The Lion of Babylon.

I absolutely have to share this with you.

I just heard loud shoutings outside my window. And this is what I heard.

" Bel Roh, bel Dam, Nefdeek ya Saddam". I translate.

"With our soul and our blood we will sacrifice for you Saddam."

Yes you guessed right, the lions of Babylon won. 1-0

The lion of Babylon the statue was blown into pieces in Basrah yesterday by unidentified gumnen, but the Real Lion of Babylon will never die.

More victory to come - I promise you. I know my people.

Long live Iraq, Long live the Iraqi Resistance !


The statue of the Lion of Babylon in Basrah is not the only one that has been blown away.

Blown away by gunmen who are in most likelihood the Mahdi militias since their "brain", their king thug, mullah, Muqtada al Sadr, shuns football.

I have just heard that the Lion of Babylon in Hillah suffered the same fate, even worse.

The Lion of Babylon in Hillah, an old Babylonian piece of art, thousands of years old had its head chopped off with a saw by none other than the American , backward, barbarians, the uncivilized, uncultured, hordes from Uncle Sam's land.

They actually wanted to rip it away from its base but were unable to do so, so they sawed the head off instead.

The reason for this utter barbarity that is the trademark of Americans - Seems the blessed name of Saddam Hussein was engraved on it.

Back to our small victory of Babylonian cubs.

The commentator of al Jazeerah interviewed some of the supporters and this is what one had to say:

" We are very happy. Tell the Americans, the Iranians and the Israeli Jews that we will be driving them out one by one..."

Oh yes! That is the way to go.

That is the great example given to us by the great Leader and Martyr Saddam Hussein.

That is the way to go for sure. You will be driven out one by one.

I told you, the Lion of Babylon will never die.

Picture: courtesy of


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
hi layla,

I left you a response in "fresh from oven" comments.

Anonymous said…
good for you layla!

Anonymous said…
This is not a victory for the Baathists, this is a victory for the free Iraqi people who now live under a Constitutional republic under the natural laws of god rather than the laws wrought from the tyranny of an evil man. Congragulations are in order and Layla is right about one thing this is a sign of things to come as the Sunni's are now stepping up and cooperating with the coalition even more than the Shia, to drive the wahhabists and the qutbists out of Iraq, from al-Anbar to Baghdad the message is the same; Iraq will be FREE, INDEPENDENT, AND PRODUCTIVE, and may god curse those who stand in the way of this inevitable reality!
Anonymous said…
Hay Layla seriously do some freaking research, Iraq will be like Japan and Germany if you let it, IE FREE, INDEPENDENT, AND PRODUCTIVE. What's their per capita GDP as of now? And that's without oil sister. If you people quit blowing shit up Iraq will rival the western powers within a decade. The question you have to ask yourself is "will my children have a better life than I did?"
Anonymous said…
Yes Layla,

They are the lions of babylon!

I want my daughter to marry a man with such pride!
Anonymous said…
And the other question you have to ask yourself is "are people like TOT going to quit?" And I'll answer that for you right now; the day I turn my back and have U.S forces withdrawal pre-maturely and allow for another Rwanda style massacre is the day I put a bullet through my brain, not on my watch sister.

Go, stranger, and to Lacedaemon tell
That here, obeying her behests, we fell.
Anonymous said…
Lions of Babylon? Hmm, if only they were as courageous as the Lion of Panjshir. R.I.P.
Anonymous said…
Iraq will bounce back, bigger and better than ever. It won't happen until America get out of it's damn way!!!
Anonymous said…

Ought we bring our funding and rebuilding equipment with us as we leave???
Anonymous said…
Pleeease let the poor bastard rest in peace.
Anonymous said…

Don't postpone it to the day of defeat.

Put that blessed bullet through your lobotomized brain NOW !
Anonymous said…
It wont be as before he is dead,gone are the days of wine and roses....
Anonymous said…
Oh wait I gotta an idea let's leave our construction workers there without U.S. forces to back them up so the POS insurgency can kill them unmolested, ya Iraq is going to be bouncing back real quick as soon as all the contractors pull out because the Iraqi government is totally incapable of providing adequete security. And you know what let's just forget about rebuilding altogether and let the resistance take charge and keep on their current actions of bombing fucking children's hospital and fucking markets!!! Ya Iraq 'il be up and running in no time. Fuck if I care anymore, ya my brother will have just died for the fuck of it, to bad so sad, and I'm sorry Iraqi's we're to pussy to finish the job. WELL FUCK ALL!
Anonymous said…
Peace will come when the people of Iraq stand united, work towards
a new Iraq without "Saddam ".
Anonymous said…

It is high time the iraqis,get their shit together,so we can go home.Most of us did not want to be there in the first place.Get it !!!!
Anonymous said…
No I don't get it. You seem to be living in the warm cocoon of freedom only belonging to the free already. We learned our lesson hard on 9-11 that we can no longer ignore the plite of those countries to our perephrial and support whichever tyrant that may have shared interests with us at the moment, that is because all people have the shared interest of liberty.
Anonymous said…
Why are people so obsessed with Saddam Hussain and feel that some abstract concept of "peace" will only come when the Iraqi people "stand united".

After the Gulf War, it wasn't Saddam who imposed sanction upon Iraq, nor was it Saddam who claimed he weapons of mass destruction and invaded.

Saddam never claimed once to have Al-Qaida in Iraq either.

The "peace" that has been gained, is the minds of those who exist in Iraqs absence but those steeped in the reality of Iraq, can feel and hear the terror imposed upon the peopole by its so-called "liberators".

What "united" stand for "peace" can America make, when so many bodies are being unclaimed in a mortuary, unclaimed through fear, not brought about as a result of Saddam Hussain but of the democracy that claims to have replaced it?
Anonymous said…
yes we should take all we brought there and leave everything we didn't bring. Including the money and any artifacts.

The only reason we're there any way is for oil. IF bush stopped being the worlds biggest oil slut and let our scientist and engineers create an alternative fuel source, the middle east wouldn't even be an issue right now.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Wine & Roses,

Call not "dead" him who has RESURRECTED - in every Iraqi, Arab and freedom-loving human heart...
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Yes, Layla, just read about the destruction of the statue of the Lion of Babylon in al-Basrah... only wicked barbarians could do such a thing. I guess they couldn't reconcile the victory of the Lions of Babylon team!

Well done and congratulations. I pray that this is the harbinger of good things to come..

Hi Jr.!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
JR for president of Iraq! Maybe he'll spend less time screwing around on this blog!
Anonymous said…
The destruction of the Saddam statues were at the hands of Iraqi's. Dont worry, some other leader will be replaced in due time. Statues and Palaces as far as the eye can see.
Anonymous said…
Hi Jr.!


hi little dear!! going 2 b pretty busy over the next month so dont think ill b around much 4 the forseeable future....

ps. the muppets above are NOT me!
Anonymous said…
Hi Enigma,

the statues were actually pulled down by "British and American" citizens.

It was done mainly by the mob belonging to Ahmed Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress, whom as you might know, along with his followers gave up Iraqi citizenship and adopted British and American.

Legally, this means that it wasn't Iraqi's who pulled the statues down, but British and American citizens of Iraq decent who did.
Anonymous said…
jr's canvasser said...

Anonymous said...

jr's subject said...


yeah ok i decree u shut your gob now n go n do sum work
Anonymous said…
The US Supreme Courts are modeled on Roman Architecture. The Roman Empire lives, in the architecture of The US Supreme Courts.
Would the US Empire live-on in the architecture of The Iraqi Supreme Court(s)?
Rome did not die in a day, neither did/would other empires; they would just wither and shrivel with time, resistance and insurgencies.
Only the wise know when and whether to get in. The corollary is also true.
What reconstruction? Reconstruction = "Steal from the American taxpayers" + "Donate the takings to US no bid contracts"
Yes sir, if you take your construction machinery, viz. Bradleys, Humvees and dummies (marines etc), the American people will save much money. Never mind, some will never be educated. Consider the "Wired President." Poorly Laundered Jacket. There goes a suggestion for a brand name, "PLJ" Merchandise with a "convenient" bulge. A man who took the US into a "war" needs to be wired for an election campaign. And now we hear of automatons fighting American Wars. I presume they are built with "hearts and mind."
Where is the money from the oil which has been pumped since the occupation? Oh, I get it, it was donated to the US taxpayers.
TOT? A remnant of the Roman Empire?
Anonymous said…
Hi Jr. Wishing you well with what you are planning to do. You will be missed, and please ignore the ridiculous comments above!

Do drop in once in a while, though!

Iraqi Democrat, thank you for the clarification about WHO pulled down the statue of the President. It is also common knowledge that those who were present there comprised just a very small group
not representative of all Iraqis and coerced, most like bribed, by the occupiers to be there.

The deceit and lies are mind-boggling.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat
please stop drinking the cool-aid.
The statues were pulled down long before the chalabi puppet regime was made.

Hindsight is always 20/20. You can't use current organizations to form the basis of an argument about the past when such did not exist.
Layla Anwar said…
enigma you are talking Bullshit. But then that does not surprise me with a pseudo like yours.
Layla Anwar said…
Titus - Remember what I told you about long cut and paste. Now be a good boy.
Anonymous said…
love the flag and lion addition. Very nice touch. Congrats.
Anonymous said…
I sure hope that the US will get "out of the way" and you people can go on killing each other and celebrate the memory of good old Saddam.
Anonymous said…
after reading post script:

very pissed! I can't stand when people destroy ancient artifacts.

It sickens me...just sickens me.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the Postscript, Layla.

The destruction (and grand theft) of Iraq's ancient artifacts is a crime of such huge proportions, one cannot fathom what kind of sick mind would do this. But it does not surprise...
Anonymous said…
Historical Artifacts are one thing,statues of Saddam is a different Issue.
Anonymous said…
Hi Deer,

I don't know if you were aware but a report was published this year on some of the people who were present when the statues were pulled down.

Oddly enough, each one says they now regret it and claim that they were lied to.

When the event occurred, Chalabi and company were flown into Iraq by the USA and if you remember, on one of the statues, the US troops put the American flag over over the face, before it was pulled down.

I suppose to people such as Enigma, those US troops were also members of the "Iraqi People".
Anonymous said…
After the Invasion ,all hell broke loose,plundering of Museums,stealing Artifacts,robbing the Palaces of old Saddam ,the iraqi people were glad that his was gone . How easy one forgets.
Layla Anwar said…
Hi Iraqi Democrat,

Replied to your comment on previous post.
Anonymous said…
Remember, Remember the month of November.

All that looting of the antiquities, its a good job then that most were .......

Layla Anwar said…
Hi Ike, good to see you again. Hope you are well.
Layla Anwar said…
Most were? Most were found in Tel Aviv museum specially designed in 2003 to receive some " Jewish" babylonian artifcats. Some news covered that but then the Jews cried wolf and it was quickly taken off the wires.
Layla Anwar said…
I have added a postscript to this post.
Anonymous said…
..and some are in iraqi homes ,or traded off/sold to the occupation....
Anonymous said…
Hi layla,

have replied below your message on the oven post.

Some may have been found in Tel Aviv and some may have been found in houses or sold off.

Some were also stolen in 1991 but what I will tell you, is November 2002 was a very busy, yet dusty month.

lion's are roaring!
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Democrat,

I do not know much about nov 2002.
I know that some were found in Tel Aviv, New York, Holland, Germany, England, Jordan, Syria. I also know some were stolen by the soldiers and some by Iraqi thieves...But nov 2002, I know nothing of.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat, how could anyone forget that awful sight of the US soldier putting up his flag on the statue?
And, yes, I have read the comments from one particular man, who claims that he now regrets what he did. As he should.

Something tells me you know something the rest of us don't, including Layla, Iraqi Democrat!!!! Your reference to November 2002 being a very busy month and dust ....I seem to have got the clue, but maybe I'm wrong, but hope I am right!!! If I am, oh my goodness!
Layla Anwar said…
Little Deer, tell me about it and meet me at the Gates of Babylon. I want to know too!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla, standing at the Gates of Babylon!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla and Deer,

What I will tell you is that most of the world underestimated the intelligence of both the Iraqi's and the Ba'ath Party.

Iraq had experienced the same kind of looting in the museums and after the uprising of 1991 the lessons of looting have been learnt.

I saw an BBC documentry shortly after the invasion, and the presenter was going around museums and lying on the floor of one place was the Harp of Urr.

I have never laughed so much in my life.

I think I beat you two to the gates of Babylon!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

if Iraqis were so cultured and appreciative of the arts, why the hell would you engrave Saddam's name on an ancient statue?

You desecrated a piece of your own history. Who're the barbarians again?
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Democrat,

I'm just gobstruck!!

I can just echo Awed above: The GENIUS!!! Wow!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: I believe you are aware that name-writing is common on many monuments - I've seen etchings on the Parthenon columns!

The question should be: HOW did Iraqis manage to preserve so much ancient works of art, dating back several civilisations, all their own, not taken from another land and plonked into their own museums?
Anonymous said…
Layla, perhaps it's an appropriate time to splash the henna!!!
Anonymous said…
barbarians are the assholes dropping bombs on civilians from 30,000 feet.barbarians are the "brave marines" raping and killing young girls. barbarians are the "liberators" decimating an ancient culture they will never "democratize"

"We told you to stop making super people, America. We told you not to interfere with cultures you can never understand. This is what happens when your ambitions outstrip your capabilities. The empire takes a fall. Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen... The Great Satan has just been liberated."

- The Colonel

Liberators (comics)
Anonymous said…

Wow is the fact that some people are so determined to live and let the past speak to the future.

Lets also not forget, that under sanctions, Iraq was limited in its ability to buy allot of the equipment needed to help with preservation work and reconstruction of such sites.

Also, where is UNESCO is condemming the destruction of the ancient sites now.
Anonymous said…
[I believe you are aware that name-writing is common on many monuments - I've seen etchings on the Parthenon columns!]

Did you add your own 'etchings', little deer?
Many monuments and scenic areas that I've visited in Asia have been further beautified by the 'ethchings' of people of your sort.

[The question should be: HOW did Iraqis manage to preserve so much ancient works of art,?]

By leaving them alone? By not inscribing the name of every transitory leader on them?
Anonymous said…
"if Iraqis were so cultured and appreciative of the arts, why the hell would you engrave Saddam's name on an ancient statue?"

anonymous u ignorant muppet u dont give a fuck about those antiquities ur just jealous of the iraqis' love for their president coz no1 loves u and thats that.
Anonymous said…
long live the Fuehrer Saddam,lets engrave his name on all the Artifacts and the whole world will be jelouse,eh !
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the zionazi barbarian,
I think that the title "Fuehrer" is most suitable to betitle ALL the leaders in the nazi state of Israhell and the fascist states of the US and the UK.
Anonymous said…
In reply to your earlier Statement,one should look where blame lies for it,9/11,it lies NOT in Iraq.
Saddam was a "whipping boy" for the US , a Dictator comparable to Stalin ( hes Idol) . Lets cut the Crap and not promote him to Sainthood .
Anonymous said…
If one does not agree with Issues,very fast the label Zionist is printed, you are on the wrong Boat sailer.
Anonymous said…
hadenough just can't have enough of his ameronazi US-über-alles hubris and demonizing propaganda ...
Anonymous said…
Not as much as the Saddam Fans!
Anonymous said…
get your glasses and read again.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the zionazi barbarian,
the truth hurts, right?
Listen to the world, every normal human being is telling you that the title "Fuehrer" is most suitable to betitle ALL the leaders in the nazi state of Israhell and the fascist states of the US and the UK!
Anonymous said…
what truth? you dont even know what the hell you are talking about,besides that your vocabulary is very limited.
There are many "Fuehrers" still in this World,you can pick and choose , they are equal and evil.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the zionazi barbarian,

haha, just keep twisting and spinning, barbarian!
Anonymous said…
Did you escape from the rubber room?
Anonymous said…
Layla, I was so happy to hear on radio that Iraq had won!

Their message:
" We are very happy. Tell the Americans, the Iranians and the Israeli Jews that we will be driving them out one by one..."

I sure didn't get THAT message in Australia though.

But this message you've told us about was MAGIC:
"With our soul and our blood we will sacrifice for you Saddam."

Which is what true Iraqis have been doing since 2003.
donaldo said…
Layla,just want to say how happy I was to see Iraq people having a good time after the football victory,a Mountain of joy in a Valley of tears. Please keep the blog going ,let us know what is actually happening ,spread the word... thanks for your bravery...
YoUnicorn said…
You ALL are winners !
Beautiful Lion ,-D
Thank you Layla
Anonymous said…
To anonymous who posted this message (why are people so cowardly that they prefer to remain 'anonymous'?)

Did you add your own 'etchings', little deer?
Many monuments and scenic areas that I've visited in Asia have been further beautified by the 'ethchings' of people of your sort.

Unlike your sort, I am not a barbarian. The monuments you had the privilege to visit in Asia remain on their ORIGINAL site, unlike what you see where you come from - taken (stolen, more like it) from original sites and placed in your museums.

If anything, your sort are the PROFESSIONALS at graffiti, just about anywhere. Quit nit-picking, but that too, is part of your genetic make-up. Inconsequential comments from you, anonymous. That may have been the only time in your life you visited Asia! Where you spent time checking out etchings on monuments by the people!
Unknown said…
God willing the real celebration will be when every one of the scum soldiers and their collaborators are driven out of Iraq either in body bags or with their tail between their legs...That will be the day of victory and that will be the legacy of the lion of Babylon.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Well said, Layth. I don't think there is any other way, is there, since they insist on digging their heels in and refusing to leave - despite Iraqis unanimously asking them to.... People with no dignity or self-respect. That's what happens when people do things without invitation.

It will happen, Layth...truth forever wins.
Angel said…
Congratulations to the Lions of Babylon. A well deserved win.

Pity the whole of Iraq cannot have a win and rid themselves of the USA and their collection of leashed animals.

Sorry about the destruction of the statues. It's a great shame that history is demolished, using the pretence of democracy. Especially when we all know it was for oil.

"If you're not with us, you're against us" vindictive, bully boy mentality, once again reigns supreme.
Anonymous said…
JR ! JR ! JR !
Anonymous said…
It is interesting Little Deer, that when the "Liberators" came to iraq in 2003, that one of their first acts was to turn Babylon into a military base.

The USA, in their eternal knowledge of history have sought to do to Iraq, what the Americans themselves did to the Native Americans.

In babylon, they chemically treated the ground, much to anger of many in the international community, left ancient fragments scatterd around the place and went so far as to turn some areas into landing pads for helicopters.

The Occupation forces, have also destroyed the Michel Aflaq memorial, introduced elements into Iraq which have destroyed the Jaffar Al-Mansour monument and desecrated the tower of Babel and numerous other sites accross Iraq.

Even under Saddam, such devastation was never permitted and neither was the vandalism and anyone who even sought to deface a national monument was treated to a severe punishment.

Even under the Sanctions, in all fairness the regime did all that it could to maintain and preserve all artefact and sites, but with the sanctions in place, certain types of chemicals were banned from going into Iraq, which also including the preservation chemicals.

Whilst this was taking place, the Iraqi government did not allow its history to be neglected or forgotten and did everything it could, in the face of international isolation to protect its history.

The claim that the Iraqi people are to blame for this devastation, is as stupid as the claim that Saddam brought the invasion on himself.

The destruction by the USA of the ancient world, is on parr with yet another volcano eruption in Pompeii, along side a tsunami in Jordans Jerash and Petra.
Anonymous said…
iraqi democrat i think u and ur lifetime bete noire saddam hussein were more alike at heart than ull ever be willing 2 admit...
Anonymous said…
I'm sure bush is gonna declare that as a result of iraq's victory, the whole bloody destruction of the country was well worth it and would not have happened had they not invaded cuz the players wouldn't have had the extra motivation you get from being tortured, humiliated, and slaughtered daily.
Anonymous said…
Indeed:"Bel Roh, bel Dam, Nefdeek ya Saddam"

By the way: The Flag you are showing is the US-Flag for the "Colony of Iraq".
Angel said…
All we have to do is look at the way the US treated the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Good people left for dead, with the rotten to the core brigade able to perform some horrible deeds. Anarchy ruled the day, or days, I should say.

Does this not show us that when anarchy rules, every day ordinary Americans are no different than any other? Pillage and plunder, rape, rob at gunpoint.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the citizens of the USA at their worst, or best depending on which outlook you have.

One difference though, their President was not dead. He was very much alive and he showed complete disreguard and lack of compassion for his own people.

Bush, Haliburton and cohorts were more interested in Iraq and her wealth, while he left his own to rot.

If the above is the way the Americans behave at home, we start to understand why they are so destructive and vile on foreign soil.

Forgive my vitriol, my Grandy died today.
Anonymous said…
Yes, that's the right flag of Iraq. Thank you.
Layla Anwar said…
Angel, Hello and all my sympathy.
Layla Anwar said…
anonymous re.flag.

Thanks for pointing out the bit about the flag. I just noticed that the writing is different. Corrected.
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Democrat - Hello

You did beat us to the Gates of Babylon.
Of course your little bits of info raise many questions.
What happened to the original ones, will they re-surface again but most importantly...I concur with Awed who said GENIUS!
And I like to use deductive thinking. If they thought of the history and preserving it then surely they must have also thought of what will come after the invasion.
Yes - indeed.

On a totally different note.
Are you really serious about this Arab women boxing thing?
I am not talking of punching balls, this I have seen but actual boxing in a ring?

Layla Anwar said…
Layth, salam and good to see you again. I bet you are happy our cubs won.
Layla Anwar said…
Daphne , Donaldo , Yolanda, Little Deer, thanks for partaking in our "joy". Albeit a small stepping stone.

Daphne, am sure you would not hear that comment in Australia. You need to watch al Jazeerah Arabic.

I was personally phazed when I heard the live shouts outside my window. I really thought I was hallucinating. But no, they were there alright. It was a great moment for me that really infused me with much hope and only God knows how much that is needed.
Layla Anwar said…
JR's one liners will be missed - lol
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Democrat,

You are totally correct on Babylon being turned into a military base.
Not only that, the Malwiya, which is the tower of Babel is a goner, Tag Kisra is another goner...
Ya3nee total destruction.
Ma booka shee. Finished, finito.
I think I better stop because just thinking about it makes me sooooooooo angry.
Anonymous said…
Angel, please accept my heartfelt sympathy on your personal loss.

Actually, what you've said is not vitriolic, but the plain truth. There's so much that's been laid bare about the US following the invasion and occupation of Iraq - it is truly ugly. And it gets uglier by the day as we witness what's going on in Iraq - much like a cornered animal which lashes every way because it has nowhere else to go. Hopefully, the trap will come down soon...

It will take generations for USans to clean up their image with the rest of the world - starting with humility and a respect for Human Rights for all who live outside their shores - and inside as well, irrespective of colour and creed. And reparations to Iraq, although what's been lost can never be recovered, especially human lives.

Absolutely right, Iraqi Democrat. I was heartbroken when I first read of what they were doing in Babylon, and, in my small way, tried to bring this to the attention of those who might spread the word - may not have made a difference, anyway. I can only say that what's been done to the land of Iraq can be equivalent to a rape - there's no other comparison. Iraq has known many invasions in its history, but none of the ancient monuments were ever destroyed...the ziggurats stood, watching history go by, much like the Pyramids of Egypt, and your comparison with Jerash/Petra is appropriate...does this not tell you exactly what kind of people you are dealing with? They talk about 'civilisation' and 'their way of life', but they have not evolved from barbarism, and if you read Anglo-Saxon history, it's all about war, war, war; plunder, death and destruction. This runs in their genes, ID.

As for the protection of monuments, I think the President did the best he could under the circumstances. The sanctions were horrendous and evil - children were not even allowed to have pencils; people died because medicines weren't allowed in; part of the the reason why there's lack of electricity in Iraq today is because maintenance of plants was impossible as spare parts were not allowed to be brought in - yet, Iraqis improvised and managed to produce far more electricity than today, and for that, I give the nation and its Leader much credit. But, then, again, perhaps this is their plan - to destroy everything completely....

ID, the gravity of the crimes against Iraq, primarily by US/UK are just too much for the mind to to handle.

Yes, Layla, to add to anonymous above: I noted the flag too, and this one does not have the Arabic blessing...did you notice that?
Zaidan said…
No hope EXCEPT through resistance. Iraqis have yet to learn that lesson.

"I want America to go out," he said. "Today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, but out. I wish the American people didn't invade Iraq and, hopefully, it will be over soon."

Who said that?

Wait, who, oh, Younis - the team captain said it?

Yep, you betcha, i linked to the article on my blog.

I will not celebrate until Iraq is free and Iraqis are no longer beggars on foreign filth-ridden streets.
Anonymous said…
Little Deer,

Both flags are the same. the Writing is identical with Allah Akbar, but the style of writing is different. I corrected it and used the original flag.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Layla!

May that day come very, very soon, ID.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
@ Little Deer:

When you look TV or look at Photos where Iraqi Flags are shown, look more carefully. This one above is the Flag of the Republic of Iraq. It is said, i don't know if that's true, that the scripting is the handwriting of the President of Iraq, his excellence Saddam Hussein Al-Majid.
The other version is used by the occupiers and their collaborators.

@ Layla:

Some times ago i read your article titled "Not so Kind...". In there you wrote this:"ahl al-shiqak wa al-nifaq".
Since then i googled and wikipedia-ed and tried to find what that means. I know "ahl" means "community of" or "house of".
What does that "ahl al-shiqak wa al-nifaq" mean?
Anonymous said…

This was a famous sentence by al Hajjaj.

Ahl al - people of,
Shiqak - dissension.
Nifaq - hypocrisy.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Anonymous, for that very useful information. I didn't know that it was in the President's own handwriting, though. I will observe carefully now. I do know that, at some point, they did try to change the flag and to have it without the blessing, but that version disappeared, thankfully!
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla,

The gates of Babylon are standing wide open and inside sit as many mysteries as those spoken about in Pandoras box.

How often do we hear people say, that the lion of babylon will rise again, but when it does it will come with treasure.

Are you aware that the destroyed lion of babylon, is being investigated by the British Museum because it is thought, that it may be a replica???

Remember, remember the month of November!

If "they" is meaning the Ba'ath Party, knowing about the invasion and securring the history, then that same party also held a degree of sophistication to know what was also going to come next.

It wasn't so much Genius, just the realisations of a decade long betrayal by certain "Iraqi's", that made us realise that the truth must be preserved and that truth will be in itself our true liberation.

I'm just glad, that when the US/UK started, that many Iraqi soldiers were also told to go straight home, not out of cowadice but out of the fact that the Iraqi's knew Iraq.

As for Arab women boxing, its actually a popular sport and yes, they do actually fight in the ring.

I dont think I have ever seen an Arab woman punching balls before but i have seen women giving them a good kick.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

"iraqi democrat i think u and ur lifetime bete noire saddam hussein were more alike at heart than ull ever be willing 2 admit..."

I never kiss and tell, although I can assure you that I made sure that I was never alone in a room with Ahmed Chalabi.
Anonymous said…
iraqi democrat, i should hope so!!! however i wasnt talking abt that, but the feeling i get from reading ur comments that ur personal way of looking on politics and life in general is strikingly similar to that of saddam hussein and the (true) ba'athists, and this despite all ur trumpeted contrariness. correct me if im wrong...
Anonymous said…
there may be points of agreement which both the Ba'ath Party and former members of the opposition have in relation to what is going on inside of Iraq.
Anonymous said…
yes, iraqi democrat, and there "may" also be one "point in agreement" between me and myself "in relation to" the fact that u are indeed a born diplomat ;-)

nice to talk with u.

best wishes.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Absolute,Jr it is !
Anonymous said…
I Want YOU For JR's Coup Squadron
Anonymous said…
I shall follow you.
Angel said…
Layla and Little Deer,

Thankyou for your sympathy. Grandy was 92, and had a stroke a few days ago.

My "Queen" of Aramaic is no more.
Anonymous said…

you said the following:

"Titus - Remember what I told you about long cut and paste. Now be a good boy."

Ya something along the lines of "Titus I love your posts the longer the better," right? :)
Anonymous said…

In regards to Katrina, A) The socialist decay which was NO spent money on a massive welfare state that was reserved for the levies, and B) In the U.S. we have this thing called Posse Comitatus which means that Federal troops can not be deployed into the states without the expressed request of the Governor of the state in question, the governor of NO's failed to make that request resulting in that delay. Regardless the U.S. gives more in private charity as a real number and as a % of GDP then anyother nation on the face of the planet, so chew on that statistic for a bit.
Anonymous said…
TOT the primitive brainless agnostico-fascist murderous zionazi psycopath,
Anonymous said…
Good Job! :)

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