"Joe Biden working for the Baathists..."

The above title is no joke. This is what I.Qanbar, a spokesman for the Iraqi National Alliance (INA), the grouping of the Shiites parties such as Muqtada Al-Sadr (the college drop out who recycled himself in drilling), Ammar A-Hakeem (the Shiite playboy and smuggler of the South, head of the notorious Badr Brigades) "Dr" Adel Abdul Mahdi, the so called Phd holder from France, who got his Doctorat from the bistrots of Pigalle, Paris...and a few other riffraffs -- all working for Iran...This is what Qanbar said on Al-Arabiya TV yesterday...he said that Biden was working for the Baathists -- I kid you not.

The program was about the Iraqi "elections" and presented by the Iraqi S.Al-Kayssi, a good looking woman, who takes no shit from no one, just like most other Iraqi women...

With Qanbar, was some wimp called Omar Karoglu (something along these lines - I am bad with names) and he represented the Islamic Party of Tareq Al-Hashimi, who is now part of the Iraqiya bloc. A reminder : The Iraqiya bloc is led by Iyad Allawi, T.Al-Hashimi and the now banned Saleh Al-Mutlaq and Dhafar Al-Ani...amongst others...

Let me talk of the ban a little and get back to this Qanbar dude...Out of the 511 secular candidates banned, only 23 or so, are allowed to participate in the upcoming "elections".

The "Justice and Accountability" committee led by the infamous, embezzler, a once agent for the USA and now agent for Iran - Ahmed Chalabi and his "best friend" Al-Lami have upheld the decision to bar both Al-Mutlaq and Al-Ani, who were the most influential candidates in the Iraqiya coalition.

As I have mentioned before, Al-Mutlaq has been part of the political process since 2003, and he was also instrumental in drafting the so-called Iraqi constitution in particular clause 7 which explicitly states to the effect that no Baathists is to return to power. Now Al-Mutlaq is banned on charges of Baathism.

Now, it does not take a genius to figure out that barring influential secular candidates is a move by IRAN through its Shiite parties in Iraq, so as to keep its grip over Iraq. And I will get back to that in a moment...

Let me go back to the program and to Qanbar. I have already mentioned that Qanbar in some previous posts of mine...the first time I came across this thing was on Al-Jazeera about 3 years ago. He was speaking from London...an advocate for the Shiite parties...and it seems that I.Qanbar has been on the CIA payroll since the 90's. along with Ahmed Chalabi....who was Cheney's and Rumsfeld chosen man for the "New Iraq ".

This sleek, with tons of hair gel dude, in his English tweed jacket and his 10 silver rings, is known to have had a fall out with Chalabi a few years ago, and now they "kissed and made up"... So he is back in Chalabi's good favors -- spewing the usual garbage and lies that us Iraqis are so used to hear  from the Shiite parties....

My very well informed sources tell me that Qanbar spends 99% of his time in a neighboring Arab capital, where he not only purchased an apartment but a whole building, and is known for his foul bouts of heavy drinking and his womanizing...one person who knows him well told me that he hangs the picture of Sistani in his living room and raises his glass of booze each time and says cheers to the picture... while quoting and advocating for the Marjiah - the Shiite clerics of Qum, Najaf and Kerbala....The hypocritical filth of these folks is something else...really. I have never seen so much immoral filth in my life...so much double face, double standards, so much deceit as I have witnessed in these Shiite parties...acting upon Iran's beck and call...

Anyways, now that Qanbar and Chalabi have "kissed and made up", Qanbar is now the chosen "electoral campaigner" for the Shiite parties....

So in this Al-Arabiya program, Qanbar said and am quoting word for word : " The Baathists want to return to power, and the one who is helping them and working for them is Joe Biden, this Zionist who wanted the partition of Iraq into 3 states in 2001. Joe Biden is like the Baathists, he is anti Iraqi and serves the American agenda " KID YOU NOT.

Of course Biden will serve the American agenda you fucked up idiot, who will he serve then, the Iranian agenda ?! And it is Biden and the American shit admin who wanted the removal of the Baathists...and if anyone wants the partition of Iraq apart from Biden it is those damn Shiite parties from Hell...and the Kurds. And I quote :

" Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, has embarked on a ferocious campaign of Baath vilification, threatening alleged Baathists with a black day. In the meantime, Sadrists warned suspected Baathists of physical liquidation. The Karbala province council also advised all Baathists to flee the province or else. Basra's governor threatened to shut down all oil exports and to declare Basra a federal province if Baathist sympathisers are allowed to run for election.. On one side stand those close to the government, who draw support from Iraq's Shia majority and are more or less sympathetic to the government in Tehran..." (source)

Next to Biden,were/are  the Shiite parties in particular the ISCI of Ammar Al-Hakeem who wants the partition of Iraq, and an Iraqi Federal State is already in place...what do you call the KRG then - the Kurdish regional government ?! Is that not a bloody partition under the false headings of Federation ?

Damn, political whores really make me sick !!! Let me continue...

So Al Kayssi, the female Iraqi presenter, said to him: "But Mr.Qanbar, did you (referring to Chalabi and co.) not seek the help of the Americans to invade and occupy Iraq ?"

Qnabar replied : " We went to Washington DC as true Iraqi patriots (kid you not) and we told the Americans -- You remove Saddam Hussein and the Baath and you leave...and they agreed...." hahahaha. Qanbar continued " We don't want any American interference in our internal affairs, now they want to bring back the Baathists...." This said after 7 fucking years of a U.S. murderous occupation !

Al-Kayssi : " so if the Americans want to bring back the Baathists, why did they remove them in the first place ? "

Qanbar : " that was the agreement to start with and now they (US) should stop interfering "

Al-Kasssi : " But you signed a  security status agreement (SOFA) with the Americans, and clause 7 clearly states that the democratic process in Iraq should be representative of all...."

Qanbar : " What SOFA, there is no SOFA "

Al-Kayssi : " OK, what about the Iranian influence in Iraq, is that not also a breach of Iraqi sovereignty?  Ahamdinejad did say that he will not allow Baathists back to power... "

Qanbar : " Ahamdinejad never said anything like that... "

Al-Kayssi : " With all due respect Sir, I work for a news agency, I heard it, so did many others..."

Qanbar : " So what ?! Iran has influence in Iraq, but Iraq has influence in Iran too. We are neighbors. We have influence in each other's affairs...Sistani has influence in Iran too... Iran has more bilateral contracts with the Kurds than with us in Baghdad. Turkey also has influence in Iraq, does that mean we are a Turkish colony ?"

Al-Kayssi " Yet most Iraqis know that Iran is controlling Iraq's political life and that your barring Al-Mutlaq was made by Iranian orders..."

Qanbar: " This is American propaganda (kid you not), it is Biden, he does not want a sovereign Iraq, I am telling you he works for the Baathists...."

Apart from the highly circus-like comic aspect of this logic, what do you conclude ?

Personally this whole thing raises several points in my head...

1) the US has always been adamant about the Baathists not returning to power. So the claims by Chalabi and the Shiite parties are garbage. They (US) occupied Iraq to remove the Baath, for God's sake.


3) the charges that Al-Mutlaq and Co are affiliated to the Baath are BOGUS, this is nothing but a cheap ploy, too predictable in my opinion, to silence the majority of Iraqis who want a SECULAR IRAQ - just like in the times of Saddam Hussein...with or without Baathism. Iraqis are a secular people by nature...

4) A secular Iraq is the most dangerous thing that can happen for Iran and its Shit parties in Iraq.

5) Iraq is the MAIN PLAYING CARD in the hands of Iran, and it is through Iraq that Iran is and will continue maintaining pressure on the U.S for its nuclear dossier but not only...

6) the best thing that has happened to the Jewish entity -- Israel, is the removal of Saddam Hussein and his Arabism...and Iran has served Israel in the best possible of ways...

7) this whole sanction charade on Iran is nothing but a show...nothing will happen, apart from a few sanctions on military goods...this is NOTHING compared to the embargo the Iraqis had to endure for 13 years and they had NO WMDs.

8) the very STUPID Arabs have fallen for this game...can they not realize that they are next on the American/Iranian/Israeli list ?!!! And I am particularly referring to Saudi Arabia here, but not only...The Iranian/Israeli wolf will appear every time any Arab country does not tow the line....I wish those STUPID Arabs can see that...

9) What about the U.S? I mean is the U.S so dumb? I know that 99% of Americans are very, very dumb, but surely there must be a 1% that are not...

Can it be that the U.S Admin is so retarded and so naive as to have believed Ahmed Chalabi and Co. back in the 90's ?  Can it be that the US was unaware of who made up the National Iraqi Opposition back in the 90's ? They are the same people who make up the Iraqi National Alliance (INA) today. The same faces !

I mean, were the Americans so fucking stupid as to not know who these people were affiliated to? Did the CIA and all this "special intelligence" not make them aware who these people are working for -- like Iran for instance ?

Come on, let us get real here...If anyone visits me, I have a minimum of information on this person, what if I were a government of a "super power" ?!

Anyone who believes that America was duped is a dupe himself...

Hear it from me...an unstable, violent, sectarian Iraq is in the interests of America, Iran and Israel...

The Americans and its Joe Biden are not working for the Baathists, nothing is further away from the truth...

The Americans are working along with these two hyenas Iran and Israel to divide, partition, fragment every single Arab Muslim country around....and the number 1. on the list was IRAQ, because Iraq represented everything that both IRAN and ISRAEL HATE ABOUT THE ARABS. Iraq was the first (fist) one to go...it had to be so...

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