DEAD URGENT : Iraqi Woman-Hiba Al Shamaree Writer/Blogger Missing.


The fellow Iraqi female writer, blogger Hiba Al-Shamaree, who adores her country and returned to see it, has been reported missing since the 20th of January2010.

One of her family members (a sibling) sent emails out and wrote on her blog (Hiba had given her/him the password just in case) that their sister Hiba had disappeared and was last seen in the Sayyediya neighborhood in Baghdad and eyewitnesses say that they saw Iraqi forces there.

Hiba Al Shamaree is a prolific writer, a staunch ant-occupation activist, and a fearless denouncer of the current puppet government. She took amazing risks by returning to Iraq for a visit.

Her family as well as many of us Iraqi activists believe that she was kidnapped, arrested by the puppet forces and we all fear, knowing from previous experiences, what will come next...

We fear for her life, we fear that she will be abjectly tortured and raped  just like what they have done to other vocal women (and men) in the past.

This is her blog, and the appeal is in Arabic.

I also must note here that there is a list of 290 names - bloggers, activists, journalists, wanted by the new "democratic" government of Iraq for speaking the Truth.

Please, whoever is reading this, I urge you to mobilize for her release. She has a very sick mother and has no one to fend for her. Contact whoever you can and use your influence.

Amnesty International, Red Cross, Human Rights Watch...anybody and everyone must be involved. This is a young innocent woman captured by  rabid wolves.

Her only sin is to have spoken out and to have loved her country.

Please circulate this appeal widely.

I will try to keep this updated with more information as received.

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