Since the Fall of Baghdad...

Since April 9th, since the so called fall of Baghdad...I have sat back and watched you fall...over and over again...And every time you pick yourself up, you shall fall again...

I would be a disgusting liar if I fail to confess a certain pleasure in observing you. I love observing you from afar, totally incognito...and I secretly smile inside of me.

I am not by nature a vindictive person, nor do I believe in revenge, except in specific cases, and Iraq is one of them...

Oh how I saw you gloat, and you've been gloating for 8 years now, gleefully, nastily, slyly, you gloated....and you mocked with your airs of intellectual knowledge...what knowledge you garbage, you have no are a self seeking, self promoting, sensationalists third grade columnists, writers, bloggers, activists, and the rest...

Oh and the self made experts, wanting a little bit of limelight in this grand web of illusions, pontificating about what was, what is and what should be...and our voices were silenced, stifled, choked, strangulated, drowned, in the sounds of bombs, of B.52s, of bullets...drowning in a sea of dust and ashes...incognito, just like I am right now...and will remain so, totally anonymous...not making the annals of a truthful history.

So let me not dwell too much on us, on me...let me give you the attention you have always sought...let me give significance, relevance to your insignificant, irrelevant beings...let me validate your non issues, your non existence...

Let me give you simple examples, simple examples for simplistic people...maybe, perhaps, you will get the gist...hopefully...

I know this Syrian Alawite person...for the past 2 weeks, he/she is going through a severe depression because of a few protests in Syria. It refuses to speak to anyone, is worried sick about its future, since the status quo, its status quo is being slightly tickled...That same it, after the fall of Baghdad, ululated with joy...

Let me give you another example, to get you going...

An Egyptian it, also smugly congratulated the Iraqis on the fall of Baghdad at the hands of the Americans and, that same it, is sullenly silent, worried sick, mortified about the future of its country...and at the same time has turned into an opportunistic revolutionary sneaking into the crowd for approval, the typical Egyptian way...

Another example for you.

Some it from the Gulf, with its belly and Rolex watch, who has never held a rifle in its life, with airs of smugness, assured me it was all for the Bahrainis, Kuwaitis, and the rest of these inconsequential people are shitting bricks...

Do you want one more ?

Let me tell you about the Libyan who said we brought it onto ourselves, watch it now, not knowing which way to turn...not knowing in which "zenga zenga" and which tune it can dance to...

Yalla, one more, a few more...

A Lebanese, who said in its totally fucked up French, the way zee Lebanese like to impress "yay la dictateur, c'est finit" That thing moved neighborhoods since the fall of Baghdad, because it could not take Iranian flags flying right next to its balcony...I suppose "la dictateur" caught up with it right in front of its doorstep in zee, oh la la, Lebanon.

Let me not forget the Palestinian, who mobilizes and cries daily over the terrible horrible vile terror on Gaza, dancing to Hezbollah and to liberation, yet gleefully applauded the vanquished city...on the 9th of April...

Did I miss out on anyone else ?

Ah yes, the ignorant Jordanian, who hardly finished high school, yet pretends because it speaks two words of English, to be the role model for the rest...I remember that thing, with its dyed peroxide hair fluffed up like a peacock, exclaiming "Ya Haram, poor things those American soldiers, they've crossed miles..." That particular day, over 3'500 Iraqis were massacred by both Americans and Iranian militias.

Let me see, who did I leave out from the its ?

Now I remember, a Saudi thing who said "I am praying for the day that every Iraqi family has a funeral..." I heard that thing has its suitcase already packed about to jump on the first flight...ready, with its dishdasha (traditional outfit) held tightly between its know, a question of being able to run a little faster...without tripping or falling...

There are a few more, a few Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians...but enough. I've given you enough attention so far...content yourselves with the above. Applicable to you, just add your own "cultural twists"...

As for the rest, these non beings, you know; Americans, Brits, French, Germans, etc...
Who ? Who did you say you are ?

Since the fall of Baghdad, I have watched each one of you...and I have not stopped smiling inside.

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