Lonely Survivors in the Cold...

What is Life ? You breathe in and breathe out...but you have no power over your breath.
You breathe while you are unconscious and you breathe while you are asleep, and you breathe in your dreams and your nightmares...but somehow you believe you control your breath and that of others...
Breathing is the vital function that indicates you are still alive. That life is still circulating in you...
Torture is about leaving you breathing but with no life circulating.
Torture is about exercising the ultimate control, leaving you to hover between life and death. Torture is not only sadistic, it is the ultimate ego trip of someone mistaking himself/herself for God, for “Pneuma”.
I’ve written over 300 posts thus far, and if there one subject matter that paralyzes me with both - anger and indignation, it is that of rape and torture.
I am deliberately referring to both Rape and Torture as one and the same thing.
For me they are one and the same thing.
Torture is a form of Rape and Rape is a form of Torture . Straight Murder sounds like Mercy in comparison. But then Murder can be considered as the ultimate form of Torture. But it does somehow come across as clement in contrast to the following stories.
“We left Baghdad because we were threatened by the Mehdi army. We had to go immediately, leaving everything: clothes, furniture, all the things you accumulate when you live more than 20 years in the same house. Things had been getting worse for a while. One event especially, sticks in my mind.
Neighbors of ours had been forcibly removed from their home three houses down from us.
One morning a few days after they had disappeared, one of my daughters walked down the road and saw the heads of our neighbors lined up on the wall of the house. She was hysterical and couldn't leave the house for weeks...”
Seeing heads of your neighbors lined up on a wall is a form of psychological torture.
Here is another story.
“ The young woman was walking with her husband along a Baghdad street when she was abducted, held captive and raped repeatedly by five militia men for several days.
Before, she was very proud of her body but now she is overweight -- she eats to protect herself and not to attract people..."
Rape is another form of Torture.
Or how about that one.
“British soldiers in Iraq have been accused of torturing and murdering captives.
It is claimed 22 Iraqis died in custody and nine survived torture. Alleged abuses include eye-gouging and mutilation...”
No need to go over Abu Ghraib again. The rape, the sodomy, the horrendous torture, the breaking of bones and skulls, the parading naked covered in feces, the wearing of stained panties as a face bag, the blood smeared corridors and walls, the forced masturbation in group, the unthinkable...
Abu Ghraib will never leave us Iraqis, but do read this for a reminder, lest you have already, conveniently forgotten.
“ Mohammed, a refugee in his late 20s, is a particularly hard off case. Mohammed was a former bodyguard for Saddam Hussein and was later imprisoned by the U.S.-led coalition. He suffered torture, unbelievable torture -- they gouged out one of his eyes, and he can't walk properly - she says (his counselor). He is very, very depressed. Every time I see him I don't know if it's the last, because he's suicidal...”
Have you noticed a common thread to the above stories – apart from the obvious torture that is? I have.
What is this Western, Aryan sadistic lustful, fascination with Arab/Iraqi heads and eyes ?
Heads cut off, eyes gouged out...a woman who does not want to look at her body anymore... What is it they are preventing us from seeing ? What is it they want to blind us from ?
Which reminds me of another story I read yesterday on Iraqirabita. A member of Jaysh Al-Mahdi (you know the militias that the Anti–War, the Cockburn family and Arab “leftists” consider patriotic and anti-Imperialistic) has taken a break from his “daily activities” and is now working in the ministry of Interior.
A colleague of his, noticed that the guy whose name is Ali Kha’zal is not well. He looked very pale and his colleague was rather worried and probed him for more information and suggested that he consults a doctor.
Ali Kha’zal opened his “heart” to this colleague and told him the cause of his illness. He had kidnapped a Sunni father and his only 7 year old son. After torturing the father in front of his son, he shot him. Then came the 7 year old boy's turn. He opened the boy’s mouth and placed the gun inside and shot him as well.
The boy was staring at him and he died with his eyes staring at him...He tried shutting them, but they remained open staring at him. Since that day Ali Kha’zal from Jaysh Al-Mahdi has the boy’s eyes follow him everywhere, day and night...
The latest figures concerning survivors of torture are staggering.
UN surveys finds that 1 out of 5 Iraqis are victims of Torture and Violence. And the UNCHR is asking for 261 million $ for psychological treatment only. And the necessary funds have not come forth yet.
Living, surviving with your physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual wounds and scars, some of them raw open – still, without professional help is what the majority of Iraqi survivors “live” with daily. Alone and unattended.
Add to that, lack of financial security, extreme poverty, no employment, no food, no resources, no medical care, no proper housing, no schooling, no network of support...And what do you get ?
What do you expect from someone who has been stripped of everything, EVERYTHING and is suffering from terrible mental anguish at the same time ?
How long would you survive in such circumstances? How long would you last? How long would you last before falling into a psychotic madness or committing suicide ? Do you ever ask yourselves such questions ?
OK enough about little you. Let me continue with another story...
This, I received from a survivor I have met on one occasion. I have translated parts of his letter.
“ Dear Layla,
I don’t know why I am writing to you. I felt the urge to do so, even though I am not writing with a particular request, nor am I asking anything from you...
I do remember when X introduced us, and I was telling you my story and the ordeal I suffered at the hands of the militias. I remember that you just sat there silently, almost detached, and at one point I wondered if you were really there and if you were listening at all...I saw no expression on your face, your face was blank, like a slate...
But you kept contact, by looking into my eyes...I will not forget that gaze. I will tell you why. I remember when I finished my story and told you about my release from the militias, and recounted to you how I was found by some villagers who took me in...I told you they bathed me even though the water would sting my open wounds, they fed me, and they covered me...and I remember telling you that I felt I was like a helpless infant, totally dependent on the goodwill of anyone who would take me in...This is when I saw your eyes fill up with tears, shining like little stars...The brutality and hatred of my torturers did not seem to move you, but the kindness and care I found among the villagers did...
Then I understood that you were focused on the cruelty and the kindness of some...It’s as if you were trying to sort them in your head, it’s as if you were relieved that some good people are still out there...
I find myself thinking along those same lines...Every time I meet someone, I look at them, I try to sort them in my head and guess, are they good or bad ? Because I now know that there are torturers living amongst us even in exile...
I also remember telling you how relieved I was to leave Baghdad. That I hated it and hated everything that reminded me of it. You said calmly “that will change — it’s just a reaction.” And you also said “expect the ghosts and shadows to follow you, not right now, but they will re-emerge later...expecting them will take their element of surprise away...”
Frankly I did not quite understand that. But today I do. After that initial phase of elation, having escaped the prison I found myself in, even though I was innocent, after the high of leaving the hell that is Baghdad, I find myself longing and yearning again...I miss home, I miss my friends, I miss my family, I even miss the rusty nails of our entrance door...and I miss the villagers, Layla. How to explain that?
You were right about the ghosts and shadows...they follow me everywhere.
My nights are filled with nightmares and I wake up shouting or I dream of my dead parents and relatives holding me, again like an infant...I miss their love and tenderness...I see my torturers in my sleep so I stopped sleeping.
Some days are worse than others...Some days my whole body aches for no reason, and I feel as if it is broken into a thousand pieces. Other days, am irritable and snap at everyone and sometimes I catch myself breaking in tears with no reason...like last Friday.
I went to Friday prayers, and while prostrating, I felt my tears covering my face and I could not sit up again, everyone around continued the prayer and I stayed prostrated with my face to the ground. Maybe I did not want them to see me cry...
My life is very difficult. As X already told you, we have no income and I can’t work here...I roam the streets, and pretend they are the streets of Baghdad, pretend it is home...I even pretend that my actual neighbor and local grocer are the ones from my neighborhood in Baghdad. I pretend all the time but at night I can’t sleep, because at night I can’t pretend anymore...
The other day I left the apartment, I could not bear to see anyone anymore...I walked for hours, and I seriously contemplated going back but the ghosts and shadows followed me even during day light and I realized that was simply impossible...
Layla, am a changed man. I don’t know how to explain it to you but am not the same person anymore...I long for my previous self and I look for him and don’t know where to find him anymore...
Thank you for listening to me “
Painting: Iraqi artist, Zaid Haidar.
You breathe while you are unconscious and you breathe while you are asleep, and you breathe in your dreams and your nightmares...but somehow you believe you control your breath and that of others...
Breathing is the vital function that indicates you are still alive. That life is still circulating in you...
Torture is about leaving you breathing but with no life circulating.
Torture is about exercising the ultimate control, leaving you to hover between life and death. Torture is not only sadistic, it is the ultimate ego trip of someone mistaking himself/herself for God, for “Pneuma”.
I’ve written over 300 posts thus far, and if there one subject matter that paralyzes me with both - anger and indignation, it is that of rape and torture.
I am deliberately referring to both Rape and Torture as one and the same thing.
For me they are one and the same thing.
Torture is a form of Rape and Rape is a form of Torture . Straight Murder sounds like Mercy in comparison. But then Murder can be considered as the ultimate form of Torture. But it does somehow come across as clement in contrast to the following stories.
“We left Baghdad because we were threatened by the Mehdi army. We had to go immediately, leaving everything: clothes, furniture, all the things you accumulate when you live more than 20 years in the same house. Things had been getting worse for a while. One event especially, sticks in my mind.
Neighbors of ours had been forcibly removed from their home three houses down from us.
One morning a few days after they had disappeared, one of my daughters walked down the road and saw the heads of our neighbors lined up on the wall of the house. She was hysterical and couldn't leave the house for weeks...”
Seeing heads of your neighbors lined up on a wall is a form of psychological torture.
Here is another story.
“ The young woman was walking with her husband along a Baghdad street when she was abducted, held captive and raped repeatedly by five militia men for several days.
Before, she was very proud of her body but now she is overweight -- she eats to protect herself and not to attract people..."
Rape is another form of Torture.
Or how about that one.
“British soldiers in Iraq have been accused of torturing and murdering captives.
It is claimed 22 Iraqis died in custody and nine survived torture. Alleged abuses include eye-gouging and mutilation...”
No need to go over Abu Ghraib again. The rape, the sodomy, the horrendous torture, the breaking of bones and skulls, the parading naked covered in feces, the wearing of stained panties as a face bag, the blood smeared corridors and walls, the forced masturbation in group, the unthinkable...
Abu Ghraib will never leave us Iraqis, but do read this for a reminder, lest you have already, conveniently forgotten.
“ Mohammed, a refugee in his late 20s, is a particularly hard off case. Mohammed was a former bodyguard for Saddam Hussein and was later imprisoned by the U.S.-led coalition. He suffered torture, unbelievable torture -- they gouged out one of his eyes, and he can't walk properly - she says (his counselor). He is very, very depressed. Every time I see him I don't know if it's the last, because he's suicidal...”
Have you noticed a common thread to the above stories – apart from the obvious torture that is? I have.
What is this Western, Aryan sadistic lustful, fascination with Arab/Iraqi heads and eyes ?
Heads cut off, eyes gouged out...a woman who does not want to look at her body anymore... What is it they are preventing us from seeing ? What is it they want to blind us from ?
Which reminds me of another story I read yesterday on Iraqirabita. A member of Jaysh Al-Mahdi (you know the militias that the Anti–War, the Cockburn family and Arab “leftists” consider patriotic and anti-Imperialistic) has taken a break from his “daily activities” and is now working in the ministry of Interior.
A colleague of his, noticed that the guy whose name is Ali Kha’zal is not well. He looked very pale and his colleague was rather worried and probed him for more information and suggested that he consults a doctor.
Ali Kha’zal opened his “heart” to this colleague and told him the cause of his illness. He had kidnapped a Sunni father and his only 7 year old son. After torturing the father in front of his son, he shot him. Then came the 7 year old boy's turn. He opened the boy’s mouth and placed the gun inside and shot him as well.
The boy was staring at him and he died with his eyes staring at him...He tried shutting them, but they remained open staring at him. Since that day Ali Kha’zal from Jaysh Al-Mahdi has the boy’s eyes follow him everywhere, day and night...
The latest figures concerning survivors of torture are staggering.
UN surveys finds that 1 out of 5 Iraqis are victims of Torture and Violence. And the UNCHR is asking for 261 million $ for psychological treatment only. And the necessary funds have not come forth yet.
Living, surviving with your physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual wounds and scars, some of them raw open – still, without professional help is what the majority of Iraqi survivors “live” with daily. Alone and unattended.
Add to that, lack of financial security, extreme poverty, no employment, no food, no resources, no medical care, no proper housing, no schooling, no network of support...And what do you get ?
What do you expect from someone who has been stripped of everything, EVERYTHING and is suffering from terrible mental anguish at the same time ?
How long would you survive in such circumstances? How long would you last? How long would you last before falling into a psychotic madness or committing suicide ? Do you ever ask yourselves such questions ?
OK enough about little you. Let me continue with another story...
This, I received from a survivor I have met on one occasion. I have translated parts of his letter.
“ Dear Layla,
I don’t know why I am writing to you. I felt the urge to do so, even though I am not writing with a particular request, nor am I asking anything from you...
I do remember when X introduced us, and I was telling you my story and the ordeal I suffered at the hands of the militias. I remember that you just sat there silently, almost detached, and at one point I wondered if you were really there and if you were listening at all...I saw no expression on your face, your face was blank, like a slate...
But you kept contact, by looking into my eyes...I will not forget that gaze. I will tell you why. I remember when I finished my story and told you about my release from the militias, and recounted to you how I was found by some villagers who took me in...I told you they bathed me even though the water would sting my open wounds, they fed me, and they covered me...and I remember telling you that I felt I was like a helpless infant, totally dependent on the goodwill of anyone who would take me in...This is when I saw your eyes fill up with tears, shining like little stars...The brutality and hatred of my torturers did not seem to move you, but the kindness and care I found among the villagers did...
Then I understood that you were focused on the cruelty and the kindness of some...It’s as if you were trying to sort them in your head, it’s as if you were relieved that some good people are still out there...
I find myself thinking along those same lines...Every time I meet someone, I look at them, I try to sort them in my head and guess, are they good or bad ? Because I now know that there are torturers living amongst us even in exile...
I also remember telling you how relieved I was to leave Baghdad. That I hated it and hated everything that reminded me of it. You said calmly “that will change — it’s just a reaction.” And you also said “expect the ghosts and shadows to follow you, not right now, but they will re-emerge later...expecting them will take their element of surprise away...”
Frankly I did not quite understand that. But today I do. After that initial phase of elation, having escaped the prison I found myself in, even though I was innocent, after the high of leaving the hell that is Baghdad, I find myself longing and yearning again...I miss home, I miss my friends, I miss my family, I even miss the rusty nails of our entrance door...and I miss the villagers, Layla. How to explain that?
You were right about the ghosts and shadows...they follow me everywhere.
My nights are filled with nightmares and I wake up shouting or I dream of my dead parents and relatives holding me, again like an infant...I miss their love and tenderness...I see my torturers in my sleep so I stopped sleeping.
Some days are worse than others...Some days my whole body aches for no reason, and I feel as if it is broken into a thousand pieces. Other days, am irritable and snap at everyone and sometimes I catch myself breaking in tears with no reason...like last Friday.
I went to Friday prayers, and while prostrating, I felt my tears covering my face and I could not sit up again, everyone around continued the prayer and I stayed prostrated with my face to the ground. Maybe I did not want them to see me cry...
My life is very difficult. As X already told you, we have no income and I can’t work here...I roam the streets, and pretend they are the streets of Baghdad, pretend it is home...I even pretend that my actual neighbor and local grocer are the ones from my neighborhood in Baghdad. I pretend all the time but at night I can’t sleep, because at night I can’t pretend anymore...
The other day I left the apartment, I could not bear to see anyone anymore...I walked for hours, and I seriously contemplated going back but the ghosts and shadows followed me even during day light and I realized that was simply impossible...
Layla, am a changed man. I don’t know how to explain it to you but am not the same person anymore...I long for my previous self and I look for him and don’t know where to find him anymore...
Thank you for listening to me “
Painting: Iraqi artist, Zaid Haidar.
You are the last one to speak of humanity to me. Not only you support a murderous occupation that has led to these survivors stories, but you have also been engaged in it.
So shut up and go back to your hole next to the rat jeffrey.
Love all Serva all. I knew you had a heart all along Layla. Thanks for reconfirming my faith in humanity; and my faith in you.
plain truth, just plain truth, that makes the stone cry...
I am speechless...
Layla, Annie, Sumac, Jeffrey, Nasrallah, Muqtada, Rhus, Hakim, Allawi, Mutlaq, Mouttah friends forever.
Love grows. Love "is."
Go Layla! Go Gaidan! Go Abdul Mehdi!
What I support seeks to end the cause of decades of survivor's stories. I'm no fan of militias, but I do understand that they are backlash against the tactics of your "resistance" heroes who slaughtered so many innocent Iraqis. Now that the insurgency is fizzling, the militias can be dealt with.
i wish you will have a change of heart, and experience the comfort that comes with belief. all else will seem irrelevant. if they fight you then fight them, don't watch and listen to them, fight damn it. how can you sit idly when you see what you see and hear what you hear?
reminds me of the DUMB Ay-rabs who until today have hope in america :-) no matter what they do, they still beleive in them! this is from watching too much of their movies, believe me.
ask yourself why you hate HEBREW but NOT English alphabet?
reason is you can't hate what you love or what you are endulged in.
wake up smell the arabic coffee, you've been drinking american coffee too long now.
your words are precious and beautiful, I beg you not to waste them on such lowlife creatures (like the above commentators)
they are just example of “there are torturers living amongst us”
Her and that slut paolo from uruk are two of the biggest sell out sluts around in the virtual world. Two old hags who can't get a dick.
I don’t know how i missed this comment by paolo but read this and read it again and again and again until you see what i mean.
“Whilst most of the so-called anti-war websites run only iranian and sadrist (and zionist, of course) propaganda, that lady attacks countinuosly just
uruknet. And only uruknet.”
First Paolo admits publishing zionist propaganda quite clearly (read the above quote again then).
Uruk, paolo says, is an “anti-war website” who not ONLY runs zionist propaganda but ALSO “iranian and sadrist” propaganda.
Thank you paolo for pointing that out to me, i honestly didn’t think about the fact that you publish “iranian and sadrist propaganda”.
Btw paolo, anyone publishing not only zionist but iranian and sadrist propaganda doesn’t have any right to tell me who i can or should criticize.
paolo, TFOU.
Paolo (is that how you spell your name? ;) ), i have a few questions for you.
If you publish ” iranian and sadrist (and zionist, of course) propaganda,” PLUS articles in support of Iraq, does THAT mean you are immune to criticism?
Does that also mean you are NOT publishing zionist propaganda?
Or is it ok to publish zionist propaganda, so long as you publish articles in support of Iraq as well?
Every country has its evil elements, there are lots in my own country too....... the militias in Iraq are doing more harm to its own people than good....
I dont know if Non-Violence will help resolve the current situation which is in a exploded state......I would like to believe it will...... people need to live and let live......I hope the fools like George Bush and his cronies will understand this soon before its too late for America.....
May god bless the Iraqis......
And everywhere else too. It will take only one step for them to reveal themselves - only one small catalyst for their colors to show...
why would Layla be interested in pressing charges against you?
Ive seen where Hindus have attacked Muslims & Muslims attacking Hindus.
Ask LIEla, it is the one who made the threat and like i said when it made it, BRING IT ON.
Btw love, it's not charges but civil action when you SUE someone.... geez
barbarian the repugnant stenchy troll and the other wanker called "real" -- keep guessing assholes and do ask barbarian about IP concealers, she'll tell you all about it. She is literally squatting my blog night and day...
Say hello to your MASTER - the Rat, and tell him I know all about it...
you fucking little australian bitch, what's your problem with this blog and layla? You "investigate"?? Investigate what? Guess what I also investigate and i found your a fucking half-nigger australian dike who desperately needs some dick.
You seem to like to attack every partiotic iraqi. Why? Does it make you feel like you actually know something? All I see from you is a bitch who loves barking.
bow wow bow wow you fucking whore.
layla ignore her. She has nothing bette to do than bark. Keep writing. I love this blog.
I bet you have very short hair, short hands, shorter fingers, thick short legs with hair, black nail polish, green hair, and wear the same pair of jeans everyday. you probably stink too. how gross.
Anyway, I didn't call you a "lesbian". The world Lesbian for me makes me think of a beautiful, classy, elegant woman who would invite her best friend into the bedroom with us on my birthday and let me enjoy both of them. A "dike" is what you remind me of. A filthy, dirty, hairy, smelly bitch I wouldn't fuck even with my worst enemies dick. ew how gross!
You are an unintelligible, regurgitating, alphabetically limited - troll, with a vocabulary that boils down to three words
"maggot, kiss emek and tfou..."
Now how bright is that? ;-)
Why do you let this thing stay on here?
Barabie if I was on a stranded island and was so desperate that I woudl try to get close to you, I would WANT my dick chopped off. lol
Am toying with her, please do the same...she's good for nothing but that.
I don't know who you are, but you are very very funny....hahahahahahaha
I noticed your just having fun with her and don't take her seriously, but your blog is well known, highly respected, and your articles are often picked up by other credible news sites. I think her presence might taint it.
Trust me on this one - She taints nothing but HERSELF. She is done with !
His Marquis De Sade erotic fantasies gave him away. LOL
Just because they don't have a following, nobody reads them, and nobody's picks up their "writings" they come here to pick on people who are clearly intellectually and politically beyond them. I think they believe if they attack a real writer and a true patriot they will get noticed. I still think layla should bann them.
You forget Layla's blog was already "tainted" by the presence of that absurd creature called JR.
Be assured the 'talking pants' on these sites are not succeeding in demonising Layla. And that includes the 'talking pants' that calls itself barabie. And I very much doubt that 'it' is a Koori (part Aboriginal)
I know your heart is in the right place investigator. But at the same time I must protest to you about your reference to Aust. Aborigines. If you knew their true history in this country I know you would be shocked and horrified, at the oppression that they have suffered and still do suffer.
I am just as passionate about the rights of our Aboriginal people as I am about the Iraqi peoples' rights.
Perhaps one day, when the Iraqi Peoples'
Resistance is Victorious, you might have the time to delve into the 'real history' of of the wonderful and clever owners of this country.
And in the meantime, maybe the people who are genuinely concerned about Iraq who use these posts, should scroll over the gobbledegook.
And perhaps a very very occasional shot across the bow would do.
In solidarity.
And why are you impersonating her again??
Have your own voice!
mmmmm, popcorn! munch munch munch
Layla, I'll tell Jeffrey you said "hi".
So fuck off and give yer grampa a knob-job you homey lookin bitch slappin down-under (ha) sheep fucker
I recall the stories of the Quran & the Bible of a creature that goes by the name of Shaetan and Satan. Was'nt it's downfall brought on my its Pride & Hypocricy and a sense of being god-like?
Reminder: Bribery in any form or manner, is not permitted in Islam.
By the way, you questioned why I asked about this threat of being "sued" by Layla. ( notice I will use the term that require or demand ( as if it really matters much, but I guess it matters to you for some reason),perhaps its a control issue)...but you are the one that brought it up all yourself.
Do you need to be reminded that this IS a public forum and ANYTHING brought up by anybody, is open to discussion, debate, opining and further investigation and research?
You should become a little more familiar with law and how law works before being so eager to persue, by responding, to a lawsuit. Lawsuits have a way of growing legs and reaching into cans of worms that you may not want opened.
Even if a snake sheds it's own skin, it is still a snake.
You ask, " Is the carpet a sheepskin ? "
Why? Do you want to go-low on it? :-)
If you spread 'em, I wont give you a strip search if that's what yer askin'.
Oh...una mas cosa....I just love the game you play with changing people's names. My daughter & I used to do that when she was FIVE.
Are you Muslim? You are DEFINTELY not like the Muslims I know. I hope you are not.
You appear to be fixated on sex.
some of u peeps are too funny.