Some Artistic Input...

This is some artistic input, if you don't mind...

I've looked at this picture several times during the day..and this is what I just read here.. I mean, what is this the Simpson's family reunion ?! US aiding Iran in its capture of "terrorists" grand !

Am I the only one who sees something very wrong with it, is this just a figment of my imagination or are you all so fucking brainwashed with tons of similar crap that you can't even notice no more ?

The  face covered men, ---ah finally! at last men are veiled with a burqa...about fucking time...but why do they remind me so much of the day when President Saddam Hussein was hanged at dawn, with similar cowardly faces hiding behind masks while the face of the one about to be lynched was uncovered.. just like this one...
And it a smile or just the last rays of sun hitting his face ?

And why do they look as if they are holding his shoulder in some touch of non sectarian friendship ?! Is this some fucking joke ? Can anyone see this or am I the only one dispensing my "artistic critique" here ?

Oh well, another lynching...not that the very first "fumbled" one, moved you...

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