Heavy Metal and....Rock

The "clean, brave" americans (no capital A for subhumans) use heavy metal "music" to intimidate Afghans and their Resistance Fighters....

These same killers used heavy metal music in Abu Ghraib and Gitmo...to rock and drive the detainees insane...with their shaytan music, their music from the devil...

These same serial killers also use heavy metal music when driving in their humvees around  Baghdad, it gives them punch...an uplift, a high, a satanic high, so they can engage on another rampage of murder and blood and lick their fingers afterwards... they smile and say "you're gonna die" -- the taste of blood with heavy metal is good, damn good...they become godlike...all this power in the hands of barbarity...what a high, what a climax...

Got news for you,  Resistance fighters, whether they are innocent detainees, poor farmers, ordinary civilians or freedom seekers, are not intimidated by your so-called music...nor your guns...

You feed on garbage, you listen to garbage  -  for us garbage always falls, like water off a duck's back...

You do not scare us....you're just a nuisance, a temporary one, and you will be shut off, shut down, completely, totally --- of that am pretty sure...

Now that's real music to my ears...

youtube video uploaded by proudmuslimpiczocom.

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