Too Little, Too Late...

We have a popular saying in Iraq and it goes this way " Ba'ad Kharaab Al-Basra "??!! How to translate that? Literally it means " After the destruction of Basra " ?! Kharaab comes from the verb kharraba , which means to destroy something that worked before, to irreparably damage it... Kharban -the adjective, means damaged, rotten, not functional, not working, failed... Simply put, kharraba means to screw up something so badly, rendering it useless... So this proverb is used when someone comes along with either an admission, an apology, or to rectify some wrong after colossal damage has been inflicted... So you tell the person in Iraqi " What's the use, after the destruction of Basra ?!" In the same vein, the latest admissions from Mc Lellan ex-press spokesman for the White House and from other media voices like this CNN reporter , who both finally admitted that their reporting on Iraq, was " less than candid ". In other words they fucki...