Give unto Caesar...

Give unto Caesar...

I am assuming you know the rest...right ?

I have this urge to thank a particular someone, Ms. Paola Pisi, Editor of Uruknet.

Wait a second here, I cannot profess to personally know this lady, but in many ways, I do know her...

I know that she is humble, and is very an extent, I still can't get over...

And I also do know, that she is the first person that discovered my writings (for all what they're worth) on the Internet. And I still don't know how she managed to find this blog in this vast web of bloggers...

I know for a fact, that she does not like personal publicity, but I also know that what is due unto Caesar, must be given back...

And that is why, I have to acknowledge, give credit to, and thank, this great lady, who works day and night (literally) to keep people she cares most about alive...even though a lot of them may no longer be with us today...

And for that alone, all of my readers need to bow to her.

And knowing her, she will in most likelihood, not publish this, on her website.

And I am hoping, really hoping, to be proven wrong, again...

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