How to become an Outcast.

For anyone interested on how to...please check my second blog. Am sure a few Arabs can relate to it.
And will welcome comments here - on this one -from those concerned.
For newcomers, click on view profile - scroll down the page and click on Uncensored Arabwomanblues.
Am also dressed like a Samourai for any warfare eventuality.

P.S. I shall not be doing that again, if you are keen on the flip side of occupation, do check the other blog regularly.


Anonymous said…
Does your analysis of Arab societies apply to pre-war Iraq too or were there differences ?
Anonymous said…
Saddam was a male and made build statues in his own image, and yet you love him.

The guerrilla fighters are all males and rather of the conservative "type", and yet you support them.

Make up your mind, girl...
Anonymous said…
Zainab Al Kalbi and JR Mc Muppet are delighted to invite Mrs. Layla Anwar to their wedding.
Anonymous said…
At least Arab Muslim men are still able to give their contribution to the reproduction of the species.

What they fail to achieve by the sword or the pen, they do by the "third weapon" ;-)
Anonymous said…
Am, as usual, a bit rushed and would like to make some more thoughtful comments on a previous blog entry, which I will do at a later time, but, can't resist a somewhat flippant or casual remark, here, now, regarding your latest entry. Your cultural descriptions are fascinating and illuminating. One can't help contrasting and comparing. I found myself, for example, laughing, bemused when you spoke of Arab men being at the center of the universe, i.e., self-centered, as I am/was reminded of the complaints I've heard about Jewish men. I think that refers, however, mostly to Orthodox and not the reformed Jewish. Altho, probably, it permeates both categories in varying degrees. Like I said, I'm not making a "studied" remark, here. Just a casual appreciation and note. This "problem" permeates myriad cultures in varying degrees, I'm afraid, having its historical roots in patriarchy. But, on another aspect you raise, regarding a sort of trade off of alienation, existential angst versus the support network, etc., I've met many people who immigrate to the US JUST to get away from the oppressive cultural dilemma you've presented. I can understand BOTH positions. Anyway, to end on a light note. Since you enjoy Italian this and that so much, which I do, too, let's not forget food, BUT, also, in reference to your subject matter, IF you have not seen an OLD Italian movie entitled, IF I remember correctly, "The Shameless Old Lady," you really should make sure to see it, somehow. I believe, again, if I recall correctly, it MIGHT have been based on a Bertolt Brecht play. Check this out with Paola. I'm SURE she MUST be familiar with it. Or, Gabriele. It's a classic. The above, of course, is it's translated, English title. It's a FABULOUS movie related to your subject matter. And very humorous. --karlmarxwasright
Anonymous said…
Brother "T", I know it is you.

Your writing style gave you away.
Anonymous said…
I am hoping the Samurai costume was enough to save you from any warfare eventuality, cause it has been awfully quiet around here!
Anonymous said…
wow..there's a lot of truth to that post. So many societies think it's great to make the female dependent on the male, not good. You rarely find it in nature, not sure why humans think it's a good idea.

Anyone (male or female) who allows themselves to be dependent on someone else will ultimately face a harsh reality when things go sour. For the sake of survival, people need to be independent.
Layla Anwar said…

In reply to your question, I shall elaborate.
The Socialism of the Baath Party strived to break the class norms.
However "culture" and this is where my main critique of Marxism falls, because they fail to address this - has a sneaky way of resisting change.
True enough, the norms were not as rigid as in let's say Saudi Arabia or even Egypt when it came to class adherence or gender but they were there.
Of course today we have been taken back to the days even before the Iraqi monarchy. It's a bastardic form of a mixture where the norm is belonging to the right sex i.e male and the right sect i.e shia or kurd depending on where you live.
America and Britain have done a wonderful job. Don't you think ?
Layla Anwar said…
Barbara Bush,

I am sure you are an American or at best English. But I will go for American, they are known to hold a very linear thought process, are incapable of holding two thoughts that may look mutually exclusive but are not, and easily fall into black and white being inconstitutionally capable of finding gray. This is called in popular jargon rigid infantile feeble thinking.
I am sure this will provide you with enough food for thought (another oxymoron in your case) to ponder upon . At least am hoping.
Layla Anwar said…

Oh how could I have forgotten the third way? The inbuilt Radars of the Arab male, comes in handy for rape too don't you think ? But then that is a typical male weapon regardless of nationality. Kindly find a fourth weapon distinct to the Arab man.
Layla Anwar said…

Will check about the movie. I am a Brecht fan.
On another note, you mention that some emigrate to the US to run away from the oppressive culture. I have met immigrants from Arab culture who are so alienated and out of place after years of living in the West that they constitute the bulk of mental health patients.

I don't live in the US but I have known Europe and strangely Europe does not fare any better when it comes to cultural oppression.

I think that cultural oppression exists EVERYWHERE, it just has different colorings.

Of course in both cases, if you tow the line or the norm, you are spared...

P.S Jewish mothers are the worse of the semitic lot. Reformed or Orthodox. There is a popular joke that says that a jewish mother is very proud that her son has been in psychoanalysis for decades - at least "he speaks about me" she says.
Layla Anwar said…

The only T I know is Iraqi Tea which I drink by the gallons.
If you insist on calling me with siblings terms do call me Sister L.
Short of that, what I suggested before still holds true - a visit to the shrink is in order - Pronto.
Layla Anwar said…

There is dependent, independent, autonomous and interdependent.
I prefer the last two.
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Aris,

Not anymore dear.
Layla Anwar said…
Wedding card,

I think JR deserves someone slightly better than Zainab the kalbi...hahahahahahaha.
Anonymous said…
JR converted to Persian-style Shiism to marry Zainab.

It seems that The Grand Mojo Himself is behind this union.
Anonymous said…
"But then that is a typical male weapon regardless of nationality."

This is statistically untrue, Arab Muslims reproduce themselves much more than Westerners.

And when I speak of demographics as the "third weapon", I don't mean of the males against their females but of the oppressed populations against the oppressing ones, as is happening, for example, in Britain or the so-called "Israel".

Of course it's you women who give birth, but then the human species does not perpetuate itself by parthenogenesis, so let's give your men their part of credit at least for the scientifically certain fact that both the Arab race and the Muslim faith will soon be the majority in most regions of our world - what is called a "bloodless revolution".
Layla Anwar said…

The *grand* mojo is the epitomy of Anti-Eros, he reminds me of Sistani. Enough to make to make all men limp for life and women as cold as antarctica...hahahahaha
But Zainab deserves a grand mojo for sure. hahahahaha.
Layla Anwar said…
a super duper grand mojo that is...Maybe Iraqi mojo will have to search for his in between the folds...hahahahahahaha.
Ok am a bitch. tell me something I don't know.
Layla Anwar said…

I guess seeing we are on our way to extermination and that Iraqi men have become a rare exctint species, I suggest you patent your theory and distribute it widely condom free.
Anonymous said…
"However culture, and this is where my main critique of Marxism falls, because they fail to address this - has a sneaky way of resisting change."

Socialism takes lots of goodwill and patience; evidently most of your fellow-countrymen had neither, since the invasion alone was enough to make them fall back on their so comfortable and reassuring old tribal/racial/religious mindset (what a shame).

By the way, Baath rejected Marx and his Westernocentric vision, presenting itself as deeply astute, insightful, specially devised Arab formula which addressed the political, social, economic, and also cultural problems peculiar to the Arab reality at the root, and offered not "magical", but concrete and lasting solutions; but then again, maybe it was/is too hard to follow for most of the "Oriental" day-dreaming lazybones ;-)
Anonymous said…
"tell me something I don't know."

Barabie is in love with you.
Layla Anwar said…

Am no Sappho. And have never visited Lesbos either...
Zainab is in love with me. Barabie is too...Bloody hell, I prefer the the Iraqi purgatory.

Time to call the grand mojo for a Barabie, Zainab , Mojo, threesome.
The psycho club...

Layla Anwar said…

What a shame for your accute lopsided vision.

5 years of National Identity erosion, coupled with 4 external influence both direct and physical Israel, US, GB and Iran...
Coupled with mass killings and mass ethnic cleansing...
Coupled with destitution, no income, disease, contamination by DU, no jobs, no water and no electricity and I can continue...if you promise to remove those stupid racist blinkers from your eyes...

Maybe you also need to ask yourself the question o' wise one, how come that with 35 years of Baathist rule, the national identity was so easily eroded...

Oh yes, I remember, the lazybones orientals that managed to fix everything when your likes were sitting on their big fat asses in the West during 13 years of sanctions ;-)
Anonymous said…
So you can criticize your fellow-Arabs as much as you like, but when a (supposed) foreigner dares do the same you turn into their fierce unconditional defender ?

Simply adorable. That's what I wanted to hear ;-)

My apologies for the provocative words and all my, our admiration.

See you soon, beautiful one :-)

Anonymous said…
"Am no Sappho"

Of course you are not, since you are a MAN, and a psycho posing as his dead sister Layla to boot.
Anonymous said…
JR has made his final decision: he will marry his beloved Zainab and have many little "kalbs" with her :-)

As for the Grand Mojo, he has been carrying on a very boring, squalid secret relationship with Iraqi Jew for quite a few years, so he is now looking for a suitable muta'a bride to "spice" things up, preferably of Arab blood...

Are you available ? ;-)
Anonymous said…
Oh, good, you're still alive!
I'm not sure if what you're saying can just be narrowed down to Arab men. I'm afraid, it's the upbringing, that is mothers, don't know what they breast-feed them to make'em so gross.
Every man should be in touch with his feminine side, and vice versa. And I'm not saying to the extreme of being gay.
One other I would really like to know, cause you say 'First, there was the Ottoman Empire......surely, it wasn't this bad?! I sincerely would like to know.
Layla Anwar said…

"Our admiration"? How many are you?
A whole party?
Layla Anwar said…

Am sure with your "rudimentary" command of the Arabic language you qualify . After all Sistani's and Iraqi jew's Arabic is as rudimentary as yours.

Good Arab breed stays away from filthy garbage ;-)
Layla Anwar said…

hahahahahahaha, you are nuts.

Ok you win. Am a man who wears a bra and has long hair and loves Italian shoes and likes dresses but wears thick tights to cover my hairy legs...

Would you like a pair of my shoes on your head by any chance?
That should help you with your paranoid episodes.
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Aris,

I am not that old and did not live through the Ottoman empire or should I say survived it...
From what I was told it was not exactly a Fiesta either...
After all, occupation is occupation or do you have some other view point?

As for men in touch with their feminine side, how lovely- where can they be found?
Iraqi Mojo said…
Wlak kess emak psycho, you stupid fucking moronic dumb divorced dumped ho.

You just can't get me out of your head, can you.

I forgot about you tho, real easy.
Again, kess emak wa em abouki ya bint sharmouta.
Anonymous said…
"Am sure with your rudimentary command of the Arabic language you qualify."

That was JR's pseudo-Arabic, not mine: "sellout kalbs" was one of his most frequent surrealistic expressions.

You did know it but wanted to say something unpleasant to me at any cost, God only knows why.

And to think that I was trying to make you smile :-(
Anonymous said…
That's a shame, I mean what you were told. I was told differently. Looked different too, I thought.
Anyway, that doesn't help the situation now.
Where those men can be found??!! It's a bit late for us but, we'll have to grow them for future generations!
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Aris,

Too late for us? Why is that? Are you 99 years old or something?
Layla Anwar said…
Brabie the drunken cow is back.
Hey welcome back you psychotic retard. A bit early for boozing don't you think? Or did you escape from the nuthouse again?
Piece of crap that you are.
Layla Anwar said…

I hope you have learned your lesson in "good humor" for next time.
Anonymous said…
Then why in the world did you let me assume you were a man throughout our private correspondence ???
Anonymous said…
"I hope you have learned your lesson in good humor for next time."

Am not your pupil and you're not my teacher.

For goodness' sake, stop drinking vinegar from the bottle, it won't help you slim and only damages your stomach and mood.

Eat plenty of dates instead ;-)
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

"How many are you ?"

Quality, not quantity, is what counts now.

We are sworn to the service of the resisting people of Iraq against the triple US/Iranian/Zionist occupation - that's all you need to know.

Numbers have become irrelevant, and dare I say, fewer but passionately dedicated is far better than crowds of but lukewarm...

Salam again.
Anonymous said…
Iraqi Mojo has one of the best blogs out there. Your slurs regarding him are inappropriate and beneath you.

Iraqi Mojo loves Iraq and Iraqis. Love Iraqis. Love will set you free.
Anonymous said…
No, I'm 50, but I feel 99 sometimes, cause I'm a farmer, that must be why I said grow, instead of raise earlier. Silly me!
I want my daughter to grow up to be a good woman and a good mother, and a very good Samurai, if need be! And I'm hoping a good mother is raising her life's companion, right this moment.İnşallah!
Anonymous said…
Oh no you didn't forget about Layla you dumb fucking whore (Barabie) you talk, blog about her all the time, you obsessive little cunt. Layla is right you are a retard, only a retard would be banned and told to get the hell off so many blogs and would still show her ugly face and post her ridiculous comments. Barabie, get some goddamn dignity you stupid. sloppy, drunk bitch.
Anonymous said…
"Good Arab breed stays away from filthy garbage."

Try to refrain from speaking of your people as if they were horses.

There is no such thing as pure or impure blood in humankind, only pure or impure SOULS...
Anonymous said…
laylaaaaaaa! come back to me, habibateeeee! i miss youuuuuuu! my degrees are meaningless without youuuuuuuu! my blog is sad and empty without youuuuuu! i even lost my appetite for fried eggplants since you've gooooooone! please come back and make me sooooooo angry again!
Layla Anwar said…

you're another psychotic fuckhead. I have never corresponded with you. Damn. Will Layla's brother come forth please.
Layla Anwar said…

The day you refine your "sense of Humor" I will engage you, until then you are to sit like a good "thing" and listen to me preaching to you just like a teacher to a pupil. Mind you, you need to be grateful, I usually discard Rubbish.
Layla Anwar said…
Asa'ad Abu Khalil,

Over your dead body.
Layla Anwar said…

Spare me your politically correct jargon. Horses are wonderful animals on both a real and symbolic level. You ought to learn a few things from Horses and gallop along...
Layla Anwar said…
Nur Aris,

AM SURE you are a GREAT Mother.
And you are not 99, you are a wonderful 50.
Layla Anwar said…

OK, I will join or wait...maybe am already a member.
Anonymous said…
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iraqi Mojo said…
"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

You go dictator.
kess emak
Layla Anwar said…
barabie you stupid cunt,

It's kiss emeek not emaak.
Layla Anwar said…
Hey Iraqi democrat,

Welcome back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have sorted out or at least neutralized those with a chip on their shoulders...
Anonymous said…

That was not politically correct jargon; if anything it was "scientifically correct" jargon ;-)

"Pure blood", "superior races", "chosen peoples", are nothing but colonialism-serving Nazi or Zionazi FAIRY TALES.

You yourself recognize that Iraq's greatness lied precisely in its being a vivacious and yet harmonious MOSAIC of ethnic and religious colors.

By the way, horses are surely wonderful creatures and nobler than most men...too bad that they are NOT AWARE of it ;-)
Anonymous said…


Anonymous said…
"Mind you, you need to be grateful, I usually discard Rubbish."

What has this poor servant done to deserve such a honor and privilege, o gracious queen ? :-)
Anonymous said…
'P.S Jewish mothers are the worse of the semitic lot. Reformed or Orthodox.'

I can believe that you are an authority on Arab men and their appendages - but what makes you an authority on Jewish mothers other than stereotypes generated by Jewish comedians from the fifties and sixties?

Why don't you stick to what you know and what you so eloquently write about - such as the tragedy happening in Iraq as we speak?
Anonymous said…
Another QUICK comment. Culture, in any other name, i.e, the "superstructure," whether or not one uses the vernacular, "Marxist" terms, ALWAYS lags behind. It takes at least one or two generations for things to really change. As for people going to the "West," returning, and needing pyschiatric care, I can fully appreciate why. I am NOT an advocate for people emigrating to the "West." On the contrary. Just the opposite. But, they do, for one reason or another, one of them being, from what THEY say, apparently, the case of being more "liberated," personally, from the "culutral norms" you've described, above. I'm going to take this opportunity to say something else, my own personal tribute to, I believe, if I recall her name properly, Margaret Hassan, who was amongst the initial set of people held hostage on TV in Iraq, I assume, for ransom. Or, some other motive? If anybody reading this recalls her and the events that transpired, the reason I am personally noting her, is, that, she was from the "West," had lived in Iraq quite a long time and SAID she loved Iraq--she had voluntarily stayed and married and loved the country. I identified very strongly with her, and felt, there but for the Grace of God, could I have been her. So, I think the flip side of what you're saying could be identified by someone like Margaret Hassan, and, I can completely understand WHY, what motivated her. I'm NOT belittling anyone else's death--but--simply--that her death FOR ME was so tragic and personal, as an Italian opera, as her lover, which was her adopted country, ultimately killed her as a consequence of the actions of the country, the "West" she initially left and rejected. As they say, there is no where in the world left to hide. "They" come for you everywhere, anywhere, at all times.--karlmarxwasright, again, alas.
Layla Anwar said…
iraqi jewish mother,

stop being so neurotic like all jews are. try to be exceptional in something if you can...
Anonymous said…
Layla I really don't think you have met or known any Jewish person. Your last comments reflected the opinions of Jackie Mason and Rodney Dngerfield. Now it's Woody Allen. Are there no Jewish people where you live? Maybe you should get to know some and then form your opinions.

As far as being exceptional - not interested. I'm more interested in being an ordinary decent human being.

You are exceptional and I really enjoy your writing style. Too bad the subject matter is so depressing.
Anonymous said…
Haha, Jews just can't but show that they're Jews: the most barbaric tribe that has ever existed in the world. Btw, I know some Jews that are "ordinary decent human beings", but they don't call themselves Jews, they call themselves ExJews...
Anonymous said…
To the last anonymous:

'Haha, Jews just can't but show that they're Jews: the most barbaric tribe that has ever existed in the world...'

How many Muslims are being killed today and every day all over the world by other Muslims??
Anonymous said…
Typical zionazi spin. It just shows the barbarity of the "proud Jews" (aka zionazi barbarians), those who are proud to be the most barbaric tribe in the world ...
Anonymous said…
Really anonymous? Is it really spin? Where do you live - most likely in a hole.
Are you not aware of Muslims barbarically killing Muslims on a daily basis just about everywhere in the world?

Do your Math. Or maybe you could get some help from one of the scores of Jewish Nobel Prize winning scientists to assist you in some calculations?

How is this a 'Zionazi (ho hum)' spin? Are they making it up?

If they are then they are smarter than I thought - what a great propaganda coup. Idiot!!
Anonymous said…
Just another typical product of a mental castrato zionazi brain ...

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