This is a short post, a short post to express how pissed off I am with Iraqis.

What the fuck is the matter with you people ?
What is this paralysis that I see ?
Where are your voices ?
Where is the outrage, the outcry, the indignation, the shouts, the screams...?
What happened to you ? What happened to the Iraqi spirit ?
Where is that fire ? Where is the passion ?
What is this silence and this resignation ?

Damn you make me angry !

Either you are busy commiserating, busy with trivialities or busy kissing someone's ass in the Green Zone. What the fuck is the matter with you ?

Like the other day, I heard one of the most idiotic Iraqi females ever, say :
"Haram, all these orphans. Yalla insh'Allah I will get married soon and adopt a few..."

What are they, barbie dolls for you to purchase as a wedding present?
What is this flippant attitude in the face of the misery and tragedy of your country men and women ?

And if you peruse the blogs, articles and the rest, you would think it's all a "fait accompli" - a done deal. Poor analysis, poor quality of a message, stupidities, superficial, shallow subjects, or outright treachery and treason...

Wake up people, your country is a goner! Seems you don't care much...

Yalla go and bask in the shadows of your satellite dishes, and rejoice in your forever to construct, unfinished shopping malls - so you can become the perfect American consumer, or go and hide behind your Green zone walls and your Iranian chadors -- while you are being stripped naked of any dignity, resources, future...and vision.

That is all that your "liberation" gave you.


Painting : Iraqi artist, Ismail Fattah Al-Turk.


Martine said…
Yes, I'm surprised like you in front of this attitude of resignation... i'm angry too...

Kisses Layla!

My English isn't good, for this reason I don't write more...
Charles said…
Well. I guess the braves ones, true ones u wish they to wake up and fight.. most of them are gone.. and the rest are already alienated.. this is by far one of the most darkest pages in human history, a truly genocide.. the one with the jews I believe is nothing compared to this one...
My Dear Layla,

I do understand why You are pissed off at the Iraqi people, but the fact that they are sleeping cells (as we said before) does come from a number of reasons, it really depends on whom you are referring as the Iraqi people. The people You are talking about are a minority because you cannot count the Kurds among the people who are not fighting the forces of evil, they are Iraqis whether they like it or not but they have this loyalty and believe in an illusion called kurdistan.

Iraqis from the Shiite sect Persian decedent (people from karbala) are loyal to Iran, the Iraqis from the Shiite sect but Arabs you can divide them into a number of groups, ones that are a minority are truly patriotic and are loyal to Iraqi soil, the others are loyal to a number of gays that hold a black mushroom hat over their heads, you know sistanis, hakeems, saders…etc. these won’t fight anybody as long as this anybody is harming Iraq.

The Sunni sect having many groups of different names but fighting for one purpose, you got the Baathis (that are doing the least among these groups), you got the Qaeda (paranoid, sick, assholes that are brainwashed) looking for Shiias to kill rather than red necks. And you got individual people performing their own resistance that are not entitled to any group or belief.

All the rest are busy working to feed their families, they just don’t care, and they go with the flow, just waiting there like asses on a street. However, you don’t find brave Iraqis anymore for 2 reasons; they are either killed, or imprisoned. And these Iraqi youths that are full of rage need a strategist to guide them, and obviously these strategists of the army and intelligence are no longer there, either killed, imprisoned or left the country.

The people you are asking from them bravery and courage to fight are the pussies left in Iraq.
bARABie said…
Selma, your English is better than most native English speaking people.


Layla, i HATE word verification (yes, i know it's not my blog :) )

PS: it has taken 3 attempts so far to post this comment because those stupid letters look like other letters at times. grrrrrrrr

GRRRRRRRRRR fourth attempt!
bARABie said…
And i agree with Charles.
bARABie said…
But at the same time, i agree with Layla about the Arabs being busy with building shopping malls and living the yankee lifestyle, devoid of any meaning.

I see it here with the Arabs/Muslims and i read about it happening in the Arab world too.

This is the part that frustrates me the MOST, that they can watch their own kind slaughtered and what do they do? Go shopping for the latest friggin label.

TFOU on such "morals".
bARABie said…
"the one with the jews I believe is nothing compared to this one."

I don't believe there ever was one with the jews. NEVER!

Let's look at who the winners were out of that so called holocaust (more like holoHOAX).

The jews gained a superpower (yankeeville), they gained a country (Palestine) AND they gained HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS (if not trillions) in "reparations".

Now, do you really think a population that experienced "genocide" would have that type of power straight after such a holoHOAX????

And the "piece de resistancé", why make it ILLEGAL to question this holoHOAX?????????????
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I'm pissed off too. I've been a soldier [drafted of course] and I've been in combat and I know what it is like, but I would be fighting those goddamn americans and british with every fiber of my being. What white men in positions of power who are well fed and retire to a warm, clean bed every night have done to Iraq, Afghanistan and the innocent people of those countries is way beyond appalling - its freaking unbelievable and an abysmal disgrace to the human race! When the last american, murderous jackass thug is kicked out of Iraq, I'm throwing a three day non-stop party and then I will pay respect to all those who have lost their lives in that tragedy and do what little I can to help those who will rebuild the great country of Iraq! The Vietnamese [the people I WAS told to fight and who I had the utmost respect and admiration for their indomitable spirit] beat our ass and you can do likewise!
bARABie said…
""Iran hopes the venture would pave the way for further presence in Iraq and other neighboring countries' oil industry."

Need i say anything about the above that isn't already obvious?
Anonymous said…
I can understand your utter frustration, Layla, and yes, it would be good if more Iraqis stood up and made a stand, more in line with your truly admirable patriotism.

Yes, Charles above is right - many of those who could have made a stand are gone. I sometimes feel that, perhaps, due to the terrible strain over the past five and a half years, Iraqis on the inside are so tired, that they're just trying to survive. However, there's many on the outside who CAN do something. You're absolutely right about Iraq being stolen right under Iraqis' noses.

Please, any Iraqis reading this, particularly the younger generation, stand up for your beautiful country. After all, it IS your motherland, irrespective of where you are right now.

In solidarity.
Layla Anwar said…
Thank you all for your comments, will acknowledge them later on. Have to go and cook now...


There is no word verification on my blog. I introduced comment moderation.
Anonymous said…
Layla, there's something very important I overlooked in my earlier comment, and I apologise for that. I think it's terribly important that the wonderful work of Iraqi Resistance is never overlooked. There must be so many heroes/heroines who've lost their lives fighting for their motherland, and their ultimate personal sacrifice could never be forgotten. If not for the legitimate Resistance, Iraq would have gone a long time ago seeing the number of traitors around, and I also believe that all is not lost as long as IR continues its truly wonderful and patriotic efforts to keep Iraq for Iraqis. I also believe that Iraqi Resistance has been/will be an inspiration for patriotic people the world over.

I hope you enjoyed the cooking - I'm sure the food was delicious!

In solidarity.
bARABie said…
"There is no word verification on my blog. I introduced comment moderation."

Layla, i know the difference between word verification and comment moderation :) but when i posted that comment about word verification, it was there.

This doesn't make sense.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla, you twisted the knife in the wound... I wish I had not lived long enough to see it happen. I am one of those "gentle fools" who had unconditionally believed in the Iraqis as a People. Then came the Invasion and rammed down my throat (but I could never digest it) the feverish nightmare reality of that People fragmented along roughly drawn sectarian and ethnic lines at a Neanderthal war with one another. And now I have to witness the ultimate mangling, individuals who once lived as functional parts of one united body withdrawing into as many egocentric, disaffected, materialistic, slowthful solitudes, a tragi-comical caricature of the occupiers' own societies: a "herd of monads".

But if the Iraqi People's identity seems lost like a magical philtre spilt on the ground, its "formula" remains jealously guarded in the memories of those few "good apprentices", those few citizens who had truly and thoroughly metabolized the Great Lesson, those few Iraqis for whom "Wahda" was not just an empty slogan or an opportunistic passepartout but a freely and sincerely adopted belief.

Let the sheep baa and graze, the truth is that it never takes the masses to make history, but restricted visionaries elites are the masterminds behind every revolution - and the masses will follow.

Courage, my dearest.

P.S. Please be patient with me, I am lost in a sea of emotions and need your counsel...
Anonymous said…
Mumtaza post, Layla.
Layla Anwar said…

Let me qualify here - I am talking of Iraqis in general, there are exceptions always. Many of them GAVE their lives. So I am quite conscious of this fact.
Your English is fine. Do not let that get in the way...Regards.
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you for visiting and your comment. I agree with you. Many underestimate the 3 years of heinous sectarian cleansing, that has in fact as you rightly pointed out, alienated a good deal. Coupled with that, is the "new" generation of Iraqis, totally off the wall...to say the least. Give them MTV and Playstation and that should suffice.
Layla Anwar said…
Ya Hussain,

I agree with your analysis. The only point I would stress is that Al-Qaeda is NOT an Iraqi phenomena, but rather an American one, that was introduced by the Occupation.
You know as well as I do, that Shias/Sunnis was UNHEARD of before 2003. I still can't believe my own eyes. We are NOT Lebanon, we have never been a Lebanon.
I also have to add that the MALIGNANT role played by Iran and its shias proxies in Iraq is not to be understimated. The cover up is monumental. So are the lies that come with it. But History is not always merciful. Hardly ever, actually...And I trust in her...
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you for a GREAT comment. Will I be invited to attend this wild party, because I would sure love to.
Layla Anwar said…

Some things in life don't make sense...I have no word verification.
Layla Anwar said…

Thanks for your comment.
First let me make my position clear.
- I differentiate between the Resistance and this mass of Iraqis.
- It is not about "my patriotism", actually it has nothing to do with it. It is about a BLATANT reality, that Iraq's geography is being irreversibly changed. That it's history is being re-written and erased. That it's identity is being wiped out...

All the above plus, goes beyond patriotism. It has to do with the survival of a Nation.

Yes, the food was yummy. Am a good cook ;-)
Layla Anwar said…

Shukran Jazeelan.
My Dear Layla

i wrote 2 months ago in one of my posts that Al-Qaeda is an American made criminal organization.

i am not ignorant of that but thank you for pointing it out to some ignorant people that visit your blog.


Lion cub
Layla Anwar said…
One more thing I need to be clear about.

I am aware that no one can sustain any form of "resistance" 24/7, neither through writing nor through other form of praxis. And I am also aware that blogs in particular reflect their owners...
And that we all need a break, at some time or another...

However, I still mantain, that in view of the gigantic destruction brought upon Iraq and its people and ALL the ramifications that this utter makeover imply, in such a short span of time and yes 5 years is short...All the above cannot and should not be overlooked at all. I still believe that it is INCUMBENT upon every Iraqi, regardless of his/her present condition, situation --- to ACTIVELY, PRO-ACTIVELY and FIRMLY speak out/act out...against the ultimate of act of having his/her country, identity, roots, history WIPED OUT.
Anonymous said…
Dearest Layla, thanks for your comment, and, yes, I've got to see it from your perspective. I agree that this is far, far bigger than patriotism - your comment above is absolutely clear about that. And, yes, I am aware that this is about wiping out EVERYTHING that is Iraqi - it's been obvious right from the beginning.

I agree, too, that it is incumbent upon every Iraqi to speak or act out, and my sincere and humble belief is that it could begin at grassroot level. Those with leadership qualities need to now exploit their potential (not for money but for something far greater)and take it upon themselves to 'educate' the masses and mobilise them. Every avenue must be exploited: schools, mosques, churches, hospitals, etc. Together with trust and peace building among communities to eliminate the terrible schisms brought on by this barbaric and illegal occupation. I truly wish this could happen ...

My comment about the Resistance came about purely because I felt very guilty about not acknowledging its great work in my original comment, because I was looking at it from a 'blanket' Iraqi perspective!

In solidarity.
How right you are dear Layla! If I was Iraqi I would feel the same way you feel. What terrible tragedy and injustice has been done to your country. As a matter of fact, when the attack on the Twin Towers, my first feeling was that the American Government was behind it and as you probably have noticed Osama Bin Laden has never been caught while your Hussein was VERY quickly found... Much love and courage my dear. Hugs, M.

SELMITA, your English is great. Do make comments because I'm sure Layla and friends would love to read your views on these matters. Besotes, M. (Layla, thanks for allowing me to make this comment to my dear SELMA)
Ah, another thing. One way to avoid all these wars would be if soldiers themselves, ESPECIALLY AMERICAN SOLDIERS REFUSED to fight in these wars that don't benefit them in any way except for being cannon fodder. Hugs, M.
Anonymous said…
It looks like you have been inspired by Malika el-Aroud.

'Mrs el-Aroud, who also uses the name Oum-Obeyda, runs a French language website and said earlier this year: "It's not my role to set off bombs. I have a weapon. It's to write, it's to speak out. That's my jihad [holy war]."'

It's very easy to sit behind a computer screen. If you are so concerned about your country get off your butt and go there and fight.
bARABie said…
Merche and others, i have to disagree with you all about Al-Qaeda being a yank asset.

Let's take it from 9/11.

Osama immediately came out and said "as a Muslim i am not allowed to lie, i had nothing to do with the attacks on usa".

Second, there were numerous reports that Osama had been killed in December of 2001 in Tora Bora.

Third, which makes the current "Al qaeda" a cia asset but the REAL Al Qaeda was bombed into oblivion in 2001.

The reason they haven't "FOUND" Osama (even though they know they killed him) is he provides them with this "bogey" man they can keep referring to when they need to attack another country.

I believe the Al qaeda now IS a cia asset but the real al qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11 nor with Iraq.

So to re cap, Al Qaeda prior to the invasion of Afghanistan was a true Islamic resistance and the "al qaeda" after the invasion IS a creation of the cia/mossad.
bARABie said…
One other point.

Some might ask "but why keep Osama "alive" as the bogey man and not Saddam?".

Because Saddam was secular whereas Al Qaeda was sectarian, which allows you know who to divide and conquer Islam much easier than if they had tried using Saddam.
bARABie said…
"It's very easy to sit behind a computer screen. If you are so concerned about your country get off your butt and go there and fight."

The jewish maggot/safavid has obviously never heard the saying "the pen (or in this case, the keyboard) is mightier than the sword" .
(Yes i know i should take heed of the above).
bARABie said…
Layla, my curiosity gets the better of me, what was the food?? :)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
"It's very easy to sit behind a computer screen. If you are so concerned about your country get off your butt and go there and fight"

O ye sir/madam, I see thou art still living in the pre-electronic, pre-globalization age with thy imagery of battlefields like open green plains where armies come to clash in a clangor of steel and dust clouds (o lucky ye...)

I suggest thou pull thy helmeted head out of thy stinking "ass-hilt" and get up-to-date upon the subject of modern warfare techniques, or if thou art a proud knight of yore then learn some chivalry unto the fair dames and some compassion unto the victims of injustice, for verily thou comest across as a most villainous boor.

Fare thee well and go and speak unto thy king of Layla Anwar and the Iraq that still resists.

Lady E.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla, you and Little Deer talking of "delicious" Iraqi food made me hungry ! I thought when you have time/feel like it you could post some of your recipes on another blog. I love cooking, it would be great to become good at Iraqi cuisine too. Be well.
Anonymous said…
Barabie: I'm sorry, I missed an earlier comment of yours on the previous post. I've just responded!
Anonymous said…

Why of course you will be invited although I may be hard-pressed to match the renowned hospitality of the Iraqi people!

One must always keep in mind the atrocities suffered by innocent children. When a child dies, the entire universe is saddened since that is not the natural order of life.

I attended a presentation by the authors [Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, Kael Alford, Thorne Anderson and Rita Leistner] of the book “Unembedded – Four Independent Photojournalists on the War in Iraq”. During the presentation, one of them showed a picture that whenever he shows it or looks at it, it fills his whole being with an unbearable sense of sorrow. It is a picture of a young child and his mother – the child is dying of a vitamin K deficiency ailment that could easily be corrected by a drug that costs a little over one dollar. However, since that particular drug could remotely be a constituent of a chemical weapon of destruction, its importation was banned. This innocent child died because of this. And this has happened time and time again – when Madeline Albright was asked if the death of 500,000 Iraqi children by virtue of the sanctions was worth it, this monster replied, “Yes”.

So to all Iraqis – when you see an American soldier, when you see someone cooperating with the occupiers, keep that image of that innocent dying child and his mother in your mind and for God’s sake, act accordingly!
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous re Malika El-Aroud,

Sounds like YOU WANT TO IMPLICATE ME with Al-Qaeda.

1- I had never heard of Malika El-Aroud before today.

2- I don't need a Malika El-Aroud to inspire me. MY COUNTRY IS UNDER OCCUPATION AND HAS BEEN TOTALLY DESTROYED. Over 1 million of its people killed, an unacountable number maimed, prisons overflowing with uncharged men and women, torture and rape, 5 millions orphans roaming the streets, millions of widows, millions in exile, hundreds women murdered for NOT complying with AL-QAEDA and IRAN, its resources plundered, its history looted and erased - ALL OF THAT BASED ON LIES, lies by the WEST in particular USA and GB and Iran playing fiddle.

THAT is my inspiration, you scum !
So I don't need any jihadist Malika to inspire me.

3- So you are asking a woman to go and take up guns now ? Fucking idiot. You should be barking your shit against the occupiers not me... You are nothing but a dirty Kalb = dog, just in case you don't understand Arabic, even though I doubt you don't !!!
Layla Anwar said…

Thanks again for a great comment, and a reminder of the sanction years...
Layla Anwar said…
AN AMAZING coincidence,

The radio is playing now that song -- I will never forget you -- by Saif Shaheen. Was posted on my uncensored blog a few weeks ago. WOW, am falling off my chair !!!
Layla Anwar said…
Barabie and E,

Will share some recipes with you, some time.
Yesterday I cooked spicy chicken with zafran rice and almonds and raisins.
Layla Anwar said…
Barabie and Merche,

I don't know if Osama Bin Laden is alive or not. I personally believe he is dead already. He suffered kidney failure and I doubt being in the remote mountains of Afghanistan with a kidney failure and no dialysis anyone can survive.

I agree with Barabie that Osama is kept alive to use the AQ excuse to divide more...and justify the "war on terror".


I agree with you, Americans soldiers have to refuse to serve...After all the army is not compulsory in the US. and seeing that Iraq's occupation WAS/IS BASED ON LIES, the least the Soldiers can do is FUCK OFF BACK to the US. and NOW!
Anonymous said…
What is your problem, LAYLA??!! You MUST know we fought them all!!?? US; THE QUEEN OF THE ISLANDS; FRENCH; ITALIAN;%RUSSIAN;
and we rose to do that with our BELOVED MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK!!!!!!
Yes!!!! HE changed the ALPHABET!!!!! ŞÜKRAN!!!! Yes!!! HE changed the CHARISMA!!!
Anonymous said…
Like you would, hey??!!
The craddle of IT ALL??!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

"Al Qaeda prior to the invasion of Afghanistan was a true Islamic resistance"

Ehm...who was backing the spoilt Saudi hot-head Mr Osama "Tim Osman" Bin Laden and his "Mujahedeen" to fight the Russians out of Afghanistan back in the 80'...God or the aspiring world's only superpower America's Intelligence ?

For goodness' sake, Barabie, it's enough to remember that the Iraqi government (the only genuine anti-imperialist bastion in the whole Arabo-Islamic world) hated the guts of the guy and never wanted any business with his "Al Qaeda" either prior to or after 9/11, regardless of who did or who did not 9/11, simply because it considered them a bunch of fanatical trouble-makers with no serious political platform, or in Tariq Aziz's words "the worst enemies of the Revolution".

Had they been a "true Islamic resistance", a genuine anti-Crusader resistance, Iraq would have been the first to support it, don't you think ?

It's a shame that too many desperate Arab youths fell into this all US/Zionist-made trap, too much moral and material potential got wasted in this Takfiri "holy war" myth (when not in that other formidable diversionary discourse called political Shiism) instead of being channelled into seriously anti-imperialist projects either secular or Islam-oriented, but serious, like the Iraqi one was.

From their enthusiasm for the empty words of the living-dead "Bin Laden" or of the alas-living Ahmadinejad compared to their indifference to the tragedy of revolutionary Iraq, one would suspect that what most Arabs are really interested in is just a shot of ideological excitement, not real concrete liberation...

IDIOTS, indeed.
Anonymous said…
@layla, you have no GUTS!!!!
So NO desire to converse with ypou, you ARABIC IDIPOT!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Have the guts you sicko!!!!
From day 1 onwards!!!!!
Layla Anwar said…
Nur scum,

Don't you think it's a little too early to be pissed drunk...
Alcohol and a full moon...fuck you are howling again, like some mad hat....LOL
Am keeping you for fun...And there is comment moderation you idiot, you don't need to leave the same comment 20'000 times. LOL
bARABie said…
"Studies have estimated overall death rates for acute kidney failure at 42-88%."

"According to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS), the life span of an ESRD patient is 18-47% of the life span of the age-sex-race matched general population."

The life expectancy for a male in Afghanistan is 43.6 years. Osama would be 51 now if he were alive.

And they were studies on people living in the usa, not someone living in a cave, without access to a dialysis machine and being bombed left, right and center.

That "42-88%" would definitely have to increase in Osama's case.

But yet there are many who still believe he is alive but not just alive, he is busy fighting a superpower and it's "allies". And he somehow finds the energy in between all this fighting and dialysis treatment to make videos which SITE, the jewish run "monitoring" group, somehow manages to obtain "superman" Osama's videos before even "Al-Qaeda" has it on it's sites.
Anonymous said…
"spicy chicken with zafran rice and almonds and raisins"

Mmmmmmmmmmmm what a feast for both the palate and the heart...

I once posted a comment here about the importance of the senses as a safe refuge from the non-sense of all this suffering and death... I see we are on the same wave-length :-)
bARABie said…
"Ehm...who was backing the spoilt Saudi hot-head Mr Osama "Tim Osman" Bin Laden and his "Mujahedeen" to fight the Russians out of Afghanistan back in the 80'...God or the aspiring world's only superpower America's Intelligence ?

For goodness' sake, Barabie, it's enough to remember that the Iraqi government ....."

Ehm right back at you, who was shaking hands with rumsfeld and the "aspiring world's only superpower America's Intelligence" during the 80's? (don't throw stones when you live in blah blah blah)
As for my views regarding getting help from the yanks during the 80's, let me ask you a question;
What would you have had them do to defend Afghanistan during the 80's????
Why they disliked each other is quite obvious, one was sectarian and one was secular.
Anonymous said…
@layla, yes I need to leave the sAME COMMENT!!!!!
suck on your ıtalian high heels, you idiot!!!!!
AND MESMERIZE ON YOUR ..........................................
bARABie said…
"regardless of who did or who did not 9/11, simply because it considered them a bunch of fanatical trouble-makers"

If they didn't do 9/11, then what made them so bad prior to 9/11?
Layla Anwar said…

Guess what ? Molly the constipated, neurotic, anally retentive closet zionist and her mullah have been deleting my comments at the iranian pundit show... Kiss emon ala emm el adiyeh tabaon.
Anonymous said…
Layla, scum, I leave you with your Baathis head-banging SCUM!!!!
Me and my nation, dedicated for peace at home and peace in the world, inspired by MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK, will stick to it!!!!!
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Fuck off,

Your Attateez did nothing but comply to the Americans and the Zionists...Turkey is screwed for a long long time...

As for us Arabs Iraqis, we took in less than 15 years over 10 Hiroshimas and Nagazakis on our heads because we dared say NO to the filth you have allowed in your wombs...

Arziz. !
Layla Anwar said…
LOL @ Nur,

Kess emmek a3la emm attateez. lol.
bARABie said…
Layla, she obliged one of the safavid supporters when i was there by telling him she/it would police the comments section.

So her deleting your comments is just her following the traditional jewish nazi tradition.

The Arabs must not have a voice that is different to how they want and that is why "Arabs" like mullar tony and aa and yasmin are great buddies of theirs.

Arabs like you and others who say it as it is are not allowed to speak.
Layla Anwar said…

Molly is a two faced constipated jewish bitch of the first order. Just coz she got banged by a shite head, makes her believe that she is an expert.... LOL.

Eh kiss emon a3la emm abu'on.

If these assholes represent Palestine, you can recite the Fateeha for a long, long time...
And we will all walk in the funeral of Falasteen . LOL
bARABie said…
"Me and my nation, dedicated for peace at home and peace in the world, inspired by MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK"


Oh wow, you are too too funny.

Are you sure you and "your" nation are not really for PISS at home and PISS in the world? (sic)
Anonymous said…
kiss my barabie, litle deer, paola pissi, km, LITTLE BUTT!!!!!!!!!
And stay away from my little butt you SICKO!!!!!!YOU ARE GEORGE BUSH KIND!!!!!
bARABie said…
Layla, the sad part is that these assholes ARE representing Palestine.

Like that ali abunimah, one would swear he is a shite (even though he is not).
It appears as though they can find Arab puppets no matter which country they are located in.
Layla Anwar said…

Yeah I agree, seems kissing Ahmadinejad ass is very fashionable amongst Americans and Arab Americans in particular, not to mention Palestinian Americans...
But trust me, I have good friends in the West Bank and Gaza, and these folks SHIT on the Tony and Molly kind.
bARABie said…
"And we will all walk in the funeral of Falasteen "

I haven't wanted to admit it openly and this is the first time i do but it does look like Palestine will cease to exist except for "reservation" type ghettos like the yanks did to the Red Indians.
Anonymous said…
you WHAT??!!!
You wish Turkey is screwed!!!!!
And that will be your last wish!!!!!!
And your sexual dreams will be just yours!!!!!!!!!
Layla Anwar said…

Am afraid to say it too, but I agree with that last bit.
Layla Anwar said…
Does anyone have an Ottoman remedy to this psycho Nur, so she can wake up from her Attateez trance ?! LOL.

Stay around Nur, I feel like bashing you tonight...don't take away the entertainment.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, you've said it you retard! we ae representing palestine! if that is not TOOO trouble for you!
and you and your layla anwar can kiss my peacefull, honorable BUTT!!!!!
bARABie said…
Layla, during the 2006 Lebanon war dad and i had an argument (when i was ignorant), he supported harriri and i supported the hizzies.
He pointed out the dangers of the safavids and what they were attempting to do at that time but last weekend their opinion was different and more or less in support of the safavids.

I guarantee it that changed before i left and i forgot to ask him why he was supporting them now (i will).
The point of the story being, if he could change his mind and start supporting them, when he was aware of the safavid danger, whatever it is they are doing must be good enough not just to pull the wool over the ignorant unintelligent people's eyes but also over the eyes of people who appear aware of reality.
Anonymous said…
I am sticking around SICKO!!!!
bARABie said…
"Stay around Nur, I feel like bashing you tonight."

I want to stick around for this. :)
Anonymous said…
I am sticking around SICKOOO!!!!!!
Like you have deleted my comment before, we except OTHERWISE!!!!
Anonymous said…
Release my comments, you idiot!!!
Layla Anwar said…

I believe your dad was right...and is right...
At one point I supported the Hezzies, big mistake. But I had no choice, Lebanon, a country I really love for different reasons, was being bombed senseless by the Zionist Jews. It did not take me much to choose my camp.
But now in retrospect, I believe I was too naive...
Layla Anwar said…

I released your comments along with your piggie self, released you from the Attateez barn...

By the way are you still picking grapes ? I hope you are not making wine out of them, you sure can't handle it too well...LOL
Anonymous said…
I am HERE and NOW, where the FUCK are you??!!
Layla Anwar said…

I know you miss me "Janem", am here...do you feel like being slapped some more ?
Is that what Attateez taught you, how to become masochists ? LOL
Anonymous said…
You know fuck all!!!
Layla Anwar said…

Please enlighten through the Ethanol....LOL
Anonymous said…
Noone in Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's country gets slapped like you sluts in Iraq DO!!!! Be my guest!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Don't use my name for your idiocy!!!
Anonymous said…
Time and history will tell what an IDIOT you are!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I am enlightened anyways, and you know it!!!!!Release ALL my comments you IDIOT!!!!
Layla Anwar said…
LOL@ Nur,

You know I don't like the kurds much, but if they can fuck Turkey, am all for it ! LOL
Layla Anwar said…
someone release the piggie nur from her barn please ! she is suffocating...wants to be released...

Nur do you know that song by Engelbert HumperDICK ? ---

Please release me, let me go...

Anonymous said…
Hi Layla, I wasn't going to comment - just went through the crazy comments by one Nur!!! She's obsessed with you, Layla, obviously because you hit some raw nerve!

Your comment above had me in stitches, particularly the reference to the Engelbert Humperdinck song!!!

In solidarity.
WOW! I had a great laugh with the "floral fencing" between Barbie, Nur and you...ha,ha,ha. The spicy chicken with saffron rice sounds abosolutely DELICIOUS! Hugs, M.
KM said…
If you wish I can FedEx you a GREEK dildo.
Anonymous said…
Götümün sikilmesinden öyle zevk alıyorum ki, ya hep buraya geliyorum ya da kuzey Kürdistan'da takılıyorum, gerillalar ve önüne gelen sikiyor, ben zevkle ve acıyla sıpalar gibi bağırıyorum.

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