"Extraordinary Sanctions"...

Listen folks, it's well past 8 am here and am still sitting behind this bloody pc reporting crimes - Your crimes on Iraq...

Not that am expecting you to give me a medal for it or anything like that -- but seeing the SILENCE around the biggest crime of the 20th/21st century, staying up without sleep is well worth it...

Not that you really care, God forbid...and surely I don't wish to wake you up in any way...but just in case you happen to wake up from your 20 years of snoozing  --- allow me to tell you that the sanctions on Iraq have been lifted today but only partially so...

Yes you heard me, read me right, if you read me at all...

Yesterday the "Iraqi" Foreign Minister Hoshar Zebari, ever so proudly stated that "clause 7 of the UN " will be lifted... meaning that it is not lifted yet...

Clause 7 of the UN - that body that supposedly represents human rights and the Geneva conventions will be lifting soon, maybe, perhaps -- the embargo on Iraq...

Shameless Al Jazeera in an article titled  " Iraq still paying the price for Saddam Hussein " confirms that the (not so) respectable UN security council is "taking a step towards ending economic sanctions towards Iraq that go back over 2 decades..."

Listen, it's true am sleepy and dead tired, but am I reading right here ?.... Yes I sure am...

The inhumane, brutal, barbaric, embargo on Iraq has not been totally lifted yet, not since 1990. A reminder - we are today in 2010, and I hope I did not wake you up with this revelation...

The sanctions years were golden years compared to today...Hans Von Sponeck and Dennis Halliday the only two decent humans that worked for the UN presented their resignations in protest ---after what they witnessed during the sanctions years...

The sanctions years, where over 1.5 million Iraqis died, out of which 500'000 Iraqi babes and the price was well worth as per Madeleine Allbright from the Democratic party under the Bill Monika Cigar Clinton administration.

Is that not the same Democratic party that most of you danced for, swinging  for its "house negro" Obama..., dancing for a "change is gonna come "? yep it sure is... And you tell me that Americans care huh ?! Fuck you worthless people - blacks and Arab Americans wankers included...(thought I'd put that in, just in case you missed my "profanities" in the past 24 hours)

And this is what Dennis Halliday had to say, one of the VERY FEW decent ones left :

" Many people are surprised to learn the sanctions still exist, including Denis Halliday, who quit his job as the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq over the devastating impact sanctions had on Iraq’s civilian population while Saddam Hussein was still in power.
The sanctions were widely credited for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children, who no longer had access to enough food or clean water.
“Sanctions are a form of war,” says Halliday. “To see them go on so long is extraordinary.” (source here)

Oh but wait, don't rejoice too fast and applaud your fucking democracy and freedom after 20 years of sanctions, because :

Iraq will first have to prove to the International Atomic Energy Agency that it is in compliance with various treaties barring the development of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.The council’s action does not cancel Iraq’s obligation to pay 5 percent of its oil revenues to Kuwait for reparations from the war."

What an extraordinary garbage people you are.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Ziad Bakury 2003.

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