Freedom Samples - Abu Ghraib Galore...

One post after another...I am writing for the record. I am writing so I will never forget. I am writing so you will always be reminded...

Torture in Shiistan, Torture in Kurdistan, torture, torture, torture -- Iraq is one huge Abu Ghraib...hundreds of little Abu Ghraibs across the country....hundreds....all operating with the same american spirit...the american spirit of the founding fathers---- of Torture, Rape, and the new Iraq.

This time got detailed testimonies from shiistan's dungeons. I will not reproduce the whole Human Rights Watch report here...just  headlines...mouth watering headlines for the sexual perverts of the new world order, of america, iran and its shiistan supporters...

But fist I want all those sons of bitches who called me a liar to come and grovel in mortification at my feet....and I want all those sons of bitches who called me sectarian to come and kiss my shoe...because ....there are only one sectarian psychopathic criminal sons of bitches here and that is the shiite parties and ALL of their followers and sympathizers....ALL OF THEM. And these terrorists only came to power thanks to the GREATER terrorist called united states of america.

If you want to know who Al-Qaeda in Iraq is - you need to look at americans and their shiite lapdogs who wags their tails to the us, gb and iran.

And yes there is a genocide of the Iraqi Arab Sunnis and you know that, and I know that....but since your jewish zionist godfather chomsky and your jewish zionist godfather r.perle decreed that the shiites were oppressed in Iraq and you believed the LIES - you have kept silent about the genocide of Sunnis. You have kept silent about the real culprits, whitewashing iran, whitewashing the rapist and driller muqtada al-sadr, you even went to extent of whitewashing the triple agent ahmed chalabi and you went and offered bouquet of flowers to nouri al-maliki of the terrorist shiite DAWA party when he arrived to washington dc, welcoming him like a hero - you the anti-war leftist garbage and your neocons, liberals, progressives, are all one rotten, depraved lot.

This is how debased you are...and the crimes continue...every single day...since 2003...and the killings continue every single day, and the torture, rape, sodomy, abductions, kidnappings.....tragedy....continues every fucking single day....vile, vile, vile................VILE !

All of the detainees were SUNNIS - so called insurgents, and with so-called links to Al-Qaeda...all were forced to sign confessions when it was clear that they were innocent. I quote from the report :

"Detainees in a secret Baghdad detention facility were hung upside-down, deprived of air, kicked, whipped, beaten, given electric shocks, and sodomized...."

" During the interrogations, security officials mocked the detainees and called them "terrorists" and "Ba'athists." To stop the torture, detainees said, they either offered fake confessions or signed or fingerprinted a prepared confession without having read it. Even after they confessed, many said, torture persisted."

I quote some more....

They described how interrogators and security officials sodomized some detainees with broomsticks and pistol barrels and raped younger detainees..."some young men said they had been forced to perform oral sex on interrogators and guards. Interrogators also forced some detainees to molest one another.....Security officials whipped detainees with heavy cables, pulled out fingernails and toenails, burned them with acid and cigarettes, and smashed their teeth. If detainees still refused to confess, interrogators would threaten to rape their wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters. The interrogation sessions usually lasted three or four hours and occurred every three or four days...

And I quote some more...

Detainee A. hung upside down, suffocated with a plastic bag, woken up with electrical shocks to his genitals, forced to confess to killings he did not do, was urinating blood...

Detainee B. a pediatrician, saw his cell mate die of internal bleeding due to torture..

Detainee D. ex army officer, in a wheel chair, sodomized with a stick and beaten till his teeth fell out.

Detainee E. 21 years old, beaten daily, threatened to rape his mother and sister unless he confessed to crimes he did not commit his testimony "It hurt when it started to penetrate me. The guards were all laughing and saying, ‘He's very tight, let's bring some soap!' When I experienced the pain, I asked them to stop and that I would confess. Although I confessed to the killings, I mentioned fake names since I never killed anyone. So the torture continued even after I confessed because they suspected my confession was false." One of the guards also forced him to have oral sex."

Detainee F... "suffered broken ribs from the beatings and urinated blood for days. The interrogators threatened to rape his wife if he did not confess. One time he was stripped naked and told to penetrate another naked inmate lying on the floor or that he would otherwise be raped by two male guards."

Detainees G and H, father (59) and son (29) respectively.."both endured sessions in which interrogators hung them upside down and beat them. During one session the father was stripped naked in front of the son, and the son was told they if he did not confess they would rape his father. The father was told that if he did not confess they would kill his son. The son was subsequently sodomized with a broomstick and the guards' fingers."

Detainee I. 24, "... still has severe leg injuries and wets his bed after he was sodomized numerous times with a broomstick and pistol. During one session, an interrogator told him that they would rape his mother and sister if he did not confess. During another beating, interrogators hit him so hard that he lost several front teeth..".

These are just a little sample of your innumerable Abu Ghraibs, samples of your democracy, samples of your liberation from "the tyrannical dictatorship", samples of the "restoration of shiite rights"....samples of Freedom...

What you sons of bitches have done to Iraq and Iraqis....cannot be mustered in is beyond is beyond...beyond...beyond...

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