Another Eid...

You know something, I have stopped celebrating holidays, special occasions and the rest...
What I mean is that my festivities are kept to a strict minimum.
I don't do anything for the Eid, neither for Christmas. However, my family keeps the Eid tradition alive and I comply.
Spent part of the day making "Klecha" with Mom. Each year we have the same argument...
- Do we have to do this, the stuffing is taking us ages (you stuff Klecha dough with walnuts and dates)
- Of course bintee, what is the matter with you, it's the Eid.
- Yeah, I know it's the Eid, but can't we buy something ready made, this is so time consuming.
- And since when do we buy ready made sweets for the Eid, besides they taste rancid here...
Same argument each Eid but I still comply...
While I was busy stuffing and stuffing and stuffing, the phone rang, Uncle Z.called to wish us a happy one. I overheard my mom say " Ohooo, again? Let them go to hell. Gathering on Mount Arafat was on Sunday, the last day of the Hajj, and the following day is the Eid for everyone. This is the consensus of the Hajj rites. Why do they keep this Fitna, this division ?"
I knew it. Uncle Z told us that in Baghdad the Eid is on Tuesday and not today -Monday, even though the last day of the Hajj was on Sunday and the Hajj is where Muslims from both sects participate. So Monday should be the Eid and not Tuesday as per Iran's directives. These Iraqi Shiites will never learn. Brainwashed sheep.
And while we continued the Klecha ritual, Mom was mumbling away to herself, and the TV was blasting away...
"In 1987, 400 innocent pilgrims were killed in Mecca, caught in clashes between the Saudi authorities and thousands of Iranian protesters/pilgrims and their sympathizers, who brandished pictures of Khomeini, around the Ka'aba. They also took out black armbands and knifes from under their clothing...."
What blasphemy ! The picture of this Ayatollah in the Ka'aba...And since then, there has been no respite with their active propaganda.
I did say once, the aim is the gates of Mecca...part of the grand American-Zionist design. After all the Jews also reminisce about Mecca, after Babylon/Iraq, that is.
Of course, some of you who are too stuck in some narrow ideological framework refuse to see this plan unfolding before your very eyes...I wonder what would it take, more ? How many Iraqs do you want to see before finally coming to your senses ?
And these Ahl al Fitna, the people of Division will not cease...
Look at this headline for instance, from the Times of India - "Hezbollah blames Sunni groups for Mumbai attacks."
Is that so Hezzies ? And me who thought you were anti-Israel and anti-Zionists ? Ha!
Again on the subject of the Hezzies and their Lebanese "revolution", it turns out, their main partner Ze General Michel Aoun had several visits and discussions with the Mossad while he was in Paris - from 1991 up to the year 2005, before he returned to Ze Lebanon, one year before the Israeli aggression and the Divine victory of Hezbollah.
Then all became history...Syria is engaged in peace talks with Israel, Michel Aoun is sucking up to the Syrians and Hezbollah is blaming Sunnis for "terrorist violence", be it in India, Iraq or anywhere else as the Zionist-American plan unfolds...
Anyways what was I talking about ? Ah yes, the Klecha stuffing...
So we continued stuffing until my fingers got sore...and the TV was still blasting away...I think about 5 channels played the "Risalat" - The Message by M.Akkad.
A great film. I saw it about three times and tonight I watched it again, twice.
I would like to write a post about the life of the Prophet one day. Much wisdom and grace and much to learn from his example and the way he conducted the affairs of the Ummah.
At one point, in the film, Banee Qureish, the pagan tribe that ruled Mecca, exiled all the Muslims into the desert, through persecution, torture, and killings...And Banee Qureish did not stop. Even when the first Muslims were banished from Mecca, the Qureish pagans continued their pillaging of Muslim houses, taking over their properties, raping, torturing and killing their women and children...
The parallel with what happened to the Iraqis was striking. This is what the pagan Americans and sectarian Iranian/Iraqi Shiites did to Iraq's Muslims and Christians. Interestingly, in the film and this is corroborated historically, a Jew sided with the Qureish pagans to trap the Muslims of Mecca.
A film I really urge you to watch with open minds and open eyes.
So I was saying, I don't really celebrate much these days/years, except stuffing Klechas and one other thing I kept from childhood, a rite I am not ready to forsake...Every Eid I have to wear something new. It can be anything but it has to be brand new.
I settled for a new pantie. Yes that is right. A brand new pantie, but not pink, heaven forbid. Black pantie I can harmoniously blend in with the new ideology that is permeating "liberated" Iraq.
Happy Eid.
Painting : Iraqi artist, Sabah Kalash.
Maybe we (Iraqi Jews) reminisce about Iraq - nothing wrong with remembering where one was born and grew up. I'm sure you reminisce about Iraq too since you are not living there at the moment.
Mecca??? I don't think so..
I think you have been stuffing too much klecha (or as we call it: makhbouz).
Anyway I'm sure you and your readers are going to chew me and spit me out for my next comment but I will say it anyway...
This year all three religions have festivals occurring in the same month... so
Eid Saeed, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas....
And BIL AFIA for your new panties.
Iraqi Jew
Klecha, they turned out to be very tasty by the way.
The film is called the RISALAT or MESSAGE in English and it is available in English too, and produced by M. AKKAD. I believe the guy was shot before he produced yet another film. Great loss.
The Jews reminisce about Babylon, not just because they lived in Iraq, the way you put it.
A good deal of the artifacts were stolen and shipped to Tel-Aviv and a museum was specially designed for them "revealing the Jewish heritage of Babylon". You need to be more informed on the intentions of your "chosen people".
Or are you like the jew character in the film ?
And these same people also reminisce about Mecca because some
"hakkhan" was buried there.
Everywhere the jews dropped a fart sometime in history, they claim that place to be theirs...solely theirs...Ah bad faith!
Thanks for your good wishes, and AWAFEE ALECH.
Make sure not to poison your guests though !
I've watched 'The Message'...
In solidarity.
Thank you Dearest for your good wishes and all the support you have given to Iraq and the Iraqis.
Am interested to know what were your impressions of the film ?
Bless you always.
On a personal note: in case, but just in case, will you and Paola Pisi do me the honour of being my bridesmaids ? LOL
How can "Israel" be so sure that the Iranians will not betray it once they have the region under control and will not want to make an empire of their own excluding the Zionists ?
Trusting the Persians...HA! One can tell from this only that those sorry asses from Eastern Europe don't have an inch of Semitic blood in their veins.
As for the movie, like you, i have seen it a few times and think it is brilliant.
Two of my all time favorite movies is the Message and The Lion of the Desert (Omar Mukhtar).
Merche, Klecha is a sweet Arabs have during Eid (Muslims version of "Christmas", sort of).
I loved the film, 'The Message'. It provided me with a better understanding of Islam, its origin and of Prophet Mohammad. It's a beautiful film, an epic really, Layla, and I highly recommend it to all, and, in particular, to non-Muslims who truly want to understand what Islam is about and, particularly, the light in which it places Christians and Jews. Perhaps this is just the right time to watch it when interfaith understanding is so desperately needed.
I have a copy and think I'll watch it again!
Bless you, too, Layla, and may all your prayers be answered.
In solidarity.
Ah Love is in the air...and who is the lucky one ? Wait, don't tell, I think I know...Are you a lion tamer by any chance ? lol
Because if the Zionists attack Saudi Arabia directly the chances are they would amass the wrath of all muslims on their heads. Not out of love for the Saudi ruling family, but because of what Saudi Arabia stands for - Mecca and Medina. Playing the sectarian card and using another "muslim" country to divide sunnis and shias and S.A has a sizeable minority of Shias on its eastern flanks, all loyal to Iran and Vali, is way more effective. Don't you think ?
Thank you, Eid mubarak to you and your family, peace of mind, prosperity and health.
I believe you can find that film easily, it's a classic. I am not sure you will find it in Ibiza though, you may have to order it through some library or from the net. But definitely worth seeing.
You think Obama will turn the country into idol worshippers ?!
Don't you think they're already there...
As for the subdued bit, well you know, Eid combined with Xmas spirit, kind of thing ;-)
How come no one commented on Hezbollah's accusations of Sunni extremists in Mumbai ??? And thus playing into the official American/Indian line pointing the fingers at Pakistan ?!
I know you are terribly in love with me - but sorry I don't lean that way . Besides you stink of Raki. LOL
Make sure not to poison your guests though !
That was totally unnecessary. It appears the poison and huqud is coming from you...
Iraqi Jew.
The Message in Urdu/Hindi.
The making of The Message
Is that so ? Huqud ?
Was that not you who said you say AWAFEE when you mean Zaqnaboot ?
Poison, for sure.
Note: This is in parts, to the right of the movie screen are the rest of the parts in "related videos".
Layla, what else does one expect from the sectarian rats?
The fact they are a shite "resistance" is in itself a sectarian term.
Interesting how these dogs never called the massacre of Sunnis by shite shitheads, which has been proven, by it's rightful names but yet have the audacity to comment on a situation that has NOT been proven.
But we still have "Muslims/Arabs" singing the praises of the safavids.
I am doing my best in my search for you...
Any preferred nationality, race, ethnicity so I can zoom in ? As I noticed there is a bride to be already present on this blog...
Your feedback is appreciated ya Hussain.
Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just that i couldn't find it.
Layla, you are more than welcome. But you know you don't need to thank me for doing that, in a way it is my duty.
P.D. My blog which is much more superficial, basically, it's about me, my circumstances and life experiences... is written both in Spanish and English (although sometimes if the post is too long I don't translate it) just in case anyone wants to visit and make a comment.
I once asked you to save my e-mail address. Please, please, my dearest what you know with it ;-)
Yours sincerely,
I guess the Indians are learning fast from the Americans and the british , what a good opportunity to cause more rifts between Muslims , they ll believe anything anyway .
Message received, will release souls in torment and do the necessary ;-)
From what I gathered, most indian people are not necessarily pro American or pro British...Do you think they can be easily swayed in the opposite direction ?
Yours ever,
Now am your "auntie" huh ? OK dearie, go and find your own lion...I have done my share.
Am glad you are sickened. Inshallah you stay that way...
i dont have to waste time in answering you but sweetheart you are nothing but a whore.
Dearest of all. The Lion of Babylon finaly has a clear picture on the case but still doubts a few things. I may need your assistance tonight.
Right now, Islamic countries are occupied by barbarians, who are suppressing the masses under the yoke of their guns and bombs, dear Lyn; 'true freedom of expression' will come there when they're booted out and it will surpass what you've ever known (if it's existed, by the way).
What the fuck is going on here ?
One calls me an"auntie", you called me " a grandmother" and now am expected to play assistant of the night - a night nurse ? :-)
You may call me Florence Anwar, or Layla Nightingale.
Hope your jealousy drives you even more insane than you already are, you little slut.
Good one.
Happy Eid to you, we will celebrate in the liberated "green zone" - my Iraqi promise to you.
Patience, patience...
kess ekht hal shaghleh, ma fee ghayr tanoos be hal jaysh ?!
What does "tanoos" mean?
Enjoy, in fact as i was searching for it i decided to watch it again. ;)
This is the correct link.
my bad, I assumed you knew the lebanese joke
I will tell you.
Tanoos is a typical lebanese name, albeit a christian one.
The joke goes this way.
Tanoos is looking for a job, so he joins the lebanese army.
The lieutenant explains to him his new duties.
He said :
Tanoos it is so easy, with your left hand you carry a rifle...
Is that all ?
no, no, and with your right hand you carry a hand grenade, so when the enemy comes you shoot and throw the grenade
is that all lieutenant ?
no, no, you have to be ready for the enemy, so if the enemy comes from behind you must be ready,
so what do i do then, well you carry a klashnikov on your back
so now if the enemy comes from the front or the back you are equipped.
is that all sir ?
no no, what if the enemy comes from the sky, you need to carry also an RPG, just in case the enemy attacks from above...
So it goes on and one, left attack, right attack, back attack, attack from above...
so tanoos exclaims. Shoo hayda Sir, ma fee ghayr tanoos bil jaysh.
Is tanoos the only one in this army !
Good joke. :)
Thank you.
Fuck off back to your hole. The sicker idiots like you are, the better a lot of us feel...Keep at it.
I second that.
Peace dear lady.
You can touch nothing "dearie", WE have resilience, patience and truth on our have nothing of substance and continuity on yours.
i am affraid you are mistaken, Lyn did touch a nerve, the nerve between my testicles and penis, the one that makes a man have an erection.
Lyn my Dear...up your ass.
Keep at it, you will get there.