Yellowjumpsuits - Iraq's Prisoners in American Dungeons.

As you know in occupied Iraq there are many dungeons -- need I repeat myself ?! There are the sectarian Shiite dungeons who just relish sodomy with sticks, pistols and cables and the use of hamburger grills on their prisoners, that is after the Black and Decker drill ... Then there are the Kurdish dungeons in so-called Iraqi "Kurdistan" And last but not least - there are the American dungeons. I think the word - Dungeonistan is an appropriate one to describe the "new" Iraq of Freedom and Democracy... Today I will focus on the American jails IN IRAQ. Now, I want you to re-read that short sentence. I repeat the American jails IN Iraq. Just in case you missed it - I will repeat it a third time - the AMERICAN jails IN IRAQ. In other words the barbaric hoards of americans cross oceans to come and jail people in their own country - and the same animals call it Freedom and Democracy. It's like me landing in that shit hole called the USA and I bring with me a...