From a Bloodied Street in Tehran...

I have just been watching a series of videos posted on Uruknet, regarding today's protests in Tehran...The last two videos, which are the shortest, right at the bottom of that Uruknet article, gave me the shivers...

In the first video, from the bottom up, lies a young man's body in the street, murdered during the protests...

In the second video from the bottom up, lies a young woman's body soaked in her own blood...she was also murdered by the government's militias also called the Basijis. She was also lying in the street...

It reminded me of how Iraqi bodies would be left lying in the streets of Baghdad after having been murdered by the Shiite Militias funded, armed and trained by Iran -the exported Iraqi version of the Basijis. Some were so mutilated, it was impossible to recognize who the body belonged to...

Sad...very, very sad.

May Allah receive their souls in his Mercy and Grace.

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