Simply Red...

I am fixated on red these days, everything I wear is bright red, not that I have many red clothes to wear...but red is everywhere. I watch it daily, blood pouring down the streets, the hospitals corridors, under the rubbles...tanks and barrels of red...everyone around me is red too, red with anger, with rage...powerlessly red. A red impotence, a red cry stuck in one's throat, a red tear frozen on the edges, on the
I see red everywhere...reminding me of the red in Baghdad, that has not abated...
The Green turns into Red, and the Red into Black...and then Red again...
How many more red gallons will it take ?
Is Arab blood so cheap ? Bring it down to less than 40 dollars a barrel ? Nah, much cheaper, it has no value and no price...let it pour, let it flow...why not, it is the "other's" blood, the other one,
The other one, hardly a name, maybe a first name and maybe a number...but not even. What does it matter ? A Mohamed, a Ali, a Zaynab, a Aisha...a woman, a child, an old man, an old woman...does not matter. It is the "Other" and it is disposable...
Finish them off ! One by one...go for it, go for can do it...they never existed in your minds to start with...
What are these screams and shouts that I hear ? They are moving, they are alive...they exist. Nah, these are only shadows, shadows of your imagination...Finish them off !
And so it is by one, country by country... until the Green turned Red and the Red turned Black and the Black turned Red again...
It is all simply very Red...and shall remain so,
And don't come and say you have not been warned...
Painting : Iraqi artist (name?): Nights of Fragments of Fire
I came across your Blog completely incidentally but I found it interesting to read your (arab) opinion about the conflict between Isreael and the people in Gaza.
The one thing I do not understand about this event - how can you blame Israel while Hamas was the first to violate the ceasefire in December, provoking a response.
Israel waited several weeks, during which Hamas was internationally requested to stop their attacs.
The current events are of course horrible but they were foreseeable. Israel couldn't just sit there and watch there cities being attacked by rockets every day.
Why doesn't Hamas want peace?
Greetings from a distant observer in Europe,
Yes, it's obvious that Arab blood is very cheap and Arab lives expendable, considering the deafening silence we are witnessing from all parts of the globe - that is, from those who are in the position to make a difference.
We're just re-living the horrors occurring in Gaza of what was/is done in Iraq - Shoeface blames the victims, as usual. How I wish the shoe had met his evil face.
Nations and hands covered in the blood of innocents because 'silence means consent' ...
In solidarity.
Cause of you!
Evern though this language doesn't suit me,
Frees me to be true!
I just appreciate your blog with a new lust. You are precious!
Ok, now the joke:
In one of the modern shopping centers of one of the "modern"city centers of a Arab country a woman is running around like her life depends on it and rushes into the public toilets. Immediately she's stopped at the door by a traditionally dressed man.
-Hey woman! What you think you're doing? This is mens toilet!!
She asks briskly:
-Well, is Muntather Al-Zaidi inside?
He is surprized:
-Of course not!
She pushes him to the side:
-Is there any other man in the Arap world?...
I'll Sing Again
Definitely country by country, but only the one's that to do tow the "world police" line.
You know it, I know it, even they know it, but don't care.
Meanwhile, innocents die.
May the red, blood soaked earth in your country return to verdant green lush with life without fear.
A lot of people are fed up here. With the hope of our world exploiting, formerly prodigal lifestyles continuing; going away, it's going to get messy here. I'll enjoy it with you as we watch what is, be no more. (I've written enough short stories about it.)
Here is the link
we also must not forget that Israel enforced a 2 years embargo and siege on Gazans where is blocked access to Land, Air and Sea. Humintarian conditions there have been realy alarming long time before the war but I guess was more busy ith Obama, Britney Spears and Brangelina
Thanks for stopping by,
Your argument is the classical rehashed one anyone hears on Western media outlets...It is a deeply nonsensical one and I shall tell you how so.
1- the current propaganda spin is that Israel is daily threatened by Hamas rockets, and thus Hamas broke the so called ceasefire.
2 - the above line of argument is ludicrous to say the least. The Israeli army is the 3rd "mightiest" in the the past months, a total of 13 israelis died from rockets, and the Palestinian side had some 3'000if not more.
3 - It is evident that the "balance of power" is totally unequal add to that the stringent embargo that a population of 1.5 million has been living under for several months now where no food, no medical supplies, no electricity, no fuel...nothing was allowed...
I can add more points, but suffice to say the argument you have put forward stands as very weak to say the least...
Nice to see you again...Thank you for your true !
I need to point something here though and I feel it is important to remind the reader - This is NOT ONLY Bush's last move before he leaves office, but it is Obama's as well...I shall explain myself.
The seeming power vacuum, or should I say the transition vacuum between the old admin and the new US one, was/is ideal for such a strike...Some will blame the old admin but who cares as the shoe is on his way out...and the new admin will argue - we were not in power yet I need to remind everyone that H.Clinton had that same strike on her agenda during her campaign...
You are correct in seeing or pointing the similiarities with Iraq. They are is the silence, maybe less so this time around...except from governments.
how strange ! Just a few posts back you relished the smell of burnt flesh...
So what color do you see now ?
Nice one ! My exact same feeling !
What you say is true...but does it stop at Arab leaders only ?
I would add an Ahmadinejad and a Khameini and a few of their proxies too...or does your name not allow you to agree to this ?
I agree, it is always innocents who die...
Thanks for your wish...
Green while the largest American embassy ever is being inaugurated in a "free" Iraq, or Green in Gaza ?
Interesting CIA operative you have...What were the arguments put forward ? And what did you learn ?
I always enjoy your biting "sense of humor", keep it up, even though I know you are not joking...
Interesting CIA operative you have...What were the arguments put forward ? And what did you learn ?
Most Americans are totally unaware of the persistent meddling into Middle East affairs conducted by the US under the guise of humaitarian aid. Most Americans are unaware that many ME "governments", such as Egypt, for example, are bought and paid for by the US...they are powerless to resist US in point, Pakistan, which will continue to endure drone attacks that kill its citizens because Pakistan is so dependent on US "aid" a drug user. Speaking of drugs, most Americans are unaware that the CIA is heavily financed by drug trafficking. Most Americans are unaware that the Palestinians held democratic elections and elected the Hamas party, and have been under embargo ever since because the US and Israel hold that Hamas is a "terrorist" organization...while Israel, which bombed the US Liberty and killed scores of Americans and attempted to blame Egypt, is not a "terrorist state"...most Americans don't even know about the US Liberty incident. MOst Americans think that the "surge" was a success, and are not told that the Americans paid the Sunni resistance to stop fighting talks, Islam walks. MOst Americans don't know about the Israeli nuclear blackmailing of America,or its total ownership of all American Congressmen...witness the current resolutions supporting the current Israeli Shoah in Palestine...Palestinians did not conduct the so-called Holocaust. If six million Jews had been killed Palestine would not be suffering today, and any people who endured a holocaust would not want to inflict it on others. Most Americans think that "God" gave Israel to the current murderers, and fail to understand that the Palestinians have every right to fire whatever they can fire at the illegal occupiers, European Ashkenazi jews who built a nation based on the deinition of clinical insanity, ie "I heard voices in my head telling me to take this land and kill every man, woman, and child, every ass and oxen, and lay fallow the ground because I AM THE CHOSEN OF GOD"...didn't work for the Son of Sam, and it won't work for IsraHell either.
I could go on, but you get my drift.
Greetings from a distant observer in Europe,
Tell you what, Lucas...I hear some voices in my head, I think it is God, and He is telling me that I should come to Europe, take your house, bulldoze it, uproot all your plants, put you to live in your doghouse if you have one, randomly kill members of your family, and feed you the shit out of my toilet. If you take some of my shit and fling it back at me in desperation I have a right to defend myself by obliterating the doghouse that you live in. I can do all this because I am THE CHOSEN ONE.
Makes sense, right?
Would you want "peace" ???
Reality check: the Palestinians have every right to fire whatever they can at the thieves who stole their country, and to not stop until they get their country back.
thanks for your answer. You made some valid points, but I still cannot think of Hamas as the victim in this conflict.
My thought on your points:
1 - Well I don't think it's just propaganda. You get to see real pictures here that prove that there actually are attacks on Israel.
2 - Of course Hamas is in no position to seriously threaten Israel, but if someone fires rockets at your country you don't just sit there - even if nobody died.
3 - Well the embargo was not put in place out of sheer invidiousness. It also was a reaction to Hamas attacks.
During the ceasefire established on 08-06-19, Israel was willing to progressively open the borders again.
In my opinion this point in time should have been the kickoff for a long lasting peace. Herein lies my point. The negotiations led to a situation, which could have ended the conflict once and for all.
But what happened instead? Hamas did let it go to waste. Even if just half of the reported attacks on Israel (with over 400 rockets and grenades since July) were reality. For me it is evident that Hamas caused the circle of violence to start again.
This is at least how things are portrayed in Europe. If you do have completely different information on this please let me know.