Love on the other blog.

I feel silly repeating it. But do check the other blogs. I hate advertising myself.

I am finally getting acquainted with this blogging business- the technical side at least- and you can actually click under "my other blogs" and view the latest.

Please do that, as I hate posting/informing you about each new entry. I guess am a prude after all. Who would have thought eh ?


Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,
A brilliant and extremely moving post, MIN AL SAMEEM. Thank you.

Rest assured, SHE, HER rivers Dijlah wal Furat, HER palm trees, HER children know how and what you feel and love you back and always will.
We, who feel this same kind of love for HER and Hers, love you too and appreciate every word of yours.
This is love indeed.
God bless you and your efforts always.
With my love and respect,
RhusLancia said…
Hey Layla & Friends, when your internet comes back up don't forget to vote on who you think Iraq's next PM should be...
Anonymous said…

An extremely moving post, it says it all..

The Iraqi resistance and people will prevail because:

"The wicked are always surprised to find that the good can be clever"
Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues
dear layla

have been seeing and reading your blogs regularly and hence no need to update us regularly about new posts.

i have put up the malayalam translation of my post about you in the below mentioned link too, as i feel that more people from our country should know and read about your blogs. and many already had already visited and read and were upset at your point-blank writing.

all the best

rajeeve chelanat

click here
Anonymous said…
From your other blog:

= = = =
I just read this and having experienced it "All Iraqis will go to heaven, because we've all been to Hell." - I know there is never a good time to give up.
= = = = =

I read that on your other blog and it scared me, and made me sad that Iranians, Israelis and Americans do not understand it. They belived their forked tongued Mullahs, Imams, Priests and Rabbis who tought them that the Iraqi lives were not as valuable as "theirs".

God said otherwise, so all of them, along with their evil little "holy" men will go to hell while the million Iraqis they killed look on from heaven.

"Thu Shall Not Kill" - the more weapons they have the less they listen - good thing Hell is a very big place.

Layla Anwar said…
Dear S,

Many thanks. You probably know what I mean..since you seem to relate.
Bless you too.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi wideeyedfedup,

To be honest with you, I am unable to re-read that post myself...
Thank you for your solidarity.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi again Rajeeve,

Thanks again and shall check it out. Your readers may not appreciate my "coarse" language, lol...
Layla Anwar said…

That sentence made me chuckle...
"Good thing hell is a very big place", let's just hope they move in AFTER we have moved out of it.
Anonymous said…
Very well written...full of the fragrance of eastern femininity. Flowers of the west don't conceal such fragrance.

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