An Iraqi passport ? - Pass !

The impasse of the Iraq pass document.

I had promised you sometime ago that I will write about the so called "Iraqi" passport. But events took the better of my time and I got sidetracked with slightly more important issues such as deaths, battered relatives, tortured family members, imprisoned relations and others who simply disappeared...
So do excuse the delay.

The first thing you need to know is that the process of getting a passport or renewing one or changing one is a NIGHTMARE.

The new Kosher passport now holds the letter G. This passport has met and has passed "international security standards."

Now if you do not have a G passport, you are screwed. If you happen to have an N, M, H or S series passport you are doubly screwed.

In order to get a G -string passport and replace all the other passports series you have to go to the Ministry of Interior and fill an application form and wait for at least 3 months if not more and pay bribes and the cost of the passport is around 20 dollars (which is a lot of money for the average Iraqi).

You may or may not get it. Actually you may not even leave the ministry, if your name happens to be Omar, Bakr or Othman...So do change your name before.

Some of you may remember reading about this infamous building run by the Iranian militias and turned into a torture center. Not much has changed since. Yep that is the Ministry of Interior.

For those of you who still possess the M series passport, forget it - it is no longer valid even though it has not expired. If you happen to have the N series, know it will expire in December 2007.

If you have an H or S series, you can kiss yourself goodbye...

Now the plot thickens. Because if you have an M or an N and wish to change it to the acceptable G, that does not necessarily mean you will get a "G" passport - due to the huge demand (or so they claim). You may very well end up with an S series instead - temporary Shit series.
So you have to go through the whole fucking process all over again.

The S series was issued by their lordship Americanas but then they were subsequently deemed as a security threat.

Now the G series is only issued for individuals. Those who have families cannot get a G passport. (spouse and children under 16). So naturally families need to wait much longer for their turn to come.

Basically put, the G series is for those working in the Green zone and their collaborators so they can travel for their business contracts or for rest and relaxation or to lose weight like Talabani.
Remember his trip to Mayo clinic - Any progress on his fat insurgency ?

Talking about Talabani of course reminds me of our brothers the Kurds. What a sinking feeling I get when I mention them.

Now check out the latest and am NOT being satirical nor am I exaggerating.

Any Iraqi living outside of Iraq and holding the Iraqi nationality, requires a visa from the Iraqi embassy to travel to any "Kurdish area", notably Erbil "international airport" plus 2 kurdish sponsors. And do not forget that Erbil international airport was built courtesy of the Israelis.

Umm D. lives in Jordan and wanted to visit her son in Baghdad. She applied for a visa to land in Erbil. I am serious.

Any Iraqi inside of Iraq who is not a kurd and who lives outside "kurdistan" - Kharrastan (kharra in arabic = shit = merde = mierda) is refused entry into Erbil.

Raouf after his torture ordeal wanted to go there and then move on somewhere else. He was refused entry because and I quote textually what they told him: " You are an ARAB Iraqi."

I believe Chomsky and Co. and all those Arab left wing wankers who cried about the poor Kurds must be elated to learn this. Another congratulations to you.

I hope that Kharrastans will sprout in Iran, Turkey and Syria. But these countries will NEVER allow a Kharrastan to take place there.

And of course the kurds are now driving out the real inhabitants of Mosul, Kirkuk, Erbil, they can establish their little Israeli-American empire and Talabani and Barazani can sit on big fat chairs on their big fat asses and fart away to the kurdish national anthem, waving away their chauvinistc flag in Kharrastan.

Yes Turdistan it is indeed. Please don't get me going I will not be able to stop and you will end up with another lethal "Uncensored Anger Manifesto."

Back to these damned passports.

Since am talking about "official" travel documents, I also need to talk about "unofficial" travel documents. i.e forged ones.

I always believed when there is a will there is a way. Listen now to the story of Muhannad's brother who escaped from the Mahdi drill boys in Baladiyat after witnessing 4 of his family members slaughtered in front of his very eyes.

Let's call him Yasser. Yasser ended up in no man land's stranded in the desert between Iraq and Syria. He was there for 8 months with his wife and two little kids. Living in a fucking tent, with no water, no electricity in the middle of nowhere.
And I would like to see the Arab leftists wankers who carry the Palestinian cause like some torch of self glamour - talk about the fate of the Palestinians in Iraq.

Back to Yasser. Yasser and some of his "camp colleagues", met someone who was willing to sell them passports so they can get to France and then from there go to Sweden.

The passports, Portuguese, were beautifully forged. Yasser's new name was Da Silva.
Now you are wondering why Portuguese right? Think hard.
Dduh! They are "dark and have mustaches" like the Iraqis and they are Europeans and it is easier to say "obrigada" than "thank you " with a heavy foreign accent and not get caught.

Cost of the passport - 15'000 US dollars.

Yasser and his friends borrowed loads of money and finally got the passports.
They arrived in France and 8 out of the 10, stayed in the airport and were returned "home". Yes they were caught. Not because the passports were badly forged but because the guys did not learn a word of portuguese and they panicked at the customs.
So off they went - shipped back to Baladiyat - Baghdad - Iraq.

Fortunately for Yasser he made it through. He arrived to Sweden, contacted the police there, gave them his fake passport and applied for political asylum. He was one of the lucky ones.

So Dear Reader, if you ever envisage applying for the Iraqi nationality - am certain this is an interesting proposition since we are nascent model democracy - make sure you highlight on your application form you want the G-string series.
Or can kiss your own ass goodbye.

Painting: Iraqi artist, Mohammed Al Shammarey.


Anonymous said…
Is that how you got out of Iraq or were you in America long before the invasion?
Anonymous said…
thanks for the info layla....g-series it is
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Is that how you got out of Iraq or were you in America long before the invasion?

shut up anon....u dont know jackshit so zip it
Layla Anwar said…
A general question -

Why do most Americans assume that everyone wants to end up in the US? I mean where on earth did you get that illusion from? I find nothing attractive or enticing about the US and am not caught in the web of fascination insofar as it is concerned. So hold your horses Anonymous or as JR says : "you don't know jackshit so zip it up."
Anonymous said…

This what people read iraqi blogs for, stories which make their own lives seem like paradise. This is the only consolation in Schopenhauer's world.

Please, no more of your bathos and dreams and your idiotic interpretations of them.
On your next post, I'd like a titillating account of the exploitation of iraqi children.
Layla Anwar said…
Anonymous above.
Sorry dear can't provide you with
"tintillating accounts of the exploitation of Iraqi children" - I do not engage the fantasies of sadistic pedophiles Mr.Shopenhauer.
Anonymous said…
Layla asked,
"Why do most Americans assume that everyone wants to end up in the US?"

'Cos it's the best goddamn country in the whole frickin' world!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the ameronazi,
the US has always been paradise for the criminals and psycopaths from all around the world. And the proverb "Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern" seems still to hold the truth ...
Anonymous said…
This writer called layal anwer, has no respect no deserve one. It easy to call her xondar , xabah, shermuta, but why bother she will get what she deserves.
Anonymous said…
"Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern " ist aber nicht zutreffend fuer diesen Blog.
Anonymous said…
Layal is typical 3rab who needs to be kicked and fucked by Israeli to feel alive.
Anonymous said…
Layla, where did these horrible people come from? (where in the west I mean)

To all you revolting people, now I understand the mind of the US soldier, who will kill little children with no qualms, who will "light up" cars with whole families in them; who will shoot to kill ambulance drivers (all gone now I expect), who will lay and wait to snipe Iraqis, who have forged ties with the Iranians and the Israelis to crucify Iraq.

You all have shown me something so sick and so evil that I am ashamed to be called western, as this name includes people like you.

One day, Layla, I would love to go to Iraq. I think I would enjoy the company of Iraqis. One day...

Layla, have you heard of Riverbend (her Blog was "Baghdad Burning")? She was going to leave Iraq. Do you know if she finally got out?
Anonymous said…
you are a disgusting Pig.
Anonymous said…
Layal posts from USA , lives there, enjoys the freedom there, works for imperialist force.Hypocrisy is the trademark of low class unrefined sub humans.
Anonymous said…
Are you speculating?
Anonymous said…
It's to be expected that more and more zionazi psycopaths will come to clog up this site with their bullshit and crap.
"Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern" ist mehr als zutreffend für jenen Ameronazi - and hat keinen Zusammenhang mit diesem Blog.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the zionazi whose hypocrisy is the trademark of low class unrefined sub humans, how much do you get paid for "telling" your "truth"???
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Zionazi,

"Kicked and fucked by Israeli" .. you mean like your young and dumb slavey America ?

Sorry to disappoint Your "Chosenship", but Iraq and Her children are made of a sterner stuff ..
Anonymous said…
it is getting deep in here
Anonymous said…
So ein Quatsch.
Anonymous said…
crap is what this blog all about. mainly bullshit and lies by so called 3rab woman who might be an Israeli Jew. Mossad is very resourceful.
Anonymous said…
where is your Proof?
Anonymous said…
we are waiting
Anonymous said…
come on spell it out for us
Anonymous said…
idiots, she is making 3rabs look like shit. Why do you need proof? hamas is an Israeli org setup to divide people there yet it kills innocent jews. wake up, laya is an agent.
Anonymous said…
just as i thought,you are a windbag
Anonymous said…
facts please,no speculations
Anonymous said…
yeah,and keep on deceiving yourselfs. one day the truth will make feel like a shit.
Anonymous said…
you are making heavy accusations,supply proof please
Anonymous said…
Ask about facts, then ask the writer about her facts. Do not be blinded by phantom 3rab woman, calls herself Layal. Be smart!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
you poor souls have you no idea what Mossad is doing. It is the best at disinformation.
Anonymous said…
you are serious
Anonymous said…
what would be her gain on this Blog
Anonymous said…
Previous posts disappear poof?
Anonymous said…
or should i ask what is your gain

Anon have u been flushing your meds down the loo or something?
Anonymous said…
sometimes posts dissapear
Anonymous said…
pC malfunctions
Anonymous said…
what sort of Posts dissapear
Anonymous said…
Janice, have u seen layal in person. Do you know her real name, where she (he) lives,...? Get with it, Layal is full of shit.
Anonymous said…
you have my attention
Anonymous said…
please stick with the issue
Anonymous said…
anagram some names.
Anonymous said…
cyber offers Anonymity to all of us,she is no exeption
Anonymous said…
i understand
Anonymous said…
what is your gain
Anonymous said…
just the concern for the bloggers
Anonymous said…
a. ok her english is exeptional
b. she uses american terminalogy
c. extreme anti american
now you continue..
Anonymous said…
d. drives a blue Mercedes in Kuweit
Anonymous said…
please continue what i started
Anonymous said…
"cyber offers Anonymity to all of us,she is no exeption"

Then expect to be misinformed and be fed punch of lies. Check the facts before making a stand. Be Smart, cross check information before believing it. Layal does not tell you the truth.
Anonymous said…
or maybe you just pushed the bloggers alarm button...
Anonymous said…
I understand perfect what you are implying to
Anonymous said…
what is her purpose /gain
Anonymous said…
if this is a joke we shall discontinue this dialog
Anonymous said…
if you have vital information we will continue
Anonymous said…
"what is her purpose /gain"

Look the game is all about misinformation. Misinformation has many purposes, a misinformed person will make a misinformed decision that may have sever consequences.
Anonymous said…
i have reasons to believe that you may be serious
Anonymous said…
yes, but misinforming people usually involves objectives
Anonymous said…
The joke is on the readers who think layal is telling the truth .
Anonymous said…
Barabie in action...
Anonymous said…
of perhaps even more serious issues
Anonymous said…
reaching for Mossad is a little far
Anonymous said…
Barabie, cut the play-acting...
Anonymous said…
could this be your personal speculation
Anonymous said…
are you still open for dialog
Anonymous said…
or shall we discontinue this conversation
Anonymous said…
anyway, I said what I had to say. Believe what you believe. see yeah!
Anonymous said…
i realize cyber is anonym and caution is on the agenda
Anonymous said…
It's not even speculation, it's a little frustrated woman called Barabie backbiting out of spite...
Anonymous said…
ok thank you for the information
Anonymous said…
"a little flusterated woman" playing a dangerous game what a fool
Anonymous said…
it seems that this is a "story play book "blog for some people
Anonymous said…
Actually Barabie is a fool, as well as a notorious slanderer.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla, thank you for this very interesting blog.

I have my views on the other issue, and will share them with you later. Suffice to say, I agree with you.
Anonymous said…
Hi Lyla:
I cannot feel what you feel, but your writing tells me volumes. There is no word to describe my sorrow at injustice. Invasions and occupations are addictions of America. America will decline without it, and will decline faster with it, while taking many lives and creating mayhem for numerous others in the process. I find America to be a place (mostly) peopled by heartless folks. Not everyone but almost all of those I have met. And the immigrants must "do as the Romans, when in Rome." Their expression of empathy is "empty."
The freedom of America.....An Iraqi high school graduate must be better educated than the US Supreme court, with their supreme education. The supreme court stopped the vote counting in Florida, for fear that the "counters" will not be able to count past "fock" Sorry, I meant four. I must be a prime "graduate" from an American Educational Institution; those imposing constructions which produce imposing ignorance and stupidity, often expressed on this blog. The freedom to be stupid and possess computers and internet access to expose it.
The vast majority of Americans are extremely ignorant people. I cannot possibly educate them, neither here nor anywhere. Let them be. Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it forever, since it will last forever.
God, if you exist, tell me why??? I can count!!!
Anonymous said…
Interesting article,3604,939608,00.html
Layla Anwar said…
Life, hello and welcome to my blog.
Layla Anwar said…
I noted a very interesting coincidence and this is derived from my observing the comment section for a year now.
Everytime the name Iran and Israel appear on any post - you can bet your life that the Rats will crawl out. A coincidence? I think not.

As for my posts which disappeared. I would be very interested to know which ones. I shall repost them again.
Angel said…
Hello Layla,

Interesting re the passports. I am having some difficulty myself, but very minor compared to the one's in your story.

I happen to like your "Uncensored Anger Manifesto's". I found them etremely uplifting and informative. No-one writes that way, unless they are on a mission.

I see you have your usual collection of boring anonymous's.

Stay safe.
Nobody's fool

I don't think its Barabie what makes u think so she wouldn't say something as Anonymous
Anonymous said…
layla has Sheikh Abdel Qadir Qilani's tomb been bombed by the US forces?
Anonymous said…
Navcity said...
layla has Sheikh Abdel Qadir Qilani's tomb been bombed by the US forces?
Layla Anwar said…
navcity - the mosque where his tomb is has been bombed .Yes. By the Americans and the Mahdi army.
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Angel and I just revisited your blog. Nice poem and sorry about the 7 year old "she".
Anonymous said…
sorry my bad
Layla Anwar said…
jr - why do I have a feeling you are an iraqi? mind you I may be very wrong.
Layla Anwar said…
Little Deer - will be waiting at the Gates of Babylon.
Angel said…
Thanks, Layla. I don't write much, I like replying to others more. She-Mandy, daughter.

Sorry about your daughter
Layla Anwar said…
very sorry about Mandy, Angel :-(
Anonymous said…
Anonymous "Hush-Hush",

It is YOU who are a Mossad agent instructed to infiltrate Iraqi patriotic and Arab nationalist boards and sow the seeds of mistrust and discord among the truth seekers.

You can take all of your "divide et impera" tactics and stick them up Sharon's comatose fat ass, because we shall stay hearts and souls firmly rooted by our dignified and courageous sister's side and defend her heroic reputation to the hilt.

Take my advice and spread it among your Internet Haganah fellow-moles: LEARN TO LOSE !
Anonymous said…
Layla is a modern day super hero without a stupid blue & red suit.

Has there ever been a blonde super hero before? Yes, Layla is blonde..
Anonymous said…
Angel and Little Mandy,

Let yourselves be all one and live on in Angel's heart ..
Anonymous said…
H2 O2 blond?
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar said...
jr - why do I have a feeling you are an iraqi? mind you I may be very wrong.


layla do u really think i'm iraqi?? what kind of iraqi if u dont mind my asking....
Anonymous said…
Laya -

With regard to Jr., the thought crossed my mind some time ago, too!!!!

Jr.????!!!! I see from the above post that you're asking Layla 'what kind'?! What's that supposed to mean, Jr.?!
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla,

it's amazing who comes on to your blog, who then leave some interesting comment.

It is with this in mind that I will also leave some itneresting comments and would like to point out that in the 1970's, Mr. IIyad Allawi used to come around to my house, where we used to make him chicken and rice for dinner.

It is quite strange that this was all Allawi seemed to actually like and we did offer alternatives and whilst on the surface he was a charming man, underneath he was actually quite a borring person, who had ambitions and would play up to the crowd.

Mr. Chalabi on the otherhand, was a person who many had little time for and private jokes would include how the opposition would rather have sleep with Saddam - than Chalabi.

The reason for this was mainly because there was no way in hell Saddam would want to sleep with a person of the same sex, although, it is questionable as to wherever Mr. Chalabi actually would (if you get what I mean).

Jalal Talabani, on the otherhand, was very busy with his friend and old comrade Ann Clwyd of INDICT, (working for the opposition of course).

Emma Nicholson of the Ammar Appeal was bossom budies with SCIRI, although it is unknown as to her exact knowledge of Iranian co-operation within the charity for their alledged work for the Marsh Arabs.

I dont know if you were aware of the fact, that Amar used to send people over to Iran, where they would visit the Marsh Arab refugee Camps, which under Iranian rules durring the 1990's prohibited the teaching of Arabic to Iraqi children and also did not allow Iraqi refugees to leave the camps, otherwise they would lose their rations and refugee status.

To legally leave the camps, meant giving up Iraqi nationality and adopting Farsi as their language.

Fact not fiction but just a few points.
Anonymous said…
Little Deer & Layla,

Jr from Iraq this is the best laugh I've gotten off this blog. And even if he was he isn't on the same page that Layla is, I know this by whats been posted in the past.

Just give a little thought about his posts no matter what aka he uses and have used. He's from Europe, a brit! His people gave all the reason america needed to go to Iraq on this killing mission.

lol Long dong the queen!!!

Anonymous said…
savage u stupid donkey for the MILLIONTH TIME: I AM NOT A BRIT U STUPID MUPPET

wot they r saying i am an iraqi living in the west......idiot
Anonymous said…
sunni shia yezidi or other?
Anonymous said…
well "little dear".......the kind i meant was if am i the sort who supports their country or one who has sold out...
Anonymous said…
iraqi democrat u nonce no 1 is impressed u met a bunch of useless fat fucks......stop trying to impress us n post someat useful
Anonymous said…
Savage, I agree with you about the Brits, although it must be acknowledged that there are many of them who did much to stop the war, and are still doing so, unlike the Anglo-Saxon USans - who have also been invading this blog.

I find it rather difficult to associate Jr. with those who have hurt Iraq. He may have his own unique way of posting - the one-liners, but he has often made me smile and helped to diffuse the rage I feel at some of the comments here. And, for that, I am grateful. He is one of 'us', Savage....

As far as the Queen is concerned (who wears the stolen Kohinoor diamond from India on her head), I've read that she's recently signed a document authorising the occupation of Iraq....I guess she's not had enough of stealing from other lands...
Anonymous said…
are you a Kurd?
Anonymous said…
Jr., I think, by now, it's quite clear what type of 'Iraqi' you are.....!!!
Anonymous said…
no offense intended
Anonymous said…

The Queen has authorised the CONTINUED occupation of Iraq...
Anonymous said…
I'd call jr a completely briticised Asian. As to his arabhood: he's already learned the word for "dog" (kalb), in a couple of years he'll also learn that its plural is kilab (and not - as he now thinks - kalbs) - at least I hope so ...
Anonymous said…
That's funny, anonymous!

Jr., you're on trial!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I'd call jr a completely briticised Asian. As to his arabhood: he's already learned the word for "dog" (kalb), in a couple of years he'll also learn that its plural is kilab (and not - as he now thinks - kalbs) - at least I hope so ...
thank u for your input u moron....any other theories????
Anonymous said…
actaully scrap that......little dear this blog is abt layla anwar and the ordeal iraqis r currently going thru.....lets not waste time speculating abt wot nationality certain random strangers might be
Anonymous said…
remember everyone..........THIS IS NOT A CHAT BLOG
Anonymous said…
How kind that JR is fluent in his English language, to use such slang as Nonce and text language such as "no 1".

In relation to JR's background, he could be of the indo-European persuasion and trust me, I dont need to impress a Gawad such as yourself.

Just out of interest, did you also vote in teh Iraqi elections? If so, I hope you handed your British passport in at the desk.
Anonymous said…
Okay, the message..and you're right.
Anonymous said…
iraqi democrat u stupid little gobshite......STFU!!

stop turning this thread into something abt me and concentrate on the issues raised in the sorry i wasnt impressed by the fact u met a bunch of fat wankers but that doesnt give u the right 2 get pissed of abt it and hav a go at me
Anonymous said…
If anything about jr is certain, then that's his love for شهرة فى الأضواء ...
Anonymous said…
no one was asking anyone to be impressed but those "fat wankers" are equally responsible for the deaths inside of Iraq.

When they knew Iraq had no weapons, no connection to Al-Qaida and the events of 9/11 those same "fat wankers" urged the Americans and British to invade.

If not for those "fat wankers", you wouldnt be reading Layla Anwars excellent website, Riverbend would never even have thought about writing an award winning book and millions of Iraqi's would neither be dead or displaced.

But one thing I do agree with you on, they are "fat wankers" and have got fat as a result of dead Iraqi's.
Layla Anwar said…
Lady, and me who welcomed you in earlier posts...
This poor Layla Anwar. Now she is wearing the american flag as a suit and is peroxyde blonde. What an insult!
Anonymous said…
If anything is certain about jr, then that's the fact that he likes to play a litle महाराजा ...
Layla Anwar said…
Iraqi Democrat,

I am getting to appreciate more and more your commentary. These little tid bits of info are very precious to me. Apart from the political personas, the "real" characters are such a wealth of information regarding a person.
Also the info about the Marsh arabs and the Iranians is very valuable. I for starters did not know that. Many thanks.

Insofar as JR's nationality. I think you may be right. He is not an Iraqi. He failed to respond to the Gawad bit. lol
Layla Anwar said…
As am reading the other posts, am cracking up laughing....loool
Anonymous said…
..cracking up laughing..good US slang.u r 2 good .
Anonymous said…
layla u said i was u thought i was a mi5 agent b4
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
..cracking up laughing..good US slang.u r 2 good .

u stupid dickhead
Anonymous said…
Ahhh...also US slang.
Anonymous said…
layla anwar's real name is samira shahbandar
Anonymous said…
why cant u people admit that u are in a western country
< Ridendo dicene vercum>
Anonymous said…
ahh pretty name
Anonymous said…
iranien name ?
Anonymous said…
"Ridendo dicere verum" or "Ridendo dicere falsum"?
Anonymous said…
jr's real name is ali and he's the son of samira (layla) and...
Anonymous said…
I know who samira shahbandar is
Anonymous said…
and Ali son of ...
Anonymous said…
understandable that she uses a Pseudonym
Anonymous said…
Fare away from Bagdad
Anonymous said…
I didn't say you were wrapped in an american flag. I said you are a blonde.
There are plenty of people in America who can't stand America. (yeah, I know, makes you wonder)

I think JR is Janice. Not sure why, I just get that impression.

In any case, I love all of you. JR, Layla, little deer and the whole stupid lot of you...(hehehe)
ok, so I haven't taken my meds today, but tomorrow, I'll want to choke you all!
Layla Anwar said…
Good Lord - this is a kindergarden and a mental asylum . Two in one.
No wonder Iraq is in the state it is in.
Anonymous said…
Layal, only Gawad knows his/her counterpart is. Like u and I.D.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the gawad,
if you spell "Lay'el" you can give even more telaviv flavor to the name!
Anonymous said…
that is the nick name for the whore of Baghdad, Got the message. The gawad could not find her enough tricks so she hired another gawad. Like I.D.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the gawad,
I'm sure you have got this message from Sharon personally ...
Anonymous said…
again, only gawad or gawada knows his or her counterpart.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the gawad,
thank you and Sharon to make this secret public ...
Anonymous said…
al menuu cha tebxa gawada bela3et al 3uwer
Anonymous said…
Anonymous the gawad,
Layla Anwar said…
Kindly spell my name correctly.
It is not layal, nor lay'el nor ariel...

Secondly, so called iraqi hurling insults. I can tell from your accent that you are nothing but a taba3eeya me3edee Ajmee...

Ya3nee Iranee.
Anonymous said…
inte klaba shermuta bent al shwar3. ma3el esef ma 3endj sherf gwada.
Layla Anwar said…
hahahahaha - khalee al sharaf eelak ya ibn muta'at Qum.
Anonymous said…
takleen hewya khara yah xhba.
Anonymous said…
well well, it looks like ms. anwar is getting back what she is dishing out. hhhhhhhhh so remember, gawada, what goes around comes around.
Anonymous said…
It was Semiramis of Babylon
Anonymous said…
yes,Universal Law of cause and effect.
Anonymous said…
interesting facts were told
Anonymous said…
and gone are the days of wine and roses
Anonymous said…
I haven't(read) heard such disgusting language since I left Iraq - adding a bit of comic relief to the depressing subject of war. By the way I am curious to know what Samira Shahbandar looks like. There are no photos of her on the internet.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Jew,
I've heard Sharon has a thick album of her photos. I'm sure he'll lend you some for some time ...
Anonymous said…
Could someone explain what 'gawad' is - feeling quite left out, although I think it may be a four-letter word???!
Anonymous said…
gawad = pimp
Anonymous said…
Gawada = pimpette
Although I never heard that one in Iraq. There are much worse insults in the above comments.

to the last anonymous:

Shahbander and Sharon = sounds like the name of a law firm.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Jews,
if Sharon won't lend you a hand (as he has too much time to watch those photos), I'm sure Olmert (as he has less time being distracted murdering the Palestinians) will satiate your desire ...
Janice is not JR
Anonymous said…
It is all in the "family".
Anonymous said…
Thanks for explaining what 'gawad' means!
Angel said…
Thsnkyou everyone, for your kind words on 'She'.

It is appreciated.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Janice said...
Janice is not JR

u dont say
Anonymous said…
"Ajam" meant non-Arab speaking group - it really initially meant one who was not eloquent in Arabic - but came to mean Persian and is sometimes used innocently and other times as more of a slur. It is also used against the Arab Shi'a by some so-called Arab nationalists to imply that they are non-Arab and indeed enemies of the Arabs.
Anonymous said…
A3jami" is a classical Arabic word and it appeared in the Quran and the Sunna. "3ijmi" is a corruption in meaning of the word "A3jami" over many centuries and political upheavals, so some Iraqis use the word "3ijmi" nowadays to refer to Iranians and Shia who are presumed to want to establish an Iran-like state in Iraq. It's meant as an insult and implies treachery to Iraq.
Anonymous said…
jr the brazen brat has decided to keep us adjourned on his progress of learning Arabic. Of course there isn't a more urgent news around ...
Anonymous said…
anon u dickhead plz dont bring arguements from another thread to here
Anonymous said…
jr the brazen brat,
as you're probably playing with the thought of also learning to write Arabic, I'd suggest you practise the sun-letters during daylight and reseve the night hours to writing the moon-letters ...
But of course you won't heed my advice, will you ...
Iraqi Mojo said…
Nobody's fool, ROFLMAO. You ARE a FOOL.
I don't post under anything but my name, very proud of who i am, thank you.
Iraqi Mojo said…
"I think JR is Janice. Not sure why, I just get that impression."

I wonder if "lady" is "NOBODY'S fool"?

Seriously, you people accusing others of being others, are quite stupid.

Jr is a bloke, Janice is a very nice girl from Oz.
Anonymous said…
Hi Barabie!
Anonymous said…
Hi there, i've just red your interesting article about the G-pass (&the very uninteresting reflections of some crazy no-ones who you did well by ignoring them!)

I agree with almost everything you wrote, the sad thing is that the poor(Yasser) who luckily made it to sewden still can never get a G-pass, neither do the some many thousands of iraqis (including me!). You should realy try (just for fun!) follow the website of the embassy in stockholm, big bad liers!! everyday new rules, i think the new iraq's policy is to make a mini sample of the minsitry of interior in every iraqi embassy around the world,
وعلى كولة اللي يكول ..رضاة الله على صدام

best regards

Anonymous said…
Hi there. Interesting post, Thnx. I am an Iraqi, working as an Engineer for a firm, I travel allot. Traveling is part of my job. I applied for the new G passport in Stockholm (travel from Norway where i work to Stockholm cost not less than 1500 USD). After i arrive, apply, I ask how long it takes, They tell me 1 YEAR!, can u believe that? told them i would loose my Job, they said (Sorry for that)!!. They gave me a letter stating that the passport takes no less than 1 year to be issued, and the funny part they spelled (The Republic of IraqI !! not Iraq, showed it to my boss, she said "and she is American" that if she did not know me, she would have thought it was forged) Came back to Norway (who declined to put my Visa on the S passport) , and asked them for a travel document till i get my passport, They said i am not on refugee status, therefore I dont get one. I read the news on the Iraqi foriegn ministry web page, and Mr.Zibari is busy welcoming and meeting foriegn officials. Get us a God damn passports first instead of wasting iraqies time and money, playing mr.Diplomat and ploitician!. Sorry if anyone gets ofended, am just pissed-off.
Anonymous said…
HI I was looking up info about Samira, you know Saddam's mistress/2nd wife. And stumbled on this page. I just want to say in defense of myself as an "educated American--that is having a post--secondary education and attending graduate school for business--that I disagree with much of the discourse regarding stereotypes mentioned here about America--which mostly seem to be fueled by personal agonies and scapegoating. How can anyone blame a whole nation for the actions of a political few. That is such as Americans blaming all Iraqis for the actions of the political powers; wen most political decisions are out of the reach of the majority. As a Roman Catholic I am confused, I thought Mohammad preached that Islam was a brother religion to that of Jesus and even Judaism, as we all have the same rooted traditions. Then why does it appear that so much hate is bled from rivalries between us. I do not kill or wish harm on any Muslim. Then why am I seen as uneducated?

In America we are very accustomed to bureaucracy and there is a saying: we're used to standing in lines. Many time sin my life I have waited all day to get a driver's license, license plates, registered for class, only to be told I did not have the proper forms, the correct qualifications...This is not some sort of sleight against a sort of person...It is bureaucracy. It is a measure of security, yes inconvenient, yet also allows for time to guarantee safety and truthful information in applications. Nothing personal. A little red tape breeds patience. And patience breeds peace. As far as the comment that America is full of psychopaths and felons...If that is so I am amazed at how one nation that allows freedoms such as speech and press, has rehabilitated such undesirables into law-abiding tax-paying citizens. I find comments that slander the foundation of America to be derogatory and "uneducated".

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