A Brothel...

Have you ever loved ? Like seriously loved someone ?

If you have, do you remember what it felt like ? Do you remember when you were like a tiger/tigress when anyone approached your love and tried harming it ? Do you remember how you were so protective, jealous over the one you really loved ? Do you remember how you cherished it day after day, night after night...Do you remember how you embraced it, watched over it, guarded its best interests ?

It refers to the object of your love and not in a pejorative sense either.

Well, that's the way I feel about Her, about Iraq.

How I hate seeing her beautiful space, her land turned into pass rooms, where every syphilitic visitor enters her, for free...

How I hate seeing her being abused, tormented, pissed and spat upon...

How I hate seeing her submissive, surrendering....

How I hate seeing her powerlessness, her despair, her loss...

How I hate her silence, her silent tears, her silent cries, her silent begging...

How I hate see my Beloved turned into a Brothel.

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