Hands everywhere, crazy, raving, roving, hands...
Searching hands, cuffed hands, tied hands, amputated hands, hands clapping, hands covering the face, hands denouncing, hands threatening, hands pointing, hands bleeding, hands choking, hands on the trigger, hands on the bomb push button, hands on grenades, hands choking, hands strangling, murderous, killing hands...hands...
The most formidable and the ugliest of all creations - "human" hands.
Hands down, hands up, hands off !
Hands off this Arabic body, and the hands crawl on it, relentlessly...one day in Baghdad, one day in Beirut, one day in Ramallah, one day in Gaza, one day in ...following the contours of a territory, like hands stroking a body...first lusting after it, then caressing it, then striking it and finally strangulating it...
It kicks and moves, and lies there motionless, with eyes rolled up, blank, totally blank...staring at some horizon, a hidden horizon, somewhere up there...somewhere in Death...
Hands off !
Hands that slap back. Hands that take revenge. Hands that resist...
Resisting hands...painted on red walls, or hanging there by hooks, grabbing the metal door of some prison cell, reaching out for life, or maybe lying in some street, divorced from the rest of the body, growing a life of its own, like a sprouting plant...drawing new maps, a new geography...
Resisting hands, typing hands....that will never cease...
Painting: Iraqi female artist, the late Layla Al-Attar, killed by Enemy bombs in Baghdad.