
Christ is crucified daily in Iraq, daily.

Nails and thorns from all sides, in the Iraqi Body, the Innocent Iraqi Body.

Hammered deeply into every part...Romans and Pharisees...Judas, and the like...
They are called sectarian Shiites(and most of them have proved to be hypocrites) Kurds, Americans and Brits, Iranians and Zionist Jews.

Every day they claim more victims, more crucifixions...

No Iraqi has been spared. Sunnis, Yezidis, Turkmen, Sabeans, Shabak, and Christians...

The Christians of Iraq are one of the oldest, most ancient Christian communities in the whole of the Middle East.

And go and tell your Shiites, that Nejaf used to be the oldest Church in the world and that the 12 Imams are none but the 12 Apostles. And if a Mahdi is to return, it is none other but the Messiah. Bunch of ignorant fools.

Chaldeans and Assyrians constitute the bulk of the Christians of Iraq. They are Iraqis through and through, from time immemorial...They are one of the main arteries, veins, of this bleeding Iraqi heart. An essential aorta. A primordial piece of what used to be the most beautiful mosaic of ethnicities and sects, cohabiting peacefully for centuries...

This last week has witnessed the most brutal violent persecution against our brothers and sisters in Faith.

Over 3'000 Iraqi Christian families have been forcibly evicted from their homes in Mosul. Mosul was known to have an equal number of Christians and Muslims, who have peacefully coexisted and intermarried for years and years.

Contrary to other Arab countries where Christian minorities exist, like in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan or Palestine, intermarriage between Christians and Muslims was common in Iraq. I am a living proof.

Good God, I can't believe what you sub humans have done to Iraq and its different sects...

What is this irony of history, where under a fundamentalist christian occupation, a "born again" occupation, the true Christians are persecuted. What is this ? Will someone explain it to me for God's sake !

Cockburn and Co, and we all know what they stand for today, were quick to blame Al-Qaeda, and fundamentalist Islam. But Cockburn and Co being the hypocrites that they are, another subgroup of Pharisees, failed to tell you the truth, as usual.

The ones who have been driving out the Iraqi Christians from Mosul are none other than your "wonderful" Kurds.

That bunch of fascist, chauvinistic, racist, zionistic pieces of shits that you cried over... stating that they are sooooo oppressed and persecuted. And you invented stories that you ended up believing and now the Christians of Iraq are driven out in thousands by none other than the Kurds.

What have you got to say to that one ?

Today, a communiqué from the Assyrian community confirms that the ones who are persecuting the Iraqi Christians of Mosul are none than your fucking Kurds. The same was reported by the blogger Roads to Iraq. Now go and tell your Cockburn and Chomsky...

Since 2003, the Christians of Iraq have had their churches destroyed, their shops burned down, their families threatened, murdered and exiled...

So what have you got to say, you bunch of bastards ?

What have you got to say to the irrefutable fact that the Christians of Iraq prior to your so called dirty "liberation" where the most protected group in Iraq.

Now you come and talk about Muslim fundamentalism persecuting the Christians of Iraq ? You bad faithed bastards.

You are the ones who are persecuting the Christians of Iraq. You and your scum called Iran and Israel via their proxies of dirty Shiites and dirty Kurds.

You are the ones, you Americans and filthy Brits, you are the ones who are persecuting Christ and you are the ones who crucify him daily.

Turn the other cheek ? Ha! All I want to do is smash your criminal, ugly faces, your hypocritical faces, your lying faces, your deceitful faces...

Turn the other cheek ? You fucking bastards, I have no cheek to turn. I want you mother fuckers to be nailed, with no hope of "salvation" or "resurrection" ever !

Painting : Iraqi female artist, Yussra Al-Obaidi.


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Patrick Cockburn, like Robert Fisk, is scum. Both are prominent "left wing" journalist enablers of the invasion of Iraq. Patrick's career has surged thanks to Iraq and he loves watching himeslf on TV. Fisk was beaten up in Afghanistan a few years ago by locals who clearly understood what he reperesnts. It might do Patrick some good to have a similar expereince from the Iraqis.
Cockburn and Fisk, hypocrites to the core driven by career and ambition. And of course, the consulting money drenched in Iraqi blood that pours in, helps too.
Anonymous said…
Today's so-called 'Christians', particularly those from the US (and the weird born-again variety, one being the alcoholic and liar who leads them!)are not real Christians, Layla - if they were, everything that's happened/happening in Iraq would never have happened. Christ, in whose Name they pretend to live, would banish them to the deepest recesses of hell, because they do not represent His Word. They also forget (or wish to ignore) that the oldest Churches/Monasteries exist in the Middle East, were in existence long before they knew about Christianity, and that Christ Himself is MIDDLE EASTERN.

Everything about Christ has been distorted by them to suit their own agendas. A true follower of Christ lives by His most fundamental instructions: PEACE and LOVE for all mankind.

In solidarity.
Angel said…
"The ones who have been driving out the Iraqi Christians from Mosul are none other than your "wonderful" Kurds".

This does not surprise me, or my family. It seems to always have been this way.

Look back at the Kurd/Turk massacre in 1915 of 750,000 Assyrians and some Coptic Greeks, and later again, thousands in the 30's, again more in the 40's.

Just after that Haulocaust my Grandfather arrived home, he had not been in the country for 3 years. His entire town, along with the next two, were wiped out. Not one living being left. He joined Agha Patroos.

This is the living history of Assyrians. The oldest race of Christians, with no country to call home. It just doesn't stop.
Anonymous said…
They are not persecuting Christians because of their religion but because of their Arab nationalism and their refusal to play the occupiers' game.

Same for Sunnis and others.
Anonymous said…
Why are Kurds oppressing Christians?
Are no-Kurd Iraqis oppressing them, too?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 2 below me,

Can't you read ?
Anonymous said…
I hate it when my Inbox is filled with spam.
Anonymous said…
“A true follower of Christ lives by His most fundamental instructions: PEACE and LOVE for all mankind.”

So the only true Christians live in the ME? You’re pretty quick to condemn anything and everything that may possibly have roots somewhere else beyond the ME, must be nice to be so sure of yourself and your beliefs.

“They also forget (or wish to ignore) that the oldest Churches/Monasteries exist in the Middle East, were in existence long before they knew about Christianity, and that Christ Himself is MIDDLE EASTERN.”

Anyone (especially Lutherans) who has gone to Sunday school is fully aware of the history of Christianity and knows that Christ was Middle Eastern. They know that the ‘Christian’ God, the Jewish God and the Muslim God of the Old Testament are the same God….but people, being people, don’t agree on which prophet to follow so we have this turmoil that’s dependent on Man’s distorted vision of what they think God wants.

Christ’s most important lesson and message is forgiveness. So when will you, a so called Muslim, ascribe and recognize that there are TRUE Christians everywhere, there are True Muslims everywhere, and true Christians and Muslims from the ME are no better nor ‘worse than Christians and Muslims from the West, East, South and North.

Where I live we have on of the biggest Mosque’s in North America and it’s stated purpose to improve communication and improve charitable organizations by cooperation between Muslims, Jews and Christians…..Anything like that where you live?

People in glass houses shouldn’t start throwing stones…..
Anonymous said…
“A true follower of Christ lives by His most fundamental instructions: PEACE and LOVE for all mankind.”

So the only true Christians live in the ME? You’re pretty quick to condemn anything and everything that may possibly have roots somewhere else beyond the ME, must be nice to be so sure of yourself and your beliefs.

“They also forget (or wish to ignore) that the oldest Churches/Monasteries exist in the Middle East, were in existence long before they knew about Christianity, and that Christ Himself is MIDDLE EASTERN.”

Anyone (especially Lutherans) who has gone to Sunday school is fully aware of the history of Christianity and knows that Christ was Middle Eastern. They know that the ‘Christian’ God, the Jewish God and the Muslim God of the Old Testament are the same God….but people, being people, don’t agree on which prophet to follow so we have this turmoil that’s dependent on Man’s distorted vision of what they think God wants.

Christ’s most important lesson and message is forgiveness. So when will you, a so called Muslim, ascribe and recognize that there are TRUE Christians everywhere, there are True Muslims everywhere, and true Christians and Muslims from the ME are no better nor ‘worse than Christians and Muslims from the West, East, South and North.

Where I live we have on of the biggest Mosque’s in North America and it’s stated purpose to improve communication and improve charitable organizations by cooperation between Muslims, Jews and Christians…..Anything like that where you live?

People in glass houses shouldn’t start throwing stones…..
Anonymous said…
Adele said...

"Christ’s most important lesson and message is forgiveness."

There's no doubt about Christ's message of forgiveness. However, you seem to have forgotten LOVE, because without love, there can be no forgiveness.

As for your insinuation that 'the only true Christians live in the ME', ample evidence available at our fingertips does not indicate that the ME Christians have looted and plundered the rest of the world. This has been done by so-called 'Christians' from where you come, and then, you have the audacity to preach 'forgiveness'. Obviously, there must be TRUE Christians among the rest who carry out atrocities against fellow human beings, but their number is small. For instance, the majority of the occupation soldiers in Iraq are Christian. Their very presence in Iraq is against God's Law, against everything Christ preached - that is the first crime in God's eyes. They are NOT there to protect their fellow citizens, nor to protect Iraqis but to help loot, destroy and kill, kill, kill. So, your suggestion is that they continue killing and looting, and then you expect people in the ME, whether Muslim or Christian to forgive???

Nobody is denying that the Christian and Muslim God are one and the same - there are many roads to God, so long as everyone follows the basic tenets prescribed by God to humanity. Certainly, there are good and bad Muslims as there are good and bad Christians. However, it's not the Muslims who are destroying other lands, is it? Stop being in denial in the first place - once you accept this, the rest will fall in place, particularly if you wish to be right in God's eyes.

It is a proven fact that ME Christians and Muslims have lived in harmony through the ages, to the extent of celebrating Eid and Christmas together. What's happening today to the Christians in Iraq is a DIRECT consequence of the invasion of Iraq by Christian USans and their 'coalition of the willing'. This has also been clearly stated by Christian authorities in Iraq. Do we need anything more than that?

I don't understand what you mean by 'people living in glass houses ...' Rather irrelevant, isn't it?

By the way, how very 'charitable' to have a Mosque in your area - I hope that it continues to foster good relations among all people, but having seen the reaction by USans to the sounds made by some stupid doll, coupled with a video tarring all Muslims, I wonder if the Mosque will be 'allowed' to continue.

And, where I come from, Mosques and Churches exist side by side - there's no need for these institutions to make an EFFORT to foster communication and cooperation among peoples - it ALREADY EXISTS!!!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, that should read:

As for your insinuation that I SUGGESTED 'the only true Christians live in the ME', ample evidence available at our fingertips ...
Anonymous said…
To Adele:

And one more thought: It's well and good that the Mosque in your area is working to 'improve communication and cooperation between Christians, Jews and Muslims'. That's commendable.

However, what is the CHURCH in your area doing about the same? Surely, the effort from just one side will come to nought, if there is no reciprocation? Think about it when you talk about 'glass houses'.
Anonymous said…
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
Anonymous said…
Helping Mrs. Jocelyn Voltaire
Layla, Bush does not even care for people who were, ignorantly, willing to risk their lives for his project, what do you expect from him and his cronies towards your people?
Would anyone be able to verify this story and help out this lady? As the presidential candidates are thinking about power and as Bush has become irrelevancy itself, maybe her only hope is an Iraqi businessman who has fled Bush's torture and war.
Anonymous said…
I must admit that when I first started reading your blog I hated you. But I continued to read your blog because of your powerful words. You are truly talented at expressing yourself with strength and honor. You have forced me to really look at my country and what we have done to Iraq. I am really ashamed of it all. When I see the actions of the people we put in power it makes me sick. The worst thing is knowing there is nothing we can do to take it all back. The damage has been done..people are dead, lives have been destroyed.

As a victim of rape I know a bit about humiliation. The man was never caught so everywhere I go I can't help but look at every man on the street, when I drive I look at everyone in the car next to me... and it happened 7 years ago!!! It happened in my home so I was forced to sell my house for fear he would come back for more. I know how all the thousands of rape victims in Iraq feel.

Enough about me. I am just trying to say I am sorry for what we have done to Iraq. I know that it is not really worth much to suffering Iraqis but I don't know what else to say.

I have recently come into a great deal of money. So recent that none of my money is invested in the stock market thank God. I was wondering if you could list some good charities I can donate to. I have already given to some trustworthy Palestinian groups but I don't know of any Iraqi groups. I just want to make sure the money will get to the people who need it.

I have grown to love you Layla. You really kick ass!!!
Anonymous said…
That's a really nice post, American woman. It's always so much easier when we accept that we've done wrong (although you, personally, may not have contributed) and it paves the way forward to, perhaps, reparations and reconciliation.

Sorry about what's happened to you and your fears are well-founded. I pray that you manage to get over them eventually.

Layla, where are you?
Anonymous said…
Little Deer:
What are the churches doing? The same as the Mosques. I've been to many inter-faith conferences held at churches, mosque's and temples. People gathering together to solve problems like gang violance, treatment of women, how to solve the homeless situation...

By the way....the new mosque is not the only one in our city, just the largest and best place to gather because of how well it was planned with many different resources.

I do not deny Christ's message and lessons of love, spiritual love. My issues with most organized religion is the fact that so many twist the words of God and the Prophets to their own use. They think love is physical and absolute but don't understand that any religion that says they are the only path to God is suspect...

Case in point, a self-proclaimed evangelical Lutheran believes that I am not (was not) fit, as a single mother, to raise my daughter, she believes that she should have been taken away from me....not for any other reason but because I was single. (aside, daughter is now 23 in University w/o a mark under 90...must of done something right...)

Your point about Muslims not being the ones who are out killing people in other countries struck home but then I've never supported the occupation of any country in any century by the United States. But some people (not me)are so closed minded when they hear "Muslim" they think Jihad (sp?)and what infuriates me is that Americans can't think past their own geographical borders to see how they affect other races and cultures. Their conviction is unwavering and they think they are the be all and be end of the entire world.

American bashing is something of a National Sport in Canada....if you're interested check out Rick Mercers' Talking to Americans....

Thank you, Little Deer, for your thoughtful comments...

I imagine we have more in common than even you think...we should talk men someday.

I admire your passion....
Ian said…
So, another convert! Good for you and so sorry about what happened to you. May he rot in hell. If you are looking for a worthy cause to contribute to, I would suggest you try the International Organization for Migration ( I would gladly put you in touch with an Iraqi friend of mine who works for their Baghdad office. Specifically she helps sick Iraqi children get medical care outside the country and, as you can imagine, funding is always an issue. The Baghdad office is actually currently located in Amman, Jordan by the way. If you are interested, I can be reached at God bless you for wanting to help people; It's easy to talk, quite another thing to give time, money and/or resources.
Anonymous said…

It's good to know that the Church is working alongside the Mosque to foster good relationships among people and also to help build the community.

I agree with you that some people tend to interpret Christ's/God's/Prophet's teachings to suit their own agendas. Despite that, I believe that we all possess innate curiosity (weren't we curious as children?)and through this, as adults, we can still take it upon ourselves to enquire ... a case in point is Iraq, particularly because the destruction of Iraq and Iraqis was based on LIES. If we do that, it's amazing just how much we learn - often, what is being portrayed as Truth is very far from it. Again, there is also fear of the unknown, and this fear evaporates through knowledge, because we get to learn that we are all the same, irrespective of our nationality or creed: we love, we fear, we hope, etc., just the same: we see mothers crying for their sons/daughters in the US, but we never get to see the Iraqi mother who could have lost all her children (and everything) through a bomb dropped on her home ... or the Afghani mother, for that matter. If we are lucky to go beyond the artificial barriers, mostly created by ourselves, we find love ... and I don't mean the physical or the nauseating stuff we see on TV, but something far, far deeper and greater. This journey of discovery is truly wonderful.

Unfortunately, the Christian Church, with all its different branches, tends to have so many different interpretations to the basic tenets of Christianity. For example, your own experience with the evangelical Lutheran. Which one is right? Despite what you were told, you went ahead to raise your daughter, who's turned out to be your joy. Isn't that wonderful? You certainly did everything right, and being a single mother is irrelevant. There are homes with both parents, and children turn out to be lost causes. In the same way, we need to independently look at so many issues, particularly today, so that we make informed opinions/decisions/choices, if we are to live in a peaceful world, where everyone has equal rights, irrespective of who they are or what their faith is.

The economic problems in the US, and, consequently, worldwide, are also a direct result of what was/is being done to Iraq: many would call it retribution for the cries of the innocent dead. Was it worth it, in the end? In my view, there's no grey area between right and wrong.

These, among so many others, are the burning issues we really need to dwell on today, so that we leave this world as a peaceful place for future generations. Maybe that's a wild dream, but we certainly can try.

'I admire your passion....' - I take that as a lovely compliment - thank you.

In solidarity, Layla
Anonymous said…
Adele - Just came across this, and perhaps you ought to read it, which confirms a little of what I've said earlier? Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Little Dear
Anonymous said…
Ooops, I meant Little Deer
Anonymous said…
Little Dear: you are very welcome, my closing was definitely a compliment, I'd like to discuss further but it's for your amusement here's a link for you and Layla...

Hope enjoy!
Peace Out
bARABie said…
" Thanks Little Dear

17/10/08 8:12 PM
Anonymous American Woman said...

Ooops, I meant Little Deer"

Are you sure you didn't mean "Thanks little Dear Deer"? :)
bARABie said…
Layla, i know i emailed you this link but maybe your readers should enjoy it too.
bARABie said…
To make it easier for people, here is the previous link but in a hyperlink.

Enjoy this completely non political video
Anonymous said…
Barabie, thank you very much for that very beautiful link. I've been privileged to watch animals in the wild, including lions. It's always struck me, more so now that we are experiencing so much violence in the world, that animals (the real ones) are far more 'civilised' than man. Each animal or herd marks its territory, and no other animal crosses it. Animals only kill (other animals) when they are hungry, as opposed to humans, who seem bent on wanton destruction ...We have a lot to learn, don't we?

This video is beautiful ... and hardly surprising! Thanks again.
bARABie said…
Little Deer, to be honest when i watched the video, tears started streaming down my face.

You are right, it is a beautiful video.

I had to call my big German Shepherd just to cuddle him like they did. It made me realize how lucky i am to have an "animal" love me.
bARABie said…
"Animals only kill (other animals) when they are hungry, as opposed to humans, who seem bent on wanton destruction ...We have a lot to learn, don't we?"

You made me think of Hindus and how they might be onto something with their "honoring" of the cow (even if i find that hilarious). :)
Anonymous said…
@KMWR said amen, should we deduce from that comment that he is christian????!!!!!
@layla, how is your brother in NOOOOOThern Irakkkkkkk, and has he gotten over Mustafa Kemal ATATÃœRK???!!!!
Anonymous said…
Bwahahahaha,and laydididah!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
@barabie, you DONOT know what honoring is, you have hung out with the wrong people, but could you please try to SHUT UP??????!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
@kmwr, 0 comments for your disgusting site!!!!!! Yeah, you had informed the world, in your little dick universe, that Turkey was starting world war III, !!!!! Deep down we know , that is YOUR ambition, but who gives a HOOT??!!!!! And PERSONALLY, I DONOT THINK KARL MARX WAS RIGHT!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Karl Marx the embecile was not just right,but he is an idiot that goes nicely with the description!!!!!
Here, now, I have started world war III, schmuck face,karl marx, let's have you with it???!!!!NUR
Layla Anwar said…
Thank you all for your comments and links.

Little Deer,

Of course, Christ has got nothing to do with it...


I believe Little Deer, replied to you appropriately. I would have said things differently, as I sense your animosity...But hell, I simply can't be bothered.

American Woman.

Thank you for your kind words.
You have been visiting my site, on and off...I am not quite sure what to make out of your intentions...One minute you like me, one minute you hate me and one minute you would rather save stray dogs...Which reminds me of how "humane" Americans are-- A 10'000 ++ petition has been signed online to save a puppy from Iraq. To my knowledge hardly anyone signed a petition to save 5 million starving Iraqi orphans since 2003.
Thank you for your intentions of donations/contributions. This is how I operate. I don't give money to institutions. I simply ensure that the money is delivered to the person herself/himself and I arrange that the person contacts the donor as " proof of receipt". If you still want to contribute something, please write to me to my email address. There are over 2 million families that need help and I can direct you to you a few.
And please give me the lotto numbers you played as well...
And am sorry for what you had to go through, I can empathize...very much so.


Did not know that the military can be a convert the Iraqi cause that is. Please share with us, if you wish, your latest illuminations and do excuse my cynical side, it is involuntary. Call it PTSD if you wish. As for the IMO, I take these orgs with a grain of salt, besides they have govts behind them...and most of the time the money goes to beef up tax free salaries in Amman and Baghdad.


Thanks for a great video. I am a Lioness, myself...and I know that as "king" of the jungle even lions don't attack unless "hungry." Humans have a long way to go...

re: Kofi,

Thank you for constantly reminding me and the reader of "alternative, mainstream media and its hypocrisy". You are my alter ego is so many ways. Bless you.
Anonymous said…
you are not a lioness, you cannot even be called 'chicken shit'.NUR
bARABie said…

And i agree, about time you were honest.
Anonymous said…
Enjoy your German Shepherd, Barabie: I believe there is no equivalent to a pet's love. I know, because I had the most beautiful Jack Russell in the world, Tige ... He was almost human ... When I lost him, due to old age, I vowed I'd never have another pet - the pain, to this day, is too hard to bear.

Your comment on the Hindus made me smile - I think Buddhism does not allow the harming of any living thing right down to an insect, although I'm not too sure. Sounds good, though, doesn't it? Makes us more aware of LIFE.

It's great to see you back here, Layla - we've been pretty busy and filling up your site!

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…
@ American Woman:

"...kick ass..." seems to be so "man-like".
Are you sure that you are not trying to deflect anger and prevent the evolution to action fase by expressing virtual reality empathy?

The money part was really good, maybe you can the top 1% of your population to consume 1% less, you will have saved more lives than if you donate your whole estate to the Palestinian cause.
Anonymous said…
What the so-called "Christian", hypocritical scum of the earth who support the occupation are really asking you is to turn the other cheek...of your ass.

But in the end it's their criminal Empire which will be "screwed".
Anonymous said…
Ok Layla, I don't agree with EVERYTHING you say but I do have the utmost respect for you and your point of view. You have changed my mind on our role in the destruction of Iraq. I now we believe we are in completely in the wrong.

I don't know why everyone has to make fun of my love of Animals. I don't just help stray dogs...I take in all kinds of ABUSED animals. Dogs with their eyes gouged out, cat's who had firecrackers set off in their anuses...and much worse. I pay their vet bills and they let them recover in my home. Sometimes ii takes months for the animal to let me touch them. They trust no one. They are so innocent. It's heartbreaking. It's the closest thing I come to in my daily life to the suffering of tortured and imprisoned Iraqis. I think to myself "There are human beings being treated like this in Iraq."

sometimes I take your posts too personally and I respond too quickly without looking at the big picture. I say stupid things I wish I could take back.

I hope there are no hard feelings.
Anonymous said…
I just found two Iraqi/American groups from Detroit that airlift medical supplies and to Iraq that have outstanding reputations. They will be hearing from me....

PS my lotto numbers were 18 25 36 37 40 55 GOOD LUCK
Anonymous said…
Hey Little Deer I had a beloved Jack Russell who I had to have put to sleep two weeks ago. She got very sick and it was the best thing for her. She was ten years old and I loved her soooo much. She was always there to comfort me when I was feeling blue...
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry about your dog, American woman. Jack Russells are very close to my heart. In my case, the vet had suggested we put Tige to sleep because he was very ill, but I just felt I didn't want to 'play God'. I opted for continued treatment, very expensive, but it was a gesture of love. He was 14. I know exactly what you mean when you say she was there to comfort you...

What you're doing with the abused animals is admirable, but, somehow, I think one needs to look at the root cause for this abuse - man. As you very correctly state: this same abuse is being carried out in Iraqi prisons (and outside) to Iraqi prisoners by the same sick people ...very difficult to comprehend such evil, because that's what it is.

In solidarity, Layla
bARABie said…
Little Dear and American woman, one thing you both fail to mention regarding the abuse of animals and the sickos who are responsible;

In yankeeville the sickos are prosecuted to the full extent of the law and the ANIMALS are cared for if not by you then by some shelter or otherwise but unfortunately the Iraqis are treated much MUCH worse than those animals AND don't receive the care and support AND JUSTICE that they would if they were an ANIMAL in yankeeville!
bARABie said…
Hey Layla, i read something the other day about the prisoners being held in "camp bucca".

What got my attention was the fact that the majority are Sunnis, being held close to the kuwaiti border but what is more interesting is that their relatives have to stay in hotels..... Meaning that their names and addresses were being given to the shite owners of those hotels.
Anonymous said…
Hi Barabie, think you may have missed my reference to the sickos!

"I think one needs to look at the root cause for this abuse - man. As you very correctly state: this same abuse is being carried out in Iraqi prisons (and outside) to Iraqi prisoners by the same sick people ...very difficult to comprehend such evil, because that's what it is."

I agree with you about Iraqis not receiving care, support, and, most important JUSTICE. It's a well known fact that the majority of Iraqis languishing in prisons in Iraq have not even been charged, and, in most cases, have NOT done anything wrong. And this includes men, women and CHILDREN. All the same, WHO are these sick bastards from across the oceans (majority of them uneducated and barbaric) to lord over Iraqis in their own land and hold them in prisons, anyway?
bARABie said…
I know you made a reference to the sickos but that was not the point i was trying to make.

It was only the second part of my comment which was what you failed to mention.

In yankeeville the sickos are prosecuted to the full extent of the law and the ANIMALS are cared for if not by you then by some shelter or otherwise but unfortunately the Iraqis are treated much MUCH worse than those animals AND don't receive the care and support AND JUSTICE that they would if they were an ANIMAL in yankeeville!
bARABie said…
Basically the point i am trying to make is that animals are treated much "better" if they have been abused than an Iraqi would.

There are similarities but the Iraqis have it much worse than an abused animal in yankeeville.

And for that EVERY yank should hang it's head in shame!
Anonymous said…
I agree with you, Barabie, that, yes, animals are treated better. I'm not sure if hanging one's head in shame is enough for this horrendous crime against humanity in Iraq.

I don't know if you've seen this, but there's a picture of an Iraqi father behind barbed wire, wearing a black hood (seems to be a trade mark of the occupation), sitting on the ground in what must have been searing heat ... and he's holding his little son close to him, one hand caressing the child's head. I can't tell you how much pain I feel every time I see this picture... The child can't be more than four years old ... And we haven't seen ALL the horrors committed inside the prisons.
bARABie said…
" Award winning photo showing a iraqi man comforts his son at a holding center for prisoners of war in An Najaf, Iraq, 31 March 2003. AP photographer Jean-Marc Bouju has won the 2003 World Press Photo of the Year competition. Jean-Marc won also the 1995 Pulitzer Prize in Feature Photography and the 1999 Pulitzer Prize in Spot News Photography.

With barbed-wire in the foreground, the picture shows a father who has been detained by the Army’s 101st Airborne division. The man wears a bag over his head, and he clutches his son in his lap. "
bARABie said…
Notice in what i quoted above they talk about how the "man WEARS a bag over his head", like as if the poor guy CHOSE to wear a "bag", similar to choosing to "wear" a cap or hat.

Even with this they have to twist the facts and belittle the victim.
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla,

You are aware that, for 250 years, the Japanese Emperors were trying to eradicate Christianity from Japan but the Yanks successfully managed it in 3 seconds when they nuked the sole remaining Christian enclave of Nagasaki?

What makes you think Yanks are on the side of Christians? Yanks aren't Christians; they're liars, deceivers, and hypocrites, and to quote from the Bible, the souls of the dead must be crying out for justice against the things "Christian" America has done. They started out by committing genocide on the native Americans, who are still forced to live on "Reservations" (Doesn't that sound like Apartheid?), they then committed genocide on the Hawaiians, and they have been doing the same all around the world, ever since.

America a "Christian" nation, led by a "born-again Christian"? Don't make me puke!

Lord Dabass
bARABie said…
Do you remember those poms that were "captured" by the safavids and how what they were "wearing" was described?

"the team were blindfolded"

"Forced to wear pyjamas" (Could you imagine the torture they suffered wearing PYJAMAS:) )

This is not me defending the safavids, far from it, my point is to demonstrate the hypocrisy in reporting.
bARABie said…
Btw Little Deer, i did notice you used similar terminology ("wearing") but you also went on to describe how bad it was for BOTH the dad and child, even down to the "searing heat".

Whereas in the quote where they use "wear", one doesn't even know how old the child is.
Anonymous said…
Hi again Layla,

As I'm doing Bible quotes today :-) here are a couple more:

"You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord shall not hold him guiltless, who uses his name in vain."

So every single time George Bush claims to be doing "The Lord's work", he's taking the Lord's name in vain, and every time America calls itself a "Christian Nation", while going round the world smashing up other countries, it is also taking the Lord's name in vain.

Then there is "Judge not, least you be judged!".

So every time George Bush starts calling others "evildoers", he really is pushing his luck to the limit.

You really do have to read the Bible properly before you start claiming to be doing The Lord's work.

If you need any more Bible quotes, I can always help out. LOL

Lord Dabass
Anonymous said…
Hi again Layla,

Of course, my favourite Bible passage is Proverbs One:
The parables of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel, To know wisdom, and instruction:
To understand the words of prudence: and to receive the instruction of doctrine, justice, and judgment, and equity:
To give subtilty to little ones, to the young man knowledge and understanding.
A wise man shall hear, and shall be wiser: and he that understandeth shall possess governments.
He shall understand a parable and the interpretation, the words of the wise, and their mysterious sayings.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: That grace may be added to thy head, and a chain of gold to thy neck.
My son, if sinners shall entice thee, consent not to them.
If they shall say: Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood, let us hide snares for the innocent without cause:
Let us swallow him up alive like hell, and whole as one that goeth down into the pit.
We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoils. Cast in thy lot with us, let us all have one purse.
My son, walk not thou with them, restrain thy foot from their paths. For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. But a net is spread in vain before the eyes of them that have wings. And they themselves lie in wait for their own blood, and practise deceits against their own souls. So the ways of every covetous man destroy the souls of the possessors.
Wisdom preacheth abroad, she uttereth her voice in the streets: At the head of multitudes she crieth out, in the entrance of the gates of the city she uttereth her words, saying: O children, how long will you love childishness, and fools covet those things which are hurtful to themselves, and the unwise hate knowledge?
Turn ye at my reproof: behold I will utter my spirit to you, and will show you my words.

Because I called, and you refused: I stretched out my hand, and there was none that regarded. You have despised all my counsel, and have neglected my reprehensions.

I also will laugh in your destruction, and will mock when that shall come to you which you feared. When sudden calamity shall fall on you, and destruction, as a tempest, shall be at hand: when tribulation and distress shall come upon you:
Then shall they call upon me, and I will not hear: they shall rise in the morning, and shall not find me:
Because they have hated instruction, and received not the fear of the Lord, Nor consented to my counsel, but despised all my reproof.
Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and shall be filled with their own devices. The turning away of little ones shall kill them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
But he that shall hear me, shall rest without terror, and shall enjoy abundance, without fear of evils.

Now as it happens, I did read this today:

All those Americans now living in tents; Shall we say, and this is such an Americanism, "What goes around, comes around"?

Lord Dabass
Anonymous said…
Barabie, thank you - I stand accused. Yes, the choice of word, 'wearing' was wrong, and your interpretation is correct - it's like the unfortunate Dad chose to wear it ... Thanks, too, for sending further information on this particular photograph - I've actually saved it on my desktop... I'll check your info soon after this.

And you are also right about that scum that was 'captured' in the Gulf, and the reporting that accompanied this event. Too true about hypocrisy - it's being shoved down our faces all the time.

I'm usually pretty careful about what/how I write, but I've slipped - thanks for pointing that out, Barabie. It's important.
Anonymous said…
Back again, Barabie - THANK YOU very much for posting that photograph ... at least, others on this site can see it, too. And it's not just about this photo winning an award (I didn't know that), but it depicts so, so much more. This photo makes one wish one could just jump through the picture, grab the two and take them away to safety ... How poignant the little boy's bare feet and his shoes look. I've often wished I could meet this Dad and his beautiful son. I pray they are both living and safe.

Thanks Barabie.
Anonymous said…
An absolutely MUST READ article - and related to Layla's topic:

Layla, I'm sorry, I seem to be on this site a little too much!

In solidarity.
bARABie said…
Little Dear, thanks for the link.

What a sad story but a very brave woman. I am at a loss for words.
Layla Anwar said…
American woman,

Hello again. You say no hard feelings ?

Let us recap a little shall we ?

"You" bomb, invade, murder, kill, exile and destroy my country and its people.
I get a blog, I start writing as not to go crazy and to insure that parts of the truth stays out there, since the lies that have led to this point would make a mountain crumble.
A reader like yourself reads my blog and is displeased. How dare a victim raise her voice you think to yourself and against us Americans on top of it. Should she not be grateful and appreciate all what we have done to her and her people ?
That strangely reminds me of an abusive sadistic rapist who expects gratitude from its vicitim.

So you lash out, in your own way...I am fairly tolerant at times and let you my own way.

So you won the lotto and you are comfy, so now you can relax and look at the bigger picture and become a philanthropist ? 6 Years down the line ? And only now I get a lukewarm word of solidarity or an apology. You have been on my blog for quite some time. I have your comments to attest to them.

No hard feelings ?

Again, you think I am Jesus Christ ? Even Jesus would have take out the sword by now.
Layla Anwar said…
Lord Dabass,

You must be in your sunday school mood today. lol
Good points you make. Jesus was not a blue eyed blond from Arkansas. The Yanks and the Brits seem to forget that too often. How about you remind them. I am surely pointing out to your fellow countrymen and women who are no less guilty than the yanks.
Layla Anwar said…

Regarding Camp Bucca. Yes I know, I did mention more than once that over 80% of all detainees throughout Iraq are SUNNIS. And I did mention that the camps are run by the govt, americans and others directly by IRAN. Of course no one believed me then...
Layla Anwar said…
As for Dogs.
I need to write a post about that...sometimes soon.
Anonymous said…
interesting one.lolz
Anonymous said…
The basic, positive principles of Christianity have been blatantly perverted through out history to justify the death, destruction and misery inflicted upon the world in the name of Christ.

It continues into today's world. I am continuously sickened by the prominent and influential pundits, supposed religious leaders and the criminals in control that use Christ to veil their destructive and hateful views and desires. The criminals destroying the remnants of America, they wear Christianity like a cloak, concealing their true devotion to satanism. The sadistic brutalization of innocent life, their desire to rape, destroy and enslave the masses.

I have read that perhaps the religious texts that comprise the basis of the three great religions speak of two gods. The god of life and creation and the god of death and destruction.

Perhaps It is this god of darkness that these despicable excuses for human beings worship and represent under the false guise of Christianity.

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