The Culture of " No Limit " - 3

Here I am again, trying to continue this series of posts on American No Limits and am finding difficulty again starting the 3rd. part.

This is kind of strange - and when that usually happens, I know am blocking something important, a something that is hesitant to come up and out.

But since I do believe in not forcing things out, I will follow one of the pieces of Wisdom, a Sufi teacher once gave me - He said, " when you are stuck, start with the Present."

So, right now, right here -- am listening to Umm Kulthum, that magical, enchanting, Eastern voice from Egypt, singing "Alf layla wa layla" - A thousand nights and one night...

Umm Kulthum sings about Love - always, with a few patriotic songs dedicated to Egypt, Iraq and Palestine. But then, that must be Love too.

In this song "Alf layla..." she sings one couplet in which she says --
"what is one's life but one night, like tonight."

This is what I enjoy the most about nights - one has the illusion that they will go on for ever...and if you are a night bird like I am, you think to yourself, I will be able to stretch it for as long as I want. Of course this is nothing but an illusion, because dawns knocks on your window and you say to yourself - damn it, it's already morning, what was I thinking ?

So America,

In the Night of your souls, I am asking you the same question -- what the hell were you thinking ?

Were you thinking that your all permissiveness will go unnoticed, or unexposed ?
Were you thinking that the Light of Dawn will not be knocking on your windows ?
Or did you actually believe that those "stupid rag heads" of Iraqis will just sit and take it, take it with no limits...

I suppose you miscalculated again. Because I am sitting right here, right now, in the middle of the Night and am about to give it to you again...the way you secretly like it...give it to a people with no limits, who secretly yearn for some...since they are incapable of imposing any on themselves...

On good days, I sometimes think to myself, if you did not exist, we would have to invent you...otherwise who would I be able to lash at ?

So I suppose I need to thank you for being present in my life -- thanks to you I learned and achieved many things. And now the sky is my limit.

You taught me the real meaning of hypocrisy and double standards. You taught me how denial, deceit and lack of self introspection can lead to hell. You taught me how greed numbs conscience. You taught me how power corrupts and blinds the hearts. You taught me all about the shadows/the darkness of the human soul that years of philosophical learning and contemplation will not accomplish...You also taught me how to articulate and talk to my "enemy", fearlessly...because we have nothing more to lose.

Thanks to you, I also realized my deep, unlimited love for Iraq. For the land of my ancestors, the land of my forefathers, my grandparents, my mother and father, my land...And by losing my country, I found it and found myself. And I also found you. You, the agents of Darkness.

And even though I have spent the first paragraphs of this blog indulging in some form of spiritual gratitude, for the "lessons", don't think you will be let off the hook so easily...I learned my lesson, but you did not learn yours, yet...

And this is the "nice" thing about Experience --- the one who "teaches" gets to be taught...

Of course, one may argue that all of that was really unnecessary, but since am not God, I say -- it happened for a purpose, a purpose with a very high price - the sky is the limit, kind of price.

WE paid the price. You have not paid the price, not quite, not yet...

And trust me, I am assuming you have grown to trust me along the months and years, the price you will pay is priceless - the sky is the limit, kind of price. But I leave that to "Destiny", "Fate" or whatever your gurus like to call it...

Because you see, your no limit permissiveness on another people will not be spared...

I know you are very business oriented, and you like to export everything overseas --including your psychosis and soul sicknesse....and you do it in an unlimited manner.

You do it even more than you do it on your own turf. Because coupled to your diseased minds and souls, your permissive diseased minds and souls that know no limits - coupled with those is your deeply ingrained belief, regardless of your actual color or race - your belief that "others" are less. By the way this is applicable to the filthy Brits too. They were your Masters, your first Gurus, remember ?

And this is the contradiction/paradox that I find fascinating in your case --
If your culture is one of no limit, then theoretically it must be able to embrace others with no limits...

But remember what I told you in my previous post -- everything has its flip side, its own negation if you like. That same culture of no limit that embraces all -- all diversity, all religions, all creeds, all aspirations (the American Dream), is exactly the same culture that tortures, rapes and kills all, with no limits...

One reality negates the other. And one is left with ZERO.

What does that mean ? It means ZERO. It means that your American Dream is nothing but that -- a DREAM. It means YOUR TRUTH, YOUR REALITY is NOT your dream. It means your dream has nothing to do with YOUR REALITY...

Do you understand now why I call you a sick. demented, schizophrenic people ?

But fuck what you are. What matters to me is what how your culture of no limit with all what it encompasses of soul projections was acted out in Iraq. Bottom line, this is what matter to me most. For me you proved time and time again that you are ZERO.
By all arithmetic equations, by all parameters, by all yardsticks, values and barometers -- you are ZERO.

It must be very annoying for you to read that. Here is some Iraqi female whom we considered belonging to the family of Zero, telling us that we are actually Zero.

Being Zero in -- the Sky is the limit -- must be a real downer...

I did not use the word humbling, because you still need to get your noses rubbed in the grounds, in the soil, in the land, in the are not there yet...but you will be...

Remember the many before you thought like you did and they ended up 10 feet below in an earth with no limits...

to be continued...

P.S : This fucking post has become like ground hog day. It is endless and has no limits...

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