Drink It.

I read a piece of news that left me aghast.

Seems that H.M King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is currently on a visit in Terra Helvetica i.e Geneva, Switzerland.

The article states that H.M and his entourage/fleet spend an average of 800'000 Swiss Francs a day just for Hotel logdings (am not sure how much that is in $$$ but It must be over half a million Dollars a day). This sum does not include food and shopping, of course.

The article then says that Saudi Arabia produces aprox.10 million barrels of oil per day and the total daily revenue from such a production amounts to 980 million $ a day.

The biggest share of the oil is pumped from the "Ghawar" reserve which according to "experts" is nearly dry...

This leaves oil experts speculating on "peak oil" (whatever this means) and makes them wonder where the rest of the oil is produced from...
"Are the Saudis hiding something we don't know..." inquire the "experts."

Of course, this amount of dough poured in daily coupled with such an extravagant lifestyle by the "Royal Family," explain why the Saudis are not exactly the avant-gardists of Arab Nationalism or anti-Imperialist Arab Solidarity.

And that also explains the repugnant Saudi's (and other Gulf countries in particular the beduin monarchy of Kuwait) direct and indirect role in the tragic destruction of my beloved Iraq.

I have mentioned on numerous occasions and in nearly every single post I've written, Iran's nefarious role in the Iraqi tragedy. I have also touched upon the Gulf complicity in the total devastation of what was a sovereign country.

When the fascist, lunatic Khomeini came to power, his sole agenda was 1) regime change in Iraq and 2) export the "Revolution" to other Arab countries under the pretext of liberating Palestine.

For Khomeini and subsequent Iranian leaders, their "road to Jerusalem" passed through Baghdad, Kuwait City, Al Khobar, Manama, Beirut, Damascus...

Of course not one bullet was fired in the direction of Israel by our Persian"God's warriors." Iran had and has NO intention of liberating anything.

Iran's plan is and has been all along and will continue if not stopped by the Arabs, to spread its old dream of territorial expansion, thus reviving the secret wish of nearly every Iranian - Bring back Korosh out the ashes. Yes, the Persian Empire cloaked in political Shi'ism.

The Persian threat is not a threat of Shi'ism versus Sunnism. It's the threat of Persian aspirations versus Arab Independence. A big difference.

Iran has and will continue exploiting those sectarian differences with the sole aim of reviving its ancient dream...The Persian Empire,plus of course, all the benefits that a regional superpower entail...

It is with this correct understanding that Iraq deterred the Iranian threat through a bloody war, initially instigated by Iran through continuous attacks on Iraqi borders... An 8 year war that resulted in a million Iraqis dead and an economy in shambles.

The Persian empire's main enemy is not Israel as so many idiots believe, but a nationalist, patriotic, strong, independent, secular, progressive, anti imperialist, Arab country. And that was Iraq.

Iraq thwarted the Iranian ambitions to protect itself first and protect other Arab countries as a consequence.

Saddam Hussein intimately understood that Iraq is indeed the backbone of the Arab world. Protecting Iraq would mean protecting other Arab countries. One of these countries was Saudi Arabia.

He did not engage in a war to protect the Gulf monarchies as some like to repeat like moronic parrots. That is nonsense and denotes a faulty understanding of regional and international politics.

The war with Iran was not about safeguarding Monarchies. The war with Iran was about safeguarding ARAB Identity and Independence.

And yes, preserving Arab Identity is an absolute must, more so today than at any other time.

If you read the contemporary history of the Middle East/Arab World, you will understand how imperative keeping the Arab identity is.
If you force yourself to remember that even though Islam is a universal religion, it was nonetheless revealed in Arabic -- you will understand even more...
And if you remind yourself of another basic fact- that there are two major Semitic rival/bad cousins tribes, left around-- the Jews and the Arab Muslims, you will understand even further...

By neutralizing, nay, destroying Iraq, the model of an independent, sovereign, rich, educated, anti imperialistic, progressive, secular Arab country -- America, Iran and Israel are now able to realize their full political, economic and ideological ambitions.

And again, don't you ever forget that it was the American Zionists, who brought Iran right into the heart of Baghdad. And BOTH lynched Iraq's legitimate President, Martyr and HERO Saddam Hussein.

The proof? All the Arabs are running to the U.S for their protection from the "Iranian threat." Iraq was indeed the Buffer - the sacrificial Lamb.

Saudi Arabia, even went as far as to "offer Iran" enriched Uranium.(article here)

And this is exactly what America and the Zionist Jews wanted all along.

Bring Arabs, to their knees -- secularists, islamists, monarchs and paupers alike...
Arabs will have to be dominated -- ruled by an iron fist, especially that they are historically known to be the most unruly people around.

And Saudi Arabia being what it is -- can only but cower like the faithful dog that it is.

Neutralize Iraq and play along...

Don't you ever forget this basic truth. Iraq is the backbone of the Arab world. Now make your analysis based on that fact and you will be able to assess events more accurately and even predict what happens next...

Back to Saudi Arabia...

If what the oil "experts" say is true and that the major oil reserve "Ghawar" in Saudi Arabia is indeed drying up--and that the barrel of oil will be reaching 100$, then it makes total sense to destroy Iraq, who happens to be the second largest oil reserve in the world with the best quality of crude.

And it also makes perfect sense to use vicious Iran who played along -- to divide and fragment that second largest reserve in the world.

And just as it so happens, the North of Iraq, with its Kirkuk oil wells has fallen under the vile Zionist Kurds control. And the South of Iraq with its wealth of oil, has fallen under the equally vile sectarian Shia militias from Iran.

And Saddam Hussein, the visionary said it all along,

"The country that will have the greatest influence in the region through the Arab Gulf and its oil will maintain its superiority as a superpower without an equal to compete with it. This means that if the Gulf people, along with all Arabs, are not careful, the Arab Gulf region will be governed by the United States’ will. If the Arabs are not alerted and the weakness persists, the situation could develop to the extent desired by the United States; that is, it would fix the amount of oil and gas produced in each country and sold to this or that country in the world."
(full article here)

I have news for you and hear it from an Iraqi, Arab Woman.

The Arab world will NEVER recover from this one.

And you Saudi Arabia, will follow in our footsteps shortly...

And if the Arab world does recover, it will ONLY be through the healing touch that will emanate from Iraq again...

Until then, no amounts of cash, fleet of servants or banks accounts will save you.

And while you are drinking the revenues of your oil away or spending it on Moroccan and Russian hookers, or on Casino tables in Monte Carlo...
Or entertaining jet set models with diamond rings, or decorating your private jets and bathrooms in solid gold handles and taps...
Remember you have sold us for the cheapest of prices and that you are indeed drinking our blood mixed with your fine Chivas Regal.

And while you fill your suite's bathtub at the London Ritz with champagne and invite a two cent worth, warty English hooker to soak in it...
And while you are purchasing the latest 24 carat Rolex or Cartier watch from Geneva's finest boutiques...


Remember that you are holding on to dear Life, being the impotent, degenerate, decadent country that you are...Keep holding on tight for it shall not last.

The rope is breaking fast.

You can run left and right with your robes pulled up in between your teeth, it will not change a thing.

You can make offers to Israel, Iran or the Devil himself...
You can stone all you like but this will never change the fact that your days are counted and that you will be ending up stoned yourself --stoned to death.

Not that you really cared in the first place, but do not be surprised to see the Jews and the Persians circling around the Kaa'ba in the name of their forefathers instead of the name of Allah.

And while you keep indulging in the opulent luxury, drowning in black gold...
Remember that the second largest reserve in the world, Iraq, is importing its fuel from Iran.

And when we turn the taps on, we see no Oil.

And when we turn the taps on, we see no Water either...

And while you scratch your balls, eyeing the next hooker, filling your empty heads and bellies with first class Brut Champagne or some dark vintage Bordeaux...

We turn the taps and see nothing but dark red...nothing but dark red Blood- Ours.

So drink it...

Drink your oil, drink your champagne, wine and whiskey...

Drink it, till you satiate, bulge even more and explode.

Drink it, for you shall not be drinking for long.

P.S: I need to be "fair" here.
Am sure other tycoons and heads of state spend as much, when touring...Except they do it more discreetly.
And in all fairness, I also have to say that the West is obsessed with Arab's fortune and wealth. Even though they are not the only billionaires around and definitely do not make it to the top 5 of the Forbes list. Bill Gates still comes out first...
But the West, so typical of the West, hates Arabs and yet when it comes to their wealth, they are like sniveling dogs -- with no dignity and no principles.
And so typical of the West, they believe, only they, are entitled to anything...
So when you read the above text, do not forget, that "civilized" (hahahaha) Westerners are not spared either...

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Yaqeen Al-Dulaimi.


Anonymous said…
i see now that you are a baathist, at least that's how your articles make you sound.

few questions for you if i may ask

1 - what happened to the baathist army, they did not fight! cowards?
2 - what happened to the baathist leaders including Saddam? why was he hiding in a rat's hole?
3 - what about the rumor that he accepted a deal to flea with a billion US dollars to some Arab host country?
4 - why did he just grow his beard after he got caught and ever since stop wearing his tie?
5 - what about his love for western culture and his 3 piece suits? i always found that sickening!
6 - what about the stupidity of invading Kuwait! as much as we despise the kuwaiti gov and servants! it was a trap, that he STUPIDLY fell in to.
7 - why did he never read the Quran before?
8 - what happened to mr. "3looj" looooool!

what a bunch of baathist jokers! losers! cowards! alcoholists! womanizers! drug dealers! real evil doers! ITFOOOOOOOOO on the best of them

they are responsible for the destruction of beloved Iraq! they are the ones to blame! WA ISLAMA!

if only they did not look up to the suits and ties, and wore their Islamic dress and held the Quran and grew their beards!


why did not Saddam embarass the Americans in court when he had a chance to reveal some secrets? instead of just acting like a clown and pointing his finger and blah blah! Wa Islama!

he was full of himself and full of shit! his Arabism is pure ignorance! what did he do to Arabism? besides bring it humliation! is Arabism by cheap talk?

also, for all the "free" health care and education you mentioned, BIG DEAL! it's not like he paid for it from his own pocket! or his own sweat! he was put in power by the Americans and that's a fact! the oil money belongs to the Iraqi Muslims!

what's the difference between him and the Saudi stooge, custodian??? did the slave custodian pay for the upkeeping of the 2 holy places from his father's money??? or is it oil money?

plz stop defending these stooges and stop parroting their slogans, we are sick and tired of these fakes!

in 91, we kept waiting and waiting for rockets to land in the zionists heads, but we got NOTHING!
then again in 2000 we waited for the "mother of all wars" LOOOL

what a sick madman of a small coward he turned out to be. A LION to his brothers a pimp to his "enemies"

i only defend Saddam when i speak to the non-Muslims just to make a point, but in my heart i know he's a pimp! ITFOOOOOOOOOOO

i will never forget him, i'm sure neither were the Muslims that were tortured in his jails! Wa Islama!

but i will also never forget al-Sawwaf (was that his name?) what a clown! what happened to the rest of the clowns? taha ramadan, tariq azis, and the blondie who had a dirty tongue, well all of them had dirty tongues, ITFOOOOOOO
Layla Anwar said…
abu zeft,

Seems you are very well placed to speak of Jihad, sitting in Amerikkka -- tell me, will you liberate it from your computer ya Gawad?

Am not done with you yet, you piece of junk...

Seems also that Iran via Hamas --
Hamas that was financed, funded, and armed by the Mossad in its beginnings has been able to reach your pockets too...

Plus +++

If you measure people by what they wear, then I must assume you are in the forefront...not sitting in the USA ya Gawad preaching Islamic Jihad.
Anonymous said…
The flag pole that is up Lisa's butt, the one you refer to in "Family Tree", is deep inside the anuses of the al-Saud and al-Sabah families as you know all too well. Let us hope these pigs continue to bloat and one day explode and get soaked in their own smelly feces---including Lisa's sister-in-law, the now all grown up Nijirah al-Sabah, aka "Nurse Nayirah". Please excuse if pigs are considered more evolved than dogs in Arabic. My knowledge of Arabic cuss words in limited and I await your enlightenment
Anonymous said…
I hope Iraq will be freed of the oil baroons came from USA, Iran, and Jews, and Iraq will be the leader for Arabs again.

Thank you for this great Article sister!
Anonymous said…
layla, why do you have to use such dirty language? you give a bad name to iraqis. i do have many iraqi friends and unfortunately they all talk like you do, and their girls sleep around freely. plz answer the questions and clean your tongue. i think you don't realize how stupid you sound when you accuse hamas of this!
Anonymous said…
abu gawad is obsessed by his abnormally small dick, so he tries to compensate by growing a looooooooooong beard and giving others loooooooooooong boring lectures.
G.Gar said…
Dear Layla,

This article is a master piece. I ask all readers of the blog to proagate it as much as they can all over the blogsphere.
Layla Anwar said…
Thanks Amre, that is kind.

Maybe you need to point it out to Abu Zeft el teen al Zebaleh, called Abu Jihad.
His beard has grown inwards up in his brains rather than on his face.
Anonymous said…
typical losers, when you cannot answer the questions, you resort to cussing. do you think i cannot hide behind a computer and use this language like you do. do you think you're tough? on the contrary this shows how small you are, you just good at blaming others w/o looking into the mirror. your leader was hiding in a rat's hole! have you ever seen his white suits and white shoes?
did it make him feel big to have ppl fear him? i wonder how he's doing now? do you think he is comfortable in his grave? its a shame in his last days he did not carry with him baathist literature or a baathist flag but he had to carry the Quran! also i liked his attempt to gather sympathy from us by putting an islamic twist to his flag. yes a real islamic guy, high morals! CIA puppet, they stabbed him in the back. when he realized they no longer needed him and were about to remove him, he started playing the hero. itfoo, the "mother of all cowards"

what happened to all this technology? what happened to all the rockets???????

i hate to use the shiites as an example, but look at what a few guerillas did to the zionists in lebanon! look at the boat they sunk in the mediteranean! look at what vietnamese did! what did he do?

FYI, saddam was always in a hole, not just after the invasion, he was always in a hole from day one, for the idiots they saw him as a free powerful man, but he himself knew his reality, that he was a small man. i can't get over his white suit and white shoes, reminds me of the old egyptian movies. do you recall what was his favorite brand of wine? his 2 sons were very moral too! ITFOO on the baathists, in iraq and in syria and thier supporters! itfoo

but i really do miss, al sahhaf! he was an entertainer, we had our hopes up, we believed him. we were waiting for the "mother of all wars" we were waiting on a rain of rockets to hit tel aviv! even hizbullah did this!!!!!!!!!!

what did he do with them? he couldn't even launch a few lousy rockets???? he was just good and torture chambers and waving his dirty hand to the crowd and putting fear into his people! itfoo

ya aba 3daya ma akzarak! ya aba 3uday ma az3'arak! itfoo

he thought he would be smarter than the shah! this poor excuse for an Arab! he brought shame to arabism!

i can go on and on, but the more i talk about this coward the more i remember his face, ......and the images of him walking to his people and they kissing his hand. itfooo

by the way, do you see any president of the most powerful country on earth have his picture all over the country? itfoo on their ugly faces one by one, itfoo
Anonymous said…
Here is what will happen in Saudi Arabia....
By the time females are allowed to drive, the oil will run out. It will be seen as a curse from allah and wham....females are blamed and sent back to the closet.
Anonymous said…
did Saddam's beard grow inward to? i wish he had grown his beard before the fall of Iraq!!!!!!!!!


wahid sarsari!

yalla maykhalif maykhalif
khosh tartour, khosh tartour
Anonymous said…
I don't give a damn if "Layla Anwar" is real or fictitious, female or male, one or many, Iraqi or Westerner.

Whoever is out there, is speaking the Truth.

This is enough for me.
G.Gar said…
Hamas is is a disgrace to Islam. Islam spread throught half the globe in no time, mainly because of the integrity and ethical puriy of the first Muslims. remember Abou Zeft that Sadam used to give the familly of each Palestinian killed by Israelians $25,000. Remebr that Sadam refused to give up the Palestinians after his war with Khomeinists. Rember that Palestinians in Iraq were priviliged, to the extent that they aroused jealousy of Iraqis.

So, that how you think you are returning the favour! you sleep in the beds of Khomeinists like whores! and condemn the ma who has got upper hands over you.
Anonymous said…
What happened to Little Deer, Diana, Hala, Iraqi Democrat, Maitreya, JR's Psychiatrist, Fatima, TOT, etc. ???
Anonymous said…
ya amre, you are not a man by using such language. do you think i cannot use the same?

you are parroting what the jews say, hamas ofcourse is against iran and against shia's as much as they are against any tyranny against innocents.

FYI, only $1k US reaches the families of the martyrs, not all even hamas ofcourse, includes people who are "martyrs" but don't even pray! the sulta takes the rest, and abu 3uday knew that! all but a publicity stunt! do not forget that hafez al asad was the best at arabism, see what he did to the sunnis of Hama! his "own people" why didn't US get upset then :-) he killed 30k of his own people!

anyway, if you use such language you surely cannot be a good Muslim. how can your tongue be dirty and that same tongue in a few minutes go and pray! lets not kid ourselves. go make istighfar and repent and act like a Muslim.

we all know how generous saddam was to palestinians, like i told you its not his fathers money! he was handed it over by the CIA to begin with, the money belongs to Iraqi's Muslims. anybody uses Palestine cause to champion himself among the Arab people. even Bush started this when he said he supports a palestinian state! so should we now thank bush? or should we thank kuwaitis! they were the most adment supporters of palestinians for 30 years! palestinians were more honored in kuwait than any other arab country. itfoo on the sabbah families as itfoo on the hussein's from iraq to jordan! and a big itfoo on al-saud! and the mubaraks and the arab kharazais!

wake up and stop blind stupidity!
Anonymous said…
i found this on your blog amre!
FYI i just deleted all the things i wrote to you out of respect to myself! i hope layla reads this and sees the lowlessness in this answer! i wonder if saddam is in "baath" right now at this moment! or is the "baath" at a later date? or maybe we should ask the scholars! as for me, i already did enough "baath" about you to know what kind of "man" you are. may you enjoy your meeting with "baqara" and maybe you will be lucky enough to meet his pimp son! and maybe you can get your carbon business off the ground and build you a nice villa by the pyramids!

"What would you do if are alone with president Moubarak in one room?

I would be very proud that I'm sitting with a president of a country."
Anonymous said…
our repressed brother abu kharra is djjjjealouuuuusssssssss of saddam hussein's genius and charisma...and also of the fact that this latter needed not to wear a looooooooooooooooooong beard in order to feel like a man (lol), but only started growing a short one after his sons got killed as a sign of mourning...
Alan the Red said…
Hey see, you just needed a little encouragement to get you going again. Now if I had been nice to you, would would be still watching that spider.

Now that was great going. Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
I wonder what kind of zoo this zionazizized ameriKKKan baboon called abu jihad lives in ...
Anonymous said…
"I can't get over his white suite and white shoes"

Someone please give "Abu Jihad" a lift to the nearest nuthouse.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I am sure the occupiers of your land will greatly appreciate this article, just in case if you are really a Palestinian.
Anonymous said…
Dear Layla,

I have commented before on your blog. I am an Iranian and as such very much saddened by the plight of Iraqi people. I don't agree with your analysis in regards to Saddam: I think he was a ruthless dictator and if he would have treated his own people and his neighbours better, all this would not have happened. However, I think Saddam was 100 times better than what is going on right now in Iraq.

I also disagree with you assertion that Iran started the war, it is univocally accepted that Saddam started the war. As a matter of fact, on the very first night of the bombing of the Mahabad Airport, I was asleep a mere two miles from the place the bomb hit. Saddam was shown tearing up the Algiers Agreement on TV the next day.

I agree with you that the conflict was prolonged unnecessarily because of refusal of Mr. Khomeini to accept the rather good terms in 1984. Old stories are old stories, we should look to the future despite the bleak present state of affairs in the Middle East.

Dear Layla, when you look around you in the M.E., you see only poverty, oppression, sadness and death. Most of it is brought upon us by outsiders but it is our fault for allowing them to do this. The only way to twart the enemies plots is to stop blaming eachother as we fear the genocidal maniac Bush more than we fear the weak near tyrants.

Once we develop the ability to see the conflict from eachothers point of view, the necessity of conflict itself is undermined. If we learn eachother languages and cultures first and communicate on a human level, then the need to use the language of the outsider to learn from our neighbours dimishes thus diminishing the stranghold of the occupier on all of us.

Persian Gulf is as little Persian as it is Arabic, it is mostly Occupied Gulf. We have to learn from the European conflicts of the 20th century: once they understood that they are all in the same boat, the English got kicked out of the European power relationships. Truely, Mitterand and Kohl holding hands on D-Day in Normandy is the monumental success of empathic approach. The Europeans learned this the hard way, after murdering 200.000.000 million souls and thus depopulating themselves. We have the chance of learning this faster now.
Anonymous said…
la tanzuru fee wujuhukum fel mira2, inama feeha ma feeha min al qubh!
Anonymous said…
you guys are a bunch of sick puppies, go baath yourself more and more, see if bashar cares :-0

do you have a green book like qazirafi? or do you just take up suits and ties and watch westerns and listen to barry manilow?

by the way, since you are not Muslim, but "arabists" that is very very weird, then how can an Arabist be an Americanist at the same time? now i understand if you were a muslim westerner, but an Arab westerner???????? so you shaved the beard but grew the mustache?

baathist satanists, itfoo on the best of you. you are probably reminants of the former sadamists! how many millions did you steal from the iraqi people! do you think there will be no account! yawmun tub3athoon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I believe this ”Layla Anwar” is a fake. This is just another Musad psychological war against Iran.

Ali S
Unknown said…
Abu Jihad,

>1 - what happened to the baathist army, they did not fight! cowards?

You have answered your own question. By all counts the majority of the army and government and the people did not put up a fight. This was due to a) Over 12 years of oppressive sanctions which sapped their strength and left little room for hope, b) false US propaganda that they were being liberated and given a better life, c) betrayals within the middle and upper echelons of the army as well as some units of the Republican Guard.

>2 - what happened to the baathist leaders including Saddam? why was he hiding in a rat's hole?

Saddam and his sons refused to leave their beloved Iraq even though the option was given and they stayed and fought while many cowards ran or sold out. Saddam by all accounts is well known to have participated in the battle at Baghdad airport along with his troops. Saddam is also well known to have organized and arranged the resistance to the occupation during the months before his capture. As for the hiding in a bunker/hole to avoid capture, our prophet along with his companion hid in a cave to avoid capture by the idol worshippers – it is through wisdom and courage that a man avoids capture so he may continue the fight.

>3 - what about the rumor that he accepted a deal to flea with a billion US dollars to some Arab host country?

Again, you answer your own question. Did he flee? Or did he stand his ground, lose his sons and grandson, and pay with his own life for what he believed?

>4 - why did he just grow his beard after he got caught and ever since stop wearing his tie?
>5 - what about his love for western culture and his 3 piece suits? i always found that sickening!

The prophet Solomon loved to have ornaments and statues made for him…Enjoying the beautiful things does not make a man any less pious. As for the beard and your other references to dress type, you appear to follow the Wahabi/Salafi corrupted version of Islam which values outward appearances and not actions/intentions.

>6 - what about the stupidity of invading Kuwait! as much as we despise the kuwaiti gov and servants! it was a trap, that he STUPIDLY fell in to.

The comfort of hindsight is that we can see differently now that the results of the trap are clear…Unfortunately, back in 1990, this option seemed the most feasible to the Iraqi leadership based on the situation and the data.

>7 - why did he never read the Quran before?
Why did Abraham accept idol worship before God guided him to the truth? Or Mohammed, whom God describes as being “lost” before being guided? It is for God to guide whom He pleases when He pleases, not for us. If Saddam was only guided in the latter part of his life, then that is a blessing from the Almighty.

>8 - what happened to mr. "3looj" looooool!

He left Iraq. Or, would you rather he died to satisfy your ego?

You have lots of hatred and frustration in your words…Neither of which will provide a way forward for anyone…
Layla Anwar said…
A few afterthoughts...

Right before and during the Invasion, Occupation and Destruction of Iraq and before the execution of its Legitimate President Saddam Hussein --
Anti war protesters from all over the world, walked around with banners reading :


Today, If I and a million other Arabs say " NO TO AMERICA, NO TO IRAN", we are considered traitors, CIA/Mossad agents, Baathists, Saddamists, Arabists...


The one who supposedly opposed the invasion by the Usrael and still wanted Saddam ousted or the one who says Saddam and Iraq were a legitimate sovereign country???

You think before you spew more garbage here.

Iran is AS responsible for the destruction of Iraq AS the Americans.

And it does not matter how many of your dirty insults you hurl at me-- This will not change that basic TRUTH.

That makes you the traitors, CIA agent, Mossad, political opportunists, paid agents by IRAN etc....NOT ME

Now you fuck off.
Layla Anwar said…
Hello Amir and thanks for writing.

It seems that whatever historical dates and facts I give you on the Iran-Iraq war -- your mind is already made up. So I will not give you dates, detailed facts, eyewitnesses, names.... etc...

I will concentrate on the present- TODAY- NOW as it is happening in IRAQ.

And I am going to pose a few questions to you and I would like a YES or NO reply. Nothing more.

Do you agree to the following FACTS: YES or NO.

1) Iranian Ambassador was present at the Execution of Saddam Hussein

2) The current Iraqi puppet government was in exile in Iran for the past 20 years or so.

3)Iran collaborated with Amerika in its war in Afghanistan.

4)Iran collaborated with Amerika in its invasion of Iraq.

5) 75% of all the internally displaced and externally displaced Iraqi refugees are sunnis.

6)Iran has funded, trained, armed through its Revoutionary guards the sectarian militias who are part of the current govt in Iraq.

7) the sectarian militias have Ethnically cleansed Iraq from sunnis.

8) Iran has armed and funded the Kurdish pershmergas along with ISRAEL since 1974 and even before that date.

9) Iran has been printing maps of the NEW FEDERAL IRAQ - as expounded by Sistani (an Iranian), Muwafak al Rubaie ie Karim Shahpour (an Iranian), A.Al Hakeem from the Supreme Iraqi revolutionary Council (who was born in Iran), Muqtada al Sadr who can't speak Arabic without a persian accent..etc etc..
These are the people currently ruling Baghdad and are demanding a PARTITION of IRAQ.

10) Khomeini demanded regime change in Baghdad since the first day he came to power in 1979 even though he was in EXILE in IRAQ before going to FRANCE and returing to Iran.

11) Iran paid over 40 million dollars to the Iraqi kangaroo court that was trying Saddam Hussein so the subject of Chemical weapons was not brought to the court rulings to the utter dismay of the KURDS who wanted a "fair trial".

12) FARSEE is the current spoken language in Basrah. ARAB SHIITES are complaining that IRAN is exporting its brand of radicalism to them.

13)Govt application forms are in FARSEE And ARABIC and all govt employees are dual nationality holders in the south of IRAQ.

14) 90% of Kerbala and Nejaf real estate has been bought by Iranians

15) Amongst the torturers working for the sectarian militias are Members of the Iranian QUDS brigades.

16) Hezbollah LEBANON has trained and armed HEZBOLLAH IRAQ, along with the Jaysh al Mahdi.

17)Official documents leaked show that the order for ethnic cleansing of sunnis had the approval of IRAN first then stamped by Maliki, Hakeem, Jaafari and Sadr.

18) Those same militias have killed hundreds of Palestinians in Baghdad ALONE -- and Iran's anti zionism where is it now ????


I can go on and on...But first, you need to reply to the above with YES or NO.
Layla Anwar said…

Salam -

Nice reply and questions...

One thing though about al Sahaf, he did say the US will be sinking in an Iraqi QUAGMIRE while Rumsfeld said it was a CAKE WALK.

Al Sahaf said the truth - it is a quagmire for the Americans and Rumsfeld LIED.
Layla Anwar-------

I do agree with you on all of your writing.

And Yes Saddam Hussein is Martyr and HERO for most pepole in KSA not the king.

A Saudi man from Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Anonymous said…
at last, people are finally spelling the magic word correctly, not that it makes the least bit of difference to anyone except us literary pundits.
Anonymous said…
"What happened to Little Deer, Diana, Hala, Iraqi Democrat, Maitreya, JR's Psychiatrist, Fatima, TOT, etc. ???"

they are all here in spirit.
Narendra shenoy said…
The Seven Deadly Sins according to Mahatma Gandhi

Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Business without morality
Science without humanity
Religion without sacrifice
Politics without principle

The House of Saud seems to have all these
No_Angel said…
oh god noooooooooooo
trolly is here toooo !
of course, he's obsessed with anything that disses persians...
I suggest you don't feed him anything :P

this is just a microcosom of all thats fucked up about us arabs, inability to look the the wider scope of things, getting extremely emotiontional and irrational to the extent that you guys think that the war between the two was to protect the Arabs from the Shiite bogey man. no wonder that both sides where easily manipulated.

honestly i liked you writing and views, and i liked the passion in them. in this one it was more hate and delusion than anything else so there is little to any point for me to argue any of the points raised in specific although the general idea is something i whole heartedly believe
get over your hate.

now back to trolly *psht psht* come here boy am glad i found you again ^_^
Anonymous said…
thanks Layth for your replies, the one thing i appreciated the most is your sense of DECENCY! you were not vulgar nor obscene. that says alot! thanks for clearing up many things.

let me clear my point of view.

In my heart I want to love Saddam, and I was so happy and proud of him seeing him in the court room with a beard, without a tie, and holding the Quran.

but lets review some facts.

first of all, I don't believe Iran has any interest in helping any Arab, sunni or shiite. Definitely they hate sunnis and see us as infidels. I as a Palestinian, know for sure they do not give a damn about us but as the rest of the arab pimps they are using us to further their political agenda. most of us are idiots, when we see one of our leaders champion the palestinian cause or spew anti-american or anti-imperialist words, we think he is with us. the pimp arafat once said, even if satan comes to help him free palestine he will follow him, he said this with the zionist bar-bara walters on 20/20. what our people need to realize that satan promises but breaks his promises.

I am a man of the people, i have no problem with your views but i do with your actions. i am not wahhabi, not sure why we repeat this crusader/zionist propoganda, its a shame we have to resort to using their labels! but if you mean the backward Saudi sponsored sheyookh, i am totally against them as i am against the al-azhar sheyookhs. not all Saudis follow these cowards nor all egyptian follow al-azhar. it is a fact that both are controlled by the governments who are pimps of the west.

now to respond to your decent and good answers..

>1 - what happened to the baathist army, they did not fight! cowards?

You have answered your own question. By all counts the majority of the army and government and the people did not put up a fight. This was due to a) Over 12 years of oppressive sanctions which sapped their strength and left little room for hope, b) false US propaganda that they were being liberated and given a better life, c) betrayals within the middle and upper echelons of the army as well as some units of the Republican Guard.

we agree on this one :-)

>2 - what happened to the baathist leaders including Saddam? why was he hiding in a rat's hole?

Saddam and his sons refused to leave their beloved Iraq even though the option was given and they stayed and fought while many cowards ran or sold out. Saddam by all accounts is well known to have participated in the battle at Baghdad airport along with his troops. Saddam is also well known to have organized and arranged the resistance to the occupation during the months before his capture. As for the hiding in a bunker/hole to avoid capture, our prophet along with his companion hid in a cave to avoid capture by the idol worshippers – it is through wisdom and courage that a man avoids capture so he may continue the fight.

good example but unfortunately doesn't apply here. are you defending his 2 sons as well??? are they not "sarsaries" "gawaweed"??

we know he did not and was not fighting, and his only reason to go into the rat's hole was not to escape for tactical reasons, but to escape to flea the fighting. its hard to believe a man like him did not have the most sophisticated M-16 type weapon! actually he had some weapons in the hole but did not use them. its hard to believe a man like him did not have the best US made gas mask! clearly fighting was not his intention!

>3 - what about the rumor that he accepted a deal to flea with a billion US dollars to some Arab host country?

Again, you answer your own question. Did he flee? Or did he stand his ground, lose his sons and grandson, and pay with his own life for what he believed?

the fact was BUSH said NO! Saddam had agreed since there was no hope.
i dont' think he gave a damn about his son, wasn't he the one who got his son paralyzed or severly handicapped and kill his 2 sons-in-laws?

>4 - why did he just grow his beard after he got caught and ever since stop wearing his tie?
>5 - what about his love for western culture and his 3 piece suits? i always found that sickening!

The prophet Solomon loved to have ornaments and statues made for him…Enjoying the beautiful things does not make a man any less pious.

this is not the same thing, first of all "zeena" is ok but not at the expense of "tabzeer!" you did have poverty in Iraq, remote places, and in neighboring countries, and this has nothing to do with the love of other cultures! especially your masters! the prophet, saw, said, whoever imitates a people is NOT one of us! its one thing to buy a porsche! but another to wear tight jeans and a bikini! on material things, you can buy what you like as long as it is morally accepted, but to dress and act like a people and to look up to them for guidance? like i explained above, when I see former Arab Muslims say they are now American Muslims, my heart weeps! but I can't accuse the of hypocracy because they say they are first Muslims! but when i see Arabists, like baathists, say they are Arabs first then i am like what is Arab about you? even you teach your children to love english and all things english, from books, to music to plays, etc...

also, God says, that an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab, and Islam came to abolish this stupid nationalistic pride!, so sorry, baathists are in error on this one. its one thing to love the Arab language and history and people and so on, but its another to think that we are better than non-Arabs. as you know we are now at the bottom of every chain! the most humiliated people in the world,the lowest, we have the lowest of the low amongst our ranks, from the TRAITORS, to the GAYS, to the THIEVES to the MORALLY CORRUPT, etc. so much for the Arab birthright. with Islam the Arabs truly can be the best example but unfortunately..........

As for the beard and your other references to dress type, you appear to follow the Wahabi/Salafi corrupted version of Islam which values outward appearances and not actions/intentions.

not true, but as i said before, the prophet's hadeeth, whoever imitates a people is not one of us. a suit to me is acceptable but without a tie! thats why saddam kept wearing a suit but not the tie :-) if you notice our mutual enemies, the iranians, never wear a tie. do you see how they APPEAR honorable and dignified when they meet non-iranians. not only they refuse to wear a tie, but they refuse to speak English! this says a lot! they are a proud persian people! i think the Baathist are confused on this point. i live in America, i never EVER wore a suit even though my friends would pressure me, especially for former ocassions, the reason? i feel oppressed, the tie is tight around my neck, and i feel tied down. WHY? because the west told us thats how we should dress? hell no! an english lady once said to me infront of my American friends, "who are you? what is Ay-RAB? you were a bunch of nomads , camel herders, who were wearing womens nightgowns living in the desert, it was us to cleaned you up and it was us who dressed you up in a suit!"

they surely see us in this light when they see us imitating them, it brings them a sense of pride and superiority! think about this, how do you feel when you see an American facinated with Arab culture and food and wants to learn Arabic and always trying to imitate the Arabs?

>6 - what about the stupidity of invading Kuwait! as much as we despise the kuwaiti gov and servants! it was a trap, that he STUPIDLY fell in to.

The comfort of hindsight is that we can see differently now that the results of the trap are clear…Unfortunately, back in 1990, this option seemed the most feasible to the Iraqi leadership based on the situation and the data.

:-) thats teh same answer the americans use when asked about Iraq! i had a "friend" while i was attacking the US occupation, say "it was a mistake!" a million lives lost and he says "it was a mistake!"

lets not fool eachother, our leaders are our enemies, but not our biggest enemies.

it does not take the zionist Einstein to tell us that the East and the West are our enemies! even the hypocrite and the weak hearted knows that. but until we come to terms and start pointing the finger inwards, we will not change! i'm not talking about our Arab leaders, because most people clearly see them in bed with their western masters, and if not the west today then the east tomorrow. whoever can gaurantee their chair is their God.

the real problem is "we the people"
we need to stop and contemplate about this short life and give up our false hopes and desires. nothing in this miserable life is worth 1 NANO second in the fire! if only we believe in the fire. i think the problem for most of us is we don't believe in God nor the last day! if we did,clearly our outlook on life would be different, our morals will be different. surely we are all human and we will make mistakes, and we will have good and bad people, but as a system we need to change to correct the bad apples.

>7 - why did he never read the Quran before?
Why did Abraham accept idol worship before God guided him to the truth? Or Mohammed, whom God describes as being “lost” before being guided? It is for God to guide whom He pleases when He pleases, not for us. If Saddam was only guided in the latter part of his life, then that is a blessing from the Almighty.

another point you need to realize, is God does NOT accept repentance at the time of death, ask me for the verse if you don't know it, or if you care to read it for yourself. clearly when he was caught, it was his death bed for him. God is just! he had his chance. as God says in the Quran, if Saddam was given a chance to rule Iraq today again, he would shave his beard and drop the Quran and go back to his jack daniels and beautiful girls and palaces.

lets not fool ourselves.

the war is about oil, and Islam is the only power in their way to stop them. so their war is with Islam, not Arabism! Islam is in their countries now, not Arabism, the only thing Arabic here, is coffee shops and singing / dancing, clearly not a threat to them. but Islam is calling for justice and acting for it. Arabism just calls for it in between shahawats "desires" in between inhaling on the sheesha, or sipping whiskey, or glances at the women. Islam is actively working to bring justice to the unjust.
I suggest we drop our nationistic goals and think globally.

by the way, did any of us choose to be born to our countries? or was it GOd's will? so if these same proud baathists were born in sudanese, do you think they will still think Iraq is the greatest???? or the egyptian who was born indian think egyptians are the best? or the lebanese who was born Nigerian, still want to be lebanese?

this is pure ignorance and stupidity! just look at the lebanese! they are so full of themselves!

we are Muslim, Muslim is a way of life and yes people from all over teh world, even the lands of our enemies are converting to Islam! this should be our call and flag. imagine if all of us "people" start this movement calling for us to unite as we were before. free traveling from country to country, no visas, no borders! no theft, no alcohol, no western imports especially the evil morally corrupt kind. no dirty magazines, no porn, no dirty hollywood movies, no violent childrens cartoons, no rock music, no bikins, no skinny models, etc.

what about our ecnomy?

why did not saddam with ALL THESE BILLIONS, not have his "scientists" design a CAR???? and export it and make money to the Arabs????

we cannot even get ourselves to make our staples! we have to depend on our enemies for our clean water! one guy here even told me "arabs are so stupid we can't even get our own oil from our back yard!" we need them to come and do it for us?
G.Gar said…
Abou Jihad, is a Mossad agent working on the media front his team is assigned the task of defaming Arabs and to make them come out as retarded lunatic, stupid fools.

why didnt you put out the photos of Najad and Khomeini along with Arab leaders on your blog?

Answer is quite simple. American and Isaeli strategists know very well that Iran is their most effective tool in shaping the new zio-Irani American Midddle east/Arab world.

focus on the real enmies idiot. Don't you learn anything from your mistakes.

Even if you happen to regard the Baath a corrupted and opressive, that has got nothing to do with the fact that all Arabs are on the same boat now.

The only way out is solid united Arab front against all non-Arabs, that is why they have been doing with us for 900 years
Anonymous said…
Layth wrote:
"As for the hiding in a bunker/hole to avoid capture, our prophet along with his companion hid in a cave to avoid capture by the idol worshippers – it is through wisdom and courage that a man avoids capture so he may continue the fight."

A source, whom Layla and you would agree is far more reliable than the mainstream press, suggests otherwise: i.e. President Saddam Hussein was not captured in a 'spider'-'rat' hole etc. etc. as is repeated ad nauseum. Malcom Lagauche is a person of high integrity, and like Layla, has written many brilliant and highly informative pieces. Malcom says he has good reason to believe the President was at a friend's house eating dinner when the house was surrounded by marines. Coming from Malcom, I am much more inclined to believe him than the propaganda emanating from the Western media. Here is the link to Malcom's article. Scroll about 1/3 of the way down the page beginning with the sentence: "We all saw the photos in December 2003..."
Best regards.

Anonymous said…
please excuse my ignorance, but i don't understand how Saddam Hussein can be a hero. that's like saying George W. Bush is a hero, and that is the furthest thing from the truth. i live in the USA and i hate the people that are put up on pedestals here as heroes, contemporary and historical. to me, a hero sacrifices him/herself for the greater good. what the greater good is can be argued. Saddam Hussein was a gangster, much like the leaders of the USA. i enjoyed reading your perspective on things, but i wish you would stay away from the vitriolic rhetoric . nonetheless, i find your analysis a refreshing alternative to the one given here in the USA.
Anonymous said…
Layth, you are aware of being a terribly endearing creature, aren't you ? :-)

Seriously though, I wish more Arabs had the same tranquil and solid heart as yours before the adversities.

God keep you.
Anonymous said…
To Abu Whatever:

Since when is "Arabist" considered an insult ??? !!!

Whose else "-ist" should an Arab be but of his/her own ???

Really our poor ole Mother Earth has become a fools' cage...
Anonymous said…
To Abu Jihad al Zift.

You are not only a Gawwad, but Ibn gahba, and I am an Iraqi woman who does not give a damn about nice clean talk Ya Zmal. How dare you talk about Iraqi women you dirty scum, your people (the palastenians) were fed, educated and housed by Saddam,he gave them more than he gave us, his own people, is that the way you repay us? I just want to puke whenever I hear you mention the word "Wa Islamah", is that what will free the Arab world? shouts for help while you are all residing in the "filthy" west wearing your ties and drinking your coffee at Starbucks? shut up and stop commenting on what this great lady is writing to "US", you are not worthy of polishing her shoes.
Anonymous said…
hey all...
If you follow Layla long enough, someday you'll be as famous as I. I think I'll get back into the personal training business again. I know many are hoping my talent will rub off by watching. Not gonna happen.
Layla Anwar said…
LOL - I think Abu Jihad got a nice beating from an Iraqi Woman - You go Lady !!!!

AMIR - the Iranian

Anonymous said…
Layla or who ever you might be.
First of all you are a real racist and a revisionist. I don't know where you get your fact (probably by sticking your head up your ass). You show me a single piece of evidence that in the 80's it was Iran that attacked Iraq and I bow to you I even shave my balls!
Do you think people are stupid or what? Everyone one knows that your beloved Saddam with the help from Americans and the rest of Arabs attacked Iran hoping to score a fast victory. After all it was only two years after the overthrow of the Shah and all sides thought the country is broken and will fall. Big mistake, they forgot the brave Iranian that stood and fought and that's the reason Iraq is fucked today! Get your facts straight. I don't think you’re women or an Iraqi, my guess is who knows maybe this is a CIA trap, but if you are who you say you are sorry to say, but you are really stupid because you don't know your enemy.
Layla Anwar said…
OK you Anonymous IDIOT.

Here you go...


(read article called those fucking iranians dated july 18-20., 2007)
You will find some good historical data there enough to clean that brainwashed birdie brains of yours.

then you go and read the articles here


You start with Chapter 1 and work your way to chapter 7. So basically you scroll down the page and you click on chapter 1. Got it luminary???

Once you are done with ALL of the reading, then you are to go and NOT ONLY SHAVE YOUR BALLS, BUT CASTRATE YOURSELF AS WELL.

As sexist, racist motherfucker like you not only does not have any balls but does not deserve to keep the nuts he's got.
Anonymous said…
layal anwar has an inferiority complex, she is in LOVE with western culture but is in denial. it is reverse psychology. she feels small so to make herself appear superior in her own eyes she has to put others down. we see how ugly and dirty her inside is from her posts, but i can bet you she is as ugly and dirty on the outside and appearance.

come on layla, tell us what you have in your dvd or cd collection. what was the last movie you watched? "when harry met sally?" or a dirty hairy movie? who's your favorite country singer? who was your valentine last month? what did you dress up for hollyween? what did you get your mother for mothers day? what did you drink at the bar the other night? who did you sleep with last? what kind of dog do you own? how do you like your bacon? whats your favorite beer? come on, show us your true self, its ok to love the west, besides your X leader did.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
abu jihad is aka Abu Stupidity aka Ibn Primitiveness ...
Anonymous said…
Layla has a rare, inner beauty that is self evident from her writings. That's why there are so many who are secretly (and not so secretly) in love with her as one can tell by the comments in her blog. Those who have been on this blog from its inception and know of nuances can tell that she is stunningly beautiful on the inside, and for all we know, stunning on the outside too but the latter is quite simply irrelevant. She is every thinking man's fantasy, a woman of integrity, intellect and innate decency. You are a newbie on this blog, Abu Jihad, and your puerile rantings are also irrelevant even as the Palestinian cause is dear to our hearts. For what its worth, my wish is for a Palestine with pre-1948 borders with the Zionists expelled back to where they came from. i.e. Eastern Europe, Russia etc. and etc.
Layla Anwar said…

Wow, am howling at the mooon :-)

Thank you. Very kind of you and a nice change from the insults hurled at me.
Alas, those "in love" secretly or not - remain anonymous names on a screen. But am not complaining...
Best to you.
Anonymous said…
I bet Layla keeps a machine gun and a bottle of 151 by her bed. Probably has hair on her chest too.
Man, she is one scary chick...
Anonymous said…
Layla, I have been away for awhile. I am now catching up.

You said:
"Not that you really cared in the first place, but do not be surprised to see the Jews and the Persians circling around the Kaa'ba in the name of their forefathers instead of the name of Allah."

I've been doing a lot of reading, even getting through "The Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed.

So I understand the problem there. These Zionist Jews are evil and have risen to the top in governments throughout the western world - probably most of the world.

I have been "hearing" you speak of Iran, and am aware that Iran used the Shia in the south to take hold of that part of Uruk.

What I want to know is, do the "elite" Iranians (not the people) work hand in glove with these Zionists Israelis?

By the time I finished the above book, I knew, as did Douglas Reed, that I was seeing real evil (the desructive principle, DR called it) and it affected me profoundly. Is Iran just finding it convenient at this time to act with Israel, or have they always been in bed together?

I know you are busy, but I need to understand this. And is Putin basically trying to be the peacemaker (avoiding war) by visiting Iran?

As for Uruk, I have no words left to say how I feel about your beloved country.

Daphne O'Brien
Anonymous said…
"She is every thinking man's fantasy"

And brain-damaged ones' as well...just look at JR ! LOL
Layla Anwar said…

I don't think you will find an open acknowledgement from Teheran as to their relationship with Israel.
But a few observers like Trita Parsee are of the opinion that in the long run Iran is much closer to Israel than what appears to be.

One Iranian blogger summed it quite nicely by saying after all our real problem is with Arab sunnis and not jews. He said that in a conference in Israel a year ago.

Definitely during the Khomeini era, the relationship with Israel had not stopped. Iran contra plus of course both Israel's and Iran's support for the kurds in Iraq acted as bridges of rapprochement and understanding between the two.

In my opinion, both Iran and Israel have a common " problem" the Arabs and their oil.

And both aspire to become and/or remain the regional superpowers.
Hence, the destruction of Iraq was for both a welcomed event.

Iran and Israel collaborated and will further collaborate when it comes to the destruction of any Arab country. You can bet on it and you can take my word for it.

Iran will play the sectarian card in countries that have a sizeable shia community, like lebanon, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, pakistan and saudi arabia.

And Israel can't wish for anything better but internally distabilized Arab countries.

Do read Trita Parsee.
osman said…
unfortunately i read through this whole thing; just like to say that although the 'secularists' sound pretty eloquent and nice with words, they are as racist as ever and just use rhetoric to cover it up. sure, keep calling the one who's calling for unity between nations and the abolition of blind nationalism 'backwards' because his name has the word 'jihad' in it. i guess you guys are too educated to even bother trying to understand another person's viewpoint.
osman said…
forgot one thing; just remember before they invaded Iraq they invaded Afghanistan :)
Anonymous said…
osman forgot one thing: that birds of a 'backwards' feather flock usually together ...
osman said…
i call racism and tribalism backwardness
Layla Anwar said…

the problem with your kind of approach which am way too familia with, is that you guys throw the baby out with the bath water.

You come along with slogans, as if you have just discovered the ultimate remedy. And not only that, you assume from an arrogant and self righteous standpoint as usual, that all those who preceded not only had no understanding of their religion but according to you are not muslims either.

What racism are you talking about?
If you can't read or refuse to read history then you are racially blind to it and not the other way round.
osman said…
"History" is just how you look at it. I could say the white race is the most superior because the West has made most of the scientific advances in the past few hundred years. You could say the Arab race is the most advanced because they provided the Renaissance with its fuel. Someone else could say the Persian race is most advanced because Iran was the seat of Islamic learning for 1,000 years, and the best books after the Qur'an (i.e. Muslim, Bukhari, etc) were all written by Iranians.
So learn from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not superior to an Arab. How are you any different from the Jews, who believe they are the chosen people? How is your philosophy different from that of western imperialists?
Anyway, may Allah guide us to the Truth.
Anonymous said…
Does Amir agree to the following FACTS: YES or NO.

1) Iranian Ambassador was present at the Execution of Saddam Hussein: I don't know

2) The current Iraqi puppet government was in exile in Iran for the past 20 years or so: Yes

3)Iran collaborated with Amerika in its war in Afghanistan: Yes

4)Iran collaborated with Amerika in its invasion of Iraq: Partially Yes

5) 75% of all the internally displaced and externally displaced Iraqi refugees are sunnis: Yes

6)Iran has funded, trained, armed through its Revoutionary guards the sectarian militias who are part of the current govt in Iraq: Yes

7) the sectarian militias have Ethnically cleansed Iraq from sunnis: Partially, some militias have been doing this but I am not sure these ones were funded by Iran

8) Iran has armed and funded the Kurdish pershmergas along with ISRAEL since 1974 and even before that date: Yes

9) Iran has been printing maps of the NEW FEDERAL IRAQ - as expounded by Sistani (an Iranian), Muwafak al Rubaie ie Karim Shahpour (an Iranian), A.Al Hakeem from the Supreme Iraqi revolutionary Council (who was born in Iran), Muqtada al Sadr who can't speak Arabic without a persian accent..etc etc..
These are the people currently ruling Baghdad and are demanding a PARTITION of IRAQ: I don't know

10) Khomeini demanded regime change in Baghdad since the first day he came to power in 1979 even though he was in EXILE in IRAQ before going to FRANCE and returing to Iran: demand is probably a bid word but he did like to have regime change in Iraq

11) Iran paid over 40 million dollars to the Iraqi kangaroo court that was trying Saddam Hussein so the subject of Chemical weapons was not brought to the court rulings to the utter dismay of the KURDS who wanted a "fair trial": I don't know

12) FARSEE is the current spoken language in Basrah. ARAB SHIITES are complaining that IRAN is exporting its brand of radicalism to them.

13)Govt application forms are in FARSEE And ARABIC and all govt employees are dual nationality holders in the south of IRAQ: I don't know

14) 90% of Kerbala and Nejaf real estate has been bought by Iranians: I don't know, the numbers look very high.

15) Amongst the torturers working for the sectarian militias are Members of the Iranian QUDS brigades: I don't know this.

16) Hezbollah LEBANON has trained and armed HEZBOLLAH IRAQ, along with the Jaysh al Mahdi: it might be possible as that is what the Americans are saying too.

17)Official documents leaked show that the order for ethnic cleansing of sunnis had the approval of IRAN first then stamped by Maliki, Hakeem, Jaafari and Sadr: this looks rather far fetched as the individual militia member, who you have to admit, was probably put down and subjected to genocide by Saddam in the past, is not going to wait for an order from anyone, let alone Iran.

18) Those same militias have killed hundreds of Palestinians in Baghdad ALONE -- and Iran's anti zionism where is it now ????
I don't know this part. I only remember that someone from Achilla Laura was murdered by the Occupational forces in Abu Ghareeb.

Dear Layla,

The reality is that there was already lots of hate going around in Iraq prior the presence of the current Occupational Forces. I think both sides have to admit that there were lots of mistakes made currenlty and in the past. We have to admit that Kurds were subjected to murder and displacement by Saddam. We have to admit that Saddam killed lots of his own Arab Shiite for perceived or true fear of their collaboration with Iran. We have to admit that Saddam did kill some Sunnis, be it to a lesser extent. We have to admit that Saddam was collaborating with Bushites predecessors, be it for reasons of self-interest.

The main logic in my writing is not that one side or the other, at some point, did or did not collaborate with the French, English, American, Israeli or other external forces. The main logic is that everyone does out of fear of everyone else. That this persistant hate and fear of our neighbours is the cause of all of OUR problems. With "OUR" I mean, Iraqi Sunni, Shiite, Kurd, Arab, Turkmen, Saudi, Jordanian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iranian, Turk, Armenian, Indian Pakistani, Afghani, Egyptian, Libian, Sudanese, Somalian, Ethiopean, Eriterian, Algerian, Maroccan and ultimately the common people in Europe and America. The imperial forces try to divide and conquor by spreading hate and fear, not of themselves but of us from us. The failure of Bushites has been that they have caused more hate and fear from themselves in trying to implement the defunct policies of the Brits and French colonialists in the past.

Some Iranians probably are collaborating with Bushites, some are not caring at all and some are opposing his policies. The question here remains what the total painting shows, not the each individual streak of paint or movement of brush on canvas. We in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia have to solve the Gordian Knot problem but seeing the forest through the individual trees. We have to stop dissecting individual, local problems and "anciant hatreds" - to use Kissingers telling choice of policy words - and focus on the hatemongers in stead. Anyone who spreads hatred is the problem.

In regards to the Israeli problem, we also should realize that the Jewish portion of the population that was living in the ME before or are descendents of them is as much a vicitim as is the rest of us and they are trapped in a logic of conflict. The European migrant part of Israel is also a victim, but of someone elses crimes. However, they have chosen to become the perpetrators and facilitators in stead and some Sefardim and Mizrahis are collaborating with these degenerated souls.

We need to learn from the mistakes of the European tribes in the 20th and 19th century and preempt people like Kissinger and other Neo-Conservascists who's sole motive in live is to spread hate and mayhem in order to reap empathy for the supposed immeasurable suffering of some of them or their ancenstors in Europe. It is time to call them to account:
1. As the dollar is sliding, the responsibility of the loss of wealth is entirely the problem of the Neo-Cons and their allies. American people have not forgotten Enron, Worldcom, dot.com bubble, subprime morgage trap and the Iraqi War Hoax to steal their hard earn cash from them. The will not forgive these thieves and will bring them to justice.
2. The rise of petrol prices and the biting of it in the average global household is the sole responsibility of Bushites and Neo-Con Occupiers. They are to blame for the ills that currently afflict the poor in all continents.
3. The financial, infrastructural and logistical support that is being given by the Neo-Cons and their Bushites supporters to orchestrate the rise of "Neo-Nationalism" in Europe, as exemplified by Sarkopoleon Le Neo-Canard Bushite, is another scheme to divide and conquor and will and should not be tolerated. There is an equivalent attempt ongoing in Belgium to finance and support the fascist parties of Vlaams Blang and it's French counter part in order to further destablize Europe and prevent the continuation of the peace divident there. These transparent neo-colonial policies will not hold.
4. The transfer of wealth and knowlede to the East Asias elites is partially the result of Kissinger's entente with the Chinese leadership. No doubt, this man has made sure that his tribal interest are taken care of despite the damage that the loss of bluecollar jobs has been doing to US economy in general and the Grate Lakes communities (where a lot of Arabs live) in particular. Kissinger is not pursuing the American interest, he is pursuing Kissinger's interest and should be unmasked. It is not a surprise that now, Blair is being awarded 500.000$ just to travel to Guong Dong in order to give a 3 hour speech and was given a 5.000.000 dollar villa on top of that. The old age of Gun Boat diplomacy is back but surely the Boxer Revolt will follow it.
Layla Anwar said…
Amir, Hello,

What you take for assumptions are NOT FACTS and when you say you don't know, change that discourse to I know because I took the pains to write it out and if I did not know myself, would have not done so.
First assumption. NO Saddam Hussein did NOT kill a lot of Arab Shias like you say.

I will reply more later, as am pressed with time. But be ready to hear truths that you may not like.

But then being the intelligent person I think you are, you are already prepared.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The Risk Is Great
The Decision
Of Course
Is Yours
Perhaps This
Won't Bore You


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