The Future is a Woman.

Don't you ever tire? I mean don't you ever get sick with so much killing? Does your stomach not churn? Do you not get queazy or are you on a permanent Death fix ?

Us, women and I in particular, have had it with your "urges", your killing fields and your killing games.

How many millions of dollars does it take to produce a bomb, a tank, a hand grenade...?

So much interest in terminating Life. Like you have participated in some big way in creating, reproducing Life.
Unless of course, you consider that an average 10 mn top max intercourse followed by a 5 seconds orgasm, as a major contribution to Life.

The rest we need to deal with. Carry an emerging life for 9 months, labour pains, birth pangs...
Maybe you are just an envious, jealous bunch.
Since you cannot give birth, you take Life and give Death instead. And we are always here behind to pick up the pieces and sometimes there are no pieces left because you have included us in your filthy equation.

I am sure you realize that Life is a not a Terminator movie. No, I take that back.
Anyone who produces, watches, and associates real Life to a crappy Terminator movie is demented. Demented people should be in asylums, certainly not roaming the streets and invading countries. And surely not ruling the World.

A good majority of men and the women who imitate them should be locked up. I have decreed so. That would be the only sane thing to do.

All the so called "women" who follow in men's footsteps of destruction, need intensive therapy and done behind iron bars - to reconnect with the essence of Life, the essence of the Feminine.

As for the men, they are to be sent to a huge forced labour, rehabilitation camp. They will be made to cook, clean, bake bread , iron and look after the children. The rest of the time they are to engage in meditating on the essence of the Feminine for at least 12 hours a day.
No, porn and female lingerie are not allowed as meditative props.

A huge barbedwire camp.
No guns, no sports, no hunting, no beer, no TV, no heavy metal rock shit...
Short of that, lobotomy is called for, pronto. Yes a lobotomy. Before they exterminate the rest of us and totally destroy the whole planet.

Just in case you had not noticed, I am sick and tired.
Sick and tired of that stupid lot called "men".
Sick and tired of your ways, your egomanias, your conceit, your narcissism, your power trips, your psychopathic, sadistic tendencies, your death, rape, control, possess - restless "desires", impulses, cravings...
Sick and tired of your myopia, your greed, your unbriddled, uncontrolled, senseless, meaningless "ambitions"...
Sick and tired of the rationalizing robots that you have become or maybe that you have always been.

And do you not dare give me this shit about your being fathers too. This is not my idea of paternity and besides who needs a father like that?

And do not give me this shit about blaming capitalism alone. Even so called non capitalistic societies have managed to screw up as bad.

And I certainly do not wish to hear about your so called religion - whatever it is.
You have even appropriated "God", grew It a beard, and called It a He with a capital H.

Enough! Enough of your destruction. Enough of your violence. Enough of your brutality. Enough of your ignorance. Enough of those empty, ugly shells you call selves.

Come to think of it, your overall "performance" over the last few centuries has been abysmal. And you have made a total mess of this world.

I dot not care how many times you have penetrated outerspace and landed on the moon.
What good does your landing on the moon is, if we can't even walk the streets in safety?

I do not care about your scientific "advancements" either. What good are your scientists, doctors and the rest...when women - women from the damned "South" are progressively more impoverished and sick?

I also do not care for your technological progress, your constructions, your edifices or your phalluses. What good are they, when they are turned up against us ?

And last but definitely not least, I do not care for your "men of God". Your priests, rabbis, sheikhs, mullahs, monks... They took themselves to be God and suddenly we have a million gods preaching.

Enough. You have not managed at all. In fact you have failed and it is high time you abdicate.

And if you insist and persist in grabbing and killing, then be my guest, grab your own life and be done with it, seriously done with it.

Yes this is what you should do and leave the future to us Women.
No, not the Tzibi Livni's , nor the Condi Lice's of this world. Certainly not to the Fancyme Pelosi's, nor the Hilarious Clinton's. Nor the Angela Murky's, nor the Segolene Disloyal's. No, not a western "woman"...Please!

Let her be an African HIV+ Woman (the one you infected because you were drunk and invicible), or a Latina with an iron fist, or any other from the "developing world" (we have been developing for a long, long time no?)

Or better still an Arab Woman - preferably of Sumerian origins with a fire raging in her belly. Yes let her be from Sumeria.
After all, you have killed our men - very dead. And rendered them useless...

A copy of yourselves - Dead and useless.

PS : As for you women, you got it all wrong. The meek shall not inherit the earth.

Painting: Iraqi female artist, Betool Fekaiki.


Anonymous said…
Hi Layla, you seem to be in a good mood. And it looks like I’ll beat jr. to comment. I’ll use his logic. In practical sense, the Zionist West is doing you a favor by killing your men. And you must agree that the Iraqi men are not doing their share of killing equal number of the Zionists.
Layla, who rears boys and girls and make them men, killers?
I agree with you and I wish the women would lead in the Arab world. We will be able to better protect ourselves. It will be equal playing field. We, the men in the Arab world, are not doing a good job of protecting ourselves and our women. We should let the women do the job. And, I think, the reason is because we are very tough as nails. We need a hammer and bullets to get the message and get started. I see signs that the Arabs are about to wake up. I read in the Sharq Alawsat newspaper on line that the bullets are getting through the Saudis tough sculls. They are realizing that the West is after their oil. Two articles are written by Zaid Al Abedeen this Saturday and the last, encouraging his people to die defending the oil and Islam. The newspaper has the views of the government. And it makes sense. Few weeks ago Cheney said that war couriers will remain in the Gulf to remind our adversaries and friends alike that we are here to protect the oil.
By the way God is a woman. If it were a man, the holly book would be one page the most. It would be clear, concise, precise and direct to the point
I’m glad you are gaining confidence.
Born on the wrong planet.
Anonymous said…
What good is life you silly 'sumerian' cunt?

Here are a few lines from "studies in pessimism" by Schopenhauer;

"Unless _suffering_ is the direct and immediate object of life, our
existence must entirely fail of its aim. It is absurd to look upon
the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world, and
originates in needs and necessities inseparable from life itself, as
serving no purpose at all and the result of mere chance. Each separate
misfortune, as it comes, seems, no doubt, to be something exceptional;
but misfortune in general is the rule."

"If you try to imagine, as nearly as you can, what an amount of misery,
pain and suffering of every kind the sun shines upon in its course,
you will admit that it would be much better if, on the earth as little
as on the moon, the sun were able to call forth the phenomena of life;
and if, here as there, the surface were still in a crystalline state.

Again, you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode, disturbing
the blessed calm of non-existence. And, in any case, even though
things have gone with you tolerably well, the longer you live the more
clearly you will feel that, on the whole, life is _a disappointment,
nay, a cheat"
Anonymous said…
Mother Earth.
Anonymous said…
You are Like The Goddess Kali! Amazing post.

Public enemy number 1:

Testosterone poisoning.
Testosterone is mainly about 2 things, fuck it or kill it. There have been amazing studies where women have been given large amount of testosterone and they all said the same thing:1. "I cant stop thinking about sex." 2. "I would like to bash you're fucking face in!"
Anonymous said…
Hello Layla,

I hope all is well with you.

We're ALL just People of the Earth.
We have no say as to how, where or when we are born...or as to what sex we are...

There are good women, bad men, bad women and good men.

We MUST remember that.

We can't allow ourselves to group or categorize... for that is one of the tools of DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

We Must remain focused and unite with ALL who will fight just as ruthlessly for Peace as do the Men and Women who so ruthlessly wage WAR$.

Peace to YOU, Layla.


Thomas Rockriver.
Anonymous said…
ooh wow. I'm sorry to hear all this bad news Layla.

Did you get dumped again? Don't be bitter. some day you'll find a man with a spine that can handle your fire.
I bet savage would love a chance to win your heart, but I doubt he has a back bone. Most people who give themselves a certain name are usually nothing close it.


little deer= isn't so 'little', she's bigger than a horse.

JR=is actually 58 years old, bald and has no teeth.
Anonymous said…

With your usual awe-inspiring Amazon-like dexterity, you shot one more poisoned arrow right into the bull's eye.

Take my strongly heartfelt advice as a sister and fellow-Ishtar's priestess: start as from now thinking seriously over the possibility of entering politics after the Liberation.

You are the quintessence of the Arab Feminine, "Zabiba" breathed new life into by her dearly loved dying "King" and miraculously incarnated into a real, flesh-and-blood Iraqi woman.

Between your firm and graceful hands, Iraq's downtrodden rose would burst into bloom as sumptuous, scented and sun-lit as before.

God (unspecified gender) bless your heart.
Anonymous said…
What is the shelf life of DU?
Anonymous said…
Anon #1,
your profound argumentation and explanation of your thesis that god is a woman makes me conclude that you really were born on the wrong planet ...
Anonymous said…
Jose "the latin loser" M,

You haven't A clue of people or life. Besides its not the size of the dog,but the bite that gets you. And if you think I'm spineless your people are just as spineless as mine because the whites took your land too. Now you creap across the land in the dark like the puppies you are. Talk About no backbone. Now go crawl back in the hole your daddy is pimping off! Called Your Mother!!!

I'll kick your daddies ass, your mothers ass and all the rest of you latin c##k sucking asses.

Anonymous said…
Jose M (aka) Jr =race-baiting?
Anonymous said…
Canadian atheist zionazi barbarian,
what the heck is putting you in this Shoa mood of yours? Is it because of the high summer temperatures? Or are you in Israhell changing Sharon's diapers? Yeah, a real stenchy job. But take heart: with a good rinsing of your filthy mouth with a ton of kosher water you'll be able to reduce the unsustainable stench of your mouth by nearly 1% ...
Anonymous said…
it is my considered opinion that woman would do an equally shit job layla so i cannot agree with post
Anonymous said…
JR=is actually 58 years old, bald and has no teeth.


"jose" u twat even if "jr" is a baldy it doesnt change the fact ure a wanker
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Jose M (aka) Jr =race-baiting?


fuck off anon
Anonymous said…
Jose "the latin loser" M,


i doubt "jose" is actually latin to be honest
Anonymous said…
canadian tramp ive already told u to fuck off
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Mother Earth.


Anonymous said…
Jose M.,
I've just learned to know that your father is your mother's father. (You could have told this terrible news personally. We'd all deeply sympathize with you.) So your macho disturbances can be viewed upon as fairly explainable ...
Btw, There is a Latino recipe for treating your symptoms: cut off your cojones, put them in the freeze and keep singing La cucaracha for a couple of days ...
Layla Anwar said…

Hello. We have no say in who gets born as what- I agree. But do you agree that men have screwed up big time? I believe they have.
It is time that they retreat and take up knitting instead.
I do understand that conceding power is not easy but what have men got to lose? They have everything to gain - they have made such a big mess thus far.We will save their asses - I sort of promise.
Layla Anwar said…
Hala, would you like to be vice president? :-)
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous, DU shelf life is nearly 4 million years.
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous, DU shelf life is nearly 4 million years.
Layla Anwar said…
I hope someone can teach Jose la Cucuracha...and please give special lessons to Canuck Atheist too.
Layla Anwar said…
Jr, Khalil Gibran - lol
How do you know that they will do a shit job? Are you still suffering from Maggie ?
And it surely cannot be more shitty than Bush and Co, or from Olmert, or from Blair and teddy Gordon . Anyways white women will not be an option.
Anonymous said…
hi layla, if you look at female leaders in other parts of the world, say the subcontinent, khaleda zia of bangladesh, benazir bhutto of pakistan & indira ghandi of india spring to mind...were they really so different from their male counterparts?? i think NOT
Anonymous said…
actually sorry layla i thought u were talking abt female leaders not females dominating politics which case i agree with your post!!
Anonymous said… would get my vote.

I would consider trading ironwork for knitting...that damn ironwork... so dirty, so heavy, so hot, so high, so noisy...
...let's see... drop one, go under, over twist that little strand around the needle...aaah thaddamm cat's run off with the yarn...

Peace to ALL (after we knit a little Peace and Harmony).
Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Ironhead said... would get my vote.


yeah mine too....assuming men would still be allowed to vote
Angel said…
Hi Layla,

A barbed wire camp or loboyomy sounds like a good idea. Tertostorone rules the world, although I would make a bet if the US president was female, nothing much would change.

That's just the way they are brought up to think: We are the best, our principles should be forced on every country.

Men of God, all fire, brimstone and hate for other beliefs. Urge you to do what is right for them, and no other. If that were not true, the world would be more at peace. Except for the US, who think they are God for everyone. Remember Bush 'spoke' to God, and God 'answered' him.

Your anonymous's and foul mouths are out again, what a shame, they destroy the overall message of this article. War is ugly, it's a pity that indivudals have to be so.
Anonymous said…
I think every country should be ruled by a gay sensitive man - they would all be exchanging flowers instead of bombs. I mean that. This is not a joke.
Anonymous said…
anonymous5 said...
I think every country should be ruled by a gay sensitive man - they would all be exchanging flowers instead of bombs. I mean that. This is not a joke.

shut up u fag
Anonymous said…
That's just the way they are brought up to think: We are the best, our principles should be forced on every country.

Men of God, all fire, brimstone and hate for other beliefs."

That's a good description of pious muslims.
Anonymous said…
the US murderous hordes have quite a percentage of your "gay sensitive men" amongst themselves, so you have the good chance to collect the flowers they - as you claim - throw instead of bombs. So you can open a floral business. I'm sure you'll soon be the richest (not only gay) man in the world. I mean that. This is not a joke.
Anonymous said…
Canadian atheist zionazi barbarian,
why don't you hire an interpreter as your decrepit zionazi brain isn't capable of understanding the most simple English sentences. Btw, how much are paid for your coming here to spout your zionazi crap and showing off your consummate imbecility?
Angel said…
Canadian Athiest.

That's a good description of any pious cleric.

Violence is shrouded in justifying myths that lend it moral legitimacy, and these myths for the most part kept people from recognizing the violence for what it was. The people who burned witches at the stake never for one moment thought of their act as violence; rather they thought of it as an act of divinely mandated righteousness. The same can be said of most of the violence we humans have ever committed: - Gil Bailie
Anonymous said…
Why such a negative reaction? Maybe Layla has something to say about my suggestion regarding gay sensitive men in political positions. I still think it would be a better place.
Anonymous said…
By the way I am not gay - but I am proud to say I have many gay friends. Think about it - would a gay man be reading a war blog??
Angel said…
Would a gay man be reading a war blog?

Does he not have red blood? Does he not bleed? Will he not die, like the rest of us, in the end?

You were saying?
G.Gar said…
I have never thought you would be a feminist ? :)
Anonymous said…
Angel -after the abuse I got from my previous comment it was refreshing to read yours. Seeing as you are in Australia I am thinking you must live in Sydney and have daily contact with gay people. I have asked my gay friends who asked theirs and not one of them is currently reading blogs about the Middle East .
Anonymous said…
I see these gay-or-not-gay people as despicable animals without humanity ...
G.Gar said…
@ Hala I can't believ what you are saying to Layla:) no offence, but you remind me of an amazonian priestess from a B grade film about a lost amazon culture on an Island in the Aegean sea
Anonymous said…
"DU Talaq inana DU Talaq inana" united states of monsters go back to your island of Dr Moreau. Now gofucoffee GI. ...siw
Angel said…
I don't live in Sydney. One of my good friends is gay. (female) There is a gay guy that frequently comments on a news blog I log on to. We have a variety of topics, one of them being Iraq.

The majority of us are anti war, he is as well. There are some that are in total agreement with the US. It's sickening to listen to and watch.

My roots are Middle Eastern. Everytime I hear or watch something about Iraq, I always wonder, who?

How is it possible to forgive?
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad,

I meant to compare Layla to an "Amazon" (i.e. female warrior) out of Ancient Greek mythology, NOT to an "Amazonian" from the South-American region.

I REFUSE to believe you seriously thought I was such an illiterate :-(

Take care of yourself.
Anonymous said…

I am for it !

Which of us shall go "underground" and tell that to Secretary-General Izzat Ibrahim Al-Douri ?

Angel said…

Layla quite possibly could be compared to an Amazon. She does a great job.

I think she may have inspired you as well. Your writing is coming along nicely.

When are you starting your own blog?
Anonymous said…

The Internet Age "Voice of the Arabs" would be able to inspire the dead to rise from their graves and dance in the moonlight :-)

Thank you for your kind words, although I honestly would not dare to draw any comparison between my flowery scribbling and her literary genius.

I will try to do the best I can as soon as I can.

Take care of yourself.
Anonymous said…
Agreed, Hala. Were she on the right side of the political equation, Layla would win accolades and awards like the Pulitzer hands down.
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad said...
@ Hala I can't believ what you are saying to Layla:) no offence, but you remind me of an amazonian priestess from a B grade film about a lost amazon culture on an Island in the Aegean sea


what are you chuntering on abt?? layla EXPLICITLY stated no discussion abt porn......plz can u keep your filthy thoughts to yourself!!!
G.Gar said…
Kalil Gibran are you crazy o something?.......What has porn got to do with what I wrote. Besides, i was just joking about the fictional language of Hala

also watch your tongue whenever you are addressing me
Anonymous said…
Amre El-Abyad said...
Kalil Gibran are you crazy o something?.......What has porn got to do with what I wrote. Besides, i was just joking about the fictional language of Hala

also watch your tongue whenever you are addressing me


shut up u filthy twat......we all know what kind of movies have amazons in b movies.... good try but not good enough.....better luck next time u knob licker
G.Gar said…
Again Kalil Gibran.......calling names is useless but I assure that If i ever get see you face to face, I will chop off that disfunctioning head of yours and feed it to you........

Using you twisted ill-logic then, how come you know yourself about those movies unless you are a regular viewer? huh?

Also it seems to me that you are familar with the content of porn movies, otherwise how come you know about it?.......idiot.....
Anonymous said…
how do u propose to feed me my own head??

and this knowledge of porn movies is fairly common....don't pretend like u didnt know, this is the 5th(FIFTH) time i have caught u out.....layla plz ban this pervert POSTHASTE
Anonymous said…
I think Layla defines women differently than Americans who believe it's only a question of biological gender. That would be defined simply as "female." Having a vagina does not make one a "woman" anymore than having a penis makes one a "man." It's much more complex than that.

A woman, like a man, is a complete person, fully individuated and matured. It is the stage of development when all the parts of psyche, body and soul become integrated. Unlike the American culture, which traps people in arrested development, a childlike state, or any modern western culture which suppresses natural instincts, older cultures have developed rites of passage over time to nurture the development of the full personality into a mature state. This is hidden from a young culture like the U.S., which is unable to really appreciate the difference between a man and a boy, or a girl and a woman. Hence the reason for their gross misunderstanding of Saddam.

The problem with men ruling the world is that it creates an imbalance. Woman and men, in their mature state, compliment one another. They bring the world into balance. I think Saddam wisely recognized this imbalance and addressed it in his allegorical novel "Zabiba and the King." (And yes, Layla does very much remind me of Zabiba).
Anonymous said…
Hence the reason for their gross misunderstanding of Saddam.


so saddam hussein didn't kill a load of his own people?? he wasnt a western lackey up till the kuwait invasion?? he didn't start a war against iran and didn't invade kuwait???
Anonymous said…
Simple Gibran, spare us the right wing talking points. The endless repetition might convince an imbecile like you, but to those of us who care about the truth and know better, it's nauseating to hear the same old tired chorus:

"He killed his own people... he killed his own people... he killed his own people!"

(Yeah, and babies in incubators too.)

What rot.

All these mindless repetitions are just alibis the government feeds willing dupes like you in return for your complicity in their crimes.

If you weren't in such denial you'd know that what I'm saying is true.
Alan said…
"Heaven and hell exist here and now upon this earth . Human consciousness is the energy that maintains the presence of each sphere . There is always a choice at every moment in spacetime - will i participate in this wholesome , loving , nurturing , and creative activity , , , or will i fuel the selfishness (the isolation) , the ego-conflicts , the drama of destruction and death ? . . . . . . . .
We are all responsible through our thoughts and actions for the quality of this earthly environment and experience . Sadly , there are those ( the conditioned automatons ) who are ignorant of this fact , or those ( the truly evil )who profit by and revel in the horror they perpetuate .
Can it ever be other than this - Heaven and hell simultaneously ? No , for such is within the nature of the basic dualistic/separation cognitive posture in the perception of life . It is the yin/yang , this/that , here/there , up/down , high/low , etc. etc. etc. of intellect and emotion . . . But once conscious of this fact , a truly compassionate being will recognize that there is joy in working for the manifestation of Heaven in every moment than perpetuating the sufferings of hell ."
Angel said…

The Internet Age "Voice of the Arabs" would be able to inspire the dead to rise from their graves and dance in the moonlight :-)

Clever woman. Nice comeback.

Diana also.
Anonymous said…
diana u dumb retard r u saying the thousands of deaths attributed to saddam r just propaganda???..... grow up!!
Anonymous said…
Khalil Gibran a.k.a. JR,

I thought you were developing a passion for our cause ???

What the fuck is this idea of regurgitating abhorrent Zionazi defamation Propaganda against the greatest hero and martyr in Arab history ???

Are you just spoiling for an argument, suffering from split personality or .. double-dealing ???
Anonymous said…
hala i am simply stating that saddam hussein was responsible for the murder of some of his own people and political repression.... this is well documented!! and its what ive always said since day 1...ive never praised him#

obviously this doesnt mean i support the americans, or that i think it was rite saddam hussein was removed......but i don't think he was a great person as is painted on here
Anonymous said…
Khalil Gibran,

He was PROTECTING the gentle human beings and loyal citizens among us from the murderous sectarian and separatist "sellout dogs" (as you called them YOURSELF) who posed a THREAT to the integrity, unity, liberty, independence, equality, peace, security and prosperity of our country.

Of course, you are free to keep repeating the moralistic, hypocritical "No Bush-No Saddam" mantra after the IGNORANT (at best) and DOUBLE-DEALING (at worst) so-called "leftists" in the armchair anti-war movement.

It's just too bad that such intellectual "blinkers" are NOT going to be much help to you on your individual path to knowledge and understanding of the REAL.

Take (good) care of your "self" ..
Anonymous said…
Yes, Gibran, that's what I'm saying. It's all propaganda, a massive smear campaign to justify war. If you hadn't been playing in the neocon's remorseless mirror funhouse, and done some independent reading and thinking, this wouldn't be news to you.

Let me bring you up to speed so that your flatlined soul (and all the other runts of humanity) will never be able to stand at the pearly gates exclaiming to God "But...but...but, I didn't know!":

A War Crime or an Act of War?

The CIA officer, Stephen C. Pelletiere, "went public with his information on no less a platform than The New York Times in an article on January 31 last year titled 'A War Crime or an Act of War?' The article which challenged the case for war quoted U.S. President George W. Bush as saying: "The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured."

Pelletiere says the United States Defence Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report following the Halabja gassing, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. "That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas."

Saddam Suddenly Looks Innocent

"There have been no assertions of the “brutality” of Saddam’s regime from anyone but the Iraqi exiles associated with Ahmet Chalabi or those Kurds who fought on the Iranian side in the Iran/Iraq war. There are all kinds of anecdotes about Saddam doing dreadful things, entire books written about them, but the source of all of them is the same pool of people who have been feeding faked “evidence” of WMD and Al Qaeda connections to our government. Can it be that there is nothing that Saddam has done all these years that cannot be justified as the permissible acts of a head of state acting in defense of his people. Yes, he invaded Kuwait in 1990, but in retrospect that was a really easy war to justify, given the economic warfare being conducted against Iraq by the Emir of Kuwait. I mean easy in relation to now having to justify this American invasion and destruction of good chunks of Iraq, on false premises."

btw, Jude Wanniski was a conservative, an economic advisor to Reagan who came up with the "trickle down theory" of economics. So no one can accuse of him of having a liberal bias.
Anonymous said…
While I'm on a roll, let's look back to when the propaganda campaign against Saddam started, back to the first Gulf War. (Gibran doesn't remember the "baby incubator" story. He was probably crawling around in diapers at the time).

One of the leading questions many of us have asked during the leadup to war and after, is how is it possible that more than half the people of this country can be so easily misled? Why are they so gullible? In order to answer that question we have to look back at the original source of the lies, upon which all the other lies were built, for once the original premise for war against Iraq was accepted, it was just a matter of building on it.

Remember the phony story about the Kuwaiti woman who testified in 1990 that Iraqi soldiers were throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators? It was later exposed as a public relations fabrication.

The story was repeated by the Americans to the U.N. Security Council and by President George Bush in a January 1991 speech before he ordered the bombing of Iraq.

The incubator tale was a lie from start to finish -- exposed after the war by ABC's John Martin and denounced by the respected rights group Middle East Watch as "a complete hoax." Nayirah was a member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family, daughter of Kuwait's Ambassador to Washington.

The question for the Bush administration before the Gulf War (just as before Gulf War II) was how they could sell the American public on the war -- how to build US support for "liberating" a country so fundamentally opposed to democratic values? How could the war appear noble and necessary rather than a crass grab to save cheap oil?

Enter Hill & Knowles, then the world's largest PR firm, headed by Craig Fuller, one of Bush Sr.'s closest friends and inside political advisors. Hill & Knowles masterminded the campaign and invented the "incubator" story.

Read the whole article, it's a real eye-opener:
Anonymous said…
Back to the present.

Just a few rotten apples?

Brutality in Iraq, Courtesy of U.S. Soldiers
50 U.S. soldiers describe the brutal side of the war rarely seen on television screens or chronicled in newspaper accounts.

Court cases, such as the ones surrounding the massacre in Haditha and the rape and murder of a 14-year-old in Mah­mudiya, and news stories in the Washington Post, Time, the London Independent and elsewhere based on Iraqi accounts have begun to hint at the wide extent of the attacks on civilians. Human rights groups have issued reports, such as Human Rights Watch's Hearts and Minds: Post-war Civilian Deaths in Baghdad Caused by U.S. Forces, packed with detailed incidents that suggest that the killing of Iraqi civilians by occupation forces is more common than has been acknowledged by military authorities.

Iraq, the vets' view

AFTER FOUR YEARS of war, most Americans still remain sheltered from the day-to-day realities of the occupation of Iraq, especially its effects on Iraqis. With reporter Laila Al-Arian, I spent the last few months interviewing 50 combat veterans, and in thousands of pages of transcripts, they told a brutal story.

With extraordinary honesty, these veterans — medics, MPs, artillerymen, snipers, officers and others — revealed disturbing patterns of behavior by American troops: innocents terrorized during midnight raids, civilian cars fired on when they got too close to supply convoys and troops opening up on vehicles that zip past poorly marked checkpoints, only to discover that they'd shot a 3-year-old or an elderly man.,1,3027630.story?track=rss
Anonymous said…
And you wonder why Layla is so angry?
Anonymous said…
hala i will come back to this (tommorrow afternoon) when i have amassed some sources...but in the meantime just so i your opinion, is it ok to kill traitors if they pose a threat to your country???

diana, if instead of wittering on abt american propaganda attempts, u cud address the dujail massacre, al-anfal campaign and the murder of political figures maybe that wud shed more light on the matter
Anonymous said…
What about Margaret Thatcher or Condi Rice?
I, former stupid American woman, who watched the news and believed it, had a baby. This opened my eyes - got me reading blogs, history, alt. news sources - much while nursing her. My eyes are opened. I am grieved at the injustice, the violence, at living under a greedy empire-building government...often in the name of God. I will raise my daughter well - to know about others - to know the history of the violence of her nation - to resist - and to love the people of the world - not one nation. Thanks for blogging.
Anonymous said…
Khalahmed Chalabran,

"Amass" however much US/UK and/or Israhelli and/or Persian-defecated Propaganda shit you like or can.

We on this and other like-minded boards as well as the Iraqi national Resistance on the battlefield shall keep the memory of the hero, martyr, saint, and MAN Saddam Hussein unsullied and resplendent in our hearts and fight tooth and nail to defend his invaluable spiritual legacy till our last breath.
Anonymous said…
Dear Wilhelmina,

Give your little angel a kiss on her forehead and gently whisper in her ear that the noble "knights" and "maidens" of a far, far away peaceful and prosperous "kingdom" temporarily fallen under an evil "spell" love her dearly and swear to fight to the death to offer her and all innocent creatures in this world a dignified, free and happy future.

My warmest congratulations and best wishes to you.

Your sister in the family of mankind,

Layla Anwar said…
Hello Diana
You are absolutely correct. I was not referring to woman as in pure biological gender but to the Feminine Essence and it does not have to be a Woman as in gender per se...Some men have managed to get in touch with that hidden face of "God".
Bes to you.
Layla Anwar said…
Hello W.Mina and welcome to my blog.
Congratulations on your baby girl.
Is it not amazing how giving life opens one's eyes...Alas not every mother or father for that matter, are capable of translating a personal experience into a collective awareness.
Please remember the following simple facts.
50% of the Iraqi population are children.
21 % of those killed are children.
70% of iraqi children do not have access to water or medical care
and last but not least
the psychological scars and wounds will take a long time to heal in those angel beings....

Spread it around, cry it out, shout it, write about it....for your sake and for the sake of your own child.
Alan the Red said…
Hiya Layla,

I love that picture.

Actually the correct phrase is "The Meek shall inherit a smack in the teeth".

The Christians made you Iraqis collectively responsible for electing Saddam, and consequently they are collectively responsible for Bush and Blair. Everybody knows Christians are just sub-humans who always betray their friends. They were even queuing up to betray their own Master, from the start.

There's not long to go now. The Japan earthquake has already happened. That particular earthquake was predicted, and symbolic.
Anonymous said…
Maitreya and TOT seem to make the most perfect of matches ...
Anonymous said…
This blog on the Feminine is perhaps one of your most powerful to date. And I am amazed at this blog already.

I have been calling her The Goddess. Of course she is The Feminine.

And we need her in her fulness so badly right now. And we do NOT need to be meek. We need to be very, very strong.

Strong and Feminine go together just fine.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
hala said...
Khalahmed Chalabran,

"Amass" however much US/UK and/or Israhelli and/or Persian-defecated Propaganda shit you like or can.

We on this and other like-minded boards as well as the Iraqi national Resistance on the battlefield shall keep the memory of the hero, martyr, saint, and MAN Saddam Hussein unsullied and resplendent in our hearts and fight tooth and nail to defend his invaluable spiritual legacy till our last breath.


well ok hala i have nothing against his spirtual legacy etc but the facts remain that he was responsible for a lot of deaths ....documented by amnesty international and human rights watch...but if ure not interested then we'll leave it at that
Anonymous said…
Khalil Gibran,

No, we are not in the least interested in moralism, thank you very much.

We shall be forever grateful to our President for having stood as a sharp spear inside the eyes of those who planned and worked - and eventually managed - to poke Iraq's eyes.

For God's sake, try and concentrate on the cruel and senseless slaughter of innocents that is going on as we speak instead of mooning over a bunch of criminals and spies who got their just deserts in times gone by.

Take care of yourself.

Yours affectionately,
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Daphne and welcome to my blog.
Layla Anwar said…
JR, I truly think you have many warped ideas and beliefs about Saddam Hussein - may he rest in Peace. The more I think about it, the more I believe this man was truly exceptional in more ways than one. I never said without faults though but the way he chose to end his life was and will remain truly remarkable for history to record. Unfortunately some Iraqis are too shortsighted and blinded by their own agendas that they still fail to realize this truth. As for the west, and its grossly exaggerated and invented claims about Saddam the "tyrant" - we now know this was nothing but a fabricated excuse to invade and destroy Iraq.
I suggest that you read more extensively on Iraq in the 80's and to read the articles posted on Uruknet on the Kurdish " massacres" and on the Dujail. Actually I suggest you become a regular reader of the news entries on and it is addictive. Truth is addictive.
Anonymous said…
hello hala, point taken....i was just giving my take on things and i didnt mean to offend...
Anonymous said…
layla, ure right, most of my knowledge of saddam hussein has come from western (mainstream) media and so i admit its not exactly a balanced view of him....i will definitely have a look at seems most of the links i come across are directed to that site anyway
Anonymous said…
"the facts remain that he was responsible for a lot of deaths ....documented by amnesty international"

Gibran, remember when I mentioned the incubator story in the lead up to the first gulf war? Well, Amnesty was fooled by the story. They took out full page ads denouncing Saddam for something that turned out to be a complete fabrication. So the lesson here is that even Amnesty can be fooled by propaganda.

Don't believe hearsay, don't take anything on authority, seek out the truth for yourself.
Anonymous said…
... and if you can't get the facts, then defer judgment until you can.
Anonymous said…
"hello hala, point taken....i was just giving my take on things and i didnt mean to offend..."

It's OK, JR .. It's only "too" OK with you :-)

Seriously though, I wish all of your fellow-Westerners were at least as intellectually curious and willing to learn as you are ..

As for Saddam Hussein, you can set your conscience at rest: he is now higher .. so much higher above all "offenses" .. FREE .. lucky him ..

Keep up the good reading.

Anonymous said…
Women of the world unite against common oppression of men, against male culture, against male civilization, against male perception of sexuality!

Thank you for this great compilation. Cheers from the Russian woman.
Anonymous said…
thank u for putting my conscience at rest hala!
Anonymous said…
ps. im not a white westerner....i cant stand most the knobs as it happens
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,
Every time I read your words I am reduced to tears. Tears of anger, tears of frustration, tears of rage against those in my country who have wreaked such havoc on your country.
Surely you will not, and must never, forgive those who murdered your men, women and children in the name of Oil, Israel and world domination. There is no forgiveness for those who destroyed your infrastructure, your vaunted health care system, your schools, your electrical and water systems.There is no forgivenss in this world or the next for those who have taken joy and happiness from the children and made them live in fear nor is there forgiveness for those who have made the elderly destitute and alone. I am not Iraqi and, hopefully, will never have to live as the criminals in my country have made you live but I will never forget what they have done nor will I ever forgive them.
I wish that I could give you words of comfort but all I can offer you is sympathy and friendship and my hopes that this man made hell will come to an end..
Anonymous said…
instead of "sympathy and friendship and my hopes" you could lend a helping hand to the Iraqi Resistance!
Alan the Red said…
Oh is someboody mocking then?

Hey Layla, where does the name Layla come from? I'll tell you:

The references to Lilith that are available refer to her as the rebellious first wife of Adam before Eve, and in biblical references or Hebrew legend as a 'night monster' or 'night hag', who spawns demons and again, eats children. Even the name itself is a corruption, because the word 'lil' in Hebrew means 'demon', although in Sufi tradition it is stated that the name has an ancient Semitic root meaning 'night' Also in Sufi tradition, because the old Akkadian form of her name was 'Lilitu', which in Hebrew becomes Lilith, the Arabic form becomes 'Layla', and to Sufis, Layla means the power of love, so at least they have retained some respect and correctness towards her true nature.

Why do you think I keep mocking you Layla? You refuse to look at the bigger picture.

Come up next comment, due to space restrictions, "A Message from Lilith".
Alan the Red said…
Message from Lilith – I am Returning.

"So at last I have a voice again! Do you know that as I view your planet I can cover it with the tip of my finger as it floats so lonely in a sea of stars.

If you're bad, you're going to die.

I realise this must be awfully difficult for you all to understand, given that most of you are yet to become globally aware and have no concept of inter-stellar life, however, that doesn't really matter. What you call time is ticking away, days are slipping away, days are numbered now. You can laugh and mock and deride, or be intellectual and clever, or be dismissive and cynical, it doesn't matter. If you're bad, you're going to die, and you're never going to come back. How does that sound for a nightmare, never to exist again?

As for your karmic debts, which your spirits cannot pay for, they will be deducted from your ancestors and your descendants until the last atom of debt has been accounted for.

“We” haven't done very well have we?

We haven't done very well have we. You have murdered and tortured and neglected one another for 42,000 years. You have raped the planet and treated it as your very own, to do with as you please. You torture and murder animals for sport and pleasure or in the name of what you laughingly call 'science'. What do you know of 'science', I will tell you, nothing.

I hear it all you see, and if I wish, I can see it all, and feel it all. Everything you do is recorded. Every energy signal you emit is recorded. Want to know some facts? I'll tell you some facts. Let us scan your airwaves and see what sort of people you really are.

There is what you call a monkey strapped in a seat. Its head is clamped. There are wires inserted into its brain. It is terrified beyond your understanding and it screams and screams and screams and screams and you don't even notice. There is a child in the desert, so thin it cannot stand at all. It is in the last stages of starvation. Its vision comes and goes, but the pain, the pain is beyond anything you can imagine, and after the pain there will be death. No one comes.

If you could feel what a whale feels when a harpoon explodes inside it's flesh, you would not kill whales. And when you go to war, do you know the anguish of being blind, or burnt, or disfigured? In the what you call the Great War, the soldiers who had no arms, no legs, no eyes, no hearing, were laid out in darkened tents and kept away from the other soldiers. Did you give them a medal? I could go on, endlessly. The chronicle of your barbaric acts seems to have no end.

The fact is - you make me sick. I despise you, and what you have done with a loathing that is like a fire inside me. But then of course, you don't think I'm real do you? No, of course you don't. And there are so many distractions for you, so many escapes, so many things to do; you don't have to think of me.

Of course, I do not find all of you repulsive. I will protect the good and destroy the bad. Many of you feel the pain of the world and try to alleviate it and I honour you, and you will be rewarded more than you can ever imagine. I have come for the bad amongst you. You don't know when I'm coming, or how, or where, I will be with you soon. Sooner than you think.

Those who torture the monkey will themselves be tortured in the same way until the debt is paid, that is the monkey's right, that is the Universal Law, and those who harpoon the whale will feel the same pain for the same duration until the debt is paid, that is that whale's right under Universal Law. There is no escape, no excuses, no way off this world, nowhere to hide. Every act will be accounted for; every evildoer will be brought to justice. Excuses are not accepted or tolerated. All debts and the consequences of actions must be paid for in full.

The bad amongst you last killed me 42,000 years ago as a consequence of which I had to form a new body, similar to the previous one. I am over 280 million years old and I have had two bodies, one of which I still occupy. You call me 'Lilith', but that is not my name, just the name you use for a figure from mythology. Only the very very best amongst you will ever know my real name.

You all search for magic, and yet magic is simply a shift in consciousness. Where there is no love, make some, create some, yourself. Where there is pain, alleviate it, yourself. If someone is hungry, then feed them, you can manage that can you not? It is easy! You become the magician, the healer, and the bountiful soul. You pick up what is frightened or injured or tired or sick and give it sustenance and safety, it is easy! You just have to reach out and do it. You pray and grovel to people you have never met and do not know, asking them to do it - they want you to do it! That is what you were supposed to learn. Why are you all so unutterably lazy, and blind and apathetic? A moment comes, and never comes again. Etch that moment with something beautiful, something kind, something wonderful. Instead of making me sick, make me happy, impress me, yes, go out of your way to impress me.

Wake up! You do not know why days come and go, then why do you take tomorrow for granted? You do not know who makes the planets move, who brings the rain and who orders the wind which way to blow. You did not create anything, not even a leaf on a tree. You could not even create that, yet, you treat everything as if you own it! If you did not create it, then do you assume that no one else did? I assure you they did, and when you destroy these things, of which you know nothing, think, what if the owner comes back suddenly when you least expect them. What if they ask, why did you destroy what is mine, my creation, who are you to destroy what is mine and over which I have dominion? What are you going to say? What can you say?

Be careful, for you have become arrogant.

Use your eyes to see what needs your help. Use your ears to listen for those life forms in pain and trouble. Reach down with your hands and rescue what begs to be rescued, for it is indeed true that as you sow, so you shall reap. Even the bad amongst you can earn a place in forever if they change their wicked ways now.

I will come in the night following an ordinary day. I will turn your world upside-down. I will confront you with the truths of your actions, thoughts and motives. I will be a mirror to your souls. I am the hunter of evil souls, the judge, and for some, the executioner. Days come and days go, yet faster now. Time has hastened for you. There is still yet time, if you are quick, to leave a kindly mark where once your presence was. You all wish for 'the answer', you all wish to 'be enlightened’; you follow false prophets and corrupt gurus and debauched priests, when the answer is so very simple. See and hear whatever needs to be healed. Change whatever is around you in a positive way. Be bountiful of spirit, be kind, be gentle and harmless and patient, yet fight evil and corruption and oppression with a passion that burns your very soul. Cast out the evildoers, give them no sanctuary, no credence, no food of any kind. Close your eyes and ears to them, and turn your back towards them..

Be honourable, not selfish.

Remember, it matters not what you think, your opinions count for nothing. You are measured only by what you do. Therefore, be careful what you do. Choose the nature of your actions wisely. In truth, I am not easily mocked, as the corrupt amongst you will soon discover."

And one of those nice Yankee preachers did tell me how much I resemble my mother. I do mock a lot when people refuse to look at the bigger picture. The Christians are going to feel the pain of every Iraqi woman and child they have killed. They are going to suffer, extremely.
Alan the Red said…
And Layla, long ago I asked you what you knew of Egyptian History?

Abraham, Abram, Abrim, the man who was married to his half-sister Saria; yea right! Egyptian Kings had a history of marrying their sisters, didn't they?

Tuthmosis II
He was the third son of Tuthmosis I by way of a minor wife Mutnofret. Being a lesser son he married his own half-sister Hatshepsut to ensure a chance at becoming pharaoh. Two older brothers died leaving the way open for him to achieve his goal. He reigned with his brother Tuthmosis III, in a co-regency for about 13 years.

Amenhotep III
The son of Tuthmosis IV and his queen Mutemuaa, he came to the throne in 1405 BC and reigned for approximately thirty six years. Like his father he had profoundly non-Egyptian features and was clearly a foreign blooded pharaoh. He was the prototype for king Solomon and was the husband of Joseph's powerful but commoner daughter Tiye. The father of Akhenaton, he was known as "The Dazzling Sun Disk of All the Land." He was instrumental in bringing in the worship of Aton but was also obsessed with the solar goddess Sekhmet to whom he raised countless statues. Due to the death of this eldest son, Akhenaton became Pharaoh. Amenhotep's final years are undocumented and he is believed to have perished due either to insanity or some disease.

Hey, those stupid Christians, who are looking in Israel for Solomon's Temple, had better start looking in Egypt. That "wailing wall" is just the remains of a Roman Fort. The Romans flattened Jerusalem leaving absolutely nothing that wasn't Roman.
Alan the Red said…
In short, there is the biggest bitch Goddess you ever dreamed of, coming to sort out this planet, and guess who She detests the most? Those patriarchal religions who not only lied about Her, but who stole Her birthright. Adam, just another incestuous loser, like Abram, who married his own daughter; or clone, to use modern language.
Alan the Red said…
And hey, Layla, with the sacred name, here, for you, from Moi, is one of those nasty rocks songs that you so hate ;-)

And in case you are still confused, hey, you can call me Lord Cerne Abbas, if you so wish ;-)
Anonymous said…
you may - as you claim - suffer from elephantiasis of your private parts, but on the other hand you also suffer from total shrinkage and disappearance of your brain cells ...
Alan the Red said…
And Layla, I just have to say it. Ten minutes? Hasn't anybody ever made love to you all night long? Jeez! In this world, there are men and there are boys, and if ten minutes is all they can manage, you obviously haven't met one yet ;-)
Anonymous said…
pleeeeease, hurry up to our zoo, the she-elephants are waiting to make love to you all night long or possibly even longer ...
Anonymous said…
Layla, you are brilliance. I could thank you every day for the rest of my life and still not approach the level of respect and appreciation I have for you.

If only I could do more.
Alan the Red said…
LMAO Good old anonymous. You're going to die! Get used to it, Loser:

Our Earth Mother has a cancer, called god. There is only one cure for a cancer, radiation and chemo-therapy.

Apart from that, I was addressing Layla, so just shut it. I only work with Goddesses, and She needs to see that an artist is a CREATOR. You're just an anonymous member of the hive; one of Yaldabaoth's pathetic subbies.

In short, when I wish to talk to a Goddess, I don't want a mere monkey poking their nose in.
Anonymous said…
the brain-dead baboon
keeps yelping at the moon ...
Anonymous said…
You told our anger so will. Yes I am sick and tired of the same things as you! Thank you Layla.
YoUnicorn said…
Hello My Dear Layla

I agree !

Meek in front of the beauty and perfection of the Universe, in front of the miracle of life and birth
Never meek in front of evil,

I would love to see,
A Sumerian woman as the future !!

Thank you for this reflection ,-D

Salaam !
acatelysteleven said…
you're awesome
Anonymous said…
what Planet are you from?

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