Another Year, Another Post. - 5

Errant Souls

One of the most formidable catastrophes and tragedies of this "liberation" and which is getting very scarce coverage is the Iraqi Refugee "problem".

An overall 5 Million Iraqis turned into Refugees in the space of 7 years. Now that's an anniversary you can celebrate...

Perusing the news and the frenzied reporting on the "elections" of the "new flourishing democracy", you are given the impression that all is well, that refugees are no longer errant souls, they all returned home to participate in this flowering democracy called the New Iraq, the "new flower of the Middle East " watered by blood and fed corpses...

Got news for you, all reports state in no uncertain terms that Iraqis are not returning to their "new flower of a democracy". In other words none want to go back to the morgue called Iraq.

Iraqi refugees since 2003 until this very day have been the most neglected group, the most humiliated, denigrated and the most forgotten...

Apart from a couple of NGOs and UNHCR, who would occasionally write a word or two about Iraq's refugees, there is nothing fact there is a total darkness, a total black out, a total cover up concerning Iraqi refugees both inside and outside of Iraq.

A few trickling numbers here and there, a line or two of statistics, some data on the number of "resettled" families and that's it...unless of course there's a hot topic like prostitution, then you would have the Westerners and in particular their female writers articulate essays about it, because this is a "hot" topic and feeds smack into their personal obsession with "Sex & the Orient" and this is a subject that merits a post by itself...

You don't really get to hear, read, see much, of the daily struggles of Iraqi refugees, their hopelessness, their grief, their loss, their miserable conditions, their traumas, their don't get to see any of their scars, both physical and psychological, you don't get to hear their personal stories of rape, torture by the Americans and Brits and the sectarian militias that landed with the filth of occupiers, you don't get to hear about their very depressed kids, their nights without food, their ill health, their chronic diseases that get no treatment, their absolute poverty, their urgent messages asking for a little money for a surgery, for medication, for food, you never get to hear or read about their loneliness and the loneliness of exile, nor do you get to know anything about their homesickness and their feelings of despair...

But what you do get to hear apart from the "hot sex stories" reported in the Western media, of some Iraqi women forced into prostitution, are occasional appeals for donations for some NGO or UNHCR because "money is running out" or you would get a few numbers - 100 Iraqi families resettled in the US, 55 in Sweden, 4 in Germany if this is some major achievement, as if this is the cherry on the cake...

Iraqi families get about 275 dollars a month from those who register with the UN along some food coupons and access to a couple of miserable health dispensaries where would not even take your pet for a check up...with those 250-275 dollars you are to pay a rent of about 200 dollars a month, where hot water is a luxury, and the rest is for food and other necessities...and if you are to be resettled to a "civilized" country of the 1st world, you must run a battery of medical tests, that cost over 400 dollars which you will have to pay back along with your air ticket fare plus other "resettlement and administrative" fees...a total of not less than 3000 dollars to pay back to the occupying powers or to the shit countries that are "kind enough to have you."

So when I read appeals by NGOs asking for donations and when I see it mentioned over and over again -- "rich Arabs, Iraqis, Jordanians, Syrians must contribute"....I say fuck that.

No rich or poor Arab, Iraqi, Jordanian, Syrian must contribute anything....if anyone must contribute it is the Western world and their fucked westerners, it is the rich American, Brits, Australians, and the rest of the crass of the "civilized" world, it is their governments, it is their institutions, it is their keep moaning, whining, about how your "tax payer's money" is going for the war, then you fucking pay for those refugees too.

Iraqi refugees are the responsibility of the American and English governments first and foremost and the responsibility of the Iraqi government in second lieu...

There is so much anyone can individually contribute, and I don't want to hear that shit about "rich" Arabs anymore. You garbage people have pillaged our country, you have pillaged our riches and resources, you have plundered our homes and our lives, it is your fucking responsibility. And I surely don't want to hear anymore condescending remarks by those Westerners who are here to "save those poor Iraqis". You are not doing us a favor, again it is your responsibility and you get salaries for doing your work with's not like your doing it free of charge. But the Westerner never misses an opportunity to show how "benevolent" they are to those "poor Iraqis"

What all these people fail, omit, to mention is that-- because of GARBAGE AMERICA AND AMERICANS AND GARBAGE ENGLAND AND ITS BRITS, and what the so-called liberal "peace movement" omits to mention is that --it is also because of GARBAGE IRAN AND ITS MILITIAS, that you have so many thousands of refugees that refuse or can't return home...

And of course what no one tells you is that most of the refugees are mostly Sunnis, Christians and other minorities and what they also fail to tell you is that most are educated, professionals, with degrees and skills...and what most fail to tell you is that the garbage West only accepts to re-settle those who have university degrees and professional skills, thus ensuring that the whole strata of Iraqi society of technocrats, teachers, professors, doctors, scientists, recruited into their societies causing a permanent brain drain...thus leaving the ignorant scum, handpicked by the garbage Americans and Brits to rule the country...

So those educated Iraqis who have not been murdered by the death squads from the US, Israel or Iran have been made into refugees and then re-settled in the West...

And those who are not re-settled, for x reason, are left to rot with nothing, begging and living on handouts from the "generous" West, and since they get nothing from the West, they make do with what they receive in donations, meager donations, here and there...and there is so much one can donate. The needs are enormous, the needs are endless, the stories are horrifying and donations are simply not enough nor are they a solution in the short or long run...this is not a question of charity and good will,  this is a question of responsibility by International Law. And the Americans are the ones who are responsible. Full stop.

Furthermore, the garbage Iraqi government still busy counting votes, is deliberately turning a blind eye to the Iraqi refugees, they do NOTHING. They don't want the refugees to return, for the same reasons I mentioned above. A return would mean vacating the occupied homes, would mean creating employment, would mean re-integrating none Shiites and none Kurds into the fabric again...and the new Iraq of America and Iran can't afford any of that...after all they went to the greatest length to make sure that Iraq does not raise her head again...

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