Tasma who has just finished directing a film on the Rwandan Genocide.

During "Operation Turquoise", between 700'000 and 900'000 Rwandans perished.

None of you, not a single one of you, had any objections to calling it a Genocide.
It was a given, it was accepted, it was fact. And rightly so, because it was a genocide.

But when it comes to Iraq, all sorts of counter figures pop up. All kinds of other statistics are put forward to try to prove "well, yes but"...

Again my question is why ?

Why did you accept it without questions in the case of Rwanda, why did you accept it without questions in the case of the Holocaust, why is it when it comes to Arabs and Arab Muslims in particular, it becomes a topic for debate and nit picking? And "it" refers to Genocide.

Can you answer this question?

Why is it that what happened over 60 years ago in your lands, still makes you grovel in mortification and supplications of forgiveness but when it comes to us, you have so many "red flags"?
Your phrases are almost always qualified with a "yes but..."

What does that tell me about you? It tells me exactly what I said earlier on, you and your governments are one and the same.

And you will come and say "yes but... I did not vote", "yes but, I sent an email", "yes but....yes but...yes but..."

I don't care for your "yes buts". I truly don't.
And that applies to all of you. All of you whose goverments have a finger in the Iraqi pie.

If you had really wanted, you could have easily gone out en masse, in front of your government's offices...
If only 5 million of you, not more, only 5 million, had done that and had thrown your passports in a huge bonfire in front of your White house, 10 Downing sreet or wherever the hell you happen to be, then I am sure, we would not be experiencing what we are experiencing now.

There are also mass pickets, sit ins, huge demonstrations, strikes...

There are ways, many ways. You just need to get your "creativity" going. Or maybe you are just creative in killing us?

I don't care much for your opinions and comments anymore. Actually I don't give a damn.

All I know is that you have participated directly or indirectly in the crime. That is all I know.

But there is still a little hope left.
Go and sit with yourself for a little while and ask yourself why and then ask yourself what am I supposed to do next?
I can assure you, answers will come to you.

For those of you who prefer to sit and engage in quid pro quos of ifs and buts, then I can already tell you in advance, you are a hopeless case. And I will not even bother to ask why.

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Afifa Laabi.


Anonymous said…
Great article Layla!
Anonymous said…
There seems to be a shift lately in American consciousness. In one place another I read Americans tell other Americans that it is no longer enough to blame Bush, we must look in the mirror, at ourselves - and ask, as you are - why?

I see this as a sign that knees are beginning to bend under the weight of the sins Americans collectively carry on their backs.

It is really the bravery of the Iraqi resistance that is holding up the mirror, and you dear Layla, with your unrestrained passion. (You remind me of Picasso's drawing of the woman holding up the mirror to the Minotaur, who recoils in horror at his ugliness).

Here is one of those articles I've read:

How the Iraq Resistance Unmasks the American State


Enjoy :)
Anonymous said…
Why do you act as though this is the first war over resources that has ever been waged in human history?

As a sunni muslim arab iraqi, you merely have to recall the history of your people to answer your questions.
Anonymous said…
anonymous above,

another hopeless case, kindly bugger off.
Anonymous said…
Hi Iraqi Democrat.
Anonymous said…
This ones for you Layla,

check out the link!
Anonymous said…
A million tribes have been exterminated through the course of human history and prehistory. Humans have caused the extinction of thousands of species.

Genocides are nothing new and much needed right now.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, hahahahahahahaha-
Where is little Ken ?
YoUnicorn said…
My Dear Layla

This is my only answer ,-((

Song By Donovan

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z...h? v=ZM55sFQzCcQ

**Say no to war and occupation**

My love and solidarity always
Anonymous said…
anonymous - too bad you were not part of them. Now you can really bugger off.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hi layla,

I got tired of Ken after I tried a few action men (check link).

You know what they say about Iraqi soldiers!
Anonymous said…
Iraqi democrat - and this is what I want BACK :

Anonymous said…

and we will get it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi JR, aslong as its a boxing match
Anonymous said…
ID - or that one :

Unknown said…
I am glad to have found your website. More people in the west need to hear words such as yours.

I would never insult you by offering excuses for the behavior of our "leaders." All I can offer you is my apologies, and even these are brittle.

I can assure you that the pickets, sit ins and demonstrations do happen - but what good is it? Nobody in the government responds to these measures. As for burning my passport - believe me the thought has crossed my mind. But what good am I to you or to my family if I disappear into the prison system? And there are many prisons here. More than anywhere in the world. There is that word you hate - "but". I beg your forgiveness. We do not want this for you, for anybody.

I would like to talk to you more, to come to some accord. What good faith effort can my people make that will have a real effect on your people? Is there anything we can do together?

If it makes you feel any better, my world is becoming more like your world on a daily basis. Complete with ignorance, pestilence, poverty, kidnappings, seizure of property, and yes dear - droves of helicopters black as night. Perhaps there is justice, after all.
Layla Anwar said…

A rectified response.
Thank you for the link. I failed to see when I first read it that there was a praise of the Mahdi army as being anti occupation.
I can tell you for a fact that the Mahdi army has done nothing but kill other Iraqis who happen to be pro resistance and anti occupation.

And even though I like the blogger style of writing, and appreciated his piece on Saddam Hussein when he was lynched by the Americans and the Iranians in which al Mahdi was very present during the execution, I still cannot bring myself to agree with that point he made. Not only that, I am sorry it escaped my attention. These kind of fallacies about the Mahdi thugs have to be exposed. And that does not diminish the fact that I like his style of writing and his overall approach.

On another note, Picasso hated women or at least treated them very badly - that may also give you a hint or two as to the nature of the beast. :-)
Regards to you
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Yolla, aka Yolanda.

Thanks for the link but it did not work...can you please repost it . Thanks.
Best to you ya Yolla.
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Kate and thanks for visiting and your comments.

I understand that those who oppose have a lot at stake... I am not sure though that burning a passport and 5 million of you doing it means ending up in jail.
But I can understand the reticence.
My question still remains what about our innocents in american jails..in their own country? with no lawyers, no charges, no legal counsel, no judges, no bail...
What happens to them...should they rot away?
After all who invaded who?
And when will it end...?
If everyone of you have reticence...why should we pay the price of your comfort? Pay with our futures, our lives, our livelihood, our children, our homes... I still have not found a satisfactory answer.
Anonymous said…
"PS. By the way Picasso was terrible with women. Give you a hint or two on the nature of the beast."

'Tis true, he was a terrible louse with women in his personal life, and yet, as an artist, he had no illusions that it was a man he saw reflected in the mirror of a woman's soul, it was a beast.

Glad you liked the article.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…

I said I liked his style and appreciated his past article but I had reservations on this one...
I did give a rectified response above.
Anonymous said…
Stop knocking JR - JR is fun and he is much smarter than he cares to show !
Anonymous said…


Anonymous said…
What this blog is all about ?
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous - it is about the topic at hand. But you will also find nutty comments, passionate ones, wise ones, astute ones...the whole gammut.
Anonymous said…
Yes Layla, I was also struck by the part about the Mahdi army when I read it the other night. I forgot about that. It seems completely incongruous with everything else he wrote. That aside, I think he is among the few now turning the mirror on U.S. citizens to reveal their complicity in the crimes against the Iraqi people.

Here is another article driving the same point:


And here too, especially in the comments, you can see the growing realization that "we have seen the enemy and it is US."


Knees are bending...
Anonymous said…
I know why Layla Anwar keeps refusing both Jr and Iraqi Democrat.

She is already secretly engaged to the blogger "Angry Arab" !
Anonymous said…
I know why.
In order to “colonize” new lands, we must not see it as unoccupied by people. Remember? “A land without a people for a people without a land.” Or the “natives” are not humans. This is how the US soldiers view the Iraqis, how the “pale faces” saw the native Americans, how the “pales faces” saw the Australian Aborigines, how the Zionists see the Palestinians, and on and on. Remember, both America and Australia were once penal colonies, "hosting" the rejects from the UK. Is it any wonder that these three countries are major players in Iraq? Criminals don’t need brains. They most likely never had any. So can they answer, “why?”
Sorry, Layla, you don’t exist. You are not a “pale faced criminal.”
The article “The Least Useful Reaction to Terrorism is to Dismiss it as an Inscrutable Evil” By Jenni Russell, (ICH-“The Guardian”) was rather interesting and I cannot comment on the comments. I maintain that the acculturation of the West does not allow for an understanding of anything outside of their world. The comments on Jenni’s article vividly indicates the depth of ignorance. Some of those who have lived in other “countries” or educated themselves accordingly, come close to an understanding.
If every “yes but" will deliver a drop of water, your well will be full.
“What does it say about you, your countries, your institutions, your governments, your culture, your civilization, your history, your progress, your values, your concepts...?”
It is “saying” in Iraq. The Iraqi “conquest” says it all.
Several years ago, I came upon an expression, and I realized “Why.” The expression was “you are the product of a Third World University.” Yes, I am and am I proud. The product of American Universities are “producting” in Iraq. The US is governed by some "Ivy leagued" draft dodgers. True "patriots."
Now you may understand why there is only one answer, “yes but.” The western education system cannot accommodate any other answer.
“oh great people of the West” great guns + great bombs = small minds.
“Prior to your liberation, there was no starvation, no abject poverty, kids did not stutter out fear, they went to free schools, learned, grew up and became full functioning adults, with degrees, diplomas and expertise. No, we did not have learning impediments before your liberation.” Sorry, Layla, you did not get Wall Street’s permission to do all these things. I grew-up in a country where “we did great” without Wall Street. Our democratic government was accused of being communist and engineered out of office by the CIA/MI5. We became one of the most indebted countries in the world. Hooray for Democracy.
Anonymous said…
This is from a Rosa Brooks column in the LA Times a few weeks ago:

"It's hard not to conclude that collectively, we were all too cowardly, slothful or puffed up with our own self-importance to ask the right questions and stand up for principle. The administration didn't trick us; we tricked ourselves.

Someday, the Bush era may come to seem like a bad dream, a shameful, inexplicable interlude in American history. We're right to be outraged by Bush and Cheney, but we should also save a bit of outrage for when we look in the mirror."


There's that mirror metaphor again...

But it's more than just a "bit" of outrage that is required of the American people, it is something much greater... and it's coming.
Anonymous said…
Life, all that you say is true.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,
have been reading your blog for a long time.Very true and emotional.
Thank you for posting
PS: Check out this song

very sad and moving song which can move me to tears. Cruel but true.

God bless Iraq and iraqi resistance!
Unknown said…
Layla said:

"My question still remains what about our innocents in american jails..in their own country? with no lawyers, no charges, no legal counsel, no judges, no bail...
What happens to them...should they rot away?
After all who invaded who?"

It is a despicable situation, that unlawful detention has become the chief American export. There is no excuse - it is evil, mingled with incompetence. And it is coming home to roost. Increasingly we are seeing arbitrary detention and seizure in America. It is -nothing- to what you see on a daily basis, but any fool may read the writing on the wall.

Layla also said:

"why should we pay the price of your comfort? Pay with our futures, our lives, our livelihood, our children, our homes... I still have not found a satisfactory answer."

There exists a very romantic notion of high standards of living here. But the fact is that the plunder of your country is not for the benefit of the American people. It is for the benefit of a small group of greedy bastards with no respect for the rule of law, in any nation. Increasingly, they are eroding our existing liberties - all the while hoarding your resources and killing your neighbors. And it is frustrating and enraging. You are no more financing my dubious comfort than I am beating down your door.

(I know you could give a rat's ass about American liberties. But I miss them the way you miss clean water.)

Is there any existing way people can send money or other donations so that it will not be squandered by intermediaries? Are there reliable, non-american-infested agencies building roads? schools? utilities? Many people would give.

Is that a stupid question? Am I off the mark? I can no more go there than you can come here.
Anonymous said…
Jesus was Arab ! What would Jesus do ? Would he go around to distant lands a kill people ? I don't think so...Maybe Bush needs to rethink his religion because as far as I know Jesus don't play that !!!
YoUnicorn said…
Dear Layla

Hi hi

Here it is, twice, click till it opens. It should work. If not let me know.



The lirics were written in the
60 s by Donovan, updated video !!

Take good care Layal ,-)))

YoUnicorn said…
BTW Firefox is working well now !
Anonymous said…
Layla, you ask WHY?

You say: "But there is still a little hope left. Go and sit with yourself for a little while and ask yourself why and then ask yourself what am I supposed to do next? I can assure you, answers will come to you."

I have Layla. A long time ago. I am ashamed, but the truth is, we mostly just don't think, and some even don't care, about what happens in Iraq - or anywhere else, unless it's happening to US PERSONALLY.

Sorry, all other westerners here, but this is the truth. I have experienced one attitude or the other when I bring up Iraq (or Afghanistan, or Rwanda, Or Palestine) far too often.

This is the truth as I see it. And I understand you can't forgive us. I don't think I'd be able to forgive either if I were you.
Anonymous said…
"...the fact is that the plunder of your country is not for the benefit of the American people. It is for the benefit of a small group of greedy bastards...
Wrong: Those without benefit(s) please throw the first stone. I teach some young American males who glorify West Point, The US Military Academy. They will pursue their career at West point, after they graduate with their engineering degrees. Their education buys me a table before populating it with food. I cannot throw any stone.
Now, who makes the military uniform, the Humvees, the Bradleys, the Sniper Rifles, The M-16, the A-130, B-130, C-130....Z-130; get my drift before I drift off the edge. The military is consuming military wares, of all types, at a much higher level than in peacetime. Logic: The destruction of other people butters our ill-gotten bread, and serves us Coca-Cola from the soda machines The Military Industrial Complex powers the US economy and provides bread-and-butter, otherwise called jobs.
Anonymous said…
ya barboog,
You sure miss all those petro dollars of the Shia that you and your ilk had been munching for decades while their children were dying of starvation .
So YOU ARE THE IRAQI NOW? And not they whose forefathers have for over seven thousand years inhabited Mesopotamia and founded human civilization there. I was amused that your next post is titled "Babylon" and you seem to lay claim to it. What has Babylon got to do with you? Babylon is our heritage, we the indigeneous inhabitants of Mesopotamia. And if you don't like that, you are welcome to return to your native land--the desert of Najd where you can revive your traditions especially perfuming yourselves with camel urin, nourishing yourselves with lizards and pass your time fighting over a goat! Remember all of this?
So the Americans are occupiers and colonizers. What about yourselves, you lizard-eating desert rats?
And you have the nerve, yaa barboog, to slander the Mahdi Army. Of course. You're used to killing us without a response. You mistook our love for peace for weakness! Now you've learnt otherwise!
I see you have a list of before/after in your post. I shall add a few more here:
-before the liberation you were living off our toil and sweat; now you're probably whoring out a living.
- before the liberation Saddam and Uday were terrorizing innocent people; now they are corpses.
-before the liberation, you and your ilk were occupying our beloved Iraq; now we are lords in our lands and those of you who are not on the run work for us. And that is how it should be.
Anonymous said…
Why is Dubai booming with money and freedom? Because all of the below is a big lie, Saddam raped and pillaged everyone....everyone....he allowed many to survive, get educated and have a respectful life....all based on his decisions....which ultimately killed the current culture.

For those of you who prefer to sit and engage in quid pro quos of ifs and buts, then I can already tell you in advance, you are a hopeless case. And I will not even bother to ask why is Dubai booming.
Anonymous said…
Why is Dubai booming with money and freedom? Because all of the below --(meaning your post)--- is a big lie, Saddam raped and pillaged everyone....everyone....he allowed many to survive, get educated and have a respectful life....all based on his decisions....which ultimately killed the current culture.

For those of you who prefer to sit and engage in quid pro quos of ifs and buts, then I can already tell you in advance, you are a hopeless case. And I will not even bother to ask why is Dubai booming. I tried to post this under my blog name but could not.
Anonymous said…
Zainab, if you are TRULY Iraqi, then that is an awful post - exactly what your across-the-sea occupiers are exploiting.

From the quality of English of your post, which is excellent, is that not one of the indicators that you benefitted from that time, too?

Don't you think it's high time to get together as IRAQIS to deal with the common enemy? It (the common enemy) does not discriminate between the different ethnic groups in Iraq, and everyone is dying, escaping, suffering, irrespective of ethnicity ....later, all wounds and differences can be resolved, perhaps through a Peace and Reconciliation process, among just you, Iraqis? Please think deeply of the heritage you will be leaving to future generations of Iraqis, and the current and real suffering of today's children, whatever their ethnic background....
Anonymous said…
Prior to your liberation, there was no starvation in Iraq. Prior to your liberation, there was no abject poverty, the kind we witness today. Prior to your liberation, kids did not stutter out of fear. Prior to your liberation, they went to free schools, learned, grew up and became full functioning adults, with degrees, diplomas and expertise. No, we did not have learning impediments before your liberation.
Today 92 % of Iraqi children suffer from it. Today, 99% of Iraqi children are traumatized for life.

THIS STATEMENT IS JUST NOT TRUE....you are ignoring the recent history of Iraq and the slaughter brought on my Saddam and his gang. Tens of thousands of people murdered...many many whole families and children put into warfare. He is responsible for the killing of Iraqi culture. He maintained peace in certain areas for a certain few at a huge cost to the Iraqi nation. He played the S & S Syndrome to the hilt and then swallowed the sword leaving his people in TOTAL shambles. The blood ran for years between Iraq & Iran, powering the front lines with children, even after that the slaughter continue all around Iraq. Plus the "boys" ran wild raping young brides on their wedding day, torturing, maiming and killing football players. Saddam killed Iraq.
Anonymous said…
All that has been done in Iraq has been done at the hands of the S & S, and they are delighted about it, it's the war that Saddam kept under control by murdering thousands, building MASSIVE HATRED between all people of the land, building it up so much that he himself had to hide from his own people, and repeatedly kill his own family members and staff to keep from being assassinated. This huge hatred is now still boiling in blood, everyday all peoples of the region are killing each other, boiling S & S (Shite & Sunni) real deep hatred built on "religious lies" and passionately fired up by Saddam's leadership and the leaders of Persia.....fired to this ridiculously murderous boiling point. I do not justify the western invasion with this statement, but that invasion is not responsible for this wild spread murderous civil war. Give that credit to the S & S Syndrome promoted so heavily by your local imam. NO, the west does not have that kind of power over such an old culture. That can only be done by you and your leaders.
Anonymous said…
Are you IRAQI, Anonymous above? If not, which I think is the case, then your comments are inconsequential because they seem to be filled with pure HATRED. Perhaps real Iraqis could comment on this seeming attempt to divide Iraqis...
Anonymous said…
Barboog! LOL That is another Iraqi word I haven't heard in a while.

When I read this sentence:"So YOU ARE THE IRAQI NOW? And not they whose forefathers have for over seven thousand years inhabited Mesopotamia and founded human civilization there. I was amused that your next post is titled "Babylon" and you seem to lay claim to it. What has Babylon got to do with you? Babylon is our heritage, we the indigeneous inhabitants of Mesopotamia" ,
For a moment I thought the writer was an Iraqi Jew. Reading further I realised that the person must be Shi'ii.

We can all claim Babylonian Heritage. So what?
Anonymous said…
Objective opinion, not hatred----you use the term "seeming attempt"--Hello!!
S & S have been at each other's throats for ever, they are bound to that course. What do you think happened between Iraq & Iran for some several very bloody years? You don't know about that war and the way huge front lines of children where killed? And how that attitude continues between S & S? I have not hatred for any people, but I have great disdain for religious doctrine that blinds people and produces hatred. Religious doctrine across the board. Sorry I cannot post using anything but "other" which comes out anony...I am Lee and not Iraqi.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the born liar nazi barbarian,
is there anything else in your decrepit shrunken brain except zionazi propaganda and hatred?
Anonymous said…
to Zainab the Iraqi Shareefa (hahahha)

First you need to change that name of yours. Zainab is a holy name and you and your ilk of the Sadr boys are nothing but Garbage, thugs, trash, and drug addicts, whoring around for the US and Iran.

You have no claim to mesopotamia just as the iranians or the americans have claim to it.
It was the Iraq that you spit on now that made you into a seeming human being - but then again it failed..because i cannot liken you to that even.

You are sectarian sellout, you have nothing to do with shiism or islam for that matter. You will be driven out one by one too back to Qum and Texas, ya adab ziz.
Yalla supply your psychopath Muqtada al ar3an , ibn al shaware3 with more drills....
Anonymous said…
SURE in my brain is objectivity. To steal a phrase from Arab Women Blues....S & S give off your butts and stop killing each other. How many died in Iraq this week and who did it?
Anonymous said…
bunch of hopeless cases.
Anonymous said…
little deer .

What peace and reconciliation process....Don't you understand that these people whore and pimp for IRAN.
Anonymous said…
"I am Lee and not Iraqi"

ur either an ignorant boor or a twisted-minded divide et impera propaganda agent.

either way, ur a loser.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the born liar nazi barbarian,
in a snail's brain is much much more objectivity than in yours ...
Anonymous said…
Little Deer is a 21st century "Candide".
Anonymous said…
zainab, my persian CAT has more integrity than all of you so-called "humans"...
Anonymous said…
Yes, Layla, you're right - I can gather that, from what I'm reading....

Makes one see things from a totally different perspective, and where there might have been sympathy and the will to understand through impartiality, it's soon evaporated...

Anonymous said…
Yes, in my brain is objectivity. How many were killed in Iraqi this week and who did it? You seem to not have such vision and can only call names, old worn out names that stifle debate and understanding.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the born liar nazi barbarian,
what a vision you have! - that one of a zionazi mental castrato!!!
Anonymous said…
"who did it?"

mentally retarded death machines (badr, mahdi, peshmerga, so called "al qaeda" etc.) remote-controlled by american, british, zionist and iranian intelligence services.
Anonymous said…
Layla, what is your job ? (apart from blogging, I mean)
Anonymous said…
anonymous above,

Yes indeed. Plus the ones who whore in the Green zone and make commissions on Iraqi blood.
And the so called Iraqi blogs are full of them...the Green zone hookers of which "Zaynab" is one.

Long live the Iraqi Resistance.
Anonymous said…
Layla, you did not answer my question.
Anonymous said…
Why does Layla never reply to my questions ?
Anonymous said…
Layla, are you angry at me by any chance ?
Anonymous said…
I bet you worked as a model in the House of Fashion before the invasion.
Anonymous said…
Or maybe you worked with Manal Younes in the General Union of Iraqi Women.
G.Gar said…
Zeinab has writen the most ignorant piece I have sen in my entire life. Babylonians were semites whose language very close to Arabic, they along with Syrianics and Egyptians are the forefathers of the Pennisula Arabs.

TRhe entire history of ancient Mesoptamia has been a series of settelments from the Arabian pennisula. The sam argument goes fo the levant and Egypt. It seems to me that Zeinab has an Iranian blood- and feels jalous that Iraquis (Babylonians) the ancestors of Arabs educated th barabric persians and brought them civilsation. The entire Persian culture is a cheap imitatio o the IRAQI ONE. THE ARABS during MEDIVALS CREATED A COSMOPOLITAN CIVILSATION, AND ONLY THEN WHEN IRANIANS WROTE IN ARABIC AND WERE RULED BY ARABS THEY HAD SOME CONRIBUTION TO HUMAN CIVILIASTION.

However unlike the Arbic civilstion of Babylon and Pharoanic Egypt it was not original in content.
Anonymous said…
Or, who knows?, you led a double life: part-time, say, secretary, part-time Mukhabarat Bond Girl.
Anonymous said…
I don't reply to garbage - except when absolutely necessary as in the case of the Green zone whores.
Anonymous said…
In any case, I wish you may soon be free to resume your old job and life.

Because you're the coolest tough cookie I've ever come across in my life !
Anonymous said…
let me know when you are done monitoring me.
Angel said…

You have too many "buts". There are so many in the West that think the invasion of Iraq was morally justifiable. Now they just squirm and either try and change the subject, or leave.

Zainab mentioned the indigenous people of Mesopotamia. I have always held the belief that was the Assyrians. What do you think?

Could u use ur manners
Anonymous said…
I'm not monitoring you, I'm flattering you !
Sabretache said…

You ask why?

The answer is simple. Iraq sits on the last and largest remaining undeveloped concentration of easily accessible oil on the planet. It is your curse.

Western powers need that oil. It is an urgent need, required to maintain a non-negotiable, profligate, amoral, selfish, santimonious 'superior', 'advanced', 'civilised', lifestyle. It is not your oil and anyone with the temerity to suggest that the West be denied access to it on their terms will be dealt with. It really is that simple. In matters deemed fundamental to Western interests, anyone, but anyone, getting in the way had better make sure they can deal with US covert ops, dirty tricks and military capabilities first. Otherwise, in the manner of countless genuinely representative governments over the past 60 years, they will not remain governments for long - and to hell with the 'collateral damage' of millions killed, maimed, tortured and dispossesed in the process. 'Collateral damage' sound sooo clean and sanitised doesn't it?

Most Western populations are ignorant of all this, and inured - not to say indifferent - to your suffering. They believe what their governments tell them: that we are their to fight 'the enemies of Freedom'.
Anonymous said…
Janice, I can't use my manners because my mom forgot to pass them on to me.
Anonymous said…
Plus the pych told me I am as mad as a hatter.


Manners r important
Anonymous said…
Typo: psych (psychiatrist)

Re being mad just take ur meds and u should be sane for as long as they r in ur bloodstream
I hope ur psych doesn't under dose u nothing worse than a poorly medicated lunatic
Anonymous said…
Layla has zero manners and yet she had made it in life thanks to her beautiful eyes and passionate temper.

Then came in the Persians, who notoriously prefer little defenseless boys, and her star set.
Zaidan said…
Layla, you speak of fingers in pies.

Well check this out:

While Iraqis in FOREIGN capitals rejoiced over the game, at home, they were being persecuted by the peshkhara.

I guess kaka barzani showed us how interested he really is in Iraq's "unity".

Erbil, 31 July (AKI) - Kurdish security forces in the northern autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq have arrested 50 young people who were waving the Iraqi national flag to celebrate the country's victory in the Asian Cup football.

A police officer in the Dohuk province said those arrested were predominantly Christians or members of the Yezidi minotiry, a religious community which passes on its beliefs via oral tradition.

For the autonomous Kurdistan region, the flag is a particularly sensitive issue. Security forces in the three northern provinces of Dohuk, Erbil and Sulamaniya have been ordered by the government to arrest anyone displaying the Iraqi national flag - considered a symbol of Arab nationalism and a reminder of the repression of Kurds under the regime of Saddam Hussein

The regional president Massoud Barzani last year replaced the national flag with a regional flag.

I have to wonder now how implicit then Barzani is in attacking other revelers. Could it be possible a lot of the attacks in Baghdad are the work of peshmerga and foreign agents in collusion?

After all, weaken the base and the peripheries gain more self-control, no?

Weaken Baghdad, destroy its power, destroy its people and you can do what you want in the outlying regions.


I wonder how many of these 50 will be alive after this. After all, everyone knows of the ethnic cleansing the peshmerga have been enforcing in the north.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous you pretentious muppet, don't try to confuse me with your Cyrillic gibberish.
Anonymous said…
the truth hurts, right?
Anonymous said…
Ladies and gentlemen, Layla is currently working as a baby-sitter for the Jordanian Royal Family.
The word Muppet reminds me of The Bill.

I think that's Chinese tho
Anonymous said…
The truth ? What truth ? There is no truth to those who have crossed the line between reason and madness. Don't pity the raving lunatics like myself, rather envy them, for they have sprouted wings and flown away from the world's grim reality...
Anonymous said…
Long live Layla and debased be Janice !
Anonymous said…
The rest is silence...
Anonymous said…
And of course

تحيا المقاومة العراقية
Anonymous said…
to understand whats happening to iraq, you have to understand genocide in western history as a whole in the 20th century- from north and south america, to asia, to africa and now to the middle east (each time "democracy" was the excuse)...might i add that the worst genocides that the west was responsible for happened in the "civilized" west in world wars one and two- tens and tens of millions perished, evaporated, disappeared (almost seems like the blood spilled in iraq is just an appetizer compared to that)...and it almost seems like second nature when it comes to the death and destruction they can cause...they are what they are...we can cry forever or we can fight back...we can point fingers at them uselessly and ask them to change, or we can point fingers at ourselves especially the saudis who are supposed to be the "guardians" (of tel aviv?) of that black rock we dance around.

who was it that brought the yanks to the middle east? who was it that lets them use their bases to attack iraq? who was it that stood silently while the yanks were plotting the attack- even though using the same logic that was used to attack iraq, it is saudi arabia that should be destroyed cuz 15 of the 19 "hijackers" came from the "kindgom" but that ain't happening cuz the saudis are playing on the same team as the yanks...why afghanistan? why iraq? why not saudi arabia? why do they wanna attack iran now? they wont, but actually i wish they invade iran so they too can get a taste of freedom, since the iranians didn't mind having iraq invaded in the first place and they seem to be enjoying it in iraq- they're actually indirectly participating in its occupation...if we can't see how the saudis, iranians, and the others (jordanians, egyptians, and the rest of the gulf states) are co-conspirators with the chosen ones and their yankee lapdog and that they have to be taken care of, what hope do we have with their american master?
Anonymous said…
Amre, I agree with you, but for different reasons - it was so vicious and uncalled for, and if Zainab wished to get others to see a different point of view, she's failed miserably.


I only said it was Chinese.

I can't read it tho

Shower escapees think I'm debased

U r not one r u?
Anonymous said…
curious is a bed-wetter, can't you smell it?
Anonymous said…
hello can't you see???? The pigs are in the palace and they ARE NOT responsible for it....HELLO, can you not see that??
Anonymous said…
Hi layla,

It appears that Ann Clwyd may be visiting your site, along with her friends in the Dawa and Communist Party.

Some of the comments being posted here are similar to those of the US backed "democrats" and they are also trying to "convince" us, by using emotional language.

The posting by annon is a clear example: "Saddam kept under control by murdering thousands, building MASSIVE HATRED between all people of the land, building it up so much that he himself had to hide from his own people, and repeatedly kill his own family members and staff to keep from being assassinated."

What makes this interesting is that it almost reads word for word, like Iraqi Opposition interviews, arguments, leaflets, articles etc from the 1980's and declarations made at conferences in the 1990's.

The foundation of these arguments, really began around the late 1970's, after the National Unity was ended and many parties were outlawed but what gave the substance was the executions of Revolutionary command Council members..

The claim that "I do not justify the western invasion with this statement, but that invasion is not responsible for this wild spread murderous civil war.".

Whilst this person may believe this, what is actually being said, is that the occupation, a puppet regime, the theft of resources, the destruction of ancient sites, mass unemployment, poverty, malnutrition and destitution has nothing to do with the present situation.

It is an attempt, and I have heard this perspective by all the Green Zone Parties to say that the conflict is in people's heads, the attacks against troops are by die hard loyal "saddamists" and the death squads are all "Al-Qaida".

What is always amazing though, is that the question of facts never seem to enter into the discussion but the entire argument is based on generalisations and what my neighbours cat said.

Did you hear that Saddam used to throw babies out of incubators in Kuwait?

Did you know that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and could blow us all up in 45 minutes?

Did you know that Saddam helped Al-Qaida plan 9/11 and was a fundmamentalist?

Did you know know that Saddam supressed democracy in Iraq?
Anonymous said…
Hi Gossip,

Layla has not actually said no to me yet, but JR has challenged me to a duel.

I think that maybe Layla might be looking for a younger man, lol!

check the vid!
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat - this is a hilarious video - hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Anonymous said…
Hi Janice,

are you talking about The Bill TV show in reference to the word Muppet?
Anonymous said…

Hello. Before the Assyrians were the Akkadians and before them the Sumerians.
If we are to stick to the original inhabitants theories - I need to dig Ishtar out of the grave and make her rule again !
Anonymous said…
Hi layla,

Here is one for the folks in the Green Zone!

Have you seen the size of theirs???
Anonymous said…
sabretache - am not convinced that crude oil is the only reason.
Anonymous said…

The Peshmergas and this is according to the latest I know for a fact have increased their numbers and are mobilized in Baghdad. Think why!
So what you are saying about Mosul does not surprise me one bit.
Anonymous said…
The Peshermgas and the Militias of Iran are in full accord on the ethnic cleansing of Iraq from all its real indigenous inhabitants.
Check the latest on iraqi slogger where it is now official. What I reported over 6 months ago is finally emerging - The south is controlled by Iran and is nearly an autonomous "province".
Mabrook wa awlad al Kharra ya green zone ghab.
Anonymous said…
But then the American WANTED the ethnic division of Iraq - Did they not?
I wish those mainstream anti war wankers can come and read this comment section.
Lots of pieces are coming together.
Iraqi Democrat

Re The Bill

Yes its my v fave TV show have u seen it?
Anonymous said…
Absolutely true Layla, why else would the foreign affairs spokesman for a prominant death squad be allowed to speak infront of 100,000 British people in London.
Anonymous said…
I have seen The Bill Janice, and love inspector Gina Gold.

My kind of woman!
Anonymous said…

also as a fan of The Bill, you'll also be aware of people calling each other "Slaaags!"

Who do you like it?
Iraqi Democrat

I like Gina too

That Superintendant Prosser was no match for her LOL
Anonymous said…

Forget the bit about Muqtada al Sadr being anti occupation. Just read the article carefully and it is a MUST

Anonymous said…

No one is a match for our Gina.

If we sent her to Iraq, she'd get rid of Maliki and company and then smoke a cigar!
Iraqi Democrat

And I say "Shut it" from The Bill too

Who I like?

Most characters.

Male characters that r hot Zain and Will

Also Cameron but he has left now
Anonymous said…
Al-Sadr being anti-occupation, yeah right!

The man is hiding in Tehran like the rest of them, whilst Hakim played dead for a bit.
Anonymous said…
Kindly can you chat on messenger or something. Thanks.
Anonymous said…

you dissapoint me, Zain Hot, urghh and which one is Will again?

I thought Cameron was better in The Bill then in Neighbours.

What you think of Smithy?
Iraqi Democrat

Re Gina and Maliki she certainly would :D
Anonymous said…
She'd kick his ass all the way back to Iran!
Iraqi Democrat

Will is the one that likes Emma.

I like Smithy
Anonymous said…

I know who your talking about now, yes, he's pretty cool but Smithy is fab!
Re kicking Maliki's ass back to Iran

Anonymous said…
And then she'd rid us of the Mehdi Army and Badr Brigades!

Am picturing the land whale Muqtada running :P
Anonymous said…
dont you mean the blimp!

The folks from Sunhill will sort his lot!
Yeah Fatboy Not Slim

They will :)

Ne way I'm off to bed as its nearly midnite

Nite Iraqi Democrat

Cya l8r :)
Anonymous said…
Sweet dreams of Will.

Sabretache said…

I have no axe to grind. I am a UK citizen who dissowns the actions of his own government. I know that the conduct of our foreign policy will be influence hardly at all whichever mainstream party is elected. It has been so for the past 60 years - and for a clear though largely hidden reason - OIL.

Why do you think the House of Saud remains in power? Why do you think the US/UK engineered the overthrow of Mosaddeq in Iran. If not oil, then what do you think constant US/UK/French etc interference is all about? would the West be anywhere near the ME if your principle resource were lettuce and tommatoes?

Can I suggest you read up on 'Peak Oil' (a google search should suffice). The US with 5% of the worlds population consumes 25% of its oil production. It's lifestyle (near totally dependant on expanding consumption of cheap oil) we are assured by The Shrub, is 'non-negotiable'. Maximum possible world oil production is close to (or already past) its peak with over 80% of what's left of the total endowment owned by national governments, the vast bulk of it in the ME and Caspian Basin. The US/UK and all Western governments have been well aware of all this for decades now, such that it has been (and remains) an immutable but unspoken 6 decades principle of US foreign policy, that those governments be required to see things the US way - OR ELSE.
Anonymous said…
Sabretache have you checked out the Project for a New American Century?

Anonymous said…
are you "a friend of Israhell" or just zionazi-blind?
Anonymous said…
Jr., you are missed....
Anonymous said…



Sabretache said…
Iraqi Democrat.

Yep - PNAC, the key to understanding events this century to date. 18 months before 9/11 they suggested a 'new Pearl Harour' would be required for their 'project' to get legs. Guess what? They got what they needed. How VERY convenient for them eh?

Irony, sarcasm and Devils advocacy is clearly lost on Anonymous 7:13
Anonymous said…
I am American and I want to leave this country!! I can not stand to have all this blood on my hands!!
I want to live and let live!! I want peace and justice for all!! I can not help where I was born, but at least I can leave and go to a peaceful place so I do not have to pay taxes for these wars that I do not agree with. I can not handle having one more person killed in "my name" via my own country.
Anonymous said…
Glorious Layla !

We salute your mighty unshakable determination stance against the debased bloodthirsty ravenous invader in resisting Iraq's glowing sunrise radiance.

Glorious Arab Woman with the Blues !

At your parfumed heroic remembrance impregnated feet we lay down our eternal allegiance spirit.
Anonymous said…
[Yes indeed. Plus the ones who whore in the Green zone and make commissions on Iraqi blood.
And the so called Iraqi blogs are full of them...the Green zone hookers of which "Zaynab" is one.]

I do not need to hook; I have the world's largest oil suppy under my feet.
I am currently looking for a maid. Thought you might be interested. If not, then you will need to look up Raghad in Amman; she is now the chief "madam" there.
Anonymous said…
When TOT is away, Layla Anwar will play.
Anonymous said…
that was a dirty sleazy answer to a straight question!
Anonymous said…
TO:Amre El-Abyad- Persians have always been smart even before the Arabs invaded them. The Arabs invaded their lands and stole their books and translated them in to Arabic and claimed them as their own. It is the history..read it. Also, They also tryed to change the language from Farsi to Arabic, but thanks to Ferdowsi they did not achieve this. You Sir are the jealous one. Look at Iraq before the war and look at Iran. NO COMPARISON!!! I would much rather perfer Iran. Persians are not jealous of anything! Maybe you are jealous because Iranians have moved to Iraq and brought up the prices of homes (mostly in Najaf and Karbala) there and the average Iraqi can no longer afford to buy a home????

P.S. I am not Iranian or Iraqi!! I am just a lover of history. It's a shame that All of you Middle Easterners can not get along and love each other and except differences about each other, but Arabs and Persians don't like each other anyway...WHY????
Anonymous said…
zainab you dumb green zone cunt, we all know that you are jealous of raghad because her dad is loved and revered as the greatest martyr in arab history, wheareas yours is a sad ass unknown to all...including yourself and your safawide courtesan mom!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Pride comes before a fall, Zainab, in case you don't know this. As for the oil 'under your feet', that's already been claimed by Iraq's occupiers - they are just waiting for the oil law to be passed by their stooges in the current 'government'. The only way you may get your hands on it could be through the sacrifices made by the Iraqi Resistance.

I never thought I'd say this, especially if you are Iraqi (which I highly doubt, given your choice of language) but you are truly a disgrace. Instead of the awful comments, you might do something about the innocent young Iraqi girls whose rights are being abused just about everywhere, just because they are desperate to survive - considering you have quite a bit of knowledge about this kind of work.

On this blog which I've followed for some time now, you happen to be the worst, and that makes what you write utterly disgusting and distasteful. Shame on you...
Anonymous said…
[Amre El-Abyad said...
Zeinab has writen the most ignorant piece I have sen in my entire life. Babylonians were semites whose language very close to Arabic, they along with Syrianics and Egyptians are the forefathers of the Pennisula Arabs.]
Response to Amr ibn al-AaS
Babylonians, Syrianics, and Egyptians were about to become the fathers of the Arabs but the camel beat them to it! .

No, I don't have Persian blood in me; all my blood is Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian! If I did, I would freely admit it. After all, the Persians had a great classical civilization and like it or not, their and our Mesopotamian histories are intertwined. Maybe you didn't know, yaa shaaTir, that Baghdad was a Sassanian town before it became the capital of Abbasid Iraq, that its name comes from Middle Persian and means "the Gift of God, just as the name "Iraq" is Middle Persian for "the low lands" as opposed to the mountains to the east.
You say that "Arabs educated th barabric persians and brought them civilsation."
Are you referring to the Arab civilization of mixing milk with camel urin before drinking it? Or perhaps to the practice of raping nine year old girls by men in their sixties? Glad you didn't civilize us this way!

مازالت عورة عمر بن العاص معاصرة وتقبح وجه التاريخ
Anonymous said…
"No, I don't have Persian blood in me."

"You say that 'Arabs educated the barbaric persians and brought them civilization.' "

"Glad you didn't civilize US this way!"


It appears that the shameless "Iragi" sellout Zainab just had a Freudian slip !!!
G.Gar said…
To the stupid anonymous:

I'm an Arab, an Egyåptian man, so it doesn't make sense that someone like me would be jealous of a PERSIAN DIRT.

Iran is a loser country by all means, with all this tremendous oil reserves they have a GDP per captia tha is more or less equal to the oiless resourcless Egypt. That goes as well for level of technological embeddment and instutional effienecy.

As for Iraq, having defeated Iran in 1988, it came out of the war as the most developing and progressing country in the entire Arab/Muslim sphere. If you check Unesco and UN Devlopment reports you would know what I'm talking about- I'm sure you can read and write.

Also dont forget that prior to the American invasion, Iraq had been subjected to a brutal medival genocidal siege for 14 YES FOURTEEN YEARS.

It clear you idiot, that you know nothing about middle eastern history. The Achaemenids(Persians) were bloody naked barbers in the IRANIAN PLATEAU WHO SACKED the ancient Arab world and copied babylnian culure and ways to mix it witheir original Barabric and Indian ways. IT IS REALLY FUNNY THAT THE PRIDE OF IRAN, THE PERSPOLIS TEMPLE IS BUILT ON IRAQI STYLE (BABYLONIAN).

Iranians hadnt any contribution to human civilsation exept for El Rasy and some others who lived in the 11th and 12th centuries, long after the weakeing of Arab central power in Bahgdad. But still, they opted to write in the sophisticated Arabic language of sciense.

History says that th greates muslim scientist of all times was Alhazen- Al Hasan Ibn Al Haytham who was a pure Arab.

As for Iranians who moved to Iraq, I guess they had better leave because they make the country unclean. As an Arab I feel bad to know that Iranians and likes are moving into the land of thei lords and masters
Anonymous said…
i propose to truss up zainab and send her as a present to the mahdi drill boys.
Anonymous said…
[ Anonymous said...

zainab you dumb green zone cunt, we all know that you are jealous of raghad because her dad is loved and revered . . . ]
Reply to Anonymous:Zainab jealous of Raghad
You are quite right; her dad was "loved" especially by the fishermen of Tikrit in olden days!
I shall spell this out in Iraqi in the hope that you will pass it on to her, that she may feel particularly proud of her father:
يارغوده من حقج ان تفخري ببابا لانه جان راعي وقبل هذا جانوا سماجة تكريت ينيجون بيه . وكل العراقيين يعرفون بتاريخ بابا المشرف هذا ، الله وكيلج !
G.Gar said…

Iraq: in Arabic means the land of rivers the plural of Iraq.

Zeinab said:

"After all, the Persians had a great classical civilization and like it or not, their and our Mesopotamian histories are intertwined. Maybe you didn't know, yaa shaaTir, that Baghdad was a Sassanian town before it became the capital of Abbasid Iraq, that its name comes from Middle Persian and means "the Gift of God, just as the name "Iraq" is Middle Persian for "the low lands" as opposed to the mountains to the east".

Persians never had a civilsation 2Achamenids" and 2Parthians" were steppes Barabrs who sacked Babylong, the levant and Egypt. They never had an original culture or civilisation.

The relation between the Arab mesopetamia and the barabric Persia has always been that of the grudgy barbarian Iranian trying to sack the civilsed Iraqi

I can't understand how come you say you are Iraqi while you don't feel bad about the bloody sassanid colonisation of Iraq!!!!!

The semitic pennisula Arabs saved their cousins the semitic Accadians and the semitic BABYLONIAN ARABS FORM THE STUPID INDIAN sASSANID OCCUPATION
Anonymous said…
Jr's jr, I will never lose Layla to JR.

Ambiguous you may think, but trust me, I tend to come as a bit of a shock to everyone!

I accept the duel and also hope that JR gets to be president!
Anonymous said…
There's no person more despicable than a traitor, which is what Zeinab is. It would be better if she jumped into one of the rivers and disappeared. While many around the world are wondering how to assist all the traumatised and suffering Iraqis - which is what Layla's blog is about today - one finds a shameless Iraq woman making personal attacks on Layla.

If you have all the oil under your feet, you slag, why don't you sell it and save your fellow Iraqis who are trying to find refuge just anywhere in the world?
Anonymous said…
Sabretache: the US also needed a "compliant" regime in Iraq, so that it would "secure" future oil revenues and also to help "secure" Israels future in the Arab world.

Around two weeks before 9/11, the US asked the Taliban to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. The Taliban said no and next thing you know all hell breaks loose.

Even upto the run up to the Iraq invasion, contracts on "oil reconstruction" had been already handed out to "compliant companies" and those closely associated with the Bush Administration.

Also take a look at what is called "the encirclement approach" by the US and the fact that the Americans themselves admit they have also "neglected Latin America".
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Oh my lordy Zainab,

Haven't you been fucked by Muqtada for a week or something?

Whose children were dying of starvation for "decades" because this didn't happen where I come from, only under the embargo in what you now call "Sadr City".

I also think that you may be slightly confused in relation to "whores" because Layla is writing a blog, unlike the Dawa Party, SCIRI, Allawi and Chalabi.

Whilst your "children were dying of starvation", "for decades" as you claim, your great and good were "whores" and were being pimped out by the Pentagon and the British Foreign Office, and living of their money in return for doing what they wanted.

And as for being "lords in our lands", I don't think there is a country called "Green Zone" on the world map and so brave are your friends, that they have to be protected by British and American soldiers.

By the way, love the website, Abdul Karrim Qassim is so 1958.
Anonymous said…
4 things that shouldnt have been created: zionists, persians, flies and zainab.
Anonymous said…
Whats a little Cur?
Anonymous said…
To:Amre,Iranians are not unclean.No one on this earth is better than anyone and it's shameful that there are still people on earth who try to divide people such as yourself.You are simply trying to divide people who are divided anyway.Iraqis are no better than Persians and Persians are no better than Iraqis!!! Say whatever you what it does not make it true!!!!

I am sure you are just saying this because you feel you are better than everyone else.You have a very big ego..I would watch that if I were you!!STOP PROPAGATING HATE!!

There is beauty in all races.There is beauty in all creation.Why can't we be all human first???After all, WE WERE ALL CREATED BY THE SAME ALLAH/GOD!!!!
Anonymous said…
Zainab, your wet dream hero Muqtada is an eunuch who uses drills as a substitute for his useless member.

So either you forget him or you agree to get "drill-fucked".
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Zainab,Dont listen to these hateful people up in here!!They just dont want to admit that anyone else might have a good culture also.
G.Gar said…
anonymous. I believe that all peole are the same and there are beuty in all races. And I never propagate hate except for Iranians Zionists and flies LOL
Anonymous said…
Jr's Jr,

In truth I prefer cats, not much of a dog fan.

I also see you have visited the Green Zone too, I was amazed just how many strays had mange.

Sadly though, I never found my "beloved" their but i'm sure a few dogs have had to be put down.

One doesnt believe in cruelty to animals.
Anonymous said…
the hot weather makes zainab thirsty.

let's hand her a nice and cool "cup of hemlock" !
Anonymous said…

I think we should see the errors of our ways and repent all sins.

Lets join hands across Tehran to Tel Aviv, and sing the following song.


We will feel so much better and the flies can join in also!
Anonymous said…




Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad said...
[I never propagate hate except for Iranians Zionists and flies LOL]

Why? Because they're occupying 'arab' lands? You seem very proud of arab invasions of other lands though.
Layla once defended the arab occupation of Spain.

To hell with you arab hypocrites.
Anonymous said…
I wasn't aware that Layla was pussy (cat) "lover", as you claim.

There is no way I could match that.
Anonymous said…
Layla, thank you for your attempt, as always, to bring to the world the terrible plight of your people. What you wrote today is very important, and something everyone needs to think very deeply about. The tragic reality is that thousands upon thousands are suffering both inside and outside Iraq: it's being said that this is the greatest human movement ever. The pictures of little children looking lost and dazed is heartbreakingly painful.. Individual stories of those who have managed to escape, and who are barely managing to survive; those stuck at the borders living in makeshift camps with no food, water and basic amenities; those getting killed in their attempts to flee; those getting killed by bombs - only today, 14 members of one family lost their lives when their home was bombed, and that is just one news item...surely, there's so many more.

Yet, today, for the first time, your blog has had some posters, who are obviously sitting very comfortably somewhere without a care in the world, and so have all the time to write insults. They have managed to reduce the magnitude of the suffering of the people and concentrated, instead, on their own selfish agendas.

Thank you for everything you do, Layla, when you speak for ALL Iraqis, despite the fact that you have to do all this without access to continuous electricity, water. You have my greatest respect and admiration. God bless, always.

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…
Layla, thank you for your attempt, as always, to bring to the world the terrible plight of your people. What you wrote today is very important, and something everyone needs to think very deeply about. The tragic reality is that thousands upon thousands are suffering both inside and outside Iraq: it's being said that this is the greatest human movement ever. The pictures of little children looking lost and dazed is heartbreakingly painful.. Individual stories of those who have managed to escape, and who are barely managing to survive; those stuck at the borders living in makeshift camps with no food, water and basic amenities; those getting killed in their attempts to flee; those getting killed by bombs - only today, 14 members of one family lost their lives when their home was bombed, and that is just one news item...surely, there's so many more.

Yet, today, for the first time, your blog has had some posters, who are obviously sitting very comfortably somewhere without a care in the world, and so have all the time to write insults. They have managed to reduce the magnitude of the suffering of the people and concentrated, instead, on their own selfish agendas.

Thank you for everything you do, Layla, when you speak for ALL Iraqis, despite the fact that you have to do all this without access to continuous electricity, water. You have my greatest respect and admiration. God bless, always.

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…



G.Gar said…
anoan. Arabs in Spain: that was not occupation, it was civilisation.

Whether you like or not- Christians, Jews, Arabs, Germanics and Berbers all flourished under th Arab rule and created a tolerant magnificant civilsation that was main source of the European renaissance.
Anonymous said…
jr's jr,

I can assure you that no one has ever left with a wimper or even a whine but always with a purr and a great roar.

Some lions can never be tamed.
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't want to tame a lion, not when you have the build of a bear.
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad said...
(was main source of the European renaissance.)

That's a gross simplification I should have expected from an arab monkey.

You scum will get stomped on from all sides as the oil wars proceed... and you deserve it.
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad said...
(anoan. Arabs in Spain: that was not occupation, it was civilisation.)

Fortunately, the spaniards themselves didn't share this view.
G.Gar said…
@ anon take that up yours:

Layla Anwar said…
Jr'JR this is NOT a chat room and if you have nothing intelligent to say - then do not come here.
All your comments will be deleted.
Anonymous said…
iraqi democrat, wot the hell is this cats n dogs riddle all abt?

cant u just shut up n make ur humble individual contribution 2 the struggle instead of plotting n scheming like in a hollywood spy movie?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

enjoy ur madness!
Anonymous said…


Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat is an "Al Fajr Media Center" agent posing as a patriot and Resistance sympathizer.
Anonymous said…
anon above, u dont mean al fajr the so-called "al qaeda" media wing, do u?

i hope not 4 iraqi democrat'ass, cuz thats all a cia-run sort of affairs n after the liberation he/she wud be regarded as a collaborationist by the resistance...

if u ask me, i dont think he/she is anything of that kind.

just a "lone wolf" type possibly consumed by old grudges, nothing to worry abt.
Anonymous said…
typo: iraqi democrat's ass
Anonymous said…
regarding the "shroogeeyah" slave zaynab.

Raghad and I agreed that we needed a shoe shiner and thought we could do with something like zaynab.
But we remembered that our shoes were cleaner than her face so we decided against hiring her.
we now think it is best that she stays the filthy piece of whore that she is, selling her ass to american soldiers. we both wish her increased oil revenues as a result of her fruitful cooperation with her masters.
Anonymous said…
@anon above - u shud not talk that way to a mesopotamian sister -hehehehehehehehe
Anonymous said…
calling her a kondara is an insult to the shoe.am glad raghad and anon did not hire after all :-)
Anonymous said…
Why? Because you had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Remember?

That would be a joke Layla if it were not so tragic. The pain of this crime is written in your posts.

My country was not part of the coalition of the killing. Yet I am still ashamed of it and every other country that refused to join this disgusting crime.

Not one of them placed boycotts and trade sanctions upon the criminal nations. The very least of a demonstration of outrage.

They placed a few bucks over the lives of the Iraqi people.
Anonymous said…
Reply to Iraqi Democrat

[Iraqi Democrat said...

Layla has not actually said no to me yet . . .
I think that maybe Layla might be looking for a younger man, lol!]

No, I think because she watched you getting butt fucked by the Dawa guys, SCIRI, Allawi and Chalabi, not to mention the Pentagon studs!
You're not much use to anyone now, Iraqi Democrat, are you!
The thing is: she needs to get "serviced" right; you're too busy getting "serviced" yourself. Not a good match,if you ask me.

Glad you liked the link. Here is another one for you and Layla (or just click on the name link above)
Unknown said…
Salam Layla,

The Barazani/Talabani dynamic duo never cease to amaze...Here is an article I read today about people being arrested for raising 'yes, you guessed it' the IRAQI FLAG in Kurdistan.


Baghdad - Security forces in Dohuk city in the Kurdish Autonomous Region in the north of Iraq arrested 50 Kurds for waving the Iraqi flag to celebrate the victory of the Iraqi national football team, a police source said Monday.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said, 'The Kurdish security forces seize anybody carrying the Iraqi flag, even for one hour.'

The region's president Massoud al-Barzani had earlier ordered that the Kurdish flag would replace the Iraqi one in all the cities of the autonomous region.

On Sunday, the Iraqi national football team won the Asian Cup title for the first time in its history.

Anonymous said…
Reply to Raghad Anonymous
[Anonymous said...

regarding the "shroogeeyah" slave zaynab.

Raghad and I agreed that we needed a shoe shiner and thought we could do with something like zaynab.
But we remembered that our shoes were cleaner than her face so we decided against hiring her.]

I am not surprised that Raghad is looking to hire a shoe shiner considering how she has come to respect shoes lately. Sweetheart, just take a look at this link (or click on the name above) and you will know how impressed she must have become by the action of shoes:
Anonymous said…
At first I thought Zainab could be used as a rug for my dogs, but my dogs say that she's too dirty and stenchy and that she should keep on feeding on the cum of her beloved "Dawa guys, SCIRI, Allawi and Chalabi, not to mention the Pentagon studs"!
Anonymous said…
Cum on, anonymous!
[ Anonymous said...

At first I thought Zainab could be used as a rug for my dogs, but my dogs say that she's too dirty and stenchy and that she should keep on feeding on the cum of her beloved "Dawa guys, SCIRI, Allawi and Chalabi, not to mention the Pentagon studs"!]

Cum on, anonymous. A dog would have constructed a better sentence than this!
Anonymous said…
you're too dirty and stenchy to serve as a rug for me, so you just keep on feeding on the cum of your beloved "Dawa guys, SCIRI, Allawi and Chalabi, not to mention the Pentagon studs"!
Anonymous said…
[ dog said...
you're too dirty and stenchy to serve as a rug for me . . . "!]
That's quite alright, doggy.
Take care and please stay away from that pervert "anonymous." Call the Animal Welfare Department, if necessary.
Lots of love
Anonymous said…
The AWD say I should stay away from the dirty and stenchy Zainab and just let her keep on feeding on the cum of your beloved "Dawa guys, SCIRI, Allawi and Chalabi, not to mention the Pentagon studs"!
Anonymous said…
There's getting to be so much junk amongst the comments that it's really hard to find the gems. This is sad. Your post deserved much better.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you, Daphne. Some really awful comments here, so different from our usual, even if we don't agree all the time.
Anonymous said…

So the Saudi's are getting a piece of the piss process.Slight correction - Saudi is a wahaabi country which is way off from sunni's
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