Ramadan's Forgetfulness.

As they gather around overflowing banquets of appetizers and succulent dishes, as their eyes fill up their mouths and their mouths fill up their stomachs, as they recline unable to move, sluggish and lethargic, exploding at the seams...
Thousands of Iraqi refugees, forcibly displaced humans, through torture, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, bombardments, lost homes... linger in neglect, forgetfulness - in abandonment...
A. still can't pay a rent. M.still can't afford medication for his daughter. S has been postponing this surgery for 2 years until paralysis visited him. N. still shakes from the flashes of being gang raped by the holy faithful shiites militias and witnessing her parents murdered in front of her eyes. Y. still hopes to go to school one day. Z. still wears those plastic slippers with no socks and another winter is approaching. W. still hopes for a cooker and D. for a blanket and a mattress. E. is still in a tent and...
Oh and Ramadan Kareem to the Arab and Muslim Ummah.
Painting: Iraqi artist, Abdul Hussain Al -Twaij
Thousands of Iraqi refugees, forcibly displaced humans, through torture, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, bombardments, lost homes... linger in neglect, forgetfulness - in abandonment...
A. still can't pay a rent. M.still can't afford medication for his daughter. S has been postponing this surgery for 2 years until paralysis visited him. N. still shakes from the flashes of being gang raped by the holy faithful shiites militias and witnessing her parents murdered in front of her eyes. Y. still hopes to go to school one day. Z. still wears those plastic slippers with no socks and another winter is approaching. W. still hopes for a cooker and D. for a blanket and a mattress. E. is still in a tent and...
Oh and Ramadan Kareem to the Arab and Muslim Ummah.
Painting: Iraqi artist, Abdul Hussain Al -Twaij
hmmm, intelligent comment!!!???? Just as intelligent as the anonymous above!?
that comment was a little more intelligent!! HUH!!!
only if you'd be as intelligent as Mustafa Kemal!! He was so intelligent when he was caressing my breasts with pistachios in his pocket. I think he also had a banana but it wasn't smelling too good.
Anyway, last night i dreamt of Tayyip again, he was getting married to my daughter and I was dancing sirtaki with Apo. Then some PKK guarillas made me sit in their lap...
ok, I go get and ice-cream...guess what flavor?
Our president, Abdullah Gul is making us Turks proud in Armenia. Hopefully within 10 years they will take Mt. Ararat back and we accept our apologies for the bloodshed in 1915. I am proud to be a Turk sitting in the lap of.....well, EVERYBODY now!!!
But most confortable is the lap of Kuwaities, even better than lapdancing for Saudis or getting wet dreams selling Cyprus to Greeks.
Hey we all gotta make a livin', right ;)
I saw Scott Ritter in Minnesota today. I have to agree that I am leaning even more towars Layla's analysis of his persona and the repeated threat of war against Iran in order to divid the anti-War movement.
By the way, Ralph Nader was fantastic. Lets build up more networks. Complaining is therapeutic but bringing the bastards to justice is even more so.
By the way, Ralph Nader was fantastic."
Yeah, just as good as scott shitter and that swine scumsky.
The Arab and Muslim Ummah as a baaing flock of fatalistic, self-effacing, lazy sheep...
Alas, you're right about the Arabs...ungrateful lot.
Do you think any material and/or moral help against the US occupational army could come from this new powerful Russia, as the Ba'ath party Command hopes in its latest statement ?
I think it would be wonderful.
Don't give a dam about the lowly dirty scum who are trying to get you offthe brilliant work you are doing.
You are the best.
What harm is the barking dogs going to do the moon.
Arabella's Bibi.
According to Woodward, the insurgency was crushed by "groundbreaking" new covert techniques enabling US military to locate, target and kill insurgent leaders.
I wonder whether the "technic" is a combination of old fashioned wire-tapping and it's derivatives, telecom maps of landlines and triangulation of mobile phones with the third "groundbreaking" tactic of using "simulation technics" (psychological simulation and facial-expression simulation and recognition).
I will explain the latter somewhat more because it is probably less known:
The same way the resistance fighters in Iraq use camcoders to tape their action, review it and improve on their methods, it might be possible to use digital visual or auditive media to record interviewers, bypassers, informers and study their facial expression for clues to their body- and facial language as adjunct with the other intelligence gathering tools, inclusive the oldfashioned infiltration. This way it might be easier to "recognize" the leader of the cell and exclusively focus on him. The downside of the technic is that once the word gets out, people can pre-empt it by studying themselves and they can practice the same back on you. It also allows only for a very limited application because of its labor intensiveness.
I have to mention that using this technics, it is even possible to completely fake disease states by using patients with stable intersitial lung disease (have dry crackles at baseline) and pretending acute decompensation in a critical situation in order to deflect attention and allow the adversery to lower its guard (for example during Betancourt rescue by fake Red Cross helicopters).
Please spread the word.
The dogs might not affect the moon with their barking but they certainly annoy the fuck out of the neighbors.
Oh fuck, this amir must be a jewish maggot.
Only maggots would call RESISTANCE "insurgency".
Look the two words up ASSHOLE.
So guess what?
I pretended i didn't have my purse on me and told him i would pay later.
May the jewish maggot BURN before it sees ONE cent from me.
So very little i can do to affect the safavid dogs.
As for the turds, well i flush the turds down the toilet everyday but just like a bad smell, they keep coming back.
how you doing :)
iraqi democrat u stupid piece of cow dung, get back into that hole u crawled out of and NEVER show your face around here again......u stupid dickhead how many times do u have to be told this is not a club and no one is interested in your stupid music......u stupid son of a bitch
amir, why don't you link to memri next time, they are just as "honest" as WP or jew york times.
come on bARABabie, wakey, wakey, amir wasn't linking to wp to show they are honest was he??
One can tell how deceptive or stupid certain "people" are by what they link to.
i'll reserve judgement on this
"According to Woodward, the insurgency was crushed by "groundbreaking" new covert techniques enabling US military to locate, target and kill insurgent leaders."
Oh fuck, this amir must be a jewish maggot.
Only maggots would call RESISTANCE "insurgency".
Look the two words up ASSHOLE.
come on bARABie.....plz stop starting pointless arguements for no reason.... amir is an arab nationalist no less and he quite clearly stated iraqi resistance fighters when giving his own opinion, not everyone u disagree with in this jewniverse is a jewish maggot
I went to a dentist yesterday and after the maggot started it's work i found out it was a jewish maggot FROM South Africa. The maggot started complaining about having to return South Africa to her rightful owners. Fucking racist jewish maggot.
So guess what?
I pretended i didn't have my purse on me and told him i would pay later.
An idea just occurred to me............
thanks for sharing this with us
Thousands of Iraqi refugees, forcibly displaced humans, through torture, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, bombardments, lost homes... linger in neglect, forgetfulness - in abandonment...
well said layla, it just makes me wanna puke my guts out when i see all these people come out with their "happy ramadan" and "i hope things get better" bullshit theyve been saying for the past 5 yrs especially when u consider the fact theyll be busy stuffing their fat faces come sunset without a care in the world
Tescos, notice how amir put "groundbreaking" in quotation marks but NOT when using the word "insurgency".
I agree that amir did use the word resistance later on but the way it reads, he ALSO referred to the resistance as "insurgents".
And amir was not trying to show wp as being dishonest. Don't confuse the two.
Do you think any material and/or moral help against the US occupational army could come from this new powerful Russia, as the Ba'ath party Command hopes in its latest statement ?
I don't know Layla's opinion, but i think that the Baath party is dreaming on and on and on. Russia is in full love with Iran and has excellent relationships with the Iran-backed iraqi puppet government.
By the way, a few weeks ago Putin said that the US and their puppets made just the right thing by lynching President Saddam Hussein "for destroying several Shiite villages" (??????? Saddam was never accused of destroying Shiite villages, and he was tried and condemned for signing death warrants for convicted criminals), but added that Saakashvili too should be tried, since he is as evil as Saddam!
The resistance is aware of the relationship between the safavids and the russian sluts but that doesn't change the fact that they both have the same enemy in common.
They don't have to like each other to work with one another.
That being said, i agree with you that the Baath is DREAMING.
With all the forces lined up against the resistance, it's incredible they have lasted this long, let alone even cause severe damage to the "superpower".
The feat of the resistance in Iraq will go down in history as one of the bravest, if not THE bravest, resistance of all time.
I am just in awe of the martyr Saddam's vision.
Putin is a viper. So what. The Resistance doesn't have to marry him, does it ? He has the material means that are needed to speed up the US defeat in Iraq. A liberated, strong and feared Baath-led Iraq, not to mention its natural evolution which will be the great unified Arab Nation, will be by far a more "interesting" partner for Russia than Iran and its proxies. It would be, it must be, a pure business, do ut des.
For God's sake, the Iraqi people is being exterminated before our eyes ! There is no more time for fuss about "principles" and ideological quibbles. The Resistance and its supporters must adopt an unprejudiced, Machiavellian mentality. It must be a "no holds barred" fight. To get the occupiers out of Iraq by all available means. Even if that would mean to shake hands with the Devil himself.
Once the Americans are defeated, the pro-Iran puppet government and death squads will be left alone, naked as worms and defenseless before the rage and the fighting skills of the Resistance. After all the Iraqis have always been able to keep Iran at bay until the US came and handed over the country to the Khomeinists. Things between the Arab world and Persia will go back to "normal", the normal millenary stand-off.
But now, now as we speak, what is urgently needed is a BOOST to the underground struggle. Weapons, funds, Media support. Anything that wards off the risk of a neverending TRENCH WARFARE and secures the upper hand once and for all. Anything, from anyone, at any cost.
Iraq can't wait.
I explained myself badly. I fully agree with you that the resistance should shake hands with the devil himself if it was useful to its cause. But Putin will NEVER help the iraqi resistance. Never. Putin couldn't care less about the iraqi genocide, and Iran is winning everywhere. Whe should Russia break with Iran?
Regards to you.
I agree that the iraqi resistance was and is a real miracle. And i agree that most of the resistance fighters are baathist. Yet am not so sure that the group called "Baath party" and allied with the Iraqi patriotic alliance is indeed leading the iraqi resistance. One thing is the Baath party that ruled Iraq, another the group that issues statements signed "baath party". The Islamic army in Iraq and the 1920 RB - that are true resistance groups- said many times that the "so-called Baath party" (i.e. the group allied with the IPA and whose spokesperson is Abu Mohammed) is only a very small part of the resistance. Are they liars? Maybe.And maybe not. I add that the Islamic army strongly defends and praises president Saddam Hussein . For instance . http://dotsub.com/view/81f06b15-7054-44dc-901c-06c9457697d7
"most of the resistance fighters are baathist"
I sure wish them so !
After all the Baath Party did for Iraq and the Nation as a whole that turned out to be right, only ungrateful, in bad faith Arabs would not be - if not all members, at least lovers.
Russia, no, unless, of course, there's a sea change in Russian power relationships in the next few months, couple of years. If Putin and friends begin re-nationalizing everything, that's a horse of another color.
I took good note of your "Irony" but did you really have to spam my blog with the same comment 40 times ? duh !
Scott Ritter is a lying son of a bitch, on an Iranian payroll, an ex cia agent and a so called WMD inspector in Iraq who beefed up the stories, only to later retract when it was too late !
I don't know about Ralph Nader, I hardly follow American politics because they are all the same shit to me.
Am sure they use heaps of techniques to spot resistance fighters, break them down psychologically, etc...it is called " counter insurgency "or in my book " counter guerilla tactics". Nothing new under the sun here.
This is just to pick up where you guys left off and add my two cents.
I do agree that at times it is necessary to make a pact with the devil but do bear in mind that the kurds did that with Israel and the Iraqi shiites with Iran, and both made a pact with America and we have seen the results.
I have to agree with Paola on Russia and Putin. For Russia, Iran and its proxies, the official govt of Iraq and that of Lebanon for that matter, and even Syria are strategic allies. Iran is controlling Iraq at least good chunks of it, this is a fait accompli, it has installed its puppets in major cities, and its militias still rule. Russia frankly does not give a flying fuck about the Iraqi Resistance, because Russia contrary to the Baath party statement is no lover of anti imperialism even though it may have taken ONE specific anti US stand in Georgia. This does not mean that Russia is ruled by the Bolsheviks again.
Me believes that both Russia and China with all the oil and gaz agreements that cover both Iraq (or what was formerly known as Iraq) and Iran are way more important for these two countries than supporting an anti Iranian, anti American liberation movement.
LOL. Are you JR by any chance ? You crack me up...
Are you sure you don't work in a lab, dissecting things under a microscope ?, sorry meant deconstruct....lol.
My where do you people get these names from ?!
Thanks for the accolades, my ego is about to explode now.
Hey, good to see you again! Out of the wood works with a new song ?
Believe me, the Resistance is perfectly aware that Putin does not "care" about Iraq; in fact, the statement explicitly says that the Baath has no illusions on Russia's "principles", and that such an alliance would not be a matter of feelings or ideals but simply of INTERESTS - which Russia does have and will have even more in the near future.
As for the Russian-Persian "love story", I ask you: what more or what else does the Iranian regime have to "offer" to Russia in geo-strategic, economic etc. terms that a post-liberation Iraqi Baathist government would not ?
Finally, what is this story about the Baath underground being liars ? The statements of the resistance groups you mentioned, in fact the communication strategy of every resistance group in the world, is traditionally based on secrecy and diversion. It is part of their clandestine nature. Resisters have to be "ghosts", nameless, shapeless, ubiquitous. The truth about who is what will only out once the masks are dropped and life is back flowing in its normal course.
You will see, dear friend, with or without Russia's help, Iraq will become once again the beacon of the Arab Renaissance.
As regards the "Baath party" (i mean the current Baath party allied with the IPA), i didn't say or insinuate at all that they are a bunch of betrayers: I simply wrote that i don't know if the "baath party" really leads the iraqi resistance, since important and reliable resistance groups denied many times that the baath party plays a central role in the armed struggle against the occupiers.
By the way, in my opinion Allawi is finished. If the resistance won't defeat the occupiers, Maliki-Iran's victory will be definitive.
That vile creature never was Iraqi nationalist, he had only joined the Party in order to get a degree without having to strain his poor little eyes on books !!!!!!!!
when i wrote; "are they liars?" i meant "are the IAI and the 1920RB [not "the baath party"] liars?". The IAI and the 1920RB issued very harsh statements agaisnst "the so-called baath party" (their own words) and its spokesperson, abu mohammed, basically accusing them of boasting about their alleged major role in the resistance. I repeat: surely most of the iraqi resistance is baathist, but i cannot know if the IAI and the 1920RB are right or not about the group called "baath party".
As for Russia, it is already de facto allied with Iran, that has really much to offer to it. For instance, this: windowoneurasia.blogspot.com/2008/09/window-on-eurasia-moscow-wins-major.html
Moreover, Iran is allied with Syria, Bielorussia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia (and, sad to say, even with Cuba), all countries that back Russia. And, if the iraqi resistance will be defeated, Iraq too will be an iranian colony and maliki has already very good relationships with Russia. Russia has nothing to gain in breaking with Iran and supporting the iraqi resistance.
Of course, i too hope that the iraqi resistance will win.
I hate allawi.
I too hate allawi, the butcher of Fallujah, but seems to me that KMWR didn't call for an Allawi's comeback. She only said that an allawi's comeback is possible and i replied that in my opinion it isn't.
By any and all means necessary and any road to get there. And, Maliki will be gone.
Out of curiosity, are your university students aware of your Internet work and of the pro-Iraqi Resistance Media fight broadly speaking ?
I have been to your country many times and to be quite honest I found a blood-curdling ignorance and individualistic could-not-care-less mentality raging on...
And i have found the same in ARAB countries.... "many times".
So how can you expect the foreigner to care more than the Arabs???????????
I would rather vote for the devil, thanks.
Any IDIOT who "thinks" mcfuck will be better than omamma barak is either deluding him/herself or is being very deceptive.
Either way, fuck you and fuck every yankee politician scumbag that ever ruled you yankee retarded fuckers.
STARTING with that cunt washington.
One thing you are forgetting, the martyr Saddam dealt with Putin when he was alive.
Russia has also been at war with the safavids in the past.
As for who has more to offer Russia, iran or Iraq, i believe they both have similar offerings.
In my opinion if the Russians haven't already started helping the Iraqi resistance out then the Russians are more stupid than i thought.
It would be in Russia's interests to help the resistance bring down Russia's adversary.
Close but no.
As a computer programmer i was taught to look out for even a DOT out of place, as that could ruin a programme.
So that's where the "dissecting" comes from. ;)
So if mcfuck rids Iraq of the safavids it wouldn't be BETTER????????????????????????????
I can't believe i nearly missed this one. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just fucking WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not that it really matters because ALL yankee politicians are the same scum but who IS supporting mcfuck BUT bush??????????
Secondly, wasn't bush who barked about attacking the safavids while in power??????
So what the fuck makes you think that mcfuck is doing the same hollow rhetoric that dumbya did while in office????????? DUH!
You are a typical "anti war" yankee buffoon.
Wankers like that scumbucket tony sayegh.
LOL. Are you JR by any chance ? "
They were my feelings EXACTLY when i replied to him/her.
I never said you said.
Did you see any quotation marks in my original usage of the word "better"???????????????????? DUH
Obama is the fake "left", and Obama is more dangerous than Mc.Cain. The devil you know....
Besides, America and its politicians are all evil, but even the devil belongs to different ranks of evilness.
You wanking juvenile, bet you have never seen a woman's...stupid dickhead (applicable to perverted females too)
And i have to disagree with both of you.
Who sold Iraq to iran in the FIRST PLACE????????
And which party did he belong to?????
Now, which party does mcfuck belong to???????
Regardless of who is in power, the current plan will not be deviated from.
Geez if you can't understand something as simple as "better" then karl marx help you.
Obviously not very hard to confuse bimbos.
btw, i have read most of your comments on this blog and have EVEN wasted my time visiting your blog and i have to say, you are an idiot.
thanks a lot. I don't know how many of my students are aware of my work at uruknet. I spoke about it with some of them and surely i never did anything to hide it. Unfortunately, what you write about my country is absolutely right.
It is clear cut that Obama and Iran are two asses in one set of pants. The republicans handed Iraq to Iran but Obama will SECURE it there. Nuances...and important ones for that matter.
Zionists shiites freaks, go muta'a yourselves either alone or with your porn slave trade. Do get blessings from your stinking rabbis or from Sissytanis and his faswas, or better still aim for the Fadlalalaaaaaas.
So was dumbya and the safavids and so will be any future president of that violent country otherwise known as yankeeville.
The point being that no yankee president has EVER been good for Arabs and by the looks of things no future wanker will be either.
So this haggling over minute details really means fuck all to the ones suffering from the occupation.
On a side note, Russia helped Iraq way more than it helped the safavids during the Iraq/safavid war of the 80's. Meaning that Russia helping the resistance is not out of the question and to repeat again, if the russians aren't helping already then they are pretty stupid.
Who helped the Afghanistani resistance during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? So the Russians should be smart and repay the yanks in kind.
that is just wishful thinking, Russia (and China) have too much at stake to help the Resistance, and why should they ? To counteract the US. They are hoping they are doing it already through their satellites states and winning Iran over from the American camp. Iran being the whore who will bend to the ones that "pays" most, still holds a few cards
Things are not as simple as you make them out to be.
you are a TRUE retard!!!!!
If anything i had tried to show how complicated international politics are. hmmmmm
Anyways, do you really believe the safavids are being "wooed" by the Russians?
"Iran being the whore who will bend to the ones that "pays" most, still holds a few cards"
What do the safavids have to offer Russia that Iraq doesn't have????????
Oh and nur, coming from YOU that is a compliment.
Do you think you could read a comment or blog in it's entirety before blasting off irrelevant baffle gab?
Your ADD style hurts my eyes....and like Barbie blonde and empty headed