Another Carnage in Baghdad...

The world did not stop with my silence/absence. Isn't that good to know ?! Another confirmation that am not God. And am sure some of you sighed with relief too. The bitch is gone for good, so you thought...

Guess what ? The Bitch is back with more news of your criminal, evil acts...

Another carnage in Baghdad...oh but you got used to that, or you think to yourselves -- damn those Iraqis or Eyeraqis, (very much doubt you learned how to spell in my absence) they just can't seem to get along...after all, we American (assholes) have pulled out. Right ?


First you have not pulled out, you have redeployed differently...

Secondly, those 5 huge explosions that killed 127 Iraqis and wounded 500, in Baghdad - Mansur, Shorja, Bab Al Mu'adatham, Cairo Street, Karrada have been blacked out by the puppet government news and Maliki and his Dawa group as well as the Hakeem Mafia of the Badr brigades from Iran control all media outlets in Iraq.

Spent the whole evening fishing for real news...and in alternative TV stations.

ALL the Iraqis, ordinary Iraqis trying to survive your Freedom and Democracy, blame the puppet government and IRANIAN operatives. ALL of them.

Surely they know more about what is happening to their lives, more than your half baked, screwed up analysis, no ?

I also noticed a pattern, a distinct, easy to spot pattern... Every time something happens in IRAN, it shits in Iraq -- in Baghdad to be more precise.

The first blasts in August coincided with the so-called Iranian elections. The second with protests in Tehran and quibbles over the nuclear dossier. The latest, with the mass demonstrations and arrests in Tehran.

Furthermore, contrary to the broken record of the puppet sectarian government of Nouri Al Maliki, who keeps blaming the Saddamists and Al Qaeda and the Baathists...
A short reminder: The Dawa party terrorist record cannot be forgotten either. When they poisoned water tanks in Baghdad in 1979, when they placed bombs in the 80's and killed innocent civilians in Baghdad.

Contrary to the Iranian propaganda from the rotten fascist, criminal, sectarian Shiite mullah, Jalal Al Sagheer who blames the last carnage on " 38'000 Baathists infiltrating the government..."

Contrary to the claims of the psychopathic party of Muqtada Al Sadr, the Shiite rapists and drillers of Baghdad, blaming it on corruption and the purchase of obsolete security technology, as if these bastards are not evil and corrupt themselves...

Contrary to whatever you may hear from anyone, this latest carnage is the work of the "democratic government" you pieces of shit installed in Baghdad.

And that's all you need to retain.

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