A Pizza...

nothing grand...but just in case you fancy one.


Anonymous said…
You love Nature- so do I. Nature is endowed with variety of beauty, e.g. fragrances of the roses, silent flowing streams and falling leaves.

Things change but Nature is ever lasting it keeps refreshing our thoughts and enchanting our souls. Nature keeps adding more and more beauty to the environment. So does the lady who hides in black.
Anonymous said…
Brilliant tapestry of words, Layla, as always. Thank you, with love.
KM said…
Layla, I can relate to alot of what you say, in that about how Life can be observed and it seems to be so . . .

You mentioned yer interest in death in one of yer posts. Death..that passing along seems to be in many ways the 'final frontier'.

Isnt it ironic that we come into this World and we cant even remember it or at the time we are not capable of describing that expereince. WOW, what an entry ! :-) All the bright lights, attention and fan fare and we cant even recall it.

I hope when I meet Death that I am fully conscious. I dont want any of this passing away while unconscious or worse yet..in my sleep. I dont want Life to bargain with Death so that in my final moments of existence, this experience is stolen from me.

You are comfortable with yourself Layla
KM said…

bARABie said…
"I personally settled for a pizza. The cute waiter who is always all smiles,"

Seeing as you didn't finish your pizza, maybe you didn't go there because you were hungry.... Well not for food anyway.
Unknown said…
This is why I don't have a social life. Why waste my time and resources on the brain dead?
Anonymous said…
What is your favourite food ?
KM said…

Here's a very small sample of "rights & freedoms" in Ameranazica.

ask a question and get arrested

Anonymous said…
the pizza was good!, keep observing and let us know, thanks ,
Anonymous said…
Laylaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!! What the friggin fucking hoot of a fig of a hell is happening to this world ????????

The Talibans are putting the US to rout in Afghanistan...with all due respect for everybody who fights back against injustice, but...the Talibans, those semi-literated obscurantist boors for heck's sake !!!!!!

And our highly educated, enlightened, secular, progressive, visionary, revolutionary, Pan-Arabist forces spend their time sitting on armchairs masturbating their pc keyboards with one hand and counting US Sahwa $$$ with the other !!!!!!

God, tell me it's not true because I can't take any more of this...
Anonymous said…
typo: semi-literate
Anonymous said…
guys hold on2 your hats, layla is just abt 2 make an appearance
Anonymous said…
layla bagdad is 3 hours +gmt not 2 hours, plz update your settings of your blog ASAP
Anonymous said…
rog said...

guys hold on2 your hats, layla is just abt 2 make an appearance


apologies i spoke 2 soon
Anonymous said…
And our highly educated, enlightened, secular, progressive, visionary, revolutionary, Pan-Arabist forces spend their time sitting on armchairs masturbating their pc keyboards with one hand and counting US Sahwa $$$ with the other !!!!!!


these sons of bitches, too busy masturbating with their dicks
Anonymous said…
the pizza was good!, keep observing and let us know, thanks ,


shut the fuck you u pea-brained bastard
Anonymous said…
KM said...


Here's a very small sample of "rights & freedoms" in Ameranazica.

km u stupid son of a slut can u stop making up stupid names like americanazica, its not funny and its not clever
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

What is your favourite food ?


mines chicken tikka on naan with mint sauce
Anonymous said…
Morgan said...

This is why I don't have a social life. Why waste my time and resources on the brain dead?


morgan this isn't your daily blog, no one enquired about your social life in the first place
Anonymous said…
bARABie said...

"I personally settled for a pizza. The cute waiter who is always all smiles,"

Seeing as you didn't finish your pizza, maybe you didn't go there because you were hungry.... Well not for food anyway.


bARABie do u realise this is a woman in her 40s u r talking too here(might even reach 50 before this occupation ends), dont u think shes be a little too old to be going to restaurants cos she fancied the waiter???
Anonymous said…
KM said...




fuck off
Anonymous said…
sindbad d sailor said...

You love Nature- so do I. Nature is endowed with variety of beauty, e.g. fragrances of the roses, silent flowing streams and falling leaves.

Things change but Nature is ever lasting it keeps refreshing our thoughts and enchanting our souls. Nature keeps adding more and more beauty to the environment. So does the lady who hides in black.


tahnks sindbad, i found your post very soothing
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Little Deer,

thank you...you are a great woman-person.
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you.
But am not some morbid macabre obsessive about death sort of person...I just find death a fascinating transit...
Having said that, what bothers me most about the "human condition" is their inability to think of their own finity...hence their stupidity.
Layla Anwar said…

I say to myself and to you -- PATIENCE. Afghanistan is not Iraq and vice versa and remember there is no Iran and no Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan !!!!
Layla Anwar said…

you disappoint me... Take a crash course in women in their 40's will you please ?

Still, you are right, the waiter had nothing to do with my existential pizza...
Layla Anwar said…

Yes I do love nature...You must be a quite observant follower...

Did you ever notice that ? That the whole universe is represented in a leaf. Just look at a leaf and see how one leaf, has a source and off shoots...

6/10/08 5:08 AM
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous @ my favorite food,

Something typically Iraqi or something typically Indian.
Layla Anwar said…

I was hungry...but not for that waiter :-)
KM said…
I know yer not obsessive about death Layla. I grew up around death in a sort of eerily / evil way. Hence maybe my fasination with 'evil' and how it operates....ever so sly appearing to be blanketed in love.

My mother tried to kill my sister. I remember it inbits & pieces. We were talking of this tonite..kind of re-living moments with 'mommy-dearest. I was 9 at the time, the youngest. Her doctor friend was in on it too.

11 years ago she got away with killing my stepfather..all for the money and walked away with it all as cool as a cucumber. On eof my sisters and I knw our stepfather wouldnt last long once our mother removed him from the nursing home and took him home. Oh no; One day my sister & I went to her sliding glass door at the back of her house and there sat mommy dearest.....all bundled up on the sofa with blankets on her while our stepfather lay on his hosptital bed with his underwear on....freezing of course cus she had the air conditioner on. See, if he got pnuemonia and died..it would all play out so conveniant for her. Thats why seh took him home; to kill him.

He was dead within the week she took him home.

Anyway.....yer right. Wrongs committed do have a way of righting themselves eventually.
bARABie said…
"there is no Iran and no Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan"

I have to disagree with you there.
Who do you think the "Northern Alliance" is supported and funded by, the same Northern Alliance in power now.

iran is nearly as involved in Afghanistan as IT is in Iraq, i said nearly.
In fact iran played the same role facilitating the invasion of Afghanistan as it did with the invasion of Iraq.
bARABie said…
"dont u think shes be a little too old to be going to restaurants cos she fancied the waiter???"

bARABie said…
KM and Morgan, maybe you two should start paying Layla for your therapy sessions.
KM said…
no therapy just a close relationship with true evil
Anonymous said…

When I said no Iran in Afghanistan I meant no Iranian militias and death squads...
Anonymous said…
anon above was moi.

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