A Second Coming.

Iraq is the biggest sacrifice any people can offer for the sake of "Truth".

The Iraqi "entreprise" or "experience" is the fig leaf that has unmasked many...
Many Americans, many Westerners, many Arabs, many Iranians...many Christians, many Jews and many Muslims...including the Dalai Lama. (So Buddhists save your breath.)

Iraq is our cross and Iraq is your salvation - of that I am certain. It is an intuitive knowledge. I just know it to be true. The same way I knew that the dream I had several months prior to the 2003 invasion to be a premonitory one.

Only does the dream, I had back then, make sense now. I alluded to that dream in one of my earliest posts and titled it "The Crucified Boy and his Ressurection.".

Six months or so, prior to our "Liberation", I had this powerful oneiric vision.
I remember waking up in the very early hours of the morning, drenched in sweat and crying my eyes out. I relayed that dream to some members of my family - a dream that forebode what was later to unfold in Reality.

I dreamt of a very old wooden cross planted on Iraqi soil. I saw two American GI's lifting a young boy (around 11), lifting him from his upper arms and nailing him on that cross.
In the dream, the sun set very quickly and everything got shrouded in a thick obscurity. The GI's walked away, leaving the boy on the cross.
I remember seeing the earth scorched brown black. I said to myself in the dream :
" Darkness has landed and will cover all of us."

I knew that America was not only going to invade us but will also crucify us one by one. After 13 years of embargo torture, we were to meet our final fate.

Needless to say the dream proved to be true. So we have been and continue to be crucified...

Surely something "good" will come out of all of this? Surely all this suffering cannot go to waste? Yes, something good will come out - Your salvation.

We are going to save you and liberate you. Save you and liberate you from the grips of your own Evil.

The Evil of your indifference, your apathy, your complacency, your blindness, your ignorance, your arrogance, your haughtiness, your greed, your lies, your deceit, your denial, your viciousness, your cruelty, your death wish...

Each one of us is a splinter on that wooden cross and the little boy is "Innocence".
And you have crucified Innocence and this Innocence will save you.

And we will resurrect. Maybe not on the third day, but resurrect we will. That is the grand Design, that is the Plan. I just know.

And you will have millions of resurrected bodies, young and old waiting for you with open arms. And you will come running, blinded by the Force that will transpierce you like beams of Light.

Each tear, each wound, each scar will be like golden drops of rain, like golden flags waving in the firmament. Flags of Victory.

And those of you who pretended to see whilst deliberately closing their eyes will be left out.
Left out in that same Darkness, on scorched desert grounds...Left out in that same Obscurity I saw in the dream.

How can you otherwise explain all that suffering? I tell you - It is nothing but a preparation.

Do not think you can simply turn on your heels and go back doing what you do best: lying, plundering, pillaging, stealing, raping, torturing, killing...It is not possible. Life is not an exercise in Futility.

So yes it is a preparation. For we are the Cross, the Body, the Flesh and the Blood.
And you are nothing but the thorns and the nails...

We will resurrect, I promise you.

So pay heed, for our second coming is in the making. And what a mighty one it will be.

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Betool Fekaiki.


Anonymous said…
wow scary stuff layla....the future doesnt look very bright
Anonymous said…
actually i dont really understand what u mean!! westerners will get punished for their actions but i dont really understand how.....im a bit lost on the 2nd part of your post
Layla Anwar said…
Khalil, ask Cadillac- He will explain to you. He seems to have developed a "taste" for "Sunday" posts.
Anonymous said…
layla cadillac is just a numpty.....i doubt he understands anything

plz can u explain 2 me everything after this bit:
"Yes, something good will come out - Your salvation"

i dont really understand.....

Anonymous said…
ps. i hope i will not be bracketed with these evil people.....i played no part in there schemes
Anonymous said…
ps. this word verification is really annoying.....i hope its actually useful in dettering the hacking
Layla Anwar said…
JR, I do not like this word verification too. But I received a note from blogger.com telling me that I am a spammer and my blog is spamming blogger.com and it contained objectionable content.
I am not sure what to make of that.
So word verification is in order for the time being.
Besides I have developed an allergy to Titus the Cretinus and so hoping that word verification will deterr him from his nonsensical meaningless verbiage.
Anonymous said…
One of the best.

Layla, can you tell me what the lottery number will be next week?
I'll give you half the winnings.
Anonymous said…
khalil, go back to using Jr. At least then, your stupid questions had an excuse.
Anonymous said…
JR, I do not like this word verification too. But I received a note from blogger.com telling me that I am a spammer and my blog is spamming blogger.com and it contained objectionable content.
u should just tell them that your blog keeps getting hacked, and see what they recommend

Anonymous said...
khalil, go back to using Jr. At least then, your stupid questions had an excuse.
anon u twat.......how many times....if i tell u to fuck off in another thread plz dont take your anger out on me in a new thread....u idiotic piece of shit
Anonymous said…
" blogger.com telling me that I am a spammer and my blog is spamming blogger.com and it contained objectionable content."


come to think of it.....the objectionable content was probably titus
Anonymous said…
Can you please elaborate on the Dalai Lama? I was never enaomoured
by him or his protoge, Richard Gere. (The latter has been smooching C Grade Indian actresses
in public of late and getting into trouble).
Layla Anwar said…

The Dalai Lama in an interview on al Jazeerah did not once condemn the American aggression on Iraq...
He thought we are making small positive steps...
Anonymous said…
Extremely poignant, Layla. I've taken the liberty of posting it on my blog. I hope you don't mind.

As for the Dalai Lama, enough said! I really don't know what the fuss is all about. Indeed, he could have done so much. What a waste!
Anonymous said…
[Do not think you can simply turn on your heels and go back doing what you do best: lying, plundering, pillaging, stealing, raping, torturing, killing...It is not possible. Life is not an exercise in Futility.]

Sure it is. 16 million living men have Genghis Khan's chromosomes.

As Voltaire said, "we shall
leave this world as foolish and as wicked as we found it on our

BTW, are you vegetarian? Such melodrama doesn't sound well from a meat eater.
Anonymous said…
Laila, and also, FurGaia, thank you for enlightening me on the Dalai Lama--no pun intended. Guess truth about Iraq and the killing of 3 mln Iraqis since '91
"are very complex issues" which do not warrant condemnation from the Buddha incarnate. But am sure he will have no problems finding the right words to condemn the kidnapping of a few Western 'hostages' in Iraq or evangelicals in Afghanistan.
Anonymous said…
Dear Laila,

As an Iranian, I would like to say, your pain is my pain and your suffering is my suffering.

If there are Iranians who have remained silent while the genocide in Iraq is taking place, I condemn them. If there are Iranians who have collaborated with the Invaders, I condemn them doubly.

The descendents of East India Company are trying in vain to set us up, one against another, and reap the benefits of discourd.

I very much understand what you say that the crucification of Iraq is going to be the salvation of our souls. It is rather telling that those who crucified Christ on the Temple Mound have morphed into the East India Company. They are the hate mongers and the war profeteers. They are those who have pleasure in seeing the suffering of the Arabs.

We should never allow them to carry the mantle of victimhood again and we should never allow them to put us one against the other.

My salvation is the realization that the suffering of my Iraqi brother is my suffering. My salvation is that the suffering of my Kurdish brother is my suffering. My salvation is that the suffering of Turkish brother is my suffering.

It is rather telling that the Invaders are The Worshipers of Huns. It is rather telling that as the case in Bukhara, those who survived are those who opened the gates when Mongols arrived. It is rather telling that those who orgnaized this war under false pretense, are the descendent of those Huns. They managed to do play one German tribe against another, one European nation against another and financed the enslavement of millions of Black men but their own evil turned on to themselves and they were wiped off the face of history at the end of the last millinium never to return to their former stature but still plotting to resurrect the rule of Satan.

I can only tell you that of all the Iranians who I have know, only those who are related to the Huns, those who have betrayed their own country and those who have collaborated with the dark cult of MEK are having pleasure in the suffering of the Children of Iraq.
Anonymous said…
In response to the comment on Laila Anwars blog by an anonymous coward who sang the praise of Chengis Khan as 16.000.000 men are his descendants:

Regarding the Ghengis Khan story, dear Anonymous Coward or ignorant GI, you are no Khan but a servant of the Khan. Your are mislead and are spilling your Mid-Western blood to the benefit of the Khan-to-be Kissinger and his lineage.

As they are the descendents of those who collaborated with Attila, known the way also as the scourge of Christianity, you are serving the anti-Christ.

Satan promises a lot, Satan delivers a little, Satan will keep you happy till he enslaves your soul and plants his DNA into your lineage.
Alwyn said…
Aah, Layla

Words can't describe the horrors that you are going through, nor can apologies suffice for reparation.

I too, am a dreamer. Back before this whole 9/ll drama started, in 2001 I dreamt that the moon came too close to the earth, it was so close that you could see all these conflagrations on the surface of the moon. It was so close that these fires leapt from off of the moon and came down through the heavans to light the earth on fire. I too awoke weeping, to the smell of the hills of San Bernardino burning, and I knew that carnage was coming, and there was nothing much I could do.

Layla, we are a powerless people, we small folk over here. You don't hear about us, we don't get any press. We have no weapons, but we care; we talk, we organize, we write, we educate. All good people know this is a travesty, we are all in agreement that this madness must end. God knows how, but we will keep working, and sooner or later we will prevail.

I can only hope that the Loving Heart of the universe gathers the war torn and lost ones to a more lovely home, and that this war indeed turns out to be "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Anonymous said…
From the tyranny of evil men against the weak, and yet I can't seem to care.
Anonymous said…
“Oh my God, I trust in thee, let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me.” -- Psalm 25:2

“Blessed is the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress, my high tower, and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I trust who subdueth mine enemies under me." -- Psalm 144:1-2
Angel said…
Hi Layla,

Brilliant and prophetical.

What a disturbing and intuitave dream to have prior to invasion.

Indeed, darkness has definitely landed upon you, and the cross is a heavy burden at this point in time.

I found a little something you will not find amusing. In it you will see that Iraq is not the only one that was/is in the American's perceived path to greatness.

Sowing And Reaping
The Origins Of Terror
Powerful 2 Minute Video

The cost and consequence of U.S. foreign policy.

Take care.
Anonymous said…
“Oh my God, I trust in thee, let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me.” -- Psalm 25:2

“Blessed is the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress, my high tower, and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I trust who subdueth mine enemies under me." -- Psalm 144:1-2
Angel said…

that this war indeed turns out to be "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Not only is it full of sound and fury, but death and destruction are rampant. That is signifies nothing.....

Every life means something to someone, somewhere is this world. The lives already lost are of significant numbers...therefore it signifies something. An awful lot of somethings.

Zionswine should never ever quote Scripture because U r equivalent to Lice.
Alwyn said…
Angel said...

that this war indeed turns out to be "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Not only is it full of sound and fury, but death and destruction are rampant. That is signifies nothing....

Angel, the quote is from Shakespeare, from a line essentially telling mortals not to be afraid...

I never said, nor meant to imply that this war was nothing; more to the point I meant that, in the End, (as in Judgement Day) it would be AS nothing. When the Gatherer of Souls resurrects the just, the shadow wars of a shadow earth will be no more. The dead are the lucky ones here. It is the living who suffer the wars, and the living who must do something about it.
Angel said…

That was irony in my reply, nor did I mean to imply that you were inplying that the war was nothing.

Does that make sense?

I guess you would have to believe in a Gatherer of Souls, and a Judgement Day, for that to happen, and I don't.

Shadow wars and shadow earth? No.
I don't do Shakespeare either.

There is too much reality, with all of this, for me to believe in something I cannot see or feel.
There are shadows enough without me imagining more.

You have obviously found something you are comfortable with and believe in. That is a good thing.

Sorry, they are just fairy stories for me.
Anonymous said…
JR wondered (just for a change !!):

" 'Yes, something good will come out - Your Savation.'

i don't really understand..... "

Salvation = MATURATION

We the INDIVIDUAL Iraqis are DUTY-BOUND to keep on physically eliminating the INDIVIDUAL Westerners and Persians AS LONG AS they diabolically persist in their arrogant, stupid and barbaric occupation of our country, but then Iraq's OVERALL "strategy" is an infinitely compassionate, generous and LIFE-GIVING one: lifting the "curse" of ETERNAL INFANCY from their immature, megalomaniac, hubristic, excessive, insatiable, profoundly lonely and desperate civilizations, and rendering them AWARE of their limits, RESPECTFUL of themselves and others and capable to live in HARMONY with the rest of mankind.

Blessed be your vision and immense heart, dear Layla, Shahrazad-like transformer of so many "little" worlds ..
Anonymous said…
Everyone, it is to be expected that Titus the Cretinus and his likes will be redoubling their pathetic efforts to oppose the inevitable in the next decisive times, as they feel their "fortress" of Manichean certainties shaking, but in the end they will be defeated and confronted with an historical choice: to evolve into real human beings or to follow the fate of their "behavioral models" the Neanderthalians and every other non-adaptable species since the beginning of time.
Trajan should have ended up in the abortion bucket and his Skank mother sterilised.

Because NITS grow into LICE
Anonymous said…
Absolutely brilliant, Layla. Every word a nail on the soul..

They're already Neanderthals, Hala: the illegal invasion and occupation and destruction of Iraq has already determined that.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Amir,

Thank you for your comments. Amir is one of my favorite names for personal reasons. My first crush's name was Amir and he was an Iranian...A great guy indeed.
I know that not all Iranians accept what is happening in Iraq and a few do not accept their govt's intervention in collaboration with the US in wrecking havoc in Iraq. And I know I can come down hard on Iran - but I trust that you know when I say Iran- I am not including people like yourself or others who happen to be silent and who may feel like you do. I have an Iranian girlfriend with whom I have kept contact for years and she has similar thoughts to yours...And I always appreciate that kind of feedback for it gives me hope.
So thank you.
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Alwyn and thanks for visiting my blog.
I know that some of you folks are powerless...I realize that. But a majority of you are not powerless.
The American people stopped the vietnam war did they not? When there is a will there is a way Alwyn.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Angel and thanks for the link- will check it out...what does it contain ? Warn me. More horror stories?
Layla Anwar said…

I'll take 75% if you don't mind. There is lotto, russian roulette and American-Iranian roulette. Which do you prefer?
By the way is Pinoc short for Pinocchio? If yes, the deal is off.
Layla Anwar said…
Hu Furgaia. No I don't mind. Thanks.
Layla Anwar said…
Genghis Khan Anonymous,
That was very stupid comment from you. I am sure at least, G.Khan and his men had more brains.
Layla Anwar said…
Hala, hello and shlonich?

Maturation is one way of looking at it.
But there is more.
G.Bush and his christians zionists ideology believe in the second coming of Christ in Jerusalem. Bush and Co believe that they are preparing the grounds for the second coming. They really believe that Christ will bless them and their zionists friends. As if Christ is known to bless murderers and oppressors!
But maybe just maybe, Christ's second coming will happen but albeit in Iraq. They will meet their rapture there for sure.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Little Deer, will reply to your latest.
Bless you
Anonymous said…
damn, layla you are good!
Pinoc is short for pinoccio, but only because the wood/cross topic.

ok, I'll give you 80% of the winnings. I promise!!

on another note. the more I read other blogs, the more I love this blog. there's nothing better than words written from the heart.

yalla, give me the numbers...
Anonymous said…
[That was very stupid comment from you.]

Sure. You keep sucking your thumb dreaming about the divine plan.

[The Evil of your indifference, your apathy, your complacency, your blindness, your ignorance, your arrogance, your haughtiness, your greed, your lies, your deceit, your denial, your viciousness, your cruelty]

As I said, this sounds downright hypocritical from a fucking arab muslim.
Anonymous said…
anon after pinoc

go find another tree to bark up. you freaking loser!
Anonymous said…
thank u layla for taking the time out to respond to questions by your readers
Anonymous said…
We the INDIVIDUAL Iraqis are DUTY-BOUND to keep on physically eliminating the INDIVIDUAL Westerners and Persians AS LONG AS they diabolically persist in their arrogant, stupid and barbaric occupation of our country, but then Iraq's OVERALL "strategy" is an infinitely compassionate, generous and LIFE-GIVING one: lifting the "curse" of ETERNAL INFANCY from their immature, megalomaniac, hubristic, excessive, insatiable, profoundly lonely and desperate civilizations, and rendering them AWARE of their limits, RESPECTFUL of themselves and others and capable to live in HARMONY with the rest of mankind.


nice won hala......
Anonymous said…
Janice said...

Zionswine should never ever quote Scripture because U r equivalent to Lice.


Trajan should have ended up in the abortion bucket and his Skank mother sterilised.

Because NITS grow into LICE


janice really, really hates jews
Anonymous said…
I know that some of you folks are powerless...I realize that. But a majority of you are not powerless.
The American people stopped the vietnam war did they not? When there is a will there is a way Alwyn.


good point layla.....where are all the protests we heard abt during the vietname war?? wots wrong alwyn...cat got your tongue?? where are all the protests u bitch????
Anonymous said…
layla if i may be so bold....i would like to quote my favourite political theorist noam (chomsky), which may or may not give u sum heart:

[Talking abt the iraq war in 2003]
" If you compare it with the Vietnam war, the current stage of the war with Iraq is approximately like that of 1961 - that is, before the war actually was launched, as it was in 1962 with the US bombing of South Vietnam and driving millions of people into concentration camps and chemical warfare and so on, but there was no protest. In fact, so little protest that few people even remember.

The protests didn't begin to develop until several years later when large parts of south Vietnam were being subjected to saturation bombing by B-52s, hundreds of thousands of troops where there, hundreds of thousands had been killed, and then even after that, when the protests finally did develop in the US and Europe it was mostly focused on a side-issue - the bombing of north Vietnam which was undoubtedly a crime, it was far more intense in the south which was always the US target, and that's continued. "


therefore going by his estimates.....we shud start seeing sum serious protesting going on very very soon
Layla Anwar said…
Anon Genghis Khan aka KKK, aka American asshole.

You see, little piece of dung that you are...The Divine plan was communicated to your prophet Bush.

Furthermore, your opinion of me is of no importance...As one bloggers states all the time..
Opinions are like assholes - everybody's got one...

However, in your sad case, the opinion and the asshole are one and the same.
Anonymous said…
As I said, this sounds downright hypocritical from a fucking arab muslim.


anon u crooked nosed little shit plz dont make racial remarks against the author of this fine blog
Anonymous said…
hi layla!
Layla Anwar said…
hey JR, what happened to Khalil?
Layla Anwar said…
Jr, Chomsky is full of hot air... and am being really polite now.
Anonymous said…
layla i read sum of khalil gibran's stuff and it wasnt really to my liking so i had to bin the name.....

chomsky is my favourite......i agree with you that he is wrong in his analysis abt shia sectarian groups in iraq but outside of that i cant fault him
Layla Anwar said…
Jr, seems to me that Chomsky is the ONLY thing that happened to Left America...
Good Grief. That is very sad indeed.
Try reading Gramsci or some of the new left like Habermas or even Foucault.
But Chomsky has run his course...
Layla Anwar said…
Forgot to add - James Petras...a little more digestible than Chomsky.
Chomsky refuses to see that insofar as the ME is concerned, American foreign policy has been mainly conducted by the Jewish American Lobby...
Chomsky INSISTS despite ALL evidence that American foreign policy in the ME primary impetus is Imperialism and that Zionism is only secondary and therefore (read) ultimately negligible...

I contend that American foreign policy in the ME is primarily conducted by the interests of the Jewish state and the full evidence for that is the composition of the Bush admin of zionists jews ranging from Perle, to Wolfowitz, to others...

A brief look at each one of the cv's of these advisors will tell you where their true loyalty lies...

Some Americans are aware that they have been hijacked by the Zionist lobby. They think it is Bush and Co.

Little do they know that their kidnapping has taken place a long long time ago...

Resolve the Palestinian issue and you will no longer witness what you are witnessing today in the ME.
Imperialism or no imperialism.
Anonymous said…
ok ill take a look layla but i dont really like all these philosiphical wankers like foucault...they never get to the point.....at least with chomsky u know what hes actually talking abt
Layla Anwar said…
ok then JR , stick to James Petras.
Anonymous said…
layla, if there was no zionist lobby in the us, do u think today they would be in iraq today trying to impose their control.......because i do
Anonymous said…
the americans that is......would they still be trying to control the middle east....because jews or no jews....i still think they would
Anonymous said…
The Signs just as the Resistance is every, so is it's Author. ...siw
Anonymous said…
The Signs just as the Resistance is every, so is it's Author. ...siw


that doesnt make any sense
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
still dont know what u mean but gramtically at least it makes sense
Anonymous said…
jr said...
the americans that is......would they still be trying to control the middle east....because jews or no jews....i still think they would


just 2 expand on my thesis here.....it is upon this hypothesis that i contend that the primary impetus of yankee foreign policy is indeed imperialism, n not jews...and therefore, i fully concur with chomsky
Anonymous said…
What an ignoramus you are, jr!
Anonymous said…
shut it ho chi min.....n piss off n go to bed
Anonymous said…
Chomsky claims that the Jewish lobby is no different form other lobbies - no normal-brained human being will ever believe this lie! Just see TOT's quotes, nearly everyone of them is a product of a zionazi mind. Every aspect of the American society - especially those concerned with forming the public opinion - is influenced by the zionazi mindset (just an example: Who is the author of The Clash of Civilizations???), propagated by Israhelli and Amrican zionazis. Your remark "janice really, really hates jews" is of the same silly caliber. Btw, George Galloway is another advocate of the theory that sees all the bad in the American imperialism and none of it in Israhell, the zionazis.
Anonymous said…
The last anonymous is Barabie -Barabie why don't you comment with your blog name. Is it because you had a falling out with Layla?
Anonymous said…
I'm not Barabie. How on earth can you lump her and me together?!
Anonymous said…
Layla, that was a wonderful post.

I notice that you seem to have hurt Kira too much for her to come back. Yet you said:

"Dear Amir,
Thank you for your comments. Amir is one of my favorite names for personal reasons. My first crush's name was Amir and he was an Iranian...A great guy indeed.
I know that not all Iranians accept what is happening in Iraq and a few do not accept their govt's intervention in collaboration with the US in wrecking havoc in Iraq. And I know I can come down hard on Iran - but I trust that you know when I say Iran- I am not including people like yourself or others who happen to be silent and who may feel like you do. I have an Iranian girlfriend with whom I have kept contact for years and she has similar thoughts to yours...And I always appreciate that kind of feedback for it gives me hope.
So thank you."

You can understand Iranians who hate the war, but you cannot understand westerners. Please try. We are human too.

I have no doubt that we will pay collectively for what has been done in our name to Iraq since 1991. I have often told people this, when I try to make them understand the horror of the invasion of your land.

But please don't chase us away. There are some of us who care desperately about Iraq - and Aftghanistan, and the Indians (have you read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"? I cried the second chapter of that.

I want to keep coming back to your blog. I NEED to read what you say. But also, I want to voice how I feel, and you've kindly given us that opportunity.

We are NOT being heard in our countries, any more than Iranians are being heard. Democracy now is just a stupid word for gentle totalitarianism.

That is the truth. Please understand.
Anonymous said…

I can understand your point about Chomsky but I think you're throwing out something of value because it's not perfect. If we could get only half the people over here to read (and understand)Chomsky, the whole world would benefit greatly. As for those other thinkers whom you mentioned, how many Iraqis or any other people have, or ever will, read them? You should keep your hopes down to people discovering writers like Petras. One step at a time. The masses will never have the time or the interest to go beyond and the deeper philosophies are not what will determine the outcome of events. We'll do better to focus on insisting on an honest Press to enlighten the people to reality.

Yes, the USAmerican people stopped the Vietnam war. However, the street protests were only a method of creating awareness in the masses. Those protests had, for the most part, ended a couple years before the ending of the war; because the US misleaders gave the order (to their guard dogs) to demonstrate that the protests would be met with government brutality to the maximum degree. At that point, however, it was too late to stop the movement. Now, the USAmerican people know that their government is even more dangerous to them under the Bush Cabal than they were in the 60's. So, even though I would love to see massed protest in the streets of the USA now (I do a lot of shouting about torches and pitchforks), I recognize that it's a long way from that (if ever again) and that the same basics are taking place now on the internet. It took twelve years to stop the war against the Vietnamese. It looks to me as if this attack on Iraq will be ended in half that. I hope so.

I believe that the Imperial proclivities of the USA and the Jewish Lobby in the US played an equal part in the attack on Iraq. That, however, was five years ago. One of the changes brought about by the Iraqi Resistance has been an opening of discussion in the US about our involvement with the Zionists. Five years ago, in the US, one dare not even mention the subject for fear of severe retribution. Now the subject is openly discussed by both left and right. True enough, it's out of pure self-interest (What have these mad Zionist drug us into?) but, one step at a time. On the other hand, there remains a deep denial within the USAmerican people about the imperial nature of their own society. The Central and South Americans suffered as much from US Imperialism as Iraq; it was just spread out over 50 years. And the criminal twelve year siege of Iraq can be compared to the cruel and deadly economic slavery that the Central and South Americans suffered under US Imperialism for more than a hundred years.

The heroic Iraqi Resistance is celebrated by people around the planet. They have not only brought to a halt the Imperial plans for your neighborhood, and points West and East, but they have also created the opportunity for others to break free. Hugo Chavez was one of the very few national leaders who spoke up loud and clear against the invasion of Iraq, and continues to do so; and the Venezuelans have used the opportunity of Bush's Imperial Troops being bogged down, exhausted and broken against the Iraqi Resistance to finally and at long last break free of US Empire; and to assist others like Bolivia, Nicaragua , Ecuador, Brazil... to gain their liberty from Empire as well. The Americas are only a part of the changes that have developed due to the intractable resistance of the Iraqis. (Putin has also used the opportunity to rebuild Russia's position as a counterweight in world affairs; and much more - worldwide.) Iraq has many friends around the world who are eager for your liberation. This is why the Empire is so psychotically resistant to the inevitable. My hope is that when Iraq wins their liberty from the Empire that they are able to overcome the divisions that have been created by the "divide and conquer" tactics used against them. Living well is the best revenge.

And, with this Empire coming to an end, I hope that the world community of nations will finally wake up and find a new way before the next Empire has a chance to rise and start the misery all over again.
Anonymous said…
Layla, I guess you have seen this, but if not, here's the link: http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/articles/show/136808-Layla+Anwar%3A+Shadows+on+a+Wall...+

Your voice is being heard!

Re hating Jews

Just the Zionist Jews. Which is nearly all of them.
Anonymous said…
Layla, just one more thing. You say:
"And those of you who pretended to see whilst deliberately closing their eyes will be left out."

Dear Layla, there are some of us who have been "deliberately" keeping our eyes wide open. And it hurts.

I found this somewhere, and it speaks to us who are "outsiders" in our own countries.

* * * * *

He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
-- Agamemnon; Aeschylus

* * * * *

I want you to know that I emailed every MP I could find, and there were many I could email back then - begging them not to go to war in Iraq - that Iraqis had already suffered too much. I copied Imad Khadduri's posts where he was trying to tell the world Iraq did NOT have WMD. They didn't listen. Now you can't bulk email our MPs anymore.

I don't want to be an "outsider" on your blog. Daphne
Anonymous said…
Daphne, I 'feel' what you say to Layla...welcome from me. Iraq is and forever will be the darkest blot on the collective conscience of the entire world.

It's about an illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign land; about years of sanctions, prior to the illegal invasion, which resulted in the deaths of half a million Iraqi children - there's no record on the adults who lost their lives due to lack of medication, etc.); about misleading the world about the President of Iraq and eventually taking his life, all supported by complicit western media; about the belief that Arab/Middle Eastern lives are not as important as western; about the belief that Arabs/Middle East should be TOLD by the west how to conduct their lives and run their countries (despite the fact that civilisation began here and that they are perfectly capable of doing all this without western (US/UK) meddling; about being misled on Islam; about being misled that all Arabs are 'terrorists' who 'hate our way of life'; about the deliberate destruction of a truly beautiful people who have not done anything to the rest of the world, particularly those who now occupy their land; about a cowardly and spineless UN Security Council which ALLOWED this to happen (the entire world SAW how Bush bullied nations here, including bribing them to support his evil and illegal invasion, based on LIES which were evident even at that time, if people took the trouble to find out); about Iraqi adults and children suffering from cancer as a result of radioactive material/depleted uranium being showered on to Iraq by the occupiers; about lusting for what belongs to others and not wishing to conduct legitimate trade but to steal, at any cost; about now creating millions of 'refugees' who have not even been accorded the status of 'refugee'; - the painful and blood-tainted list goes on and on.... Based on all this, perhaps, it can be understood why Kira, or others, cannot ever be trusted, particularly when they immediately go on the defensive.... After all, this is not a computer game, but about real LIVES, a real NATION, a living entity...and the half-hearted efforts/silence to stop this genocide is deafening. As someone said earlier, perhaps Layla, the horrors in Vietnam were brought to an end by ordinary people. So, why not Iraq? We now have the benefit of great advances in media - internet, T.V. - as compared with then. In the end, the onus to bring this to an end lies on the people whose countries are the occupiers of Iraq - whatever it takes, and they must be prepared to put up with some discomfort - and it won't be as bad as what's been done to Iraq/Iraqis, in their names.

There comes a time in our individual lives where we have to make a choice, of standing up for what is right, even if we stand alone or following the mindless herd, just to ensure we are comfortable. This choice is the turning point, and, after that, nothing is ever the same,, and we have to do everything in our power to bring about change.

The verse you've posted above is very relevant....

Jr., you're back, minus Khalil Gibran! Actually, I prefer you as Jr.!!! And I agree with Layla about Chomsky....

Long live Iraq...

Love you, Layla....
Anonymous said…

"Bush and Co believe that they are preparing the grounds for the second coming."

It is their SOULS which they should be cleansing for the Day of Judgement, NOT a physical spot in Jerusalem or anywhere else.

The same applies to the Jews: it is in their HEARTS where they should be seeking their "land of milk and honey", NOT "from the Nile to the Euphrates" or in any other geographical area.

In both cases, though, I firmly believe that the religious discourse is nothing but a "sublimation" of their lust for much, so very much EARTHLIER gains ..
Anonymous said…
Absolutely right, Hala...

And I wonder if such darkened souls can be cleansed at all, any more. Judging from their actions, they are ready to be banished to the deepest recesses of Hell.
Angel said…
Little Deer,

Re hell.

Isn't this hell on earth, right now?
Anonymous said…

Actually, I doubt VERY MUCH that the afterlife place called "Hell" could ever be more horrible than the "living hell" our poor long-suffering Mother Earth has been reduced to.

On the other hand, I am ABSOLUTELY certain that the other afterlife place called "Heaven", however sublime, could NEVER be more hauntingly beautiful than our savagely raped, murdered and dissected Iraq was in Her age of innocence ..
Anonymous said…
Angel and Hala:

Actually, you are right, except that it's the wrong people in this hell on earth. Those who deserve to be there have built their 'heaven' on the blood of innocents.

Hala, when you write about Iraq, Her age of Innocence and Heaven, how accurate you are. I know enough to believe you are right.
Anonymous said…
Little Deer,

As sorrowful as I, we may sound to you, rest assured that I, we never let that precious sorrow "rust" into hopelessness.

Iraq is truly the "Arab Phoenix" of the legend: many and different imperialistic powers from every corner of the earth have tried to burn Her down in Her nest throughout Her long and tormented history, and yet She has always managed to rise from Her ashes and soar high into the clear blue skies of Freedom.

Besides, after serving 35 years of "apprenticeship" with such an inveterate die-hard optimist as our "alchemy teacher" (glory and eternity to His unparalleled soul), we are now all highly skilled at changing lead into gold, sorrow into pride, defeat into victory, and individual death into national Resurrection.

Courage, "ça ira" !

Take care of yourself, little friend :-)
Anonymous said…

For goodness' sake, take that "Zionanistic" MUPPET Noam Chomsky and flush him down your memory's "toilet" at once !!

If you wish to make something better out of yourself than my average garden variety short-sighted, water-blooded and lazy-assed armchair pseudo-leftist, that is.
Anonymous said…
you spoke the truth about the reply to Amirs comment.IT should NOT matter where People live , but WHO they are,perhaps Arab perhaps from the west,the mutual concern and Love for a Country and its People is ALL that should be of concern. Enough said !!
Anonymous said…
you're right, we're all sick and tired of your and Daphne's melodrama!
Anonymous said…
good god. Can we end the psychoanalysis bullcrap.
Who gives a flying shit if they are/are not 'accepted' on a blog?!

Jr. glad you changed back. That other name didn't fit you at all.

I can't believe you actually like chomsky. He hides behind the ivory towers of 'academia', acting like his shit doesn't stink. He ridicules capitalism, but doesn't ridicule the fat paychecks he gets for his post at MIT, nor of his grandiose speeches.
Don't think 'universities' are any less susceptible to corruption than other places. In fact, many tenured professors at prestigious universities sit on the 'board of trustees' for other large companies. It's how they keep their interests protected. It's the good old boy network.
"You take care of me, I'll take care of you."
Universities like their 'world class' titles just as much as companies like profits.
Chomsky has found an audience and he's laughing all the way to the bank.
Anonymous said…
I summon my blue-eyed slaves anytime it pleases me. I command the Americans to send me their bravest soldiers to die for me. Anytime I clap my hands A stupid Genie called the American ambassador appears to do my bidding. When the Americans die my service their bodies are frozen in metal boxs by the U.S. Embassy and American airplanes carry them away as if they never existed.Truly, America is my favorite slave." King Fahd Bin-Aziz, jeddeh 1993
Anonymous said…
are you sure those are King Fahd's words? Aren't they spoken daily by the zionazi Israhellians??
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
WHO's the source?
Anonymous said…
please send that to cave #385 in the hindu kush. I'm sure Osama will be very disappointed to learn that his martyrdom was rejected so the blue eyed slaves could die in his place and on his home turf.
Zaidan said…
Iran and the Peshmerga are stepping up their campaigns to purge Iraq of nationalists.

Ethnic cleansing campaign in Baghdad by the Mehdi murderers and in Mosul by the Peshmerga.

The valiant Iraqi resistance downed a helicopter in Mosul.
Anonymous said…
Ever so true, dear Hala - it's all there in the history books, if anyone cares to read. And Iraq WILL rise, as it has countless times in its history. Only, so many, many innocents have paid the price.

While the so-called media shows occupier soldiers and other representatives abusing, torturing and killing Iraqis every day, and while their leader struts in false self-confidence, they do not show that the occupiers haven't gained an INCH of Iraq, thanks to the wonderful Iraqi Resistance,(who they prefer to call 'terrorists' and 'insurgents') which represents not only Iraq but all other nations which have been brutalised by the barbarians.

Kira, you have no idea of the backgrounds/origins of anyone on these posts, and you should not assume. I am sure that that posters here come from different backgrounds and origins, but it's the way they contribute, which make them feel either welcome or not. It helps to have a deeper understanding of the people, culture and the country one purports to 'love', more so after it's been making the headlines worldwide for the past four years - actually, more than that....
I am sure that, on this blog, one's origin does not matter and that the hostess of this blog is an astute judge. Don't forget for a moment, too, that what you take for granted has been completely destroyed for her and her people and that she has every right to respond to any one of us as she pleases.

A little humility instead of pomposity on your part would go a long way, I should think.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the zionazi barbarian,
I've heard your quote only fron zionazi mouths. On the other hand, I've seen and heard the Americans (Baker&Co) boasting about the servility of the Saudi sycophants.
Anonymous said…
source statedepartmnet.com ..statedept-7thissue
Anonymous said…
And since when is that a credible source?
Anonymous said…
there is NO source to this quote.....therefore we can all assume its FALSE unless it can be verified or i say so
Anonymous said…
i second little dear. daphne n kira STOP being so sensitive.

"little dear".....lets not waste time talking over irrelevent matters like what username i use....their r much more important matters at hand!
Anonymous said…
There is no Melodrama ,this are Facts.
Anonymous said…
"The valiant Iraqi resistance downed a helicopter in Mosul."
nice won.....u can try but u just cant keep them down....good stuff
Anonymous said…
what is everyones problem with the great noam chomsky??? ok so hes a zionist but thats not the end of the world......he makes sum really good points and i for one think hes great
Anonymous said…
hello hala......plz dont be so disparaging abt noam.....ok so hes not perfect but i really like his works.......n im not even a leftist!!
Anonymous said…
fire fly.....i didnt like the name anyway......but that little diatrabe against noam was uncalled for.....i believe he has already addressed the point u made
Anonymous said…
there are many zionazi sites claiming to be independent sources, but in reality paid by the zionazis to demonize evryone except the ameronazis and zionazis.
Anonymous said…
i think the american public only protested against the vietnam war cos they were being forced 2 get up of their ginormous backsides and fight themselves.............if the us government introduced the draft for the current occupation of iraq.......rest assured the morons wud out there like a shot protesting
Anonymous said…
Get lost, Jr.! You don't post too many 'useful' comments yourself!
Anonymous said…
Facts are that NO ONE here knows the background of any one therefore should not be a judge . I will leave you People to your sometimes very brisk Debate,and tend to Affairs important to the matter.
Anonymous said…
Little Deer said...
Get lost, Jr.! You don't post too many 'useful' comments yourself!


shut up little dear.....this is not the time 2 b getting involved in petty arguements
Anonymous said…
here we judge everyone only by the WORDS they say, not by their "background".
Anonymous said…
Jr., will your next 'name' be .....Chomsky, by any chance???!!! You've given me reason to laugh, you silly person!!! Actually, thank you, for often bringing in a reason to smile! I like your comment on Vietnam!
Anonymous said…
yes and Insulting Words are the main Topic on the Agenda!!
Anonymous said…
no little dear i will be sticking to this for the forseeable future......n wot i said abt the protests on vietnam is true!!.....if their own life was in danger then i am sure u wud see a lot protests
Anonymous said…
you're getting disgustingly pathetic.
Anonymous said…
Absolutely right, Jr. And I'm glad you will stick to this name!

Kira, your colours are showing through now - typical American, who expects everyone to swoon in your presence. You don't like it here, please go elsewhere. You're very lucky you're just getting 'insulting words', as you put it. There's innocent people who are getting bullets - do try to sort that out instead of whining here.
Anonymous said…

"ok so hes a zionist but thats not the end of the world"

Anonymous said…
sum very harsh people here!!
Anonymous said…
lol ok hala but we'll agree 2 disagree over the great man
Anonymous said…
When I first entered this Bolg I expressed my Sorrow and Compassion for the Country and the People of Irak!
The Blog stirred many Memories of other times,and I was very honest about my feelings.
Immidiatly I was ridiculed from many, (Hostess included)just because I live at the Moment in the US.and yet I made it a Point that I`m very much against the Invasion and the US Gov.,,it did NOT matter,to most of you,you kept on talking shit.. Then you wonder when I get pissed!!
Therefore dont waste any more time correcting me and talking nonsense about me,pay Attention to the Issue and to whats going on

This was/is absolutly not fair,especially coming from such a political/international orientated group.There are some "real" People on this blog ,little deer for one and I do wish them fruitful Debates.
Anonymous said…
Little Deer,
I just now read your last entry,sorry to dissapoint you but I`m very familier with real bullets and real death.
Anonymous said…
Be polite to all, but a intimate with few.
Anonymous said…
Okay, Kira, apologies if I flew off the handle.

Iraq, as you must know, is a very explosive subject (pun unintended). It has caused divisions among friends and also families as it evokes very strong feelings.

I had switched off my computer but your post above the last brought me back as I felt it was important to apologise to you....
Anonymous said…
I shall sprinkle fairy dust to make all the anger, hurt and insults go away.
deep breath in, deep breath out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Layla, I'm sending the bill in the mail.
Anonymous said…
Thank you little deer,

Apology exepted.
I feel that you are a very sensitive Individual Yes, Irak is a sensitive aka explosive Subject.
Have a good Night....
Anonymous said…
unless layla tells you to stop visiting this blog, then don't leave. you need to develop some thicker skin. layla has written some amazing posts and you should enjoy them.
Anonymous said…
Hi layla,

I went to the houses of parliament today and told them that the Iraqi people were in need of democracy.

I told the parliament that the Iraqi's were living under a dictatorship, who are starving the people, murdering families and stopping children from getting an education.

One woman called Ann Clwyd stood up and asked me how she can help and I said that what Iraq needs is a Campaign Against Repression and for Democratic Rights, to which she agreed, along with a campaign to INDICT the present Iraqi regime.

The CIA also called me later this evening, at around dinner time and asked if I needed any money, to which I said yes.

Those kind people are also giving me my own bankmanager, who is apparently a contortionist and able to fit in the backs of cars.

They are also passing a bill through congress, which will allow the Americans to give me pots of cash, to write stories on chemical gassing, weapons of mass destruction, ethnic cleansing and indiscriminate killing.

How kind that they will also, along with my new British friends, help to pay and translate leaflets into Farsi so that we can bring Freedom to Iraq.

Both sides also asked if I needed anything else and told them that a few Marines wouldnt go a miss either, as I told my contortionist bankmanager tonight they are for personal use only.

How kind that they have agreed to this, which shows to me the obvious committment of the West to building freedom and democracy inside of Iraq.
Anonymous said…
I've caught up on all the latest input, and I want to say one thing.

Fire Fly, you said:
daphne, good god. Can we end the psychoanalysis bullcrap.

I don't care what situation we are writing about, "psychologising" as you call it, which I call compassion, is needed for each of us. We all are hurting in our own ways. And if we westerners are very angry about Iraq, then we are often quite alone.

What has become very clear though is that this forum is worth returning to and for that I thank Layla.

An excellent book exposing much of the truth about Saddam, by the way, is Saddam Hussein (Chelsea House Library of Biography) by Nita M. Renfrew (Author).

You can only get it second hand, but it is quite cheap through Amazon. Now there are a few available. When I wanted it years ago, I had to wait a very long time. Of course it is no longer published - but it should be.

I've just ordered a second one, so I can pass one around and if it gets "lost", as so many books do, I will always have the other one.

I am always trying to MAKE PEOPLE AWARE of what is happening in Iraq, no matter how much they don't really want to know. And people often seem to trust books rather than net articles.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, are you for real???!!!

The west is NOT kind to Iraq. Are you talking "tongue in cheek"???
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien said...
Iraqi Democrat, are you for real???!!!

The west is NOT kind to Iraq. Are you talking "tongue in cheek"???


Anonymous said…
NO question that the war in Iraq is wrong. But when will the women of Iraq and Iran and of all theocracies have equal rights to the men?

This is a much bigger issue, especially if you're female and trying to live in an Islamist society.

what are you doing for womens' rights in Iraq?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the ameronazi barbarian,
what a disgusting hypocrite you are!
Btw, every society has the right to live according to its laws and not yours!!! You have no right to tell others how they must live!!!
Anonymous said…
Jesus says you must accept atonement for yourself. You are a continuing temporal
re-association that locates it somewhere and believes that he’s in an objective association
of space/time. Not only that but he believes the body that he is involved with is a validation
of that space/time. Jesus says very simply on the mount, and Paul says it – your body is not
real because this place is not real. This is a particular way to look at it, since it is going to
require the conversion of your own body to make the place real. As long as you believe
you can convert the place, you’ll be trapped in a space/time location. The place is an
effect of your own mind, but you don’t know that. So you keep trying to make places
holy. Let every place be holy and you will temporally, in your own experience, make it a HOLY
space/time relationship.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the Jesus,
if Mother Nature has forgotten to put a brain into your head, that's your problem, which doesn't give you the right to come bullshitting your crap on this site.
Anonymous said…
If you want to get angry, or share anger, be ANGRY! at the meaningless use and abuse with which ANGER deludes your brothers and sisters.

If you want to feel guilty, or share GUILT, or impose GUILT! THEN BE GUILTY! Be GUILTY of the love that I feel for You right now, Because as I share that love with You, I ensure that it is mine. For I can only give to my -SELF-
Anonymous said…
you have no love to share. All that you have to share is hubristic imbecility and total lack of rational judgement.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the Jesus (good one!) you talk rubbish.
Anonymous said…
To all those who are in love with the US and its "democracy" I suggest reading the interview (about Haiti) on www.democracynow.org.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, I wish you would give yourself a name to distinguish you from the other one!

However, thanks for the update on Haiti. I first read about the horrors of Haiti in a book written by Stan Goff, who was a green beret, and left the army in disgust after what he saw happening there. I believe he often returns to Haiti, as he made many good friends there.

Same with South America. The US always backs the really evil leaders, who go on and murder more people. Chevez MUST be good, because the US hates him so!

Stan Goff called his book "Hideous Dream".
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien,
you're right, what the ameronazis and zionazis demonize as bad is - as a norm - in reality good. As to Chavez: IMHO he's the most charming person now on earth - he's got brain, he's got heart and he's got guts. No wonder he's so vilified by Bush&Co.
LostHere said…
My two cents…
Thank you Layla for always screaming the reality of Iraq to us.

Some one said “the horrors in Vietnam were brought to an end by ordinary people…”
Yes, and those ordinary people were Vietnamese. Please don’t think for a minute that it was the USAmerican youth. Sure they were protesting and mobilizing but for two main reasons, one it was the moment of peace, the time of hippies, really nothing to do with Vietnam, Vietnam just happened during tha time; the other one, a very important one was the military draft. A good number of USAmerican youth did not want to go to fight a war anywhere, and in the spirit of rebelliousness that they were living, they did just that, the rebelled… but please do not fool yourselves, it was the fierce resistance of the Vietnamese people that drove US forces out.

As for Chomsky, well yes, he is an academic, a linguistics professor, and yes, he has been a critic of US foreign policies for many years, but that does not make him a leader of the left… or a leftist for that matter. I don’t think he tries to be either, he expresses his opinions and just happens to be the more prolific and best published critic of US policies, that is all. In fact he is not that progressive nor to the left of anything besides the US administrations, republican or democrat, either or... The shame is that so many people (in the so called left) had to look at his thesis to have “words of their own”.

Zionism and US… a complicated matter to talk about, and even more complicated to separate them, as they are so intrinsically weaved than they seem to be only one (and in my opinion, they are). So I do agree with Layla, it’s not about the Zionist or Jewish lobby, nor is it about the Christian apocalyptic prophesies, those are just the toppings, the “icing on the cake” so to speak, those are just useful components to convince and subjugate the masses and their politicians, but the US and Israel are, at their core, just one. Obviously not one country, but certainly one ideology of dominion… and if we look at the way the USA was formed into the nation that it’s now, we can see the way Israel (Zion) is trying to make itself. It’s the same way, occupation, elimination of natives, annexation of lands, reservations, economic starvation, economic bribing etc.etc. The idea is to create the greater Israel, although even if that was ever achieved it would not end there, they are not calling themselves the “chosen people” for nothing.

And my last half cent…
If anyone still think of the US as a “beacon of democracy”, I would love to meet you because there is a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell…
Yes, it’s true that the US has potential to be an open society… in theory, but the fact is that half of USAmericans would not know how to live in such society and therefore they feel a lot more comfortable when following their “pastors” guiding. And there you have it. Baaaahhh! (nice complying sheep)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous "the good", you said:

"As to Chavez: IMHO he's the most charming person now on earth - he's got brain, he's got heart and he's got guts. No wonder he's so vilified by Bush&Co."

I have been reading a great deal about Russia at the moment. When the Zionist/Communists "revolutionised them, THAT was the real Holocaust of the 19th century. I had no idea of the suffering that went on there.

Now I am up to reading about Putin, and you know what? He comes across as a truly honourable man. I would love Layla's thoughts on him. I have wondered if he and his country (used to be called Holy Mother Russia) will one day be the ones to save us from ourselves.
Anonymous said…
Kira, thank you. Yes, I guess I am sensitive, particularly when it comes to Iraq....in my view, it is the WORST thing done by man (?) to innocent mankind, all in full view of the entire world, which continues to slumber...

Losthere, that's an interesting post. Thank you.

As for President Putin, Daphne, he IS an honourable man - loyal to his country and his people, very much like another special President who felt it was better to give up his life than to sell his soul to barbarians. And, yes, he may just be one to save the rest of us, together with the other hero, President Chavez, who has stood up to US hegemony.

Just watched a documentary on the Chagosians, inhabitants of Diego Garcia, who were forcibly removed from their islands, which were SOLD by their occupiers, Britain, to the other occupiers, US. And these two colonialist nations tell the world that others 'hate their way of life'.....
Anonymous said…
Little Deer, Just go buy "Killing Hope..." by William Blum for a very good overview of the horrific activities of the US "democratic" nation.

The only thing is, I do know that there are PTB higher than the US goverment who make the rules abd finance the devastation. HOWEVER, that does NOT excuse the fact that most of the people do not care enough to fight for the oppressed. When I am told that it's higher powers having taken over the US (and the UK and Australia) I will NOT let the people off that easily. We let it happen.

"Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler" is another good book, and there's one called "Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution" both by Antony C. Sutton.

And yes, John Kennedy, whom I presume you are speaking of, was a "good man". If ever you get the chance, read "Farewell America", written by a French man. It's downloadable somewhere on the net, and definitely worth reading.
Anonymous said…
And Little Deer, I was pleased to read your comments on Putin. The more I read the higher I regard him.
Anonymous said…
Daphne, a little correction because it is very important, as I should have been more explicit. No, it is not John Kennedy I speak of. The President I speak about is President Saddam Hussein, demonised by the US/UK, his personal dignity robbed by their media (the 'search for lice' and his being shown in his underwear immediately comes to mind), all an attempt to reduce him in the eyes of the world. BUT, despite all this, he went to the gallows, proud and dignified, and, rather that sell his soul, gave his life for his land and his people - he was 'offered' exile by the occupiers, but he refused. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Yes, perhaps, there will be some of his citizens who may not agree, and that is normal with every nation but, in the final analysis, ONLY his people are in the position to judge him, nobody else - his murder was conducted while the country is under occupation, against international law and everything just the citizens of the world believe in. The heinous deed has been done - but it achieved the opposite effect world wide that the moron Bush wished it would....I don't think there's any nation in the world which would accept a foreign 'power' to do this to its leader, whatever the citizens think and feel about him/her.

As for President Putin, merely observing him at the now famous 'Lobster party' was enough to raise his ratings sky high....
Anonymous said…
As to Putin:
everything about him is true as you say, but there are two things about him that you seeem to forget: 1) the genocide in Chechnya and 2) Russia has practically always stood with the western powers against the muslim/Arab world (especially regarding Palestine)! My take is: don't rely on Russians, Chinese or Indians!!!
Anonymous said…
layla anwar has a blog
Anonymous said…
Little Deer, I should have thought of Saddam Hussein. I am a lone supporter of him where I live. I have no idea how many times I've told as many who would listen of the "good things" he's done for Iraq, and that he was NOT a CIA puppet...

And what they did to him was indeed heinous. In fact, words fail me.

You know, I feel so much for Iraqis that I wish I could sit down with some of them and just listen. We could learn SO much. Well, I could.

Everything you said about the capture and hanging of Saddam was so disgustingly true that unless the west is totally depraved, everyone must have cringed - even a little.

I still say, though reading you wrongly, that JFK was a MUCH better president that the US press gives him credit for, and I even think all this would never have happened under him.

But back to the hanging of your President. Just imagine Americans being happy with Bush being hanged by a foreigner. Even Bush! No! It's all too revolting but so many in the west can't even think that. They can't put themselves in your shoes. I think they prefer to think of you as "less" than them. And that is the truly awful, terrible truth that makes me so angry - and so terribly sad.

I honour all the Iraqis who are fighting desperately for their freedom from the barbarians who have destroyed their country.

Thank you for correcting me. You are 100% right.
A lot of non support for President Kennedy came from Bible Belt cos he was Irish-American and Roman Catholic.

If every President etc had Saddam's Integrity the world would be a better place
Anonymous said…
re:Iraqi Democrat... Guy Fawkes The Only Honest Chap To Walk Into Parliament. ...siw
Iraqi Democrat

Take some Zyprexa* u need it cos ur as mad as a hatter.

*medication for Schizophrenia
Anonymous said…
your analysis of the US/Israhell relations seems not to differentiate between the ameronazis and the zionazis - and the one-way exertion of influence of the latter over the former. Btw, even the liar Carter seems to have more sense in this regard. And have a look at "Once upon a time in Iraq" by Zamparini on uruknet.
Anonymous said…
Mercury Poisoning. ...siw
Anonymous said…
Zionism The Real Enemy Of The Jews. ..I Hope For Their Sakes The Jews Can Take Out The Hofjuden.- ...siw
Angel said…

As to Putin....

My Mother and her family were rescued near the Iraq/Iran border by the Russians. My Grandfather received medals for heroism from Russia and France.

My people (Assyrian) were promised an autonomous area in Iraq, by the Brisish, for their help during WW11. This never happened.

My people suffered genocide at the hands of Kurds and Turks, around 750,000 of them, who to this day refuse to recognise this. Butchered, hacked apart, raped, sodomised, beheaded, everything imaginable, women and children included.

My motto: Trust no-one, except your family. The rest are untrustworthy.
Anonymous said…
True!...siw If no family left trust the money in your pocket and yourself.-...siw
Anonymous said…
the vast majority of Jews are zionazis, so your stock-phrase whining over "poor innocent Jews with only a couple of bad apples amongst them" is more than out of place here. You seem to adhere to the Jewish mantra about their eternal victimhood.
Anonymous said…
Anon: Don't Fuck With Me. You Have KEIN Idea.
Anonymous said…
Also, Herr KEIN, was für eine Idee sollte ich haben?
Angel said…

Can you guys transfer your anonimity to a name? Even 1 /2 /3 what ever.

What Angel said re Anonymous's

I agree 100%


Please? (asking nicely :) )
Anonymous said…
in my view Iraqi Democrat is ridiculing the so-called Iraqi "democrats" who were fawning on western governments and asking them to "save" the Iraqi people from their "dictator" - so (s)he should get a "bravo" and not a scolding.
Layla Anwar said…
To ALL Readers,

The comment section is getting heavier ...And I will try to reply to each and single one of you.In the meantime :

I ask you the following please:

1) no copy and paste of long articles. They will be deleted.

2) Remember this is NOT a chat room. I am not interested the color of your hair, what you have done for the weekend or your life plans. Keep your comments on the topic or around the topic.

3) you are free to think and say what you wish...But DO NOT COME TO ME AND PREACH ABOUT COMPASSION AND LOVE. I have had enough of that crap. Our lives and country are ruined and I do not want to hear any of that bullshit from you again.

4) And certainly do not come over here and think you are doing me a favor by telling how much you have compassion for Iraqis. WE do not want your compassion we WANT JUSTICE. Then and only then we can talk about loving each other as much as you want later.

5)Just because you happen to be American and you visit my blog - that does not automatically translate in my bowing to you in Thankfullness and Gratitude. So get off your high pedestal otherwise you are not welcome here.

5)Some of the comments here are what I consider high quality stuff.
I will get back to each one later as I am pressed with time right now.

6) last but not least and that is a reply to Kira and my last reply to Kira - Saddam Hussein HAS NEVER BEEN to the US. The only countries he visited in the WEST were: France and Russia. So get your facts rights.And stop taking fake pictures as real.

Till later.
Angel said…

Justice is a long time coming.

You are part Assyrian, you know the original indigenous people of Mesopotamia went through their own type of 'diaspora' over the years.

There is no justice in this world, or probably the next.

You fight, with every inch or your heart, your mind and your soul. Fight till there is nothing left.

At the very least, after all is said and done, you will know deep inside that you hve achieved everything that is humanly possible

Re Iraqi Democrat

If u r right re ID then yes I agree with u

Iraqi Democrat if Anon is right sorry I called u a Psych Patient
Anonymous said…
I could not agree more with Anonymous on Chavez: he is indeed the most charming person now on earth, a "moral titan", passionately, tirelessly and uncompromisingly dedicated to the Peoples' Cause.

Putin is more of a Machiavelli, though with an inner core of integrity, clear-sighted, scientific, astute, patient and persistent.

As for God's all-time "masterpiece", the jewel in the crown of mankind, the sword and the beating heart of the Arab Nation, our much loved and dearly missed President, let's all never forget that one of the last "good things" he did for our country, as Daphne said, one of the last gifts he wished to leave us as if a bridge of hope across the abyss of the looming invasion, was nothing less than the present-day triumphant "insurgency", or more accurately "re-surgency", which he and his comrades in the legitimate government had taken fatherly care to conceive, design, organize, arm and train years in advance.

Something tells me that, if asked again an "expert opinion" about his Gulf War enemy as a strategist, Gen.(ocidal) Schwarzkopf would not be so in a laughing mood as the former time ;-)
Anonymous said…
Little Deer
Daphne and the rest.
Thank you!
The dialogue is so much nicer to read when there is an actual flow of information -vs- insults being hurled back/forth.

I will look for the books recommended.

Angel said…
From one of the anonymous's,

what are you doing for womens' rights in Iraq?

I find that comment quite strange, seeing no Iraqi in Iraq, seems to have any rights what so ever.

Maybe a small step first, like no killing, plentiful food, electricity, peace of mind, that sort of thing.
Anonymous said…
Angel, you've actually taken the words out of my mouth! I had meant to respond earlier in exactly the same way, but got side-tracked! Thank you.

At this point in time, addressing women's rights in Iraq is not the priority - it's the HUMAN RIGHTS which are being abused (by the very people (hypocrites) who shout about Rights/Laws/Democracy, etc., when it suits and applies to them ONLY) that need to be dealt with - with respect to ALL Iraqi women, men and children. Also, so many women (mothers, grandmothers) in Iraq have had to shoulder the responsibility of both parents, since their men have been killed, as a direct result of this illegal occupation. So who is abusing the women's rights here?

Besides, when talking about women's rights, shouldn't that be relative? For example, what may be considered as 'subjugation of women' within one society may not necessarily be so in another...

These issues need to be addressed from within the cultural context, I would think, and not as 'one size fits all'.
Anonymous said…

You are welcome :-)

Pay no attention to the American "onion peelers" crawling in here in sackcloth and ashes, wailing and beating their breasts for our "absolution": they are yet to realize that it is not within man's province to grant such thing ..

I wish you a fruitful reading.

Angel said…
Little Deer,

I agree with you. Human Rights come first at the moment.

Again, one size does not fit all. I comment on an Aussie blog. Would you believe some people are intimidated by the Chador? They feel uncomfortable around 'those people that cover their heads', I believe was the exact term used.

I tell them they are flesh and blood, just like you and me.

It's bedtime for me, with work tomorrow. Night.
Angel said…
Little Deer,

I agree with you. Human Rights come first at the moment.

Again, one size does not fit all. I comment on an Aussie blog. Would you believe some people are intimidated by the Chador? They feel uncomfortable around 'those people that cover their heads', I believe was the exact term used.

I tell them they are flesh and blood, just like you and me.

It's bedtime for me, with work tomorrow. Night.
Anonymous said…
At the Moment in the US..and damn sure not expecting Bows and or Gratitude from anyone! signing out.
Little deer,daphne ,jr. and others, enyoy your debates,this Blog is Reality & mixed Emotions ~in a Bottle.~
Merci,Schukran for the time with you Guys. Salam

`A man can be free without being great,but no man can be great without being free`!
Anonymous said…
don't worry, there's the Iraqi Resistance, who will make the Iraqis free AND great again!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous "Women's Rights Advocate" and her gaggle of AmeriKKKan pseudo-feminist geese squawking hysterically about the "poor oppressed Iraqi women" ought to go and bury their heads in shame.

How dare they come and rub salt in a wound which everyone knows was inflicted on our traditionally egalitarian society by their own "God-inspired" barbarian hordes who stormed the "Ishtar's Gate" wide open to the pathological woman-haters and professional rapists from Teheran and Qum ?
Anonymous said…
That's exactly why I said
"Anonymous the ameronazi barbarian,
what a disgusting hypocrite you are!".
Anonymous said…
Angel, with reference to those on the Australian blog who 'feel uncomfortable about those people who cover their heads' - why are they not uncomfortable about Catholic nuns?

And the next time they say that to you, you should tell them you are mighty uncomfortable about the women who prance around in the nude at any opportunity.....oh, the hypocrisy....

Good night, Angel.
Anonymous said…
Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as as indignant as those who are.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the talmudian,
Solomon forgot to add the inevitable conclusion, ie "That means NEVER." Or do you really believe that justice is done by reaching the same level of indignation of all? Utter nonsense! Are you incapable of producing your own thoughts so that you must quote (without quotes!) some old rubbish?
Anonymous said…
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, confused by the forces of evil, is copying&pasting of old trash all the mastery that you want this site clogged up with?
Anonymous said…
The book you recommended- "Saddam Hussein" can be downloaded for free as a .pdf file.
Anonymous said…
I wish that nobody could comment as only Anonymous. Mostly I can pick the rubbish from the gems, but I happen to agree with the quote by one A, who said:

"Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as as indignant as those who are."

Until we, as a people, can reach the RAGE and HORROR of those who are being slaughtered in our name, it seems things will never change. Good people can sit around meditating on love and peace all they like. It will NOT help the situation. I have argued this with Christians and "spiritual" people, and I hit a blank wall.

If you like, take Jesus who threw the moneychangers out of the temple with a whip (I think). He was enraged. That is very obvious. So, when obvious evil is being committed the whole world (mankind) should be enraged enough to DO SOMETHING.

And most are not. So the barbarians will continue wreaking havoc in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, just like they have throughout the world for a very long time.
Anonymous said…
Lady, Can you give the website for this so others may benefit?

I presume that's the one published originally by Chelsea House.

The other "Saddam Hussein" isn't as far as I know. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Don't Snitch jr
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Don't Snitch jr


?? idiot
Anonymous said…
And yes, John Kennedy, whom I presume you are speaking of, was a "good man". If ever you get the chance, read "Farewell America", written by a French man. It's downloadable somewhere on the net, and definitely worth reading.


is this the same "good man" who ordered the use of napalm to kill innocent people?? lets NOT forget....the effects of agent orange are still felt today
Anonymous said…
"As to Chavez: IMHO he's the most charming person now on earth - he's got brain, he's got heart and he's got guts. No wonder he's so vilified by Bush&Co. "


a bit overweight for my liking but i like the cut of his jib.....9/10
Anonymous said…
I have wondered if he and his country (used to be called Holy Mother Russia) will one day be the ones to save us from ourselves.


no daphne he and his country won't save us from ourselves.....u really need to grow up.....if it wasnt 4 mother russia afghanistan wudnt be in the mess its in at the moment.....the russians r as bad as the americans
Anonymous said…
"How dare they come and rub salt in a wound which everyone knows was inflicted on our traditionally egalitarian society by their own "God-inspired" barbarian hordes who stormed the "Ishtar's Gate" wide open to the pathological woman-haters and professional rapists from Teheran and Qum ? "


i cudnt hav put it better myself.....though i dont really see what u mean by professional rapists
Anonymous said…
"Little deer,daphne ,jr. and others, enyoy your debates"


thanks kira.....i intend 2
Anonymous said…
Kira, if you read this, don't go. Please stay, because if nothing else, we will be able to define our (very strong) feelings about the devastation of Iraq. Already this has helped me see my truth.
Anonymous said…
Jr, just read yours above.

Sorry, but you're very, very wrong.

It was the SOVIET REPUBLIC which invaded Afghanistan. Not Holy Mother Russia, which died for awhile when it was taken over by the Zionist/Communists who arrived in Russia from New York via Germany. And that was a true genocide, just like what is happening in Iraq today. And another barbarian tragedy that was kept hush hush in the west.

The so-called Holocaust (capital "H") of the Jews was NOTHING compared to this.

Get "Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise & Fall of the Soviet Empire" by Juri Lina and read it. You'll stop imagining they're one and the same after that. VERY hard to get. Three second hand at Amazon, price starting at $52. However, if you want a taste of truth, buy it. Then come back and tell me I'm wrong.

And I am not at all sure JKF ordered napalm for Vietnam. Give me proof that it was he.
LostHere said…
Little Deer
It’s not only catholic nuns that cover their heads. In fact, I am often surprised about the controversy in some western countries, like France for instance, about Muslim women covering their head when in fact until very recently catholic women did the same and some older women still do. My mother for example still covers her head with a “veil” or scarf whenever she goes to church (everyday) and in my youth, 35/40 or so years ago you would never see in Spain an older woman without a head scarf. It was for the same reason than Muslims, modesty and basically custom… religious custom for sure.

As for the rest of your answer I agree, although to my western eyes semi nudity can look very good, it is not everyones cup of tea, and it can be quite offensive to many...

The same people always talking about rights and freedom are the ones wanting to impose on others their own views... It's nuts!
Anonymous said…
Losthere, I absolutely agree with you as I, too, come from a similar background. The veil, within the Catholic Church, is being used to this day by conservative Catholics in many parts of the world, based on, as you correctly say, religious custom. So why should the hijab/chador/abaya be any different? This is all about sheer hypocrisy, isn't it?

As for nudity, I can see your point of view, but have been trying to look at it from the other perspective as well. Why can't we live and let live?
Angel said…
Little Deer and losthere, you are both very right.

Nuns do cover their heads, some Catholic oldies wear a headscarf, some Mediterranean women wear them. I did not look at it from that point of view.

As for JFK, he was just another US president. He did as every US president does, manipulates the world, and uses it as a plaything.

There have been quite a few documentaries on him lately. Interesting man, more inteesting his connections to the Mafia, corruption and his addiction to sex.
Anonymous said…

"i dont really see what u mean by professional rapists"

I mean it is their JOB.

Sexually humiliating innocent and defenceless Iraqis is an integral part of the Iranian death squads' DEMORALIZATION strategy.
Anonymous said…
The 'power' of every superpower starts to waste away with its it arrogance. For superpowers choke on their own arrogance.

They plot and plan but He is the best of planners.
Anonymous said…
That "He" must really be the best of planners - just look at "His" near-perfect planning of genocide in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq. Navcity seems to get quite a kick out of it.
Anonymous said…
For those who are interested.
Here is the link to the book “Saddam Hussein” by Nita Renfrew. It is posted on a website by Sean Bryson, so if the link below doesn’t work, just Google his name and go to the website that says ‘seanbryson download page BNB Information….”
About halfway down the page, you’ll see a photo of Saddam with a link under it, click it. It takes you directly to the pdf file of the book. Go to 'file'-'save as' and put it on your hard drive.

Anonymous said…
We believe (I believe) in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. (God of God) light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And (I believe) in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for (I look for) the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."
Anonymous said…
We believe (I believe) in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. (God of God) light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And (I believe) in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for (I look for) the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."
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