Now, where did I put those WMD's?

I keep misplacing and losing things... Keys, sunglasses, agendas, purses and my poor little brains. I even had a few vials of WMD's. Nice strong chemical stuff. Wait, I think they are in my fridge. Let me go and check... Nope, they are not there...I scratch my poor little head and wonder where the hell did I misplace them. In my little pocket maybe? Or in my drawer with my underwear ? I get consolation that am not the only who is absent minded. The U.N. forgets things too. Take for instance this piece of news. " August 30, 2007 12:01 PM - Brian Ross/ABC United Nations weapons inspectors discovered six to eight vials of a dangerous chemical warfare agent, phosgene, as they were cleaning out offices at a U.N. building in New York, federal authorities tell the Blotter on The federal authorities said the office, in a U.N. building near headquarters, was being evacuated and the White House had been notified at 10 a.m. The vials were discovered at the headquarters of t...