
Am on  a roll tonight, nothing will stop me...except the All Powerful...

I have noticed something that keeps staring me in the eye --and it's very simple really..IT can be summarized in two words. - your oppressor wants you to shut the fuck up.

You would have thought it's something much more sophisticated , but it's not's just that - be a sheep and shut the fuck up !

I have dealt with the American public for quite some time, even though it's online, it's still a good barometer...

You see, when you deal with those Westerners, you can tell  them anything you want, as long as you don't point the finger at them...this is how it works...

Being the two faced hypocritical asses that they are, they will tolerate you talking generalities but not singularities, but not pointing the finger....

You can say our mass graves, our morgues, our lost ruined lives, our exile, our orphans, our widows. our pain, our fucking long  as you don't say You...

You see with those Westerners and American pieces of shits, they like things sanitized, they like it abstract, vague, diffuse, "objective", an IT...who is that fucking IT ? It's just an It...

You see, you need to pussy foot around their fucking language, their fucking concepts, their fucking political correctness and their fucking nuances and dilute it with an IT

IT was bad, IT is bad, IT is un-liveable...IT is hell. IT long as you don't involve those self centered narcissistic bastards, psychopaths. as long as you don't include them in the picture when they are the main actors...

So much is asked of you...not only do you need to deal with your own ruined fragmented lost life, but you also need to be objective about and be empathetic towards them....and their lives..which they "sacrificed" either in  terms of "brave boys" or in "tax payer money " or in "health bills" or in whatever the fuck excuse they can come up need to be empathetic towards their empty shitty lives, their gargantuan holes that nothing fills up, no amount of food, money, sex, romance, adventure, things, goods can fill up...

And don't you dare think for a minute it's only whites, oh, no, it's every fucking "house negro" around who lives in this putrid land called the USA including the best house negros around, the Arabs next to the blacks..

My, my, what a bunch of whores these people are...even when they are stripped of their own dues, they're still there defending...

What are you fucking defending you little whores ?! What do I care about your little USA - American shit stories ?! I want my home back, I want to be with my family, I want the dead that you killed, talk to me...

Why can't I go back home now that you have liberated me ? Did anyone of you assholes sitting in your fucked crime ridden cities ever ask yourself this question ?!

You would not, of course you would not, you are too engrossed in your stupid, worthless, petty, trivial world, of celebrities and sports,  of who fucked who, and who you will lay next... if at all....

Well guess what , I still want a fucking answer to my question....and I don't care about your 2 mn email that you sent in protest..fuck you and fuck your worthless protests....

But you see the Westerner and the American in particular, that piece of shit called American, gets all so offended when you twist the IT and turn it around to a YOU...They are quick to banish you, they are quick to castigate you, they are quick to label you but these motherfucker criminals, these empty hollow shallow pieces of shits were not quick enough to stop your murder...

Oh but Mr and Mrs prime goody good two shoes take offense...but they took no offense when the stench of our dead filled the air of our city, nor did they take offense when our women got raped by their fucked perverted impotent filthy men, nor did they take offense when our children were orphaned and went hungry, nor did they take offense when tumorous cancers ate our insides apart, nor did they take offense when our men were sodomized in the name of their fucking freedom.....

But they do take offense when you step on their little stinking turfs...suddenly their "morality" flares up, suddenly their political correctness is at stake, suddenly their non existent history is questioned, suddenly...

Suddenly they awake because you touched them with a "profanity"...and oh, how could you ? Them, the God fearing , law abiding pieces of junk...them, the most fucked , retarded, stupid, dumb people on the face of the earth...never mind their bullets that tear you apart, never mind their napalm that burns you to ashes, never mind their bombs that destroyed your homes, never mind their toxins that made tumors your best friend, never mind their pillaging that made you seek food in garbage dumps, never mind any of that...never mind that your kids drink water from sewage pools or that your women prostitute themselves for a piece of bread, never mind...never mind...

Never mind because in the mind of that fucked up entity called America with its whites AND blacks you are at the end of the day a nothing...never mind because in that whorehouse called America even your Muslim Arab is a pimp, never long as you don't offend these sluts of the new world order with your profanities...

Because you see, they are such a fucking moral people...and everything else is out there...everything else is an IT that they never own up to.

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