A Blue Black Rock...

I just have this feeling, that tonight is going to be a very hot night...very, very hot...

I am in a blue(s) and rock mood tonight, so I'm on a roll...and am not quite sure what will hit you, so be warned...if you see what I mean.

Been reading a few of the critiques on Obooma's visit to Saudi Arabia and Egypt...
Tearing his speech apart, dissecting it, pointing out the double standards, the patronizing tone...and I agree, more or less...

Those who had a go at him, are mainly "leftist" Arabs, Palestinians and pro- Palestinian "observers"...And even though I have absolutely nothing against having a good go at the U.S. and its official representatives, I am, on the other hand, left rather weary...

This "uncomfortable" feeling is bothering me...bothering me to the point of writing a post about a stupid visit, because this what it is, at the end of the day -- a propaganda and PR stint stop over...

Oh, but the "Arab Left" and the other choir singers never fail to grab the opportunity to denounce the evilness of the USA and RIGHTLY so, but only when it comes to the Palestinian cause.

Because this same crowd, is VERY silent about other causes that in a much shorter time span have become AS important, if not more pertinent, than the Palestinian cause.

Okay, don't choke now...you have not heard it all yet. And you have to bear with me, as the issue is slightly more complex than what it seems...

These "arab leftists" and their choir of pro-palestinian "anti-zionists" for the most part, are products of America and the West, themselves.

They subscribe to the current, overall "intellectual" ideological trend that states that American and Western Imperialism are the root of all Evil, and that the Zionist, all Jewish state of Israel, is nothing but a by-product of it...get to the root cause, and you will eradicate the symptoms...This is, grosso modo, their argument.

This is a long debate and there is frankly no scope on this blog to get into all the details...but do get the gist.

On the basis of the above pre-patterned, ready made, handed down assumption, the "arab Left" and its choir, take their positions...

Oddly enough, non Arab "leftist" gurus like Chomsky and co. belong to the same line of thought.

Basically, it becomes a question of the chicken and the egg...Who is the main culprit here ? Is it American imperialism per se, or is it the White Jews, Zionist Jews who have hijacked America from the very beginning ?

Of course, our politically correct "arab leftists" and their choir like us to believe it is the former...

So their argument follows this "logical" track - and am putting it simplistically here. If you bring down American Imperialism, the state of Israel will cease to exist. And they will add, in their simplistic manner - all will fall into place.

I, for one, sure do hope that the all, racist, Jewish State of Israel ceases to exist. I have nothing against that myself. Quite the opposite in fact. Because I KNOW that ZIONIST America is the one behind the occupation and the genocide of Iraq.

But am not sure that if American Imperialism falls, Zionism will too. And this is where I strongly differ from those barking "arab leftists" and their choir.

I say that, because historically, Zionism is not a product of America or the West, per se...but because Zionism is a product of JEWISH political ideology in a specific historical context. And religiously driven ideologies are and can be, non historically specific. In other words, they DEFY circumstances, context, and time...because they have a memory of their own...

What I have stated above has many ramifications if you care to think about them deeply...

Getting back to Obooma's visit to the ARAB-Muslim world. A parenthesis here -- the Holy Book, the Koran was/is in the Arabic language. Just a reminder.

So Obama's main critiques centered around the Palestinian issue...and as I said that is fair and nice...but,

But, and this is what most of you don't know...

There is Persian Shiite treatise dating back from the 17th century, and the name eludes me, because I am BAD with names,

Basically this "visionary" religious treaty/text says that there will come a day where a man who is a "Barrak" (the shining one), originally from Abyssinia (hence black), will appear and he will carry the sword of the Imam Hussein and will act as a prelude, the one who prepares for the coming of the "Mahdi." And that explains why Iran and the majority of the Shiites welcomed Obama as the new president of the USA.
Yes, I know it sounds simplistic. But then the masses have always been.

And just by coincidence, Barack Hussein Obama is giving us a speech on Islam in Arab Saudi and Egypt.

And just by coincidence, Richard Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Chomsky...all of them jews and their choir of christians like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfed were adamant about "freeing" the Shiites of Iraq from " Sunni Arab oppression".

And just by coincidence, Iraq was handed to the Persian, Shiites...and is now ruled by them...all the way...all the way to hell...

And just by coincidence, Obama affirmed that Iraq and Iraqis were better off without the Arab Saddam Hussein...

And just by coincidence, Obama, continuing in the legacy of his predecessors, has hotly warmed up to Iran and its proxies --- including Hamas. And these paragraphs from an analysis of Obama's speech, illustrate it nicely,

"Obama differentiated between the invasion of Iraq, which he had opposed, and the war in Afghanistan which he defined as a war of necessity, and repeated his pledge to pull out all US combat units from Iraqi cities by next month, and all troops by 2012.

He continually stressed the importance of broad alliance and international support that the US had when, in the wake of 9/11, it went into Afghanistan in pursuit of al-Qaeda and the Taliban...

(i.e in pursuit of the Resistance in Afghanistan because Iraq is already a done deal - MY italics)

Along with the hard truths there were some very significant, if subtle, messages.

An idea circulated by Israeli official circles and Americans enthralled by the Jewish state, that Obama was in the Middle East to put together a Sunni Arab-Israeli alliance to isolate and combat Shia Iran, was nowhere to be found in his speech.

Nor did Iran occupy an equal amount of concern or time with the Afghan-Pakistani issue, the Iraqi war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But slipped into a most unconfrontational discussion of American-Iranian relations that included an acknowledgment of America's role in overthrowing a legitimately elected nationalist government in Iran during the Cold War years, Obama reaffirmed an early election campaign commitment, too controversial at the time for him to pursue, that the US government was ready to talk with the Iranian leadership without any preconditions.

Even more significant was his acknowledgment that Hamas enjoyed popular support among Palestinians and it was in this context that he made the usual call for Hamas to renounce violence, recognise past agreements between the Palestinians and Israel, as well as recognise Israel's right to exist.

Suddenly he was advising Hamas, not denouncing it, to accept the responsibility of governing. Perhaps historians will remember this speech as the moment America's engagement with Hamas began.
(article here)

And just by coincidence, Israel has welcomed his speech. (click here)

And just by coincidence, Iran happens to be in bed with Zionist America, since 2003 and even before that, helping those "satanic great imperialists", in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Pakistan and more to come...since Jewish --- Perle, Wolfowitz..and the rest including your Jewish leftist guru Chomsky affirmed that the Shiites are oppressed everywhere in the Muslim world.

And just by coincidence, it is Jewish Zionist America and the Persians who lynched an Arab Head of State - Saddam Hussein - on the eve of the Sunni Arab Eid...to the silence of those same "arab leftists" and their choir who orgasmically rejoiced at the news...

And just by coincidence, those same "arab leftists" and their pro-palestinian, anti zionists have been totally silent about the REAL genocides in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan...

And just by coincidence, those same "arab leftists" keep waving the Palestinian flag when everyone else has died because of it, like in Iraq...

Had "the traitor, CIA, Saddam" not been a true anti-zionist, and anti-imperialist, Iraq would not be in the state it is in now...ruled by Zionist America and Shiite Iran.

But what do you get from the fucking Arab left and their palestinian and their so called pro-palestinian so called anti zionists...? You get nothing.

And they got nothing in return too...because most Arabs piss on them...they don't give a fuck about them, and could not care less about them either...Because Arabs, despite their many shortcomings, have seen through this zionist hypocrisy of the Arab left. Well, this is the only thing I am left to bet on...and I am a good gambler too.

And I am willing to bet you anything, had Obama's same speech been delivered in Tehran, with Khameini, Ahmadinejad, "Sayyed" Nasrallah and Iran's other proxies like Hamas, Maliki, Muqtada Al-Sadr, Al-Hakeem and others hiding in obscurity and receiving arms from Israel like in Yemen...Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan...

They would have welcomed him as the New Messiah.

Those "arab leftists" and their pro-palestinian, "anti-zionists" were only pissed off because the speech was delivered in some ARAB country. And that's the bottom line Truth.

And the Arabs deserve their future -- jewish, zionist, shiite, persian, iranian, predicament, because they were and have been stupidly, compliantly, and impotently silent, all the way...

Take my word for it...I've become a blue black rock of a gambler. And so far, I have not lost any of my bets.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Rafa Al-Nasseri.

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