Not so Kind...

I am very pissed.

I do not have many kind words towards my fellow Iraqis. Let me qualify here, before you start jumping to conclusions.

I have no kind words towards that category of Iraqis who gave it away for Free to the Americans and the Iranians. I have absolutely no respect for them, no consideration and zero sympathy.

I have zero respect for those bastards living and working in the Green zone.
I have total disdain for those who voted and now come meagerly complain about "lack of the promised democracy"..."but we voted" broken record. Sure you voted. You voted for your sects and your wallets.
I have absolutely no sympathy for those who applauded and filled their blogs with hurrays "Saddam is gone" and now cry over poor Iraq...and congratulate themselves with cheap words of sympathy coming from the occupier.

It took a bunch of your kind to make it happen. Now you have lost it all.
I do not want to be too cruel and say you deserve what you are getting because I happen to be in the same boat...
Oh how I wish someone would give me a life saving raft so I no longer have to be associated in name with you lot.

My condolences Iraqi hypocrites. You lost your country and made us, the rest, the silent majority who are not pocketing any of the American - Iranian "dough", pay for it with our bodies, blood, children, selves and sanity...

Al Hajjaj was right. You are "ahl al-shiqak wa al-nifaq".

Fuck you all.

Painting: Iraqi artist, Mohammed Al-Shammarey.


Anonymous said…
mmm, not much how about an essay on the roll of the state:

Individual Liberty, Society, and the Role of the State:

The major problem with modern individualism which Bellah et al. illustrate quite clearly in "Habits of the Heart," is one which arises when individuality becomes more important than the society as a whole and to this end creates a situation where not only is the society harmed but also the well being of the individual. It stands to reason that, because the individual does not live in a vacuum but rather in an interconnected societal structure in which the actions of the individual will ultimately affect the society as a whole then certain restrictions on the individual can justly be set in place in order to have a functioning society. Bella et al would argue that these necessary restrictions were once set in place through institutions; such as, the church and the state but as modern individualism and the focus on utilitarianism became more prevalent to the neglect of biblical individualism and classical republicanism that there is no longer a guiding source of morality as a framework for how the individual should interact with the society around them. Furthermore; if the individual is only conscious of himself then how can it reasonably be expected of him to consider the consequences of his actions on the rest of society?

To illustrate why this problem of modern individualism taking the place of classical republicanism is so important we can use one of the more extreme theories of individual liberty and property called anarcho-capitalism. The anarcho capitalist would assert that the state itself is an unjust monopoly which derives its power through the forced taxation of the citizenry and if one were to adopt the economic policies of total deregulation then the invisible hand of the market could take the place of the state; resulting in true liberty. The Anarcho Capitalist would claim that the state can be abolished, because it is assumed that through the individual doing what is most profitable for himself and in his own self interests that this would ultimately be good for the society as a whole, in that, it stands to reason that it is of course not profitable for a business owner, to say, poison his consumers through a flawed product. Yet, what this anarcho-capitalist model fails to take into account is that which is good for one individual is not always good for the society as a whole. To illustrate this point one could take into consideration that what would be in the best interests of the business owner would be for him to automate all production. This would certainly increase his production capacity and, also, his profit margin by reducing the amount he has to allocate to wages but at what cost? Well of course that negative impact can clearly be seen in the workers who are now found jobless. So while the individual who owns this hypothetical business would benefit through increasing his net gain by decreasing wage costs, and the individual consumer would benefit through the decrease in prices which would inevitably result through the laws of supply and demand, the individual worker is now left jobless and destitute.

Now how does this disproportional focus on modern individualism to the neglect of classical republicanism relate to the practices of individualism in the United States? The best way to put it into perspective is through the context of the extremes on both sides of the spectrum. On one side of the spectrum we have totalitarianism in which the state is all powerful and individual liberty is non existent and on the other side we have anarchism in which the restrictive functions of the state have been totally abolished and unchecked individualism is the law of the land. Now how would this hypothetical anarchist societal structure function? Well let us first assume that the economic structure of any given society would remain intact and in the case of the United States it would continue to be Capitalism. Now that there is no longer a state to provide for services; such as, security, defense, and education there would now be a demand from the public for private companies to fill the void. The individual upon seeing that there was now a demand for him to provide this security, defense, education, etc., would begin to form privatized police, military, and educational institutions. Now that state regulation has been abolished there would no longer be any checks on monopolies. Individual companies each doing what is in their own economic interests would form into large conglomerates. So now a societal structure is beginning to form which in fact looks very state like. Not only has it taken on the form of the state but through the formation of these large conglomerates in which every aspect of society is controlled by a single entity the society has in fact become totalitarian in nature. In effect the individual liberty which the abolishment of the state was supposed to provide has been all but eliminated and in the place of a government of, by, and for the people, we are now left with a government of, by, and for the government. So we can see in this extreme example of how a focus solely on the individual while ignoring the effect that this individual will have on the society as a whole can in actuality create the opposite of the intended effect.
Anonymous said…
Oh we captured the highest ranking Iraqi member of AQ in Iraq one Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, may his death be slow and painful.
Anonymous said…
trajan octavian titus stop being such a dipstick.....uve got to stop copy & pasting this crap because no one is reading it...just post a link instead

the only good thing i can say abt it is helped me on my way of sending me to sleep but in future plz refrain from doing so....thanks
Anonymous said…
Hi Layla, I only found your blog yesterday, through an article on Information Clearing House.

I keep up with a few Iraqi blogs - Riverbend being one of my favourites. She rarely posts now. Also, "Free Iraq". Only those who I believe are telling the truth as they know it.

I posted on one of your early blogs, which of course is so far behind, that you would never see it. I just had to say something.

Amongst all the articles I could find, I read a book called "Saddam Hussein by S. Aburish. It was selling very cheap on Amazon, and I bought two. One to loan out and one to keep if the other got lost. Now it is rare, and is selling for $20.

He gave the most balanced picture of Saddam Hussein's rule.

And yes, is a wonderful source for the truth, if we want to know it.

I agree that Saddam Hussein was an amazing man in many ways. He was Tikriti and against that background we can understand some of his "not so good" qualities I think.

However, all the good things you have listed are true. He did wonders for Iraq. I believe the only reason he stopped calling in at Iraqis' homes and being available was because the western powers were trying to kill him.

He became paranoid? I don't blame him. If the CIA, MI6 and/or Mossad were after me, I'd be very paranoid.

He lifted Iraq from a third world country to a first world country. He showed the world that Iraqis were highly intelligent and could do anything they put their hands to, and do it well.

Even the wars he involved Iraq in were absolutely necessary in his eyes. And now, with Iran involving itself so much in Shia Iraqi territory, we can see that he was right there. Kuwait was slant drilling and committing economic warfare against an Iraq struggling to recover after the Iran/Iraq war, by lowering the price of oil.

All these things I know. I admire the man, and have told as many people as will listen of the good that he did in Iraq.

And oh yes. He died nobly. He died a true Iraqi and he did it well.

And Layla, we can do NOTHING against our governments here. They do NOT work for us. We do NOT have democracies. I read just recently that John Howard, our "fearless leader", made a public announcement that we were going to be involved in Iraq WITHOUT consulting parliament (let alone the Australian people).

I will be returning again and again to your blog. Keep safe and keep blogging please.

Anonymous said…

You are a delusional and sick human being, Saddam Hussein was a genocidal tyrant who lived as a criminal and died as one as well, he is guilty of starting two unprovoked wars of aggression and of mass murdering his own citizenry, Hitler improved the economy of Germany too, it does not excuse him of his crimes, anyone who prefers wealth to liberty is nothing but a slave. And the last time I checked John Howard was Democratically elected.
Anonymous said…
Alzi la mano chi ritiene che TOT non merita la lapidazione!
Anonymous said…
TOT, you are an ignorant, propagandised westerner.

Go dig out some real books about real events, and real people.

You have blabbed on about rubbish through this entire thread.

Howard did NOT discuss our involvement in Iraq with Parliament. We are NOT a democracy. And I have five books by people who come from completely different walks of life, all concerned that Howard is damaging our democracy and is very authoritarian.

Don't you listen to the news and understand that we in the west, just as Orwell said we would, make up our "evil tyrants", our "madmen", so the people can be afraid enough to say, yes, take us to war. Pleeeeeease get rid of these monsters for us. Pleeeeeese.

Grow up! Daphne
Anonymous said…
Octavian: Your ignorants of both yourself, and your enemy stokpiles exponentionally. ..siw
Anonymous said…
Also, didn't you realise that we just had to replace Saddam Hussein with George Bush and we got the truth, for goodness sake?

If you have truly read this blog, and I mean the entire blog, and still must stick to the lies you have been told, and need to believe, then how about going elsewhere to do your blabbing?

Meantime, in our name our leaders are murdering thousands and thousands of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine if we include the Israeli government, and other places all over the world.

Seriously, do some "alternative" reading. The books you won't find displayed prominently in book shops. You may, just may, learn something.
Anonymous said…
O'brien, Howard was elected Democratically end of story, Saddam Hussein started two unprovoked wars of aggression against his neighbors end of story, Saddam Hussein engaged in the mass genocide of his citizenry end of story, Saddam ruled through state terror end of story, Saddam took power by forced and maintained that power through force and the brutal repression of his people, under Saddam Iraq was a tyranny of the minority under a unilateral dominance system, and to top it all off you're defending the tyrant Saddam Hussein who modeled his government after Stalin's and Hitler's and then you have the sheer audacity to critisize your Democratically elected PM for being to authoritarian, you are completely delusional.
Anonymous said…
We have liberated 60 million people from two of the most brutal and oppressive regimes of the latter half of the 20th century, as to Israel they are a liberal Democracy who offered the Palestinians 97% of the W. Bank, all of Gaza, and a capital in East Jerusalem, that offer was rejected and when given the chance the Palestinians voted for the terrorist organization of Hamas which calls for the elimination of the state of Israel. As to your "alternative reading," I think I'll pass on your BS propaganda which has so distorted your mind that you think that the Democratically elected PM of Australia is more of a tyrant than the Baathist thug Saddam Hussein.
Anonymous said…
In Daphne's world:

Saddam Hussein whose first move upon seizing power by force was to execute anyone percieved to be a challenge to his absolute authority = misunderstood good guy

And the,

Democratically elected PM of Australia = to authoritarian

You realize that you are quite insane right?
Anonymous said…
Wrong story little TOT.
George Bush, Blair and Howard are engaging in mass genocide of the Iraqi people.
Iran was sold the gas that killed the Kurds (but the west of course). They sold Iraq mustard gas.
The funie Shia may have felt tyrannised. But they would have taken over then, as they have now, and all Iraqis' lives would have been hell back then.
Most Shia and Sunni intermarry without a problem. Now they are all scared to leave their homes, and even their homes are unsafe. Or haven't you read this blog. Do you just pick a comment box and make your ignorant remarks?
In Australia we have two major parties, just like in America, and whereas yours are the Dem/Reps, ours are the Lib/Labs.
We vote for a different party and get more of the same.
Cut the word delusional please. It is you who are delusional, and you who have believed the propaganda you have been force fed for years and years.
You say he modelled his government after Stalin's and Hitler's? Which one do you mean? Communist or Fascist? Or was he clever enough to combine both?
One thing he had in common with other tyrants. He did not allow public utilities (including Iraqi oil) to be sold to the international corporations.
For that, of course, he must die.
Interestingly, Iraq still has a union that counts, and they are fighting the corporations to want to control their oilfields.
Our leaders, definitely including Howard, are very anti-union. After all, they are for the people to fight the powerful. They must go.
No more rubbish please.
Anonymous said…
Raise your hands who think TOT is not a brainless bumpkin and a zionazi psycopath!
Anonymous said…
I think I must raise my hand... lol

TOT says:
"We have liberated 60 million people from two of the most brutal and oppressive regimes of the latter half of the 20th century, as to Israel they are a liberal Democracy who offered the Palestinians 97% of the W. Bank, all of Gaza, and a capital in East Jerusalem, that offer was rejected and when given the chance the Palestinians voted for the terrorist organization of Hamas which calls for the elimination of the state of Israel."

We have liberated far too many right off the face of the earth.

Actually, I will say those words now. You are either delusional or insane because you have eyes and cannt see. You have ears and you cannot hear. You have a brain and you do not use it.

And worse still, much worse, you have a heart and it is cold as stone.
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien,
I think "You are either delusional or insane" should change to "You are both delusional and insane". But maybe you, too, will come to this conclusion one day ...
Anonymous said…
Thank you A, but I'm trying to be kind...
What can you really say to someone who refuses to listen and gives us reams and reams of whe he believes to be the truth?
Anonymous said…

“Wrong story little TOT.

George Bush, Blair and Howard are engaging in mass genocide of the Iraqi people.”

Actually we do everything we can to minimize civilian casualties it is the insurgency whose tactic of choice is to target defenseless civilians.

“Iran was sold the gas that killed the Kurds (but the west of course). They sold Iraq mustard gas.”

A) It was Iraq that gassed the Kurds.

B) We sold Iraq dual use chemicals with legitimate agricultural applications and Saddam turned these benign and legal chemicals into lethal and illegal WMD.

“The funie Shia may have felt tyrannised. But they would have taken over then, as they have now, and all Iraqis' lives would have been hell back then.”

Ya lives not living under the constant threat of Saddam’s baathist thugs and living in a Democracy would have been way worse than living under a megalomaniacal mad man.

“Most Shia and Sunni intermarry without a problem.”

And your point? Are you denying that under Saddam the system of governance was one of unilateral dominance IE a tyranny of the minority?

“Now they are all scared to leave their homes, and even their homes are unsafe. Or haven't you read this blog. Do you just pick a comment box and make your ignorant remarks?”

The reason why they are afraid to leave their homes is because the tactic of choice for the insurgency is to target defenseless civilians place blame where blame is due.

“In Australia we have two major parties, just like in America, and whereas yours are the Dem/Reps, ours are the Lib/Labs.”

What’s your point? A two party system is the best as far as I’m concerned our Founding Father’s warned against the dangers of factioning, I myself am in favor of a 0 party system.

“We vote for a different party and get more of the same.”

Umm no we don’t, the two parties in the U.S. are diametrically opposed on a variety of issues, and the two parties themselves are very diverse in and of themselves; such as, Ron Paul in the Republican party and Joe Liebermen in the Democrat party.

“You say he modelled his government after Stalin's and Hitler's? Which one do you mean? Communist or Fascist? Or was he clever enough to combine both?”

I wasn’t referring to his ideology I was referring to how his government was set up through a system of patronage in which only those most loyal to the tyrant were granted political power.

“One thing he had in common with other tyrants. He did not allow public utilities (including Iraqi oil) to be sold to the international corporations.”

Yes we know instead he used the Iraqi oil revenues to line his own pockets and build lavish palaces while the masses starved. The new Iraqi Constitution guarantees that all oil revenues will be distributed equally throughout the entire country rather than only going to the Sunni/Tikriti elite.

“Interestingly, Iraq still has a union that counts, and they are fighting the corporations to want to control their oilfields.”

If the PSA is signed into law it will be the will of the Iraqi people through their dually elected representative government, I for one have no problem with privatization as nationalization ruins industry and economies which is why the Iraqi oil sector is in the dilapidated condition that it is. Furthermore; the PSA’s currently under discussion are more beneficial to the Iraqi people than the ones that Saddam signed with Russia and China without the consent of the Iraqi people I might add.
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien,
I've got a feling you overlooked Layla's note to Hala (earlier in this thread):
"Hala as for Titus the Cretinus..."La chasse aux cons est un safari sans espoir.""
Anonymous said…
A, I think I did. Little TOT is living on a different planet to me. Mars I think. The red planet of war.

Of course, our economies are not "in the pits" right now because of privatisation! Oh no...

If, in fact, he is a particular brand of Zionist, then I can understand where he is coming from.

However, he also has an icy cold heart. He could not read Layla's blog and remain unmoved unless this was the case.

Mind you, he will be one of the Orwellian history changers. Remember the book? They keep changing history to suit, and what was right yesterday is very wrong today. And what happened in the history books (always written by the victors) most definitely happened just the way they tell us it did.

Ho hum... I think I'm tired of this little TOT... Daphne
Anonymous said…
Little TOT says:

"And your point? Are you denying that under Saddam the system of governance was one of unilateral dominance IE a tyranny of the minority?"

I know it was much better for the Iraqis to live under Saddam, and get to go to school, eat, have electricity, clean water, free medical, cheap petrol, no headscarves unless by choice, safety, safety, safety... than it is now.

Now go to sleep little TOT. You will not convince me.
Anonymous said…

I know it was much better for the Iraqis to live under Saddam,'

You are completely delusional, I suggest you do some research into the al-Anfal campaign of genocide against the Kurds as to how great life was under the tyranny of Saddam.

and get to go to school, eat, have electricity, clean water, free medical, cheap petrol, no headscarves unless by choice, safety, safety, safety... than it is now."

A) Electricity output and consumption are above pre-war levels.

B) Those great things you listed were reserved for the Sunni elite, and there was no safety the terrorism there was just state terrorism institutionalized by the Baathist thugs. Anyways if you love wealth better than liberty you are nothing but a damned slave, so bow down and lick the hands which feed, enjoy the tranquility of solitude, and may your chains set lightly upon you.
Anonymous said…

"Tranquility of servitude"
Anonymous said…
Raise your hand who think TOT the zionazi psycopath is not a bore!
Anonymous said…
Little TOT, free school and medical were for all Iraqis, and 97% (I think - Layla could correct me here) actually went to school. Young people were "allowed" to go out of the country to further their degrees if necessary.

The fundie Shia were illiterate before then.

The Kurds were better looked after in Iraq than either Iran or Turkey, where the Kurds also live.

And such charming language for a little TOT. The Iraqis are now fighting for their liberty. Are you so blind you cannot see this? Only many are now fighting the ultra fundie Shia (funded by Iran) as well as the Great Satan (America and her consorts).

And now I read they are sending in huge drone airplanes, so many more bombs will fall on Iraqis. Have they not had enough of death and destructions? Have you not had enough? Are you "their" spokesperson, who trawls blogs to rave on as you do?

ENOUGH!!! Go to sleep little TOT.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

Little TOT, free school and medical were for all Iraqis, and 97% (I think - Layla could correct me here) actually went to school. Young people were "allowed" to go out of the country to further their degrees if necessary.”

You’ve been watching to many Michael Moore movies with Iraqi kids flying kites. In reality basic services were restricted to the Sunni elite and were cut off by the Saddam regime as punishment for dissidence against the state.

The fundie Shia were illiterate before then.

A) Prove it.

B) Increasing literacy rates does not make up for the crimes committed by the Baathist regime.

The Kurds were better looked after in Iraq than either Iran or Turkey, where the Kurds also live.

Is that what you call a campaign of mass genocide? Are you completely insane?

And such charming language for a little TOT. The Iraqis are now fighting for their liberty. Are you so blind you cannot see this? Only many are now fighting the ultra fundie Shia (funded by Iran) as well as the Great Satan (America and her consorts).

The vast majority is thankful for Saddam’s overthrow, as a % of the population more Iraqi’s voted for their Democracy than Americans did in the 2000 presidential elections, and we weren’t risking life and limb at the hands of Islamic Fascists and Baathist holdovers. Furthermore; the Iraqi’s are stepping up, the Sunni’s are starting to fight against AQ especially in al-Anbar, the Sunni are sick of the violence are starting to cooperate with coalition forces to root out AQ, and the Iraqi defense and security forces are starting to take the initiative, al-Maliki says they are capable of taking over security at anytime. The surge is working, the Iraqi’s are stepping up, we are no longer playing whack a terrorist we are hitting them everywhere simultaneously and leaving no where for them to flee to, we are winning.
Anonymous said…
"La chasse aux cons est un safari sans espoir."
Anonymous said…
Hi Jr/Khalil really ought to read his works, Jr. Try to get a copy of'The Prophet'. His writing is brilliant, Jr.

Layla.....I hope you are alright...and this is also a plea, although I realise not much can be done!!!!! God save us from so many empty-headed vessels who go about calling themselves 'human beings'!
Anonymous said…
I will leave little TOT to his ramblings. I can take no more.

Little Deer, I have read "The Prophet" and loved is so much I bought more of Gibran's works.

And I, too, hope you are safe Layla.

Anonymous, you keep reminding me:
"La chasse aux cons est un safari sans espoir."

I will remember now. Little TOT's writings get crazier and crazier. He is better left alone to continue his ramblings... Pehaps he will go find his heart, and teach it to beat once more...
Anonymous said…
Yes you are a lover of the genocidal tyrant Saddam Hussein and I'm the one who's crazy. Catch a clue you freaking nutter.
Anonymous said…
Daphne O'Brien,
you seem to be an unshakable/incorrigible optimist. I just can't follow you that far ...
Anonymous said…
Perhaps I had to prove how far he'd go? He gets worse. You always throw sh..t at the messenger, nevere listen to the message, if you have a problem. Little TOT has a problem.
Thanks for "following me" as far as you have.
Over and out!
Anonymous said…
"Alzi la mano chi ritiene che TOT non merita la lapidazione!"

Anon, iacta alea est, ci sarò lì per lanciare la prima pietra ...
Anonymous said…
Your message is that the genocidal tyrant Saddam Hussein was a good guy, it's a kin to saying that Hitler was a good guy, you are a nutter end of story.
Anonymous said…
Raise your hands who still think TOT is not a zionazi psycopath!
Anonymous said…
I really like this little thingy blogger has, where you can click on TOT's name and *poof* his posts are gone from my screen, like magic.
Anonymous said…
Diana:re Octavian An ignorant person with a bad character is like an unarmed robber, but a learned person with a blog is a robber fully armed. ... No Dis to Our Host.
Anonymous said…
Diana, I never knew you could do that! I just tried! Brilliant - thanks!!!
Anonymous said…
Dear Readers.

Titus or "Tight Ass" as I like to call it/him/her (for you never know what is behind the mask) is nothing more than your typical anal retentive Jew who has been set in motion by the Jewish taskmasters to infiltrate and disrupt and confuse others and waste their time and energy. This sort of shit is standard fare for the Jews and is consistent with all of their other efforts to undermine nation-states and increase the already inordinate control of global events.

Time would better be spent, during Layla's absence, in analyzing why the Jews, via their front organizations within the US/Britain/Iran, are so adept at fucking up sovereign nations.

In Peace & Understanding,

Arthur Topham
Anonymous said…
"I wonder sometimes, actually all the time if the rift, the gap that has gripped Iraqi society will ever be mended again..."

Layla my dear,

After the Liberation and the establishment of a national government issued from the glorious Iraqi armed Resistance, those found guilty of collaboration with the Occupier will be simply and wonderfully EXCISED from the Iraqi body as the tumoral cells they are ;-)

As for the rest of us from all ethnic, religious, class etc. backgrounds, we will have our hands and minds taken up WORKING TOGETHER at the re-creation of an entire world out of the Chaos and VERY LITTLE TIME left to think AT ALL, let alone brood over the past :-)

So away with pessimism, head higher above the stormclouds, heart beating louder than the thunder, eyes lightening through the mists of future, right foot ahead and FORWARD TO VICTORY !

Take care of yourself.

Your fellow-fighter and sufferer,
Anonymous said…
Beautifully said, Hala....reduced me to tears...
Zaidan said…
Yes, yes, your posts are getting bigger and bigger, better and better.

Layla, please don't be mad at some of your fellow Iraqis. Most of them are in their early to mid 20s and know nothing of Iraq except sanctions.

I feel sorry for them, to be honest with you, they were deprived and woke up to a burning need to wear Levis, wear brand shades, and live the American dream.

That was one of the undeclared aims of the sanctions. To create a lost generation.

Thank God we have people like Riverbend and the very few others who understand Iraq for what it was, for what Iraq is, and for what Iraq will be.

This isn't about Saddam. It never was about Saddam. And if we are to raise the issue of Saddam time and again then we are compelled to compare to what has come after Saddam.

If we agree that Saddam should have been removed, then it is with the hope of something better than Saddam.

Had something better than Saddam come along, had Iraqis' lives been improved, had they had the bare fundamentals after Saddam, then he would have likely sunk in history.

But, as God would have it in some divine plan I am yet to understand, Saddam turned out to be right.

He was right about nearly everything he ever said.

He predicted the US plan for Iraq, he predicted how Iraq would break into sectarianism.

No, sectarianism did not exist below the surface in Iraq. It was incited by Iran for decades.

Please refer to the literature that is out there about how Iran incited since 1979. Read the speeches.

Read the history.

By the mullahs, by the ayatollahs, who believe that Iraq belongs to Persia and use the Arab Shia as pawns.

And there are so many Arab Shia, in the millions who have been killed because they were patriotic Iraqis who believed in an Iraq for Iraqis.

As I write this, I am watching a television program about the migration of tens of thousands of Iraq's Christians from a country their ancestors have been in for 2000 years.

I see them on the streets of Damascus and Aleppo. I see them begging real estate companies for low-income housing.

Any Iraqi who supports what has happened in Iraq for the past four years has sold out this community.

Why is it that those Iraqi bloggers who speak of how much they love Iraq cannot even lift the pen to write of this community that has been persecuted, massacred, and pushed to leave to parts unknown?

Why is it that these Iraqi bloggers cannot write of the plight of their own relatives, of their neighbors, and friends who are now turning to prostitution for survival?

Yes, you can all drudge up Uday's name till he bites you in the ass, but just because Uday allegedly raped women does that justify what is happening to your Iraqi sisters, mothers and daughters?

Remember, Saddam predicted that the Iraqi woman will be sold for 10 dinars.

Unfortunately, she is no longer worth even that much.

But the new Iraqis, those of the post-sanctions, are selfish.

If they are well-off, if they have monies, then everything is okay in the world.

I would like to point everyone to this article:

Baghdad for sale

Those with money, remember this, your money will run out eventually. You will be considered the trash of the world. You will become refugees. Then and only then will you lift your ink-stained finger, reverent symbol of your Iraqi democracy.

Layla, after letting you know how much I appreciate what you wrote, I do have a complaint:

You misquote Hajjaj because you left so much out.

He actually said:

يا اهل العراق يااهل الشقاق والنفاق اني ارى روؤسا قد اينعت وحان قطافها

He said heads were gonna roll. They were ripe for the cutting.

Iraqis are getting the democracy they wanted so bad.

They haven't learned.

But they will.

The trash-filled streets of Iraq are not enough of a lesson. The dozens of bodies discovered every day are not enough.

The destroyed infrastructure, the long queues for fuel and gas, the shortage of water and electricity, the burning of people in their homes by the militias.

The fanaticism and Islamic extremism that has come in from abroad - from Iran and Saudi Arabia - and created an alien culture.

The destruction of our school system.

The erosion of our universities.

The wiping out of our history, our culture, our historic sites, the destruction of art galleries, museums, decades-old architecture.

The murder of our academics, our soldiers, our pilots, our ambassadors.

Iraq is finished. And yet we still hear of models of democracy. We still hear of security surges.

The children of Iraq are traumatized. They require decades of therapy.

But there is one glimmer of hope.

It is in the valiant Iraqi resistance.

But I disagree with one point: America in Iraq is not the eternal enemy.

If America assists Iraqis in destroying the Iranian threat on their streets and in their neighborhoods, then it can become an ally.

America will leave eventually, by force or by will (or lack thereof) but Iran will ALWAYS be the vampire seeking to suck us dry.

The American experiment in Iraq can still be turned around.

Iraq nationalists need to look to the long-term, not the short-term.

Yes, kill the occupier as long as he occupies. But there are two occupiers in Iraq, if not more. If one can be persuaded to rid us of the bigger occupier then so be it.
Anonymous said…
Hala said the following:

"After the Liberation and the establishment of a national government issued from the glorious Iraqi armed Resistance, those found guilty of collaboration with the Occupier will be simply and wonderfully EXCISED from the Iraqi body as the tumoral cells they are ;-)"

Oh you mean the vast majority of Iraqi's who voted for a Constitutional form of governance which guarantees them inalienable rights through the law of nature rather than through the laws of man IE the laws of the tyrant Saddam?
Anonymous said…
Truth about Iraqi's,

We don't want to occupy your country, and we certainly don't want Iraq to become a client state of Iran, we want to rebuild your country to a self sustainable level both defensively and economically, then we want to get the hell out, end of story. The sooner the Iraqi people (namely the Sunni's) start to cooperate with coalition forces in order to drive out the foreign terrorists, the sooner we will leave, and luckily it appears that is exactly what is starting to happen.
Anonymous said…
First of all Arthur I am not Jewish by either race or religion, I am half Irish and half Cuban, and you are nothing but a proto-Nazi POS racist GFYS.
Anonymous said…
"If America assists Iraqis in destroying the Iranian threat on their streets and in their neighborhoods, then it can become an ally."


i don't like where ure headed with this "truth abt iraqis" can u become allies with a country that that has destroyed your country
Anonymous said…
Time would better be spent, during Layla's absence, in analyzing why the Jews, via their front organizations within the US/Britain/Iran, are so adept at fucking up sovereign nations.


i think its cos theyve got loadsa money and thus power.....not sure how they always manage to become so filthy rich in the first place though.
Anonymous said…
also ive noticed, u get many jews who occupy both sides of the political spectrum....the sneaky little shits. if theres a discussion to be had, they occupy both sides of the discussion and in my humble opinion, r very effective at distorting the opposing view towards their own means
Anonymous said…
Do you people not realize that one of the first acts of the genocidal Saddam was to kill Jews? And now you are reggurgetating the same racist blame the victim propaganda that allowed those unjustifiable killings to take place? You people are sick your minds are poluted with bigotry and hatred.
Anonymous said…
Truth about Iraqis,
the Americans' goal - forced on them by the zionazis - is to destroy Iraq AND Iran, using one against the other, the old فرق تسد trick. You seem not to have learned from history that the Anglo-Saxons and Americans are the most treacherous people in the world. Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes! But you seem to get quite a liking to lick Bush's boots ...
Mat 10:27 ¶ What I tell you in darkness, [that] speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, [that] preach ye upon the housetops.

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Mat 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

Mat 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Mat 10:31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Mat 10:32 ¶ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

Mat 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Mat 10:34 ¶ Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Rev 13:1 ¶ And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Rev 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty [and] two months.

Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.

Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Anonymous said…
“Oh my God, I trust in thee, let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me.” -- Psalm 25:2

“Blessed is the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress, my high tower, and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I trust who subdueth mine enemies under me." -- Psalm 144:1-2
Anonymous said…
Raise your hands who think TOT is not a zionazi psycopath!
Anonymous said…
Jr., I agree with you about TAI's post: 'i don't like where ure headed with this "truth abt iraqis" can u become allies with a country that that has destroyed your country'.

And Anonymous above is absolutely right about Anglo-Saxons/USans.

What made you say what you did, TAI?
Anonymous said…
Now how does this disproportional focus on modern individualism to the neglect of classical republicanism relate to the practices of individualism in the United States? The best way to put it into perspective is through the context of the extremes on both sides of the spectrum. On one side of the spectrum we have totalitarianism in which the state is all powerful and individual liberty is non existent and on the other side we have anarchism in which the restrictive functions of the state have been totally abolished and unchecked individualism is the law of the land. Now how would this hypothetical anarchist societal structure function? Well let us first assume that the economic structure of any given society would remain intact and in the case of the United States it would continue to be Capitalism. Now that there is no longer a state to provide for services; such as, security, defense, and education there would now be a demand from the public for private companies to fill the void. The individual upon seeing that there was now a demand for him to provide this security, defense, education, etc., would begin to form privatized police, military, and educational institutions. Now that state regulation has been abolished there would no longer be any checks on monopolies. Individual companies each doing what is in their own economic interests would form into large conglomerates. So now a societal structure is beginning to form which in fact looks very state like. Not only has it taken on the form of the state but through the formation of these large conglomerates in which every aspect of society is controlled by a single entity the society has in fact become totalitarian in nature. In effect the individual liberty which the abolishment of the state was supposed to provide has been all but eliminated and in the place of a government of, by, and for the people, we are now left with a government of, by, and for the government. So we can see in this extreme example of how a focus solely on the individual while ignoring the effect that this individual will have on the society as a whole can in actuality create the opposite of the intended effect.
Anonymous said…
Raise your hands who think TOT is not a zionazi psycopath!
Anonymous said…
Now how does this disproportional focus on modern individualism to the neglect of classical republicanism relate to the practices of individualism in the United States? The best way to put it into perspective is through the context of the extremes on both sides of the spectrum. On one side of the spectrum we have totalitarianism in which the state is all powerful and individual liberty is non existent and on the other side we have anarchism in which the restrictive functions of the state have been totally abolished and unchecked individualism is the law of the land. Now how would this hypothetical anarchist societal structure function? Well let us first assume that the economic structure of any given society would remain intact and in the case of the United States it would continue to be Capitalism. Now that there is no longer a state to provide for services; such as, security, defense, and education there would now be a demand from the public for private companies to fill the void. The individual upon seeing that there was now a demand for him to provide this security, defense, education, etc., would begin to form privatized police, military, and educational institutions. Now that state regulation has been abolished there would no longer be any checks on monopolies. Individual companies each doing what is in their own economic interests would form into large conglomerates. So now a societal structure is beginning to form which in fact looks very state like. Not only has it taken on the form of the state but through the formation of these large conglomerates in which every aspect of society is controlled by a single entity the society has in fact become totalitarian in nature. In effect the individual liberty which the abolishment of the state was supposed to provide has been all but eliminated and in the place of a government of, by, and for the people, we are now left with a government of, by, and for the government. So we can see in this extreme example of how a focus solely on the individual while ignoring the effect that this individual will have on the society as a whole can in actuality create the opposite of the intended effect.
Anonymous said…
Raise your hands who think TOT is not a zionazi psycopath!
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Truth A I, for that excellent posting. I read your blog regularly as part of my effort to understand the extreme complexities of the current situation in Iraq.

Little Deer, as I see it, it was part of the original war plan, as devised by the Iraq government and army, to use the US forces to keep the Iranians out, once the Iraq Army, by a realistic reading of the situation and the application of informed and rational strategy, were forced to abandon their heavy armament and adopt the tactics and strategy of guerrilla warfare against the US war machine.

Is it not a sign of the success of the end game strategy (of the Iraq government/army) that the US is now arming groups like the 1920 Brigades to push the Iranian puppets out of Iraq? I welcome any thoughts that might add to my take on this, or correct me where I may be wrong. (TOT, please don't waste more space here with your nonsense take on the subject) Also, I would like to get some better understanding on how the Iraqis feel about the Iraq Baath Party - past, present and future in Iraq.

I express my deepest sympathy for the Iraqi peoples and regret at what has been done to them and their nation. However, I do hope that they realize the admiration and appreciation that is held for them around the world for bringing the Mad Neocon Imperialists to a halt and changing the course of history by their incredible resistance.
Anonymous said…
As this forum will not make the link as I tried it, if anyone wants to follow it and reply to my query, the URL is:\NOVEMBER 2006\11 3 06 resistance.html
Anonymous said…
Hay cutter your "incrdible resistance" aka murdering terrorist scumbags are a god damn joke the most they've been able to do is kill only 3000 of our troops but what they are good at is massacring unarmed civiilians in mass. Us "neo-con imperialists" as you call the carriers of the sword of liberty aren't going to be stopped by the likes of terrorist scum, the Middle East is going to change, Democracy is coming it is inevitable.
Anonymous said…
Truth About Iraqis,

Yes and no.

I do agree with you that spoilt rotten Little America is an "accidental" rather than "natural" enemy to the cradle of civilization.

But then I would see it and turbaned same old Persia as Cold War style "lovers-haters" rather than real enemies: all barks but no bites, "thieves of honor", "sporting opponents" respectful of each other and even willing to form alliances of convenience whenever "strategic".

And the Devil only knows how strategic it is now to both their imperialistic agendas to keep co-operating in the disgregation of the once egalitarian Iraqi society along sectarian lines and sharing the rich loot between them until the way is paved to the ultimate competition for supremacy over the whole Arab Nation !

May our ingenious and principled people emerge victorious over both savagery and "refined" cruelty.
Anonymous said…
Lawrance Cutter,

"I would like to get some better understanding on how the Iraqis feel about the Iraq Baath Party: past, present and future in Iraq."

As far as I am concerned, you gave yourself the concise but essential answer on your own ;-)

Keep telling yourself that Zionshit-Motherfucker but the corpses of Occupation Soldiers prove you are more full of shit than a lavatory that hasn't be flushed for a week.
Zaidan said…
As far as I am concerned, you gave yourself the concise but essential answer on your own ;-)

Hala, beautifully said ... heheheh

And I totally agree.

= )
Anonymous said…
Janice, the bodies of dead Jihadi's are stacking up at a far higher rate, and so are the dead Iraqi's that they kill which is why even the Sunni's have turned against the terrorists and are starting to cooperate with the coalition and government forces.
Anonymous said…
阿富汗的國歌叫 Yankee&Co GO HOME!
伊拉克的國歌叫 Yankee&Co GO HOME!
國際國歌叫 Yankee&Co GO HOME!
讓全世界都唱 Yankee&Co GO HOME!
Bush&Blair&Olmert = the coalition of the murdering
the coalition of the willing = the coalition of the evil
TOT = a zionazi psycopath
Anonymous said…
Trajan Octavian Titus said...
Us "neo-con imperialists" as you call the carriers of the sword of liberty aren't going to be stopped by the likes of terrorist scum,


So, you're a "carrier of the sword of liberty", chasing down "terrorist scumbags"? WOW! You are truly a legend in your own dimwitted mind. The first thing, however, that a great crusader like yourself needs to do, before jumping on his flea eaten donkey and waving his wooden sword, is to pause and try to catch at least one clue. So, turn off Faux New for long enough to read this article and let's see if you can make a comment about it that's not completely stupid.,,330220867-103550,00.html

Trajan Octavian Titus said...
the Middle East is going to change, Democracy is coming it is inevitable.


I believe that democracy is inevitably coming to the Middle East. It will be a long and bitter struggle though, as they'll have to kick the US out first.
Anonymous said…
a good post to end the everyone shut up
Anonymous said…
I agree **
Anonymous said… lets wrap up this thread and go to bed.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I have noticed that anyone ,not totally agreeing with Issues ,posted by the Magnitude ,will be automaticly labeled a Zionist ect.
Very shallow frames of Mind .
Anonymous said…
what a profound comment from that profound frame of mind of yours! Btw, are you already wearing a kippah? I've heard that's becoming quite a vogue in Kurdistan ...
Anonymous said…
your weak Statement reveals your true nature and a weak gene pool
Anonymous said…
you must be a yiddish fashion specialist,eh
Anonymous said…
thank you for your compliment, nazi!
Anonymous said…
u morons this thread ENDED 5 posts ago......can u shut your stupid gobs and go post elsewhere
Anonymous said…
I think it's high time you stopped your little-महाराजा-style behavior ...
Anonymous said…
piss off u twat
Anonymous said…
jr the brazen brat,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Jr`s ,selection of US slang is marvelous,did you live in the ghettos?
Anonymous said…
jr the brazen brat's slang is British, with some of his "vocabulary" having Irish origin.
Anonymous said…
You have a fine "ear" anonymus .
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