Ces Arabes !

Did you say Arab ? Did I hear you right ?
Arab is my nationality, my identity and my language.
A language that existed before you were born, before you were collectively conceived...
When your ancestors were still discovering language, and when you were communicating in grunts and groans, with a pistol in one hand.
Your great grand father was a slave trader and yours was an ex convict. As for you, you discovered the virtue of bathing thanks to your expeditions to the Orient.
And as for you - your university still has its faculty of medicine following what your crusaders brought with them in knowledge from the East. And you - your industrial revolution was only made possible thanks to the Silk road and its pillaging.
So who are you talking to ? You cave man.
When addressing your true Masters, you need a little humility. And one of this blog's intent is to make you humble or very angry...
In either case - I have achieved my purpose.
So am an Arab, an Arab Woman. And what a wonderful "thing" to be.
Art work : Ceramics by Iraqi artist, Raad Al Dalaimy.
Arab is my nationality, my identity and my language.
A language that existed before you were born, before you were collectively conceived...
When your ancestors were still discovering language, and when you were communicating in grunts and groans, with a pistol in one hand.
Your great grand father was a slave trader and yours was an ex convict. As for you, you discovered the virtue of bathing thanks to your expeditions to the Orient.
And as for you - your university still has its faculty of medicine following what your crusaders brought with them in knowledge from the East. And you - your industrial revolution was only made possible thanks to the Silk road and its pillaging.
So who are you talking to ? You cave man.
When addressing your true Masters, you need a little humility. And one of this blog's intent is to make you humble or very angry...
In either case - I have achieved my purpose.
So am an Arab, an Arab Woman. And what a wonderful "thing" to be.
Art work : Ceramics by Iraqi artist, Raad Al Dalaimy.
lets supose all what you have said is true. but for the bathing stuff. please tell me,in your country; why dont you have water hoses in the toilets to whipe out the shit outta your asses? why do u only use tissue? why are you guys fond of anal sex? penis is a blessing, why put it in a shit hole? why do you in th ewest refuse to be satisfied by human morals and seek sex with your dogs and pets? why is it a must and it became a sex protocol that your husband cums in your mouth?
now please tell me who is dirty and who is clean.
West did not have a concept of 'ZERO' until AL-GEBR got inroduced to them. If i tell you what you are in algebraic language, now you can understand it, thanks to the arabs.
You are a zero on this page. It will be full with comments, praises, and ramblings of idiots like youself, most of them about Layla and her writing.
But you will remain as the zero that you outed yourself to be. So what she does lately, is beyond you 'lisa the zero', you had an 'F'.
Just by not being able to step out of all powerfully consuming vulture culture and not recognizing how the words hit you. Just check it again, how you jump with "Masters"(like the English masters of American peasants) "to be proud about" like the endless bullshit you chew on from 4th of July to 4th of July, year after year. You think such sentiments belong, should belong to your kind only. And that makes you a zero. Go visit Louvre that is built without toilet facilities or Buckingam palace that is deemed not worthy of visit by many tourists
OR the London's St. Paul's Cathedral and the U.S. Capitol building each with false double domes, the outermost of which is little more than a shell. Like your "civilization"...
No little lisa, the west is just tasting the 'master' thing very recently. From China to Ottomans, from Babylon to Aztecs, many had it before. It's just hard to imagine any culture, any population looking so ridiculous, so far away from digesting it.
Stop lying to yourself with false "Ha ha ha ha!!!"s, girl! The 'Ces Arabes!' hit you just where it was aimed at, and that's what Layla did lately.
And laughing with delight she does :)
I bet you looked somewhat good enough for drunken jocks back in the days when you went wild at some spring break...
So be happy with those memories and be gone.
Toujours des mots
Les memes mots
Rien que des mots...
Besides, she has already stated her own true opinions of the arab world today in this blog and she agrees with me.....
You mention the Orient and I am a firm believer in Eastern medicine. Not the eating of tiger testicles to promote sexual drive & stamina ( I dont really believe what is said about eating oysters )...but more along the lines of the herbs and roots.
Western medicines rely on drugs..man-made chemical compounds that usually can give off extreme side effects and leave one to have to take another drug to reduce the side effect from drug number 1.
In the United States, there is abig push by the pharm corporations to gain control over herbal medicines and vitamin & mineral supplements. This is being backed by the US FDA ( Food & Drug Administration ).
They desire it to be in such a way where Americans will need a prescription to just buy over-the-counter vitamnins and mineral supplements. Even these vitamin & mineral supplements need to be looked at becaus even they can be tampered with.
The governemnt here is on a course where it desires to have a total control over every aspect of Life. Yet it is still called a land of the 'free'. Free from what? A freedom to make choices? What are the choices to choose from?
We here have extremely corrupt politicians and businesses. We have rapists..either in prisons or even putting drugs in a female's drink so they can be taken advantage of. We have pedophiles that place themselves in positions in Life so they can be closer to their planned victims. For instance, a pedophile will take a position as a kid's basketball coach so as to be closer to the kids,etc.
We have ethnic gangs roaming the streets in cities. We also of course have the mafia...the Sicilian rooted mafia which has alot of control.
Its been said that herein America we have a 'democracy' and everyone on Earth deserves a democracy. What the hell is a democracy today? A Jim the mechanic or a Sally the beautician can not run for US president. One needs corporate ties and backing and of course media coverage. Also, obviously, a democracy ensures what? Less war? Less poverty? More choices? Healthy living conditions? Less prisons and inmates? A healthier environment? Safe & nutritious foods? Less crime? Morality?? Less divorce??
A democracy ensures no such things. Yet many world leaders use the term democracy as if itis going to be the end-all that solves all..that the World is magically going to be transformed into a feel-good / live good Utopia and is is those 'un-democratic' places that are ruining this Planet.
'They' have even defined what 'democratic' is. John McCain, the one running for US president, made a comment the other day regarding Russia & Georgia. He said that in the 21st century one country should not invade another country.
Did this current administration invade Iraq by sending the military in there in 2003 ? Has any WMD's been found after the invasion?
I am American.
My room is at the end of the hall.
You cant miss it for there is a big sign on the door proclaiming I am American.
My room is black and dark inside.
The door is locked to keep me safe & secure.
I have a closet full of weapons in case God changed his mind and does not choose to bless me.
I know there is a World out there but it is unsafe and mean.....different.
I seek to control that World where others live, laugh and have children.
Just keep me in my black room please.
Give me my daily medicine. I will take it.
Give me my food-stuff. I will consume it.
Give me my candidates. I will choose my leader.
Give me my freedoms. I will obey them.
Give me my rights. I will accept what you give me.
Give to me the World, so I can chenge it from my darkened room.
I will help to promote a peaceful World by selling weapons to the corners of the Planet, when one has weapons, peace is on it's way.
You other inhabitants of Earth deserve nothing.
I can clearly see this from my room of darkness.
Am glad Lisa has found her natural place....hahahahahahahahaha. You did a good job...can't stop laughing actually.
Don't kid yourself ignoramus, I have never agreed with you on anything. I doubt I would remember you either...A backward racist, hmmm not my cup of tea.
Thank you for the hear warming comment. But does Love not require a little humility ?
you've been listening to too many Dalida's songs...Paroles.
how about you shove your colt up your ass, this may give you a foretaste of things to come...loooooooool
I will be a good believer tonight and earnestly pray for your (collective) salvation in the us of a...lol
Your majesty, do you think this may explain why the English stink so much ? (with a few exceptions naturally...)
Get ready to be in international courts for murder and embezzlement. Cheers!
You vilify all Americans and Westerners for their barbaric and immoral life style but your silence suggests agreement with the 'morality' of your freedom fighters who blow up aid workers who are trying help the innocents. Aid workers that refuse protection because they believe it makes them more of a target..... People that want to make a difference, not soldiers, not government, not professionals, just folks who want to do something besides spouting vengeance, meaningless diatribe on the moral compass of Sadaam Hussain and fanaticism vomited up on blogsites and You Tube.
I understand you want the Americans & Westerners that are in your country out......Quite frankly I'd like them out too. I'm tired of the funerals for youngsters who thought they were on a Peace Mission to re-build infrastructure, schools, roads and hospitals. I've never agreed with the American interference and want NATO out of Afghanistan :My question to you.....if you had your wish and magically all westerners were sent back home, who would rule? Who would be in charge and how would they mend your country. Do you want the Republic of Islam or an Islamic Republic? Which brand of Islam? Would your women have the freedom to make their own decisions and be secure they won't be stoned or burned to death because of some outdated belief that they have no worth but as chattel and child bearers? Would the sinfully rich in the ME suddenly turn socialist and provide funds to rebuild your way of life?
I love the poetry, metaphor and word structure Layla uses but I don't agree that angering people, promoting violence between races and genders is a positive. It's up to ALL people of the ME to stand up and say enough is enough.....Why don't you do what Japan did after the second WW. They couldn't have an army so they fought the US using strategic business decisions, fighting on the trading floor instead of their backyard, hitting them where it hurts them most....in their pocket book. Guess what .....they're winning. There are billions of dollars in resources in the ME but how many of its people prosper? Just the elite.... Get your fiscal priorities right, leave religion out of the equation as religion is an invention of man not of god put the money to good use, for your citizens health, welfare and education; and, begin to live again content with your family, your culture and country.
I still haven't been able to force myself to read through the whole thing.
Keep up the good work, wallah you are a blessing to Iraq.
This is EXACTLY the type of yankee arrogance the rest of the world can't stand.
Who the fuck are YOU to comment on who "RULES" Arabs?????????
Worry about who "rules" YOU first!
A retarded chimp who can't even speak it's mother tongue as your leader is not OUR choice (how do YOU like it?).
Yeah, IF you call a country not allowed to have a military, a country that STILL pays the yanks "reparations" for WW2, a country that STILL has yankee bases on it's soil, "WINNING", then yeah the Japanese are "WINNING"!
What a retarded ignorant, deceptive, lying, thieving uneducated moron you are.
I'm simply asking you? Or don't you understand the political landscape enough to come back with an intelligent comment or answer. Who do you want to rule? It's an honest question.
As to Japan....their people are educated, they don't have to waste money on armies and sending their people to NATO peace keeping missions. Their women and children are protected and revered, not raped and killed. Their crime rate is low and yes they still hate the Americans. If you had ever travelled beyond the microcosm you live in, you'd realize that people can actually live in peace and can solve conflict without blowing everybody up!
Yes OF COURSE, because it's ME, MOI, who is dropping cluster bombs, DU, Napalm, 12 tonne bombs on wedding parties and innocent civilians homes NOT the YANKS!
Btw ya arrogant, ignorant, racist, lying, thieving, murdering yankee ignorANUS (spelling intended), the only country in the world to hold the title of "blowing EVERYBODY up" is the YANKS. Think, ok forget thinking as you don't have the required cells between your ears to think, just remember HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.
Thank you, come again.
And i am "simply" telling you, it's none of your fucking business!
Now WHAT don't you understand about that?????????????????????????????????
Two simple words to describe YOU, YOUR BLOG and YOUR FAVORÄ°TE COMMENTERS! I donot know about Arab, but you are a disgrace to WOMEN!
I DO know about women and nur you are not a disgrace to women, you are a disgrace to slugs.
I hope you've got the blues right now, edging unto purple....
In fact, I hope you are a little more than the lighter shade of pale....
cause your true colors have been truly visible all the way....
and the language before even YOU were conceived, was LOVE....
let there be LIGHT.....
Your great grand father was a slave trader...
Actually, Europeans had eliminated formal slavery from their society for 1000 years when Portugese explorers discovered the Arabs' slave markets in East Africa. The Arab re-infecting of Europe with the pernicious institution of slavery is a wrong done to the Europeans by Arabs.
...and yours was an ex convict.
No convicts among the Arabs? Whose hands were they cutting off?
However it is true that Arabs retained the Greek philosphers documents that were always unavailable to the Western Europeans. But then shouldn't you be bowing down to the memory of the Macedonian Alexander the Great?
Iraqis needs ACTION, not chatters!!!!!!!!!
You appear to forget the saying "the pen is mightier than the sword". ;)
As for that donkey hmar II, it doesn't deserve more than this line.
Thank you,
your ways to demean and undermine my efforts don't work,
As if your presence is not idiotic and useless chatter in itself...
Same category of people
Fuck off to both of you and do kiss my Arab ass !
Another thing, the terror war being carried out by the jewish maggot yanks consists of more than just the physical weapons, such as the media war. Which, if you didn't realize, IS "words" amongst other factors.
So in FACT, Layla IS fighting this war and very well i might add.
I just wish there was more i could do.
cause your true colors have been truly visible all the way...."
If Layla's colors "have been truly visible ALL THE WAY" then why are you HOPING Layla is a "little more than the lighter shade of pale"?????
Shouldn't it be "visible"??????
Thanks for the laugh, truly.
I hope you stick around, you are one hell of a freak. :)
There is a slight difference between being clean and being a "clean freak".
No one ever said to go to the extreme.
Prior to that they considered washing their hands "unhygienic" before surgery and this was 1400 years AFTER the Muslims/Arabs WERE washing.
Talk about s l o w.
No one ever said to go to the extreme."
Tis a joke between Layla and myself. I doubt I'd ever be as much of a clean freak as she. But there are so many different types of dirt a person can get into. :)
1) Anyone who talks Arabic is an Arab - no conditions, no exceptions.
>>In either case - I have
>>achieved my purpose.
More than true - and you are kind to "them" in not to saying it in Arabic :)
Arabs are nothing special, just another people who talk another language - but we have great Adab, and nothing on earth is like the Adab of the Quran - why else do you think the mullas and very White Pope and priests hate Arabic so much?
Arab, in American terms - means that an Arab can travel freely from Morroco to Iraq - as before the White priests did their "divide and conquer" - it's never been about race or religion, and the Arab strength is in "UNITE and Conquer" - no way I can accept what the white man wants - and I do not have to, I am Arab and that is how I like it.
A Palestinain can talk Latin, the Romans reject (and kill) them, Hebrew and the Jews reject (and kill) them, Farsi and the Persian reject (and kill) them. But in Arabic the Palestianians accept other Arabs as equales not the other way around, it's why they talk Arabic - who listens to Palestianins in the bloody white racisit English tongue? Who permits them on the air anyway, or consider them human? I am accepted by Palestianians as a fellow Arab, think they zionist rabbis would accept them if they talked Hebrew, or would they stop stealing from them even?
Talk English and will that make you English? Black , Brown? I was in England in the 60s - it's no better these days and I like this new language I picked up - I am Arab and I like it, if only for the Arab "Adab" :)
English is just another conquerers tongue, encourages hate, fear, theft and murder of others. Arabic unites and is like no other for defense and kicking out colonists, invaders and the current monsters will be kicked out soon enough God willing.
See all those lines on the Map, they are not there - and the country names are nothing more than white man divided "states" - we are not like Europe, we are one becuase we talk one language - all of us, nothing other than Arabic unites us, we like it that and aim to get it back - no one can stop it and everyone welcome to join in.
Arabs are not superior but we teach overly proud and vain races how to become human themselves - and the bloody ones (Israel America etc) claim that Arabs are monsters while they rape Arab women children and murder the men - it only makes sences in their twisted forked tongue languages.
Arabic is a languageand Arabs are those who speek that language - we have no second class Arabs and those who like being a second class people can talk other languages or conquer another race and pretend that they are second class - like the Americans, Israelis and Iranians who forgot their God and pretened to be little gods themselves worshiping their God Damned weapons and murderoues baby killing soldiers instead.
American "red" Indians - what language do they speak? Why?
I am not an Arab supremist, there is no such thing - nor is there any Arab racisit - a Kurd and Persian become Arab the moment they speak Arabic - that is the only requirement - no paper work needed, no one to ask permistion from, no passport required - Arabs tend to hate passports :)
Your president is giving us one hell of a hard time: he did answer correctly to our questions, but since then has been refusing the bliss of heaven claiming to prefer continuing roaming the earth without peace until his people achieves vengeance.
This behaviour is unprecedented among the faithful souls and absolutely inacceptable.
Our Lord, too busy elsewhere and knowing your worth, send us to you for advice.
Much obliged.
Yours eternally,
Munkar & Nakir
STOP. Kemal, it hurts...I said repeatedly.
I also like pistachio ice-cream from Adana. But everytime I try to get some, I get molested by the burly, hairy Kurdish uncle on the way....
Thank you for your interest.
Adab, Edep=manners!!!
Belongs to no religion, no race, especially to no hypocrites!!! Adab-ı Muaşeret=the rules of manners are only laid out by akil people!!
This blog is full of red, black and green!! For me, a rainbow warrior, it is a waste of time!! And religion is only for the sheeple!!!
En'el Hak!!
I am God!!
You people can carry on kissing each other's national asses, craddling your perversions, and not even having any blues about it, I AM THROUGH WITH YOU, YOU SICKKOS!!!
I am a true soldier of MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÃœRK, and you can eat it, when you REALIZE!!
En'el Hak!!
I am GOD!!!
Come out and give your name you SICCKOOOO!!!!!!!!
Come out and have the decency to stand behind your cause, YOU RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, for the INTELIGENT FOLK; this is what itis all about!!
Washing your hands, is noone's business!!!
And the sickoooooo who used MY name to publısh his/her comment, come out and admit NOW!!é!!!!!
Or, don't you have the .......??????!!!!!!!!!!! Or are you an arab who washed his hands before ..????!!!!!!
The sicko anonymous!!!!!come out and give your name!!!!!!!
I am GOD!!! This blog is full of purple, blue and green!! AND pistachio green at that....
But you don't know that I'm a rained on warrior. I'd drink ATATURK's piss for love... Who would ever mess with me?... I challenge your holy trinity, I have marbles, lots of beautiful, colorful marbles...
that's it you retards...UP yours, and much love and thank you for putting up with me.
Infinite LOVE....
and fuck allY'all....
If yes, good Lord...go found a pro-Panarabist party in your country NOW !
Just come to think about it...Layla, how come you were allowed to live in Saddam's Iraq despite your not being a card-carrying Baathist ?
mind your own business u stupid piece of shit
Amir, are you a real person ???????
If yes, good Lord...go found a pro-Panarabist party in your country NOW !
lets not carried away
ANd when I say infinite love, I don't mean the asshole that uses my name, or Ataturk's holy name. Did I everr told you that I like pistachios? Yes, all rainbow warriors like pistachios. But only some of us are from ADANA, others are ARABs...then WHAT??!!!! Oh, art!!!?????NUR
nur u crazy deranged bitch...fuck off
I would like to say that I am an Arab-Nationalist of Iranian background. May we, one day, all be each other's nationalists.
yes ok amir very good.....but what concrete steps r u taking to ensure the crimes committed by your government r being brought to prominence
nothing in wikipedia
Nur is a Zionist Internet Haganah professional disturber.
nur is a numpty
I didn't realize this was a blog for Turkeys to disclose their dreams.
it isnt
Last nite I felt Ataturk fondling my breasts.. I love the touch of an impotent guy that cannot make me pregnant, but he was a bit too harsh....aaahahaaaaha.
STOP. Kemal, it hurts...I said repeatedly.
I also like pistachio ice-cream from Adana. But everytime I try to get some, I get molested by the burly, hairy Kurdish uncle on the way....
Thank you for your interest.
eughhh u dirty bitch, plz go n post your vomit inducing fantasies elsewhere
Politics is a whore.
so your mum u fat bastard
layla, another great post! i want to see more of this ceramic master Raad Al Dalaimy but there is nothing in google..
The great majority of Arabs are sheep, turncoats, disloyal and backstabbing among themselves; it takes a saint to love them, a genius to rule them and a fool to have hope in them.
did u just make this up bcos it sounded good??
Layla, how is the resistance doing these times ?
from what i have read, theyre winding things down, moving on to pastures new
Again !
shut up
Sorry, there was an error in typing the "&".
Dear Madam,
Your president is giving us one hell of a hard time: he did answer correctly to our questions, but since then has been refusing the bliss of heaven claiming to prefer continuing roaming the earth without peace until his people achieves vengeance.
This behaviour is unprecedented among the faithful souls and absolutely inacceptable.
Our Lord, too busy elsewhere and knowing your worth, send us to you for advice.
Much obliged.
Yours eternally,
Munkar & Nakir
tell your lord to fuck off and stop wasting our time
It is the goal of some to say that the East and the West have never met, and have nothing in common, and that the "Oriental" is totally "Other." Well, I have news for you, this is not true, but you would not think so because IT HAS TOTALLY BEEN WRITTEN OUT OF THE HISTORY BOOKS IN THE WEST. IT IS THE GOAL OF SOME THAT YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THESE TRUTHS. Much of what you take for European is really not, so come on a journey with me.
What if I were to tell you that everything you think you know about Western Civilization is foundationally wrong? That the very idea of education for the masses springs from Muslims, as opposed to education being for the elite only, which was predominantly European . That much of the knowledge of various disciplines, science, mathematical are owed to the Muslims. That Greek learning stems from Muslim developmental thought. That what we know today as reasoned thinking, critical thought was embraced by Muslims while Europe for many centuries called such ideas blasphemy.
That the basics of books, paper and production of paper mills for the writing of books came from the Muslim development of the Chinese use. That the Muslims initially came to save a decaying culture in Spain. That sea travel, medicine, the performance of advanced operations by medical instruments came from Muslims. That the Muslims created massive libraries of learning in Spain, and created a culture that exploded with wealth and opportunity.
That the concept of romantic life, and the very foundation of the renaissance came from the Muslims which spread from Toledo. That there the wisest of Philosophers of the world were Muslim's who influenced Christians, and Jews who found convergence. That individuals came from all over Europe to learn from the Muslims. That many of the words we speak in English come from Arabic foundations. That Arabic numerals are the basis of releasing advanced mathematical formula.
If I were to continue, and tell you that Oxford, and the Parisian Universities were established on Arabic knowledge. That without this there is no Western intellectual heritage springing from any Renaissance. That what you think you know foundationally is all wrong! That where you think what you have, where it sprung from, is a deceit of epic proportions born by the will to power - and ethnic cleansing of foundations from their Muslim source.
The relationship of East and West was finally crushed by Isabella and Ferdinand. Who brought shocking religious control through the inquisition. They forced Muslim ghettos and banished those who brought so much as heretics. In 1609 the crown ordered Muslims expelled, the majority who were actual natives to the region - 250,000 banished. Than cathedrals were literally carved out of mosques. Political views of history later through the 20th century were used to shroud reality. That both Isabella and Ferdinand are buried in a mosque, whose very inscriptions read "there is no God but Allah," because of the close affinity they inherently felt and to consolidate the idea of their predominance even in death. MUSLIM THOUGHT IS EMBEDDED IN WESTERN HISTORY AND THIS KNOWLEDGE MUST BE RESTORED. SO MUCH FOR EAST NEVER MEETING WEST!
The most obvious contribution to humanity, particularly for Christians - God CHOSE to show His Son, Jesus, in the MIDDLE EAST. And, by the way, historic Israel was NOT the Israel of today. Jesus was very much Middle Eastern, contrary to the blonde, blue-eyed Jesus portrayed by the West. ALL Prophets and Great Men/Women rose in the Middle East - because it was the seat for deep thought, wisdom and great intellect. ALL of the Middle East, in reality, is SACRED GROUND.
In addition to the above, I believe many contributions to the world from the Middle East can be enumerated, but these are just a FEW of what IRAQ gave to the world:
1. Earliest form of writing (cuneiform) (tablets still existing but being STOLEN by occupiers of Iraq);
2. Mathematical system based on the number 60; mathematical tables; fractions, division of the circle into 360 degrees; algebra; etc., etc.;
3. First literary epic (Story of Gilgamesh);
4. Cities with massive step temples (ziggurats) - currently being destroyed by the occupier barbarian hoardes from USA and UK, among others;
5. Technology for building dams and massive buildings;
6. The study of astronomy - by the Chaldeans in the fourth millennium B.C.;
7. The Code of Hammurabi (first Law Code);
8. Potter's wheel, used as early as 3500 B.C.;
9. Invention of longitude and latitude in navigation;
10. First calendar and world's first clock;
11. Astronomy
12. Zoology
13. Optics
These are just a FEW of IRAQ'S/ARAB contributions to the world, without which we'd be a lot poorer today and upon which our current lifestyles are based;
Now, to address the current state of affairs in the Middle East - anyone who chooses to study the region in the pursuit of fairness and Truth, will learn that the Middle East is DELIBERATELY kept in a state of turmoil by the West: a) by imposing stooges as leaders (who fill their personal accounts by being 'friendly' to the perfidious West), and, therefore, all Middle Eastern citizens are 'ruled' by dictators who have not been CHOSEN by the people (remember DEMOCRACY?); b) as a result of (a), the general populace is kept under control, with little or no access to education and to all other amenities which would raise their standard of living and education - this SUITS those who wish to exploit the region (US/UK and others), because EDUCATED AND INFORMED Middle Easterners will boot the West out of their midst in the blink of an eye. Add to that the SUPERIOR intellect and genius in its midst, and the result would be A FAR, FAR ADVANCED Middle East as compared with the West. But that cannot happen, can it, because the West intends to loot, and loot and loot what belongs to the people of the Middle East region?
However, President Saddam Hussein overcame this, and IRAQIS, to this day,(the current day Iraq youth and children are denied this, courtesy of US/UK invasion and occupation) are among the most educated and refined in the world: doctors; educationists; engineers; specialists in various fields; etc., etc. This INCLUDES WOMEN, who are, in reality, NOT subjugated by men, as portrayed by the West and Layla is a fine example - my humble opinion, Layla! Why, otherwise, would occupiers attempt to decimate the BRAINS of Iraq immediately after occupation? There is DOCUMENTED evidence of the high number of Iraqi intellectuals who were killed very early days of Iraq's occupation. And, going a little further, contrary to the LYING claims by the West, ALL IRAQIS FROM ALL ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS, had access to education - Iraqi intellectuals today come from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
One could go on and on - and my humble contribution above is just the tip of the iceberg for the sake of the idiot, Lisa, who needs to educate herself - and others of her ilk, before she spews her garbage here.
Why, stupid Lisa, your ancestors were still living in trees/mud houses, wearing animal skins raiding their neighbours, looting and killing (a trend which continues to this day), while the EAST was already REFINED AND CIVILISED, all of which the WEST borrowed and later claimed to be its own? This INHERENT barbarism eventually led them to the Middle East, where the Crusades took place: the general attitude being 'if we can't have it, then we take it by force', again being seen by the world today in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc., etc. Do take the time to educate yourself, rather than display your ignorance here. Could you name AT LEAST ONE ANCIENT CIVILISATION to which you can lay claim? Museums in the West (US/UK) are full of STOLEN artifacts from all corners of the globe, to name a few: the Parthenon Marbles from Greece (misleadingly called 'Elgin Marbles'), the Kohinoor Diamond, among others from India, the Rosetta Stone (STOLEN from Egypt, and includes OBELISKS!!), ancient artifacts from Africa and countless Iraqi artifacts, being STOLEN to this day by thieving USans and others. This, by the way, excludes South American civilisations (Mayan, Inca, etc.), to which you have NO CLAIM.
Thank you, V above, for your interesting contribution - I haven't checked your link yet, but will do so after this.
In solidarity, Layla.
Lets start with:
"your ancestors were still living in trees/mud houses, wearing animal skins raiding their neighbours, looting and killing"
You silly bedoins, you never stopped being savages. With your tribes and your sectarian killings.
As for the artifacts in American Museums, they were not stolen. We TOOK them from weak nations that lack the ability to protect its own people, let alone some old stones. The local workers that excavated the artifacts should be grateful that they were even paid for the work they performed.
Its been a while. i do miss the hostile comments. I can't make up my mind who to disagree with first."
That is a good moniker that reflects your infantile nature. You mentioned a "mind" in the second sentence, and than I read your post and saw that you were joking :) You will have the prize in history of being the shortest lived "empire" known to man.
You do not even know your own short history, let alone a culture far advanced to your still diapered existence. So your excused because your brain has not formed enough yet for a significant contribution. ..LOL
Jeshus Mohamed, What are you smokin` Layla?
Are the Arab people evolved from different apes to the rest of the planet?
One also has to ask, in your "master of the planet game" are the Sunnis arabs more masterful than Shias?
What about atheist and secular Arabs?
The Berbers? The Maronites?
What about afro-caribbean-arabs? Are they slightly less masterful, or are we discussing "pure-bred Arabs", with certificied bloodlines?
But then I know it's no use trying to make us known to you, you will keep believing whatever your ignorant, petty, jealous mind tells you, and will die as you were born, a monad, without having appreciated or understood the world outside yourself.
Good luck.
"As for the artifacts in American Museums, they were not stolen. We TOOK them from weak nations that lack the ability to protect its own people, let alone some old stones. The local workers that excavated the artifacts should be grateful that they were even paid for the work they performed."
'... we TOOK them from 'weak' nations' - you've just confirmed that you are a NATION OF THIEVES!!!
Ignoramus, you seem to be forgetting that all these artifacts remained INTACT within what you call 'weak nations' for CENTURIES, preserved with loving care until your THIEVES came and took them away.
Who gave you the right to 'take' them away from the countries of origin, anyway? The reason being it made you feel important, didn't it, considering you have NOTHING ELSE TO LAY CLAIM TO????
You have nothing to be proud of, cowboy, except, perhaps, the other empty-headed COWBOY who's leading you right now - he's put a rubber stamp on US theft and perfidy!!!
'You silly bedoins, you never stopped being savages. With your tribes and your sectarian killings.'
First, the spelling is 'BEDOUINS'; second, I'm not sure whether you live on this planet or not, but from the point of view of the rest of the world, it's not the Arabs who are being viewed as 'savages' and 'killers' - but yours truly ... And what's wrong with tribes?
And third, there is no 'sectarian' killing - there never was - until your lot invited yourselves in there (you weren't invited, of course, but with your predominant bad manners, you just bombarded your way in)and many of the so-called 'sectarian' killings are really instigated by the occupiers - please improve your knowledge and read up on facts, if that is at all possible, since constructive thinking is not really your forte.
You are wrong, it was a relevant question, because, you see, if Layla confirmed that she, an Iraqi citizen, was actually able to live freely and safely in Baath-ruled Iraq without being harassed for not being a "doctrinaire", that will go to further debunk the Zionist myth of Saddam's "dictatorship"...
Some arrogant Jews handed over some hi-tech stuff to Russia.
(There were also three "Arabs" among captured soldiers...read: Israeli secret agents)
Bush not happy.
Oh well, life goes on....
Yes we all know how great the Middle East is and how evil and stupid everyone else is....but tell me....what has the ME done lately. Do you also want to take credit for making children into soldiers, the mentally disabled as bombs and treating women like something no better than what you scrape off you shoes?
"...WOMEN, who are, in reality, NOT subjugated by men"
Get Real....I will never, ever date another Arab man. They are demanding, expect you to serve them, expect you to be at their beck and call, if you're a white women you won't get introduced to the family and basically treated like a whore. Read layla's post about her supposed date....
I'm so happy you are so convinced that everything in the West is evil the Middle East sacred, it must be comforting to have a brain that on sees one shade of black.....
Some of the comments here are hilarious...
I see that Nur the freak is drunk again...to the memory of Attaturk,hahahahaha -- too much really.
Yalla Nur you edep ziz, you know what to do and when to do it...
Some excellent points. You actually got to the heart of the matter by linking Arab and Islam through LANGUAGE.
And in this instance LANGUAGE bears many layered meanings, since the Koran is really all about LANGUAGE.
And right on, there is NO LANGUAGE BARRIER amongst Arabs. Unlike let's say Europe, or even in one African country where there are so many dialects according to which tribe you belong to...
Thank you, great perceptive comment.
Are you the real Amir ? An Iranian Arab nationalist ? Oh my God, am I dreaming or am I dreaming and your name is Amir too? My favorite name for nostalgic reasons which you know of...
I will be your nationalist when Iran gives up its chauvinistic and racist ideology.
Sorry, will not even bother to reply to you...Another one in total bad faith.
Hello and you make me laugh as usual...Seems this washing your hands business has really caught on. Keep well.
Hi, I think we've "met" before on the Angry "Arab"'s blog...oh those were the days.
Thanks for a great comment and for putting in all the info that most people seem to be totally oblivious to.
GREAT comment. Same remark I made to V goes to you - thank you for taking the time to give these majority of these ignorants FACTS and nothing but FACTS.
The bit about Christianity being born in the Semitic Arab land is totally spot on. Jesus like all Arabs was a SEMITE and no he was not a Jew as many like to think.
There is a structural difference between the semitic and non semitic mind in the way the former conceives of the world around him/her.
The fact that the 3 major monotheistic religions were/are semitic says a lot about the way we are asked to give cognizance to the world around us, and to derive the necessary conclusions and lessons for our passage here on earth...
But most are too stupid to even think along these lines.
Bless you.
I think you've been around ....You never fail do you ? LOL.
Who is your Authority ?
layla what do you mean by this?
you vary nice blog.. i love ur work and i hope vist my plog
by the way adam and eve were in iraq>>>>
proud arab
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