The Culture of " No Limit " - 2

Okay, took my break made of tea with fresh mint leaves and an olive paste soaked in olive oil with some fresh hot Arabic bread...also read a few of the commentaries on the Divine Victory in Ze Lebanon...
Some "angry arabs" are not too happy...oh well, such is life.

I did tell you that the majority of Arabs don't give a fuck about Shiite Iran, did I not ?

But then the majority of Arabs don't give a fuck about the U.S.A here I am, back to business, continuing on my previous post...

So where was I ? Ah, yes the culture of "no limit".

In my previous post, I gave you a mild exposé of what this culture is all about. And I said to you what goes UP also goes DOWN.

That same "no limit" culture that produces such extravagant mega spirituality geared towards immediate gratification of petty individualistic "needs" also produces its flip side -- the immediate gratification of beasts.

And as the French proverb goes " Celui qui fait l'ange, fait la bĂȘte."

The one who plays the naive angel is the same one who plays the beast.

That kind of sums up America. A naive, almost "angelically" gullible people who at the same time are beasts roaming the search of more preys...

A puritanical, politically correct people, who by the majority of the censuses are believers in "God," yet at the same time, a mass of arrogant, loud, dumb, shallow, numbed out psychopaths...

A people either numbing themselves out with drugs, promiscuous sex, alcohol, food, money, consumer goods, or going on a rampage of criminal acts - from petty delinquency, to dealers, to stealing, to embezzling, to fraud, to rape, to serial killing, to invasions and occupations -- to murder. Or a people sitting rubbing their chakras and speaking in tongues receiving immediate inspiration from God.

From the outside, you look like a schizophrenic people to me...who need to be quarantined in one huge Guantanamo for the "mentally challenged" until you receive some sort of medical clearance, until further notice...

to be continued...

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