The White Ebony & the Eunuch

Nothing is worse than a White person pretending to be Ebony. You know the kind don't you? The white female or male, fighting for the rights of "the poor oppressed Arab world" (or you may insert any other of your favorite "third world country")- the saving queens and warriors of the West, patronizing us on how we should be liberated, barking about human rights, women's rights and their freedom, democracy and social justice...when their bombs, their weapons, their drugs, their porn, their hookers, their politics, their poisonous expired drugs, their venomous products, their corrupt ideologies...are being dumped on us...Oh, you know what I mean.

They spend a few weeks in one Arab country, "in the developing world" as they like to call it in their politically correct corrupt hypocritical language - a developing world who is for ever developing, since they have never stopped colonizing it and they suddenly become experts because they visited a city, said hello to the "locals" or better still, laid one of them...Oh, yes you know.

Behind the slogans and the jargon, is the quest for exotism, an exotism that dehumanizes so can they brighten up their dull minds and their dampened, empty, over consumed libidos in the hope of reviving some life in them, having spread Death for centuries...

Then there are the White Ebonies, these are as disgusting if not more. The White Ebonies are in fact very Black. At home they cry "racism and minority rights", but abroad, in those "forsaken dumps of countries", their project and unknot their inferiority complexes that have plagued them for ever, and suddenly as if by magic, metamorphose into masters.
You find them as soldiers, snipers, contractors, security guards, missionaries, mercenaries, torturers, rapists and killers. Their embodiment is Condi Rice.

Then you have the Eunuch. I call him the "house nigger" in the White court.
The eunuch comes in different shapes and forms and with varying degrees of castration.

He/she can be your so called Arab - "intellectual", your politically correct "sophisticated" overseas student, your 2 cents below average journalist who thinks he's made it, your worthless, syphilitic, boasting dick roaming the streets of Europe or North America hoping to score so he can ante up his non-existent ego a few notches, your common lapdog who salivates like a Pavlovian dog at the sight of his master/mistress, panting for a pat on the head, basking in his/her shadow, in the hope that this latter will finally, one day, bless him and bestow upon him the seal of final approval...and last but not least you have the Arab "leader" who flexes his empty muscles at home yet -- sucks up, pants down, hoping to win favors - that of remaining in power.

The Eunuch of whatever variety is in most cases an Arab HE. He is spineless, deceitful, depraved, a lousy strategist, a filthy damp cloth, lacks morality, lacks verticality, spiritually bankrupt, hollow, void, with no dignity and no integrity. In sum, a vermin, a worm...

Only in the above light, can one understand the praise of the Eunuch Qaddafi to the White Ebony criminal whore Rice, the White African queen of the house niggers.

Take the Qaddafi - Rice example as the ultimate one. It is nothing but a reflection of all the rest...

From the leader to the average one - castrated he is. A political, intellectual, ideological, cultural, mental, sexual - Slave, an Eunuch.

Painting : Iraqi artist, Shadad Abdel Qahar.


G.Gar said…
Lirun, son of the israeli dirty pig. Dont forget yourself you scum of the earth. Someone as low and dirty as you are must not forget himself and talk the masters of the pig shit whore house called Israel that way.

a big spit on your dirty Israeli mother for farting an israeli dog like you.
G.Gar said…

you mustnt forget yourself you dirty low Israeli pice of shit. Dont ever talk to the masters of the entire pig shit hole so called Israel that way.

what is wrong with you you dirty Israeli worm? how dare you talk like this to the masters of the dirty ( khazar) dirty pig Israeli mother of yours who farted you out of pig's jump. and that goes for all the inhabitants of Israel which ima sure will not survive fo long.

you will end up in in garbbage can or in th estomachs of the mediterranean fish.
Anonymous said…
Everybody knows that Layla is secular, progressive, non-sectarian and never bought the "Al Qaeda" fairy tale.

Methinks you guys jumped to the comment sections without reading a word of her blog.
Anonymous said…
anonymous 13/9/08 5:58 PM, the blathering blatherer...
Anonymous said…
Layla I feel something for you...
Layla Anwar said…
Notice the FAKE asshole above never mentioned IRAN once and its SHITE militias in Ethnically cleansing ARAB IRAQIS,

You vile piece of shit !
Fuck you and fuck your so called nationalism.
The fake ASSHOLE being the piece of shit called ARAB NATIONALIST forever @ 5.58pm
Layla Anwar said…
Where is that dirty shroogee iranee tabaeyaa from Sweden, ya ibn al kundara.

Ya jayef, ya hakeer ibn al hakeera, you use "che and ve" like the fucking mullahs from qum, the mullahs that are rotten like your fucking self, Anal abook a3la aboo al suede al jayffa elli lamatak ya ibn gahba. A3la aboo al hawza maltak ya ibn al mutaa.

Ya ma3doom al dhameer ya posht.
Layla Anwar said…

Please have fun "deconstructing" "Arab nationalist for ever"@ 5.58pm.
Hope you enjoyed learning a new word " SHROOGEE", looooooool.
bARABie said…
"Have we not seen how the United States and the murderers in the Green Zone killed people who were in the Shiite section of the population? Can you deny that? Shiites that killed Shiites."

You bark that the "green (black) zone killed people who were" shite shitheads but then tell us that the shite shitheads killed shite shitheads, which must make the "green (black) zone" shite shitheads.

You yourself admit that it's shite shitheads killing even shite shitheads but then bark that it's the Sunnis or "selefists" or "wahhabis" but never shite shitheads EVEN though YOU admit it's shite shitheads.

Go figure.
bARABie said…
Ok Layla i learnt a new word but don't really know what it means?????
bARABie said…
Don't worry i just did a search of that word and the only results that were returned were actually from you.


No education? Yep that's our safavid "shroogee".

Lack of manners? Definitely our resident shroogee.

And poor taste? He is a shite shithead need one say more about it's "taste"?
bARABie said…
"Why you will emphasizes the concepts shiia and Sunni? I know why. Because you are some sick sectarian, sectarian who want to compensate their degraded lives in the white Western world."

First ya moron, Layla doesn't live in the "Western world" ya bikhsh.
Second ya shroogee, ya hmar, ya ibn sharmouta, ya ibn kalb, the WHOLE world knows about the safavid involvement in the destruction and massacre of Iraq, INCLUDING Arab nationalist Shites, but yet you make NO mention of their involvement.

Why don't you mention what the shite shitheads do when the go to the Hajj and how they hate Sunnis with a passion?

Here enjoy this link you bitch and tell me what the leaders of shite shitheads say about ALL Sunnis.

There are more videos on the same page as that link so knock yourself out enjoying the abuse of Sunnis ya shite shithead son of a whore.
bARABie said…
"I ask: Why is it important for you to put the emphasis on words lik shiia and Sunni? Who is benefiting from this? What forces are using this reactionary emphasis? Our people? Why this madness? Who wins on this weakness? I can tell you. It is the United States, Israel, the Green Zone, simply our enemies."

You bark about the "green (black) zone" again but make no mention of who the fuck they are.
What did these murderers in the "green (black) zone" arrive from space or did they arrive from iran after years of living there?
Are they shite shitheads or not?

If you don't answer any other question answer this

WHERE did the murderers in the "green zone" come from and WHAT is their religion??????????

Now be honest with YOURSELF because most on this blog already know the answers to the above two questions.
bARABie said…
"How is it posible that the West that has been able to invade and destroy several Muslim countries"

Ask your heroes the safavids, ya ibn sharmouta.

Ask the safavids how the facilitated the invasion of both Afghanistan AND Iraq you dirty dishonest son of a whore.
bARABie said…
"you will end up in in garbbage can or in th estomachs of the mediterranean fish."

Now why would you want to poison the fish in the Mediterranean? :)
Kali Manitou said…
@ a Arabnationalist,
sadly your rant smells sectarian and you don't seem to smell it.
Here, i give you examples...
"you and those of your types" (vs. we and our..)
"Our martyrs" (vs. their or your martyrs)
"war against elites in our countries" (vs. non-elites which are always wonderful people?)

Your attacking demeanor is secterian, your analysis: Iraq's suffering is due to a deliberate policy of religion as a cover.(by whom?) is weak at best. And the only meeting point you offer is not clear: Opposition to the colonialism, and the western source of it OR the blind hatred that is based on the suffering of Gaza, the suffering of al-Fallujah, the suffering of Lebanon, the suffering of Golan Height.
People usually follow "their" religion and "their" ideology and that's secterian by its nature.
When you say "My truth is in the present, where Arab children are denied life of the white racist world's inhumanity.", the people whose truth is also in the present, where Aboriginal children, African childrenare denied life of the white racist world's inhumanity ARE seperated from you...THAT's secterian.
But at least you don't do what you accuse others of. You don't sit in front of the computer and rave on and on "We want...We want....We want"
I'm sure you spend every day working overtime to help those in need. Sorry to take your precious time.... I'm so impressed that I'M transmuting into an Arabnationalist....yeeehaaawwww...
Kali Manitou said…
Oh, btw!!
I thought the "controversy" about Safavids can be put to rest by a little research.

But I know it wont. Some people have too much time to struggle with computer-keyboards and demons in their heads ;)
bARABie said…
"Later, in 1722 an Afghan army led by Mir Wais' son Mahmud marched across eastern Iran, besieged, and sacked Isfahan. Mahmud proclaimed himself 'Shah' of Persia."

According to our resident shroogee's "logic", the safavids were Afghans too, seeing as Afghans ruled persia.

Btw now i understand why the safavids hate Afghanistan so much. :)

Btw Urungu, i wouldn't rely too much on jew-wiki.
Sinbad said…
Hi,Layla keep up the good work. your work is simply fascinating. I must confess your blog has elevated my spirits.

Thank you for enlightening us on current state of affairs in Iraq. It's sad what she is going through but I strongly believe that she will rise again.

History has proven that invasion,occupation and oppression has never stood the test of time. yes it works temporarily,but in the long term it fails miserably.

Many who boasted of their might fell before our eyes like the Soviet's and if you refer to history the British Empire faded like the day fades away into the night, no more no where.

Well amerikka's time has come it's just their pride which is in their way.Did we ever know that they will be begging for money from the chinese. And the economic down turn of the west is the first step towards destruction. Their is always a pay back time.

I am sure Saddam's sacrifice will not go in vain. It's sad we value a person after he/she has departed.

I pray that Allah keeps you safe in the palm of his hand.
bARABie said…
"History has proven that invasion,occupation and oppression has never stood the test of time. yes it works temporarily,but in the long term it fails miserably."

I would LOVE to agree with you but unfortunately that is not the case.
Let us look at Australia as an example, it was invaded, occupied and oppressed and to this day it is still occupied, that is over 200 years now.
In saying that, i do believe the Arabs will rise to the task of regaining their independence and pride.
bARABie said…
"It's sad we value a person after he/she has departed."

Personally i valued Saddam Hussein even prior to his death but never fully realized how valuable he was.

May his remaining family live long, prosperous and healthy lives.
bARABie said…
"Did we ever know that they will be begging for money from the chinese."

When did that happen???????

Don't kid yourself, the yanks have become more powerful since invading Afghanistan and Iraq and Somalia.

Just look at what natural resources those 3 countries have and who controls those resources now, something they didn't control prior to 9/11.
bARABie said…
Sinbad, let me ask you this.

Do you really think the yanks would be promising 100 year wars if they were about to go bankrupt????

Then there is the "cost" of the Iraq invasion which, according to some reports, has reached more than half a trillion dollars.

Now any economist would have pointed out what this "cost" is doing to the yankee economy but they haven't and why is that? Because this half a trillion isn't coming from the yanks' pocket but the Iraqis.
bARABie said…
Let us go with the yankee empire collapsing for a minute.

Who do you think would become the next power?

Anonymous said…
"May his remaining family live long prosperous and healthy lives"

Raghad would love to take up politics, but the midget British king of Jordan forbade her 'cause he would be embarasssssssssssed...
bARABie said…
"Raghad would love to take up politics, but the midget British king of Jordan forbade her 'cause he would be embarasssssssssssed..."

Not that she wouldn't make a great politician, after all she does have the Hussein genes, but i believe the Hussein family have sacrificed enough for the Arabs and it is high time someone else took up the mantle.
Unknown said…
Dear Arab woman,

I read your blog entry "a brief hate statement" and it made me very very sad. Not because I feel you are unjustified for feeling that way, but because I realized just how very wrong it is for our country's government to be occupying yours and what it is really doing to the welfare of your people and also how they think of us. Its not that I didnt disagree with the "war" in the middle east before, I always have. I knew once our government invaded after 9-11 that it would only make you hate us more. If a country invaded mine and tried to take over and trampled on my peoples beliefs like we did, I would hate them with every ounce of my being, just like you. I dont like at all what our government is doing over there and its not getting any better. I am becoming afraid of my own government in a country that boasts freedom from tyranny because to other countries, we ARE tyrannical. One day the countries of the world will band together to take down the American government, that is, if it doesnt take itself down first. I love America, it is my home but I am afraid to live here for much longer because of how corrupt the government has become. It is so far from our original constitution, that its hardly even recognizable. Do you know that right now they are trying to outlaw foil ballons? Ballons of all things! they wont outlaw the murder of unborn children or strip clubs where women sell thier dignity for money but they will outlaw ballons because animals might chew on them and get sick. rediculous.

Anyway, I know Americans seem like a sick and arrogant people and for the most part, youre right. Our self-imposed importance on convience and "the american dream" has made us lazy and complacent and most of us have no idea whats going on outside our own houses let alone in other countries. not REALLY. all we know is what the media tells us. and all they tell us is what the government wants them to. but the younger generations are wising up because we know that this kind of lifestyle cannot be sustained for long and one day soon it will all have to come crumbling down. I hope on that day you will have a reason to believe that we are not all as stupid and indignant as our loudmouthed, rednecked brothers and sisters and we do not all condone or approve of this short sighted war on your people. We dont even know WHY our government is doing this. not even the soldiers know why theyre there. our "leaders" feed us one piece of propaganda after another to try and justify everything they are doing over there and there are those of us who believe it and those of us who dont. but to those of us who dont, there is not much we can do to stop it other than protest. Unfortunatly, the government doesnt care what we say anymore (even though they say they do), as long as there is someone giving them money to do what they want and because people believe the propaganda, there always is. sad...and maddening... but true.

American woman
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