Some thoughts on Forgiveness...

I receive several comments and mails urging me to forgive.
I have nothing against forgiveness. Forgiveness frees.
However I do have a problem and am maybe you can help me.
How on earth does one forgive when the slight, abuse, humiliation, cruelty, destruction, annihilation is ongoing....Day in, day out. How?
Forgiveness necessitates truce, a time out, a moment of peace...
Forgiveness necessitates distance from the predator, from the abuser.It also needs a time of healing. It needs amends, corrections, rectifications, for all the damage.
How on earth can you expect anyone to forgive when none of the above conditions are there?
And moreover, why do you expect me, us, Iraqis to forgive you when there is no intention or change of course on your part?
What are we supposed to do with our dead ones, our injured ones, our memories, our lost hopes, our vanished dreams? What are we supposed to do with our exile, our losses, our uprootedness?
And even if we suddenly metamorphose into sainthood, what do we do with your presence in our faces?
Christ was crucified once. He was able to forgive. It was a one time affair.
But you are crucifying us daily. Daily, since your Desert Storm. And ever since you have done nothing but blow more sand in our eyes.
So how do I forgive? You tell me...
And assuming I have managed to do so.
Will the Tigris and the Euphrates forgive you ?
Will the dead fish and the floating corpses forgive you?
Imagine I forgave you.
Will the deliberately burned down palm trees forgive you?
Will the ruins forgive you?
Will the polluted earth with your toxic waste forgive you?
Will the walls of this city and its crumbled roofs forgive you?
Will Iraq ever forgive you?
I am the wrong person to ask forgiveness from. Ask Her.
But before you ask Her, stop doing what you are doing.
You cannot continue in your ways and ask for forgiveness. It is simply not possible.
In the meantime, She will continue driving you out by the same and equal sheer force that you have used on Her.
Read Her history and you will know.
And trust me, you will come begging for Her Mercy.
I have nothing against forgiveness. Forgiveness frees.
However I do have a problem and am maybe you can help me.
How on earth does one forgive when the slight, abuse, humiliation, cruelty, destruction, annihilation is ongoing....Day in, day out. How?
Forgiveness necessitates truce, a time out, a moment of peace...
Forgiveness necessitates distance from the predator, from the abuser.It also needs a time of healing. It needs amends, corrections, rectifications, for all the damage.
How on earth can you expect anyone to forgive when none of the above conditions are there?
And moreover, why do you expect me, us, Iraqis to forgive you when there is no intention or change of course on your part?
What are we supposed to do with our dead ones, our injured ones, our memories, our lost hopes, our vanished dreams? What are we supposed to do with our exile, our losses, our uprootedness?
And even if we suddenly metamorphose into sainthood, what do we do with your presence in our faces?
Christ was crucified once. He was able to forgive. It was a one time affair.
But you are crucifying us daily. Daily, since your Desert Storm. And ever since you have done nothing but blow more sand in our eyes.
So how do I forgive? You tell me...
And assuming I have managed to do so.
Will the Tigris and the Euphrates forgive you ?
Will the dead fish and the floating corpses forgive you?
Imagine I forgave you.
Will the deliberately burned down palm trees forgive you?
Will the ruins forgive you?
Will the polluted earth with your toxic waste forgive you?
Will the walls of this city and its crumbled roofs forgive you?
Will Iraq ever forgive you?
I am the wrong person to ask forgiveness from. Ask Her.
But before you ask Her, stop doing what you are doing.
You cannot continue in your ways and ask for forgiveness. It is simply not possible.
In the meantime, She will continue driving you out by the same and equal sheer force that you have used on Her.
Read Her history and you will know.
And trust me, you will come begging for Her Mercy.
Painting: Iraqi female artist, Nadia Mohammed Yass.
Don't forgive anyone Layla, especially Arabs. Jesus was not man. You will eventually win, that is very obvious.
Maybe am wrong, but I have noticed some change in you last 2 posts. It seems as if you have been seeing some light looming up in the distance; despite of all the savage darkness wrapping our beloved Iraq.
I sense that you have become more optmistic. If I'm right, then you have every right to be so.
you can also argue, that not all iraq is suffering...
"you", a non-specific second person plural pronoun; all, even if you did not invade, even if you are a muslim in india for instance, and you are one who could have acted but decided to sit back and let it happen is to be blamed...
its not about individuals, its about societies... societies suffer and societies bear the responsibility...
French, Germans, and others who did not decide to invade (not because they are historically more ethical, just because it was so bluntly evil), are to blame, as they continued their sick love-making with the invaders.. all of them are to be blamed...
the people of US, UK, Denmark, Australia, Japan, Poland. they will never be forgiven; neither by us and nor by the history... hopefully they will pay back one day, with their peace, blood and in fact with everything that has any worth...
"even if you are a muslim in india for instance, and you are one who could have acted but decided to sit back and let it happen is to be blamed..."
what about say an iraqi farmer who did nothing when vietnam got the iraqi farmer to be blamed too?
we've got to find you more readers. Maybe you should add arab streaming music with belly dancers video clip. No, we don't want you to dance, you're a bit long in tooth and it'll really drive the few people here away.
At the very least, music will offset the depressing articles you're writing and maybe, just maybe, it'll shut up our resident child (jr).
i thought the argument was much simpler... by being able to act, it simply means having the responsibility and oppertunity of action... for some just condemning it from their homes is enough, if thats the best they can do.. only they know whats the best they can do. one doesnt blame individuals (except individuals representing the leadership), you blame soceity, and the more there are oppertunities to act, more is the share of blame..
like suffering, blames and resposibilites are organic, real and living..
The audacity!
You are absolutely right, first the aggression has to stop, then reparations put in place (if there is such a thing, but I guess human life is not very valuable now days, certainly not that of Iraqis), and them HEALING... not an easy thing!
As for Jesus forgiving once... well, that is a good story but it takes an act of faith to believe it.
But talking about Jesus, perhaps those people that ask you to forgive (even without being able to forget, since the invaders are there in your face) are thinking of the "give the other cheek" teaching...
With that line of reasoning, I guess we could blame Iraqis for all the violence, after all, the invader only wanted to take the resources (in exchange of that exporting commodity that they call democracy), they did not wanted to die there (remember, we don't count Iraqi bodies, so we won’t mention you).
Looking back in recent history we can see an example of model behavior for an occupied country. Japan, look how docile and prosperous they are. Only three or four generations and they want to be "just like the US Americans"...
Then again, maybe we should blame everything on Saddam Hussein; after all He did not act like the Japanese Emperor, and never gave the surrender order.
So yes, I guess the puppets were right, it is all Saddam's fault.
Turn the other cheek!
Bend over!
Live in peace…
surely that is a very leading statement"
to join partners in worship with be undutiful 2 ones parents
Forgiveness is the only way to go on and it's the only thing could prove that we're still human not anything else.
But, we all should forgive at the same time not asking someone to forgive while the other is slaughtering him.
Allah kereem
May Allah(swt) give you patience and strength to persevere in this dismal life.
I'm really saddened by all the turmoil in the world.:'(
United we stand, divided we fall. There is so much division.
An Iraqi friend of my husband told him that during Saddam's rule at one time there was no income tax, utilities were paid by the government, healthcare, education and many more services were for free. In the west we are slaves to taxes and banks, in so called freedom and so called democracy. The western leaders are all hypocrites!
I was wondering what is the national anthem of Iraq?
What will bring the people, shi'a, sunni, Turkmen, Assyrian, Kurd, Arab together as Iraqi's?
United we stand, divided we fall. We need unity.
I pray that we are all guided to righteousness.
I pray that leaders have an awakening of conscience.
I pray that all with weapons have an awakening of conscience and make righteous decisions and not say: "I'm following orders."
My dear Layla, may Allah(swt) give you patience and strength to persevere in your life in Islam.
Your sister
A profound Reflecion !
Thank you
I agree
You are right, healing happens when the abuser disappears and the process starts with liberation.
May Iraq be free soon !
God bless you and bless each Iraqi and every meter of the beautiful land of Iraq.
My love and solidarity always !
"Her" bridegroom did forgive the rapists .. but then maybe he was already full of "things to come" ..
As far as I am concerned, I am too busy trying to keep the "beast" in me at bay to allow myself the luxury of aspiring to the "angel" light years above me ..
Let's all HUMANLY leave it in the hands of time ..
You spoke the "sesame" to every desired thing: UNITY.
The day that not only the Iraqis, but ALL of our divided and enslaved Arab Nation graciously condescend to open their beautiful dreamy velvety-black eyes to this one and only reality ..
.. that blessed day will be the eve of the end of Zionism and the beginning of a new era of peace, justice and prosperity, not only for us, but also for the "West" and the terraqueous globe as a whole.
Interesting article. Could I forgive? Never in my lifeytime, maybe forgivness is for some future generations? Could I forget? Same answer.
Could I live side by side, with no violence? Yes, of course. How? I do not know. I would be looking over my shoulder, always.
Hala, the hands of time work slowly. The Storytellers will keep all of this alive. You may be able to tame the beast, through Father Time, if lucky enough.
Angels are forgiving to kindred spirits,though. If that comment was for me, smile, for I am well below you now.
[quote] "he who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter paradise" (THAT MEANS ALL NATIONALISTS AND PATRIOTIC PEOPLE WILL BE BARRED FROM PARADISE) [end quote]
Our "pride" is DIGNITY, NOT hubris.
And our "nationalism" and "patriotism" is LOVE for our people, land, faith, culture and civilization, NOT hatred for those of others.
A friendly advice: leave THAT (mis)interpretation of Islam to the CIA/Pakistani ISI-run NUTHOUSE where it belongs ..
i think we get the point
our prophet was a very wise man
r u allowed to played with kids when u r praying??
those dirty hook-nosed cocksuckers havent changed one bit
plz bear this in mind everyone
very clever!!
that was uncalled for
hole drillers take note
not a man to be trifiled with
that was my own personal interpretation hala!
"the Storytellers will keep all of this alive"
Of course they will. They MUST.
The MEMORY of this unprecedented tragedy is to be engraved on each and every conscience as if into stone for all the centuries to come.
But then the debate is about "forgiveness", NOT "forgetfulness".
And still, "forgiveness" from a position of FORCE, "royal" pardon from the "throne" of victory and liberation granted onto the kneeling and entreating vanquished, NOT sickly saccharine Christianoid "self-vermification".
I personally doubt VERY MUCH that I will ever be able to forgive .. but I know for certain that I will NEVER allow myself to cross the "borderline" that separates Justice from Revenge ..
Just give me, us back my, our infinitely dear and sacred IRAQ .. and then fuck off in PEACE ..
For God only knows how TIRED of "having to hate" I, we all are ..
Take care of yourself.
No one is "blind" on here.
We are all fully aware that JR is a JINNI posing as a human.
He is inoffensive, though, and also endearingly frolicsome and "LOL-provoking".
Let him keep us amused.
Rumi has entered the blog.
She just called me from Dubai and she needs some help. She is stuck on the roundabout in Sharjha and apparently can’t get off. There is a mass of tourists who apparently think the flowers adorning the roundabout are more attractive than the rest of Dubai. Plus, being a female doesn’t help the situation. You know they don’t know how to drive!
If anyone is in the Dubai area, please stop by and help her out. She’s driving a royal blue Mercedes S class. PLEASE…anyone named Mohammed should stay away. We don’t want our Layla mistaken as a terrorist and arrested!
She just called me from Dubai and she needs some help. She is stuck on the roundabout in Sharjha and apparently can’t get off. There is a mass of tourists who apparently think the flowers adorning the roundabout are more attractive than the rest of Dubai. Plus, being a female doesn’t help the situation. You know they don’t know how to drive!
If anyone is in the Dubai area, please stop by and help her out. She’s driving a royal blue Mercedes S class. PLEASE…anyone named Mohammed should stay away. We don’t want our Layla mistaken as a terrorist and arrested!
what the fuck is point of this msg u stupid shithead?
I was only joking !! Man, aren't you touchy ..
Come to think of it .. you have literally flooded this thread with your oh so very carefully thought-out "selection" of quotes .. and yet you have not "revealed" to us what YOUR OWN PERSONAL sentiments on the post topic are ..
Would YOU be able/willing to "forgive" those rabid curs out of Hell ?
That would be you jr.
That would be you jr.
fuck off anon u twat
"all terrorist have a just cause, just not the right one."
u 2
Be kind to Jr. He's PMS'ing.
and u
I was only joking !! Man, aren't you touchy .."
well i hope so hala
"Come to think of it .. you have literally flooded this thread with your oh so very carefully thought-out "selection" of quotes .. and yet you have not "revealed" to us what YOUR OWN PERSONAL sentiments on the post topic are ..
Would YOU be able/willing to "forgive" those rabid curs out of Hell ? "
NO hala i would not forgive them.....ever
"NO hala i would not forgive them.....ever"
Well, glad (and relieved) to hear you say that !
And then, tell me .. how do you account for the DELIBERATE scattering of not-so-subliminally pro-"turn the other cheek" mines you tried to pass off to us as "pearls of wisdom" all over this page ??
Doing something.
Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right. Henry Ford
In addition, I don't think that a single Iraqi is in the position to forgive on behalf of all Iraqis. If Layla, for instance, decides to forgive, the forgiveness represents herself only. To receive forgiveness, it has to come for EVERY Iraqi on Earth...and that is highly unlikely. I think those who seek forgiveness will eventually have to pay the price for the wrong they have done. And please don't bring Jesus into the debate....those asking for forgiveness did not bother to follow His first teaching: Love thy neighbour - perhaps, USans believe this to be only the person right next to their home....
Jr., the question of fault lies on SILENCE....if, when we know something is wrong, and we support it or keep silent about it, then we are as much to blame as the ones who commit the wrong. Because silence is interpreted as consent... And in your earlier posts, when you talk about blame, why, of all the people on this planet, did you single me out for blame, Jr.? For your information, and I say this with humility, I stand 'Not Guilty' in the eyes of Iraqis.....
Jr., I wonder how many posts you've included here? Idle man!!!!
hala, when i am searching for answers that are not readily available, i automatically find myself clutching at the quran for guidance and under the section of forgivness these were the quotes that made any impression...
هو جيّدة أن يعرف لن يعبر أنت الخطّ بين عدل وإنتقام. موقعاتك عظيمة. متى يتمّ أنت يبدأ ك خاصّة [بلوغ] ؟
and i wasn't blaming u!! i was just questioning if all the people in the us for example were to blame then that would include u 2
well said! dear layla plz ban all said muppets immediately
I love you man.
Water under the brige...
I didn't see much of it but I hope you won some bets on Wimbly.
I did see the concert for Diana though.
Awesome show!
"i automatically find myself clutching at the Quran for guidance"
You CLUTCHED at it ??
That explains the "mangling" !!
Next time you are going to consult the Qur'an or any other book of knowledge, do me a favor and FILE your "claws" beforehand ..
A personal question, if I may ask: how old are you ?
and my age is irrelevent!
unless u tell me yours first
This is the point from which I could never return And if I back down now then forever I burn This is the point from which I could never retreat Cause if I turn back now there will never be peace From now on it can never be the same as before Cause the place that im from doesn't exist anymore."
don't give up the day job
I am 24.
What about you ?
jr Div#5 cut and paste crew?
its division #3 now......theres been a few changes...streamlining etc
Layla flooded her shoes and Jr will marry hala.
great job!
A lot is actually being accomplished EVERY DAY .. MORE and MORE and MORE as time goes by .. though nothing we would reveal to YOU on here .. nor you could ever understand or accept ..
As for JR, I am oh so awfully sorry to have to thwart your plans, but I happen to be already engaged .. VERY, VERY, VERY engaged ..
Now YOU run away !
my butt better be covered better than that!
my goodness. I guess misery really does love company.
I wanted to post a response to your topic here....
Dearest Layla....there is no understandable definition of forgivness due the things that Iraq and it's people have endured.
Not in my opinion...
Did the hook nosed "jews" forgive Hitler or the Luftwaffa?
By god any that did are surely not right in the head.
My own family holds it against me because I am not a forgiving person (depending on the offense).
And I am vindictive as well...
But in YOUR situation and the situation of Iraq....there is no forgivness.
How can you forgive the murder of children and innocent elderly?
How can you forgive rape and torture?
How can you forgive the destruction?
Some say it is possible, mostly by religious text teachings.
But not for me.
Some things are undeniably unforgivable.
If anything vindication is required.
Will I ever "forgive" Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, Rove, Rice, and the infinite list of criminals who have destroyed your country and deeply damaged (on its way to destruction) mine?
I would go to hell first.
And in my glorious vindctive nature I would love to take them with me...
Stay safe and keep your head on straight.
You are cared for and important.
Your friend,
"someone actually wants hala?!"
MANY want "me" .. and again .. MORE and MORE and MORE as time goes by ..
OTHERS "want" me .. but they will NEVER "get" me .. NOR anything else ..
Sleep well ..
Will try to reply later to most.
Please do NOT use my blog as a chat room. I do not wish to be forced back into comment moderation as it bores the hell out of me. Keep your comments to the topic, around the topic...
Bedroom issues and porn films are not tolerated. Thanks.
That was a sort of "coded message" specifically intended for the last 2 Anonymouses.
I was speaking in RIDDLES - and NOT about "bedroom" or "porn films" BY ANY MEANS.
Ask "Anonymous Ha" the "tagger" what I was alluding to ..
I am mortified that you misinterpreted it all.
Take care of yourself.
Yours affectionately,
Eyerakis from their homes?
adjustment to mediocrity, like so many on this board brainwashed by occidental propaganda.
Cold, colder ..
Try again.
"Even if we left Iraq within the next few months and made all those reparations that are possible, as we should and must, we must never think there will be forgiveness for what we have done.
Some acts are so terrible that they cannot be reversed, or repaired. The invasion and occupation of Iraq is such an act, indeed a long, horrifying series of such acts. We all prefer to believe in redemption, but there are times when redemption is no longer possible.
It is not possible here. We will not be forgiven, and we should not be. We have destroyed redemption for ourselves, as we have destroyed countless lives and an entire country."
Forgive this? (link deleted)...
First, yes, there are a very small percentage of horrible, rotten people in the US Military, who have done the unspeakable.
And then there are guys who are just assholes in the US Military.
Most US Military are kids - 18-22 years old - and are good people, who volunteered to go to war to fight for Iraq and her people.
No matter how much anyone wants to believe all US Military are the former, and thus the guy in this video HAS to be military...
The reality is, he has probably never been in the military or served in Iraq.
Note the obvious wearing of a t-shirt meant to look "military" (an actor wearing his costume)
Note the entirely shaved head (soldiers and Marines wear "high and tight" hair styles, not bald heads)
Military, past and present, unless they were looking to intentionally lose any military benefits and receive at the least a dishonorable discharge - and in this case, prison time - would never admit on video to what this guy admitted to.
Also note the constant guzzling of the beer (and actor playing his role), to make it appear that he was drunk and spilling his guts. He was no more drunk than I am right now (I'm not, for the record).
The set up on the video is a guy sitting with his 2 buddies, confessing everything, and knowing one of them has a camera turned on him.
First, we're expected to believe this guy would risk his freedom, knowing he's being taped.
And then we're expected to believe one of his buddies turns his drunken confession into an entertainment video for the internet.
Bottom line, if this was actually a military person (active or inactive) talking on this video, he would have already been nailed and hammered publicly for this confession by the military who would use its condemnation and legal action to its own benefit in the way of much needed PR. Remember, the military regularly checks these video services, because they pick up quite a bit of good intel from them.
For those members of the US Military who have committed crimes against Iraqis, I am first in line to call for their conviction and harsh punishment.
However, Diana, an American spreading an obvious HOAX video created by some dipsticks who have too much time on their hands, no class and no link to the military, in an attempt to paint all Americans with the same criminal brush in your attempt to make yourself look sane is about as low as one can sink.
You want to show off REAL videos of what Americans are doing wrong - and follow that up with responsible reporting of said videos to the appropriate authorities - that's fine.
But being irresponsible, when you know that hoax video can breed hatred for innocent young men and women who wouldn't dream of doing anything like what that man described, makes you a twisted, mean woman
For the record, I would feel the same had she posted a hoax video of an Iraqi bragging about terrible things he did to Americans that could breed hatred for Iraqis.
People who intentionally spread hatred are twisted.
of course you are not a born liar, you became one soon after your birth. What a perfect ameronazi you are! And a proud one, right?
It is not a matter of "apples", good or bad.
Your "tree" is diseased AT THE ROOT.
EITHER you transplant it back where it belongs OR we will burn it down.
The choice is YOURS.
I don't think you really want Hala. She has some serious thunder thighs that'll put a hold on you like you've never known.
When in the world will you realize that this is a POLITICAL blog and NOT your high-school corridor ?
For God's sake, come back and make your territory RESPECTED !
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,
jag main rah jayenge, pyaare tere bol
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,
jag main rah jayenge, pyaare tere bol
duje ke hotho pe lekar apne geet,
koi nishani chod, phir duniyase gol
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,
jag main rah jayenge, pyaare tere bol
la la laalalalaaaaaaaaa
la la laalalalaaaaaaaaa
anhony path main kaante, lakh bichaye
honi to phir bhi bichda yaar milayeee
anhony path main kaante, lakh bichaye
honi to phir bhi bichda yaar milayeee
ye birha, ye duri, do pal ki majburi,
phir koi dilwala kahe ko ghabraye tarampamp
dhara to beheti hai, behete reheti hai
beheti dhara banja, phir duniya se bol
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,
jag main rah jayenge, pyaare tere bol
la la laalalalaaaaaaaaa
la la laalalalaaaaaaaaa
parde ke piche baithi, sawal gori
tham ke tere mere mann ki dori
parde ke piche baithi, sawal gori
tham ke tere mere mann ki dori
ye dori na choote, ye bandhan na toote,
bhor honewali hai, ab raina hai thodi tarampamp
sar ko jhukaye tu, baitha kyun hai yaar
gori se naina jod, phir duniya se bol
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,
jag main rah jayenge, pyaare tere bol
duje ke hotho pe lekar apne geet,
koi nishani chod, phir duniyase gol
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,
jag main rah jayenge, pyaare tere bol
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,"
Jr is a South Asian mama's boy after all! Ingrained in him that
he is witty.
jr, member in hand enjoying the attention, ready to spurt. His momma told him he was witty when he was a child and alas, that is still imprinted in his brain and will be till the end. Incessant
adjustment to mediocrity, like so many on this board brainwashed by occidental propaganda.
When all is said and done, regardless of our views on the war or each other, we all - Americans and Iraqis - want the war to end and America's sons to come home and Iraq's sons to run a free Iraq for the PEOPLE.
If you want to paint all Americans with the same brush Diana wishes to paint us with her attempt at brown-nosing, that's your choice.
As for me, I admit the temptation to see all Muslims as I see Al Qaeda and their kind is strong. But I refuse to give into that temptation, because common sense tells me that the terrorists want to kill Iraqis just as much as they want to kill Americans if it results in them gaining ultimate power. And common sense tells me that every person should be judged by their own deeds, and not the deeds of others.
So I won't stoop to the name calling and the put downs, and I won't let hate and anger and fear blind me to what I know is reality.
I enjoy reading Layla's blog and appreciate her candidness.
I've got a feeling that you are not only an ameronazi par excellence, but also a consummate zionazi. The lies and hubris that you here show off clearly point in that direction ....
"There are (judging by the blogs) also many Iraqis who believe in the dream, democracy and America's intentions as much as I do."
Yeah .. I don't doubt there were also many French who believed in Vichy's "dream", many Italians who believed in Salò's "dream" etc. etc., to the orgasmic delight of their oh so "well-intentioned" Nazi "dream givers" ..
Those so-called "Iraqis" are nothing but COLLABORATIONISTS.
LOYAL Iraqis believe in REALITY, THEIR OWN reality, and will NEVER trade it for all the FOREIGN "dreams" in the world.
Take all of your decadent "freedom", Zionistic "demoncrazy", Pax AmeriKKKana, Al-CIAda big bad wolves and whatever else you "fraternally" wished to "share" with us and, once again, FUCK OFF in PEACE.
And you have our WORD OF HONOR that NONE of us will (give a shit about) follow(ing) you to the death-bed of your SUICIDAL civilization.
Say goodnight from us to your Pygmy "hubby" in the Dark, Dark House.
My worst "disregards",
Hala S.
I turned the other cheek, you slapped it. Hope it made you feel better.
At this point, you can continue to be angry and nasty (how the Jews got dragged into this post is beyond me), and accomplish nothing but heated name calling on someone else's blog, or you can stand up for yourself and your community in the way it really counts.
If you don't want America to rebuild Iraq, or govern you, that's cool - I'm sure we can find other ways to spend our tax dollars.
But if we don't do it, you must - so run for office, set up groups to clean up the neighborhoods and arrest the criminals, build playgrounds for the kids, patrol your streets against the militias and terrorists who drive their bomb-laden cars into your schools and markets and execute your men, women and children for no reason and dump them in the rivers.
Take back Iraq and govern yourselves, and America and the allies will be glad to go back to their homelands and wish you well.
But as long as the war you fight is against someone like me, who was simply calling Diana out on posting an video that's obviously a HOAX to anyone with more than a 38 IQ, well, it's not really much of a fight.
I know it's hard to be optimistic under the situation you've experienced, but only you and your people can fight the real war - not against me, because all your cursing and flailing won't hurt me. But against the real enemies - the guys who, if we leave, will envelope your family in their terror, worse than anything Saddam ever even contemplated.
Here, I'm turning back to the 1st cheek. Have fun:)
Laura (not Bush:))
your incessant spouting of hubristic ameronazi bullshit is a good proof that your IQ does not reach the size of your shoes ...
The so-called "Al-Qaeda" terrorists are none other than CIA/Mossad/Iranian/Saudi financed, armed and trained AGENTS PROVOCATEURS instructed to fuel the flames of an ARTIFICIALLY FABRICATED "civil war" in order to disgregate the once EGALITARIAN and SECULAR Iraqi society along racial and religious lines and eventually lead to the "Balkanization" and sharing-out of the once UNITED Iraqi State among the occupational powers.
u don't really read laylas blog do u??
"jr said...
ek din bik jayega, mati ke mol,"
Jr is a South Asian mama's boy after all! Ingrained in him that
he is witty.
jr, member in hand enjoying the attention, ready to spurt. His momma told him he was witty when he was a child and alas, that is still imprinted in his brain and will be till the end. Incessant
adjustment to mediocrity, like so many on this board brainwashed by occidental propaganda.
can u stop following me around like a bad smell
how many times r u going to repeat yourself?
jr is probably busy copying&pasting the Kamasutram - in Sanskrit ...
can u plz stop making such pointless remarks......layla has made it clear this blog is for discussion on the topics posted...plz have the decency to respect her wishes
your incessant spouting of hubristic ameronazi bullshit is a good proof that your IQ does not reach the size of your shoes ...
in which case she probably has no idea wot uve just said
"Hers/Theirs is not a SUICIDAL civilization, it's a GENOCIDAL one!!!"
It is BOTH, just like its "model" Rome and all arrogant, stupid and barbaric would-be "Titans" in mankind's history.
your blog has grown legs of it's own and is crawling thru shit, knee deep!
Go see the swami guy, drink carrot juice (or prune), or eat a bran muffin! Do whatever it takes to revitalize your aging body.
Jr and Hala, you useless wind-bags. Stop messing this blog up. This is no way to treat the "honorable Layla Anwar"!!!!
How pathetic your weak defenses are. In light of everything that has been done to Iraq in plain sight of the whole world you still cling to the excuse of "a few rotten apples."
Let me fill you in on something you can neither hear nor admit, but I'll say it anyway -- the entire US military is rotten through and through. Get it? This military has invaded and occupied a country that did nothing whatsoever to us, with the blessings of a majority of its citizens who had a lust for revenge and took it out on innocent people. The only exceptions are those few who, like Watada, have refused to be deployed. They are the only heroes. The rest are ignorant pawns, at best, and willing participants at worse.
There is no possible defense for the rape, pillage and destruction of an entire nation, the killing of over a million innocent people, the displacement of another 4 million refugees, the torture and humiliation of its men, the rape of its daughters, billed and sold to gullible saps like you as a war of "liberation," a war to bring "democracy." I would call it a hoax were it not for the fact that you, and others of your ilk, are willing dupes. You'll believe anything that panders to your need to feel good about yourself. You want so desparately to believe in your own righteousness even as you support the worst state-sponsored criminal acts imaginable. That's your hubris, that's your crime of complicity.
You can hide your guilt behind illusionary facades, but the truth will, in the end, find you, and stab you in your cold, dead, heart.
"Jr and Hala, you useless wind-bags"
Indeed we are.
EVERY freedom loving heart is a small "Aeolus' bag" containing its own share of a NEW WIND destined to burst out into a REVOLUTIONARY windstorm and sweep away the leaden clouds of AmeriKKKa's Zionazi tyranny from the skies of Iraq, the Arab Nation and the whole enslaved world.
Now apologize to Layla for the mess YOU have made of her blog and go drink up "that" blessed tea !
I agree completely with all your points !!!!! WEll said
May the world be free from the **zionevildoers**. May Iraq be free from the greedy occupiers and they leave soon in shame ... right now ! and the Arab world becomes united ! Peace will only happen then.... freedom and justice.
Karma.. sweet karma will happen soon. I pray
Thank you
Yes please respect Layla s blog !
Layla I sent you an email... looking forward to your reply
Human history is an endless stream of violence and reprisal. There is no group of people who hasn't been victimized by another, and has some pretext for revenge.
Germany killed millions of Jews in WWII... Should Israel use nuclear weapons on Germany today?
I don't ask or expect Muslims to forgive and forget the injuries done to them, any more than the Jews will forget the Holocaust.
As an atheist, and as an American of no particular race beyond "white" (Icelandic, Austrian, Swedish, Dutch, English, French, and a bunch of other ethnicities) I have no particular reason to love or hate any religious or ethnic faction.
I, and a vast majority of Americans DO NOT KNOW and DO NOT CARE how the violence is rationalized or excused... and we don't really care if "you folks" want to slaughter each other.
We want to live our lives and raise our kids without having to worry about some wacko blowing himself up and us with him.
The Arab / Muslim world wants us out of Iraq? Be careful what you ask for, you might get it! Given the political situation here in the states, it is likely that we will be leaving Iraq relatively soon, and an invasion of Iran isn't going to happen.
So, what happens next? I don't know, but I will tell you this: If you think we are so degenerate and weak that we're just going to fade away so a global caliphate can emerge, I want some of what you're smoking.
When we leave Iraq, we're no longer going to be interested in curbing sectarian violence, building schools or infrastructure... Won't be our problem. Who is going to step up and create order? We've seen how well the Palestinians have done since the Israelis have walked away... and how the Muslim world has been so supportive in organizing and rebuilding... What is going to happen in Iraq once the evil and corrupt ameriKKKers have left?
As strange as it may sound, please consider this: By our standards, we have gone out of our way to be KIND and GENTLE in Afghanistan and Iraq. Muslims might disagree, but that's not the point... The point is that the population of the United States isn't going to collectively crawl into a hole and die because you're seething at us!
In or out of Iraq, we are still going to be driving to work, filling up our cars with gas, paying bills and all the other minutiae of a modern society.
If that society is threatened, and sending troops in isn't an option, what do you think we are going to do? Say, "Oh, well!" and shuffle off into dhimmitude?
Iran has obvious aspirations to getting nuclear weapons. We may or may not be able to stop them, but what do you think the U.S. would do if New York City was attacked with a nuclear weapon? What do you think Israel would do if they were nuked?
Against the U.S., the Muslim world CANNOT WIN. Look at the results of killing three-odd thousand of us!
The only reason why U.S. soldiers are dying now is we are trying to stabilize and rebuild, not kill wholesale. Back us into a corner, threaten our way of life and wantonly murder us... and we shall slaughter you, to the last man, woman, and child if need be.
Build and use nuclear weapons and use them against us or Israel, and kill hundreds of thousands of us, or even millions? Yeah, and to paraphrase our WWII Admiral Halsey, when our counterstrike is over the religion of Islam will be practiced only in Hell.
I'm a 40 year old American man who found this site via a random browsing service called "StumbleUpon""
Above, yet another stupid, American motherfucker who needs to be "Stomped Upon"
you are the consummate ameronazi and zionazi barbarian! Your decrepid nazi brain seems to be able to produce only this type of hubristic nazi crap. But it's good to have you here, so the whole world can see what kind of primitive bloodthirsty barbarians you Americans and Israhellis are! BTW, to call you an animal would be an insult to the animal kingdom ...
Ah, this would be the fabled "Religion of Peace". Please hold your breath while I beat a hasty path to the nearest Mosque and pledge my slavish devotion to Allah. Or not.
"you are the consummate ameronazi and zionazi barbarian!"
Ah, *I* am the barbarian. Sorry, but I'm not the one sawing off the heads of hostages on videotape, sniping or setting off IEDs while hiding behind women and children, or any of the other countless examples of "civilized" Islamic behavior.
As I tried to make clear, I don't really care who is right or wrong or evil or holy. My point is that if the Islamic world insists on (A) "stomping" the interests of the U. S. of A. or (B) dying trying... It's gonna be "B".
You folks need to give up on wiping out the Jews. They have at least 200 nuclear weapons, and they aren't going to stroll quietly into the gas chambers this time.
You folks need to give up on imposing your beliefs on others at the point of a sword. Because it's no longer the 7th Century, and guns and planes and missiles have replaced the sword and spear... When you folks fight a modern (i.e. Western) force, what happens? We slaughter you. Why do insurgents hide behind women's skirts? Because in a stand up fight, toe to toe, we slaughter them.
I don't hate Muslims, and I'd love to see a peaceful and happy Iraq, Muslims and Jews living peacefully together in the Holy Lands, etc., but it's time for Muslims to realize that they are at least half of the problem, and resorting to terrorism and hateful propaganda is going to gain them nothing but pain, squalor, and death.
aka ameronazi and zionazi ultraprimitive barbarian, your mental castration seems to be not only the product of your nazi environment but also of the degeneration of your genome makeup. Check it up, it could just be inbredness. It's quite a frequent phenomenon amongst degenerates of your ilk ...
"In the meantime, She will continue driving you out by the same and equal sheer force that you have used on Her.
Read Her history and you will know."
You were controlled by the Mongols, Ottoman Turks, Persians and the British in the past 10 centuries. Have you read your history?
Ha! an Arab accuses an American of being inbred.
America 'rebuilding' Iraq? HOW? WHO destroyed Iraq? It was fine until the scum of the earth stepped inside it. Americans (USans)have perfected ONLY one art - stealing (through plunder, rape and destruction).
How come you interpret that sentence of mine as an accusation? BTW, you show the same symptoms as Griz (his name and "job" here - and yours too - remind one of Goebbels, who's being totally dwarfed by you two masters; any association of Griz with grizzly is of course out of place ...)
aka ameronazi and zionazi ultraprimitive barbarian,"
Is that all you've got? Can you actually intelligently rebut any of the points I've made, or are you just going to continue to act like a stereotypical seething Muslim nutjob?
"some typical delusional Americans, such 'laura' 'anonymous' who seem to think Iraqis should be grateful to them for destroying their land and lives"
I don't expect Iraqis to be grateful for anything. I had hoped that being repeatedly torn through by our military like a wet paper bag would have convinced them that it was time to quit fighting us, and each other. On the other hand, expecting sanity and restraint from any part of the Muslim world has proven to be ludicrously over-optimistic.
As I've repeatedly tried to point out, right or wrong isn't the issue. Defying those that can squash you like a bug isn't a bright thing to do, and that is exactly what anyone who threatens U.S. national interests is doing.
It may be a cultural thing, but do you realize just how amusing to secular Westerners your "insults" are? We know what Nazis are, we defeated them while the Arab world collaborated with them, and shares their irrational hatred of Jews to this day. We know that our ethnic diversity is an asset, and with the exception of a few rural anachronisms we're as far from inbred as you can get. We have no tradition of marrying our cousins, as the Arab world does.
"pay China to mass-produce body bags - these will be needed for the vermin which has infested Iraq and which Iraq Resistance will be fumigating out of Iraq"
You're dreaming. The Iraqi insurgency has not won a single battle, and most days we suffer more casualties from traffic accidents and heatstroke than enemy gunfire and explosives.
But, take heart. There is every reason to believe that we are going to be pulling out of Iraq soon... And may Allah have mercy upon Iraqi souls, for the United States shall not.
aka ameronazi and zionazi ultraprimitive barbarian, there really is no need for any "rebuttal" of your zionazi hubristic crap. There are tons of the same primitive bullshit on ameronazi and zionazi sites, with the same words, the same hubris and the same primitive barbarity behind the words. Just keep on barbarizing, barbarian ...
"If you think we are so degenerate and weak that we're just going to fade away so a global caliphate can emerge .."
Give us a break with your "global caliphate" ORWELLIAN BULLSHIT !!!
For the nth time, we on this board do NOT believe in Al-Qaeda's ideology - NOR in its EXISTENCE, for that matter ..
The Iraqi Resistance, which has seized the Zionazi bull by the horns and is slowly but inexorably driving its head to the ground, is made up of UNITARIAN, FREEDOM-LOVING and EGALITARIAN Iraqis of ALL ethnic, religious, class etc. backgrounds co-ordinated by their LEGITIMATE leadership (i.e. the Ba'ath Party) gone underground, targets EXCLUSIVELY occupiers and collaborators, and aims at driving the Zion-Anglo-Amero-Persian REAL "Axis of Evil" out of the NATIONAL boundaries .. PERIOD.
Stop brutalizing yourselves on Fox News scaremongering Propaganda and learn to think, feel and act again like adult Homo Sapiens Sapiens specimens worthy of the name - ON YOUR OWN.
How is life in Europe?? Can't imagine why an "islam" loving girl would chose to live in europe when you have so many other arab countries to live.
What is it..the education, the freedom, the oppurtunity???
I think the real reason (you will not admit) is the sharia law. No woman in their right mind would 'want' to live under that system.
you know it, I know it and the whole damn world is starting to see. ISLAM IS WRONG.
There are so many anonymous's on your site. How do you know which anonymous is which, and which anonymous said what? How do you run a thread, when they are all anonymous?
From what your group of anonymous's are saying, it's no wonder they wish to stay anonymous. Too mindful of their normally 'nice' blogging name and nature.
Anonymity is used to hide behind, but you and I both know
الشمس مجموعات في الغرب ، كما هو الحال في الشرق. الفرق الوحيد هو الغطرسه.
الشمس مجموعات في الغرب ، كما هو الحال في الشرق. الفرق الوحيد هو الغطرسه
your blog has grown legs of it's own and is crawling thru shit, knee deep!
Go see the swami guy, drink carrot juice (or prune), or eat a bran muffin! Do whatever it takes to revitalize your aging body.
Jr and Hala, you useless wind-bags. Stop messing this blog up. This is no way to treat the "honorable Layla Anwar"!!!!
"greg hare" for the hundredth time u knobshining cocksucker piss off bag to your own shitty blog
layla never replies to my emails!!!
"Anonymous said...
I'm a 40 year old American man who found this site via a random browsing service called "StumbleUpon""
Above, yet another stupid, American motherfucker who needs to be "Stomped Upon"
anon is positively SEETHING with rage.....and rightly so in my humble opinion
another dumb fat yank who doesn't have a clue what hes talking abt.
this little gem really illustrates for me how retarded these americans are:
"By our standards, we have gone out of our way to be KIND and GENTLE in Afghanistan and Iraq."
"griz" u gormless fat lump of shit.........plz do everyone a favour and FUCK OFF
There was NO "fundamentalism", either Islamic or of any other religion, in Iraq under the enlightened, secular and progressive Ba'athist government.
It was YOU together with your stage "enemies" and behind-the-scenes bed mates the IRANIANS who have brought it to us.
If you expect us to ever sit back and just watch your satanic alliance turning the CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION into a slaughterhouse and a breeding ground for your agents provocateurs and fall guys, then WE want to know what YOU are smoking.
As for my and most Iraqis' faith being right or wrong, unless you are already dead and posting from the hereafter, you simply COULD NOT know it ;-)
So come off your high horse of self-righteousness and learn to respect, if not appreciate, the INFINITE VARIETY of thoughts and feelings in humankind.
Ha! an Arab accuses an American of being inbred.
canadian zionist u tramp why r do continue pretending ure not a jew???
Hi Layla,
There are so many anonymous's on your site. How do you know which anonymous is which, and which anonymous said what? How do you run a thread, when they are all anonymous?
good point angel......plz could people stop being such morons and just give themselves a name....its not really that difficult
Good evening Dr. Gibrekyll.
Hi Mr. JRyde !
I did not sit idle here while it happened, but my voice and millions of others around the world were crushed into the dirt as our "leaders" proceeded with this terrible war.
I come to read your thoughts because they are unvarnished with soothing words. I point others to this blog. They should know the truth as you see it.
I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I do say that I am deeply, personally sorry.
We don't want apologies from the enlightened Americans but ACTION.
Stop intellectually masturbating, rise up in ARMS and take back the reins of your history.
We will be supporting your cause by all available means.
I wish you good luck.
Hala S.
Thanks for admitting you can't.
"the enlightened, secular and progressive Ba'athist government."
Yeah, nothing but chocolate rivers and gumdrop smiles in Iraq under Saddam...
"If you expect us to ever sit back and just watch..."
Fine, don't. We'll keep on killing insurgents until we get tired of wading in their blood, and then go home. And Iraqis can go back to killing each other, not that trying to kill us distracted them much from that!
"'griz' u gormless fat lump of shit.........plz do everyone a favour and FUCK OFF"
Make me, Slave of God.
That really is the problem that the Muslim world has... You want Western ideas, culture, economics, and national interests to submit to your will. Why? Because you'll froth and seethe, riot in the streets, burn cars, stab artists, strap bombs to yourselves to murder random passers-by?
You aren't winning friends, you aren't winning battles, and you certainly aren't winning the war.
If you expect to force the U.S. to do anything, you'll need the capability to FORCE us... and you don't have that. If America decided tomorrow to wipe out every single living Muslim on the planet, we could do it.
Every breath that a Muslim takes is a gift from Uncle Sam. And, behind all your Zionist conspiracy theories and hateful rhetoric, you KNOW IT. No wonder you're such a pack of embittered little whiners.
"Yeah, nothing but chocolate rivers and gumdrops smiles under Saddam"
For the LOYAL Iraqis, you can bet the last dollar in your Levi's Jeans back pocket, there were.
Obviously, CRIMINALS and SPIES were reserved a different treatment - as in every other ORGANIZED human society.
"And Iraqis can go back to killing each other"
We have NEVER been killing each other UNTIL your uniformed locusts stormed in and turned our orderly, peaceful and prosperous world upside down.
Just fuck the hell off and we guarantee you that everything will go back to its natural and rightful place.
You little peace of shit Layla has answered every e-mail I sent her.
Grow up!!!
She will not waste her time on shit.
aka ameronazi and zionazi ultraprimitive barbarian, where and when did I "admit" I "can't"? You are just a nazi psycopath, incapable of rational thinking. BTW, are you posting from a mental hospital? That's the place you belong to, psycopath ...
Khalil aka jr
You little peace of shit Layla has answered every e-mail I sent her.
Grow up!!!
She will not waste her time on shit.
anon u wankstain u sound very bitter.......from which i can only assume the reason is i took the piss out of u....well tough titty u dickhead
(aka)khalil gibran/ jr / (jk)/Canadian Atheist/ anon/who knows how many other Pseudonyms? STOP HI-JACKING THIS BLOG!
FUCK OFF u twat
"hello hala"
Good evening Dr. Gibrekyll.
Hi Mr. JRyde !