The Real Face of America.

We are born to hate says one...

Direct descendants of the cowboys, direct descendants of the Founding Fathers.
They all look white in this video, and their number is growing, along with their websites...

I wonder if the CIA, the FBI, are profiling them at all; are they scanning their intents, are they checking their place of birth, and do they have a data base with their thousands of names listed ?

I do not think so...

These white men in the video, are not only white...yes they are not only white., some of them are blacks, some latinos and some asians but they look exactly like those men in the video -- because what you see in this video, is EXACTLY THE TYPE of men and women that landed in Iraq and are still in Iraq - sponsored by US STATE TERRORISM.

These extremists, fundamentalists, terrorists are a sample of what Iraq has endured since 2003.

If you want to see the real face of terrorism, look inside yourselves, look inside America. This is where it all started...

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