Another Crucifixion...

I did say I will not write for the coming weeks, but I have less than 24 hours left... so let me squeeze in a few lines, a few lines for the record, so you can always remember and never forget...As for us, we will never, ever forget...ever.
Why do the Zionists of this world, whether they are Americans, Israelis and crucifying children ?
Do you remember one of my earliest post, "The Crucified boy and his resurrection" ?
Since I wrote that first post, 2 years ago, many have been Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine...
Every birth is followed by a crucifixion...the same methods, the same tactics, the same Judas...
Too many stories to write...too many tragedies to recount. Over 300 Palestinian children murdered, deliberately murdered because this is the Jewish policy, to murder children. Children will grow up to throw stones and shoes and resist the bullets of their oppressors/occupiers.
Would you not ? Of course you would.
You kill for 1 gram of narcotics, for 5 dollars, for a stranger trespassing your front lawn...pathetic hypocritical losers that you are.
This Sunday, when you go to your churches, looking for Jesus and imploring him, asking for your atonement and forgiveness of sins, for your redemption, remember he is in Gaza being crucified, again and again...
You will find him in the shouts and wailing of the women, in the blue corpses of the children, in the demolished homes, in the destroyed schools, lying in a morgue awaiting will find him under dirty blankets in a non functional hospital gasping for his last will find him starving amidst blackened cadavers...or blindfolded and handcuffed and pushed down 2 floors by Israeli soldiers, and left in the street with a broken will find him tortured the same way he was tortured in Abu Ghraib...
And if you still can't find him there, look for him in the 13 mosques that have been bombed in Gaza, and you will find him prostrating on the ruins...imploring God, asking Him why he has been so abandoned.
But you do hear the "chosen ones", chosen for their criminality, barbarity and savagery, lamenting how they are "teghoghized" (terrorized) by the Aghabs (Arabs). In fact, according to Israeli opinion polls, over 91 percent of the Jews in Israel, support the Gaza carnage.
Seems like your awaited messiah can only be born from fire, ashes, blood and decomposing corpses...while the real Jesus is being crucified again in Gaza.
But you did not hear him in Iraq, why would you hear him in Gaza ?
Picture: A crucified Palestinian boy, courtesy of Uruknet.Info.
Kisses Layla...
This has caused brisk debate. Just that, a debate.
The World watches. Again, and again, and again.
Just watches, and debates. Worthless. And the children keep dying.
We really need your writing these days, too bad you will be away.
Now, about your post dear Layla, I think, if you don't mind I'll translate it and post it in my blog because it's so true and well put forward what you say that I think everyone, everywhere, should know. Much love, M.
Why is it the only the Arab and Muslim world can bear to see the crimes committed on children by the Zionists and their Western collaborators in crime? Why do the people in the West shy away from the truth of their ugly munitions?
You are so right to ask the hypocritical righteous of the West to look for Jesus in each and every bombed, sniper shot, burned body, cadaver, child's face, mother's moan, whole people's destruction. Why is the Jesus of the West not Arab in their eyes? HOw can they read the Bible and not see his Middle Easternness? Why is he a white Askenazi Jew in their eyes?
What sort of false Jesus have they made that they use him to kill children in Gaza, in Lebanon, in Iraq?
it saddens me to see that you have fallen prey to the very hatred and ignorance that fuels this war. are the innocent jewish children, filled with shrapnel from jihadist bombs worth any less? children across the world, of all faiths, are being murdered. do you really trust israeli opinion polls? the israeli citizens are victim to political corruption, those who use the deaths of israeli children as a flag of war. they are also victim to rockets fired by the extremists who use gaza's civilians as human shields. can't you see the innocent civilians on both sides are being murdered and manipulated? the solution is not more violence against children, that will only perpetuate a cycle of hate that benefits only multinational corporation. nor is the solution indiscriminate name-calling and hate-mongering. please, not every jew or christian, or westerner as you imply, is a hypocrite or murderer, many of us reach our hands out, to clasp the broken arms of our brothers and sisters and to heal together. just as the name of allah has been blasphemised, so has the name of christ. there is a difference between a hijacked israeli government, and the jewish people; please understand this. hamas has declared shar'ia; this includes crucifixion of christians. shall we scream obscenities, raise our children with hatred? no, we turn the other cheek, we pray and reach out for peace and understanding; after all, that's what these faiths really share. muslims, jews, christians, buddhists, hindus, atheists, we don't have to live in agreement, but we must live in peace and brotherhood and sisterhood if we are to defeat the true murderers, the politicians who fund and benefit from this violence.
when I saw a family of three mowed down by a drunk driver on the mainstreet of our little town in Canada. They were dead. All of them. Man woman and child. It was an obvious sort of dead. I think I have been numb for 30 years since. This little childs look brought it all back. Even worse, this was no accident. I have been openly sobbing for the better part of 10 minutes. I am glad no one is home, I am so sorry for these people. So angry too. Not an angry Im going to let go unaddressed.
Take the Lear jet that Israhell gave to reverend Jerry Falwell for his personal travel. So, Jerry becomes the puppet master for his masters in Israhell and the church people start loving the heroic baby killers of Israhell. That’s the way it works and on a higher level, who do you think pays for the prostitutes we vote for to go to Washington to represent us. Just like in civics class we learned how or representatives work to make America the greatest country on earth. Bravo Sierra!! As an example, when Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House, his new wife, not the one with cancer that he divorced while she was in the hospital, got a job working for Israhell. I believe it was something to do with real estate, but whatever, it was probably a nothing job, but it probably paid big dividends for Israhell. Again, all the jews have to do is control the members of the House and Senate and we, the masses, can all go pound salt because our voices are never heard. Write to them all you want and all you will get is a form letter thanking you for your concern. They could care less.
Now, where does Israhell get all this money to buy the Christian Judases, U.S. Senators and Representatives you might ask? They get it from the American taxpayer silly. Every year around September they get a CASH transfer for $3,000,000,000 with no strings attached. Some for Lear jets for Satans preachers, some for elected officials and maybe some for buying businesses and investing with kosher wall street wizards. It was reported that one year they didn’t need all the money and invested some of it in Treasury Notes and reaped a profit of $175,000,000. Is America a wonderful place for jews or what?”
Hamas uses children as pawns. These children are murdered because Hamas uses them as human shields. Hamas long ago decided to hide out in population centers like schools, hospitals and mosques because they need dead civilians to win the hearts of the people who supply them money.
You use your writing skills to manipulate people into believing in a lie. The lie that it is someone else's fault for the misery you bring upon yourself. You blow up the dam and then complain that you are drowning.
You are sick, twisted and above all selfish. There is no moral equivalence here. The US are the good guys. The USA has been on the side of freedom loving people since it was born. Hamas was born out of hatred and rage. Hamas, and their sponsor's goal is to wipe Israel off the map, without regard to the children. Hamas will disband when the Palestinians realize they have been "taken for a ride" by rich, selfish oil shakes, islamo-nazis, and mullahs. Hamas will disband when they realize they can do better than this for their children.
The freedoms Iraqis have were purchased with the blood of free Iraqi men. Rarely is so much owed by so many to so few. To all who hate Isreal and the USA: The example set in free Iraq has made your days numbered. People will reject hatred and death when offered freedom and life.
beautiful as always.
Zionists are very good at propaganda.
Here is the coming president of the US ( but then as a senator)OBAMA backing the coming Gaza war up!,7340,L-3572036,00.html
Just one word for it ...DISGUSTING!
What about some facts :
Hamas won the election and are forced to step down by the western world.
Hamas negotiated that they could accept Israel if the borders from 1967 were acknowledged by Israel,
but Israel started an embargo against Gaza instead.
Israel launched armory against Gazan territory before Hamas answered with quassamrockets.
Hamas is not cowardly fighting the Israeli by hiding behind their people ..the very sad fact is that there is no other
ground to fight from if they dont choose to be a sitting duck out in the desert.
And What is palestinians nonaimable rockets in comparison to the massively overhelming military power of Israel?
It is ridicolous!
Is that picture nominated for Granny awards???!!!!
The way I looked at it was a truth but...yer reply was was much more accurate while enveloping the entire stage.
You were ( and are ) correct.
Al hamdu lillah! People's hearts are waking up! Perhaps the sacrifice will not be in vain ...
You are my Hero! I love your COURAGE,INTELLIGENCE,and HEART. I am so inspired when I read your blog. Women world-wide can learn so much from from Freedom Fighters like you. Thank You for being a global voice for those who have no voice. For challenging us to search our chicken shit conscious, take a risk and speak out as well. Being a Christian does not mean condoning Israel's blatant practice of genicide against Palestinians EVER!!! So... What did Jesus say in refernce to harming the innocent? It would be better that a boulder be tied around a person's neck and be crushed to dust that to harm one of these little ones. He's talking about kids here. These murderers will stand before God and give an account for the blood shed of innocent lives. I am a believer of Christ. A Christian. YES! JESUS'S HEART IS FOR AND WITH THE PEOPLE IN GAZA WHO ARE BEING MURDERED. He does hear the cries of these people. Israel, backed by the US government must stop the genicide.
I won't spend much more time reading your garbage. But let me say this. I am against the war in Iraq--have been since the start--and I support the Palestinians in their quest for peace and end of repression from Israel. Israel has gone too far in its oppression of the Palestinians. I am also American. And what you don't seem to understand with your limited perspective is that there are millions of Americans like me that oppose U.S. transgression and imperialism. Who think that the strength of America isn't its military imposition but its benevolence and tolerance. But for you to say you hate America is ignorant. You have the right to hate America, but at least have your own reasons for it.
How much time have you spent in the United States? And, more importantly, why is it that none of your allies--other Arab and Asian nations--help you? Surely you will have some incoherent excuse for why everything in your region is America's fault. But that doesn't answer the question of why so often you don't take responsibility for what you can fix. Stop complaining and take it upon yourself to do something to stop the violence. And in case you've never read a history book, there has been turmoil in the Middle East for thousands of years; the U.S. is only 232 years old. So, how is it all of a sudden our fault? Have we ruined things? Yes. But so have Hamas and Hezbollah, and Iran and Syria and Saudi Arabia and Yemen and eveyr other country in the region that oppresses its own people using archaic religious beliefs and authoritative regimes. There is no one entity responsible for all the problems in the Middle East. And your bumbling rants don't mention that.
I don't support American interference abroad, and I make my voice heard here at home. But I also don't support blanket hostility towards my country by people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. You're just like so many bloggers: cowards who have a million opinions about a million problems and no solutions other than blaming America.
I have published your apologetic in denial, garbage, nothing new under the sun, typical american who blatantly refuses to see the crimes committed by his own folk.
What you think or don't think is unimportant. History will be your best judge.
Now please go away and write your drivel elsewhere. I've been democratic enough with you.