The White Ebony & the Eunuch

Nothing is worse than a White person pretending to be Ebony. You know the kind don't you? The white female or male, fighting for the rights of "the poor oppressed Arab world" (or you may insert any other of your favorite "third world country")- the saving queens and warriors of the West, patronizing us on how we should be liberated, barking about human rights, women's rights and their freedom, democracy and social justice...when their bombs, their weapons, their drugs, their porn, their hookers, their politics, their poisonous expired drugs, their venomous products, their corrupt ideologies...are being dumped on us...Oh, you know what I mean.

They spend a few weeks in one Arab country, "in the developing world" as they like to call it in their politically correct corrupt hypocritical language - a developing world who is for ever developing, since they have never stopped colonizing it and they suddenly become experts because they visited a city, said hello to the "locals" or better still, laid one of them...Oh, yes you know.

Behind the slogans and the jargon, is the quest for exotism, an exotism that dehumanizes so can they brighten up their dull minds and their dampened, empty, over consumed libidos in the hope of reviving some life in them, having spread Death for centuries...

Then there are the White Ebonies, these are as disgusting if not more. The White Ebonies are in fact very Black. At home they cry "racism and minority rights", but abroad, in those "forsaken dumps of countries", their project and unknot their inferiority complexes that have plagued them for ever, and suddenly as if by magic, metamorphose into masters.
You find them as soldiers, snipers, contractors, security guards, missionaries, mercenaries, torturers, rapists and killers. Their embodiment is Condi Rice.

Then you have the Eunuch. I call him the "house nigger" in the White court.
The eunuch comes in different shapes and forms and with varying degrees of castration.

He/she can be your so called Arab - "intellectual", your politically correct "sophisticated" overseas student, your 2 cents below average journalist who thinks he's made it, your worthless, syphilitic, boasting dick roaming the streets of Europe or North America hoping to score so he can ante up his non-existent ego a few notches, your common lapdog who salivates like a Pavlovian dog at the sight of his master/mistress, panting for a pat on the head, basking in his/her shadow, in the hope that this latter will finally, one day, bless him and bestow upon him the seal of final approval...and last but not least you have the Arab "leader" who flexes his empty muscles at home yet -- sucks up, pants down, hoping to win favors - that of remaining in power.

The Eunuch of whatever variety is in most cases an Arab HE. He is spineless, deceitful, depraved, a lousy strategist, a filthy damp cloth, lacks morality, lacks verticality, spiritually bankrupt, hollow, void, with no dignity and no integrity. In sum, a vermin, a worm...

Only in the above light, can one understand the praise of the Eunuch Qaddafi to the White Ebony criminal whore Rice, the White African queen of the house niggers.

Take the Qaddafi - Rice example as the ultimate one. It is nothing but a reflection of all the rest...

From the leader to the average one - castrated he is. A political, intellectual, ideological, cultural, mental, sexual - Slave, an Eunuch.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Shadad Abdel Qahar.


Anonymous said…
It would be interesting to do gene testing on current Ghaddafi and compare it to a sample of his body from 10 years ago.
I wonder whether he has a bodydouble.
Anonymous said…

Probably the whole thing is not as sofisticated as they say. They probably lace the victim or the object the victim is handeling (guns, money, ...) with some sort of invisible paint (invisible in the visual spectrum but visible in the IR or UV spectrum).

The whole thing is rediculuous though. They have bankrupted their country and can not still beat a ragtag volunteer force that consists of 17 year olds who defend their own homeland against occupiers. We need to remember who is the aggressor and who is the victim here. Also we need to focus on the collaborators (even Iranian ones) and shame them by naming them.
Anonymous said…
I recall Gaddafi promised to make erect a statue of Saddam Hussein to remember his Sacrifice.

Has he kept his word ?
Anonymous said…
I asked this question in the previous thread but you might not re-check it so I will repeat it here:

What do you think of "Al Qaida" leader Al Zawahiri and the so-called "Emir" of the "Islamic State of Iraq" Al Baghdadi issuing statements accusing Iran of collaboration with the "Crusaders" ?

Though there is no doubt and it is under everyone's eyes that such evil alliance exists, why should Al Qaida, notoriously a "patsy" front for both the US and Iran, speak about it ?
Anonymous said…
Malcom X classic on the House Negro:
Anonymous said…
Qaddafi of yesteryear, at the 19th Arab League Summit in Riyadh, March 2007:

'Colonel Qaddafi, who curiously has no official government position in Libya, also projected an image that Arab rulers only do as they are ordered by the White House like marionettes. He then went on to assertively tell his interviewer that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, which Colonel Qaddafi referred to as his “dark African sweetheart,” was giving the orders to the Arab leaders. [27] “We admire her very much and we are very proud of her because she is giving the orders to the Arab leaders,” Qaddafi sarcastically said in regards to the U.S. Secretary of State followed by his impressions of the Arab leaders; “Leeza, Leeza ... she brought with her the summit agenda.” [28]

For more---very interesting read on Arab betrayal of Iraq and President Saddam Hussein.
Anonymous said…
nice blog :)
Anonymous said…
Kofi is a piece of iranian propaganda. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is only more clever than the other iranian propagandists. When Saddam was murdered he claimed that the Iran-backed sectarian shias had nothing to do with his lynching, and he added that Maliki's government isn't sectarian at all and that Saddam liked that much his sectarian executioners: The mainstream sources, which reported his statement conveyed the impression, through a highly distorted and convoluted analysis, that Saddam Hussein was blaming the Shiite Arabs and the "Shiite dominated Iraqi government" for destroying Iraq. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Nazemroaya had even the nerve to use Saddam's lynching to defend and praise Iran.
While this has been going on there is a continuous attempt to build public consensus in support of dividing Iraq and military strikes against Syria and Iran. The media in North America, Europe, and the Arab World have played an important role in demonizing the Syrians and the Iranians. The life of Saddam Hussein was used by the United States as firewood to further fuel discord and division in Iraq and the Middle East before the next phase of its military roadmap, which is directed against Iran and Syria.
Anonymous said…
Is Paola Pisi a white ebony ?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the background info on Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. I have been curious about him and you now filled in the blanks. As you point out, these types are indeed clever and they need to be exposed for what they are. Sometimes these propagandists, as you correctly call them, give out information that is useful even as one has to be careful and read between the lines.
Greatly appreciate your efforts in Uruknet and wish you the very best.
Warm regards.
Anonymous said…
I got Layla pregnant !
Anonymous said…
Qaddafi and Condi together look like a couple of transvestites. LOL

But nobody beats the queen of all Ay-rab eunuchs, usurper Al Sabah scared as a drowning rat fleeing the valiant Iraqi army by helicopter !!!!!!!!!
bARABie said…
"Sometimes these propagandists, as you correctly call them, give out information that is useful even as one has to be careful and read between the lines."

But interestingly enough YOU didn't point out the fact he/it was a safavid propagandist dog after linking to his/it's article. hmmmmmm
Anonymous said…
Barabie, am pleased that you, Layla and Mrs. Pisi are on good terms again.

Pro-Iraq people should never lose themselves in personal bickerings.
bARABie said…
amir, what i found more interesting about the link you provided is the comments left by those dirty low life murdering FUCKING STUPID yankee retards.
bARABie said…
Anyone who doesn't already know how the MAJORITY of yankee retards "think" should look at the comments at the link amir provided.

And yet one still gets the occasional yank coming here and pretending they are "not all like that". Well hell, of course we know not EVERYone is like that but the fucking MAJORITY ARE!

Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Layla is my Queen.
bARABie said…
"Pro-Iraq people should never lose themselves in personal bickerings."

I am "pro" ARAB first and foremost.

Second, why would you bring up something that was over a long time ago?
Anonymous said…
Layla Anwar is a nymphomaniac. She can never get enough. I'm afraid I will have to start stocking up on Viagra very soon.
Anonymous said…
KMWR--As usual, a wonderful blog. Including Paola's comments. Helpful.
Anonymous said…
Brilliant, Layla, as always, thank you!

In solidarity.
Anonymous said…
are you sure that am white?

thanks, but barabie is right :"why bring up something that was over a long time ago?"
And i agree with Barabie when she writes : "I am "pro" ARAB first and foremost". Iraq was destroyed because was the last bastion of Arab nationalism: the imperialist-Zionist plan is the division of all Arab world into statelets and the elimination of the Arab identity.

Kofi is right, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is indeed clever, and sometimes he gives correct information, just to fool people. It is true that he has a persian name and this should be an alarm bell, but there are some exilees iranians that strongly oppose the ayatollahs and write right things.
For instance, Reza Fiyouzat. And in fact Fiyouzat is slandered and insulted by the disgusting pro-iranian "left", that instead looooooooves Nazemroaya :
Anonymous said…

long time reader, first time poster

gaddafi's comments at the arab summit put it in perspective a bit... still can't stand his sucking up to 'leeza'.
Layla Anwar said…
Hello all, well sort of...

Will respond to comments later, for sure, if I'm granted life, that is...

Meanwhile, I can assuure that P.Pisi has NO color. She has moved beyond that a long time ago...

So Jay, your "question" is non applicable and totally void...

Nice try. Well not really...
bARABie said…
Qazzafi the brown nose mental asylum freak needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is.

The freak comes up with some beauties at these Arab "summits", things one would like say oneself but then he does shit like lick condomlicker's black ass. Talk about schizophrenic.
bARABie said…
"thanks, but barabie is right :"why bring up something that was over a long time ago?""

@ Paola

The fact you didn't let our personal differences affect the greater good, being the unity of Arabs, has put you into a higher category in my books.
Bravo to you and i do wish you and Layla well and all loyal Arabs too.
bARABie said…
So others don't feel left out, i wish any justice and peace loving person well too.
bARABie said…
"Anonymous Anonymous said...

4'11" Arab vs. 6'8" German. Who wins?"

Hey "brains", ever heard of the saying "size doesn't matter"?????


In fact one of the greatest stories ever told is about David and Goliath. ;) Look up the story ya bimbo.
Anonymous said…
Your puerile rants give you away, including your age. You have a lot of growing up to do even as you profess to be pro-Arab and on the "right side".
bARABie said…
anonyASS, did you look up the story?


The day a maggot like you stops me from seeking the truth will be the day you win.
bARABie said…
"Bolivian President Evo Morales has ordered the US ambassador expelled, accusing him of contributing to divisions in the country which the Government warns is headed towards "civil war."

Ambassador Philip Goldberg was to be sent an official message from the foreign ministry "informing him of the decision by the national Government and its president that he should return to his country at once" and that he was "persona non grata," Mr Morales said."

Notice the "ambASSador" is a jewish maggot?
Anonymous said…
bARABie banned
From Palestinian Pundit:

Friday, November 16, 2007
Banning bARABie
I think that it has reached the point when the comments by bARABie have become very abusive and rude to many of the regular visitors to this blog. I waited as long as I could, but finally I have banned her from commenting. If she starts using another computer I promise to ban that IP address as well.
Anonymous said…
bARABie banned link:
Anonymous said…
bARABie, typical medicore dickhead, pontificating the Arab cause from the safety of an armchair far, far away.
Anonymous said…
bARABie, like a spoilt child, not to be taken seriously. Indeed, no one does even as he craves attention.
bARABie said…
"If she starts using another computer I promise to ban that IP address as well."

One doesn't need to use "another" computer to use another IP address ya brains, shows how smart tony the traitor is.
bARABie said…
"Banning bARABie"

Being banned from a traitors blog is something i wear with PRIDE! :)

Btw ask tony the traitor how successful he/it was in "banning" me. roflmao
bARABie said…
"very abusive and rude to many of the regular visitors to this blog."

Anyone want to take a guess what type of "people" these "REGULAR VISITORS' are??? ;)

Think molly and css and you have the gist of it.
bARABie said…
annoyingASShole, you are not very observant are you? :)
Anonymous said…
What word best describes bARABie?
EUNUCH. A very confused one at that.
bARABie said…
Hey annoyingASShole, i will give you a hand.
I have been banned from other sites way more recently than your lame link, do you think you could find any brain cells to locate where? :)

See how helpful i am? lol
Anonymous said…
Paola Pisi,
"are you sure am white ?"

Unless you're the child of some colonial master-slave tryst in Ethiopia or something...
Anonymous said…
Hey Barabie

How r u?

Re being banned from sites as sum1 who has experienced this imho it proves what I say is right :) :)

Molly is a Zionist in Narnia (i.e in the closet)
bARABie said…
Hi Janice, good to see you here. :)

The TRUTH usually hurts, as they say.
Anonymous said…
"The TRUTH usually hurts, as they say."
Hey bARABie,
Does it hurt being a Eunuch too? Is that why you visit multiple blogs to vent your frustrations?
bARABie said…
"Is that why you visit multiple blogs to vent your frustrations?"

Why is that YOUR excuse?
Anonymous said…
Not so rocket science..



bARABie said…
"Does it hurt being a Eunuch too?"

The only Eunuch i know is your mom, so you should ask her if it "hurts".
Anonymous said…
No one, absolutely no other thinkers have been able to depict this condition better than Frantz Fanon in his book Black Skin White Masks. We Arabs have much to learn from Frantz Fanon. There is a slave within us. He is seeking similar to the white master. He yearns for a glimmer of whiteness, but in vain. To beat the slave within us, to destroy him once and for all is the task that lies ahead of us. No national symbols that can hide servility and subservient within us. No retoric, no traditional clothing makes us Arabs. To return to ourselves is a matter of struggle and conquest, the intransigence of all battles. Go to the library, where you live, to borrow Fanon, read him and see our intelectulas today. What do you see? I see nothing at all! Do you? We should ask the question: what are we, how did we become the ones we are, where will we, each, where are vi on the way. What does this mean 'we' as 'we'take for granted. What origion has that prononus 'we', from which experience has it emerged,? There are no more complicated issues than the simple and fundamental questions. Have patience with my poor English!
bARABie said…
Oh annoyingass is the asshole who likes backdoor sex. Typical.
bARABie said…
@ 2:53

I don't agree with your comparison, certainly there may be a certain percentage of Arabs who may think like that but the majority are far from slave mentality.

You appear to forget that Arabs led the world at one stage which throws the slave tag straight out the window.
How can a "slave" lead the world?

Sorry for you but this is a result of nothing else but jewish maggot and imperialistic bastard meddling and dividing the Arab world for two reasons, RELIGION and OIL.

The fact is it's amazing the Arabs haven't already been enslaved, yes i know some have but the majority still remain independent and free. Do not compare the zionist Arab leaders to the majority of Arabs. Huge mistake.
Anonymous said…
Off with this demagoguery!
It deserves not even a stale comment. But nevertheless, I leave one here.
bARABie said…
Could one just imagine how many more Muslims there would be if the jewish maggots and imperialistic bastards didn't install their puppets in the Arab world and that money was spent on Islam?

This is something that no Christian nor jewish maggot wants, not if they can help it.

According to these maggots and bastards, the Muslims can't have Islam the way it was during it's heyday NOT WITH ALL THAT MONEY. The jews couldn't occupy more land then now could they? And the maggots couldn't find better scum than the safavids and turds to help them.
Anonymous said…
Talk not nonsense.
According to the West's propaganda Muslims want to Islamise the world. And you are nothing more than a helper who spread this lie.
But the truth is, and has been that the majority of Muslims want nothing more than justice, independence and freedom.
Anonymous said…
I have suspicions which I am sure are more than justified that Anon 2.51 pm is currently residing in a Hebrew Settlement.


It doesn't hurt Anon's Mom cos too much anal makes it huuuuuuuuuge

Speaking Hypothetically :)
bARABie said…
"I have suspicions which I am sure are more than justified that Anon 2.51 pm is currently residing in a Hebrew Settlement."

You are more than likely right and if not then in jew york.
Anonymous said…
Jew York?

More than likely :)
bARABie said…
"According to the West's propaganda Muslims want to Islamise the world. And you are nothing more than a helper who spread this lie."

I just love how you twist things around.
The fact is if Islam WAS like it was in it's heyday AND now with all that money, being used the Islamic way, more people would WANT to become Muslims, you idiot.
But instead Islam is viewed as a crazies religion which carries out terrorists attacks, thanks to the jewish maggots and imperialistic bastards.

So how the fuck is that wanting to "Islamise" the world??
bARABie said…
"According to the West's propaganda Muslims want to Islamise the world. And you are nothing more than a helper who spread this lie."

You obviously have a reading deficit.
Wanting to "Islamise" the world and people WANTING to become Muslims because Islam is more desirable are two fucking different things.
Anonymous said…

Re comment 3.53pm

Totally 100% agree

They are totally 2 different things
bARABie said…
Janice, try telling that to the deceptive anon because nowhere in my comment did i state Muslims want to convert anyone.
Anonymous said…

True u didn't

But Zjews can be delusional

Like Paranoid Schizos
bARABie said…
I correct other people on blogs so i might as well correct myself too.

But instead Islam is viewed as a CRAZY'S religion which .....
bARABie said…
"We Arabs have much to learn from Frantz Fanon."

Seeing you are basing the majority of Arabs on a minority, let me do the same.

There are white people who act black in yankeeville and here, does that mean yanks and aussies really want to be slaves?
Honestly you claim is absurd to say the least.
bARABie said…
"But Zjews can be delusional

Like Paranoid Schizos"

I would love to agree but they know exactly what they are doing, no delusions about their desire to corrupt and control the world.
bARABie said…
Hey Janice, guess what.
I have become very friendly, that is VERY friendly, with a jew and it is jews like her that make it hard for me to abuse the majority of jewish maggots. But as you can see it hasn't stopped me :)
bARABie said…
Janice, notice how you can call a Christian a Christian and a Muslim a Muslim and a Hindu a Hindu and so on but you can't call a jew a jew, you have to say a "jewish person".

If you joogle "jew" you get this warning from joogle that it's offensive.

What next?
Anonymous said…
To "Barabie"
I quote you: "... the jewish maggots ..."?
What forces will use your sick, the suspect, prostitutes language and reverse this language against the oppressed Palestinian, Muslims, Arabs, if not the Israeli and Western propaganda? I think I know who you are. A motherfucker that promote sionismens lies and propaganda. I recognize your sick position from other places.
bARABie said…
Now, do you want to repeat that in English PLEASE.
bARABie said…
"A motherfucker that promote sionismens lies and propaganda."

Actually your local dog is the motherfucker, ask your mom.
Anonymous said…

I believe (maybe I'm delusional) that not all Jews are Zionist.

I get along (tho we are not friends just work 2 gether) with a Christian Zionist.

I find myself thinking he means well and I think he does (apart from Zionism and shocking (excused only in those with no running water) Personal Hygiene
bARABie said…
"A motherfucker that promote sionismens lies and propaganda."

Oh yeah, after all it's ME who is going around stating Arabs have a slave mentality. RIGHT.
bARABie said…
Is the smelly one still working with you?
bARABie said…
"I believe (maybe I'm delusional) that not all Jews are Zionist."

No not all are but even some of the ones that aren't still support israhell.
Anonymous said…

He is

It's a bugger in summer

(Hey that rhymes :) )
Anonymous said…
To "Barabie" I quote you:

"There are white people who act black in yankeeville and here, does that mean yanks and aussies really want to be slaves?
Honestly you claim is absurd to say the least."
I discussed a mentality, not the actual skin colour. Your idiot and swedish racist!
bARABie said…
"He is seeking similar to the white master. He yearns for a glimmer of whiteness"

"I discussed a mentality, not the actual skin colour. "

bARABie said…
anon, you obviously were never in a debating team.
bARABie said…
"Your idiot and swedish racist!"

Janice you know who this fool "thinks" i am?


Hey fool, i will give you a hint. His English is shocking.
Anonymous said…
8-19: "Florida" 2007.05.01 - TWoP Forums

No Kidding?

I'm weeing myself :D ROFL
Anonymous said…
Er not sure how TWOP forums got here they are just part of my SVU obsession but not meant 2 b here :)
Anonymous said…
Chris Meloni sure is Hot :)
bARABie said…
I thought you were weeing yourself about something on TWOP, so i went to have a look and couldn't find anything that funny but now i understand what happened.
Anonymous said…
I quote Barabeie: "Could one just imagine how many more Muslims there would be if the jewish maggots and imperialistic bastards did not install their puppets in the Arab world and that money was spent on Islam?"

Your European anti-Semitic struggle has never been ours, can never be ours, can never be the arabs, will never bi the arabs.
These wars are no war between Jews and Muslims, between Christians and Muslims. It is a continuation of the European colonial, racist and imperalistiska conquests.
You will remain an swedish sonofabitch who dirtying the conquered peoples struggle for freedom, independence and justice.
Anonymous said…
I was looking at Law and Order SVU Forums

SVU being a tie with The Bill as my fave ever TV show :)
Anonymous said…
I was looking at Law and Order SVU Forums

SVU being a tie with The Bill as my fave ever TV show :)
bARABie said…
So the crusades weren't about religion. hmmmm

Tell me where did you find your "brains", was it the local dump?

The people occupying Palestine aren't occupying it because "God chose them" now are they.

Like i said ASSHOLE, this is about jewish maggots and imperialistic bastards with of course the fundamentalist Christians involved as well.
Anonymous said…

Stopped taking ur meds?

Up 2 u :)

Can I still call u.........

bARABie said…
"You will remain an swedish sonofabitch"

How will i remain something i have never been?????????

Idiot, stop making a fool out of yourself. You can even ask Layla if i am sweDUMB, you fool.
bARABie said…
"Can I still call u.........



Thanks for the laugh, as you always have a habit of doing to me. :)
Anonymous said…

Ur welcome :)


Trust me Barabie is not from Scandanavia the Person u r thinking of has not been here.

He could have OD for all I know seeing as how he has a Cocaine Addict
Anonymous said…
Addiction I meant 2 say

Anonymous said…
That was me :)
Anonymous said…
To Barabie: The fact that my English is poor, I have already in my first mail pointed out to the readers. To launch the language as as an "argumentation" says quite a lot about your mental strength than on my logical abilities. It is not the first time you take to such low and prostitutes methods against me. In Sweden, you ran the same style. It says a lot about you as a person and about your true nature. Well well.
I ask for the tenth time: What forces will use your words as part of its propaganda? Unless Israel and the U.S.? Here comes your conscious sabutage of arabs and muslims fair fight. I quote you: "Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF !!!!!!!"
I feel sory about you man!

Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF !!!!!!!
bARABie said…
OMG now it is crying that it doesn't know English but most of the points i raised were NOT about your English ya moron.
Anonymous said…
To Barabie: Tell us! What forces will use this quotation unless Israel and the U.S.?
I quote you: "Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF !!!!!!!"
bARABie said…
"In Sweden, you ran the same style."

Seriously like Janice asked "stopped taking ur meds"?
bARABie said…
"To Barabie: Tell us! What forces will use this quotation unless Israel and the U.S.?"

Do you speak any other language?
Because the above does not make sense.
Janice can you understand what he is asking?
bARABie said…
"Here comes your conscious sabutage of arabs and muslims fair fight."

Are you making your English even worse than it already is just so you could prove your point about how i argue because AGAIN i can't understand what the hell you are trying to say with the above.
Anonymous said…

Nope :( I don't speak Word Salad (a common symptom of Schizophenia

Anon r u Hephrenic Schiz?
Anonymous said…
To Barabie: Answer me! Is it Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians or is it the Israeli propagandists who benefits from your way of thinking?
Tell us all. Tell us about the forces that will use your language. These forces will not be the oppressed, conquered, colonized peoples.
Tell me who benefits from this: "Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF !!!!!!!" ?
bARABie said…
"Tell me who benefits from this: "Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF !!!!!!!" ?"

For a start, ME.
bARABie said…
"These forces will not be the oppressed, conquered, colonized peoples. "

So "oppressed, conquered (and) colonized peoples" are not allowed to swear at the oppressors, conquerers nor colonizers????

Where do you get your mentality from?
First we want to be slaves and now we can't swear at our oppressors???????????????????
Get fucking real.
bARABie said…
"To Barabie: Answer me! Is it Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians or is it the Israeli propagandists who benefits from your way of thinking?"

You should be at Palestinian pundit.
bARABie said…
You fit the description of a Eunuch to a T.
Layla Anwar said…
What an interesting debate here, full of information.

I did not know that Barabie has moved to Sweden, hope you are enjoying your stay there.

As for anonymous, yes there is a relic, a remnant of colonized slave in a good deal of Arabs, albeit sometimes on an unconscious level, and on a cultural level, and when I say cultural, you really need to think deep about what culture means and how culture and the homogenization of culture, into for instance " one world culture" a bi product of the globalisation works.

I have no time to write an expose on it, because culture does seep into all aspects of life, hence I said mental, ideological, sexual, political slave.

So yes, Fanon is right in some way.

However you are limiting yourself to only one kind of Imperialism, the American one. I agree with Barabie that the Safavid's imperalism, as in the case of Iraq is all too obvious, unless of course you are one of those liberal minded arabs living in Sweden trying to be politically correct to please your own masters.

But hey thanks for the contribution.
bARABie said…
"and on a cultural level, and when I say cultural, you really need to think deep about what culture means and how culture and the homogenization of culture, into for instance " one world culture" a bi product of the globalisation works."

Now that i have to agree with and yes that does include the majority, unfortunately.
Anonymous said…
To bARABie: "Tell me who benefits from this: "Fuck yanks and jewish maggots and safavids PISS ME OFF !!!!!!!?"

Honesty and pride is not your strongest side. I see that words such as honesty scare you. But I ask again: Can you tell us about the forces that will use your nonsense and sectarian thinking? Tell us! Have we not had enough of sectarianism? Can not your little eyes see the sectarian hell in Iraq and Lebanon, which both Israel, al-Qaida and the United States APPLY TO people of Lebanon and the suffering of the Iraqi people?
Tell us, you could gain a lot of honesty, tell us about the forces that will turn your language against the oppressed Arabs and Muslims.
Dont comment my language, it is infamous, and says a lot about you than about me.
bARABie said…
Ok how would YOU like me to address the "people" who are massacring my people?

Would you like me to call them those really nice folk who actually love us but somehow their bombs seem to land on our heads while we are sleeping or having a wedding.

Please "nice folk" stop bombing us,
Thank you because you are such good freedom loving people.

Is that better?

Well fuck you and fuck any bastard that wants to kill me or my people. You fucking brown nose asslicking piece of shit.
Layla Anwar said…
This is getting quite amusing,

Barabie and anonymous both live in Sweden...And they seem to know each other already. hahahahahaha


Are you some Iraqi or Lebanese Shiite, because clearly the word Iran was not mentioned once in your sectarian wars.

Unless you are swedish yourself, desperately trying to be an

bARABie said…
"Are you some Iraqi or Lebanese Shiite, because clearly the word Iran was not mentioned once in your sectarian wars."

Very observant of you, i didn't even notice.
Anonymous said…
You call Arab leaders eunuchs.. What about your precious Saddam shaking hands with Rumsfeld back in the Eighties ??
Anonymous said…
Answers to Layla Anwar
Because of my linguistic limitations risk my scores to be interpreted in many ways. Of course, it is my responsibility. I may well take that risk.
I appreciate your taking the time to respond.
We have a well-all slavherre to satisfy. We live after all in the West. Here is the white man master and to deny that is dishonesty. Everything else is a waste of time. The most important thing is that day and night trying to fight against the slave within us, and against the feeling of inferiority within us. What Fanon, Cesaire, Edward Said and others sought to provide us with the means necessary to destroy the slave within us. We can not conquer our human dignity, we do not abolish the slav within us by dehumanaizing ("safavids" "infidels" and words lik this)Iranians, but through our resistance
against those who force us to live the life that western animals would refuse to accept, and by fighting against the common enemies of the Middle East: Israel and the West.
What is happening in Iraq is the responsibility of U.S. imperialism. I have not seen Iran occupy an Arab country. Please note that I am Arab, and are raised with the Arab big dream. I do not see Iran as the enemy. My enemies are the United States and Israel.
Iran is a developing country, the Iranian people are a Muslim people. Iran is a country which is exposed to the American and Zionist aggression. And in the choice between Iran and Israel, I choose Iran. As in the choice between Iran and the United States I choose Iran.
In my opinion are Your position smells sectarianism and regionalism. Why do we Arabs only blame Iran's wrong but never Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Kuwait and theres guilt of the occupation of Iraq?
You tend to use terms such as Imperialism unproblematic. Then you call me a liberal. I have never been a liberal, at least not consciously.
If Iran is a imperalistic country, what you call Israel, the United States or England?
Yours sincerely
Layla Anwar said…
Mr or Mrs Anonymous,

You choose Iran because you are shiite or a shiite sympathiser. And you have put this particular sect above TRUTH and reality.

You are either deliberately trying to obscure facts or trying to play smart here.

You are not misinformed Mr or MRs, you are simply dishonest. Had you been honest, you would have known for isntance that IRAN helped the US and GB and ISRAEL in destroying the last Bastion of True Arabism, as Paola Pisi said.

Had you been honest, Mr or Mrs, anti imperialistka, you would have said for all to read that IRAN financed funded, trained and armed the shiite militias to ethnically cleanse IRAQ.

But I am not expecting honesty from you, it is clear for me from reading between your lines, and your ommissions, and your twisting of facts and truths, what your true colors are.

Yours truly,
Anonymous said…
I quote Layla Anwar: "Are you some Iraqi or Lebanese Shiite, because clearly the word Iran was not mentioned once in your sectarian wars."

Who's sectarian Layla Anwar? I, or you?
I let the readers themselves juge.
Who is sectarian, Layla Anwar? I, or your hatred against Shiites?
Is it necessary to become a Shiite to defend justice, to defend Lebanese shitts?
How sick can you get?
I am ashamed to discuss with you!
This may be the last thing I say in this blog!
Layla Anwar said…
Mr or Mrs Anonymous from Sweden,

Obviously you are the sectarian one here because you are clearly a pro iran, pro Shiites sectarianism, be it in Lebanon or in Iraq. Even if this sectarianism has cleansed Iraq of its ARAB sunni population. So you are lowly indeed. And ignorant to match.

I am ashamed I lowered my level to discuss with you actually.

And it is better that you say nothing more on this blog, since you seem to be nesting on it...for quite some time now.

Good luck being an "Arab".

Anonymous said…
To Layla Anwar!
What do you think you are madame misery?
Honesty is a word, just a word, it says nothing in itself. It is when people are acting as the word honesty gets its meaning. And between honesty and your opinions is the distance infinit.
You secterianism are responsible for bloody reality of the Middle East. In the future of the Middle East there will be no place for your terrible "vision", nor for any selefists. There will be only only room for free people to build their world beyond the sectarian nightmares that you stand for.
Honesty is just a word. The word in itself should not mean anything. Or?
Best regards
Anonymous said…
Please shut up mr or mrs anonymous from Sweden. You are not even Arab to start with.

So bugger off back to your hell hole.
Anonymous said…
Awnser to Layla Anwar!
You call that for intelectual level of discussuin!
But I know it! That is how you have become popular in the West.
I do not really want to share this "praise" with you madame Anwar!
Remember that! I am more Arab than you could ever dream of!
Yours sincerely
Anonymous said…
Mr or Mrs Anonymous from Sweden.

Is everyone in Sweden so dumb? I wonder...

I am actually very hated in the West, so I guess am quite popular...

I am hated because I dont mince my words and I call the murderers by their names...One of these murderers is IRAN, whom you defend.

And because you have no intellectual integrity whatsoever, you are and will remain dishonest. That is probably how you have lived your whole life and the rest of it.

So you are the last one to talk about intellectual discussions and being an ARAB.

Very truly your's
Anonymous said…
Answer to Layla Anwar!
Now I understand how you define an "Arab". How a "Genuine" Arab should be in madame Anwar small world: A verbose, with a large mouth, a selefi belonging to an extreme Sunni sect, which hates Iranians simply because they happened to be Shiites, who are not defending the Lebanese because the Lebanese happened to be Shiites, and keep quiet about sadudies, may not defend the right regardless of religion and sect. I humbly ask you to show up this definition to any psychologist at any time and he / she will answer: this is the definition of a morbid, crazy, sick, deeply dishonest Layla Anwar. If an Arab is the one you have defined, I have never been Arab, never want to be Arab, will never be Arab! Quite simply because I refuse to be a disease!
Yours sincerely,
Anonymous said…
Mr or Mrs Anonymous dumb ass from Sweden.

You are truly stupid...Actually a psychologist will say that I am a very sane and lucid woman, I doubt he will say the same about you.

Arabs don't need wipes like you, you can go and bark in Iran if you wish. And no, not all the lebanese are shiites, nor are all the iraqis shiites...this is more of your anti imperilalistika propaganda...hahahahahaha

Why don't you leave sweden and move to Iran, am sure they will pay you well, since you seem to be easily bought...and sold for that matter...
Anonymous said…
Answer to Layla Anwar!
You wrot: "Why don't you leave sweden and move to Iran, am sure they will pay you well, since you seem to be easily bought...and sold for that matter..."
What can I say about these meaningless words?
Yes, very much, namely the silence. The most effective of all the languages!
Best regards
Anonymous said…
Mr or Mrs Dumb Anonymous,

Am glad you shall keep silent, we have read enough of your stupid dishonest nonsense.. So by all means, do keep very silent...for a long, long time...preferably so.

With my best wishes.
Anonymous said…
So would you call Saddam shaking hands with Rumsfeld also an eunuch or are you Miss Double Standards ?
Anonymous said…
"I love temples and I appear to be a true angle while I enter.......
bARABie said…
Well done Layla for exposing that safavid dog, brilliant analysis.
bARABie said…
"If Iran is a imperalistic country, what you call Israel, the United States or England? "

The SAME thing you fucking moron.
If you are an Arab then you are that donkey type of Arab who can't see past it's fat stomach but my bet is you are a shite shithead like Layla guessed.
bARABie said…
"nor for any selefists."

Ahhhhhh the safavid in you couldn't contain itself eh????????

Just brilliant Layla, just brilliant.
bARABie said…
"Remember that! I am more Arab than you could ever dream of!"

If YOU were more Arab than Layla i would renounce my Arabism in an instant.
bARABie said…
"which hates Iranians simply because they happened to be Shiites,"

See how dishonest you are?
Layla has given her reason for not like the safavids and not one of those reason was because safavids were "simply shiites", you deceptive dishonest son of a lying whore.

"who are not defending the Lebanese because the Lebanese happened to be Shiites,"

In fact asshole the MAJORITY of Lebanese are NOT shite shitheads you lying son of prostitute.
bARABie said…
Hey safavid dog, how come no mention of the Arabs living in persia who are persecuted and murdered on a daily basis????????

Because obviously Layla was right about you, i have to admit i thought you were a jewish maggot but BRAVO to Layla for spotting your true colors.
bARABie said…
Am glad you shall keep silent, we have read enough of your stupid dishonest nonsense.."

For some reason i have a feeling it won't keep silent and that's why it used "anonymous" so it can post in future pretending to be another "Arab".
bARABie said…
"How sick can you get?"

Hopefully not as sick as you.
Anonymous said…
Layla, I am still waiting to know from you why Saddam who shook hands with Donald Rumsfeld would not be an eunuch.
bARABie said…
Shaking hands with the enemy to trade on equal terms is quite acceptable but shaking hands with the enemy to destroy a whole culture is completely different but keep trying bitch.
Anonymous said…
Barabie would cream in her knickers watching me banging Layla unconscious.
Anonymous said…
Why do you breed hate? Do you know how many Iraqi I know in the US who want to be hear and so happy they can come? And that goes for many other people from Middle Eastern countries also. You are ignorant...and do not know at all what you are talking about. I am glad your life is bad for you, because if you had better attitude your life would be better. You just complain, complain, makes no sense. You dont even speak intelligently.
bARABie said…
"Do you know how many Iraqi I know in the US who want to be hear and so happy they can come?"

The more important question is would they have ever considered migrating to the hellhole that is yankeeville if you murdering bastards had not destroyed their homeland?????????
bARABie said…
Btw if you want to bark about "intelligence" then learn the difference between here and "hear".

Nothing worse than teaching a moron it's own mother tongue.
Anonymous said…
Barabie study this picture and tell me who would win
bARABie said…

We have already been there done that with your lame pictures.
bARABie said…
"Barabie would cream in her knickers watching me banging Layla unconscious."

You don't need to bang Layla unconscious as, just like ANY woman, she would already have passed out at the sight of you naked.
Nothing better to SHOCK a woman than you and your little pimple naked.
Anonymous said…
Barabie, I know you're jealous...but you will have to accept the fact that Layla is not a lesbian. Your little snake tongue would leave her as cold as a cucumber, while my hard drilling cock just sends her to Jennah. lol
bARABie said…
Wow this blog attracts all the jewish maggots and safavids.

Well Layla you know you are doing the right thing when the scum of the Earth attack you.
Anonymous said…
Noam, you are right,
Ask the sectarian Layla Anwar and her sectarian friends What territory was used by the U.S. Air Force at the time for the invation of Iraq? The territory of Iran or the Arabs territory? Ask theme which countries helped the U.S. to invade Iraq? Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and so on. How can a person with integrity to look at Iran as the Arab people's enemy number one, while turning a blind eye to our own Arab inconsistent and treason? Who was he Saddam from the outset. An American servant. A stupid servant who received support and assistance of the United States and the West to attacking ...? which country? Israel? Not at all, Iran (between 1980-1988) Watch Ghaddafi. Just one week ago met this verbiage madman U.S. foreign minister, (representative of the country which is responsible for Iraq's total destruction), who rejected the Lebanese Prime Minister's appeal for a ceasefire 2006, when Israel destroyed South Lebanon. What was it that defeated Israel in Southern Lebanon? The so-called "Arab" armies? No. It was Hizbulla (Saudi Arabia called Hezbollah for the adventurer, I am ashamed to call myself Arab!) Which defeated Israel for the first time since Israel's establishment in 1948. Hezbollah, a movement of real Arab men and women, Arabs into action beyond Layla Anwar and her sectarian manners.
Best regards
Anonymous said…
I fully agree with you. Layla Anwar is a sectarian.
bARABie said…
The safavid dog is barking again.
Does anyone have a bone to throw to it?
Anonymous said…
To Saddam, you were a "good Iraqi" if you abode by the Iraqi law and stood up for Arab unity.

To Layla Anwar, you are a "good Iraqi" only if you are a Sunni.

Conclusion: Layla poses as a Saddam nostalgic but is actually a Bin Laden supporter.
bARABie said…
Omg, the safavid is pretending it is someone else now.

Do you really think everyone is as stupid as YOU?
Anonymous said…
bARABie said…
Hey safavid, did you know there is a medical term for what you are doing?

It's known as "multiple personality disorder". :)
Anonymous said…
To Barabie:
Safavids were Turks, Turks are Sunnis. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! How should I respect a person lik you? How should I respect a person who does not know who he is? How can I respect an ugly monkey lik you? How can I respect a person who does not know anything about its history? Your damned monkey. You are not even an asshole, for an asshol has a function and it is the least we can say about you. You are nothing, your damned sectarian.
bARABie said…
"Safavids were Turks,"


So who were the Ottomans? roflmao
bARABie said…
You gotta love it, the safavid dog is calling ME a "sectarian" when it continues about Sunnis.

Hey asshole, if you are an Arab then let's converse in Arabic.

minhala mnehkee bil Arabie, shu rayak?
Anonymous said…
To the monky, Barabie:
Close your mouth or learn your own history, your ugly monkey !!!!!
bARABie said…
I knew you couldn't speak Arabic because you are not an Arab but a low life safavid dog who is dishonest to say the least.
Anonymous said…
Barabitch, be did stroke yourself to orgasm reading about my drill fucking sessions with Layla, didn't you ?
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous
I fully agree with you.
Barabie, close your the or learn your own history, your ugly monkey !!!!! You son of one million streets! Go to your sectarian Layla Anwar. Fugiu !!!!!!!!!!!!!
bARABie said…
I knew it.
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous
Thank you very much!
Anonymous said…
You knew what, you Qutbist butch ?
Anonymous said…
To Barabie!
Hear here! You are not even a dog. I can always trust a dog. You have shown us that we can trust a dog more than we can trust a sectarian of your kind. I trust dogs, yeas I do. But unfortunately I can not say the same about you and your American al-Qaeda.
Anonymous said…
aryan "Omar",

Now, now my slut, we all know you have nothing between your legs and nothing between your ears...
As above so is below...hahahahaha
Fucking idiot.
Anonymous said…
To the rabid dog anonymouse from Sweden.

and me who thought you will keep for ever silent ? Ahhhh, could not resist the temptation huh ? I just love watching all of you and your sectarian drillers of Iraqi bodies seeth and froth at the mouth, just like the rabid dog that you are...

Ya zmal, ibn al Kundara.
Anonymous said…
pedro and noam,

stale game, your propaganda will not fool my readers. They and I know better...Iraqis have lived the truth, no amount of anything will change that. Poor depraved boys.
Anonymous said…

You know what, I smell the Iraqi bloggers Central here and the putrid decomposing piece of kharra, Iraqi mojo......hahahahaha
This guy smells and his smell lingers even across monitors...

Yalla, thanks for the laugh...
Anonymous said…
Ila Layla Anwar
YA BINT ALKHARA, ya bint alnal, ya faside fi elwegdan, lo kan indik thamir ana ma ird althamir, ya makrohe, ya fetane, ya haghde, ya bint alzeg we elbol, ya bint almoti, ya bint albaghal, ya thailibe, bes inti maindik thika elthaleb, ya bint alnaal we elhomar, ya taaiifiya, ya ghabiha, inti latistihin ve la tikhgelin, lo konti monathile kif matravhin ela eliragh elmathlome, ela eliragh eleti bate fihe elsahyionie och elimberialiye elamerikiya, ya bint Bin Ladin, ya sehionieh, Ya fetane, ya garashe, ya ghalilet eladab we elshoor, inti amrae arebia? La walahi, inti akbar fasede ala wejh elarth.
Anonymous said…
Layla, I know you're mad at me because I left you in the shit with our little bastard, but it's not my fault if your fucked-up Salafi Wahhabi societies regard unmarried mothers as whores.
Anonymous said…
Lyla Anwar wrot: "and me who thought you will keep for ever silent ? Ahhhh, could not resist the temptation huh ? I just love watching all of you and your sectarian drillers of Iraqi bodies seeth and froth at the mouth, just like the rabid dog that you are..."

You know nothing about me Layla.
Would I defend the killers in the green zone in Iraq?
How could I defend the current Iraqi regime and see my image in the mirror?
All I have tried to do is to defend the Arab unity against all forms of sectarianism, Sunni or shiia. No. I am defending not the sectarian killers in the green zone. I condemn it and will always fight it. And in this fight, I have, unfortunately, no use of your blind sectarianism.
Anonymous said…

keep frothing....

Anonymous said…
Adolf Hitler considered Iran as the cradle of the Pure Aryan Race.

He will reincarnate as an Iranian and will free the world from the Semite subhumans.

Layla will have to choose between death and sexual slavery.
Anonymous said…
Aryan Omar is a Makhseee....

So is the sore frothing ass from sweden, called anonymouse...

Anonymous said…
ila Layla Amwar!
Ikli khara ja taifiya, ya um alfitna.
Ena arabi, ana sinni, ana shii, ana sofe abgha arabi, arebi, arabi, laken biid men al fitnah altaifiya, biid min "afkarik" almuhkziya.
Anonymous said…

keep frothing....


I wished that the suffering of the Iraqis could laugh as you.
Your sectarianism that you seem to be proud of, has meant an incredible suffering on the bleeding Iraqis in Al-Faluja and El-Anbar.
I am ashamed on your behalf Layla Falsarium!
Anonymous said…

Ya taba3eyia ya iranee ya jayef, ya ma3fen, ya abu al gamul wel wissakh, ya ibn al muta we al jarbua'a, ya kundara, ya zmal, ya ibn al barbooga.
Kharaya a3lek we a3la kol iranee shiiee ma3fen mithlak.
Wa Salam aleikom wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu.
Anonymous said…
Ila Lyla, um alkhizi ve alaar!
Ya halfe fi eltafkir, ya khaise fil afkar el mukhziya, ya muthika lil gharbeen, ya bint al homar, kan idna homar athka minik, jag "amraa" ili matorof alshima och alhaya.
Inbilsi o kheli elkalime teish isha horra, jag khinfisane.
Etlii barra ya muhthika.
Walahi ana akhjal min eshof kelimatek el taifiya.
Anonymous said…
A Makhsee is your dad you broken-assed Semite.

Shut up and cream.

Heil Mahdi !
Anonymous said…
Ila Lyla bint el-khizi
Ikli khara ya akrote, jag berbooga, ikli khara och shurbi el-bol, ikli tiben, walahi inti hadefek altafragha ve alfitna al-taifiya, inbilsi ya sehioniya, ya bint el-kundara, ya bint el-jirab.
Ena arabi, ena sinni, ena shii, ena moslem, ena arabi ela al-abed.
Anonymous said…

Ya shroogee, ya Iranee, ya kachagh...wallah mateswa filis, hata el taflah khossara feek, ya jarban, ya ma3fen, ya ibn al gawada wil 16 chalb...
abook a3la aboo el oruba maltak ya ibn zafra.
Anonymous said…
You write beautifully, I envy your gift.
I want to say I have supported your previous government all the time because I respect the Iraqis and don't consider them as little stupid children who can't make their own choices. If Saddam Hussein had been such a dictator as the West portrayed him you would have toppled him yourselves, not left him in power for 30 years. You are not like the other Arabs who keep their heads down, you are proud, always were. I never stopped trusting your political instinct and was never disappointed. You are indeed the light that will lead this lost humanity out of the tunnel. Even now, decimated, persecuted, impoverished, traumatized, you still have this tremendous charisma that comes from a plurimillenary wisdom of the things of this world. I am absolutely, mathematically, unmistakably sure that you will make it through, once again. And I will be on your side.

P.S. Pay no attention to the porn-horror movie comments you get; better these sectarians and frustrated males stay online than go and kill innocents, don't you think ?
bARABie said…
"You are not like the other Arabs who keep their heads down, you are proud, always were. I never stopped trusting your political instinct and was never disappointed."

At first, as an Arab not from Iraq, the above upset me but when i stopped and looked at the history the truth is you are right.

Throughout the last 100 years the Iraqis have done what the rest of the Arabs could not and that is have their own leader, a man who cared about Iraqis first and foremost. May God/Allah have mercy on his soul.
Anonymous said…
Ila Lyla bint el-khizi ve al-aar
Ana shroghi ya bint al-fased? ya waskha, ya taifiya, ya donia, ana minhe, el-oroba mini, ana ibn Yareb ya mezbela ve el-ar, ya bint al-kelb, ya haghireh, nar o nefett bievenet ibeiyek, ya bint el-zeg, ya chlebe.
Iklikhara ya melaabe lel gharbiyin alathy dasov ibarth ilIragh alhabibe.
bARABie said…
Hey safavid dog, you still haven't told me who the Ottomans were.


Oh and fuck you and NISrallah and ESPECIALLY that fat ugly bastard khomeni.
bARABie said…
Oh khomeni wouldn't be fat by now, it would already be maggot food. :)

At least Saddam lived to see his fat senile enemy die.
Anonymous said…

I did not mean to upset you nor to insult the non-Iraqi Arabs.

I believe there is a time for everything and each people follows its own peculiar (r)evolutionary course.

Such an intelligent, brave and generous leader as Saddam Hussein was a blessing to the Iraqis, but also the natural fruit of an advanced political, philosophical, and human maturation stage at a collective level.

I truly hope that all this pain will at least serve the purpose of speeding it up for the other Arabs too.
Layla Anwar said…
Ya anonymouse men Sweden,

Ya ta3fee ya jarban, ya iranee, ya ajmee kachagh. I can tell from your accent that you are a bloody TABAEEYA, a shroogee, a supporter of the mass drillers of shiites militias. Ya Kalb ya hakeer ya kundara. You are the scum of the earth, you people lie like you fucking breath and all of that you know why ya kalb ? because you are a sectarian son of a thousand bitches, who has put his sect, his dirty khomeinist shitism over and above his country and his people.

I can tell from your accent ya gawad where you come from and what your origins are. We don't buy for one fils, ya akroot ibn al akroota.

You come here and talk about Arabism ya munafek ibn al wasskha when you support the country that destroyed IRAQ, UMM AL URUBA, and that country is none other than your filthy, flea riddled, lice riddle, mutaa ridden whores from Qum.

You are not even worth one spit, ya jayef ya jarban...

Abook a3la abu el suede eli lamatak ya ibn al aheera.
Layla Anwar said…

Thank you very much for one of the most beautiful, touching and uplifting comments I have ever received in over 2 years since I started this blog.
Anonymous said…
ya bint aljaban, ya bint alnaal, ya bint elheghed elaama, ya bint aljirrab elmayisva, vilich inti tetkelimin an elshoorogye, vilich inte um elfitne, um eltakifiriin, el-wahabie, ya elshife, nar o nefet bivenet omich o abuch, ya naghla, ya haghire, rihtech rihet elkhara alghadim, ya waskha, ya zenche, ya um rihet elsenan, ya um alghamol, ya khaiyse, ya tafhe, min eli yhimdich, ane eghilich, yhimdich el-amrikan eli ebado shaab biakmaleh, yhimdich insan alonsori, elabyath, nefst elensan elabyath eli faal ma faal fi el-Falluje och al-anbar el-mathlomeh, vilich ane arebi o ghadeh, vilich inti wallahi matsvin hate elbole, inti matisvin hata eltafle, tof ale veghich elshife, tof ale veghich elomghaten, ya akroote, ya barbooghe, vilich inti ven vel orobe vein, vilich inti o amthalich heta matsvoon mismar jave enaal, ya amiya min alheghed, alhighid amich o badein itglili ane elsabab? Vilich inti matale min dahar regal, la vala inti bint haram. Vilich inchebi, nar o nefet bevenet umich o aboch, vilich inti mo bint eloroobe, vilich inti ve eloroobeh? cha vilich 60% min el-Iragh ma hom areb, li konohom shiia? vilich inti bint el-lamame, bint alajiid, bint elderbone, cha vilich bes el-sinni arbei, cha vilich inti itfadilin el-madhab ale alghomia? Tof ale abu al-khalafich, ya adeb siz.
bARABie said…
"Such an intelligent, brave and generous leader as Saddam Hussein was a blessing to the Iraqis"

I would go even further and say Saddam was a blessing to ALL Arabs but most of us, me included, didn't realize what we had until he was gone.

And for that i will always be sorry.
bARABie said…
I know i have already said this to you Layla but very good deductive work re that shroogee safavid kalb.

Shite shithead scumbucket.
bARABie said…
Noun 1. shite - obscene terms for feces
crap, poop, shit, turd, dirt
dirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth - an offensive or indecent word or phrase
faecal matter, faeces, fecal matter, feces, ordure, BM, dejection, stool - solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

The Irish certainly had the shite shitheads number from a long time ago.
So to be a shite means to be crap, feces.......
bARABie said…
No wonder the turds and shite shitheads are so similar, after all shit sticks together.
bARABie said…
"In the future of the Middle East there will be no place for your terrible "vision", nor for any selefists."

And how do you propose to rid the Middle East of all these "selefists"?

Mass ethnic cleansing?
Maybe more drill gangs?
Lirun said…
this is pornographic.. what a cheap way to market such complex thoughts.. i believe you could do better..
Anonymous said…
Oh my lordie, "Selefists" !!!!!!!

Dude, you aren't quite familiar with Iraqi modern political thought, are you ?

Fucking Fox News addict.
Anonymous said…
I miss Saddam's days (and nights..)
Anonymous said…
To all sectarian!
In the future of the Middle East, the Arabic people themselves will decide their fate beyond the sectarian nightmare. They do not want to go back to 'religion'. They will choose the present, the future. They are not spilling their blood to allow a dead past to prevail. They do not accept death and suffering to let some repugnant dogmas triumph. Our dead are not dreamt of an Islamic empire. They had a dream about the future that you and those of your types dilatory whith all means. No, our martyrs, do not give their lives to let a Layla Anwar sectarian hatred prevail. Our martyrs do not give their blood to marry hundred brides in paradise. It is the white world's degrading description of our martyrs. It is a gross insult to our martyrs. You and your types are sitting here in the Western world with all its modernity and advocates a dead past for our suffering people. Who do you think you are?. You are nothing more than a few useful idiots. You are nothing but a mockery, a heinous stupid. You are responsible for our people's suffering. Your archaic "thinking" is doomed to failure. No, and ten million no, we do not want to revive a dead time. We want to look attached to the future embrace this now. A now that the West has prohibited in the Middle East. No, and one hundred million no, we do not want to go back to the "fathers". We want the present, the gateway to tomorrow, for sunrise. We want to move forward without denying our history and where we come from. We do not want to borrow our truths from a past that is dead. We want to borrow our truths from the suffering of Gaza, the suffering of al-Fallujah, the suffering of Lebanon, the suffering of Golan Height. My truth is in the present, where Arab children are denied life of the white racist world's inhumanity. You shameless parasites, you people are sitting by the wayside in the West world and advocates a past that gone. Who do you want to convince? Who do you want to keep behind the light? What is your agenda? I can tell you! You are and will remain the useful idiots that the Western world needs in its war propaganda, nothing more than some useful idoter. You are sitting here in the West with all its convenience and advocates a dead time for the Middle East. Who do you want to convince, your poor souls, or the oppressed peoples?
I know that honesty and honour scare you. But ask yourselves! What is Al-Qaeda, Eiman al-Zawaheri? They are, they will continue to be, they will remain the creation of Israel and the West world.
Ask your souls. If you hav some!Ask your degraded souls in the white world. How is it posible that the West that has been able to invade and destroy several Muslim countries but 'not' been able to find and kill characters like Bin Laden or Eiman al-Zawahiri? Ask your empty souls. Ask your dead souls. Ask your "conscience". Ask the sectarian and demagogues Layla Anwar which incite against people simply because they happen to be Shiites.
Iraq's suffering is due either to shiia or Sunni. Iraq's suffering is due to a deliberate policy of religion as a cover. Declar instead war against elites in our countries. Declar not your cowardly war against the simple, ordinary Shiites, the ordinary, oppressed people believers. No, you can not. It is not the truth and strugle that is your reality. You just try to compensate for your Degraded souls in the white world. Why is it important for you to use words lik shiia and Sunni? Why can you not call the murderers in the green zone in Badghdad for what they are: murderers? Why stresses you the word shiia when you are going to talk about these murderers. According to the U.S. propaganda war in Iraq is about religion. But every genuine truth siker man in this world know that it is not true. Killing of innocent people in Iraq is not because they are Sunnis. This is because of colonialism old tactic: divide and rule. Have we not seen how the United States and the murderers in the Green Zone killed people who were in the Shiite section of the population? Can you deny that? Shiites that killed Shiites. Can you deny that? One can not apply the your sectarian explanations on the Iraqi situation without denying himself and denying the simplest and most basic common sense. Kill U.S. Iraqis because the Iraqis that the United States are killing Sunnis? Kills the racist Zionist state of Israel the Palastinian people and the Lebanese, beucase of sunni or shiia? Kill the United States and the faschist Ethiopian regim the Somalis beucace the Somalians are sunnits?
I ask: Why is it important for you to put the emphasis on words lik shiia and Sunni? Who is benefiting from this? What forces are using this reactionary emphasis? Our people? Why this madness? Who wins on this weakness? I can tell you. It is the United States, Israel, the Green Zone, simply our enemies. Would the United States Valuing Shiites higher than the Sunnis? Remember! For the United States and the white racist West, we are all "The Other" nothing more than "The Other". From the U.S. interests is a good Shiite or Sunni a dead Shiite and a dead Sunni. Would the United States value the people of Basra higher than people of the Hadith or Al-Faluja? Would the United States value the people of Basra higher than the people in Al-Faluja, based on a religious rate? Did you not see how the United States and the Green Zone, struck down several shiiauppraising? Have you forgotten 1920? What was it that the British killed then? The killed the Arabs 1920, not because they were Shiites or Sunnis. They were killed because they were struggling Arabs, struggling arabnationalists, tru nationalists, people who refused to bow to the British colonialism. It was the Arab nationalists with which you and your sectarianism has nothing in common. Nothing at all.
Why you will emphasizes the concepts shiia and Sunni? I know why. Because you are some sick sectarian, sectarian who want to compensate their degraded lives in the white Western world.

A Arabnationalist forever!
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