Please do not touch my...Democracy.

Do you want to hear the latest joke ? Seriously now do you ?
Al Maliki, Iranqi's PM , our visionary of the 21st century, is worried that other Arab countries will envy his democracy. I am not kidding you. He said so himself.
He used the word "fear". Arab countries fear the new democracy that has become Iranq, because other Arab countries are Dictatorships a la Saddam Hussein style .
I wish they were but unfortunately they are not. Had they been , Iraq would still be Iraq and not Iranq.
But regardless of your political leanings, you must concede that this is the best joke of the year.
I will assuage the Iranqi PM's worries.
How about I fumigate you with some incense to drive the evil eye away. Surely we don't want to be coveted by our neighbors.
Or maybe I can place a blue talisman around your neck to protect you from the jinns of envy and jealousy.
My intentions are real good. I just want to make sure that no one approaches the wonderful democracy you have constructed when your founding fathers landed in Baghdad in American helicopters and you drove in from Teheran or did you take a bus ?
People, please don't appprehend our new democracy. There is nothing to fear, we are half dead anyways.
Skeletons roaming waiting for their hour of slaughter. And surely you can't envy the 1 million corpses or even fear them unless of course your darling Muqtada Al-Shit tells you otherwise and convinces you that the dead can talk.
You never know, "Baathist" , "Saddamist", "Nationalist", "Patriotic" shadows may come to haunt you in your sleep.
Listen, I can always send you a talisman as well, to protect yourselves with it.
Just to make sure. You never know which envious, covetous spirit is lurking , waiting to grab your democracy away...
So Arabs and others, please don't fear our democracy, as long as our democracy is contained within the borders and you can stay asleep in peaceful gratitude. And when you wake up if you ever wake up that is, count your blessings you are not a democracy American/Iranqi Style.
And if per mischance, you should be envious of it, I warn you , do not touch my democracy...
It is sacred. Made of limbs , rolling heads, rotten bodies, stench and decomposition, watered with red, red blood . The color of a good wine , the same wine that our "arab revolutionaries" drink whilst intellectually masturbating.
So Al-Maliki, I would not be too worried if I were you. The Arab countries are fast asleep and they already leased their asses to the Americans (amongst others) for decades to come.
Trust me, they fear not your democracy. Unless of course you were expecting them to lease "it" to the Iranians as well.
Moreoever, I have good news for you Shah Al-Maliki , the anti-war movement in the U.S has prepared a great bouquet of flowers for you. You might have to chip in with the costs though.
And with a bit of luck they and the Israelis will be giving you a Nobel prize for peace.
But don't get too jealous if they opt for your buddy Muqtada instead - they heard that his American drills are made in Teheran and the combo thrills them.
Yalla , never mind , I have another talisman for you just in case ...
Painting : Iraqi artist, Salman Shalhoob.
I am proud of you and thankful you're my sister. No matter what the evil human type people might say, just be true to yourself. Remember what I told you that "our enemies are scared because they make us strong."
Also, Ohiyesa has told us well: "The Wise Man believes profoundly in silence - the sign of perfect equilibrium. Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit. The man who preserves his selfhood ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence - not a leaf, as it were, astire on the tree, not a ripple upon the surface of a shinning pool - his, in the mind of unlittered sage, is the ideal attutude and conduct of life. Silence is the cornerstone of character.
Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit. The man who preserves his selfhood is ever calm ans unshaken by the storms of existence... What are the fruits of silence? They are self-control, true courage or endurance, patience, dignity and reverance. Silence is the cornerstone of character.
It was our belief that the love of possessions is a weakness to be overcome. It's appeal is to the material part, and if allowed it's way, it will in time disturb one's spiritual balance. Therefore, children must learn the beauty of generosity. They are tought to give what they prize most, that they may taste the happiness of giving."
Sad but some of your readers have never gave or got nothing but bad love. Myself if I don't like a book I put it down and pick up another to read, some people are just not smart enough to lay it down.
This happens alot to the zionist loving whites of all nations and it goes along with their greedy cold hearts. They have lost their balance therefore are disturbed.
we must forgive them for they do not know what the truth is and are afraid to come out of the darkness of their hearts. Hopefully they will get a life and just go away like yesterdays meal.
Keep up the good honest work my dear sister for we honor your word for it is real just as you are real to us. Fly high Gentle Dove fly high.
Your brother,
Will reply later ...thanks as always.
Layla Anwar.
I wouldn't get all riled up by silly little comments made by a silly ignoramous on some deep dark corner of the internets asshole. They do have blind hatred that is why they are left in a blind dark corner away from reality and away from humanity, good grief. Here is my imatation of this so called layla anwar or anbar or whatever the name is. Saddam Sadda Saddam, Arab arab arab pride, iran safavid hurting us, IRAN CHAUVINIST HURTING US. sADDAM sADDAM WE LOOVE HIM, ARAB PRIDE ARAB ARAB UNITY. That is her in short. She is a whiner who constantly blames outsiders for the god forsaken situation her country is in, not realizing that the country was an artificial creation in 1923 for the british to enjoy and when they couldnt do that they gave the sharif of mecca's son a lil piece of land and ruled it via proxy. I knwo she will respond and post about the great mesopatamian times of ancient. However she doest not want to admit that Hejazi arabs had nothing to do with that civilization. Yes it was the Assyrians and chaldeans whom Saddam was not on the best terms with, those are the ancient people of mesopatamia not hejazi Arabs, or the conquering hordes whom had a fired light in their collective arses when mohammed learned from jews and salman the farsi what tricks to use inorder to rule his mecca and median and get the clashing waring tribes to unite. But as we saw even after mohameds death they resorted to war and secterianism. Arabs have no one to blame but themeselves. They like to think of a united arab country from morroco to iraq, hoever that is a far fetched dream. I have Egyptian friends who do not like to be called Arab. I told them bluntly I think arabs are greedy selfish and have no culture, and they told me we are not Arabs and do not like to be called Arabs. That is good to hear. My over all experience with Arabs has not been good. You invitethem to a barbeque and treat them how a guest should be treated. Then when they invite you to a bbq, you find out the guy has no meat so you have to buy the meat on the way, or the guy is just thinking too much about fucking Americna girls and has no other care in the world. That is the Arab mentality! Michigan is ful of them and my experience with them has been shit all over. This is the result of a cultureless expansionism based on a dominating religion, and no deep roots. This is the Hejazi Arab legacy
Thanks for replying regarding the question about al-hakim, although i was looking for more.
Hopefully Ladybird will provide something this weekend.
Its enjoyable to read, laughter is an instant vacation. That is why I read this! An "eye for an eye" leaves a room full of blind men. Will you ever learn? Also...resentment is a poison pill you take and hope the other guy dies!!!! How hilarious!
Anonymous (just above the "soilder")
Your name and the city you live in? Yeah its not like Tehran doesn't have thousands of people in it.Yeah that info will tell everyone exactly where you live.Your name doesn't ring any bells tbh
Loser # 2!
Are you proud you can verbaly tear apart another woman as your farthers did and their fathers before them? Are your backs full of the bones of a snake? Are you proud you go into anothers home to rape, burn, and steal? Are you a man of God or another man that thinks he is a god?
My friend do you not have a home of your own to go to? Do you not know your life is short here on Earth? Is your wife or girl friend in the arms or anothers arms while you are gone because they want a real man to love and be loved by? Are your children calling someone else Father because you thought it was more important to fight a war that is not yours? Do you call yourself a man or just think you are because someone told you that lie?
Are you able to think on your own my friend? Does your evil mind rest when you sleep? Are you proud what your fathers did to my people also? Are your words as good as your fathers before you?
Do you ask yourself why the world hates you? Do you have a mind?
These are just a few questions I ask myself as I read your posts.
Maybe, just maybe you should ask yourself why I don't just leave and go somewhere else I am loved.
Of course this just might be the instinctive way you were brought up.
Continue my friend for when you get done there where you don't belong, you can go back home a beat the shit out of your wife and children! I bet they cant wait for that. Yes my friend it's time to take another drink to forget your sad actions!!!
Oh and by the way, tell Iranian women that botoxed lips and a chador don't really go all too well together...hahahaha..what a bunch of retards.
apart from greasy chello kebabs I don't think Iran has really contributed much.
Oh and by the way, tell Iranian women that botoxed lips and a chador don't really go all too well together...hahahaha..what a bunch of retards.
If you call this news, then the fact that I took a shit last night is news also!
Well whatever you dish out my way , you will have returned 100 fold on your head and this is what a racist like you fuck off and don't visit again.
Have a wonderful evening.
Layla Anwar
Saddam Hussein was a Hero. How many of you can face death squarely in the eye. The biggest tyrants are the ones who polluted Iraq , the Americans, the Brits, The Australians and the Iranians . These are the real dictators. All the rest is myth.
Uruknet publishes headings for LA times, AP, BBC, Middle East Online, the Guardian, Irin, Times, Reuters,and many more and few bloggers they may find interest in.
So I suppose all this main stream media is Baathist too huh ?
What a silly ignorant man you are .
LOL yeah sure I guess. =) Is it any wonder these savages are stuck in the Dark Ages?
"coz"? is that ebonics? When I called you a nigger before it was meant as an insult but now I'm not so sure you'll take it that way.
Well whatever you dish out my way , you will have returned 100 fold on your head and this is what a racist like you fuck off and don't visit again.
Have a wonderful evening."
Whew! This guy upset you. I want to see go into foaming at the mouth Arab fascist meltdown mode.
ze sheere shotor khordano soosmar,
Arab ra be anja reseedast kar, ke takhte keeyani konad arezoo
tofoo bar to ey charkh gardan tofoo
Dear Anwar,
You are so right! But not only that, my friend. They let thier family members invade your nation, masacre your people, and call their own terrorists, murderers "heros". Evrywhere, you hear everyone of them, including those "anti-war saints" shouting "support our troops". But if you and I have change to hit back, they will jump up and down calling us all kinds of names: barbaric terrorists, cowards etc.. and repeat the mantras of "non-violent protest". You see , they demand the victims must be peaceful, non-violent while continuing brutally rape, murder, masacre people.
"oops! Colateral damage".
Yes, I wish they all go to hell.