Jolie's Refugees...

I am listening to the local radio station...

The voice of Angelina Jolie, the U.S "Ambassadrice" for the U.N breaks through...

" Refugees are waiting for the day to return to their the UNHCR..." says Madame Jolie.

Oh, jolly, jolly, good...

Excuse me Jolie, you did not tell us how long we should be waiting exactly....

And if we support the UNHCR of which you are a "good will" ambassadrice, will that shorten our waiting period ?

Will the UNHCR solve the refugee problem if we support you and your cause ?

Nay, no, nope, non, niet, nein...

Madame jolly Jolie, as long as you don't adress the REAL issue, the REAL cause for hordes of refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, am afraid your pouting siliconized mouth and that of the politically correct, potted mouth of the UNHCR will not change or advance "your cause" one iota.

Madame jolly Jolie, it is not the UNHCR we need to support...It is the one behind the massive exodus of refugees that we need to fight.

Get your priorities right will you ?

But then, Hollywood never produced anything right.

I rest my case.

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