Fresh from the Iraqi Oven.

From inside Iraq - Baghdad.

I am not sure if you heard that on your news wherever you are, but 13 American soldiers met their fate yesterday in Adhamiya alone.
You know Adhamiya don't you? The Ghetto of the 21st century. You know, come on now...The Aushwitz wall of Adhamiya.
And (and this is important info) contrary to "popular" belief, according to what I heard, the explosives used were NOT made in Iran.

Petraeus and the Farsee Mullahs have had you dancing on one leg and jingling the war alerts bells with another...Now you grow up and listen to real politics on the ground - hot from the Iraqi oven.

This little bit of info was expanded upon when two seemingly non related incidents took place. And you know as well as I do that the devil hides in the detail.

In a previous post I mentionned two relatives who have been detained and imprisoned by the American occupier.

The first one ,Omar was transferred from an American run prison to a prison in Southern Iraq run by the Mahdi Militias.
Seems that they are more proficient at extracting information than the yankees. Mind you, you did not fare too badly yourselves.

To cut a long story short, the prison was bombed and we still don't know exactly by whom and Omar is very probably dead.

This is one instance of a real solid cooperation on security matters between the Americans and the militias run by Iran. Not bad huh ?

Now the second one is Kamel. Finally we have news of Kamel.
Kamel 60's - as you may recall - was arrested by the Americans and the alleged charges are "insurgency".
I mean, Kamel cannot even lift a hammer let alone carry weapons. But that is not the crux of the matter.

What I learned today is that Kamel will be released on condition that a sum of 2 million Iraqi dinars is paid up front to the prison. The sum is in the process of being gathered...But again that is not the main point am driving at.

Now this prison is supposedly run by Americans. And Kamel is allegedly an "insurgent". How come this "release" sum?

Everything became clearer when I learned that even though this is an "American" prison, it is in fact run by - guess who? Of course the Iranian militias of which Muqtada Al Sadr is king.
So to cut a long torturous story short, a sum of 2 million dinars will be paid to the militias and only then will they sign a paper stating that Kamel is NOT an "insurgent."

What do you make out of all of this? It is as clear as daylight.
The Americans and the Militias of Iran are cooperating on "important security issues."
And whom do these security issues involve? Any sunni perceived as anti-occupation and anyone perceived as a potential Resistance sympathizer or maybe a real member of the Resistance.

Conclusion - The Americans and the Iran run militias are targeting the Resistance. And the Resistance has been deliberately lumped with al Qaeda. All Resistance fighthers are considered al Qaeda by the Americans. And Bingo!

Moreover, as if the Americans do not wish to dirty their hands even further, they relegate the real heavy work (of torture) to the militias.
Just a question of PR after the scandalous episodes in Abu Ghraib, Haditha, Falluja, Abeer, etc...

So do remember these two little incidents next time you get on your bandwagon...

The following bits of info will complete the picture further. And do not come and complain that you have not been told.

Seems there is contest going on between Adhamiya and Ameriya as to whose wall is tallest.
Latest news from Ameriya (a sooneee stronghold) confirm that the Ameriya wall is nearly complete and is higher than the Adhamiya wall.

Nadia wanted to return to her district, Ameriya. She had to take two cabs to get to Ameriya "gates". Then from Ameriya "gates" after security clearance, she had to take another 3 cabs to get home. At each check point within the Ameriya district, they forced her to change cabs. Needless to tell you that Nadia spends over half of her salary on cabs and she is left with 20 dollars to feed her kids.

In Adhamiya, American tanks are stationed on every single street corner.
They(the yankees) have gone as mad as rabid dogs since I was told.
Inhabitants of Adhamiya are literally buried at home, soaking in sweat, no water, no possibility to go and buy food and no electricity with an average temperature reaching 53C.
I pray that Radhee survives it this time around.

In the Karrada district two days ago, 25 Iraqis were killed by a mysterious explosion.
Today the same happened with a roughly similar number of dead and around 8 injured. According to reliable sources, no one really knows who is behind these explosions. And again contrary to common belief, it is no longer car bombs but explosive devices placed in Buildings.

A similar kind of explosion took place in al-Mansur today.

This new tactic has one clear purpose, in my opinion: "Bring the whole thing down". If you see what I mean.

These are little puzzles, pieces that form what "American Academia" of Political Science refer to as " creative chaos " and some prefer to call it "creative destruction".

Needless to add that Iran is doing her wonderful share in the "creative" american "surge". It has become self-evident by now.

From Outside of Iraq - Syria & Jordan.

The Iraqi refugeee crisis is deepening to the point of another "creative chaos" and to a point of "no return". Mark my words.

All of the refugees interviewed whether in Syria or in Jordan unequivocally state the same things:

- the Iraqi government is doing absolutely nothing to alleviate their ever deteriorating conditions. No funds are available, no money transfers, pensioners are forced to return to Baghdad to receive their meager paychecks. Many of them do not make it back to the host country. They are killed by bandits or by the militias.
Suhair's husband is a "living" example. He went back to get his paycheck and was shot in the head by the Mahdi boys right in front of his doorstep, leaving Suhair a widow at the age of 33 with three kids to feed.

All the refugees interviewed shout out the same cry of despair :

" The queues at the Iraqi embassy are so long. We start queuing at the crack of dawn, for help, for a passport, for assistance, for information... When we are finally received if they ever accept to receive us, they treat us like STRANGERS, as if they are not from us and we are not from them. "

Do remember that all of the Iraqi embassies worldwide are now run by Kurds and of course sectarians with loyalties to who else ? but Iran. Ask any refugee and s/he will concur to that.

And they add: "They think because we left the country, we are their enemies. But we were forced to leave from the violence. So now they force us to go back so we get killed."

They also state that: "The U.N has done absolutely nothing for us. Apart from giving us application forms to fill and that was that."

Iraqi refugees are now considered to be a heavy burden by both the host countries and by the Iraqi government.

Their number outside of Iraq is 2.2 million and they are mainly concentrated in Syria and Jordan. Most of them have NO accesss to schooling, decent housing, basic necessities, food, health care and jobs. They are not allowed to work. Period.

The remaining 2.2 are displaced within Iraqi borders and live in tents or in someone else's home. They too have NO access to anything.

These Iraqi refugees are the Mosaic of Iraq. They are sunnis, shias, yezidis, christians - assyrians, chaldeans, telkef - kurds, sabaeans, armenians...

The Mosaic is now in exile. You can do something to save it. You failed the first time around, do something now, at least for them. Them on the outside. They are reachable. They are in a different kind of oven but still reachable. You owe it to them. You owe it to yourselves.

One another note, 2000 Iraqis were finally granted entry to the U.S - Michigan to be more precise. They do facilitate entries for christian Iraqis.
But the locals have already started complaining. The Iraqis are placing an undue burden on the Michigan economy. ( here for full story).
Already? They have not even landed yet.

Tell you what - ask your President and his gangsters to pay for them and maintain them and they ought to live like royalty in friggin Michigan.
After all, you still have not given me an answer as to what happened to the 20 Billion Dollars from the Iraqi treasury - i.e Iraqi money that your Bremer stole.

Now you pay, bunch of bastards. You pay for this hellish oven of your creation.

Painting: Iraqi artist, Faraj Aboo." Bread cookers - Al Tanoor" 1963.


Anonymous said…
Layla darling,
Please slow down on the post'. I can't keep up with you.

some of us are old ya'know!
Anonymous said…
fresh from the iraqi oven....get it whilst its still piping hot
Anonymous said…
stop the joking,this is sad and serious^
Anonymous said…
'do you smeeeeeeeelllll what the rock is cooking?
Anonymous said…
this makes me sick. When Iran needed friends Iraq was there to help.
When the Kurds needed someone, Saddam was their for them.
Now that we iraqi's need help, EVERYONE has turned on us. They've turned against us because we are better than them?! pathetic.

some day, Iran will pay for the hell they've help create!

'not cooked' must be a Jew that knows what 'being cooked is all about'. burn you asshole, burn!
Anonymous said…
OMG! When you think things can't get worse, they do.

Dear Layla, you said, about halfway through:

"Conclusion - The Americans and the Iran run militias are targeting the Resistance. And the Resistance has been deliberately lumped with al Qaeda. All Resistance fighthers are considered al Qaeda by the Americans. And Bingo!"

And while Iraq is being totally destroyed, we are wondering if Iran will be the US's next target. We know NOTHING.

I have one MP I can send this to. Her name is Lyn Allison. She is "human". She belongs to the Democrat Party in Australia, brought into being to "keep the bastards honest".

I will send this whole post to her, and see what her reaction is.

I want to scream and scream, but nobody is listening! Iraq is dying for God's sake! And we even get smart remarks on this forum.

You say:
"Now you pay, bunch of bastards. You pay for this hellish oven of your creation."

Layla, I have long believed we (the west) WILL pay. Some true innocents will pay along with those who did not care, and those who were active in voicing their approval for what is being done in Iraq.

But at least it will mean that the Iraqi people will rise again.

This post broke my heart - again. Only worse than I have felt for a long, long time.
Anonymous said…
Layla,I have read this post for a few days now.I am not a war supporter,but when you speak you seem to not like...Iranians,Americans,Kurds,ect..So You must be a SUNNI-right? Your people lost power after Saddam fell-right? I don't think any good will come from this Hate you have.I feel so sorry for you.I hope this dreadful war will be over for everyones sake.
Anonymous said…
This is to Anon#5...No one on this Earth is better than anyone!!!
Anonymous said…
You said...'One another note, 2000 Iraqis were finally granted entry to the U.S - Michigan to be more precise. They do facilitate entries for christian Iraqis.'-
it's actually 'ON another note' meaning a deviation from the topic.
(you're learning fast :-)

if arabs had a reputation for being hard working people, I don't think any country would reject them, but alas! they are lazy and are used to being provided for, hence their migration to Europe and America. SOCIAL WELFARE!
lets say it together..
Where you can be the nothing you've always wanted to be and hate those that provide for you.

Lets all say it together...

'thank you america! thank you europe! for taking in the arabs that the arabs don't even want!
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous - the anti war supporter.

Seems you do not know what is happening in Iraq and who is playing what and where...
Furthermore, you have selectively omitted to read what I said about the Iraqi MOSAIC in exile - made up of sunnis, shias, christians, kurds, armenians, sabaeans, yezidis, turkmen...

Why this deliberate omission on your part?
Anonymous said…
In Adhamiya, American tanks are stationed on every single street corner.They(the yankees) have gone as mad as rabid dogs since I was told.]

The yanks ought to go back to old style counter-insurgency warfare. Round up the women and children and shoot every military age male.

Adhamiya should be leveled.

[And again contrary to common belief, it is no longer car bombs but explosive devices placed in Buildings.]

Bullshit. All the news agencies report that they were car bombs.

[The Americans and the Shiites are cooperating on containing the Sunnis]

Fixed that for you

[Any sunni perceived as anti-occupation and anyone perceived as a potential Resistance sympathizer or maybe a real member of the Resistance.]

What's wrong with that? Do you expect the Americans to sit idly while the sunni insurgency attacks their convoys?
Layla Anwar said…
to anonymous the american crew cut kid from Arkansas who believes Jesus will save his white ass.

hahahahaha - you are very funny.
4 years down the line and your ilk still can't secure one street in Baghdad.
They have been pounding Diyala for months and we keep sprouting and we shall continue to do so.

Now go and pray for Jesus to really save your white ass
Anonymous said…
[They have been pounding Diyala for months]

Really? You've been whining about American search operations, stealing your aunt's food (that was a hilarious story) and arresting Camel.

Nothing about ethnic cleansing by Americans so far. Why is that?
Anonymous said…
yes Layla is Sunni
Anonymous said…
yes,Saddam was "there" for the Kurds especially in Halabja.
Anonymous said…
` save your white Ass ` this language coming from a Lady geez
Anonymous said…
I have sent a "pleading" email to the MP I spoke of. I'll let you know if she responds.

When I read the HATE and STUPIDITY in some of these comments, I am amazed. Sure Aussies aren't interested enough, but this HATE that keeps coming through. Whoever is indulging in this is less than human. And I would be wrong to say they are like animals - animals don't carry that ignorant, biased, loathesome hate.

I am sorry you are getting this from the west. I truly am.

(By the way, back to my son's palm tree, guess what the tree people suggested to give it strength during the drought and after it had been transplanted? Sugar. Loads of sugar! Amazing, but I guess it worked.

Take care Layla.
Anonymous said…
Saddam Hussein DID NOT gas the Kurds. I have read enough over the years to know this. It was the Iranians, who are now helping to destroy Iraq, along with the US (and coalition, which includes my country).

And Anonymous whoever (who cannot even give his/her right name) Americans ARE ethnic cleansing the Iraqis. There. I have said it. They are, and have been for a long time now. Over 800 academics have been systematically assassinated, plus over a million ordinary human beings slaughtered. Isn't that ethnic cleansing?
Anonymous said…
Daphne , ahh I bet you were there to witness the events of the Halabja.
Anonymous said…
you really were there?
Anonymous said…
Layla,I did fail to acknowledge that you mentioned the "mosaic" of Iraq,but You didn't answer my questions.I feel your frustration.I couldn't possibly know what you are going through.

Anonymous said…
Wolverine said:
"if arabs had a reputation for being hard working people, I don't think any country would reject them, but alas! they are lazy and are used to being provided for, hence their migration to Europe and America. SOCIAL WELFARE!
lets say it together..

You VERY obviously did not read the article Layla suggested on Michigan. Especially the part which says:

"But others, such as University of Michigan economist Donald Grimes, say the entrepreneurial attitude and advanced degrees of many Iraqis might help turn the ship of state around.
"It's one of the things that could help Michigan recover," he said."

Don't make statements without backing up those statements.

And guess who put Iraq back together, working with all the draconian sanctions put in place by the US (UN) after the US bombed it in 1991? You know, the infrastructure, bridges, water, everything that makes a modern country work.

It was the Iraqis, making do and improvising along the way. They fixed roads, rebuilt bridges, got the infrastructure working (something the US still can't do) and restored Iraq to what it used to be as much as was humanly possible.

However, the dead (including 500,000 children) didn't get to enjoy their hard earned "new Iraq".

But they did it. The hard way.
Anonymous said…
It is called a totally illegal Invasion at the Expense of the iraki People.
Anonymous said…
I call it genocide ...
Anonymous said…
Chad, sometimes you just have to keep reading - particularly "out of print" books and books you never see on mass media book shelves.

You read stuff that was fact before we hit "1984", when yesterday's truth became a lie, and a new truth was invented.

I have learned a great deal over the years by doing this. Sometimes I get something on the net and follow through, but always, I end up with often old, battered second hand books. My latest is "Controversy of Zion" and it, too, turns history on its head.

Do some reading like this before contradicting what I say. Then we an debate.
Anonymous said…
experience and Life are better teachers then all the books you read.
Anonymous said…
Chad, they don't seem to have worked for you.

And didn't you know?

"If we don't learn from history we are bound to repeat it."

I forget the author, and I may not have quoted exactly, but you get my drift.

Experience and life CAN be teachers, but we westerners are so propagandised at this point in history that we need to learn who is doing it and why.
Anonymous said…
Daphne wrote,
[And Anonymous whoever (who cannot even give his/her right name) Shiites ARE ethnic cleansing the Sunnis]

Fixed that for you
Anonymous said…
Daphne ,you are to young to know of the horrors of war,please spare me the lectures
Anonymous said…
Daphne,I dont believe Iran was responsible for Halabja..What have you read that says this?I wish to be educated on this matter.
Anonymous said…
Yep,I agree genocide.
Anonymous said…
it is the rumor in (Elite)Sunni Circles that Iran was the bad guy.
Anonymous said…
you be surprised how many westerners & others pick up on that one
Anonymous said…
...but after Saddam used the Gas on the iraniens ,in the south of Iraq,(remember the war 1980-1988 ) he had a little left and used on the "rebellish" Kurds, to teach them "lesson" .
Anonymous said…
..and a independent Kurdistan was
absolete and out of the question..
Anonymous said…
I don't know Why IRAN is always considered "the bad guy" from everyone.Who have they attacked (aside from their own people)in the last 20 years?
Anonymous said…
Those who read uruknet know ALL the - the original, not secondary -sources that deal with Halabja. Who has't read them, should first read them all. To claim that "(Elite)Sunni Circles that Iran was the bad guy" is just smearing propaganda.
Anonymous said…
actually no one for centuries.
Anonymous said…
What is "uruknet"???
Anonymous said…
Saddam ect.( Baath party) were Sunnis,elite body guards were Sunnis,for decades the Shiites were the "Niggers" of Iraq..
No Rebellion was allowed from neither north or south,Saddam ruled !
Anonymous said…
just google for "uruknet" and you'll find.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the sunni-shi'a divide,
you're just blabbing the standard zionazi and ameronazi proganda, nothing more! Are you Goebbels's relative?
Anonymous said…
As to the Ba`th party: it's the best that the Arab world produced till now, therefor it's so demonized by the zionazis and the ameronazis!
Anonymous said…
If there would be no divide, they all would fight the Invaders together,,ehh Einstein.
Anonymous said…
Just to be educated on this matter..What did it say about Halabja in the uruknet,When the Kurds were attacked.I have not read much on the matter and would like to know??
Anonymous said…
the " old "iraqi army should not have been dismantled.
Anonymous said…
March 19,1988 the attack on Halabj`a took place
Anonymous said…
Go and read the sources! Use your own head, not mine!
Anonymous said…
As Layla said in one of the previous blogs, uruknet is obligatory reading for anybody who wants to know more about the Middle East.
Anonymous said…
The real question here is who owns the uruknet? Only people who own the press are able to write what they want people to know. Same everywhere in the world.
Anonymous said…
Just find out what uruknet is. Make up your own mind about it!
Anonymous said…
So, I read that Iran did it,but not intentionally.The kurds were caught between the two armies.I was thinking that they did it on purpose.Thanks for sharing the Uruknet.It's good to have more than just one news source.
Anonymous said…
So, I read that Iran did it,but not intentionally.The kurds were caught between the two armies.I was thinking that they did it on purpose.Thanks for sharing the Uruknet.It's good to have more than just one news source.
Anonymous said…
Always read ALL the sources before jumping to conclusions!
Btw, maybe you too will discover - using Layla's words - that truth is addictive!
Anonymous said…
I was just asking questions..Do you know a better way to be educated? I totally agree with you about the truth is addictive!!I have never been one to agree with one way.It's always better to ask questions then if you find you are wrong its never too late to change your mind.Thanks again.
Anonymous said…
You must find your own way how to educate yourself. My way is reading, reading, reading ...
Anonymous said…
chad said...
Daphne ,you are to young to know of the horrors of war, please spare me the lectures

Chad, I'm not young. And I will keep learning until I die...

Anonymous said...
Saddam ect.( Baath party) were Sunnis, elite body guards were Sunnis, for decades the Shiites were the "Niggers" of Iraq.. No Rebellion was allowed from neither north or south,Saddam ruled!

Anonymous, Shia and Sunni intermarried - rather like Catholic and Protestant in the west. I read that over and over in blogs and books by "moderate" Iraqis, of whatever persuasion. However, Fundamentalist Shia, just like our Fundamentalist Christians here, would not marry a Sunni under normal conditions.

Anonymous said...
As to the Ba`th party: it's the best that the Arab world produced till now, therefor it's so demonized by the zionazis and the ameronazis!
Friday, 27 July, 2007

Now this Anonymous I agree with. And they actually did a very good job.

Anonymous said...
The real question here is who owns the uruknet? Only people who own the press are able to write what they want people to know. Same everywhere in the world.

Anonymous the Doubter, does it ever occur to you to wonder if the mass media is telling the truth? Remember, it is now in the hands of about nine people and most are Zionist Jews, including Murdoch, whose mother is Jewish.

Anonymous said...
Always read ALL the sources before jumping to conclusions!
Btw, maybe you too will discover - using Layla's words - that truth is addictive!
Friday, 27 July, 2007"

That is EXACTLY what you must do. If you want to read about a subject, and want the truth, read 3, 4 or more books by totally differently oriented people if possible. Truth is hard to find.

In the end you have to go with what your gut feeling says, and the version you feel makes the most sense.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
The real question here is who owns the uruknet? Only people who own the press are able to write what they want people to know. Same everywhere in the world.

A, I think I misinterpreted you. I do think you know that all media tells its version of the truth. I apologise. However, that most media is owned by Zionists is true.
Anonymous said…
Daphne,I was just trying to make the point that who owns the press has "freedom of the press"..So if you don't own a T.V. channel,radio station,or you're not on the board of really don't have a say so in what is being reported.You have to seek the truth in your own way.
Anonymous said…
Who is Murdoch?
Anonymous said…
I know that if the American military is not run out of Iraq, they will continue the ethinic cleansing/murder of the Sunni people. The more American casualties, the more pressure is put on our psycopath leader to withdraw from there. I'm sure the sadist-in-chief has given the American troops his blessing to kill anyone and everyone. The only solution I can see is huge American casualties! That will definitely get America's attention and put the pressure on our dickhead president to withdrawl because he won't have much choice. The American people are really angry at this president right now.
Cindy W
Anonymous said…
Layla what do you know about the newspaper/s Sharqiya Azzaman? They've opened neighbouring offices in Hammersmith recently. All I know is that they're iraqi.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you, Annonymous above: the only solution is huge American casualties, which may galvanise the brain-dead US people to act....

Layla, the continued deterioration of everything in Iraq is mind-dumbing.... I've read that there's not been electricity in parts of the city for over 12 days now....and in the middle of such a hot summer. How can USans know all this and remain immune? No hearts, no souls....
Anonymous said…
uruknet seems to have Connections to Italy.
Anonymous said…
Dear Annon,

who asked if Layla was a "sunni" and claimed that "Your people lost power after Saddam fell-right?" Along with "I don't think any good will come from this Hate you have."

First I would like to say that the concept of Shiite, Sunni, Christian was really only applied after the invasion in 2003.

Previous to the invasion, it was uncommon for people, including those who opposed Saddam to use such titles.

The same anger that comes from Layla, has less to do with her alledged "Sunni" origin and more to do with the reality which exists inside of Iraq.

What is being described in articles such as those published on this site, are the common experiences of Iraqi's, irrespective of ethnic or religious leanings and to try and boil things down into simplistic terms, couldm also possibly demonstrate the general ignorance behind western foreign policy towards the Middle East as a whole.

To also claim that such anger will do no one any good, tell that to the Christians of Iraq, who are being ethnically cleansed by militias such as the Mehdi Army and Badr Brigade, whose members of parliament are being protected by United States soldiers inside of the Green Zone.
Anonymous said…
well said!
Angel said…
iraqi democrat, how right you are. Did you know Layla was part Assyrian? I am as well.

There was no differentiation prior to invasion. Everyone just got on with life, lived side by side. Just normal flesh and blood people.

I hear the Assyrians in the North are having a particularly bad time, and are expecting worse in the days to come.
Anonymous said…

I do not know much about the EXACT leanings of Azzaman. I know though that it is ANTI OCCUPATION and ANTI SECTARIANISM. And is owned by Saad Al Bazzaz.
Layla Anwar - (can't seem to log on)
Anonymous said…
Compulsory readings are the following : (ALL THE ARTICLES and it is a MUST)

Gabriele Zamparini blog - the Cat's dream. (and you will find his posts on

Malcolm Lagauche blog - Lagauche was right. All of his posts are republished on

other blogs I visit.
truth about iraqis blogspot.
roads to iraq blogspot.
Anonymous said…
that was Moi - Layla Anwar.
Not Laya'l nor Laye'l.
Anonymous said…
and I forgot one other blog I also check out regularly.
Abu Tammam blogspot - Imad Kadduri.
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous Readers.

If you expect me to reply to your comments - at least some of the intelligent ones - I expect you in turn to leave an initial, a name, a signature, a number, anything by which I can address you.

Layla Anwar (I still can't log on)
Anonymous said…

Did you ask me a question or was it a presupposition?
Anonymous said…
As for my sect and origins - did you ever read me mention any of them? Any in particular?

So yes Iraqi Democrat you are right.
I remember back then - asking someone about his religion or sect was considered SHAMEFUL. And when I say back then - that was only 4 years ago.
Anonymous said…
above was me Layla .
Anonymous said…
ok layla
Anonymous said…
what does the following mean:

a hmar, a kalb, a kundara and a manyak...
Emmak a3la emm amerika
Anonymous said…
Layla,I have not read your mention of any(religion).I had no intention of offending you with my question about religion(and you are right maybe it was a bit presumptuous).Sorry if I have offended you.

Anonymous said…
Anti War,

Am not offended. Your comments compared to some of the other stuff I receive is like rosewater....
Anonymous said…

It means exactly what it says.
Anonymous said…
samira shahbandar a.k.a. layla anwar, you need to go to bed and try to make up for all those sleepless nights...
Anonymous said…
layla..........whats it mean in ENGLISH????
Layla Anwar said…
ANITI-ZIONIST forwarded me this video .

I would like you to have a look at it - I want you to see with your own eyes what your brave boys do.

Now don't you fucking come and dare tell me there are some good American soldiers.

Layla Anwar said…

Use your urban dictionary. Or tell you what - since you are so good at giving precise definitions of Ajmee...then I leave it to your good care to provide the same for your selection of insults.
Layla Anwar said…
more on other blogs

I also read the articles written by Hussein al Alak on Iraqi solidarity campaign.

And other middle eastern issues.
I visit Palestinian Pundit blogspot. I must qualify though that I do not agree with all of Tony's analysis regarding Iran and Hezbollah.
He makes too much out of both in my opinion.
Anonymous said…
urshalim is a very good lebanese blogspot,no secrets there"Me Lady"
Anonymous said…
hmar = donkey
kalb = dog
kundara = shoes?
manyak = fucker
Anonymous said…
This is a blog.
Anonymous said…
Host= Bashir
Anonymous said…
Dear Angel,

You are absolutely right that there was no difference before the invasion and everybody did live side by side.

The situation being faced by the Assyrians and other members of the "Christian community" within Iraq is disgusting.

Do you ever visit the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA)and read the reports that are coming out Northern Iraq?

Previous to 2003, when did we hear of children being crucified, priests being murdered, churches being bombed and taxation being imposed upon non-muslims?

What is amazing, is the lack of response from both the anti-war movement and Parliaments in the West and the very fact is that the international community are choosing to remain silent.

When we have tried raising the issue, to draw greater attention to this matter, we have been met with a deathly silence which has usually been followed by mumbles of reluctance.

Many people cannot even comprehend, that Iraq has a Christian community, with people being equally unaware of the social, political and economic contributions that Christians have made to Iraq's development.

I don't think i have even thought of another Iraqi as even being a Muslim, never mind a Christian but people do need to be told that this sectarianism did not take place before the invasion.

When people were arrested durring the 1980's, under Saddam, people were taken for political reasons, such as being in the "opposition" and although we did not like this fact, we could understand it and recognised that it was for political objectives therefore making it indiscriminate.

Durring the 1990's, the Ba'ath Party did allow former enemies to come into Iraq, but whilst knowing each other disagreed with one another both sides were united against the devastation of sanctions and further war.

This caused a split in the opposition, between those who were trying to carry on the memories of the 1980's and those whose perspective was based in reality.

The 1990's also saw many expulsions from the opposition, who "purged" members for saying that sanctions and war were a greater threat to the Iraqi people than Saddam Hussain.

Many of those "expelled" members did go back to Iraq and did use their contacts and skills from the West, to help build the anti-sanctions movement but also to help bring aid to the Iraqi people.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, that's a very interesting post - thank you.

I agree with you - many people on the outside are often surprised to hear that there are Christians in Iraq - how misled the world has been. People are unaware that some of the oldest Churches in the world are in Iraq...and that all people lived together peacefully prior to 2003.

And with reference to what you say about arrests in Iraq in the 80s being political, usually opposition: ID, this is not unique to Iraq, but happens in many nations, to a greater or lesser degree. Now, after Iraq and on much closer observation, I have noted that this 'opposition' is usually funded and backed by Iraq's occupiers (in other lands, too), to serve their own interests and, therefore, makes it necessary for the leadership to clamp down on such people - and so it was with Iraq. Examples abound as we write - Zimbabwe is one: contrary to what is being reported in the MSM, this nation is being brought down to its knees through a foreign-backed opposition and sanctions (backed by Britain due to its own interest, i.e., land owned by the white minority).

The world definitely needs to read posts such as yours, so that they get a balanced view.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, what on earth was such a honest patriot as you doing in the "opposition" snake pit ?????
Anonymous said…
very good post ,iraqi dem.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hi Annon,

to answer your question I would like to make clear the following information in relation to the Iraqi Opposition.

Before Kuwait the Iraqi Opposition was completely different to that after the Gulf War and the opposition of Allawi and Chalabi, whom were never present before Kuwait.

From what i can tell you, the old Iraqi opposition was one steeped in Iraqi culture and that of Iraqi independence and pride.

In the 1980's, to even debate the possibilities of a US/UK invasion would have been met with horror and to even suggest the possibility of foreign invasion would have more than likely resulted in expulsion or your head kicked in, lol.

There was also an Iraqi community in the true sense of the word, where all Iraqi's were treated as such and did not include this daft talk of "Shiite" versus "Sunni".

For those who had children, the opposition also helped to organise Arabic lessons, other education campaigns and parties, which allowed people to celebrate Iraqi music, culture and community but also for many people it gave them the freedom to talk Arabic, without prejudice.

Some of the children, had either been seperated or lost a family member and durring the 1980's this was allot because of the war with Iran.

For those children, rather than leaving the parents isolated and possibly in poverty, we used to make sure that they were financially supported, would organise birthday and all religious celebrations and would make sure that most needs were met.

All Iraqi children had their parents or parent and then a huge extended family.

Much of the funding for this, was organised within the community itself, with some funding coming from public events.

At this time, we did not get money from any state or government although some parties did recieve money from governments such as the Soviet Union and Syria.

After the Gulf War, when Iraq became "politically sexy", all of the above very quickly stopped!

It was then amazing to see Iraqi's very quickly move into very big houses in both London and America and have bank accounts that many in Iraq can only dream of.

Fancy offices were suddenly opened up, with nice plush furniture then we would see the "opposition" talking about how Saddam had all of these mass graves, how he was going around killing people because of their ethnicity and also forcing them to leave their homes.

The arguments went from the absurd to the rediculous, the funniest ones I have heard are Saddam personally throwing babies onto bombfires in Baghdad and Saddam making speeches in two different areas of Iraq at the same time.

I am also aware of people who were both intimidated with threatening phone calls and I have also known times when physical violence was also used by the Iraqi opposition.

These were used primarily against those who oppossed the sanctions and were directed against Iraqi's and non-iraqi's, under the pre-text of fighting the Ba'ath Party.

People would also turn up at public events against sanctions and would shout abuse at speakers and level allegations of being paid by "evil", "tyrinnical" Saddam.

I hope this might give you a picture of the changes that took place but will explain more at a later date.
Anonymous said…
Layla wrote,

[I would like you to have a look at it - I want you to see with your own eyes what your brave boys do.]

What's the big fucking deal, bitch? Can't take a practical joke?

A couple of guys from Bangladesh told me how Saudi boys throw stones at expat workers in residential areas, and we've all heard about the housemaid rapes...

Don't you fucking dare tell me that there are good arabs.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi D.
Excellent Information.
Anonymous said…
Wow! You are the feature article on today's ICH. Much deserved congrats, and thanks for your amazing writings.
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...

This is a general reply to some of the threads on the previous post regarding Chomsky.

I do not share the opinion that Chomsky is the "left" par excellence and I agree with Losthere in his analysis of Chomsky.

// What Losthere said on Chomsky is valid except for his last sentence.
// Losthere
// As for Chomsky, well yes, he is an academic, a linguistics professor, and yes, he has been a critic of US foreign policies for many years, but that does not make him a leader of the left… or a leftist for that matter. I don’t think he tries to be either, he expresses his opinions and just happens to be the more prolific and best published critic of US policies, that is all. In fact he is not that progressive nor to the left of anything besides the US administrations, republican or democrat, either or... The shame is that so many people (in the so called left) had to look at his thesis to have "words of their own". //

// If someone speaks without first listening, he is doing nothing but babbling subjective nonsense in his own vacuum. And, as Losthere points out; Chomsky is but one of many to listen to. Chomsky has actually lost favor lately with the "left". I had attributed this to the debates between Chomsky and Robert Fisk during the last attack on Lebanon by Israel. The "left" does include people who are able to listen to many and decide for themselves. However, in preparation for this reply I went back and reviewed several Chomsky articles. He has been very supportive of the Palestinians. Perhaps you could give me an example of the point of your objections to Chomsky.//

Little Deer is correct when she is shocked that only 300 people showed up with Cindy Sheehan.

// Sheehan is viewed as a hero of the movement. Because, she was the one who broke the iron grip of silence which had been imposed on the people. However, Sheehan clearly stated that she did not want to be the leader of a mass movement and she conducted her activities in a way that assured that she would never be allowed to be so. One good example of this is when she visited with Chavez. Now, while I was delighted with this action, because I am Bolivarian and radical, this and other positions she took eliminated her from being able to lead a mass movement in the USA; which, remember, she said she had no desire to do. Next, Sheehan announced her resignation from the movement, and then, without warning or organization, she showed up with a few of her close associates to announce her reentry. The "anti-war" crowd can not be fairly faulted for not being there. What will be a more interesting measure of where things stand will be watching her campaign against Nancy Pelosi; a frightening radical against a powerful Democrat whom the people are angry with over her (Pelosi's) apparent betrayal of the cause. //

I ask Lawrance Cutter and the rest of the Anti war supporters to read this excellent article by Gabriele Zamparini.

//You have misrepresented my position by labeling me "Anti war" and you have misrepresented the "anti-war" people by using my SN as the headline in speak to that group. However, I am able to recognize and work with allies (anti-war people) in a cause. //

It has a flow chart which shows you where the dough is coming from...Chomsky, Democracy Now, Z net...etc.... Link is here

// A quick examination of that flow chart, and a basic understanding of propaganda, shows it to be nothing more than a propaganda piece; probably produced by the CIA //

And this should be made as a compulsory reading. Only then one understands why the so called Anti war movement has miserably faile and why ACADEMICS and journalists still use the figure of 70'000 Iraqi dead instead of the Lancet report of 655'000. They still rely on the IBC - the despicable name of Iraqi body count...

// Thank you for the article. However, that was a superfluously long article, primarily because the good meat was buried in so much hubristic self promotion, and deceptive use of invalid, supposed validation. I will resist my first temptation to write a thousand word response to it and limit my response to a couple or few points:

* There is really nothing there that has not been chewed to death in the debates between left and right in the USA.

* The Lancet report is the source used (by far) the most by progressive and alternative groups since it came out.

* This author repeatedly made charges against the progressive and alternative groups and then used sources like the BBC and AP (both traditionally pro Empire and pro war) to support his charge.

There's much more that could be said about that article but I leave it at that, because:

* There is a lot of good information in the article if one had not been exposed to it previously, and if one reads eclectically enough to not be mislead by the errors.

* I am not here to expound US politics and you have stated clearly that you're not interested in hearing about the intricacies of US politics.

* What I am here, on this blog, for, is to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Iraqi politics, as might be acquired by a further development on post like the one by Iraqi Democrat and beginning: //

Iraqi Democrat said...
Dear Angel,
You are absolutely right that there was no difference before the invasion and everybody did live side by side.
Anonymous said…
Lawrance Cutter,
1)Go and ask the Palestinians how much support they've received from your beloved Chomsky or Fisk, that disgusting lover of the British empire.
2)You seem to have forgotten WHY Sheehan has withdrawn from the anti-war movement. Go and reread her own words!
3)As to the "misrepresentation of your position": You've forgotten to tell us what/which (political) group you belong to. Who are the people you're associated with?
4)IMHO your posts are the clearest of proofs of your "so much hubristic self promotion".
5)As you seem to be the right connaisseur of that flow-chart's real shape, why don't you come up with your own version of it?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

Lawrance Cutter,
1)Go and ask the Palestinians how much support they've received from your beloved Chomsky or Fisk, that disgusting lover of the British empire.

// Like I said, I went back and reviewed several of Chonsky's articles before making that comment. Now, you come in blowing your ignorance and fail to show any support for it. Have you ever ready anything that Fisk writes? What is your problem with it. What exactly are you wanting people to do for you; lie down and kiss your ass because you feel hopless and helpless? Get real, get up and get a life. //

2)You seem to have forgotten WHY Sheehan has withdrawn from the anti-war movement. Go and reread her own words!

// What in anything I said could possably lead you to believe that? What does her reasons for leaving have to do with what I said on the subject? //

3)As to the "misrepresentation of your position": You've forgotten to tell us what/which (political) group you belong to. Who are the people you're associated with?

// I have clearly stated my political affiliation twice, once directly to you and again in the post that you are now replying to. //

4)IMHO your posts are the clearest of proofs of your "so much hubristic self promotion".

// In my opinion you are the best example of a moron that I have recently encountered. //

5)As you seem to be the right connaisseur of that flow-chart's real shape, why don't you come up with your own version of it?

// There is no need for me to do the research required to produce a valid chart to be able to spot the serious flaws in that one. Simply looking at the beginning and the ending and the black box in between should be clue enough for you to be very sceptical. Just the beginning stages of trying to fill it in for yourself should finish any doubt of it's propagandism nature. I'm not going to do a lengthy deconstruction on this blog for someone like you. Why don't you make the effort for yourself? You might actually learn something, if you're capable of learning anything. //
Anonymous said…
Lawrance Cutter,
your comments on Chomsky, Fisk, Sheehan and Zamparini tell me that you're just a hubristic bumpkin.
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Democrat.

Thank you again for your comments and all the valuable info you have given.
I have a few questions for you if you care to answer.

1) when speaking of the Iraqi opposition are you mainly referring to the Iraqi communist party and its split . Remember the CP was split.

2) if yes, do you believe that this opposition group showed a real standing against gulf war1 and then the current occupation.
I personally know of quite a few who a) voted for Allawi
b) stood with the invasion to get rid of Saddam.
c)refuse to condemn Iran in the role in it is currently playing in the occupation. And they still call themselves "leftists".
I will not name names for sure. But they are quite well known in leftist circles.

My third question has more to do with some kind of retrospection than anything else.

3) Seeing what has happened and what is currently happening - as an Iraqi opposition how would you assess your previous position i.e in the 80's and

4) how in retrospect do you view now -today, the reign of Saddam Hussein

and last but not least
5) what were your main criticisms then of the Baath party and of Saddam Hussein in particular.

Of course, you are totally free not to reply to any of the above. But a reply would be much appreciated though.

Anonymous said…
Thank you for the welcome Layla.

The CIA's "Family Jewels" would be instrumental in explaining not only the creation of Saddam and Castro, but also their policies. Fifteen (15) percent of Americans are without medical care and those who have it are continually complaining about its erosion and increased cost. Iraq, under the "despot" Saddam, the creation of the USA, had the highest doctor/population ratio in the Middle East, and better medical care, despite the sanctions. And this includes the the surrogates, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
How did Saddam acquire the precursor for his chemical and biological agents? ATCC rings a bell? Google it!
Oh well, Collaterally Damaged in creation. God needs a new assembly-line. Saddam Hussein was only the quality control assembly-line monitor. He picked-off these threats to his administration. Ask Henry Ford. The education system in the US is such as assembly line, with no quality control monitor. Mr. Hussein, could you step up to the "line." Oh the trap door just dropped.
The cradle of civilization? Ironic! The cradle, destroyed by the "civilized," to which it gave birth. The creation killing its creator. Anthropology? Never mind, word too "big" for some.
If Saddam is guilty, then so is Henry Kissinger, and not only for the Cambodian genocide.
And BG? And TB? And the newly minted GB? For the Iraqi genocide? TB claimed he was going to war with Afghanistan for the approximately 6 hundred Brits who died in the WTC. The initial figures of the total deaths was 6-7 thousand, including the approximately six hundred Britis. The total number was later reduced to 3000+, and the Brits, to under 200. So did TB go to war for 600 Brits or 200? Did the number matter? When confronted with the number of deaths in Iraq, TB claimed that Saddam killed more, ohhh.... that Sad Man, TB. Did he equal the number at the time he was pushed off the pirate-ship? When you have killing power, intelligence takes flight, assuming it was resident. The list, from which the West must select their leaders, is amazing. An alcoholic draft dodger and another pale-faced, forked tongued creature. "Pale faces speak with forked tongues." Wow!! Prepare for the bombs.
Layla Anwar said…
Lawrance Cutter,

I have been reading your comments and to be frank with you I still do not get what you are driving at.

1) what are your exact reservations concerning the flow chart posted by Gabriele Zamparini.
To my understanding G.Z posted that chat not as would be all truth but as a possible reflection of why the anti war movement has failed to stop a GENOCIDE

2) and that brings me to Chomsky which seems to take most of if not all of the limelight amongst the "left" in The US if one can really call it a "left" that is.

If you do read chomsky like you said you did. Then you would certainly have come across several of his articles in which he joined the chorus of the current US admin in stating that Shias are oppressed all over the ME.
He named specifically:
Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain.
Now that does not take much intelligence to figure out that this is exactly the same argument that the US admin (to the exception of Lebanon) presents as a joker card when it is orchestrating its plans of ETHNIC and SECTARIAN divisions in the ME.

which brings me to 3)
Israel and the Zionists in general have been very active in promoting and implementing these divisions and just by coincidence, the so called reformed zionist Chomsky happens to sing to the same choir.

4) I will not even get into the debate as to whether AIPAC influences or is the main reason behind some of American foreign policy in the ME.
Chomsky likes to think that AIPAC or the jewish lobby happens to be a side thing but not a main and crucial player in American foreign policy. Now I believe Ariel sharon more than I believe chomsky.
And when Ariel sharon said "we control America" he said the truth.

5) and this will be my last note - I still do not understand what it is Exactly you need to understand or debate about the Baath party.
Anonymous said…
Layla, from everything I have read, I agree with your statements above, namely that genocide is being committed by "our" people in Iraq (as well as Israelis and Iranians), Chompsky is a gatekeeper and no more, and Israel has been very active in creating the divisions between people in Iraq. I think they are very good at this all over the world. And because of their interference, there is terror and destruction, such as in Russia from 1918, through many countries including ex-Yugoslavia, and ending in the destruction of Iraq, which has been the worst barbarism that I know of. Maybe excepting Russia, when many millions were genocided, and their country destroyed too.

But then I think Zionists were behind both world wars too, with all the death and destruction wreaked on humanity then.

I think if we read Deuteronomy, with all its "terror, death and destruction", we will be helped to understand their mindset.

Israelis (Zionists) have continued their practice of controlling western politics and from what I've been reading lately, their control consists of the use of extreme "terror", as above. And that's why "christian" countires have been involved in so much destruction and death over the years, as the Old Testament, according to their faith, is totally divinely inspired.

I don't know if you've ever heard of a book called "Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reid. This book is "out of print" and I only managed to get it through Amazon secondhand. This idea of "terror" was used from the very beginning when the Levi priesthood were writing their books of law - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers - and I think Daniel and Isaiah.

So it's a planned destruction, over thousands of years. And it's working, in part because many in the western world have lost much of their ability to empathise and sympathise - I guess "love" would be a good way to put it.

The Zionist (Levitical) plan way back then was to control the infidel nations through their politicians, and this plan has succeeded and grown to where I think all western leaders (maybe not Putin, but not sure) are infiltrated by Zionists.

But then I would have to ask, why do our leaders allow this? What do they gain?

A bit off subject, someone once said something I found very interesting.

"Shock 'n Awe" sounds very much like "Shekinah".

I also found from this book that Persians have been invading and meddling in Mesopotamia for centuries, and as you point out, are still doing today. I didn't realise how much until you told us in your blog.

Do you think the US will go to war against Iran, or is that all doublespeak? And if not, why does the US have enormous ships near Iran if it is not going to invade Iran?

I am finding your blog and this comments section very interesting, as sometime I find beliefs I have gained confirmed, and other times I learn new things.

I just wish your nation wasn't being destroyed as we talk.
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
Lawrance Cutter,

I have been reading your comments and to be frank with you I still do not get what you are driving at.

1) what are your exact reservations concerning the flow chart posted by Gabriele Zamparini.

// To be as exact as possible while being brief, it was a typical propaganda piece. It starts by creating a negative by naming known or assumed "bad groups" and then, without any substantiation, draws the squiggly lines through a chain of "guilt by association" three and four times removed. It's a typical method of propaganda used by which I could demonstrate a connection between you and bin Laden, if that what I wanted to sale. Typical propaganda methodology. So, look at the knownes at the top and the knownes at the bottom (presented to create a negative upon the second group automatically and without the need of proof for the unweary or predisposed), the amounts of money spoken of (without validation), the black hole in between and a basic understanding of how money moves and how information is manipulated. If the author had wanted to be honest rather than to mislead, he would not have used this system. That's enough to discourage reliance on the chart but if you wanted to do the hours of research require to really examine this chart you would learn much more of interest along the way. //

To my understanding G.Z posted that chat not as would be all truth but as a possible reflection of why the anti war movement has failed to stop a GENOCIDE

// But, at the bottom of the list are some who have done the best work at exposing the GENOCIDES, and related subjects. That was my fist clue, along with the glaring black box. And, the typical propaganda style of creating a mental illusion. Just because it suits you purpose is not good enough reason to ignore those things as I have pointed out. Perhaps the contrary, as wanting to believe is the quickest path to blindness of the shortcomings. //

2) and that brings me to Chomsky which seems to take most of if not all of the limelight amongst the "left" in The US if one can really call it a "left" that is.

// You repeat yourself here but again fail to address what I said about the matter previously. //

If you do read chomsky like you said you did. Then you would certainly have come across several of his articles in which he joined the chorus of the current US admin in stating that Shias are oppressed all over the ME.

// I admit to not having read those (Chomsky is not my guru as you seem determined to believe), but not because I ignored them. Perhaps you could link me to an example so that I might make an informed judgement. What I'm getting is that you have a bias against the Shia and therefore I need to take that into consideration in what you tell me on the subject and that I need to read and decide for myself. If you will give me an example, I will study it and give my best opinion. //

He named specifically:
Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain.
Now that does not take much intelligence to figure out that this is exactly the same argument that the US admin (to the exception of Lebanon) presents as a joker card when it is orchestrating its plans of ETHNIC and SECTARIAN divisions in the ME.

// It may have some similarities but, with the abundance of related information on those subjects, I can not make the connection that you're suggesting without further proofs or at least good evidence. The issue is far more complex than that. And, keep in mind that I do not see religious issues as the primary driving force in these conflicts, or any other of any time. We may or may not get more into that later if I can get you to understand and respond to anything that I say in a comprehensive, rather than myopic, manner. //

which brings me to 3)
Israel and the Zionists in general have been very active in promoting and implementing these divisions and just by coincidence, the so called reformed zionist Chomsky happens to sing to the same choir.

// You have again failed to respond to what I have already said on that matter. That being the case, I don't see how you expect me to develop more for you. //

4) I will not even get into the debate as to whether AIPAC influences or is the main reason behind some of American foreign policy in the ME.
Chomsky likes to think that AIPAC or the jewish lobby happens to be a side thing but not a main and crucial player in American foreign policy.

// As do I. Do try to keep in mind that the ME is but a small part of "American foreign policy" and that I have already stated that my interests are much broader and much older than the current ME situation. This might help you to understand why I do find some value in Chomsky's writing, and keep in mind what I have already said about Chomsky and the latest attack on Lebanon and that "leftist" do not get all their information from one source. Chomsky is the #1 to us only in your mind. //

Now I believe Ariel sharon more than I believe chomsky.

// Ariel Sharon? Look, I have done more than my share of Sharon bashing, but maybe we should let Sharon and Saddam battle this out wherever they may be and deal with the current situation. //

And when Ariel sharon said "we control America" he said the truth.

// Again, I have already commented on that and again you have failed to respond to what I said on the subject. This doesn't seem very conducive to communications or very fair to me. //

5) and this will be my last note - I still do not understand what it is Exactly you need to understand or debate about the Baath party.

// I need to understand everything in this world that I can understand. The thing with me about the Iraqi Baath is this; After a couple months of watching the "war news" on the main stream I determined, based on abundant information that I do posses, that I was not getting anything close to the truth on what was happening in Iraq. I decided to use other resources to seek the truth. It did not take me long to discover that the Iraqi government and military (Iraq Baath Party) had pre-planed and prepared a very intelligent and clever resistance to the invasion and were the driving force behind it's success. Starting from there and driven by personal interest, I have followed the Baathist Resistance as closely as I can and have studied their ideology enough to find it suitable to my beliefs (I would never have much interest in a bunch of sectarian Turbans no matter what they did). Over the last four years I have developed quite good sources for this but I have a glaring blind spot as to how much support the Baath have amongst the Iraqi people, especially nation-wide, as they will need to reunite the nation. //
Anonymous said…
Democratic Iraqi said:

"The arguments went from the absurd to the rediculous, the funniest ones I have heard are Saddam personally throwing babies onto bombfires in Baghdad and Saddam making speeches in two different areas of Iraq at the same time."

When I was busy sending emails to our MPs trying to stop the 2003 invasion one MP wrote to me scathingly and told me about the "shredders" Saddam Hussein used, and that Uday used to take virgins (once a newly married bride) and "despoil" them... and on and on. He told me he could give me pages on what "they" had on Hussein and his Ba'ath Party.

But then I wonder if he still believes in the incubator babies story? I think some of the more minor MPs are incredibly dumb on political issues outside their own country.

He also cut me off from being able to email him again. I annoyed him...
Anonymous said…
I meant to say I was trying to stop Australia from joining the CoW in invading Iraq. Of course I was not even successful there!
Anonymous said…
LC, I found your last paragraph pretty interesting. You said:

"// I need to understand everything in this world that I can understand."

That sounds so much like my search for truth. Everything! So I think we'll be searching until we die... lol

"The thing with me about the Iraqi Baath is this; After a couple months of watching the "war news" on the main stream I determined, based on abundant information that I do posses, that I was not getting anything close to the truth on what was happening in Iraq. I decided to use other resources to seek the truth."

Yes, I went to other sources too. One interesting thing I read, in a book titled "A War on Truth", was that the author, who knew the brother of the Jordanian king who had died, "chatted" to him near the border and he was told that someone in the army betrayed it to the US (or was tricked into doing so) and when the airport was closed to ALL media, the US army in fact had the Iraqi Ba'athist Army underground, and then "nuked" them, in that the term "they melted away" took on a whole new meaning.

I have no idea if this was the truth or not.

He also was told that Saddam Hussein had shot his son Uday, as he was not able to be controlled (due to his car accident years ago) and wept while he did it.

These were strange things to write in a book which impressed me as he obviously deeply admired and care about the Iraqi people. He arrived in Iraq to visit a friend from Oxford University, and was there the night of "Shock & Awe". Hremained there for some time and for safety dressed like an Iraqi. His friend and family died - he thinks they were "lit up". He was very angry at what the CoW was doing in Iraq, even back then.

Layla mentioned a part of his book where he stole Uday's belongings and later sold them, but he had a westerner's knowledge of the Hussein family, and I didn't make too much of that, as the book was so good. I've loaned it out to several people as a book to help them understand the Iraqi people (and by doing so, get more angry about the invasion...).

"It did not take me long to discover that the Iraqi government and military (Iraq Baath Party) had pre-planed and prepared a very intelligent and clever resistance to the invasion and were the driving force behind it's success."

That could be true. They had a top army. However, if this underground thing at the airport really happened, that would explain why Baghdad was "taken" so easily at first.

"...I have a glaring blind spot as to how much support the Baath have amongst the Iraqi people, especially nation-wide, as they will need to reunite the nation."

Layla, I would be very interested in this also. I look forward to any information you give to LC on this, as my beliefs about Saddam and his party are one thing, but what is reality amongst Iraqis I don't honestly know. Most Iraqi blogs don't mention the Ba'ath Party, and for very good reason I would say, with Al-Sadr and his gang having so much power.

Imad Khadduri, one of Saddam's nuclear scientists, and author of the Free Iraq blog, was forced to leave Iraq because of a falling out with Saddam I believe, and from all he's written, he sounds like a genuine man.

So yes, this is an area I would be very interested to learn more of please.
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien said"...Persians have been invading and meddling in Mesopotamia for centuries.."

Persians and Arabs don't like each other..they never have.Arabs have invaded Persia many times too.And some Iranians believe that Arabs have invaded their country even as we speak(Islam).
Alwyn said…
Layla wrote: After all, you still have not given me an answer as to what happened to the 20 Billion Dollars from the Iraqi treasury - i.e Iraqi money that your Bremer stole.

Hmmm..we had a report that lots of American dollars were stolen too. Wonder who has all the money? Must be Haliburton, et al. We sure don't have

This thing about Sunnis vs. Shia vs. kurds, etc...that's a standard military technique, divide and conquer. All it takes are a few 'false flag' operations, and the chaos of war will bring brother against brother. Best way to keep everyone fighting and asleep to the realities of the occupation. Wonder what's the best way to wake up and stop fighting? Wish I knew. Wish I had a magic wand...

Meanwhile, I'll keep writing and fighting. These sociopaths need to go down. Now.

Luck be with you, Layla
May some bright dream find it's way into your heart tonight.
Anonymous said…
Here it is Laila
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien said...

Yes, I went to other sources too. One interesting thing I read, in a book titled "A War on Truth", was that the author, who knew the brother of the Jordanian king who had died, "chatted" to him near the border and he was told that someone in the army betrayed it to the US (or was tricked into doing so) and when the airport was closed to ALL media, the US army in fact had the Iraqi Ba'athist Army underground, and then "nuked" them, in that the term "they melted away" took on a whole new meaning.

I have no idea if this was the truth or not.

// I have heard that story also, but what I believe about that is this: Using a nuclear bomb would be an unacceptable hazard for the Bushites. During the 91 attack on Iraq, the US dropped a very large fuel/air bomb, transported on a C-130, on the front line Iraqi troops. The nearby British troops at first thought that the US had gone mad and dropped a nuke. There's also the monster called MOAB that was used in Afghanistan and gave a simular appearance. Regardless, the troops at the airport would have only been a regiment. As far as I can tell, the army had already been told to abandon their useless heavy armament and to disperse in order to spare Baghdad and it's people and the Iraq Army a pointless, rigid, Stalingrad type last stand in Baghdad. //

He also was told that Saddam Hussein had shot his son Uday, as he was not able to be controlled (due to his car accident years ago) and wept while he did it.

// I would be interested in the truth of this story. I had earlier commented that Saddam inexcusably allowed his psycho kid to run amuck. No, I do not automatically accept all the extreme war propaganda that we were given but Uday was running a criminal organization in Basra very simular in brutality as the US Mafia. //

Layla mentioned a part of his book where he stole Uday's belongings and later sold them, but he had a westerner's knowledge of the Hussein family, and I didn't make too much of that, as the book was so good. I've loaned it out to several people as a book to help them understand the Iraqi people (and by doing so, get more angry about the invasion...).

// Speaking of stolen things, I think that a good way for this thing to end would be for Bush to put Saddam's stolen pistol in his mouth and pull the trigger. //

/ It did not take me long to discover that the Iraqi government and military (Iraq Baath Party) had pre-planed and prepared a very intelligent and clever resistance to the invasion and were the driving force behind it's success."/

That could be true. They had a top army.

// Top of the line, experienced, battle hardened and patriotic officers and a Republican Guard and Special Forces as good, soldier for soldier, as any in the world. The Iraqi Resistance is fighting a grim battle for the world's sake as well as their own (and ironically, that of the US) and it's a shame and cowardly that they are not receiving more assistance from other governments. //

Most Iraqi blogs don't mention the Ba'ath Party, and for very good reason I would say, with Al-Sadr and his gang having so much power.

// It's a shame (and tragedy for the world) about River having to go down the refugee road. I'm sure you've read her last blog entry. //
Anonymous said…
Anti Zionist said...
Here it is Laila

This is better.
Alan the Red said…
Hi Layla,

The eternal question; is Cheney an Iranian mole?

I have lots more on Cheney, but I don't have time right now.
Anonymous said…
Thanks TC, for your response. You say:

// I have heard that story also, but what I believe about that is this: Using a nuclear bomb would be an unacceptable hazard for the Bushites.

But if this particular type of bomb was only underground, and the airport WAS closed off to everyone for some time if you remember, perhaps nobody could prove anything. After all, they are still trying to prove that they didn't use weapons that melted the skin to the bone at Fallujah, yet I have seen the photos. Men lying in their beds with sticks for arms. Horrific. Yet no universal condemnation. I don't think they'd care too much about what the rest of the world thought, particularly if they couldn't actually prove anything... The story was so "out of the blue" and by the dead king's brother no less, that I've always just kept it in mind. I didn't discard it as I do some things I hear.

You said:

// Top of the line, experienced, battle hardened and patriotic officers and a Republican Guard and Special Forces as good, soldier for soldier, as any in the world. The Iraqi Resistance is fighting a grim battle for the world's sake as well as their own (and ironically, that of the US) and it's a shame and cowardly that they are not receiving more assistance from other governments. //

You say "for the world's sake", and I agree with that. If you believe in the approaching NWO, and I do believe something like that is trying to be born, I think we should be on our knees thanking them for their valiant and brilliant defence of their land.

I read that Iraqis were all left with guns, which would be unheard of in "democracies" like Australia, which try to take away the guns of the citizens.

// It's a shame (and tragedy for the world) about River having to go down the refugee road. I'm sure you've read her last blog entry. //

I followed Riverbend all the way through. I then bought her book, as people sometimes read books easier than blogs (many are wary of the truth on the net, which I find laughable).

Yes, her last entry, on 26th April, was very sad. And I would LOVE to know if she made it safely to another country. She was an intelligent, very literate lady. She brought day to day life in occupied, war torn Iraq to life for us.

Thanks for your response. Daphne
Anonymous said…
To Daphne - Riverbend and Layla are one and the same.
Anonymous said…
A5, I don't believe that.

Their writing style is nothing alike, and I have no idea where you got that idea from.

When you make a statement like that, you have to be able to back it up. So, try to.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, I hope you'll have the good grace to support your national government once it is restored to power, if nothing else out of gratitude for having liberated your country through its Resistance...
Anonymous said…
layla anwar has a blog
Anonymous said…
and on that blog there is jr
Anonymous said…
with a "u twat" here and a "u twat" there here a "twat" there a "twat" everywhere a "u twat"
Anonymous said…
Never just say JEW,The (5%)Shepardics are real DNA Semites,
call these 95% usurper CONVERTS by their rightful name:

'Zionist Khazar Converts'
(of 740 ad),
'Ash-Can-NAZI', - ZioNazi,
is even more fun.

As we all know these Zionist Sickos
work together with the Vatican, hiding in the far background.

I mean, Why is Henry (the KISS of DEATH)AN ENVOY OF THE VATICAN???

Anonymous said…
The Basics of Politic : `the Enemy of your Enemy is my friend'!
^ Works everytime^
Anonymous said…
Cheney is a fat $$ hungry Bastard.
Anonymous said…

could be so
Layla Anwar said…
Rest assured "Ladies" and "Gentlemen" that :

I am not Riverbend.
Riverbend is Riverbend and Layla is Layla. Moreover I am 20 years older than Riverbend.
Secondly, Riverben is more accepted in your circles because she uses overall politically correct language - in other words, stuff you like to hear.
So you can finally, dig into that little source of "love" within and say "Oh those poor Iraqis.".
I am not having any of that.
Been there, done that and got the T.shirt.
I write what I know. You may or may not like it. That is fine. But this is what is happening.
I would like someone to copy and paste this on ICH too. Because I read a lot of the crap that has been leveled against me there.

Secondly,you assume am a sunni. Not only do you assume am a sunni (which I may be or may not be or maybe partly - like maybe a half sunni or a quarter sunni, but you also have the audacity to call me anti shia. A biased anti shia.

I am anti Iran for sure. I am anti Iranian involvement in Iraq and I will continue exposing their dirty actions in Iraq. Them and The US and all Isrealis through the Kurds.

Now by accusing me of being biased against Shias, you are doing EXACTLY what the US and IRAN has done in Iraq. The problem with this approach is that it reflects more of YOUR MIND SET than mine.

I have said it again and again that prior to the Invasion there WAS NOT talk of Sunni Shia. It was deemed shameful to even broach the subject. Read what Iraqi Democrat has to say about that in this comment section and in the previous one.

But you are ADAMANT about turning it into a sectarian divide, when in fact it WAS NEVER ABOUT A SECTARIAN divide.

If IRAN is funding the sectarian shias in Iraq, training them and organizing militias then this is a FACT. This is not my Biased but a friggin FACT.

You seem to want to hear what you want to hear. Stuff that is music to your ears. You will not be getting any of it from me.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

I am more than happy to try and answer your questions but sadly in relation to the Communist Party and Allawi, it was not just quite a few who voted but the Party went into an alliance with Allawi.

Part of the reason for this, was because when Allawi was "PM", the only trade union which was "legalised" was the Iraqi Communist Party's Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU).

The alliance was also formed with the hope of putting a dint into the vote of SCIRI and Dawa but the plan backfired.

The Iraqi communist Party also, since they have made no substantial leaps electorally, have engratiated themselves with the offices of Talabani and others and hold posts as "advisers" etc.

Since the Iraqi Communist Party are viewed as being "collaborators", it has been claimed by various Communist sources, that other parties like the Cuban, Vietnamese and Chinese Communist Parties have little or no contact with the ICP, with other Communist groups viewing the party with suspicion.

The ICP does claim to be "leftist" but its traditions as a "Marxist Leninist" tendency were abandoned some years ago at a party conference, which also distanced itself from the concept of "centralised democracy" and other more traditional communist leanings.

In retrospect to my position of the 1980's in respect to todays Iraq, I would say that today we would be in agreement with movements such as the Ba'ath Party and the Iraq League.

Although back in the 1980's, we were oppossed to certain policies of the Ba'ath Party but we were always in favour of the progress made through nationalised oil, state campaigns against illiteracy, poverty and malnutrition.

We were and still remain in favour of the free health care and education, which was provided to all Iraqi people irrespective, which was progress acheived because of the revenues from the Oil.

In retrospect to the rule of Saddam, it is the opinion of many that Saddam and the Ba'ath Party of the 1990's was more like the Saddam and Ba'ath Party of the 1968 revolution and the 1970's.

What is not commonly known to many outside of Iraq, is that durring the 1990's, the Ba'ath Party did have talks inside of Iraq, with some of the non-cia/uk aligned "opposition groups" but also organised the ex-pat conferences which also included allot of members of the opposition in them.

Not once did anybody face attack or persection, when taking part in any of these talks and events but allot of us did (at first) treat the regime with some suspicion.

There were many people from various opposition groups, which did take part and it took a couple of years in the early 1990's to actually sink in, that we could go to Iraq and not be attacked for being "opposition".

Does this help? let me know.
Anonymous said…
Dear Hopeful,

I would show more than grace!!!
Anonymous said…
Dear Iraqi Democrat,

Iraq needs you and many, many more just like you. Thank you, and I sincerely pray that the day will soon come when you are all able to build a strong and proud Iraq again.

Layla, yes, I've seen all the comments being posted on ICH - irrelevant, really, because against the few who question, there are many who stand alongside you....

Interesting psychological analysis on the psychopath Bush on ICH!

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla

It was posted in ICH by someone else. Well done !
I am glad you had the best reply for those who question with stupidity your opinions and points of view and who you are!
You have many more friends in ICH and elsewhere !!

Thank you
My love and solidarity

Anonymous said…
Layala, I have put up a STOPPRESS page from your Blog on
I hope you will understand this - I get over 100,000 hits permonth and nearly as many pages down loaded - To add your forthright material this month it seemed less perilous to its loss among the mass of articles that people look at if I placed it that way.
This is a magazine from Ireland and I hope you might find material that confirms your belief - the innocent, the people who detest this devastating evil are gradually standing up to be counted. None of us, reading this can help but acknowledge that you are one of the finest people writing. I give you my thanks and tears as the frail resolution of hope fades away and we know that your dream has come true. Jocelyn Braddell
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, what can I say ?

How much time and energy wasted on both sides !

Let us all loyal Iraqis embrace one another and swear never to let anything on earth divide us again.
Anonymous said…
One of the anonymous posters said this incredibly stupid thing:

"Do you expect the Americans to sit idly while the sunni insurgency attacks their convoys?"

Iraqis expect Americans to get the hell out of their country. And rightly so. Rightly so.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Stupid. Utterly supid.
Anonymous said…
1968 revolutionary,

I agree with every word you say because when iraq is free our task will be greater than it is now.

I embrace you my comrade and friend!
Anonymous said…
You may be faceless, but you are not heartless. We don't care what race or creed you are, you're beautiful all the same and know that you are loved.

Anonymous said…
Hi little deer,

the Iraq we will rebuild will be better than the last and similar to the Greeks at the Olympics, the world will see a country whose history is laid out infront of your eyes.

We will also see an Iraq where Iraqis will speak so many languages and will hold more skills than the tiny little minds of the Bush administration can even imagination.

It will be a revolution for sure!
Anonymous said…
Little deer, can you please post the URL to ICH?
Anonymous said…
I don't think active links work here, but here is the IHC link.
Anonymous said…
..and may I add
Anonymous said…
Layla, you said"

"I am not Riverbend.
Riverbend is Riverbend and Layla is Layla. Moreover I am 20 years older than Riverbend.
Secondly, Riverbend is more accepted in your circles because she uses overall politically correct language - in other words, stuff you like to hear.
So you can finally, dig into that little source of "love" within and say "Oh those poor Iraqis.".
I am not having any of that.
Been there, done that and got the T.shirt."

Actually I never thought you were Riverbend. Riverbend was 24 when the US invaded. Riverbend's style was completely different to yours. In fact I get very angry with these posters who throw "smart" one liners at people. They are know-nothings. However, I think Riverbend was very angry also. I think, maybe, she was hoping back in the early days that if she got the word out, people would listen... and maybe DO something about it. I still hope she is safe now. So she wrote accordingly. I loved it when she put up all the photos of the rebuilt bridges etc, to show the world that Iraqis had done that, under heavy sanctions, and the US could not boast that they had done it. She was good.

You said:

"I write what I know. You may or may not like it. That is fine. But this is what is happening.
I would like someone to copy and paste this on ICH too. Because I read a lot of the crap that has been leveled against me there."

Layla, there is some utter crap here, but mostly people go to your blog because they have compassion for Iraq and want to know what's happening in truth, rather than the lies we are hearing.

You said:

"I am anti Iran for sure. I am anti Iranian involvement in Iraq and I will continue exposing their dirty actions in Iraq. Them and The US and all Isrealis through the Kurds."

I agree with you 100% there. And I bet the ordinary Iranians are not aware of what is being done in their name in your country. You are surrounded by enemies on all sides.

You said:

"I have said it again and again that prior to the Invasion there WAS NOT talk of Sunni Shia. It was deemed shameful to even broach the subject. Read what Iraqi Democrat has to say about that in this comment section and in the previous one."

I understood that very well from all the Iraqi blogs and information I had found, and have said so on this forum. I did say that I didn't think Fundamentalist Shia would intermarry, but then I was taking that from observing Fundamentalist Christians in the west.

You said:

"But you are ADAMANT about turning it into a sectarian divide, when in fact it WAS NEVER ABOUT A SECTARIAN divide."

Layla, most of us who come here do undertand that. Any divide now was caused by outside forces (US, Mossad, Iran, MI6?) blowing up mosques etc. So many crimes have been committed against your people, and that is just another despicable act.

You said:

"If IRAN is funding the sectarian shias in Iraq, training them and organizing militias then this is a FACT. This is not my Biased but a friggin FACT."

Most of us here believe you. I have asked why our leaders are telling us they are going to go to war against Iran, and I wanted your answer there. Would it be because the Zionists want that eventually? They do speak through our "fearless leaders"...

You said:

"You seem to want to hear what you want to hear. Stuff that is music to your ears. You will not be getting any of it from me."

Layla, we want the truth!!! That is all. Your anger and your rage, and your heartbroken tears, are what your life on this earth has left you with. Goodness knows, I'm angry enough over here, safe from harm at the moment.


I for one will continue reading your blog, now I have found it, because you are an amazing woman, and I wish you well. Keep safe dear Layla, and may your loved ones keep safe too. One day Iraq WILL rise again.
Anonymous said…
Am truly amazed ,this loyalty is overwelmimg.
Iraqi Mojo said…
""I am not Riverbend.
Riverbend is Riverbend and Layla is Layla. Moreover I am 20 years older than Riverbend.
Secondly, Riverbend is more accepted in your circles because she uses overall politically correct language - in other words, stuff you like to hear.
So you can finally, dig into that little source of "love" within and say "Oh those poor Iraqis.".
I am not having any of that.
Been there, done that and got the T.shirt.""

I have to agree with Layla about trying to appease the enemy.
"Been there, done that and got the T.shirt."
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, I support your vision, and beside all of you will stand many friends from outside, too. Just one small correction, if you don't mind! Iraqis ALREADY possess the skills and knowledge, culture, understanding and all that is required for nation-building far, far superior, not only to the bird-brained minds of the Bush administration but also to the vast majority of USans(solid proof: reconstruction of Iraq after the last time the US attempted to destroy it, ALL done by IRAQIS, with NO OUTSIDE HELP).

In their utter stupidity and ignorance of all things universal, USans dream that they have much to teach the world, when the reality is that they have NOTHING to offer to the rest of the world. These illusions of grandeur will surely be their downfall, and it will be a very, very hard fall.
Anonymous said…
Yes! The Iraqis did it by themselves AND with the horrific sanctions, which made so many essential things unavailable. So they had to improvise. AND THEY DID IT.

Little Deer, it would be worth looking at Riverbend's last few blogs - she didn't do many at the end - and see those photos she put up, in order that we understand THEY did it. Not the US.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Iraqi Democrat,

Thank you for replying to my questions. I suppose you did not really want to get into what your opposition was all about. But what you gave me was very informative and things I was unaware of.
As I mentioned the Iraqi PC was split into two. Did the two factions ally with Allawi and voted for the Butcher of Fallujah ?
I was also touched by the little exchange between you and 1968. Gives me hope.
Thank you.
Layla Anwar said…
Dear Yolanda, Little Deer and to the Person who posted it on ICH -
Thank you and Bless you.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Daphne,

My comment was not addressed to you in particular - thanks for the clarifications anyways.
Again , I am not Riverbend and Riverbend is not me.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

I am sorry that I didnt really touch on that issue but I would like to say that many people joined the opposition for various reasons.

It is often a misconception that we were all against the aims of the Ba'ath Party, but there were many who did join the opposition out of belief that the break up of the National Unity Front, was starting a downward trend for the Ba'athists.

Also many joined after the murders of members of the revolutionary command council, which also saw the execution of Huda Ammash's father.

We used to say that in the Ba'ath Party, there were two types of Ba'athist.

The first type were the ones which we had no real disagreement with, some of whom even joined with us and were those whose principles were about building a strong Iraq, those who saw all Iraqi's as being Iraqi, those who would defend the countries resources from foriegn prey and also were willing, if need be to take up arms for the good of Iraq.

There was also another type of Ba'athist, those who joined the Party out of career interest and self glorification. Those Ba'athists who would sell their own mothers if they could.

You will often find, many of those once loved "patriots" are now living inside of the Greenzone and calling themselves "freedom" loving "democrats".

For example, the Bollinger Bolsheviks of the Evil, sick mother fucking Iraqi Communist Party, went into that alliance with allawi for the elections.

The "Buthcher of Fallujah", was also former member of the Ba'ath Party, who used to go around informing on members of the "Opposition" to Saddams rule, in the early years.

Durring that time, Allawi is also partly responsible for the break up of entire families, with members of the Ba'ath Party being forced to divorce husbands/wives and abandon children, otherwise, intelligence was going to be informed that husbands/wives were either Israeli or Iranian and that property was going to be confiscated by the state.

I didnt want to give you a point by point political break down, otherwise I would be here all night, but if you wish I can also give you further information.
Anonymous said…
Layla has balls. Thats what I like about her.
Anonymous said…
Are u sure of that
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Iraqi Democrat,

Thank you again for taking the time to share with us your thoughts and info.
I agree with you 100% about some of the Baathists, and I guess that sort of thing happens in a lot of other parties as well. I personally know of a few so called Baathists, who made nice hefty profits working for the govt and are now cosily nested in the Green zone, ditto for the PC.
It is sickening indeed.
I am aware of Allawi's background but not in extent of the details you mentioned.

As I have stated in one of my previous posts, I have never been a member of anything or anyone (Post is called: Brothel Politics) precisely for those reasons you mentioned above and also because I stand by what I said in that post quoting Groucho Marx - I do not think I would want to belong to any club that would have me as a member...:)

Anonymous said…
Hi Layla,

What I respect most about you is the attitude and you remind me of the Iraqi women whom I grew up around and some of the Iraqi women I know from boxing.

Some of them are the toughest people I know and trust me, I've seen them knock a few men on their backsides, myself included.

Allawi is pure evil and so are some of the others and I also know members of the Dawa Party who worked for Iraqi intelligence and were responsible for rounding up their own members in so-called "purges" in the early 1980's.

A bit of advice I would give, don't join the "Clubs" but remain loyla to those who you agree with and who you feel want the best for the Iraqi people and the country.
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi women use to take boxing lessons?
My grandmother form of boxing was the generous use of "na3al" or "kundara"
Anonymous said…
That's funny, Layla! I mean your grandmother's form of 'boxing' with the generous use of 'kundara' - I remember my mother using it all too generously, let alone grandmother!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi ladies,

Boxing is taken up by a lot of Iraqi women and its also a sport thats quite popular among many Arab women in general.

When I say that they pack a punch, I mean they scare me and are brilliant in the ring.

Some of the leading women champion boxers, also come from refugee camps in the Middle East and this is quite prominent within Jordan.

Why it does not get that much attention, is because many outsiders cannot believe that Arab women could be accepted as boxers and good boxers at that.

When visitng one club, a friend introduced me to a female boxer and asked me to sparr with her for a bit.

She got me down in the second round, much to the humour of many others.
YoUnicorn said…
Dear Layla

Most welcome !!!! ,-))))
My pleasure

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