A (great) Disappointment & a Question Mark.

I've been asked many a times, through this blog, what are my EXACT thoughts on the Iraqi Resistance.

My standard reply has always been the same unwavering one - Resistance against a foreign Occupation (dual as in the case of Iraq) is the legitimate right of every people.

That means that if tomorrow, the US is invaded and illegally occupied by a foreign power - I will put aside my deep dislike for you lot and will say that the American people have a right to resist any form of illegal occupation. My heart will probably rejoice that you are being made to taste what you inflicted on others, but I will place my principles above my personal/collective story. Right is right.

Of course I will try to find legal loopholes by which the invasion and occupation of your country can be justified...Mind you, I will not need to search far for these legal gaps, since you have proven over and over again, not to be a state of law, positing yourselves above the Law. Clearly, the same is applicable to (not so) Great Britain.

Getting back to the Resistance issue.

Not only have I not wavered in my support for the Iraqi Resistance, but I also, throughout my posts, took great pains in asking the reader to differentiate between Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which is nothing but a terror organization funded by the Israeli, American and Iranian secret services, and between the legitimate Resistance.

I also took great pains in differentiating between the so-called resistance of Muqtada Al-Sadr (the idol of Ccckburn, Rosen, Wallerstein, the anti-war clowns and of course pro-Iran Shia revivalist "revolutionaries" (hahaha) to name a few) and that of the true Iraqi Resistance who fought the occupation from Day 1.

I have not ceased to point out that Muqtada Al-Sadr has been involved in the political process under occupation, has upheld the puppet governments under occupation (like that of Al-Jaafari and Al-Maliki), has been personally involved in the lynching of the legitimate President of Iraq - Saddam Hussein, was/is one of the masterminds (alongside the Americans and other Iranian militias like Badr and Dawa) in the MASSIVE ETHNIC CLEANSING OF IRAQ. That his Mahdi army is inculpated in the most hideous of tortures, in gang rapes, in mutilations, in displacement...and in Death. I have repeated over and over that the ministries run by his men are known to be the most sectarian, brutal, criminal hell holes (very much like those of the ministry of Interior totally run by Iran). I said it over and over until I was blue in the face that Muqtada Al-Sadr is a special card used by Iran when necessary, when convenient. I said that this guy besides being a psychopathic murderer is also a political joke -- that his lack of education, depth of analysis, and political mic macs bear no weight in any true Resistance movement. I also said that Hezbollah's support for Muqtada Al-Sadr and his movement renders Hezbollah even more dubious - past its patriotic rhetoric, and de facto points to the true Iranian sectarian nature of any political Shiite movement - Hezbollah included.

And it did not stop there.

It also took me many hours and sleepless nights, to translate whenever I could, to the point of utter physical and mental exhaustion -- interviews and articles by some factions of the Iraqi Resistance, making them available in English. And am no professional translator either.

I also mentioned that the true Iraqi Resistance is made up of many political factions and that it is incumbent on anyone who stands against the Occupation, to support it. I heavily criticized the anti-war buffoons, the Left (hahaha) in general, and the Arab Left (hahaha) in particular, for failing to do so.

I also pointed out that the True Iraqi Resistance was the only one that kept resisting, that it had no support whatsoever from any outside country, (like Muqtada Al-Sadr), and that what it achieved in 5 years, fighting the mightiest power on earth, ALONE -- is nothing but short of a miracle.

On a side note, but still related. I was also asked on numerous occasions to give my exact thoughts on the Resistance wing led by Izzat Al-Durri. And I was specifically asked to give my comments on his last speech which can be read here.

Today I will reply to your questions.

Before doing so, let me reiterate what I've been stating for the past two years. This is not a disclaimer by the way, it is just FACT.

I was never and will never be part of any political group or party. Be it Baath or ANYTHING ELSE. The way I am constituted makes it impossible for me to join any collectivity. Blame it on some faulty psychological wiring, if that pleases you more...

Having said that, I also expressed some admiration for the achievements of the Baath ideology in practice and tried to illustrate this by writing about Iraq's developmental/ infrastructural leap in a short period of time (20 years), its commitment to its people - in matters of education, health, gender rights, culture...its pan-Arab vision and its unconditional support for Arab struggles, with the Palestinian cause as its spearhead.

I have also not hid my admiration for Saddam Hussein whom I still consider a great Leader, a Visionary and a Martyr and Hero. And I reiterate what I have always alluded to in the past - I still believe he was ahead of his times and that the Iraqis did not really deserve him. But then that is not the problem of Saddam Hussein, that is the historical problem of the Iraqis. Ahl Al-Shiqaq wal Nifaq - The people of Division and Hypocrisy - with a few exceptions, of course.

But let me also say, just because I think the majority of Iraqis are that way, that should NOT be translated into stopping the fight or not standing by my people. Remember what I said about Principles above personal likes or dislikes.

Of course, you are wondering by now, with all this lengthy introduction, what point is she trying to make ? Don't worry, it's coming...

My great disappointment was mainly prompted by two things.

1) parts of Izzat Al-Durri speech.


2) the publication of an article on the 1920 Revolutionary Brigade website.

Assuming of course that Izzat Al-Durri is still alive (a thing I have my own reservations about), how can it be possible that the Supreme Commander of Jihad and Liberation, on the one hand says and I quote :

"I tell them all that our homeland is occupied, invaded by the US imperialists and the international Zionism, backed by the Safawi Khomeinism.. They have destroyed our homeland, they murdered our people, they displaced it, scattered it and they continue to destroy, to divide, to murder and to displace in the daylight and in front of the world eyes and ears."

and, on the other hand, states "Our Army is not also al Qaida which allowed you to slaughter its men, and it is neither the Mahdi army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it, militarily, with my due respect and my profound love and my pride for everyone who combat you on the soil of Iraq to liberate Iraq."

Izzat al-Durri's main criticism of the Mahdi Army is that it liquidated itself easily. He then says he extends his respect and profound love and pride to everyone who combats...

Is Izzat Al-Durri extending his profound love and respect to one of the murderers of Saddam Hussein by any chance ? Or is he extending his love and respect to one of the main ethnic cleansers of Iraq ? Or maybe he is extending his profound love and admiration for Muqtada Al-Sadr who never failed to repeat that he will liquidate any remaining Baathist on earth, after having (him and the other Iranian militias) liquidated over 130'000 Baathists till this very day.

These are valid questions and not that am expecting a reply from anyone, but I have every right to raise them. Either Al-Durri, who was one of Saddam's trusted aides, has made a 180 political turn and taken up the path of Naqshabandi Sufi Love, or this speech is not written by him but by some who have infiltrated the Baath and the Resistance, and have been co-opted with a clear Iranian, Shiite, sectarian agenda. And yes, the Mahdi army is clearly a sectarian shiite movement -- backed, funded and armed by Iran - to murder Iraqis. Iraqi ex-army officers, Iraqi academics and scientists. Iraqi women, in particular Sunnis. Iraqi gays. Iraqi children. Iraqi men...and Iraqi Baathists.

The other article, published in March 08, on the 1920 RB site - A Resistance site.

An article by Sami Ramadan on the Basra fights. Sami Ramadani is an ad-hoc, vehement, zealous supporter of the chief sectarian Driller of Baghdad and Lyncher of President Saddam Hussein - Muqtada Al-Sadr. Besides, Sami Ramadani has nothing but praise for Iran.

How can the 1920 RB site publish this grotesque bullshit by a man who supports the murderer of the HEAD of the Resistance, Saddam Hussein ?!

How can the 1920 RB site, on the one hand lash out at Muqtada Al-Sadr calling him a charlatan and a murderer -- which he is, and still publish this crap ?

Either, some factions of the Resistance have also been co-opted by Iran, or everyone has gone raving mad and have lost all vision.

We Iraqis, who are anti DUAL occupation, who believe in a secular state, are progressives, are anti-sectarianism, are anti-Iranian Khomeinism...Us Iraqis, who are hanging by a thread, who have nested our precarious hopes and pinned our trust in the hands of the Resistance...NEED to know. It is our right to know!

And until anyone from the above, comes up with clear answers and intelligent justifications (and no justifications can be logical in this instance), I will say to you that Saddam Hussein has sacrificed his life in vain. And maybe I should take up knitting instead...

Painting: the late Iraqi female artist, Layla Al-Attar, murdered by US bombs in 1993.


Anonymous said…
Salam Layla.

"and it is neither the Mahdi Army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it"

I think you misunderstood this sentence GRAMATICALLY.

Had the object of the "liquidation" been the same as the subject, i.e. Mahdi Army (which would have allowed the Americans to do so), it should have read "itself".

Instead, it reads "it", which means the object is NOT Mahdi Army, but "our Army", i.e. the Baathist Resistance, WHICH THE MAHDI ARMY ALLOWED (HELPED) THE AMERICANS TO LIQUIDATE.

Please re-read again:

"Our Army is not also al Qaida which allowed you (i.e. the Americans) to slaughter its men ("its" refers to "our Army"), and it is neither the Mahdi army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it ("it", again, refers to "our Army")."

Commander Izzat Al Duri is stating that neither Al Qaida nor Mahdi Army could possibly be part of the Resistance, as they both ideologically inspired and materially helped the occupiers to "slaughter" and "liquidate" the TRUE Resistance (HIS OWN).

My respects to you, and please don't offend your loyalty and talent with absurdities such as "I should take up knitting" for God's sake, you are more precious to the success of our blessed fight than you will ever know ;-)

Anonymous said…
Abu Mohammed,

And how do you explain the bit about his profound love & pride for "everyone" who fights, uh ?
Anonymous said…
Speaking of great disappointments, have you see the article about George Galloway on AlMoharer ???

My, and to think I used to adore that man for his support of the legitimate Iraqi government during the build-up of the war and then through the early times of the invasion...

Now the JESTER goes around singing IRAN's praises and went so far as to claim that it was Saddam who started the Iran-Iraq war and Khomeini was a patriotic leader who defended his people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next time I'll think twice before trusting a Brit, or a self-declared "socialist".
Anonymous said…
Layla, tell me it is not true...

Izzat Al Duri is the last alive of the July 17th Revolution glorious crew.

In my mind, even though I find him a much less charismatic figure than my beloved Saddam Hussein, I liked to think of him as the leader of the Resistance, because he represents a bridge with the past, a guarantee of continuation.

If he really has gone "soft in the head" or worse still an Iranian puppet, who will take up the Ba'ath flag, who will realize Saddam's and IRAQ's dream of Pan-Arab unity, independence, social justice, progress and cultural splendour ?

Do let me know if the answer is "no one" - I'd see to it that my parent's evident error is "corrected" in some way or other.

Am tired of it all, dear one... :-(
Anonymous said…
Typo: parents'
Anonymous said…
"Saddam Hussein has sacrificed his life in vain"

I know the "Christians" of today will probably find my analogy "blasphemous" (ha ha ha), but your President's story reminds me SO MUCH of another one: a "scandalous" revolutionary messenger of a new vision of things handed over by an arrogant colonizing power to the backward, sectarian, hate-driven local religious caste, abandoned by a moody, unfaithful crowd, and finally surrounded by, mourned for, believed in, and awaited against all evidence, by WOMEN ALONE.

Would you say that other martyr sacrificed his life "in vain", despite his message was completely misunderstood/betrayed by his successors ?

To die for one's principles is NEVER vain - not in GOD's eyes, memory and final judgement.
Anonymous said…
I have my reasons to believe that not only the 1929 Brigades but the Islamic Army and a few other Resistance factions have been infiltrated by the enemy.


Stubborn, amateurish, messy lot.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I mistyped, it is 1920 RB.
Anonymous said…
I think Raghad should tell her Jordanian hosts to go fuck themselves and take up the command of the Resistance in her own hands.

She'd make a far more clear-minded and harder leader than any so-called male around.
Anonymous said…
No trouble, just checking out what layla is chewing on at this very moment
Anonymous said…
Hi, there, you scum!!!! How's ALL treatng you??!!!
Anonymous said…
KMWR--I agree with "Angry," above.
Having lived through much, not all, of the anti-Stalin, anti-Bolshevik, "one party dictatorhsip" rhetoric, and anti-Communist purges, penetrations and infiltrations, the patterns and rationals are similiar. They become easily discernible.
Anonymous said…
Which 'angry' are you talking about??!! YOU S HMUTFACE??!!
Anonymous said…
A GREAT DİSSAPPOINTMENT; and 'NO' questionmark!
Anonymous said…

Stalin was a harsh but intelligent and capable leader.

The stupid Europeans should be grateful to him and his Red Army, who were the ones who really fought and defeated Hitler, not the dumb death machines from across the Atlantic who only knew to flatten innocent cities and drop nuclear bombs like candy !!!
Anonymous said…
I don't believe your support of the Iraqis is based on "principles" alone.

Stronger for being more ancient than any incidental, transient disappointment, is your innate, breastfed love for them all, in spite of their faults...
Anonymous said…
First of all, i'd like to clarify that I posted on my website "Izzat al-Douri"'s speech only because i was assured of its authenticity and therefore it's a very important document, but I ABSOLUTELY agree with Layla.

As regards what Mr. Abu Mohammed says, i'd like that he was right, but:

1. Here there is another translation of "Izzat al-Douri"'s speech and of course the translator interprets it in the same way as Layla (and I) do.

2. The sentence "Our Army is not also al Qaida which allowed you (i.e. the Americans) to slaughter its men ("its" refers to "our Army"), and it is neither the Mahdi army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it ("it", again, refers to "our Army")" has no meaning at all. What would it mean to say that the Mahdi army CONVINCED the US to liquidate the resistance? Is maybe Mr. Al-Douri claiming that it was the Mahdi army to convince the occupiers to fight against the resistance?? And maybe is saying that the national resistance has been liquidated???? Of course not: clearly he is saying that the Mahdi army has been liquidated because of its "backward style". In any case, just the words "backward style" clear up any doubt: Mr al-Douri criticizes the Mahadi army only for its backwardness, but he is full of love for the sadrist thugs that lynched President Saddam Hussein, fought against the resistance, ethnic cleansed Iraq and drilled half of Baghdad. He accuses the mahdi army only of tactical mistakes.

However, one can read the arabic text of "Izzat al-Douri"'s speech here;

3. Sadly this isn't the first time that the unofficial baath party's website, al-basrah, has praised Moqtada al-Sadr and his drillers, even after President Saddam's lynching. And surely Mr. Salah al-Mukhar criticized the sadrist militia (may 8, 2008) for its links with Iran, but he said that the baathist doors are always open to the the Mahdi army drill boys, that murdered Saddam Hussein, desecrated his body, and danced like monkeys around his desacrated body.

4. The Baath party NEVER admitted that the Mahdi army assassinated the Iraqi president.
In the first statement after Saddam's assassination the Baath party accused the US, Iran and the zionist entity; it blamed even Hezbollah and Nasrallah, but NOT Sadr and the Mahdi army. On the first anniversary of Saddam's lynching, the Baath party wrote ""The stand of the hero martyr in front of the gallows of shame and dishonor as he - May God rest him in peace- precisely described, as a heroic and rare intrepid stand which petrified the bloodthirsty stooges-jailers, the likes of Maliki, Hakim, Talabani and their master criminal Bush…. ?????? Why doesn't the Baath write the truth? Maliki, Hakim and Talabani are disgusting sectarian criminals, but it was the Mahdy army that lynched President Hussein and it was Moqtada al-Sadr who tied the noose around his neck. And his executioners cried "Moqtada Moqtada Moqtada" not "Talabani talabani talabani" or "Maliki Maliki Maliki"! By the way, Talabani (hypocritically) refused to sign Saddam death sentence and on the day of the lynching was in Sulaimaniya, whilst Moqtada al-Sadr lynched Saddam with his own dirty hands. Yet the Baath party accuses Talabani but not Sadr and the mahdi army. All the world saw that Moqtada and his drill boys lynched Saddam: all the world except the Baath party that still goes on hiding that the Mahdy army and al-Sadr murdered the iraqi President Saddam Hussein. WHY????

I add that of course I cannot know if "Izzat al-Douri"'s speech is indeed authentic, and i strongly hope it isn't.
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Paola Pisi, greetings to you.

I think Mr. Salah al Mukhtar meant that the Baathist doors would be always opened to any Iraqi lost sheep who sincerely repents and returns to to the "fold".

Fighting the enemy tooth and nail but without hatred is one of the pillars of the Arabo-Muslim war code of ethics as commanded by the Prophet, and Saddam himself left this world asking his Iraqi people, ALL of them, to free themselves from the sectarian trap laid by treacherous Persia, put all hard feelings aside and unite again under one flag.

Isn't it what you too , and any sane life-loving human, would wish in the end of the day - some harmony ?
Anonymous said…
yawn...all this whirling of dervishes is sending me to sleep...

do wake me up when you start fighting seriously, ok ?

nite nite.
Anonymous said…
Sami Ramadani is Layla's ex husband !
Anonymous said…
Salam Layla,

I disagree with your comment on Izzat Al-Douri's speech. It is very clear that he is speaking out against Al-Qaeda and Al-Sadr. His salutations at the end are for all who fight the US scum for the liberation of Iraq (of which Al-Sadr and Al-Qaeda have never been a part).

Below is the Arabic text from the same message:

إن مقاومتنا ليست جيوشاً رسمية مجيشة حتى تجيش عليها جيوشك الرسمية المتفوقة عدة وعددا لتنتصر عليها.. اليوم في هذه المدينة وغدا في تلك، وهي ليست القاعدة التي قدمت لكم نفسها على طبق من ذهب لتذبحوها، وهي ليست جيش المهدي الذي أطمعكم كثيراً، بل أغراكم بأسلوبه المتخلف على تصفيته عسكرياً، مع احترامي وتقديري وتعزيزي ومحبتي لكل من ينازلكم على أرض العراق لتحرير العراق.


On the 1920's website:

1. The webmaster is usually the person who puts articles on a site. Therefore, an English article written by a Sadrist does not nessesarily reflect the political views of a movement (those are usually indicated in the political statments such movement would publish).

2. There are currently 31 resistance formations which all fall under the leadership of the Baath government. I am not sure where the 1920's brigade fits in all of this whether they are part of the whole or still an off-shoot movement.

Finally: Saddam was murdered by the US. Just because he was handed to a bunch of blood thirsty sectariens to carry out his execution does not change the facts. He died at the hands of the US.
Anonymous said…

I forgot one more thing. In your introduction, you spoke of supporting the US people if they were ever occupied!?!

Not sure how it works with you, but in my book a people who have occupied and stolen the land cannot be occupied themselves since they are illegal to begin with.

Its like saying you would support the Israelis if they were ever occupied!
bARABie said…
"Trample on the mercenaries filthy faces which defend Iran in amongst your ranks and divulge their servility towards Iran whose silence is bought against shed Iraqi pure blood on the hands of Nasrallah�s pupils and those who trained them to kill Iraqis in Lebanon"

Paola, the above is what the Baath resistance said about nasrallah and basically who they were speaking about IS sadr and the rest of the goons trained by the hizzies.
I believe you are incorrect in stating "it blamed even Hezbollah and Nasrallah, but NOT Sadr and the Mahdi army.".

Who else would be "nasrallah's pupils"?

As for the other parts you bring up, i will address those after i have read a few statements from Saddam Hussein.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Layla, for this very interesting and thought-provoking post, and for keeping us well informed about everything.

To Anonymous above, who mentions another 'revolutionary' and that Christians may be scandalised with your comment: I am Christian, and I don't find your comment offensive - on the contrary, I made the very comparison when President Saddam Hussein was abandoned, lynched and killed, and the entire world was made (forced, rather, through the notoriously mendacious propaganda, courtesy of the MSM) to see him as a 'criminal'. How easily led and swayed human beings are, and how easily humanity is drawn towards deception rather than towards seeking the Truth ...

"To die for one's principles is NEVER vain - not in GOD's eyes, memory and final judgement."

I agree with you absolutely, Anonymous.

In solidarity, Layla.

Long live Iraq and the heroic Iraqi Resistance.
Anonymous said…
Mr. Abu Mohammed, greetings to you.

Maybe you're right about Mr. Al-Mukthar's article, but as i already said al-basrah posted many pieces praising al-Sadr and his drill team and calling them to join the resistance. Here you can read even a "FRATERNAL" call to Moqtada al-Sadr to join the iraqi resistance (March 26, 2008).

To reply to your question: of course i'd wish some harmony, but first of all i 'd like to see some justice. And justice demands that Sadr (and many others sectarian thugs) pay for his monstrous crimes.Therefore i hope that Iraqis, once they have freed their country, will make justice and deal with al sadr and his crimes. The iraqis at that point will be able to do so with their face uncovered and not like the mahdi army that assassinated the iraqi president with their face covered. We'll see if that day Al-Sadr will show the same courage of President Saddam Hussein.

1. Is it true that the Baath party statements never blamed Moqtada al Sadr and the Mahdi army for President Saddam's assassination, and never even admitted that it was the Mahdi army that lynched him? and why? Didn't the Baath party see the video of Saddam's lynching?

2. Is it true that the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance and its leader, Mr. Jabbar al-Kubayssi, are the main allies of the Baath party? Is it true that immediately after Saddam's assassination the IPA posted on its website an interview with Khair El-Din Haseeb, claiming that that the Mahdy army wasn't present at Saddam's execution, and it was all a US and SCIRI psy-op, in order to slander Moqtada and his lovely boys?. And why?

3. Is it true that Mr. Jabbar al-Kubayssi is the leader of the so-called National Front for the Liberation of Iraq (for instance here and here? Is it true that a few days after Saddam's assassination the so-called National Front for the Liberation of Iraq spread over the four corners of the world and posted on all the Iraqi forums a grotesque statement claiming that there was a US-Hakim plot to murder the poor Moqtada (herethere is an english translation)? And why?

In spite of all, I've always defended and supported the Baath party, but after reading "Izzat al-Douri"'s speech, i lost every hope.

Layth, Salam

"Izzat al-Douri" is criticitizing the mahdi army only for its for its backwardness (i.e. for its lack of tactical acumen), but clearly honors (and loves) them because - he says - they fought against the occupiers. There isn't the slightest doubts that the English translation is correct. Moreover, of course i agree that Saddam was murdered by the US, but since - as you write - he "was handed to a bunch of blood thirsty sectariens to carry out his execution ", which is the reason for not calling this bunch of sectarians by its name - Mahdi army - and writing that Saddam was murdered by "the likes of Maliki, Hakim and Talabani"?

As regards the 1920RB, they never joined the Baath party and the other 32 groups, and i too hope and think that posting that shameful article by Sami Ramadani was only a mistake by the webmaster, since the 1920RB spokesperson clearly stated that the Mahdi army thugs are Iranian tools, OPPOSED the resistance and made unforgettable and unforgivable crimes. But i think also that it would be better that the 1920RB read their own website and choose a smarter webmaster.

Hi Barabie

Probably you are right, and when the Baath party wrote "Nasrallah's pupils", it meant "Moqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi army". But why the Baath party has to write "Nasrallh's pupils", "the likes of Talabani, maliki and hakim" etc, and cannot write "Moqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi army"? It isn't so difficult: all the rest of the world was able to write these simple words: "Saddam Hussein was lynched by the Mahdi army".
bARABie said…
"and it is neither the Mahdi Army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it"


"Convinced" and "allowed" are not the same thing.
bARABie said…
"But why the Baath party has to write "Nasrallh's pupils", "the likes of Talabani, maliki and hakim" etc, and cannot write "Moqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi army"?"

The following is only a guess.

One needs to look at the "why" in context. At the time, and even now, nasrallah was the darling/hero of the Arab world not sadr. Believe it or not but a majority of the rest of the world views sadr as just a pawn, not very important at all.
bARABie said…
"But i think also that it would be better that the 1920RB read their own website and choose a smarter webmaster."

To be fair to the webmaster, don't we all make mistakes?
Anonymous said…
even if you translate "and it is neither the Mahdi Army which allowed you through its backward style to liquidate it", the meaning is more or less the same: the Madhi army allowed the US to liquidate it (i.e. the same Mahdi army) because of its backwardness, yet "Al-Douri" honors it because it fought against the occupiers.

You're right, we all make mistake, but the 1920RB webmaster made a very big one.
Anonymous said…
Salam Paola,

>"Izzat al-Douri" is criticitizing the mahdi army only for its for its backwardness (i.e. for its lack of tactical acumen), but clearly honors (and loves) them because - he says - they fought against the occupiers. There isn't the slightest doubts that the English translation is correct.

For God's sake. Izzat Al-Douri since 2006 has issued a "liquidation order" for a list of collaborators and scum, amongst whose name was "Muqtada Al-Sadr".

How can a man order the liquidation of an agent and then we claim that he is at the same time sympathetic to the said agent based on the nitpicking on the linguistics of one of his many releases/statements?

Here is a copy of the liquidation letter (Muqtada zift is # 14 on the list).

bARABie said…
The following by the Martyr Saddam Hussein (RIP) says what i want to say but much much better.

Paola, notice Saddam never mentions sadr by name.

"The strangers who are carrying the Iraqi citizenship, whose hearts are empty or filled with the hatred that was planted in them by Iran, responded to it, but how wrong they were to think that they could divide the noble among our people, weaken your determination, and fill the hearts of the sons of the nation with hatred against each other, instead of against their true enemies that will lead them in one direction to fight under the banner of God is great: The great flag of the people and the nation.

Oh brothers! Oh mujahideen and fighters! For this I call on you now and I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave space for a person to be fair. It blinds you and closes all doors of thinking. Hate prevents you from thinking straight and from making the right choices and avoiding the wrong. It blocks your vision and prevents you from seeing the variables in the mind of those who were thought of as enemies, including those people who had gone astray but have changed their direction and have taken the right path, the path of the noble people and the glorious nation.

I also call on you, brothers and sisters, my children and the children of Iraq. I call on you, oh comrades of jihad; I call on you not to hate the people of the other countries that attacked us. You should distinguish between the decision-makers and the people. Just hate the action. Even those whose actions deserve to be fought–do not hate them as human beings. Also, the doers of evil, do not hate them, but hate the evil deed itself and fight the evil with what it deserves. Whoever changes to the better or does good inside or outside Iraq, give him clemency and open a new page for him because God forgives and loves whoever forgives out of willingness. Firmness is necessary if the situation calls for it. To be accepted by the people and the nation, one should base things on the law and must be fair and just. One should not be hostile on the b! asis of spitefulness and illegal pursuits."
bARABie said…
"even if you translate "and it is neither the Mahdi Army which allowed you through its backward style to liquidate it", the meaning is more or less the same: the Madhi army allowed the US to liquidate it (i.e. the same Mahdi army) because of its backwardness, yet "Al-Douri" honors it because it fought against the occupiers."

Very very good point you make.
To be honest, i don't want to believe Izzat Al Duri is praising or honoring that freak sadr.
bARABie said…
Layth, PLEASE tell me you didn't just link to memri!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
President Saddam doesn't mention ANYONE by name . And surely when he wrote that letter, the Mahdi army hasn't yet lynched him.
However, i hope you're right, even if i read many articles on albasrah in favour of Sadr (or very ambiguous about him and his drill team).
Layth, the link isn't working.
Anonymous said…
>Layth, PLEASE tell me you didn't just link to memri!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That link has a copy of the actual letter at the bottom - that is what counts.
Anonymous said…
WHICH is the link?
Anonymous said…


Anonymous said…
"That means that if tomorrow, the US is invaded and illegally occupied by a foreign power - I will put aside my deep dislike for you lot and will say that the American people have a right to resist any form of illegal occupation."

Yes, we should all assist the Lakota freedom fighters in any way we can. Freedom for the Lakota people now.


Death to the Crackers!

(And no, I still don't work for IBC.)
Anonymous said…

I found it on the MEMRI
. Of course it is a blatant hoax, and in October 2006 the baath party immediately said that the Mossad fabricated and spread it, in order to slander the baathists and the resistance. In fact, the baath party spokesperson said, on the "hit list" there was "even the name of Moqtada al-Sadr" (God forbid!), who"is clearly hostile to the occupation". Just two months later the occupation gave President Saddam Hussein to the dear Moqtda to lynch him.

The article i linked to is written in Danish, but you can easily read it with a google translation (This Danish blogger is surely a very reliable source, since Izzat al-Douri personally thanked him for his work).
bARABie said…
"with my due respect and my profound love and my pride for everyone who combat you on the soil of Iraq to liberate Iraq.""

Layla, the above quite clearly defines whom those that "combat" are otherwise who is meant by "you" after "combat"?

"He then says he extends his respect and profound love and pride to everyone who combats..." YOU.
Not just anyone who combats but anyone who combats YOU, "you" being the yanks/safavids/jewish maggots/turds in this case.
bARABie said…
"President Saddam doesn't mention ANYONE by name . And surely when he wrote that letter, the Mahdi army hasn't yet lynched him. "

True the mahdi "army" (wonder why the mahdi would need an army, my sarcasm) hadn't lynched the martyr at that point but they were engaged in sectarian killings.
You also do have a point regarding the fact Saddam didn't mention anyone by name.
bARABie said…
"That link has a copy of the actual letter at the bottom - that is what counts."

You yourself were able to provide another link to a copy of the actual letter, need i say more?
Anonymous said…
Surely all people instinctively feel for the underdog, feel for the victim, feel for the less fortunate.
Yet some have overcome this instinct and fully support the bully.
Anonymous said…
Paola Pisi,

How, in the name of common sense, could Izzat Al Douri and Salah Al Mukhtar, both Baathists, possibly sympathize with Sadr who's made the mission of his life to persecute and kill every Baathist around ?

They should be either incredibly ignorant or masochist !

No, I tend to give credit to the "infiltration" theory, both into the Baath information bureau and into Al-Basrah website, this is not to pronounce the hideous word HIJACKING.
Unknown said…
Dear Paola,

I would figure that the letter is authentic.

If Sadr and his followers take-up a campaign of murdering Baathists, do you honestly believe Izzat Al-Duri would invite them to tea or call for their liquidation?

The latter is the truth.
Anonymous said…
I just had a brilliant idea:


Then she comes back here and share it with Layla and the rest of us.
Kali Manitou said…
Layla, your writing reflects the increasing darkness that you sink into because you cannot accept the reality.... the point where you might wanna forget the "maybe" IN YOUR insightful consideration
"maybe I should take up knitting instead..."
either that or you go completely mad...
which is ok with me because you are utterly entertaining sometimes... Like when you write
" the Iraqis did not really deserve Saddam Hussein" which i completely agree, in the way that the Germans didn't really deserve Adolf Hitler.
So at the end, after admitting the truth of
"Ahl Al-Shiqaq wal Nifaq" , why don't you take up knitting instead?
bARABie said…
Just a word of caution.

It is very easy to criticize from the convenience of a computer chair but what some might be forgetting is that Iraq has resisted at least 4 foreign powers, one of those a superpower.
The fact there is division should come as no surprise at all, considering the level of confusion being created by the invaders. What should come as a surprise is the fact ANY resistance still existed after all the powers have thrown at them.
bARABie said…

Good idea but here is another.

Why don't we ALL email albasrah.net!
Anonymous said…
Hi Genius. Hi Barabie.

Paola Pisi is still waiting for a reply by a very important baathist guy linked to albasrah. She is waiting since January 7, 2007 (one week after Saddam's assassination). That very important baathist guy even stopped emailing her (before that date paola pisi had many email exchanges with him). Furthermor, she wrote to a few people close to the baath party, but she got only vague replies.
And, at least for the moment, it's over and done with. Let 's wait and see what will happen, and let's hope that the baath party will clarify its position. Long life to the Iraqi resitance!
Layla Anwar said…
Salam Abu Mohammed,

Thank you for your version/translation. It makes sense if it read to the effect the Mahdi army in its backwardness collaborated with you(Americans) to liquidate its men (our army).

Paola Pisi provided you with a link from the blogger "missing links" who translated it differently and the conclusion he reached was grosso modo that al-Durri's appeal was an all encompassing one and included the Mahdi despite or in spite of its backwardness.

One can argue that the above blogger is a mahdi sympathizer which he is and therefore interpreted his version of the translation to suit his political slants.

I read the original Arabic version and I have to agree with Paola Pisi, that even admitting that your translation is the correct one, it would not make sense whatsoever that the Mahdi convinced or seduced the Americans to liquidate the Resistance. The Americans did not need the green light or manoeuverings of the Mahdi to try to liquidate the Resistance. The Mahdi did collaborate with the occupier in pointing where Resistance fighters were. That I know for a fact. But the word "collaborated" was NOT used in the Arabic version...

I frankly think that this speech must be taken in the current and recent contextual past in Iraq.

I shall explain myself.

- During the Basra fights (which I have stated on numerous occasions are nothing but fights for power and interests between the various sectarian factions - one of which is the Mahdi Army) many articles were published both in Arabic and in English praising the Mahdi as an anti-occupation force because it was fighting the Maliki govt or so it looked like.

2) During that period, Al-Basrah net and even Salah al Mukhtar in an interview on al Jazeera alluded to the M.Army as a form of Resistance. And Al-Basrah published several articles in Arabic appealing to Sadr to review his stands and join the Resistance folds.

3) It is in this CONTEXT that one can explain why the 1920RB published the Sami Ramadani article praising Sadr and it is in this same context that one can explain the dodginess of this part of the Al-Durri speech.

4) Moreover, I need to remind you that Al Sadr after the Basrah battles said it was going to disband and disarm the Mahdi - i.e liquidate itself . Hence the backwardness referred to in the text.

5)I think that some of the points that Paola Pisi raised regarding the after event i.e lynching of President Saddam Hussein and the quasi total blackout on one of the main culprits (alongside the Americans) in the grotesque murder of the 21st - the Mahdi army, still remains unexplained. Why indeed no mention of this character and his men was uttered !???

Insofar as knitting is concerned, if you think this is an absurd proposal, how about belly dancing as an alternative option ;-)

Layla Anwar said…
Also disappointed,

I agree with you, Galloway has finally showed his true colors. Shameless British rat. I will not spare him !!!!!!!!
Layla Anwar said…
Layla's Friend,

I did not say Al-Durri is dead - I raised question marks and I NEVER said that Al-Durri is an Iranian puppet. Please don't put words in my mouth that way.
Layla Anwar said…

Regarding the "disunited resistance" you referred to, I will have to agree with Barabie when she said in one of the comments here :

"The fact there is division should come as no surprise at all, considering the level of confusion being created by the invaders. What should come as a surprise is the fact ANY resistance still existed after all the powers have thrown at them."
Layla Anwar said…
it shines through...

Did not know I was sooooo transparent.
Layla Anwar said…


- I read the Arabic version, please read my reply to Abu Mohammed.

- The 1920 RB is indeed part of the Resistance movement, there is no doubt about that. And to pick on other people's comments, it is very possible that the webmaster of the 1920 RB made a mistake by publishing the Ramadani article.

- But me still thinks that the publication of this article during the Basrah fights was just wishfull thinking on the part of at least one fact of the resistance, the 1920RB, that Sadr finally saw the light !!!!

- I don't know about the MEMRI link, how accurate or true it is. Hence cannot comment on it.

- Last but not least, I must express some measure of displeasure here with your second comment which states :

""I forgot one more thing. In your introduction, you spoke of supporting the US people if they were ever occupied!?!
Not sure how it works with you, but in my book a people who have occupied and stolen the land cannot be occupied themselves since they are illegal to begin with.
Its like saying you would support the Israelis if they were ever occupied"

Layth, I find it quite disappointing that you have been reading me for over a year now and that you still don't get my style.
I use doublinds, double meanings, paradoxes, insinuations, and the rest....My posts is not only to vent but to also make people think!

Hence, I ask you to re-read the following paragraph right straight after where you quoted me and it reads as follows :

"Of course I will try to find legal loopholes by which the invasion and occupation of your country can be justified...Mind you, I will not need to search far for these legal gaps, since you have proven over and over again, not to be a state of law, positing yourselves above the Law. Clearly, the same is applicable to (not so) Great Britain."

I suggest you re-read that paragraph well.
Layla Anwar said…
Hiya Little Deer,

Of course, I am sure you understood that the point about this post was to raise some questions and concerns, open the door to further remarks, ideas, hopes and disappointments if applicable.

A struggle/Resistance is NEVER a SMOOTH path. There will be errors - some involuntary, some tactical, some ideological, some strategic -- these are unavoidable because we are humans after all. However, I find it imperative to raise red flags when I feel it necessary hoping maybe that errors, mistakes will be nipped in the bud...before they bloom into further tragedies.
Layla Anwar said…

Thanks for the copy and paste reminders from president S.H. I always like to re-read those.

And I was sure you would get your teeth in another "deconstruction" puzzle ;-)
Layla Anwar said…
Paola Pisi,

Hi, please read my reply to Abu Mohammed, I think I summed up, maybe not in so many words what you alluded to. And thanks for the constant reminders/links that you provide.
Layla Anwar said…

elaborate your gems of wisdom please...am not too bright.
Anonymous said…
Layla, you should have more trust in the Arabs' capacity to mend their ways.

Just think of Barabie in these last times ! LOL
Layla Anwar said…

and your picture reflects what a beauty you are ....

The analogy between the HERO,BRILLIANT, MARTYR, VISIONARY President Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler is another stale piece of cheap american propaganda that Iraqis - people of fucked up hypocrisy and division parrot like ugly robotic monsters, of which you are evidently one.

Fuck it, it is people like you that bring darkness to the brightest spots. Where do you shits crawl from ?
bARABie said…
"And I was sure you would get your teeth in another "deconstruction" puzzle ;-)"

To be honest, it did occur to me.

Thanks for the laugh, literally smiling while typing this.
bARABie said…
"Layla, you should have more trust in the Arabs' capacity to mend their ways.

Just think of Barabie in these last times ! LOL"

Smartass (in a nice way of course) ;)
bARABie said…
"The analogy between the HERO,BRILLIANT, MARTYR, VISIONARY President Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler is another stale piece of cheap american propaganda that Iraqis"

Only if one accepts the zionists' version of history, is the comparison between Saddam and Adolf bad.
I don't want to get into the greatest holoHOAX of our time because this is not the topic.
bARABie said…
Layla, i have to admit one thing.

I have read ""and it is neither the Mahdi Army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it"" and re read that and still am at a loss to explain or even understand it.
bARABie said…
"4) Moreover, I need to remind you that Al Sadr after the Basrah battles said it was going to disband and disarm the Mahdi - i.e liquidate itself . Hence the backwardness referred to in the text."

But wasn't that just a publicity stunt to allow his thugs to participate in the by elections?
And didn't he say we would maintain a fighting force but which was separate to the political force, just like the hizzies?
bARABie said…
""and it is neither the Mahdi Army which convinced you through its backward style to liquidate it""

Even IF it was referring to the liquidation of the mahdi "army", it would still be incorrect because if the mahdi "army" was disbanded, it was done at the behest of the safavids not the mahdi "army".
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla...
are you finished being a hater?
Anonymous said…
Excuse me, Barabie, whatever the "real" version of history, you still cannot seriously compare Saddam and Hitler...Saddam was infinitely more handsome !!! LOL

Seriously though, Hitler was more like an intellectually sophisticated version of Bush: from the inside job (Reichstag's arson) sold as a terrorist attack to the suppression of individual freedoms to the invasion of sovereign states to the persecution and killing of innocent patriots everywhere, and don't forget they both were/are driven by millenarianistic and puritanical obsessions in their imperial adventure.

By the way, did you know that the Zionist movement in 1920thies Europe looked on Hitler as "their man" who would create the conditions for the international greenlight to a Jewish exodus to Palestine and strongly backed his Nazi party all the way up to chancellorship ?

A vulgar Zionist pawn he was, not even fit to polish the GREAT Arab Iraqi hero and martyr Saddam Hussein's shoes.
bARABie said…
Down with the pawns, as i said Only if one accepts the zionists' version of history.

Need i remind you of "history is written by the victor"?

As for your question regarding Hitler and the zionists, this might answer for me.

Here is an explanation of the above.
bARABie said…
What do you get if you put iran and the us together?

i r anus
bARABie said…
Down with pawns, why is it in some countries ILLEGAL to QUESTION the holoHOAX?

The ONLY alleged event in history to be illegal to question.
Anonymous said…
KMWR--There is much discussion about translations, about which, of course, I can make NO comment. But, I there is something called hard facts and Big Lies. For example, the person(s) responsible for lynching Saddam. If I can name them, if the world can name them, then, surely, the Resistance can CLEARLY name them. The last place one would expect ambiguity on this issue is from the Arab, Iraq Resistance. Next, consistent with the preceeding, I have asked, challenged and said, prove Al-Duri (various spellings?) is ALIVE and has issued ANY of the statements attributed to him. This, too, appears AMBIGUOUS. That/this becomes another BIG LIE, if, indeed, as I suspect, he is dead. Why issue statements in his name if he is dead? It defies credulity that a videotape from Al-Duri making statements on any of the above cannot be made and circulated through one or another source without compromising his security. I can not speak for Paola, of course, but, I find it hard to imagine she would not post or link to such a video if it were clearly authentic.
Anonymous said…

Don't worry about the "very important Baathist guy": cutting off correspondences with too curious Mediterranean ladies when put under pressure is their favoutite pastime between one (virtual) fight and the other - I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE ;-)

For our gracious hostess' peace of mind, I would ask you to try again your luck with the Albasrah people.
bARABie said…
kmwr, i am surprised at the LEADER of the RESISTANCE for not posting a video of himself to satisfy YOU while you sit in the comfort of your lounge chair.
Anonymous said…
of course i would post a video tape from Al-Douri. And i think that many websites would post it.

the letter is FALSE. As you know, the MEMRI is run by the Mossad, and publishes many fakes, yet sometimes publishes also genouine documents. In that case, the Baath party spokesperson immediately and strongly denied that the letter was authentic. He said that it was a hoax to slander the Baath party and the resistance. He added that on the hit list there was even Moqtada's name, and therefore the Mossad-MEMRI wished to defame the Baathist resistance, since the baathists couldn't want to kill the Driller and his thugs - sorry, Sayyed Moqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi army - who are "clearly hostile to the occupation", he said. I posted a link to the baath party denial, published by a webiste that was personally praised and thanked by Izzat al-Douri.

I didn't say thay Izzat al-Douri and Salah al-Mukhtar "sympathize"
with Sadr, i only noticed that the Baath party and its members surely have not been too harsh against Sadr, even after Saddam's assasination. It is true that many baathists and the baath party itself sometimes criticized and attacked the mahdi army, but on the whole they were very cautious about him. The other resistance groups said many times that the Mahdi army (they often write "the Antichrist army) is one of the worst enemies of the resistance and of the main culprit for the iraqi genocide. The Baath party didn't. All the pro-resistance and patriotic iraqi websites posted tons of articles
blaming Sadr and his drillers for President Saddam's assassination. The Baath party didn't. These are facts. But this doesn't mean that the Baath party "symphatizes" with al-Sadr.

I agree with you on everything, even if I still hope that posting Sami Ramadani's revolting piece was only a mistake by the 1920RB webmaster. The 1920RB were always adamant in condemning the Driller, and Sami Ramadani is one of the most rabid sectarian in the world. Maybe the webmaster was told to publish something in Engklish against Maliki's attack on Basra, and he posted that shit.
Anonymous said…
it was one of the "albasrah people". And i already tried with other guys linked to the baath party. By the way, probably they were right in not replying my questions (or replying in vague way): there are official baath party statements, and there is an official Baath party spokesperson, Abu Mohammed (i don't know if he is the same Abu Mohammed who posted two comments on layla's websiste)
Kali Manitou said…
Hey barabie,

even if we accept that the holohoax is bogus propaganda, that does NOT turn Hitler into a decent human.
just like:
Even if we give Saddam credit for his role as a ruler of Iraq, that doesn not absove him of the blood on his hands... It's just another trap you polarized-angry types fall in when you stick with the line of thinking of "the enemy of evil must be good"

Well, we all suck ! From chinese to the africans, from maoris to arabs, from americans to eskimos...regardless of religion, creed and nationality, it's the same shittly human nature.
So get over it, SAddam was as much of a piece of shit as Churchill, jesus or Cleopatra. If you have idolatry of that sort, you are nothing but fodder for some cult of personality...
Kali Manitou said…
Oh, Layla, dear...
You are evidently stuck with the saddam's cult of personality. Years will pass by and your hate will make you a blind worshipper of all things dead.

Btw, i deplore anything anglo-saxon as much as the next guy but you guys chew rotten bones of a dead tyrant. Now i'd accept that the arabs couldn't have anything better as a ruler but isn't it the moment you'd realize that you should pick up knitting?...
Thanx for the compliments though, it shows that your incompetence for debating. I was merely comparing the Iraqis deserving one shmuck with Germans deserving another shmuck, not the shmucks themselves.....
Layla Anwar said…

What a fucked name!
You have proved nothing but the ugliness of your accompanying picture.
You strangely remind me of the parasitical assholes that grope around Mullah the irretrievable idiot's blog...

If I meet you in the street, I would not even throw a glimpse your way. Content yourself with a reply here.
bARABie said…
"even if we accept that the holohoax is bogus propaganda, that does NOT turn Hitler into a decent human. "

First, i NEVER said Hitler was a decent man.
Second, on the one hand you are accepting the propaganda was false but still want me to believe he was the WORST leader in the history of humanity?
I have never ever said anyone, including Saddam, is/was perfect.

The comparison between Saddam and Hitler should be on the basis of what they tried to do for their own people and not on stories fabricated by the same zionists who brought down Germany.

That would be akin to me listening to the safavids or yanks on the character of Saddam.

Did you know the jews of the world had declared an economic war on Germany 6, yes SIX, years before the start of WWII??

Following is what Saddam said about an economic war.

"But when planned and deliberate policy forces the price of oil down without good commercial reasons, then that means another war against Iraq. Because military war kills people by bleeding them, and economic war kills their humanity by depriving them of their chance to have a good standard of living. "
bARABie said…
Sadly we have "perfect" CURRENT examples of what an economic war can do, just look at Iraq during the "sanction" years and look at Gaza NOW!
bARABie said…
For our gracious hostess' peace of mind, "

Technically our host is being hosted. Wonder how many will get that.
bARABie said…
original name: Urungu
geographical location: Afmadow, J. Hoose, Somalia, Africa
geographical coordinates: 0° 41' 14" North, 41° 46' 55" East

Layla, it's the name of a town in Somalia.
bARABie said…
"You have proved nothing but the ugliness of your accompanying picture."

One can't help the way one was born. :)
Anonymous said…
Wow what a turn of events. Layla,Barabie and Paula(o)in a civilised discussion. Only a few posts ago Barabie and Layla were hurling hateful insults at each other. And Barabie taking the micky out of Paulo(a).
Who knew??
Anonymous said…
elaborate your gems of wisdom please...am not too bright.

Well I am just trying to make sense of people who can offer support for a barbaric onslought on innocents. Who can create sanctions on a population causing hardship on the young old and weak, and then continue to bomb from 20,000 feet, a people who cannot fight against it.
And this criticism has been towards those that offer support, there are also those that are decision makers - even worse!
Yet it is not natural! The actions of torture which is what the high tech warlike aggression is, are not native to human nature.
So - maybe I have been clearer.
Something has undermined human nature!
Kali Manitou said…
Layla, sensitive, beautiful soul that's so hurt that would bite the hand that would try to lift her up from the mud of indiscriminate hate. Why you say the name is fucked? There are others who never did anything to you that would be offended probably....
No, I'm not American-ugly robotic whatever you called me; neither do I have any sympathy to ANY mullah of any sort, to save you anguish to come up with more guesses and "creativity" for insults, I am not a revolutionary, leftists, capitalists or any other _.._ist.
But when you see that rage in you that justifies verbal aggression so easily for you, maybe you'll see that qualitatively you are not that different than any other human. You wouldn't rave on and on about the injustices done to maoris, or Ten million female foetuses that have been illegally aborted in India by mothers desperate to bear a son.
You are polarized and stuck in your drama just like any other human. Someone dares to try to get your attention to it, and you strike back with all your might. Just like the Americans do habitually.
Sorry for us, much love to you.
Kali Manitou said…

I wish you'd deserve a better answer but such is your level... You actually remind me of someone.
I worked with an Individual who plugged the plug of a power strip back into itself and could not understand why the computer would not turn on.

Much luck.
Anonymous said…
There are places I didn't want to acknowledge a presence (pf) because I didn't want someone not attending on account of me.
The am RB deal made me feel like I was being setup, especially the dudes that appeared. I'm not exactly a giant!

I don't want people to feel threatened around me and vic versa.

Yellow is the color of JOY

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