Uncensored Thoughts...

For those who care and for those who care not, I shall be updating my Uncensored blog on a regular basis -- with music, writings, and maybe a poem or two. I do not wish to constantly advertise it, hence this little note.

I feel the need to hide in that other blog, the black gives me comfort.

After all, I was called a Black Widow once...


Anonymous said…
ok layla, thanks for letting all your readers know
Anonymous said…
I shall be updating my Uncensored blog on a regular basis -- with music, writings, and maybe a poem or two


wow i can't wait.....i always look forward to your posts on that blog and now i feel i will be spoilt rotten with such regular updates
Anonymous said…
I am celebrating with drums, a darbuka, a def and a thousands bendirs,
my heart is quivering in delight
like the strings of some old wooden luth
that has found life again
clapping and jumping
whirling in an ecstatic dance
happily ululating like women at a wedding
celebrating your departure
a joy
a blessing
a deliverance...


layla ill be honest with u....i didnt get this....do u have any more stories of your dates that went badly???
KM said…
Hi Layla.

Rememberover the time here so many American wankers that have come here and lectured you on freedoms, democracy, how great the US is for having all of the above and more??


The fucking idiots with their heads in the sand over real issues in America are gonna wake up to Fascism.

The American Gov/Corp is absolutely taking over. Of course thet go be the label of a "bail out" but make no mistake, they are Take Overs.

Cheers fine lady and keep Strong. I would say bottoms up but the moment I do, a big red, white and blue dick will be shoved up my ass !
Anonymous said…
Layla ou les infortunes du patriotisme.
Anonymous said…
Nods his head in appreciation of her composition.
Anonymous said…
Nice to see u roger,have a nice day.
Layla Anwar said…
Roger Federer,

You're smart, but why does the obvious always elude you ? lol
Layla Anwar said…

Hey, God am laughing hard...lol.

Just hope the transition will be "smooth".
Layla Anwar said…

plutòt les mésaventures de Bécassine...
Layla Anwar said…
sindbad d sailor,

I must admit yours as in pseudo is more exotic than Popeye the sailor man.

Thank you for your seal of approval.

Yours truly,
Layla Anwar said…
Will comment on the previous post, regarding "Ze Model", later on today, am in a rrrrrrush, right now.

Love to (nearly) all.
Anonymous said…
Allons, allons, tu n'étais pas une Bécassine, ça peut arriver à n'importe quelle fille de s'engouer d'une canaille.

Et la maman d' "Y", elle était toute fière de son petit bébé chéri, j'imagine ?
Anonymous said…
"One meeting replacing another, one face another, one name another."

Your husband shared you with others ???

You should have reported the bastard to the police, the Iraqi law under Saddam protected women citizens like yourself.
Layla Anwar said…

J'ai rencontré la mère de "Y" (Yazan est le nom, juste au cas où la curiosité te ronge) une seule fois. Et je l'ai trouvée comme une dame bien. Donc pour répondre à ta question, je n'en sais rien et à présent je m'en fiche éperdumment.
Layla Anwar said…

Stop your idiocy, or is that too difficult ??? Unless you're another fucked up psychopath, something I do not exclude, trying to demean me. But, hey guess what ? I am innoculated. So get lost.
Anonymous said…
Darkness holds me like a sea,
I feel deep inside,free
What may beauty within this dark hide?
I can't escape from this beautiful side.
Anonymous said…
Je pensais que c'était la meme vieille megère Libanaise qui avait grondé son fils parce-qu'il amenait "une Sunnite (toi) à la maison".
Anonymous said…
"Outraged", the "shared" thing is gratuitous, especially since you don't have a clue, but yes I strongly agree that physically or psychologically abused women should never be silent.

Layla, why didn't you call the police and send that man to jail ?
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Layla.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder - the core quality of all abusers, including those who have raped Iraq ...

In solidarity.

P.S. Laughed about KM's comment, too!
Kali Manitou said…
Little Roger found a place to go, a blog
that serves him like a lighthouse in the fog
Federer reckons himself a smart
but his mind produces lots of fart
One can tell he has a lot of time
sometimes he drinks martini with lime
but when he looks in the mirror
his lonely eyes give him tremor
Anonymous said…
"am in a rrrrrrrush, right now"

Is there such thing as "rush" in exile ?
Kali Manitou said…
But back to the worhty subjects,
Thank you for writing your words that engulfed me, keeping me with the impatience, waiting to exhale.
"And I exhale deeply..." the end.
ANother beginning:
The breath brought tears along with it, tears for the lost opportunities, for the broken turquoise Bagdati ceramic, tears for the unutterable despair, and tears for most of us, undiscovered pearls that get crushed before being appreciated.
One for you, that i wiped off with tenderness, another for our humanity that I intend to cherish as long as I possibly can.
Thank you
Anonymous said…
Your other blog is getting more and more of a turbid feuilleton of those that XVIII century convent girl boarders kept hidden under the pillow.

Maybe we should just start calling you "Madame L."
Layla Anwar said…
Sindbad d sailor,

Very beautiful indeed.!
Layla Anwar said…

Tes empreintes se font sentir partout...En Anglais on appelle cela un giveaway. Assez banale je dois dire.
Tes empreintes se font sentir comme un voyeurism pervers, comme si tu vivais ta vie à travers celle des autres - d'où ta curiosité malsaine et tes propos cons.
Layla Anwar said…

read above reply in French ;-)
Layla Anwar said…
Hiya Little Deer,

Hope you are well...Same boat I suppose.
Layla Anwar said…

You seem to know quite a lot about Madames and convent girls, why don't you tell us yours ?

In any case, these "feuilletons" seem to "tintillate" and keep you on your toes with all sorts of hidden feelings "under the pillow"

Ah les Pétasses immatures.
Layla Anwar said…

Wow, thank you very much. I think I did tell you once that there is a poet and writer in you. Well, am saying it again now.
Kali Manitou said…
Thank you Layla, coming from you,
it means aLot for me. Inspiration is a vessel to timelessness where true meeting can happen.
Glad that we met.
Anonymous said…

Je sais que tu ne me méprise pas vraiment.

Un jour mes "empreintes" se feront "sentir" là où elles le doivent...c'est promis :-)
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla,

Am as well as can be, under the circumstances! Yes, same boat, but the co-passenger of the boat will wish that the choice of captain (and principal gardener!!!)was never made, if you know what I mean!! Hope you're alright.

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
read above reply in French"

Sorry, I don't understand French.

I was just wondering how can you ever be "in a rush" while in exile, since time in exile is like in death, still and uneventful.
Layla Anwar said…

Sorry I thought you did understand French.

"since time in exile is like in death, still and uneventful."

My reply to you.

Survival is not death and can be a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrushing event.
Layla Anwar said…
For all concerned regarding post on Arabia Felix . I have added my two cents in the comment section.

Anonymous said…
It’s an honor that you found my poem worthy of your attention. He withdraws momentarily from her palace in silence.
Anonymous said…
I think one should not take issue with the Arab man ( or Hebrew or Greek etc..)

The problem is the Mother. Mothers can be egocentric, domineering,controlling and manipulative.

What chance has the son got with a mother like that?
Anonymous said…
Sindbad d Sailor reminds me of a friend from the past - except that he was not as chivalrous to me as Sindbad is to Layla.
Anonymous said…
"You seem to know quite a lot about Madames and convent girls"

No thanks, I live in my time.

It's you who first drew the parallel between one of your "uncensored" stories and De Sade-style novels.

And please don't come and call me "immature", you former emotionally dependent woman who wasted her youth drooling for approval after stupid wild beasts like "Y" who trampled on her dignity.

Good day to you.
Anonymous said…

Poor thing !
Anonymous said…
Some might think “am I fond of my self or just with an over active mind, serving meaningless words.

The answer is NO! Every one becomes a refugee once in a lifetime. Some seek refuge in their own land and quite a lot in foreign lands. Loads of them take refuge in shelters and a few in words. And I seek refuge in a little absurdity if that’s what you would like to call it.

People seek refuge for various reasons, either from wars or from broken dreams and broken hearts.

If such a thought, occurs then please spare me my life. I am just a refugee in my own mind.
Layla Anwar said…
Ah Sindbad d Sailor, the permanent exiled one...
Anonymous said…
YUCK!!!!! How sick can you get???!!!
Anonymous said…
I don't think Black Widow is appropriate. I rather think of you as man repellent.
Anonymous said…
anonymous above,

another fragmented, hollow, envious psychopath. Go fuck yourself.

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