On Western Feminists...

This is a follow up on my previous post...just in case you missed it.

I am not the kind to be easily intimidated...I have been a witness to your filth for over 7 years now, I am well inoculated...

And the biggest of FILTH has come from your Western, American feminists...they are even worse than your men...

I am no spring chicken and I have been around...I have observed, talked to, studied, examined you species...

And I maintain, your worst are your women...

Their racism, their arrogance, their lies is 100% time worse than your average "brave boy".

I have been dealing with this rotten, self seeking lot for so many years now and I can describe HER in the minutest of details...

The Western feminist and in particular the American shit, thinks herself to be so savvy, so fucking knowledgeable...

When it comes to non Western women, she is forever oscillating between teaching and assuming her role of the colonial "empathizer"....I am not sure this word exists, but I just invented it..and correct me later on -- with your English...and by the way, the day you can speak over 5 languages fluently as I do, only then are you allowed to correct me...

You see, the Western feminist can only approve of you if she can manage to convince you that you are in need of saving...

The Western feminist and in particular the American piece of crap called a woman, will only "bless you" if you agree to agree with her...

You see, in her arrogance and ignorance, when that bitch has not even traveled beyond her village, imagines herself to be all infused with knowledge...and she is here to teach you a few things...

As long as you bash your own, regardless...you are in her good books..but if you ever dare voice anything against her or her fucked up men, or their collective actions, then you are quickly relegated to your "natural" place...

Because that ignorant bitch, thinks she holds power over you...you see she bestowed you with understanding as long you towed her line and you in your utter stupidity will wait for more pats...Arab men are known for that bit..they are forever waiting to be patted by the white bitch...like good loyal dogs...

But I tell you something about the white bitch that is so politically incorrect, it will blow your mind away...

The white feminist bitch absolutely hates her non white sisters, unless they submit to her o'so wise vision...

You see, the white bitch will select which causes she will fight for..she is part and parcel of the system...whatever suits her current complex du jour is fine with her...because I tell you the white bitch, contrary to the image she likes to portray, is full of hang ups...

And the best way to exercise/exorcise HER inferiority complex,is when she deals with you, female or male from "the lesser God"...

With the male, she treats him like a dog, and him being so colonized in his head will yap like a poodle...

And with the female, she will only accept you as long as you fight her fight...

Take it from me. I have dealt with these white bitches for so many years now...I know exactly what am talking about...

I am on Twitter and on purpose on the fucking 8th of March 2010 I hardly mentioned anything about women's day...

Women in Iraq are being asked NOT TO GET PREGNANT BECAUSE OF THE POSSIBLE ADVERSE EFFECT OF DEPLETED URANIUM, DU used by the Americans in Iraq....DU that will give birth to such deformities you would pray your ovaries are dead....
Yes, this is the extent of the American occupation, leading you to wish your ovaries were dead...

Do you think any of these Western feminists whores mentioned a thing about it on the 8th of March ?

Fuck no...

But these whores are quick to ban you if you have failed to sympathize with them because their pet died...

These bitches would go to any length to encourage procreation through IV for same sex parents, or would fight tooth and nail for the rights of abortion or the right of some fucked up Western bitch in dire need of adopting some third world kid...

But imagine telling that bitch that she is not allowed to conceive because her kid would come out as a monster because of some Arab Muslim bombing the shit out of her country with Depleted Uranium and Napalm...can you imagine what her reaction would be ?!

And believe it or not, not one word was said on the women of Iraq on the 8th of March.

These Western feminist cunts blocked me on Twitter because I dared say PTSD of their brave boys is bullshit -- come and see ours...but these Western feminist cunts love the Arab boys who yap for them...

I have more to say on this disgusting bunch, yes even more disgusting than their men...because at least with their men you know where you stand...

These Western feminist cunts will only approve of you if you relentlessly bash and hate you own...

These Western feminists are worse, 100% time worse than the men they criticize and 100% in a worse position than the women they so-call want "to save"...

In fact these Western feminists are nothing but female cowboys in colonial *feminist* drab.

That is why 8th of March is nothing for me...it is the day for those cowboy cunts from the West...my Women's day is two days later on the 10th of March and I decided so...

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