"Free" & Ruined Lives.

I am "Free". He is "Free". She is "Free". They are "Free". And you are only a spectator...
Free, Freedom, Democracy. I shudder at these words.
I want to burn Plato's Republic and spit on your Constitution, on your Founding Fathers, on your Laws...

Free limbs, detached, solitary limbs, scattered to the four cardinal points and a bleeding heart in the middle, like a compass.
An arm to the West, a leg to the East, a head down South and a torso up North...And that damned bleeding heart in the Center.

Free, so free...
Free, free in Prisons. Free, so free in Detention centers...
Detention centers in the Mnistry of Interior, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Justice!
Crammed, packed, jammed... The smell of blood, urine and feces...covering the infected wounds. Wounds of torture born on transparent skins covering rib cages...
Free, so free.
Tortured and Free in American camps. Sodomized and Free - American democracy flavor. Tortured and Free, whipped by sectarianism - Iranian flavor. Oh so Free.

Free to die. Free to cry. Free to mourn. Free to flee. Free to escape. Free at the borders...jammed, packed.

Two thousand "free souls" flee a day. They amass at frontiers, waiting for a stamp on that damned Green passport...that cursed passport.
The passport with a broken winged eagle as an emblem. Clipped wings of Freedom.
It reads "Republic of Iraq."
Republic of whom? Iraq? What Iraq?

Two thousand a day. Grave faces, desperate eyes, lost voices...
A forgotten, abandoned people. A despised, humiliated, tortured, stolen people.
A raped people.
Lost voices in the wilderness of your indifference. The Lost voices of Freedom and Democracy...

" I have 8 children. Look at how I am living. Has anyone asked me how I feed those kids. I have been without a job for 2 years. I tell you how I feed them...I can't feed them. I spit on the U.N. I spit on the thief Bush. If I ever return to Iraq it will be to free my country from those criminals. I will either kill or be killed by them. There is no other way " says this worn out father who looks 3 times his age.

" The Iraqi government helping us? Are you insulting me or what? The Iraqi government has not and will never do anything for us. These are the most corrupt people in power that Iraq has ever known. They are sectarians and thieves. I don't want this passport. Take it now. I don't want this nationality. I am even willing to go to Somalia. Just find me a solution. Take that passport. Take it." says another father of 32.

" The Americans bombed my house. My 9 year old son was inside. Look at his face. He is burnt all over. His eyes are stuck and he cannot open them. His tongue is stuck to his palate and he cannot talk or swallow. And his head was stuck to his shoulder.
He has already undergone 9 operations and he needs another 9... He is only 9 years old. Look at him. I, myself, have 3 bullets lodged in my body. I served the Iraqi Army for 24 years. One in my thigh. One below my ribs and one in my back. I need surgery too. But I am not important. My son is. How will I manage? On my way here, highway bandits took all my money. I sold the house to come here. Now I have nothing. The boy needs treatment. No school is willing to accept him. One school did but the other students rejected him. They said he frightened them with his looks."

The father wipes his tears and you can see the look of being stuck in "Freedom".
Ah the look of America on his and his son's face. The look of " Freedom ".

Another one plays the lute. A melodious tune that makes your heart quiver. A languorous tune of longing that fills the empty space like smoke. A smoke soon dissipated into that nothingness of " Freedom ."

A couple with a paralysed little girl who needs urgent treatment. They have been there, waiting since the crack of dawn, at the gates of some embassy or the UNHCR. Others take to the pavements. They sit and wait some more... Long hours of waiting in the space of " Freedom ".

Free, Freedom...
Free comments on a blog.
And the rats crawl from the gutters...Rats droppings, Albert Camus's "the Plague". The same kind of rats that rule Baghdad with their droppings...
Rats everywhere, crawling the streets, crawling on this page, leaving behind them a trail of excrements wherever they pass.

Rats on the go. Rats exiting. Rats entering again through a different door.
The rat with the grey steel eyes. The eyes of lies and deception has exited only to re-enter again after having ruined our lives with Freedom. Now another rat has taken up his place.
The fat rat of Baghdad. The rats of Iran. The rats of America...
The plague of Freedom.

Free, Freedom, Democracy and forever Ruined lives...
Forever Ruined.

Painting : Iraqi artist, the late Shaker Hassan.


Layla Anwar said…
Please let me know if you are still experiencing problems viewing this blog with firefox.
Firefox users, please switch to internet explorer. Firefox cannot display this template. I cannot make it any lighter.It is already very light for a very heavy subject. Deal with it . Thanks.
Anonymous said…
nice to c u back layla!
Anonymous said…
"Rats everywhere, crawling the streets, crawling on this page, leaving behind them a trail of excrements wherever they pass."


a very apt description of jefferey the rat
Anonymous said…
It's wonderful to have you back, Layla - you have been missed.

Freedom and Democracy, Layla? It was never meant for Iraqis, particularly when those who speak the most about have no clue of what it means. They intended to destroy Iraq. And the traitors, who call themselves the 'government' of Iraq have handed over the country and the people on a plate. I don't know any country in the world where a 'government' watches 'its' people and land destroyed - may they rot in hell. Damn Maliki and the rot around him.

Jr., now that Layla's back, we won't see more of that AMERICAN scumbag, Jeffrey - thank God!
3eeraqimedic said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…

My dear, dear sister, I've been very worried about you. With all the time you were missing in action I thought the worst.

I keep trying to figure out on your last post ending "The End" if you was sending a message. But glory to our Great Spirit you are back.

Layla trust me I would never leave you sobbing along the road side.

I love and missed you, and am most greatful of your return.

Anonymous said…

Your co-religionists have raped, enslaved and destroyed other cultures for centuries across half the world to spread their 'religion of peace'.

Keep that in mind when you whinge in your next post about 'freedom' and the 'ethnic cleansing' of sunnis.
Anonymous said…
"Rats" ..

Feels like this break may as well have been a sort of "laboratory test" for all of us "catless mice" ..

Whatever, I am relieved that it is over and infinitely grateful to see you as inspired, powerful and endearing as ever.

Welcome back to the struggle.
Anonymous said…
Personally, I prefer to call them crockroaches because I see that the behavior matches them more than it does rats.

You turn on the light, they scatter and hide in the cracks. You turn off the light, they return. You kill off a few, they come back with their friends. You fumigate, they invade your next door neighbor, only to wait things out and then return in even greater number.

There are always more of them.

I was raised in New York city, so trust me, I know roach behavior. There are more roaches than rats in New York, their number is infinite, and ever growing.

We can never eradicate them. The best we can do is keep turning on the light.

You are that light Layla.

Welcome back :)
YoUnicorn said…
Dear Layla

I am glad you are back on line !
Thank you for posting again.

About Firefox, I can not see the main page, but clicking in each post it opens well and clear. It is sorted out in a way.

Anonymous said…
Good to see you back my lady.

As for this topic......I can't put into words, I don't have words, there are no words.

Mankind is vicious and disgusting.
Currently both abhorrant traits are being displayed in Iraq.

Anger, hatred, sorrow, disgust....it's all I have for the situation and then, if thought on too long, everything just turns to apathy.
I am powerless to change it anyway...

Bless you dear Layla.
Stay safe.
Stay strong.

Anonymous said…
Hi Layla

I have seen that same program on tv about that child who was badly burnt and deformed he looked so sad and so badly burnt , and his father in dispair i could not watch any longer .. excellent article as usual .
Anonymous said…
canadian atheists

What have you done to the natives on your backyard ? are they enjoying their ghettos ?? why are their kids destroying themselves in drugs and alcohol or suicide ? they dont enjoy the life of the ghetto ???

Have you read about how Britain and France basically occupied the world ? and plundered Africa , north africa , arab world and Asia ? Did you know that the whole Arab and musli world was either colonized either by france or Britain until the early 60s ??

You should do some serious reading before posting here .
Anonymous said…
I have heard Iraqis refugiees in Syria say : we often hear the UN secretary say we are with iraqis , same with Bush , but we have not seen much of their support ?? how are they with us ? what are they doing for us as refugiees ? where is their support , who is going to feed our kids ?? it was heartbreaking !!

The only people who have benefited from the new iraq are the thieves in the Greenzone whose wives and kids live either in London , Dubai , or Jordan or even Paris .
Anonymous said…
Canadian atheist:

'Your co-religionists have raped, enslaved and destroyed other cultures for centuries across half the world to spread their 'religion of peace'.'

I've read a lot of history (credible), but this is the FIRST time I've heard of the so-called 'co-religionists' raping, enslaving and destroying the world. That has been the work of the so-called 'Christian' lands - beginning with the Crusades, the rape of countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America right up to the present time when our eyes see what's being done in Iraq/Afghanistan/Palestine/Somalia/Darfur...the list goes on...

And I speak as a Christian.
Anonymous said…
Oh....I forgot - plundering the land from Native Americans and almost wiping them out... Australia from the native aborigines....

If you don't know the facts, it's best you go and find out first before you display your ignorance here, Canadian atheist.
Anonymous said…
Canadian atheist (or is it zionist?) - I am a Canadian too but, not of the ignorant kind. Your dumb remark is an insult to us, now...now...go back to the bush, where you have been all these times or in other words..kcuf off!!!

Anonymous said…
"when you whinge about the ethnic cleansing of sunnis" !!!

Canadian Stupidist, are you illiterate or is your mind, like Barbara Bush's, too "beautiful" for you to bother taking the time to read through a post before rushing to the comment section ?

Layla's discourse is patriotic, and better still humanistic, NEVER sectarian.

She speaks out against the scientifically planned genocide of ALL Iraqis, not only "Sooonees" or "She-Eyets" or whatever other frigging racist subdivision may have been elaborated in Gertrude Bell's little sick British brain.

Take my advice: leave political blogs alone and go back to "My Pet Goat".
Anonymous said…
That is funny, Hala....comments well said to the ignoramus!!!
Anonymous said…
Little Deer, do you remember how enthralled Dumbya looked during 9/11 ?

His advisers kept whispering in his ear "You must act shocked by the attacks", but no way .. he was too interested in the goat's story !!!

When you think that such a nothing is allowed to hold the (mis)fortunes of the world in his hands, while a wonder of nature like our beloved President is forever denied the light of the day ..

How senseless everything is ..
Anonymous said…
Hala, don't forget he was holding the book upside down, the despicable moron!!!!!!

By the way, don't you think he is looking more and more like a chimpanzee these days?!!!!!!
Anonymous said…

Bravo for your post

Today Chavez spoke about how the whole of America (latin , south and North America ) being raped in the past by the white man who destroyed the Inca Culture, the Maya , the Aztecs , and other indegenous groups who no longer exist , and whose Beliefs systems are all vanished and replaced by something alien to the area .
Anonymous said…
Little Deer, maybe he is a "werechimp" who "goes ape" when the "wind" changes ..
Unknown said…

As a Canadian-born Caucasian, I am fascinated by how Arabs and Muslim women successfully adapt to the very different North American culture while maintaining their own ethnic flair and beliefs.

Would you please share your experiences with me? (It's for a school project.)

For instance, I just read a terrific novel (Fashionably Late by Nadine Dajani) about a North American Arab/Muslim woman who struggles to balance her family's traditional values and her own (conflicting) aspirations.

Have you been similarly swayed by your family's expectations in terms of marriage? Career? Children? Self-expression?

I'd love to hear how (if at all) you balanced or rejected stereotypes of what is expected of an Arab/Muslim woman.

Kind regards,
Anonymous said…
Apparently, you people have never heard of the muslim invasion of Iran and the consequent extinction of Zoroastrianism, their invasion and occupation of Spain and the reconquista. Of Eastern Europe and the savage repression of christians there, the devshirmeh, Balkan wars, the invasion of India and atrocities against hindus...

To say nothing of all the unique pagan religions in Arabia and elsewhere which Islam has destroyed with threat and genocide. (Monotheism wasn't a novelty to them before mohammed (piss be upon him)

My point was that arabs practiced the same sort of hypocrisy that Layla rails against.

BTW, I'm not anglo-saxon.
Alan the Red said…
Hey, you're getting it. The "rats" just love deserting their friends and families to go and get rich in the "land of the free", and they always run rather than stand and fight for freedom.

And now they have gone into another of their "we are 'ard" and are going to "save the world" routines. LOL

Yea right! America, the land of the perpetually deluded. They haven't actually won a war in over 100 years.

World War One - Armistice Only - USSR Is Lost to Leftist Regime
World War Two - End-Game Standoff - USSR Steals Poland & Half of Europe
China Kicks America Out Under Communist Rule in 1947
Korea - Not Won - America Pushed South - Armistice
Vietnam - Disaster - Lost - Americans Have to Escape by Helicopter
Lebanon - Disaster - Marines Killed - U.S. Flees
Somalia - Disaster - Americans Killed - Flee
Yugoslavia - Disaster - Split in Pieces
Iraq - Disaster - War Lost
Afghanistan - Disaster - War Lost.

As for Christians, beleive you me, the meek always inherit a good smack in the teeth. Jeez! Have you ever watched a Christian perform when he gets angry enough to fight? They're so funny. Warriors can go into battle without fear or anger, simply because today is a good day to die. Going down, America!
Anonymous said…

What about staying "ego-theist", oops, meant to say "atheist", and letting others be whatever they think best ???

That is the beauty of secularism, i.e. freedom of religion, which the Iraqis were guaranteed by constitution under the Ba'athist government and is now gone with the wind thanks to the "enlightened" West which dished out the country to the black-clad, turbaned, flagellating Torquemadas from Teheran and Qum and the Grand-Guignol beheaders from the dregs of the Arab regimes dungeons ..
Angel said…
Hello Layla,

Welcome back. I am glad you are safe.

There were rats all over your page while you were on holiday. You know that place, Oasis a la Iraq, the one that is missing all it's beautiful trees and has the poisened water.

I read that America has led over 200 military invasions in around 100 years. Not a good record.

I think I will liken them to Diana's New York cockroaches. Anyone with a large amount of pesticide?
Anonymous said…
True love and compassion knows no borders or no specific religion. They are all my sisters, my mother, my father, my brothers, my friends. The horific things I've seen just in the last 5 years not to mention the times past are nothing compared to what you have seen. Soon the States will see these things as well in our own streets. Its inevitable and although many might stand in their indignation because where getting back what we gave but anyone with true love and compassion will only be saddened further. I pray that God give us the strength to endure the assault on our hearts, our minds, our bodies and our souls a Great post and so true. It is also my prayer that the waters of bitterness do not rob you of your love and compassion.
Anonymous said…
Im resisitance I have always been here. I will Remember The Art! sapperinthewire.Silence is an argument carried out by other means.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous above anonymous:

'True love and compassion knows no borders or no specific religion. They are all my sisters, my mother, my father, my brothers, my friends.'

Ever so true and beautiful....If only we could all live up to this, there'd be no wars, no hatred...no destruction...
Anonymous said…
By sapperinthewire: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo: Who is dancing with these rainbow colours in the sky? Air after rain, slanting sun: mountian and passes turning blue in each changing moment. Fierce battles that year: bullet holes in village walls. These mountians so decorated, look even more beautiful today.
Anonymous said…
Found this elsewhere, and thought I'd share it with all:

Good advice from Chief Tecumseh:

“Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion. Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place. Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.

Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again - in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”

- Chief Tecumseh -(the great - from the Shawnee tribe 1768-1813)

In honour of a very noble people, devastated just like the Iraqis - thinking of you, SAW....
Anonymous said…
i am sure that canadian's comments are not worth a response, but still it might help someone, if not him..

this is a classical example of studying history from the relative morals of today. no historical event devoid of its fabric of time and space can be seen clearly.
many people forget that islamic thought considers judaism and christianity as true religions in their lost original form. islam never contained intrinsic hatred towards any of monotheist religions (of course monotheism was never novel, being religion of adam). Islam spreaded justice, morality, good governance (do read something about the society at that time). It was a breath of fresh air, liberating people.

The societies at that time were established on different political and social principles. Islam understanding social evolution fully, changed people within those systems. As the social and political progress depending upon the progress in human knowledge and communication tools, was never the subject of islam.

That is why many islamic societies converted to monarchy, democracy, and other political/tribal systems, without leaving the fundamental ideology.

Islamic societies did go through degeneration, as did judaism and christianity before it. The only difference being that it was religious ideology that degenerated in cases of judaism and christianity, and in case of islam, it was the muslim society.

when it comes to muslims conquering persia, north africa or spain. Please read how political systems and societies were established at that time. It was one society which happened to be muslim taking over other societies. Please try to find credible examples of genocide, racial extermination, or anything of the scale committed by muslims in the name of islam (do not confuse the anarchist's version of islam that is so highlighted today, which itself is a result of colonial and post-colonial situations). The socieites at that time interacted in that way, but you wont find examples of institutional atrocities against humans, like inquests or extermination that followed later in other societies against many religions and races.

Now this must not be confused with colonialism. Conquering and invasion was a norm at one time, and the invading army used to take over and settle in the new lands. It was population movement for various reasons. They were socio-politico-economic actions. Colonialism had other objectives altogether. It was institutional slavery of societies. The very scale and nature of the colonial (i recommend reading franz fanon, edward said, chinua achebe, as few examples), was inhuman and cannot be compared with previous political systems.

Even if we accept the socio-political necessity of a colonial system, still what is happening today around us, are the only events which really require to be scrutinized with the social, ethical and moral standards of the society today. I recommend Chomsky (www.chomsky.info), if anyone finds it hard to understand what is happening today.

ps: candadian, i recommend reading "Muhammad" by Martin Lings, or if you want an atheist version of biography do get Karen Armstrong's biography of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Anonymous said…
a correction..

karen armstrong might not be an atheist. i am not sure though, she was a nun once, and probably went through a few transformations. i am not aware of her current state. nevertheless, the biography is as neutral as it gets...

please do not refer to works of the likes of spencer. Any reference to an objective study is however welcome.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, anonymous above, for your very illuminating post. It is extremely useful and correct ... and necessary in today's world.
Anonymous said…
Jr., where are you????!!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm re-posting this comment because I made typos that took away from the meaning.

True love and compassion knows no borders or no specific religion. They are all my sisters, my mother, my father, my brothers, my friends. The horrific things I've seen just in the last 5 years not to mention the times past are nothing compared to what you have seen. Soon the States will see these things as well in our own streets. Its inevitable. Many might stand elated in their indignation because "we're" getting back what "we" gave but anyone with true love and compassion will only be saddened further. I pray that God give us the strength to endure the assault on our hearts, our minds, our bodies and our souls. Don't let the waters of bitterness rob you of love and compassion.

and thank you Little Deer. You are right.
If only love and compassion were currency. Then it would be louder than all other voices.
Anonymous said…
lol im still here!!!! i wish layla wud come back.......its a bit shit without her
Anonymous said…
layla my dear, dear wonderful sister plz come back and say hi
Anonymous said…
layla im sensing u don't give a shit abt stuff anymore but i hope that passes
Anonymous said…
"But glory to our Great Spirit you are back."

yes yes glory to the great spirit, where would we be without him???

"Layla trust me I would never leave you sobbing along the road side."

well y are'nt u there now???
Anonymous said…
"Your co-religionists have raped, enslaved and destroyed other cultures for centuries across half the world to spread their 'religion of peace'. "


wot does this ahve to do with iraq u twat?
Anonymous said…
"We can never eradicate them. The best we can do is keep turning on the light.

You are that light Layla. "


nice won diana....good stuff
Anonymous said…
Ike said...
Good to see you back my lady.

As for this topic......I can't put into words, I don't have words, there are no words.

Mankind is vicious and disgusting.
Currently both abhorrant traits are being displayed in Iraq.

Anger, hatred, sorrow, disgust....it's all I have for the situation and then, if thought on too long, everything just turns to apathy.
I am powerless to change it anyway...

Bless you dear Layla.
Stay safe.
Stay strong.



how long does it take u conjure up your posts ike?
Anonymous said…
fatima said...
Hi Layla

I have seen that same program on tv about that child who was badly burnt and deformed he looked so sad and so badly burnt , and his father in dispair i could not watch any longer .. excellent article as usual .


fatima is a robot.........ignore
Anonymous said…
Did you know that the whole Arab and musli world was either colonized either by france or Britain until the early 60s ??


i did not know this
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Layla's discourse is patriotic, and better still humanistic, NEVER sectarian.


im not 1 for patriotism myself...but i think laylas discourse is defintely more patriotic than humanistic to be honest
Anonymous said…
"As a Canadian-born Caucasian, I am fascinated by how Arabs and Muslim women successfully adapt to the very different North American culture while maintaining their own ethnic flair and beliefs."


yes i am fascinated too....

Would you please share your experiences with me? (It's for a school project.)


lol.....school project ;-)
Anonymous said…
"As for Christians, beleive you me, the meek always inherit a good smack in the teeth. Jeez! Have you ever watched a Christian perform when he gets angry enough to fight? They're so funny. Warriors can go into battle without fear or anger, simply because today is a good day to die. Going down, America! "


maegan said…
What an AWESOME woman you are. What an AWESOME human being. Your writing is beautiful. DO NOT STOP! Let your writing heal your pain and anger but understand the pain and anger will never ever go away until you find peace within yourself and a way to understand that all the evil men that murder our children and families are growing and learning on a spiritual level just as you and i are.

Am i angry? Words cannot convey my anger, but i have found a place within to live without spewing forth rage to everyone i talk to because my intense anger alienated me from friends who love me because that anger is soooo black and intense and as evil as the men i feel it towards.

I REFUSE to become one of them so i found an inner peace and understanding and a way to live without a black heart and soul as they have. It is hard because i have the gift of empathy and even watching reports on TV, i cry because i literally feel the pain of the men, woman and children i see being blown up, maimed and bombed.

Your writing is soooo important because it brings to life THE TRUTH and the horror of what men are doing to other men. The horror must stop as it is truly unthinkable and beyond comprehension as it is so terrible. BUT, it will be a little while yet before things change. Women like you are needed to speed up the process of change.

As Mother Teresa said, i will not attend an anti war rally but i will attend a pro peace rally. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!

With much love to you always.
Anonymous said…
Wateen wazaytoon watoor isineen wahatha albalad alameen.

We start with the fig and the olive and all that is associated with the fig and the olive and when I say all that is associated with the fig and the olive I mean the ground that sprouts it and I mean Iraq and Palestine. I mean the prophets that walked those earths and so I mean Isaa, the son of Maryam and Ibrahim, the Ibrahim who married the Hajar who ran the desert in search of water for her thirsty child. And I mean their mosques, Almasjad Alnabawi and Alaqsa. I mean the Alaqsa and the Falastine that we lost. We read this verse, knowing full well how we've allowed your blessing to slip from our fingers. What right do I have to be angry, when shame and sadness proceed it so strongly.

And then we go to Mount Sinai, which translates to the mount the beautiful and these aren't my words they are God and so it is God himself recognizing its beauty. Watoor alsaneen. The same Toor on which musa spoke with his Lord and the same Toor that we abused with wars. The same toor that forms the boundry between Egypt and Isreal and the same Toor that we almost lost. How were the muslims that day, knowing that Toor Asineen had been taken. Was it fear, outrage, sadness that dominated, was there anything, or was it another loss to add to the list, this surah a distant memory as the newscaster anounced the latest happenings in the Holy Land. I hope the nation sucked in their breath with every loss and only released it when God returned it to us. And he did this, again and again and again. giving us one more chance, one more opportunity to properly appreciate his blessings.

Wahatha albalad alameen. And by this city, the safe, the protected, the entrusted. Would you like to live in the city that God has prounced as safe? I would. Mecca. The city of my prophet, the city of Islam, the safe city. Mecca, the greatest gift.

4 blessings. Moving inwards to the most important, Mecca.

See how easy it is, to romantisize situations. We lost Falastine and we are losing it as we speak. The Quds is occupied. Saying these words, admitting to what has happened and what continues to happen, knowing full well that I am silent, is difficult. It may move you to tears. It's moved others before you. It may frighten you. It may make you uncomfortable with this Surah, with these ayah's but what I hope it does do is remind the nation that Allah (SWT) swore by these places. That's how high in importance he placed them. That's how important they are, and as Muslims, at the very least I hope that when we read these ayahs, we feel some shame and sadness over what we've allowed to happen and what we continue to allow happen.
Zaidan said…
Layla, isn't it time to moderate your comments section? There are people who are paid to come to blogs and divert attention by stirring the shit.

Start rejecting some comments, for Christ's sake!
Anonymous said…

"i think laylas discourse is definitely more patriotic than humanistic to be honest"

My inaccuracy.

I meant to say "Homo Sapiens Sapiens-istic" ;-)

P.S. Stop being adorable or Layla might take a fancy to you !!
antiZionist said…
شكرأ لك علي الاستمرار في الكتابه ،انا أوئكد لك بأن الكتايه هي أعضم الاسلحه تأثيرأ علي عقول الناس،قد يكون التأثير بطيئ ولكن سوف يكون حاصل محصل
Angel said…
Maitraya, I just read one of your blogs, something about Christians, where your words say, quote "tell Layla Anwar to shut her stupid mouth".

Why are you on Layla's blog, when you have been so rude to speak of her in that manner?
Anonymous said…
why are you back soo soon? not nearly enough R&R time. Go back on vacation and forget about this ugly lot of people.
Anonymous said…

Layla does not take orders from any human, let alone a sewer rat like you.

If you can't appreciate her writings, crawl off to some other web site or blog that is more to your taste.

Beware, next time we catch you squeaking abusive or nonsensical remarks at our honorable hostess we shall use our top secret non-conventional weapon (i.e. rat poison).

Shoo !
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Everyone , except the Rats...

I have opted for the time being to keep the comments non moderated...call it democracy if you wish or just plain lazyness or better still difficult access to the internet.
Hello Hala, you write very well.
Ike and Savage - Good to read you both.
Little DEAR and Angel - I know you to be two tough cookies, so am not worried. I know you can deal with the rats too.
JR - Do not tell me you did not know that the Middle East was colonized by the not so Great Britain and France. Surely you do not want me to believe that someone who has supposedly an IQ of 130 does not know this historical fact - duh duh JR.
Hi Fatima and thanks for passing by again.
Thanks Madhouse - that was beautiful.
Hello Meagan and thank you.
Yolanda - Hello. Please tell me if you still experience problems with firefox. Someone wrote to me and told me they still can't read it. Asking me to make it lighter. Any lighter and it will become transparent.
Hi Diana Fellini...:-) I heard people hang their toothbrushes from the ceiling in New York city. Seems those pests are all over.
TAI -Why should I moderate the comments. They can't divert anything however much they are paid. The truth on the ground remains the truth. They are idiots.
Anonymous - I read Martin Lings it is excellent. I believe that Karen Armstrong is now agnostic. She left the convent but has remained curious about God.
True one cannot compare Andalusian spain to lets say colonial north Africa. 600 years of muslim rule in spain gave great contributions to world civilizations. One cannot say the same about Anglo French rule in Africa and the Middle East.
We have seen nothing from the west but arrogance and pillaging.
Sapperinwire- Good to see you again.
Falasteeni- Falastin will always be falastin walaw kareeha al kafferoon.
Iraqimedic - hello.
Stay tuned for more. I am still digesting some sad news and will spit it out as soon as I can.

Best to you all except the roaches or the rats of course.
Anonymous said…
actually layla i did not know the whole muslim world was colonised....i knew abt the middle east
Anonymous said…
.......not that it matters, as iq has nothing to with knowledge of history
Anonymous said…
actually layla, u mite be interested to know that the latest iq test i took my iq shot up to 137...top 0.5%
Anonymous said…
Truth About Iraqis said...
Layla, isn't it time to moderate your comments section? There are people who are paid to come to blogs and divert attention by stirring the shit.


how much do these people get paid? and who pays these people??
Anonymous said…
Lady Layla, gracious as always to respond to everyone individually :)
Anonymous said…
Angel said...
Maitraya, I just read one of your blogs, something about Christians, where your words say, quote "tell Layla Anwar to shut her stupid mouth".


that is DISGUSTING....why would anyone say such a vile thing??
Anonymous said…
شكرأ لك علي الاستمرار في الكتابه ،انا أوئكد لك بأن الكتايه هي أعضم الاسلحه تأثيرأ علي عقول الناس،قد يكون التأثير بطيئ ولكن سوف يكون حاصل محصل


well said
Anonymous said…
Jr., who pays them? Chalabi's INC? The Renden Group? Who knows, who cares. They're wasting their money. It used to be that everyone would take the bait and argue endlessly. Now most have learned to just ignore them.

I don't even bother to read them, I scroll past and filter them out. They might as well be invisible.

Layla is right to not censor them. That way they show their hand and everyone can see them for what they are. Nothing they say or do can change the truth on the ground.
Anonymous said…
btw Layla, the safest place for a toothbrush in New York City (should you ever go there) is in the refrigerator ;)
Anonymous said…
Jr, why would anyone say such a vile thing??

They obviously feel threatened by what she's saying, or they wouldn't bother trying to shut her up.

More power to Layla. She's obviously rattling some nerves.
Anonymous said…

My dear brother you have come a long ways from the cold hearted person you once was. This is very good.

You really don't have to tell us how smart you are, but rather how big of a heart you have. For one all the brains in the world without a heart is cold and lonely.

I believe Layla's blog brings a lot of truth with a big heart, let her guide you on the same path and you will have lots of real friends right here.

We are not looking to be impressed on Layla's blog, but seeking the truth no matter how sad it is. As an earlier poster said she is our light to this truth.

Take care my good brother!

Savage American Warrior
Anonymous said…
jr I Hope for their sakes the jews can take out the Hofjuden. sapperinthewire
Anonymous said…
>>this is a classical example of >>studying history from the >>relative morals of today

There were religious movements then which are considered pacifist and enlightened even in the present. Ever hear of Buddhism and Jainism?

>>islam never contained intrinsic >>hatred towards any of monotheist >>religions

Since Mo borrowed from the former two, this was logical.

>>of course monotheism was never >>novel, being religion of adam

What do they teach in science class in the sandlands?

>>Islam spreaded justice, morality, >>good governance (do read
>>something about the society at >>that time)

Do you have any information on pre-islamic societies from impartial sources? Humans are and were nothing more than killer apes. Muslims in particular have always reminded us of this.

>>The only difference being that it >>was religious ideology that
>>degenerated in cases of judaism >>and christianity, and in case >>of islam, it was the muslim >>society.

What do you think of shiites and their imams ?

>>It was one society which happened >>to be muslim taking over other >>societies

And the religious injunction to spread Islam throughout the world had nothing to do with this?

>>Please try to find credible >>examples of genocide, racial
>>extermination, or anything of the >>scale committed by muslims

The most recent one was the Armenian genocide by the Army of Islam.

>>Now this must not be confused >>with colonialism. Conquering >>and invasion was a norm at one >>time, and the invading army used >>to take over and settle in the >>new lands.

And then form a parasitic ruling class denying the native population any share in power. This is somehow morally superior to the european practice of using their colonies as sources of raw materials?

>>Colonialism had other objectives >>altogether. It was institutional >>slavery of societies.

Muslims invaders ruling over non-muslim natives is institutional slavery.

>>what is happening today around >>us, are theonly events which >>really require to be scrutinized >>with the social, ethical and >>moral standards of the society >>today

Some societies were more ethical than others, see above.
Besides, why condemn the crusades then? They were a reaction to the muslim invasions of Europe.
Anonymous said…
Hope you are alright, Layla....

TAI, I tend to agree with other posters here - we get to know the scum and their thoughts, which is good in a way, although they are tiresome.

Jr., it's nice to see you back - and I just laughed to read about your increase in IQ!!!! Must be through what you are gaining here on this site!!! Seriously, though, it's nice to see you back - by the way, do you read Arabic? I have a feeling you don't, so how do you know what was written in the Arabic post to warrant the comment: well said?!!!!!

SAW, nice to see you again, too.

Diana, absolutely right. Layla's posts do rattle some nerves, with the Truth she brings. So when people are cornered, their only response is being vicious, to hide their own insecurity.

Thank you, Layla....you and all Iraqis/Iraq are in the thoughts and prayers of those who love you all.
Anonymous said…
canadian atheist,
What is your "information on pre-islamic societies from impartial sources?" Just the usual israhelli & American zionazi anti-Arab and anti-islam propaganda. "Humans are and were nothing more than killer apes" is a good description of ameronazis, euronazis and zionazis, ie mental castrati of your ilk, canadian atheist zionazi barbarian.
Anonymous said…
name calling again, are we? That seems to be the level of discourse here.
Anonymous said…
Atheist: Name calling only happens when the likes of you decide that others must read the kind of rubbish you post - without contradictions. Nobody's invited you here...go elsewhere - there's loads of sites where you would feel at home.

Jr., I am quite enjoying your monosyllables or one-liners!!! It's better than reading some of the trash posted here (not by regulars, and other sensible posters, I must add), and I enjoy a hearty laugh! Thank you!!!!

Hope you are okay, Layla.....
Anonymous said…




Anonymous said…
Jr I the case of the paid bloggers They are FBI Div# 5 out of Denver,others are paid israeli zionist B loggers pay grade N/A...siw

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