The Latest from Mullahstan and its proxies...

After watching the despicable racist jew netanyahu delivering his racist nazi speech, I held on despite my intense indigestion and watched another program on Al-Arabiya regarding the elections in Mullahstan - Iran.

It seems that a few media outlets have been banned in Iran and one of them is Al-Arabiya's bureau that has been ordered to close down a week ago until further notice...Of course the ban is not applicable to pro-Iran, Al-Jazeera.

The program was called Panorama and thankfully this time, the guest speakers were Iranians and one Arab who were critical of Ahmadinejad but not critical of Musavi. Yalla it's okay, can't have it both ways right now...

One Iranian analyst said the following, something I did not read in the Western or Arabic press, like for example in Al-Quds Al-Arabi of Abdel Baree Atwan whose editorial "du jour" was nothing but praise for the "democratic process in Iran", nor did I read this piece of news from "leftists" "arab" bloggers...

This analyst by the name of Dr.Noorzadeh, said that on the day of the elections, before the final results went public, Musavi received a call a 1.30 am from a high official in charge of supervising the counting of the ballot votes, who informed him that he won the elections by 65%. This is when Musavi made his public declaration that he actually won the elections.
At 2.30 am, Musavi received another call telling him that there was a "mistake" and that Ahmadinejad won the elections.

It seems that Khameini was informed of the results and that his son in law or brother in law, am not quite sure which, who is also related to Ahamdinejad through some family connection, advised Khameini to overrule the results and declare Ahmadinejad the victorious one.

Later on, Ahamdinejad was heard saying in a public speech to his supporters that a regional power (referring to Saudi Arabia) was hoping to change the elections results like it did in Lebanon. Of course this was an insult to the Lebanese who clearly showed they favored non shiite sectarianism...And I doubt very much Saudi Arabia had anything to do with buying votes in Lebanon like some "leftists" "arabs" like to propagandize, even less so in Iran.

Ahmadinejad was also quoted as saying that the riots are "nothing. They are like temper tantrums after a soccer match."

Musavi on the other hand urged the rioters to go about it "peacefully"...

It is clear that the Iranian themselves ARE FED UP with the rule of the Mullahs. Not that Musavi is a revolutionary, but from the little options available to them, they took what they perceived as the lesser evil...

So clearly Ahamdinejad has the full backing of Khameini, he is the man for the job in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and wherever shit revivalism is sorely needed as a sectarian card of divide and rule, a card that serves none but the jews and the Americans.

And oddly enough, the reaction from the West and America has been, hmm, what shall I call it ? In TACIT AGREEMENT.

Wait till you hear the best bits yet...

When asked why the American reaction was so "docile" - and this is what is most interesting in this story. It seems that the American administration has decided to deal with the "supreme guide" Khameini directly and NOT through Ahamdinejad anymore.

From the E.U, the reactions have been even more baffling because Javier Solana - the E.U rep. personally congratulated Ahmadinejad before engaging in official talks with Hezbollah in Ze Lebanon.

All this was taking place when the U.S envoy was in Syria discussing "security matters" in IRAQ with the Syrian President...

As I predicted the "anti-zionists" were quick to send congratulatory letters as well, One is from Israel Shamir entitled "Notre Victoire" and it seems that even the shady right wing Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek "recently wrote a quite gushing article about Iran and its leader" (Thank you D.M for the info.)

Meanwhile in Iraq, Talabani (and he is not the only one) warmly congratulated Ahmadinejad, and looked forward to more "fruitful cooperation" between the two countries. By the way the puppet Karzai from Afghanistan did the same...

Nouri Al-Maliki on the other hand was touring some shiite shrine, Najaf, and giving a speech on the "great strides that the Iraqi government has undertaken in terms of security and development" and he expressed concerns over the possible increase of "terror attacks" due to "Baathists and other elements..." once the Americans withdraw (as if the Americans will withdraw). He also expressed "regret" over the assassination of H. Al-Ubaidi, a Sunni leader who coincidentally was involved in the human rights dossier in Iraq - read the dossier of Arab Sunni detainment, torture and liquidation...

I need to remind the reader that not too long ago another Sunni MP was arrested by the Iraqi forces upon orders from Maliki and he has disappeared since, after his body guards were gruesomely tortured. His name is Al-Dainy.

But Al-Maliki had a "slip of the tongue" and a very important one. Instead of expressing "regrets" over the death of Harith Al-Ubaidi from the Anbar, he said Harith Al-Dhari (the agreed upon representative of the Iraqi Resistance). He was quickly corrected by one of his aides as to the exact name of the assassinated victim.
To which Al-Maliki replied "Yes you are right, it is al-Ubaidi not Al-Dhari. Had it been Al-Dhari, it would have been a cause for rejoice..."

That "slip of the tongue" from Al-Maliki is a foretaste of things to come...

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